Module-III: Subject Code: FOOD315 Subject Name: Food Engineering-II Psychometrics
Module-III: Subject Code: FOOD315 Subject Name: Food Engineering-II Psychometrics
Module-III: Subject Code: FOOD315 Subject Name: Food Engineering-II Psychometrics
Relative humidity:
amount of moisture that a given amount of air is holding
Relative humidity = --------------------------------------------------
amount of moisture that a given amount of air can hold
Dry bulb temperature:
• The dry bulb temperature is the temperature indicated by a thermometer exposed to the
air in a place sheltered from direct solar radiation.
• The term dry bulb temperature is customarily added to temperature to distinguish it
from wet bulb and dew point temperature.
Sensible cooling:
It is the removal of heat from moist air without the removal of
moisture. It also follows a constant w on the psychrometric chart.
it is the addition of moisture to moist air without addition of heat.
Adiabatic cooling:
It involves cooling without heat loss or gain.
Adiabatic mixing:
It involves no net heat loss of gain during mixing of two air streams.
Thank you!