Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning
4. Degree of saturation. It is the ratio of actual mass of water vapour in a unit mass of dry air to the mass of water vapour in the
same mass of dry air when it is saturated at the same temperature.
5. Humidity. It is the mass of water vapour present in 1 kg of dry air. It is also called specific humidity or humidity ratio
6. Dry bulb temperature. The actual temperature t of moist air.
7. Dew point temperature. It is the temperature of air, when the moisture (water vapour) present in it begins to condense or
saturation temperature
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8. Dew point depression. It is the difference between the dry bulb temperature and de point temperature of air.
9. Degree of Saturation The ratio of the actual specific humidity to the specific humidity s of saturated air at temperature T
• In air-conditioning processes we are concerned with the changes in enthalpy Δh, which is independent of the
reference point selected.
Example 5.1: Calculate, (i) relative humidity, (ii) humidity ratio, (iii) dew point temperature, (iv) density
and (v) enthalpy of atmospheric air when the DBT is 35°C, WBT is 23°C and the barometer reads 750 mm
Psychrometric charts provide a graphical representation of the thermodynamic properties of moist air, various
air conditioning processes, and air conditioning cycles.
• The psychrometric chart also serves as a valuable aid in visualizing the air-
conditioning processes
psychrometric processes involved in air conditioning
1. Sensible heating,
2. Sensible cooling,
3. Humidification and dehumidification,
4. Cooling and adiabatic humidification,
5. Cooling and humidification by water injection,
6. Heating and humidification,
7. Humidification by steam injection,
8. Adiabatic chemical dehumidification,
9. Adiabatic mixing of air streams.
Sensible Heating
• The heating of air, without any change in its specific humidity
The amount of heat added during sensible heating
The term (cpa + W cps) is called humid specific heat (𝐶𝑝𝑚 ) and its value is
taken as 1.022 kJ /kg K.
2. The air enters a duct at 10° C and 80% RH at the rate of 150m3/min and is heated to 30° C without
adding or removing any moisture. The pressure remains constant at 1 atmosphere. Determine the
relative humidity of air at exit from the duct and the rate of heat transfer.
Sensible Cooling
The amount of heat rejected during sensible cooling
humidification Dehumidification
Cooling and Humidification by Water Injection (Evaporative Cooling)
• Evaporative cooling is based on principle: As water evaporates, the latent
heat of vaporization is absorbed from the water body and the surrounding
air. As a result, both the water and the air are cooled during the process.
psychrometric chart.
The mass and enthalpy balances give
𝑄𝑆 = 𝑚𝑎 (ℎ𝐵 – ℎ𝐴 )
• sensible heat load
= 𝑚𝑎 𝐶𝑃 (𝑡𝑑𝑐 – 𝑡𝐴 )
𝑄𝐿 = 𝑚𝑎 ℎ𝐶 – ℎ𝐵
sensible heat load = 𝑚𝑎 ℎ𝑓𝑔 𝑤𝐶 – 𝑤𝐵
Adding the above we obtain an expression for total heat load as
𝑄 = 𝑄𝑆 + 𝑄𝐿
= 𝑚𝑎 ℎ𝐶 – ℎ𝐴
2. A drying room is to be maintained at 32°C and 30% RH. The sensible heat gain to the room is 150 000 kJ/h. The moisture
to be evaporated from the objects during drying is 18 kg/h. If there is no direct heat source to provide for evaporation in the
room, calculate the state and rate of supply air at 15 °C dry bulb temperature.
3. The atmospheric air at 40 °C dry bulb temperature and 18° C wet bulb temperature is flowing at the rate of 100 m3 /min
through the space. Water at 18 °C is injected into the air stream at the rate of 48 kg/h.· Determine the specific humidity and
enthalpy of the leaving air. Also determine the dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and relative humidity of the
leaving air.
4. The atmospheric air at 25 °C dry bulb temperature and 12 °C wet bulb temperature is flowing at the rate of 100 m3 /min
through the duct. The dry saturated steam at 100 °C is injected into the air steam at the rate of 72 kg per hour. Calculate the
specific humidity and enthalpy of the leaving air. Also determine the dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature and
relative humidity of the leaving air.
Adiabatic Mixing of Two Air Streams
• When two quantities of air having different enthalpies and different
specific humidity's are mixed, the final condition of the air mixture
depends upon the masses involved, and on the enthalpy and specific
humidity of each of the constituent masses which enter the mixture
The mass and energy balances for the adiabatic mixing of two airstreams
1. 30 𝑚3 /min of a stream of moist air at 15°C DBT and 13°C WBT are mixed with 12 m3/min of
a second stream at 25°C DBT and 18°C WBT. Barometric pressure is one standard
atmosphere. Determine the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of the resulting mixture.
2. A stream of moist air at 2°C dry bulb and 80 per cent relative humidity mixes with another
stream of moist air at 30°C dry bulb and 10°C dew point in the-ratio by mass of one part of
the first to two parts of the second. Calculate the temperature and specific humidity of the air
after mixing.
3. 800 𝑚3 /min of recirculated air at 22 °C DBT and 10° C dew point temperature is to be mixed
with 300 𝑚3 /min of fresh air at 30 °C DBT and 50% RH. Determine the enthalpy, specific
volume, humidity ratio and dew point temperature of the mixture
Comfort conditions
• Human comfort is that condition of mind, which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment.
• A human body feels comfortable when the heat produced by metabolism of human body is equal to the sum of the
heat dissipated to the surroundings and the heat stored in human body by raising the temperature of body tissues
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• The heat loss by convection (Qc ) from the body to the surroundings is given by
When 𝑄𝐸 , 𝑄𝑅 and 𝑄𝐶 are high and positive and (𝑄𝐵 + 𝑄𝑅 + 𝑄𝐶 ) is greater than (𝑄𝑀 - W ), then the heat stored
in the body (𝑄𝑆 ) will be negative i.e. the body temperature falls down.
The human body feels comfortable when there is no change in the body temperature, i.e. when the heat stored in the body 𝑄𝑆 is
zero. Any variation in the body temperature acts as a stress to the brain which ultimately results in either perspiration or
Humans generally feel comfortable between temperatures of 22 °C to 27 °C and a relative humidity of 40% to 60%.
• It provides heating and cooling from its central plant or rooftop units. It also controls and maintains the
temperature, humidity, air movement, air cleanliness, sound level, and pressure differential in a space
within predetermined limits for the comfort and health of the occupants of the conditioned space or for the
purpose of product processing.
1. Circulation fan. The main function of this fan is to move air to and from the room.
2. Air conditioning unit. It is a unit which consists of cooling and dehumidifying processes for summer air
conditioning or heating and humidification processes for winter air conditioning.
3. Supply duct. It directs the conditioned air from the circulating fan to the space to be air conditioned at
proper point.
4. Supply outlets. These are grills which distribute the conditioned air evenly in the room.
5. Return outlets. These are the openings in a room surface which allow the room air to enter the return duct.
6. Filters. The main function of the filters is to remove dust, dirt and other harmful bacteria from the air.
Classification of Air Conditioning Systems
• Heating and cooling loads are the rates of energy input (heating) or removal (cooling) required to maintain an
indoor environment at a desired temperature and humidity condition.
• The purpose of a load estimation is to determine the size of the air conditioning and refrigeration equipment
that is required to maintain inside design conditions during periods of maximum outside temperatures.
• The two main components of a cooling load imposed on an air conditioning plant operating during hot weather
1. Sensible heat gain.
2. Latent heat gain.
The total heat load to be removed by the air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment is the sum of sensible
and latent heat loads
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4. Heat gain entering from the partition walls and interior doors
𝑁𝑒𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑏𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑔𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠
Heat Gain due to Infiltration
• The infiltration air is the air that enters a conditioned space through window cracks and opening of doors
There are two methods for calculation of the quantity of air infiltrated
Air change method and
Crack method
Humans emit both sensible and latent heat to the room in different state of activities.
specific humidity of supply air can be calculated from the latent heat balance
𝑊𝑠 = 𝑊𝑖 – Where - QL = total latent heat of the room
𝑚𝑎 𝐶𝑝𝑤
ma = mass flow rate of air
Wi = specific humidity of room air
Ws = specific humidity of supply air
Cpw = latent heat of evaporation
For cooling and humidification to take place the surface temperature of cooling coil should be less than the dry bulb
temperature of the air and greater than the wet bulb temperature of air.