Forces and Motion: Reference: Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action
Forces and Motion: Reference: Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action
Forces and Motion: Reference: Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action
Prentice Hall
Physical Science: Concepts in Action
Chapter 12
What is Force?
• Spring scale
– Stretch of the spring depends on the mass
of the object acting on it
• Unit of Force
– Newton (N)
– 1 kg to accelerate 1 m/s2
kg m
– s 2
How is force represented?
• Use arrows
– Direction
– Strength
• Length represents
strength or
• Balanced
– Combine to produce a net force of zero
– No change in the object’s motion
• Unbalanced
– Net force equals the size of the larger
force minus the size of the smaller force
– Net force does not equal zero
– Causes an object to accelerate
Representing Forces
• Fluid friction
– Opposes the motion of an
object through fluid
– Increases the speed of the
object moving through the
– Fluids (gas and liquids)
• Force that acts between
two masses
• Attractive force
– Pulls objects together
• Earth’s gravity
• Acts downwards towards
the center of the earth
Gravity and Falling Objects
• Gravity causes objects to
accelerate downward
• Air resistance (fluid
friction) acts in the
direction opposite to the
motion and reduces
Gravity and Falling Objects
• Terminal velocity
– Constant velocity of a
falling object when force of
resistance equals gravity
Projectile Motion
• Motion of a falling object after given an
initial forward velocity
• Causes a curved path
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
• Law of inertia
– Inertia
• Tendency of an object to resist change
in its motion
• State of an object does not change as long
as the net force acting on it is zero
• An object at rest stays at rest, an object in
motion stays in motion at the same direction
and speed (until something acts on it)
• Inertia mini lab
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
• animated videos
• real videos
• physics in sports
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
• The acceleration of an object is equal to the
net force acting on it divided by the objects
– Mass
• Measure of inertia of an object and
depends on the amount of matter the
object contains
F = ma
Force = mass * acceleration
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
• The acceleration of an object is always in
the same direction as the net force
• Net forces in the opposite direction of
object’s motion
– Force produces deceleration and reduces speed
– Ex. Seat belts
• Units for Acceleration are equivalent
– N/kg=m/s2
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Newton’s 2 Law
of Motion
Weight and Mass
• Weight & Mass are Different
• Weight
– The force of gravity acting on an object
– Product of the mass and acceleration due
to gravity
– Unit is Newtons (N)
Weight and Mass
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
1.A boy pushes forward a cart of groceries with a
total mass of 40.0 kg. What is the acceleration of
the cart if the net force on the cart is 60.0 N?
= 60.0 N/40.0 kg
= 1.50 m/s2
= 825 N / 75 kg
= 11 m/s2
Section 2 Practice Problems
7.A bicycle takes 8.0 seconds to accelerate at a
constant rate from rest to a speed of 4.0 m/s. If
the mass of the bicycle and rider together is 85 kg,
what is the net force acting on the bicycle? (Hint:
First calculate the acceleration.)
= (4.0 m/s) / 8.0 s
= 0.50 m/s2
= 85 kg x 0.50 m/s2
= 43 N
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion &
• 3rd Law – when an object exerts a force on a
second object, that object exerts an equal
and opposite force on the first object
• Momentum
– Product of an object’s mass and its velocity
– Objects momentum at rest is zero
– Unit kg m/s
Law of Conservation of Momentum
• If no net force acts on a system, then the
total momentum of the system does not
• In a closed system, loss of momentum of one
object equals the gain in momentum of
another object
Law of Conservation of Momentum
Universal Forces
• Electromagnetic – associated with charged
• Electric force and magnetic force are the
only forces that can both attract and repel.
– Electric forces act between charged objects or
particles such as electrons or protons.
– Magnetic forces act on certain metals, on the
poles of magnets, and on moving charges.
– **Universal forces = do not need to be in contact
– forces act over a distance
Universal Forces
• Nuclear forces – one strong and one weak –
hold the nucleus of atoms together and keep
the positive protons from repelling each
other and destroying the atom
– Strong nuclear force acts only on neutrons and
protons in a nucleus – holds them together. Acts
at a longer range than weak nuclear forces.
– Weak nuclear force acts only over a short range
Universal Forces
• Gravitational Force – an attractive force
acting between any two masses
– Gravitational force depends on two factors:
mass and distance apart
– More mass or less distance = more gravity
– Gravity acts over LARGE distances
– Weakest universal force
Universal Forces
• Centripetal force – center-directed force that
continuously changes the direction of an object to
make it move in a circle
• Centrifugal force (centrifuge) doesn’t actually exist
in science!
• Earth’s gravitational attraction keeps the moon in
an orbit around the Earth. This gives us tides.
Similarly to how the moon orbits Earth, satellites
are able to orbit!
• On your own paper: answers only
• P. 367 #1-4
• P. 369 #1-3, 6, 7
• P. 377 #1-4
• P. 382 #1-4
• Due before you leave class
to do assignments online if it happens one more time!)