Session 12 Introduction To Psychology + History
Session 12 Introduction To Psychology + History
Session 12 Introduction To Psychology + History
IoBM, fall’20
Assignments/Exams etc
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What is Psychology?
Is Psychology Scientific?
Only “crazy” people need Psychologists.
All Psychologists treat patients “on the couch”
Every Psychologist uses hypnosis or electric
Strangers would never understand my problems.
Psychology only looks at the mind.
Anyone can do psychology.
Originated from the greek word “Psyche – human soul/vital breath”,
root word “ology” means “scientific study of”
The study of the mind and behavior:
Physiological and biological components,
Personalities etc
“Psychology is the systematic study of thoughts, feelings and behavior”.
A “science” that looks at all processes related to the human mind and
What are the major specialties in the field of
Behavioral neuroscience is the subfield of psychology that
mainly examines how the brain and the nervous system—but
other biological processes as well—determine behavior. Thus,
neuroscientists consider how our bodies influence our behavior.
Experimental psychology is the branch of psychology that
studies the processes of sensing, perceiving, learning, and
thinking about the world. (The term experimental psychologist
is somewhat misleading: Psychologists in every specialty area
use experimental techniques.)
Cognitive psychology , which focuses on higher mental
processes, including thinking, memory, reasoning, problem
solving, judging, decision making, and language.
Developmental psychology studies how people grow and
change from the moment of conception through death.
Personality psychology focuses on the consistency in people’s
behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person
from another.
Clinical psychology deals with the study, diagnosis, and
treatment of psychological disorders.
Clinical neuropsychology unites the areas of biopsychology
and clinical psychology, focusing on the relationship between
biological factors and psychological disorders.
Counseling psychology focuses primarily on educational,
social, and career adjustment problems.
Educational psychology is concerned with teaching and
learning processes, such as the relationship between
motivation and school performance.
Environmental psychology considers the relationship
between people and their physical environment.
Evolutionary psychology considers how behavior is
influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
Forensic psychology focuses on legal issues, such as
determining the accuracy of witness memories.
Health psychology explores the relationship between
psychological factors and physical ailments or disease.
Industrial/organizational psychology is concerned with the
psychology of the workplace.
Personality psychology focuses on the consistency in
people’s behavior over time and the traits that differentiate
one person from another.
School psychology is devoted to counseling children in
elementary and secondary schools who have academic or
emotional problems.
Social psychology is the study of how people’s thoughts,
feelings, and actions are affected by others.
Sport psychology applies psychology to athletic activity and
Feminist Psychology
Risk that psychological theories and data derived from white, western settings could be
assumed to apply to individuals and social groups from other cultures (unlikely to be true)
A lot of the research is descriptive, but does not determine cause and effect
Eg study of characteristics of individuals seeking treatment for binge eating disorder in Hispanic
America, African American, and Caucasian individuals. – causes of differences not measured.
diverse topics as human aggression, liking and loving, persuasion, and conformity.
For example:
Milgrim study
Kitty Genovese
The Milgram experiment 1974 on obedience to authority figures was
a series of notable social psychology experiments conducted by Yale
University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the
willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who
instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal
Hindsight Bias
The tendency to believe, after learning the
outcome, that you knew it all along.
Psychology is a science
It employs the scientific method for gathering knowledge and information (research); otherwise, the
research will not be considered authentic, reliable, or scientifically valuable.
Scientific method is a systematic and organized series of steps that scientists adopt for exploring
any phenomenon in order to obtain accurate and consistent results. These steps involve
control, and
Goals of Psychology
Basic Research: research conducted for the purpose of the expansion of scientific knowledge and the
development of theories rather than for practical application (typically three goals: description,
explanation, prediction)
An investigation looking at whether stress levels influence how often students engage in academic cheating.
A study looking at how caffeine consumption impacts the brain.
A study assessing whether men or women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression
Applied Research: research for the purpose of solving practical problems (typically the fourth goal: to
control behavior)
Investigating which treatment approach is the most effective for reducing anxiety.
Researching which strategies work best to motivate workers.
Studying different keyboard designs to determine which is the most efficient and ergonomic.
Difference between Psychologists & Psychiatrists
Trephination is a surgical procedure in which a circular part of the skull is carved away leaving a
hole in the skull. ... It is theorized that early cultures used trephination to release spirits from a
person or as a cure for convulsions and headaches.
Such evidence suggests that man sought explanations of human behavior, and tried to control it according
to the explanation he believed in.
Ancient explanations centered on the supernatural: gods, evil spirits, demons etc
History of Psychology
The roots of psychology can be traced to the great philosophers of ancient Greece (300 BC onwards).
The most famous of them, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, posed fundamental questions about mental
What is consciousness?
Are people inherently rational or irrational?
Is there any such thing as free choice?
Before the 19th century, issues related to the mind were explored in a philosophical context.
History of Psychology – Structuralism
Late 19th century
Wilhelm Wundt – Established the first Psychological Laboratory at Leipzig in
1879 -
Behaviorism is largely responsible for establishing psychology as a scientific discipline through its
objective methods and experimentation.
Psychologists started analyzing, predicting and controlling human behavior (which was visible) while
consciousness was not.
Some important figures: Pavlov, Watson, Skinner.
Contributions in such diverse areas as treating mental disorders, curbing aggression, and dealing with
drug addiction
Sample Issues:
How we learn to fear particular objects or situations?
What is the most effective way to alter certain behaviors?
What are the underlying causes of Anxiety disorders, Phobic disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive
Humanistic theory
The school of psychological thought that examines psychological issues based on how
heredity and biological structures affect mental processes and behavior and that
focuses on how physical mechanisms affect emotions, feelings, thoughts, desires and
sensory experiences. Also known as the neuroscience perspective.
i.e. How the body and brain create emotions, memories, and sensory experiences.
Sample Issues:
How do evolution and heredity influence behavior?
How are messages transmitted within the body?
How is blood chemistry linked with moods and motives?
Explaining pathology e.g. Depression, Childhood amnesia, Face recognition, etc