Radical Behaviorism
Law of Effect
Skinner Box
Puzzle Box
• Operant Chamber-
– “Skinner Box”
– Soundproof
– Bar or key that an animal presses or pecks to
release a rewards of food or water
– Device that records these responses
• Shaping-
- Procedure in which reinforcers (like food)
gradually guide an animal’s actions toward a
desired behavior
Edward L. Thorndike
• Law of Effect:
– Rewarded behavior is likely to reoccur
– Puzzle Box
Operant Conditioning Chamber
Skinner Box
Puzzle Box
Two important concepts used in Operant Conditioning
• Reinforcer - (Positive and Negative)
– A stimulus or event that increases the odds of repeating the
behavior that led to it
I give my kids money when they clean their room…this stimulus increases the
odds they will do it again
• Punisher
– A stimulus or event that functions to decreases the odds of
repeating the behavior that lead to
I spank my kids when they throw food at the dinner table…this event
decreases the odds they will do it again
– It is often the learner that determines if something is a
reinforcement or punishment
– This is called the Premack Principle
Example: I might give Ryan broccoli after he did a chore and if he likes it he will do more
chores or I might give Ryan broccoli after he did a chore and he may never do that chore
again. My feelings toward broccoli make no difference
Anything likely to increase a behavior
Negative Reinforcement
• Something undesirable is subtracted from the
environment and this encourages (reinforces)
– NR are aversive stimuli such as loud noise, cold, pain, or
• We are more likely to repeat behaviors that lead to their removal
– Example
• Say I have a headache
• The NR is the pain of the headache
• I take aspirin and the headache goes away
• Headache pain (stimulus) - - aspirin (response) - - consequence
(headache gone)
• I will take aspirin again because it removed something unpleasant
Quick Acquisition
Quick Extinction
Partial Reinforcement
• Reinforcing a response only part of the time.
– slot machine
– You don’t expect to win every
time but hope to win sometime
– The acquisition process is slower, but…
– Greater resistance to extinction.
Negative Reinforcement
the removal of a negative stimulus after a
behavior strengthens the behavior
Picking up a crying baby