BF Skinner Operant Conditioning (B)
BF Skinner Operant Conditioning (B)
BF Skinner Operant Conditioning (B)
Fixed-interval schedules
o Reinforcing a behavior after a
specific period of time has
Ex. In a lab setting would be
reinforcing a rat with a lab pellet for
the first bar press after a 30 second
interval has elapsed.
Variable-ratio schedules
o Reinforcing the behavior after an
unpredictable number of responses.
Ex. In a lab setting, This involve delivering
food pellets to a rat after one bar press, again
after four bar presses, and then again after
two bar presses
Variable-interval schedules
o Reinforcing the behavior after an
unpredictable period of time has elapsed.
Ex. Delivering a food pellet to a rat after the
first bar press following a one minute interval,
a second pellet for the first response
following a five minute interval and a third
pellet for the first response following a three
minute interval