Employee Movements
Employee Movements
Employee Movements
A. Prepare for negotiations – Data to
support bargaining proposals are collected
and arranged in an orderly manner by both
parties – the union and the union and the
employer’s group.
B. Develop strategies – Management
proposals aare developed and limits of
concencions are determined, while also
considering the union’s goals and their
possible strike plans.The unions on the
other hand tries to develop better strategies
to convince the management group to
accept it’s proposal
Step 3 – Formation of in-house
organazing committee-This start with
identification of employee who are
ready to act as leader in campagning for
their goals, in trying to get the interest
of the other employees to join their
movements, and in convincing
employees to sign an authorized card
to show to show their willingness to be
represented by a labor union in
collective beginning with their
Step 4 – If a sufficient number of employees support
the union movements the organazer request for a
representation election or certification election – A
representation petition is filled with the NLRC asking
for the holding of a secret ballot election, to determine
the employee’s desire for unionization.