Culture Media

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Definition, purpose/importance

History of culture media

Growth pattern of bacteria

Classification of culture media

Microbiological culture
Method of cultivating microbial
organisms by letting them
reproduce in predetermined
culture media under controlled
laboratory conditions.
Bacteria have to be grown (cultured) for
them to be identified and subsequent
clinical diagnosis.
By appropriate procedures they have to
be grown separately (isolated) on culture
media and obtained as pure for study.
Bacteria have to be cultured in order to
obtain antigens from developing
serological assay for vaccines.
Certain genetic studies and
manipulations of the cells also need that
bacteria be cultured in vitro.
History of culture medias
Louis Pasteur used simple broths
made up of urine or meat extracts.
Robert Koch realized the importance
of solid media and used potato
pieces to grow bacteria. It was on the
suggestion of Fannie Eilshemius, wife of
Walther Hesse (who was an assistant to
Robert Koch) that agar was used to
solidify culture media.

Before the use of agar, attempts were

made to use gelatin as solidifying
agent. Gelatin had some inherent

It existed as liquid at normal

incubating temperatures (35-37oC)

Digested by certain bacteria

Used for preparing solid medium

Obtained from seaweeds.

No nutritive value

Not affected by the growth of the

Melts at 98oC & sets at 42oC

2% agar is employed in solid medium

Bacterial Growth Curve
During typical bacteria growth (growth cycle)
bacteria cell divide by binary fission and
their mass and number increase in an
exponential manners. Bacterial growth in
culture can be separated into at least four
distinct phases.
Bacterial Growth Curve
1. Lag phase

This is period of intense physiologic adjustment

involving the induction of new enzymes and the
synthesis and assembly of ribosome. In lag phase
and during this phase there occur
1. increase in size of cells
2. increase in metabolic rate
3. adaptation to new environment and
necessary enzymes.
The length of lag phase depend upon

a. Type of bacteria.

b. Better the medium, shorter the lag phase.

c. The phase of culture from which inoculation in


d. Size or volume of inoculum.

e. Environmental factors like temperature.

2. Logarithmic (Exponential) phase

In logarithmic phase the bacterial cell

start dividing and their number increase by
geometric progression with time. During this
a. bacteria have high rate of metabolism

b. bacteria are more sensitive to antibiotics

c. rate of penetration of the medium it

depends on the concentration of material in
the media
3. Stationary phase
In stationary phase after some time a stage
comes when rate of multiplication and death
becomes almost equal it may be due to

a. depletion of nutrient

b. accumulation of toxic products and

sporulation may occur during this stage.
4. Decline or death phase

In decline (death) phase, during this phase

population decreases due to death of cells the
factors responsible are

a. nutritional exhaustion

b. toxic accumulation

c. autolysis enzymes
I. Based on their consistency
a) solid medium
b) liquid medium
c) semi solid medium
II. Based on the constituents/
a) simple medium
b) complex medium
c) synthetic or defined medium
d) Special media
Special media
Enriched media
Enrichment media
Selective media
Indicator media
Differential media
Transport media

III. Based
on Oxygen requirement
- Aerobic media
- Anaerobic media
Solid media contains 2% agar
Colony morphology, pigmentation, hemolysis

can be appreciated.
Eg: Nutrient agar, Blood agar

Liquid media no agar.

For inoculum preparation, Blood culture, for

the isolation of pathogens from a mixture.

Eg: Nutrient broth

Semi solid medium 0.5% agar.

Simple media / basal media
- Eg: NB, NA
- NB consists of peptone, yeast
extract, NaCl,
- NB + 2% agar = Nutrient agar
Complex media
Media other than basal media.
They have added ingredients.
Provide special nutrients

Synthetic or defined media

Media prepared from pure chemical
substances and its exact composition
is known
Eg: peptone water 1% peptone +
0.5% NaCl in water
Enriched media

Substances like blood, serum, egg

are added to the basal medium.
Used to grow bacteria that are
exacting in their nutritional needs.
Eg: Blood agar, Chocolate agar
Blood agar Chocolate agar
Enrichment media
Liquid media used to isolate
pathogens from a mixed
Media is incorporated with

inhibitory substances to
suppress the unwanted
Selenite F Broth for the
isolation of Salmonella, Shigella
Alkaline Peptone Water for
Vibrio cholerae
Selective media
The inhibitory substance is added to a
solid media.
Mac Conkeys medium for gram
negative bacteria
TCBS for V.cholerae

LJ medium M.tuberculosis

Wilson and Blair medium S.typhi

Potassium tellurite medium

Diphtheria bacilli
Mac Conkeys medium TCBS
Potassium Tellurite media LJ media
Indicator media
These media contain an indicator
which changes its colour when a
bacterium grows in them.
Blood agar
Mac Conkeys medium
Christensens urease medium
Urease medium
Differential media
A media which has substances
incorporated in it enabling it to
distinguish between bacteria.
Eg: Mac Conkeys medium

Distinguish between lactose

fermenters & non lactose fermenters.
Lactose fermenters Pink colonies
Non lactose fermenters colourless
Transport media
Media used for transporting
the samples.
Delicate organisms may not
survive the time taken for
transporting the specimen
without a transport media.
Stuarts medium non
nutrient soft agar gel
containing a reducing agent
Buffered glycerol saline
enteric bacilli
Anaerobic media
These media are used to grow anaerobic
Eg: Robertsons cooked meat medium,
Thioglycolate medium.

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