Bts Brochure Advanced Modular Redundant Technology For Critical Safety and Control Systems
Bts Brochure Advanced Modular Redundant Technology For Critical Safety and Control Systems
Bts Brochure Advanced Modular Redundant Technology For Critical Safety and Control Systems
To not only sustain but enhance our market position and strong reputation
in Safety & Control, we needed to find the right Controller. A Controller
that “made a difference”, a new breed of Safety Instrumented System that
addressed the industries growing demands for enhanced safety and tighter
RTP 3000 takes the way we look at Process Control into a whole new
paradigm. Its speed, integrity, availability and flexiblity makes it a powerful
and fast TÜV rated Controller. We secured a unique partnership with the
manufacturer, RTP Corp, to promote RTP 3000 in the Oil, Gas and Energy
industries. Our close relationship with RTP Corp enables us to provide
critical operational support throughout the life of the installation.
Where we work
Offshore Installations • Petrochemical Plants • Marine
Chemical Plants • Military Vessels • Industrial Military Sites • Power Plants
Industrial Complexes • Renewable Energy Sites • LNG Facilities • Terminals
and Refineries
Who has contractual Product support is vital, what does
responsibility? RTP Corp offer?
Does RTP Corp have a proven What are the Capital and
track record? Operating Costs?
In the past, traditional TMR systems have been extremely rigid leaving safety and control design engineers feeling frustrated and
constrained by the product’s abilities. For example, all CPU’s must be in the same rack every other slot must be empty and all
redundant I/O points must be on one High Density card. All these factors mean that traditional TMR systems are susceptible to
the potential risk of damage and shutdown from a single accident, have an unnecessarily large footprint and have limited flexibility.
A new breed of high performance controller that takes Integrity, Availability and Flexibility into a whole new dimension. RTP
3000 offers unrivalled flexibility in how it can be applied (single, dual or TMR CPU’s and I/O structure) meaning you can create
an application that best benefits your plant requirements.
The RTP 3000 system is not bound by traditional hardware design limitations and constraints:
At last, your system can have truly flexibile redundancy from Single point up to TMR.
This prevents a physical accident causing a potential shutdown offering increased system availability
No ‘spare slots’ for redundancy and card swaps thus lower footprint
Every module in the RTP 3000 is on-line and hot-swappable without interrupting the process
• Distributed redundant I/O points ensure that I/O decisions are made at the point level and not at module level
n Flexibility in where your CPU’s are housed n All CPU's must be in the same rack
n Flexibility in where your I/O modules are housed n Every other chassis slot must be left empty for card
n All I/O slots can be populated
n All I/O points must reside in the same high density
These benefits ensure: module
n A single physical accident or card failure will never These constraints can lead to:
shut your plant down
n A shut down from a single accident or failure to a
CPU chassis or an I/O module
• Unique Features By running faster than anyone else Chassis Processor tasks include:
and managing the process better by Chassis I/O scanning
Parallel Processing multi-tasking, the RTP 3000 achieves 1 ms SOE time stamp
Recognised as being third generation unrivalled scan times. Results validation
fault tolerant, the RTP 3000 Bus validation
incorporates a unique multi-processor, 1ms I/O scan pass (capture of all I/O integrity checks
parallel processing arrangement. I/O points) Field device integrity
5ms Node scan pass (logic solving) Field wire checking
In addition to conventional node 12mS screw-to-screw (total
processor modules, we have a layer of response time, inclusive of full
chassis processor modules that have system diagnostics)
dedicated I/O responsibility. Both
Node and Chassis Processor modules As every I/O status point is requested
incorporate multiple sets of CPU’s to by the Node Processors per 5mS scan
carry specific tasks and functions. pass, we are not “Polling” the I/O but
effectively moving data around at a
The node processor module utilises fixed time interval. This way, we ensure
a high speed, Intel Celeron Processor to capture, process and archive every
backed by a floating-point maths co- I/O point regardless of size, criticality,
processor for logic solving. Another rating or volume of the point.
CPU set is used for Host and Peer-
to-Peer communications and finally Node Processor tasks include:
a third CPU set for I/O and Inter- Node logic solving
Processor communications. Engineering unit conversion
Results validation
The chassis processor module also Alarm communications
utilises multiple CPU sets, a super- Data archiving communications
fast, RISCore Processor backed by HMI and other communications
a PLD for I/O scanning, another Peer-to-peer communications
CPU for memory management and Communication validation
SOE handling and finally a third CPU
for communications to the Node
The true flexibility of the RTP 3000 allows for TÜV approved Dual and Simplex configurations. In fact, a Dual Redundant
architecture is still SIL 3 certified and achieves 99.999% availability. Even in a simplex architecture, there is a credible 99.99%
availability with SIL 2 certification.
• True Redundancy In an application where speed-of- re-check, validate and re-validate that
response is critical to safety, having the every decision made is correct before
The RTP 3000 is effectively one, two fastest, TÜV approved controller in the any implementation.
or three fully isolated, asynchronous world is comfortable to know.
Control Systems running in parallel The integrity is still further enhanced
over a Full Duplex, 100Mbit Fast • Simple 10 year proof testing by carrying out a Multiple-Layer
Ethernet Network. of Voting that includes the Node
Because RTP run “a diagnostic on the Processors, Chassis Processors and
Because of this functionality, the RTP diagnostics”, proof testing intervals finally I/O Point Level.
3000 transmits on every leg on a are every 10 years and involves only
continuous basis and redundancy the power to be cycled on the Node Calculated in accordance with IEC
in the RTP 3000 does not mean Processors. 61508/ 61511 regulations and
“stand-by” or “back-up”, it means more Exida Markov Model, the RTP 3000
players. As each Node Processor is achieves an MTTFS Integrity of 3000+
independent and active at all times, years in TMR, the highest in the world.
By ensuring that I/O, Host and cycling power is an on-line activity
Peer-to-Peer Communications form and no shutdown or card returns are • 1mS seqence of events (Time
a continuous and integral part of the required. Stamp)
process, we have eliminated any
“Hot-Standby” elements which in turn • Highest Availability SOE records are time stamped at the
significantly increases the integrity and I/O level and stored at the target node
availability of the system. With it’s unique Parallel Processing (Node Processor Module) at a 1mS
concept and Multiple Levels of resolution. Each Node buffer is capable
• The Fastest Run Time Redundancy, calculated in accordance of storing 350,000 SOE events.
with IEC 61508/61511 regulations
The super-fast RISCore CPU within and Exida Markov Model, the RTP As the time stamping takes place
each Chassis Processor Module can 3000 achieves an astonishing as near to the process as possible,
scan every I/O point and run a full availability of 99.9999% in TMR the it ensures a true and precise
diagnostic on the data, in just 1mS. highest in the world. representation of the event.
Every 5mS the Node Processor(s) • Highest Integrity • Common Hardware Platform
requests information from the Chassis
Processor(s) and/or gives back an RTP’s Third Generation, Multiple As the RTP 3000 product is TÜV
instruction set. Fault Tolerant Hardware and critically approved, it can be configured as
acclaimed Advanced Diagnostics, a process or safety system (DCS/
In just 12mS we have completed not ensures that the RTP 3000 achieves ESD/F&G) utilising the same hardware
only the input-to-output reaction but the Highest possible Integrity. The platform (no split of process and safety
full screw-to-screw response. Advanced Diagnostics which are buses). This leads to less training,
run on every scan pass (1mS at I/O increased product familiarisation,
level and 5mS at Node level), check, reduced spares, less engineering and
contracting companies, improved
technical support, less diversification
of hardware, less interface concerns,
consistent engineering, configuration
and software tools from a single
• Configurable Redundancy cards in the same chassis or different • Transparent Configuration
cards in different chassis’s.
Redundancy in the past has been Designed around IEC 61508
hardware dependant thus limited to • Automatic Configuration and regulations, the RTP 3000 is TÜV SIL
arbitrary rules set by the manufacturer. Validation 3 approved to allow safety and non-
In the RTP 3000, redundancy is safety points to co-exist in the same
a feature of software and is not Programming and configuration is hardware host utilising a single set of
hardware dependant allowing identical whether the target is Simplex, Node Processors.
redundant configuration at every level. Dual or TMR.
This invaluable concept has been
Single / Dual / TMR / QMR Node Only one application program needs possible because the RTP 3000
Processors to be developed and validated using is built using a common hardware
Single / Dual Chassis Processors the built-in TÜV SIL 3 Simulator, the platform and utilises a common set
Single / Dual Power Supplies RTP 3000 takes care of the rest by of IEC 61131 compatible software
“automatically” transferring the image languages and tools.
• Flexible Redundancy to the other redundant controllers who
then run their own set of diagnostics to This arrangement allows point-to-point
Because the RTP 3000 uses external validate the program configurations to provide ultimate
100Mbit Ethernet connections flexibility in programming.
between Processor Modules and we • Online and unlimited changes
do not have the “constraints” of copper without system downtime The possibility of co-existence of safety
backplanes, Redundant or TMR Node and non-safety (process) points in the
Processors can be located in different The RTP 3000 supports UNLIMITED same SIL 3 rated environment means
chassis thus preventing a single, on-line Configuration AND Program we can offer the Highest Availability
physical event taking out your safety changes as there are no constraints and Integrity in Process Control (DCS)
system. of “download buffers”. ANY CHANGE as well as Safety (ESD/F&G).
in the operating system, regardless
This same flexibility applies to the of size, can be actively-implemented This is TRULY a Seamless, Integrated
redundant I/O points where they can without any interruption to the ICSS solution … yours??
be wired to the same card, to different process.
NOTE: As with all things associated
with the RTP 3000, this is a flexible
“option” and single sets of Node
Can your system Processors with dedicated I/O cards/
accommodate a full points can be utilised if DCS and
ESD/F&G segregation is still preferred.
program change including
unlimited I/O additions on-
• NETSUITE...the complete software Unlimited site license RTP NetArrays Configurator
package NetSuite is the most complete Graphical, Object-Orientated “Logical
software package on the market. For a Tool Box” that runs IEC 61131
Fault tolerant, redundant software one-off inexpensive price you get the programming languages with a point-
The RTP 3000 utilises the highly following as standard. and-click, drag-and-drop interface for
acclaimed NetSuite software simple and efficient configuration.
programme that is recognised as one Project database manager
of the most powerful and cost-effective Unlimited tags RTP Alarm and Data Archiving
packages in the industry. HMI workstation (RTPADA)
Alarm management RTPADA is a super-fast, high resolution
It operates in a Fault-Tolerant and Data archiving data archiving tool that includes an
Redundant Mode and can create and Crystal reports Historian and Crystal Reports.
run more algorithms (300 + PID’s) in Trending
a fraction of the time (5mS) than any Sequence of events (SOE) logging It incorporates a Client-Server
other system in its class. OPC connectivity technology and 100,000
REDUNDANT tags can be archived
Free lifetime software support and RTP Project Tag Data Base Manager per second (one of the fastest in the
upgrades (PTDBM) world).
Never pay for software again with This is the Central Tag Database
RTP’s NetSuite, the site license comes and the repository for the tags in the Because of the site license, you are
with a life-time guarantee and any system. It incorporates Client-Server able to run multiple instances of
software support or upgrades is technology and comes with a 1 million NetSuite simultaneously thus giving
offered by RTP free of charge. tag license as standard, which can be UNLIMITED archiving.
increased as a no cost option.
RTP View
Provides Industrial-Strength,
High-Speed OPC-enabled HMI.
Multiple Screens can be visualised
simultaneously with screen updates in
less than 10mS.
System manufacture and assembly to
BS EN ISO 9001:2008, 14001 and
As system technology
Test and System Verifications becomes increasingly
We provide full functional testing
prior to customer acceptance and complex, Johnson Controls
have the ability to tailor to individual provide comprehensive client
requirements along with system
verification and auditable testing for all support and training
system standards and designs.
Head Office
Tel: +44 (0)161 455 4400