Interpersonal Communication & BCCL

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Interpersonal Communication & BCC

State Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Jaipur

Listen to Learn

Learn to Listen

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 2


 IEC –A one-way process

ØFocused on “messages”
ØImplicit assumption that
awareness creation will
automatically lead to behavior
ØEmphasis on creating
messages, entertainment and

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 BCC (Behaviour Change Communication)
ØOutcome oriented
ØConsultative process of addressing
knowledge, attitudes, and practices

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audiences and
information and
ØUsing an appropriate mix of
interpersonal, group and
mass media channels
ØParticipatory methods

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Behavior change

Ø K - Knowledge

Ø A - Approval

Ø I - Intention

Ø P - Practice

Ø A - Advocacy

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IPC v/s Mass communication
Characteristics IPC Mass communication
Nature Personal Impersonal
Reach Fast Very fast
Audience Specific General
Message Focused Generalized
Purpose Helping decision taking Create awareness
Cost Expensive Cheap
Feedback Instant Delayed
Message retention Long time Short time

Support of other Makes it effective Supplements


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Classification of Communication
Ø Inter-personal communication
ØFriends / Neighbors/ Influential
ØMahila mandals/Voluntary
ØHealth functionaries
Ø Use of traditional media
ØStreet plays/Dramas
ØDrum Beating
ØTamashas/Story Telling
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Ø Group communication
Ø Mass communication
ØPrinted Materials
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Process of communication





ØFulfilling the promises


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Process of Communication
Target audience
ØHomogenous Group
ØSegmentation of Audience
ØIntended and Un-intended
Value system
ØExposure to Media
ØWillingness to change
ØSocial Participation
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Attributes of message:7C’s

ØCommand Attention
ØCater to the Heart and Head
ØClarify the Message
ØCommunicate a Benefit
ØCreate Trust
ØConvey a Consistent Message
ØCall for Action

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 12

IPC Skills

Ø Keep your mind open

Ø Be flexible
Ø Find area of interest
Ø Listen to ideas
Ø Judge content, not delivery
Ø Resist distractions
Ø Hold your fire
Ø Work at listening
Ø Capitalize on thought speed

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Ø Face the audience

Ø Maintain eye contact
Ø Use appropriate aids, if you can
Ø Use appropriate language
Ø Focus on the needs of the audience
Ø Be brief, to the point, without ambiguity

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 14


Ø Understand the audience profile

Ø Put questions in such a way the audience
understand and reply favorably
Ø Start questions from simpler to complex
Ø The way you ask questions is important
Ø Do not put questions in such a way which
may embarrass you

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 15

Initiating IPC
Ø Introduce yourself
Ø Explain the purpose of visit
Ø Establish mutual understanding
Ø Allow the audience to speak more and
Ø Win the confidence of the audience
Ø Understand his/her problems
Ø Analyze whether your interest and his/her
problems are the same or different
Ø Do not make false promises/pose yourself

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 16
Sustaining IPC
Ø Create conducive atmosphere
Ø Be knowledgeable about the subject
Ø Ensure confidentiality of issues shared
Ø Clarify the queries raised
Ø Give complete information
Ø Check whether the receiver has understoo
as explained

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Terminating IPC

Ø Leave good impression of yourself

Ø Have issues for next meeting
Ø Identify contact people/influencers
Ø Develop sense of belongingness
Ø Give an opportunity for the audiences
to come with their real problems

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Core Triggers

Ø Age at marriage > 18 yrs

Ø Delay first pregnancy till 21 years
Ø Eat three times a day (women and
adolescent girls)
Ø Eat 3-4 times a day (pregnant women)
Ø Early registration <12 weeks

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Ø 3 ANC check ups
Ø Institutional Delivery
Ø Stay in the hospital for 24 hrs after delivery
Ø Immediate health seeking behaviour
Ø Immediate and exclusive breast feeding
within one hour of birth

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Ø Continue exclusive breast feeding up to six
Ø Keep the newborn warm with skin to skin care
Ø Complete Immunization/ Booster / Vitamin A
Ø Complementary feeding from six months 4-5
times a day in addition to breast feeding
Ø Wash hands with soap after defecation and prior
to feeding child

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Ø Increase birth interval to three years
Ø Adopt any limiting method after two children
even if both are girls
Ø Early detection of TB
Ø Empty and dry water containers once a

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Barriers to Behaviour Change

Socio-Cultural Barriers

Ø Gender discrimination; son preference

Ø Norm of early child bearing/early
Ø Colostrums feeding & other new born
care practices
Ø Dietary pattern of eating two meals a
day, women eat last

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Health Services

Ø Lack of regular outreach services at the

village level
Ø Health provider attitude and low
motivation levels
Ø Lack of trust in public sector services

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Socio-Economic and Infrastructure

Ø Transport constraints
Ø Households with food insecurity


Ø Too much focus on awareness creation

Ø Limited reach of mass media in rural areas
Ø Weak systems for BCC supervision
Ø Community based BCC (IPC, group
meetings, community events) is limited
Ø Uncoordinated mass media campaigns

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Priority Areas for a BCC Strategy

Ø Antenatal Care
Ø Institutional Deliveries
Ø Post Natal & New Born Care
Ø Married Adolescents
Ø Gender discrimination (female feticide,
infant girl, under 5 girl, son preference
Ø Unmet need for family planning
Ø Nutrition through the life cycle (infant,
under three, adolescent, woman)

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 26
Ø Routine immunization
Ø Hygiene and safe water practices
Ø Marginalized groups and households
including urban poor
Ø Need for supportive supervision of
Ø Capacity building of BCC skills for
service providers across NRHM
Ø Workload definition and structuring of
workload for the ASHAs

SIHFW: an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Institution 27

BCC Activities in Rajasthan
Ø Home visits by ASHA.
Ø Group meetings by ASHA and ANM
Ø Swasthya Camps at the block level with
video vans (Pilot basis)
Ø Child to community BCC for hygiene
behavior, routine immunization and
prevention of mosquito breeding sites
Ø Folk performances and Nukkad Nataks

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 Thank you

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