Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

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Janani Suraksha Yojana


State Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Jaipur

JSY: Vision

Ø To Promote Institutional Deliveries

Ø To reduce overall
ØMaternal Mortality ratio
ØInfant Mortality Rate

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 2


Ø A safe motherhood intervention,

replacing the “Maternity Benefit
Scheme”, under the National
Rural Health Mission (NRHM)

Ø 100 % centrally sponsored scheme

integrating cash assistance with
delivery and post-delivery care

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 3
Target Group

Ø All pregnant women of the age 19 yrs and

above from BPL families up to 2 live

Ø All women from BPL families of 10 LPS (8

EAG plus Assam and J&K) even after
third live birth

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 4

JSY: Strategy
Ø Early registration
Ø Identification of complicated cases
Ø 3 ante-natal & post-natal visits
Ø Organizing referral services and transport
Ø Convergence with IMCD (ICDS) -involving
Anganwadi workers
Ø Transparent & Timely disbursement of cash
assistance and incentive to ASHA from funds
available with Female Health Worker

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 5

Ø 24 X 7 delivery services at PHC
Ø Making FRUs functional to provide
Emergency Obstetric services
Ø Building partnership through a process of
recognition/ accreditation of Professional,
Institutions in private sector specially in
rural areas

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 6

JSY: Key Features
Ø Number of States covered- 10
Ø 8 EAG (Economic Action Group) States
Ø Assam
Ø J& K
Ø Categories under which 10 States are put-
Ø High Performance States (HPS)
Ø Low performance States (LPS)
Ø Cash assistance linked to Institutional delivery
Ø Cash assistance in Graded scale
Ø Tracking Pregnancy

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 7
Ø Micro birth plan: Informing mother about
ØInform dates of 3 ANC & TT
Injection (s) and ensure these
are provided
ØIdentify the health centre for all
ØIdentify the Place of Delivery
ØInform expected date of delivery
Ø Cash assistance
Ø Assistance for Home delivery
Ø Private institutions accredited
Ø Monitoring & Feedback mechanism
SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 8
Category Rural Area Urban Area

Assistan Package Total Assistanc Package Total

ce to to ASHA e to to ASHA
Mother Mother
LPS 700/- 600/- 1300 600 200 800

HPS 700 nil 700

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 9

JSY: Cash assistance

Ø Assistance for Caesarean section- 1500/- per

case for hiring services of private expert in
cases of Facility for C/S not available at FRU/
Ø Compensation payment for Tubectomies/
Ø Disbursement of cash assistance at the earliest
ØImpress of 5000/- with Female Health
ØCash advance of 1500/- with ANM at any
point in time
SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 10
Ø Partnership with Private Sector - Empanel at
least 2 private institutions
Ø Provision to meet administrative expenses
Ø (7% (4% district, 2% for state & 1% nodal
ministry) of the fund released to State is to
be used for administrative expenses towards
monitoring and IEC monitoring and IEC

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 11

Cash Payments under JSY

Ø To expectant mother
ØAll payments in one installment
ØResponsibility of disbursement-
Ø To ASHA or equivalent worker
ØIn 2 installments

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 12

ØBalance in 2 installments
Ø50% on discharge of
JSY beneficiary
Ø50% after one month
- (PNC, BCG, New
born registration
Ø Cause of delay to be dealt seriously
Ø Display of names of JSY beneficiaries
(mandatory) at SC, PHC and local
Panchayat office

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 13
JSY: Eligibility for Cash Assistance
LPS States All pregnant women delivering in Government
health centres like Sub-centre, PHC/CHC/ FRU /
general wards of District and state Hospitals or
accredited private institutions

HPS States BPL pregnant women, aged 19 years and above

LPS & HPS All SC and ST women delivering in a

government health centre like Sub-centre,
PHC/CHC/ FRU / general ward of District and
state Hospitals or accredited private institutions

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 14

Scale of Assistance for ID
CategoryRural Area Total Urban Area Total

Mother’s ASHA’s Rs. Mother’s ASHA’s Rs.

Package Package Package Package

LPS 1400 600 2000 1000 200 1200

HPS 700 700 600 600

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 15

JSY: Special Approach for LPS

Ø Age restriction removed

Ø Restricting benefits of JSY up to 2 births
removed. In other words, the benefits of the
scheme are extended to all pregnant women
in LPS states irrespective of birth orders
Ø No need for any marriage or BPL certification
provided woman delivers in Government or
accredited private health institution

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 16

JSY: ID Performance

Year India Rajasthan

2005-06 7.04

2006-07 31.58

2007-08 73.29

2008-09 83.78

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 17

Ø Role of ASHA under JSY
Ø Identify pregnant woman and facilitate registration
for ANC
Ø Assist the pregnant woman to obtain necessary
certifications wherever necessary
Ø Provide and / or help the women in receiving at
least three ANC checkups including TT injections
IFA tablets
Ø Identify a functional Government health centre or
an accredited private health institution for referra
and delivery
Ø Counsel for institutional delivery

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 18

Ø Escort the beneficiary women to the pre-determined
health center and stay with her till the woman is
Ø Arrange to immunize the newborn till the age of 14
Ø Inform about the birth or death of the child or mother to
the ANM/MO
Ø Post natal visit within 7 days of delivery to track
mother’s health after delivery and facilitate in
obtaining care, wherever necessary
Ø Counsel for initiation of breastfeeding to the newborn
within one-hour of delivery and its continuance till 3-6
months and promote family planning
SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 19
Role of DACs
Ø Create database of ASHA
Ø Liaise with district level stakeholders for mobilizing
Ø Supervision and monitoring of the ASHAs, NGOs
and Block ASHA facilitators and PHC ASHA
Ø Attend ASHA meetings at block and PHC
Ø Prepare annual training plan of ASHA for different

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 20

Ø Compilation of monthly report with the help of Data
Assistant of DPMU
Ø Dissemination of guidelines related to ASHA to all
functionaries at different levels
Ø Follow up with Block ASHA facilitators/ BPMs on
the progress of assigned job
Ø Monitor timely payments of ASHAs
Ø Monitor physical and financial progress of the
Ø Field visits

SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 21

Role of DPM
Ø Develop annual plan for selection and training
for ASHA
Ø Drafting of annual targets for CHC-PHC wise
ASHA to achieve the health targets of District
like; sterilization, institutional deliveries and
immunization etc
Ø Ensure adoption and implementation of plan and
fund flow at local level
Ø Support District ASHA Coordinator in developing
localised implementation plans
Ø Monitor physical and financial progress of the
Ø SIHFW: an ISO: 9001 certified Institution 22

 Thank You

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