Council Rules of Procedure - 2016 Proposed Amendments

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A resolution amending the City Council Rules of Procedure.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 9(b) of the City Charter, the City Council is authorized to
adopt its own rules of procedures; and
WHEREAS, Section 1.5 of the Rules of Procedure require amendments to be adopted
pursuant to a resolution; -- Now, Therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Spokane that the Spokane City
Council Rules of Procedure are amended as follows:

Section 1.

That City Council Rules of Procedure are amended as follows:


Rule 1.1
It is the purpose of the The Spokane City Council of the City of Spokane in adoptingadopts these
rules to provide a method for the conduct of its affairs. It is not intended that theseThese rules do
not confer upon any person who is not a member of the Council any right to a particular
procedure or, nor do they affect the validity or legality of any Council action.
Rule 1.2
It is the constant duty of each Council member to maintain and exhibit respect for each other, the
City staff and the public. Likewise, the Council shall require correspondingrequires respectful
behavior from all persons who attend a meeting. Mutual respect between Council members and
towards staff shall includeincludes, but is not limited to, not intentionally disclosing private
information about a Council member or staff such as personal telephone numbers or home
address without the permission of the Council member or staff.
Rule 1.3
1.3.1 Every Council member must uphold the constitution, laws, and regulations of the State of
Washington and the Charter and ordinances of the City.
1.3.2 No Council member shall have an interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or
engage in any business or transaction or professional activity, or incur an obligation of any nature
that ismay be in conflict with the proper discharge of his or her public duties as an elected
official or as a Council member. No Council member in his or her official capacity may
participate in a transaction involving the City with a party in which the Council member, or a

family member, owns a beneficial interest. Should a Council member have a conflict of interest,
or become aware that he or she has or may have a conflict of interest, that Council member shall
immediately inform the Council of the conflict of interest and abstain from any Council action in
connection with that matter.
A. No Council member may accept employment or engage in any business or professional
activity that the Council member might reasonably expect would require or induce him or her to
disclose confidential information acquired by reason of the Council members official position.
B. No Council member may disclose confidential information gained by reason of his or her
official position or otherwise use the information for his or her personal gain or benefit or the
gain or benefit of another.
C. No Council member may disclose confidential information to any person not entitled or
authorized to receive the information.
D. Confidential information means
1. specific information, rather than generalized knowledge, received by a Council member as a
result of his or her position that is not available to the general public on request; or
2. information furnished to a Council member under circumstances as to suggest the information
is confidential, including when the provider of the information identifies the information as
confidential; or
3. information made confidential by law, including specific intelligence information and specific
investigative records compiled by investigative, law enforcement, and penology agencies, the
nondisclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement or for the protection of any
persons right to privacy; or
4. other information made confidential by the Public Records Act (Chapter 42, .56 RCW) or the
Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 42.30 RCW).
1.3.4 No Council member may use or authorize the use of facilities of the City, directly or
indirectly, for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election of a person to an office or for the
purpose of or opposition to a ballot proposition. All actions of a Council member shall comply
with RCW 42.17.130.
Rule 1.4
Matters of procedure not otherwise provided for herein shallare, insofar as practical, be
determined by reference to Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised. A summary of the primary
parliamentary procedures from the Roberts Rules of Order utilized by the City Council is
included with these rules as Attachment No. 1. This attachment may be expanded or updated
without further Council action only if the changes are consistent with Roberts Rules of Order.
Rule 1.5
These rulesRules may be amended by resolution of the City Council.

Rule 2.1
2.1.1 As provided in the Spokane Municipal Code Section 2.01.010, the regular meeting of the
City Council is at 3:30 p.m. every Monday in the Council Chambers, Lower Level of City Hall.
If a Monday is a City Holiday, that weeks regular meeting ismay be held on the next day that is
not a holiday if a quorum is available unless cancelled at the discretion of the Council President.
2.1.2 The 3:30 p.m. Council session is a briefing session for the purposes of receiving staff
reports on matters of interest, committee reports, background information from staff regarding
matters on the advance agenda for the next weeks meeting and for that days agenda, making
any adjustments to the agenda and agreeing as to any issues of procedure for that days meeting.
Once the advance agenda has been reviewed, the City Council shall approve the agenda by
2.1.3 As the conclusion of the briefing session, there is an administrative session during which
action will be taken on the items on the consent agenda. At the request of any Council member,
an item on the consent agenda will be carried over to the legislative session.
2.1.4 At the conclusion of the administrative session, or at other time properly announced, the
City Council may adjourn into executive session consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act,
Chapter 42.30 RCW. The Chair shall declare, before the Council convenes in executive session,
the subject matter of the executive session with as much particularity as will not frustrate the
purpose of the executive session. The Council determines which persons shall attend each
particular executive session.
2.1.5 The 6:00 p.m. Council session is the legislative session for the purpose of taking public
testimony, discussing and taking action on those items which were placed on that agenda or
transferred from the administrative agenda, and for holding the open forum.
Rule 2.2
2.2.1 Prior2.2.1
At each meeting, prior to the City Council considering its legislative
agenda, an allotment of time, not to exceed thirty minutes, will beis devoted to public comment
by citizens of the City. When all the matters on the agenda have been acted on, unless it is 10:00
p.m. or later, the open forum shall continue for a period of time not to exceed thirty minutes. If
no one has signed up or is remaining to speak at the open forum session, the open forum session
shall be concluded.
2.2.2 At the beginning of the open forum session a designated staff member will collect the
sign-up sheet upon which citizens have indicated their desire to speak at the open forum session
and deliver them to the Chair so that the Chair can begin the determination of how the time of
the open forum is to be allocated. In his or her discretion, the Chair will determine the order of
the speakers and will impose on each speaker such time limits as may be appropriate to allocate
the allotted time. Each speaker may be limited to three minutes.
2.2.3 Because taking action on any matter brought up during the open forum session would
violate these rules relative to advance notice to and participation by the public, no action, other

than a consensus to bring the matter up as a future agenda item, will be taken during the open
2.2.4 The open forum is a limited public forum and all matters discussed shall relate to affairs
of the City. No person may use the open forum to speak on such matters and in such a manner as
to violate the laws governing the conduct of municipal affairs. No person shall be permitted to
speak on matters related to the current or advance agendas, potential or pending hearing items, or
ballot propositions for a pending election. Individuals speaking during the open forum shall
address their comments to the Council President and shall not make personal comment or verbal
insults about any individual.
2.2.5 The Council President may invite the Mayor and one member of the administrations
executive leadership to be present during open forum.
2.2.6 In an effort to encourage wider participation in open forum so that the Council can hear a
wide array of citizen comment, no person shall be permitted to speak at open forum more often
than once per month. However, this limitation has no effect on the public comment rules
concerning items on the Councils current legislative agenda, special consideration items,
hearing items, and other items before the City Council requiring Council action that are not
adjudicatory or administrative in nature, as specified in Rules 5.3 and 5.4.
Rule 2.3
2.3.1 At the conclusion of the open forum, unless there is further business before the Council,
the Chair shall adjourn the meeting until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.
2.3.2 Any meeting may be adjourned to a place and time set by motion. Unless otherwise
specified in the motion, the meeting will be adjourned to the place and time fixed for the next
regular meeting. If a regular meeting be adjourned to a place and time specified, that adjourned
meeting is a regular meeting.
2.3.3 If at the time fixed for the beginning of any meeting, or at any time in the course of a
meeting, less than a quorum be present, the Council President, or in the Presidents absence any
member, or if there by no Council members present then the City Clerk, shall declare the
meeting adjourned to the next regular meeting.
2.3.4 In the eventIf a meeting is adjourned prior to the completion of the City Councils
agenda, all matters on the agenda not disposed of shall be continued to the adjourned meeting.
The City Clerk or other person designated by the Clerk shall post a written notice of adjournment
conspicuously on or near the main door of the place of any meeting which has been adjourned.
The notice shall be posted as soon as possible after the adjournment and shall state the fact of
adjournment and the place and time to which the meeting was adjourned.
2.3.5 At 11:00 p.m. or at any time thereafter, it shall be in order for any member to move, or for
the Chair to declare, based on the opinion that the business at hand cannot be concluded within a
reasonable time, that a regular meeting be adjourned.

Rule 2.4
A special meeting may be called by the Council President or by any four Council members. The
Council may by passage of a motion made during anya regular meeting call a. All such special
meetingmeetings shall be noticed in compliance with the Washington Open Public Meetings Act
(OPMA) and Rule 4.2.
Rule 2.5
The Council may schedule study sessions for such purposes as receiving background information
as to staff matters, briefing from staff, and discussion among Council members as to issues of
concern. Such meetings are to be in a workshop format, with no public hearing, and the Council
shall make no disposition of any item at a study session. unless the study session was noticed as
a special meeting in compliance with the Washington Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and
Rule 4.2. A quorum of the Council is not necessary in order to proceed with a study session.
Rule 2.6
A quorum is four (4) or more Council members present and qualified to act, unless a particular
action requires the affirmative vote of more than four. The quorum for the adoption of an
ordinance making an emergency expenditure as provided in RCW 35.33.081 and .091, adoption
of an ordinance effective immediately under subsection 19(a)(1) of the Charter, and override of a
veto as provided in subsection 16(b) is five. (5).
Rule 3.1
The agenda serves to introduce items to the Council, to establish the order of business and to
give notice to the public. The notice of a special meeting is the agenda for such meeting.
Rule 3.2
3.2.1 Items may be placed on a regular meeting agenda by the Council President, any Council
member and by such administrative officers as the Mayor may authorize. or any Council
member; provided, however, subject to Rule 5.6 (Suspension of Rules), and regardless of
whether the item originates with a Council member or the administration, no item may be placed
on the agenda unless it has first been presented in its committee of origin as provided in Rules
7.1 and 9.3. Agenda items related to activities of a board or commission or a city Council
standing committee may be placed on the agenda either by the city administration,
byadministrator, the Council President, by any Council member with approval of the Council
President, or by motion of the City Council. A Council member may not utilize administrative
staff, other than of the City Council or legal department, for the preparation of an item for the
agenda without direction from the Council President or the Mayor.
3.2.2 The agenda for every regular meeting is prepared by the office of the City Clerk in the
manner and format prescribed by the City Council and consistent with administrative policies
and procedures. and these Rules. The Mayor determines for each kind of item which

administrative officials need to sign off on the agenda sheet indicating it, and any accompanying
packet material, is complete and ready for introduction by a Council considerationmember.
Rule 3.3
3.3.1 The process of submitting agenda items and preparing the agenda for all Council
meetings shall be consistent with the City Councilsthese Rules of Procedure and Administrative
Policy and Procedures No. ADMIN 0260-05-01 and all subsequent amendments thereto. In case
of any conflicts between these Rules of Procedure and Administrative Policy and Procedures No.
ADMIN 0260-05-01, these Rules of Procedure shall control.
3.3.2 An item is submitted for the agenda in the form of an agenda sheet presented to the City
Clerk. The agenda sheet shall have such form and content as approved by the City Council.
3.3.3 The wording for the agenda and the agenda sheet is to be furnished by the person
submitting the item. The City Clerk and City Attorneys office staff may edit agenda items for
grammatical and proceduralor typographical errors.

Each Council member is responsible to obtain and be familiar with all agenda data.


Rule 4.1
Except as provided below, the agenda is the only required notice.
Rule 4.2
Notice of every special meeting shall be given in writing to every Council member, to the Mayor,
to the City Attorney, and to all parties who have on file with the City Clerk a request for such
notices. The notice shall be delivered personally, electronically, by mail, by facsimile or
otherwise, so as to be received at least 24 hours before the meeting or as otherwise provided for
in RCW 42.30.080. The notice shall state the place and time of the meeting and the business to
be conducted. The Council shall not make final disposition of any matter not included in the
notice. Notices of special meetings are prepared by the City Council Office staff and issued by
the City Clerks office.
Rule 5.1
5.1.1 The Council President, or in his or her absence or incapacity that Council member elected
by the Council to serve as Council President pro tem pursuant to SMC 3.01.120(A), each of who
iswhom is referred to in these Rules of Procedure as the Chair, shall preside over meetings of
the Council and cause the business of the Council to be transacted in accordance with these rules.
The presiding officer may yield the Chair to a member of the Councils choice to conduct a
portion of the meeting.
5.1.2 The Chair shall determine all questions of parliamentary procedure, subject to appeal as
provided in this Rule 5.1.2, but shall liberally grant leave to the Mayor, City Council Policy

Advisor and/or a designated representative of the Mayor, City Attorney and parliamentarian, if
any, to speak to the question. A ruling of the Chair can be appealed, before the ruling is acted on,
by announcingany Council members announcement of an appeal and, which appeal is perfected
by receiving a second. The Chair shall then state the question in terms of upholding the ruling
and may state his or her reasons for the ruling. Then the member appealing has the floor to open
debate on the appeal. Upon the close of debate, the Council shall vote on the appeal.
5.1.3 The Chair may not make a motion. The Chair may second a motion only if there is no
other second and only for the purposes of discussion. The Chair may vote as any other Council
5.1.4 The Chair has the authority to recess, subject to appeal, any meeting when noise,
disturbance, indecorum, or other circumstances warrant a recess to enable the Council to conduct
its meeting in an appropriate manner. The Chair may direct any person disrupting the meeting to
be removed from the chambers or to otherwise eliminate a source of disruption.
5.1.5 The Chair has the authority to recess a meeting upon the request of any Council member.
Recognizing that fatigue, discomfort, and tedium detract from the quality of participation in
deliberative process on the part of all participants, the Chair is encouraged to call or grant
requests for recesses as such frequency as dictated by the time of day, temperature, and other
Rule 5.2
5.2.1. Briefing Session.
The ordinary order of business as a briefing session is:
A. Roll call;
B. Council or staff reports of matters of interest;
C. Background information from staff regarding matters on the advance agenda;
D. Discussion of and any adjustments to the advance agenda for the following weeks
E. Approval by motion of the advance agenda;
F. Any new background for items on the current agenda;
G. Discussion of and any adjustments to the current agenda.
5.2.2 Administrative Session.
The ordinary order of business at an administration session is:
A. Reading of consent agenda items by the Clerk;
B. Action on the items on the consent agenda.
5.2.3 Executive Session.
The business of an executive session is determined case by case within the restrictions of the
Open Public Meetings Act and other provisions of state law.
5.2.4 Legislative Session.
The ordinary order of business at a legislative session is:
A. Pledge of Allegiance, words of inspiration, special introductions;

B. Roll call to establish the presence of a quorum;

C. Council and Committee reports;

Announcement of adjustments to the agenda;

Council appointments and approval of Mayoral appointments;
City AdministratorsAdministrative report;
Open forum;;
Reading of each agenda item by the Clerk;
Report by staff and questions to staff;
Motion and second (except for a hearing in which case the motion is made at the close of
the hearing);
Comment from citizens;
Deliberation by Council, and such further dialogue with staff and citizens as Council may
Council and Committee reports;
Continuation of open forum.

5.2.5 Items shall be acted upon in the order in which they appear on the agenda, provided items
may be taken out of order, combined, or separated by majority vote of the Council. Items on the
agenda may be grouped under various headings or sections and entire sections may be read and
acted upon at one time unless the Council decides otherwise.
5.2.6 All City Council appointments or Mayoral appointments requiringwhich require City
Council approval shall be announced and voted upon by motion during the legislative session
with the following exception. Approval of appointments of department heads, the City Clerk, and
the City Attorney, pursuant to Section 24 of the City Charter, shall be by resolution.
Rule 5.3
5.3.1 Members of the public may address the Council regarding items on the Councils
legislative agenda, special consideration items, hearing items, and other items before the City
Council requiring Council action that are not adjudicatory or administrative in nature. This rule
shall not limit the publics right to speak during the open forum.
5.3.2 No one may speak without first being recognized for that purpose by the Chair. Except
for named parties to an adjudicative hearing, a person may be required to sign a sign-up sheet
and provide his or her address as a condition of recognition. In order for a Council member to be
recognized by the Chair for the purpose of obtaining the floor, the Council member shall either
raise a hand or depress the call button on the dais until recognized by the Council President.
5.3.3 Each person speaking at the public microphone shall verbally identify him(her)self by
name and, if appropriate, representative capacity.
5.3.4 Each speaker shall follow all written and verbal instructions so that verbal remarks are
electronically recorded and documents submitted for the record are identified and marked by the

5.3.5 In order that evidence and expressions of opinion be included in the record and that
decorum befitting a deliberative process be maintained, no modes of expression not provided by
these rules, such asincluding but not limited to demonstrations, banners, applause, and the
like,profanity, vulgar language, or personal insults will be permitted.
5.3.6 A speaker asserting a statement of fact may be asked to document and identify the
sources of the factual datum being asserted.
5.3.7 When addressing the Council, members of the public shall direct all remarks to the
Council President and shall confine remarks to the matters that are specifically before the
Council at that time.
5.3.8 When any person, including members of the public, City staff, and others, are addressing
the Council, Council members shall observe the same decorum and process, as the rules require
among the members inter se. That is, a Council member shall not engage the person addressing
the Council in colloquy, but shall speak only when granted the floor by the Council President. All
persons and/or Council members shall not interrupt one another. The duty of mutual respect set
forth in Rule 1.2 and the rules governing debate set forth in Roberts Rules of Order, newly
revised, shall extend to all speakers before the City Council. The Council President pro-tem shall
be charged with the task of assisting the Council President to ensure that all individuals desiring
to speak, be they members of the public, staff, or Council members, shall be identified and
provided with the opportunity to speak.
Rule 5.4
5.4.1 The City Council shall take public testimony on all matters included on its legislative
agenda. There shall be no public testimony on matters on the Councils administrative consent
agenda or in regards to procedural, parliamentary, or administrative matters of the Council. There
also shall be no public testimony regarding amendments to legislative agenda items. Public
testimony shall be limited to the final Council action.
Public testimony shall be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless, at his or her discretion,
the Chair determines that, because of the number of speakers signed up to testify, less time will
need to be allocated per speaker in order to accommodate all of the speakers. The Chair may
allow additional time if the speaker is asked to respond to questions from the Council. At the
Chairs discretion, several speakers may allot their time to one speaker who shall speak on behalf
of the other individuals for a period of time determined by the Chair.
For legislative or hearing items that may affect an identifiable individual, association, or group,
the following procedure may be implemented:
A. Following an assessment by the Chair of factors such as complexity of the issue(s), the
apparent number of people indicating a desire to testify, representation by designated
spokespersons, etc., the Chair shall, in the absence of objection by the majority of the

Council present, impose the following procedural time limitations for taking public
testimony regarding legislative matters:
1. There shall be up to fifteen (15) minutes for staff, board, or commission presentation
of background information, if any.
2. The designated representative of the proponents of the issue shall speak first and may
include within his or her presentation the testimony of expert witnesses, visual
displays, and any other reasonable methods of presenting the case. Up to thirty (30)
minutes shall be granted for the proponents presentation. If there be more than one
designated representative, they shall allocate the 30 minutes between or among
3. Three minutes shall be granted for any other person not associated with the
designated representative who wishes to speak on behalf of the proponents position.
4. The designated representative, if any, of the opponents of the issue shall speak
following the presentation of the testimony of expert witnesses, visual displays, and
any other reasonable methods of presenting the case. The designated representative(s)
of the opponents shall have the same time allotted as provided for the proponents.
5. Three minutes shall be granted for any other person not associated with the
designated representative who wishes to speak on behalf of the opponents position.
6. Up to ten minutes of rebuttal time shall be granted to the designated representative for
each side, the proponents speaking first, the opponents speaking second.
B. In the event the party or parties representing one side of an issue has a designated
representative and the other side does not, the Chair shall publicly ask the unrepresented
side if they wish to designate one or more persons to utilize the time allotted for the
designated representative. If no such designation is made, each person wishing to speak
on behalf of the unrepresented side shall be granted three minutes to present his/her
position, and no additional compensating time shall be allowed due to the fact that the
side has no designated representative.
C. In the event there appears to be more than two groups wishing to advocate their distinct
positions on a specific issue, the Chair may grant the same procedural and time
allowances to each group or groups, as stated previously.
D. The time taken for staff or Council member questions and responses thereto shall be in
addition to the time allotted for any individual or designated representatives testimony.
Rule 5.5
5.5.1 Except where a majority plus one vote is required, (e.g., Charter section 19, RCW
35.33.081), and unless otherwise provided herein, all motions, except a motion to adjourn (which
passes by a majority of votes cast), to carry must receive at least four affirmative votes.
5.5.2 If a motion receives a majority of favorable votes, but less than four, and if further voting
cannot produce four votes for any motion, either:
A. The matter will be continued, or
B. if it appears that because of disqualification or other reason the Council will not obtain
four votes for any motion to dispose of the matter, it shall be declared that no action was
taken and the status quo shall prevail.

5.5.3 AUpon a tie vote, having failed to obtain the necessary votes, is finalstatus quo prevails
and defeats the matter upon which the vote is [was] cast.

The Chair has full voting power as any other Council member is defeated.

5.5.5 The votes on any ordinance or formal resolution shall be individually taken and recorded.
As to any other matter, voting shall be by voice vote unless any member requests, prior to action
on the next item of business, a different method., such as a show of hands or a roll call vote.
Unless the Council shall order otherwise, the alternative to voice vote shall be the electronic
system currently in use.
5.5.6 In all cases of voting by other than voice vote, the City Clerk shall record the names of
those voting on each side of the question and of those abstaining. In cases of voice vote, it shall
be sufficient for the Chair to announce, and the record to reflect, whether the motion carried or
failed. Regardless of method of voting, each Council member shall have the right, before the
next matter is considered, to explain the reasons for his or her vote and such a request shall be
regarded as a matter of privilege.
5.5.7 A Council member may only abstain from voting on any matter before the Council when
he or she has a direct personal or pecuniary interest not common to other members of the
Council, which is fully expressed. In order to abstain from voting, a Council member must
sufficiently describe to all other members of the Council during the Council meeting, the
existence and nature of the interest which supports his or her abstention.
Rule 5.6
These rulesRules may be temporarily suspended for a particular matter by five affirmative votes.
Rule 5.7
A Council member may move reconsideration of who voted on the prevailing side regarding an
item voted on during an administrative session may move reconsideration of that item at that
days legislative session or at the next briefing session. All legislative decisions of the City
Council regarding ordinances, resolutions, and hearing items are final. When permissible, a
Council member may re-submit a subsequent ordinance or resolution to repeal or modify a prior
City Council action.
Rule 5.8
A Council member may participate telephonically in all or part of a Council meeting if:
A. Prior approval is given by the Council President for good cause, whose approval shall not
be unreasonably withheld;
B. All persons participating in the meeting are able to hear each other at the same time, such
as by the use of a speaker phone; and
C. The Council member participating telephonically shall have reviewed all of the
applicable material and participated in the relevant portion of the Council meeting related
to the topic to which the Council member is voting on.

Any technical prohibitions or difficulties that prevent all parties present at the Council meeting
from adequately communicating with one another will negate any authorization previously given
by the Council President.
Adjudicative hearings are quasi-judicial hearings involving named parties. Testimony during
adjudicative hearings is limited to the parties involved in the hearing. Public testimony is not
accepted in adjudicative hearings. Where procedures for appeals and hearings have been
established by ordinance, the Council shall follow those procedures. If a conflict arises between
the ordinance and Council rules, the ordinance shall prevail. Where there are no established
procedures for an adjudicative appeal or hearing, the Council shall implement the following

No person shall be allowed to discuss any matter pending hearing with any member or members
of the Council except in the Council Chambers in the regular course of a Council meeting. Each
Council member shall vigorously strive to avoid any outside communication from anyone in any
form concerning a matter pending hearing or decision. If an outside contact cannot be avoided,
the Council member shall immediately make a note of the contact and shall at the beginning of
the Councils hearing on the matter announce the fact of the contact, the identity of the person,
and the substance of the communication. If the communication be in written form, the Council
member shall as soon as possible file it with the City Clerk.


When the Councils discussion and vote on a hearing item is at a meeting other than the hearing,
it shall be the obligation of every Council member participating in the action to be familiar with
the facts in order to reach an informed, independent judgment. When a member discussing or
voting on the matter was not present at the hearing, that member will have familiarized
him(her)self with the hearing item based upon any audio or video recording of the hearing and
all documents contained in the record. A Council member shall not be briefed by anyone except
in an open meeting.


A Council member shall disqualify him(her)self from participating in a hearing whenever bias,
interest, or other influences will prevent or appear to prevent him or her from exercising fairminded, independent judgment on the facts and established policy. Disqualifying influences
include prejudgment of the issues that cannot be swayed by the facts in evidence, a partiality or
personal bias for or against a party, and a personal pecuniary interest in the subject matter.
Examples of disqualifying bias include a close personal, family, or business relationship with a
party, ownership of property the value of which might be affected by the decision, and a business
or personal financial situation that might be affected by the decision.


Should a Council member be aware of circumstances which might appear to disqualify him or
her, he or she can either disqualify himself or herself or explain the circumstances before the
hearing and let the rest of the Council, by majority vote, decide whether he or she can participate.
Should the Council be aware of circumstances which might appear to disqualify a member, the
Council may, by majority vote, disqualify the member. The Councils discussion concerning

disqualification of a member may occur in executive session. A disqualified member shall be

absent from the dais during the hearing and during discussion and voting.

In all adjudicatory appeals and hearings, Council members are acting in their quasi-judicial
capacity and shall comply with all applicable provisions of state law including the appearance of
fairness doctrine in Chapter 42.36 RCW and the code of ethics for municipal officers in contract
interests in Chapter 42.23 RCW.


Adjudicatory Appeal Hearing Procedures.

At the hearing on the appeal, the following rules apply:
A. Oral argument on appeal is limited to parties of record.
B. Oral argument on appeal is limited to thirty minutes per side. If there is more than one
appellant or more than one person wishing to present oral argument on appeal, the total
time allowed to all such persons is thirty minutes. Any time reserved for rebuttal or
surrebuttal is deducted from the time allowed for opening argument. Time taken to
respond to questions from the City Council is not deducted from the time allowed for
C. Argument is presented first by the appellant in support of the appeal followed by the
respondent in opposition to the appeal.
D. No new evidence may be presented during oral argument. Matters found by the hearing
officer or body to be facts in the record are presumed to be true and accurate. Oral
argument is limited to stating why the record does or does not support the decision.
E. The City Council may not consider any new facts or evidence on appeal. The City
Councils review of appeals is limited to the record prepared by the hearing officer or
body, including the verbatim transcript of the hearing, the written appeal, memoranda
submitted, and, if permitted, oral arguments presented in accordance with the
requirements of this section. Closed record appeals before the City Council must be
concluded within 90 days of the date the appeal is filed unless all parties agree to a longer
F. Supplemental documents.
1. The parties to the appeal may file memoranda regarding the appeal. Such memoranda
must be filed by the agenda deadline for the meeting preceding the meeting set for
consideration of the appeal.
2. Any replies to the memoranda must be filed by the agenda deadline for the meeting
set for consideration of the appeal.
3. The City Clerk distributes such memoranda and responsive documents to all parties to
the appeal, the City Council, the City Attorney, the Planning Director, and the
Hearing Examiner.
4. Neither memoranda nor responses may contain any new facts or evidence or discuss
matters outside the record. They are limited to stating why the record does or does not
support the decision.
The City Council may supplement these rules in a case-by-case situation in order to
provide due process to all participants in a hearing.


Rule 7.1
7.1.1 Unless impractical in a given case, ordinances and formal resolutions shall be filed with
the Clerk by the advance agenda (Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.) deadline. Copies of ordinances and
copiesformal resolutions submitted by the advance agenda deadline shall be included in the
Councils packet which will be made available by the second Friday preceding the meeting for
which the ordinance is on the agenda. In any event, an ordinance or formal resolution must have
been filed with the Clerk prior to the meeting of which it is an agenda item. No ordinance or
formal resolution, except emergency measures, shall be passed until it has been on file with the
Clerk for at least three (3) business days, including the day of the Council meeting.
7.1.2 If an ordinance or formal resolution has not been on file with the Clerk for at least three
(3) business days, its reading shall be a reading in full. If an ordinance or formal resolution has
been so pre-filed, it shall be sufficient reading to read its title or a summary.
7.1.3 Each ordinance or formal resolution shall be identified by its title and by the name of the
Council Member or administration official sponsoring it (e.g., ORD 20xx-xxxx
[Councilmembers/administration officials last name]), and every sponsor shall, when filing the
same with the City Clerk, specify the committee of origin for the ordinance or formal resolution.
Subject to Rule 5.6 (Suspension of Rules), every ordinance or formal resolution must be first
presented to its committee of origin before it may be placed upon the Councils agenda for first
reading (for ordinances) or for Council consideration (for formal resolutions).
7.1.4 For each ordinance or formal resolution, the sponsor must prepare an initial fiscal impact
note, describing the direct and probable impacts of the proposal on the Citys revenues,
expenditures, and overall fiscal condition for the next two (2) fiscal years. The fiscal impact note
must be presented at the same time as the proposed item is presented to the committee of origin
and must consist of the following elements:
1. Title of the proposed ordinance, name of sponsor and section(s) of the Spokane
Municipal Code to be affected;
2. Narrative summary and brief background of the proposed ordinance;
3. Estimate of positive and/or negative impacts on current-year City expenditures;
4. Estimate of positive and/or negative impacts on current-year City revenues;
5. A forecast of the estimated positive and/or negative revenue and expenditure
impacts to the City for the succeeding two fiscal years;
6. Projected long-term fiscal impacts to the City of Spokane;
7. Personnel impacts of the proposed ordinance;

8. Discussion of any sunset provisions;

9. A description of any unknown factors or impacts; and
10. Any other issues concerning the fiscal impacts of the proposal.

Rule 7.2


7.2.1 Amendment of the wording of an ordinance or formal resolution on file does not require
repetition of all filing and reading procedures. The Council may elect to defer final action until
the amendatory language has been embodied in the document and the document resubmitted, or
to pass or adopt the measure as amended in which case the City Council Policy Advisor and/or
City Attorney shall be responsible for redrafting or changing the document for record purposes.
7.2.2 A revised version of an ordinance or formal resolution may be substituted for the one in
the packet between readings or between meetings when the differences between the two versions
are minor. When a substituted ordinance or formal resolution makes a significant change from
the earlier version, it is to be processed as an original item. That is, a substituted ordinance will
be given first reading and carried over and a substituted resolution will be deferred or the
Council may take action to amend and substitute the revised version for the version previously
7.2.3 The deletion of an emergency clause converts the ordinance to a regular ordinance which
requires a second reading at a subsequent meeting. The addition of an emergency clause requires
the ordinance to be deferred to allow public hearing.
Rule 7.3


The Council shall not consider or pass any ordinance or resolution the subject matter of which is
not directly related to local affairs or municipal business if action by the City Council does not
result in the adoption of a new or amendment to an existing ordinance or resolution or affect any
cityCity policy or practice.
Rule 8.1



8.1.1 An ordinance passed by the City Council shall, within five days thereafter, be presented to
the Mayor.

An ordinance:

A. Making the annual tax levy,

B. Adopting the original annual budget,
C. Making appropriations,


Implementing a local improvement district or confirming the assessments therefor,

Which is an emergency budget ordinance,
Which is an emergency ordinance, or
Which has been approved by the electors by referendum or initiative shall become
effective immediately upon passages.

8.1.3 Ordinances signed by the Mayor, and the approved parts of ordinances that have been
partially vetoed, will thereupon be filed with the Clerk for recording and publication if not
already published.
8.1.4 Ordinances not signed by the Mayor after ten days will be filed with the Clerk for
signature, recording and publication as necessary.
Rule 8.2
If within ten (10) days of presentment the Mayor vetoes an ordinance or part of an ordinance and
signs a veto message, the ordinance or part thereof, along with the veto message, is returned to
the City Council, which shall provide a copy to the City Clerk. If requested by the Council
President or any Council member, the City Clerk shall schedule the matter for the next available
agenda. If, within thirty days of the Mayors veto or partial veto, the ordinance receives at least
five votes for passage, it shall thereupon take effect. It will be signed by the Council President, or
two Council members, and filed with the City Clerk for publication and recording.
Rule 9.1


There shall be five (5) standing committees: the Public Safety Committee,; the Finance and
Technology Committee,; the Public Works Committee,; the NeighborhoodCommunity Health
and Environment Committee; and the Planning/Community and Economic Development
Committee. Committee membership shall be comprised of a minimum of three Council
members, one representingone (1) council member from each of the three Council
districtscouncil district, and additional members as desired. Standing committees withcomposed
of more than three (3) Council members shall be noticed as meetings of the Council where no
legislative action shall occur. The Council President shallmay chair a maximum of two (2)
standing committees to be, as determined by the Council his or her sole discretion.
All other committees shall select by majority vote the chair for each committee. No
Councilcouncil member shall chair more than two (2) standing committees at one time.
The Council shall confirm the members of standing committees at the second meeting in January
of each year or as soon thereafter as possible.

The Public Safety Committee, upon the request of the City Council or Mayor
shall review, consider and make recommendations to the City Council on issues
related to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Spokane
specifically including, but not limited to, considering and reviewing programs,
plans, and other non-personnel activities involving the police and fire departments

and other public safety activities of the City of Spokane, and making
recommendations where appropriate.
Pursuant to SMC 4.32.110, the Public Safety Committee shall be the liaison
between the City Council and the Office of Police Ombudsman and shall receive
monthly reports from the Office of Police Ombudsman.

The Finance and Technology Committee is charged with the responsibility to

review and report its recommendations on the annual budget and on technological
issues related to the City, and to this end may hold public hearings. The
committee shall also consider and report on such other financial and technological
matters as may from time to time be referred to it by the Council.
The Finance and Technology Committee shall meet not less than quarterly for the
purposes of fulfilling its obligations.


The Public Works Committee reviews subjects of a public works nature.

A. D.
The NeighborhoodCommunity Health and Environment Committee shall act as
a liaison between the City Council and the various neighborhood organizations.
The Planning/Community, and Economic Development Committee shall review,
consider, and make recommendations to the City Council on issues relating
to the public and environmental health of the citizens of Spokane.
The Planning and Economic Development Committee shall review, consider and
make recommendations to the City Council on issues relating to planning,
community and economic development including land use planning and
programs and policies to improve community and economic development.

Rule 9.2
AsAd hoc committees with specified functions may be established for a designated term by
motion of the Council. Unless already determined by the Council, such matters as appointment
process, the qualification for membership, the number of members, and time for report of a
committee shall be determined by the committee.
Rule 9.3
9.3.1 Each ordinance or formal resolution must be presented in the committee designated by the
sponsor of the item under Rule 7.1.3 (Committee of Origin) before it may be filed for first

9.3.2 By declaration of the Chair (subject to appeal) or by motion of the Council, aany matter
before the Council may be referred to a committee, except that no committee shall investigate the
facts of, nor shall any member or members of the Council take independent action on, any
pending or contemplated adjudicated matters.
Rule 9.4
9.4.1 A committee shall advise the Council that it is ready to report by making such
announcement at a briefing session, at which time the Council may decide on what agenda the
matter shall be placed, or by filing the report with the Clerk for placement on an agenda in
coordination with the Council President and Mayor as any other agenda item.
9.4.2 A report of a committee recommending that the Council take specific action shall be in
writing and, except in emergencies, in the manner of a formal resolution. Such pre-filing may
substitute for full reading. Any committee member disagreeing with any part of the committees
report shall be given the opportunity to express his or her disagreement, orally or in writing, prior
to Council action on the matter. If it be moved and seconded that the minority report be adopted,
that motion shall be voted on before a motion to adopt the committee report.
Rule 9.5
Unless governed by other regulations, statutes, or ordinances, appointment of full slate of
Council members to inter-governmental committees or boards shall be made by the Council
President to be confirmed by a majority of the City Council. All appointments shall be made
consistent with the governmental documents creating the inter-governmental committee.
Rule 9.6
One of the functions of standing committee meetings is to provide the city administration and
city staff an opportunity to update members of the committee regarding department programs,
plans, and other administrative activities and future City Council administrative and legislative
agenda items.
All standing committees shall be open to the public except when the committee adjourns into
executive session. No public testimony will be taken during standing committee meetings.
Participation in a standing committee meeting shall be limited to standing committee members,
appropriate staff and other individuals recognized by the committee. Participation by Council
Members, including deliberation and voting, shall be open to all Council members when the
standing committee is meeting as a committee of the whole and as a special Council meeting.
Participation by Council members in a standing committee that is not a committee of the whole
shall be limited to just the appointed Council members.
Upon motion of the City Council, a standing committee meeting may be conducted as a meeting
of the full City Council, in which case, a special meeting notice shall be issued and the meeting
shall be conducted in a study session format.
Rule 10.1


10.1.1 Upon a the occurrence of a vacancy of a City Council position, the other than that of
Council President must, the Council President shall announce the vacancy within seven (7) days
of the vacancy occurring and call for interested parties to submit their applications for
consideration by a deadline agreed to by the Council.
Upon the close of the deadline, each member of the Council shall review the applications,
interview on an individual basis whichever applicant they desire to interview, and select those
individuals who they believe should be interviewed by the entire City Council.
10.1.2 The Council, by motion, shall establish a committee to compile the Council members list
of candidates to be interviewed. The committee shall submit to the Council the compiled list of
candidates to be interviewed by the entire City Council.
10.1.3 The Council shall conduct interviews of each individual candidate selected for
interviews. The interviews shall be open to the public.
10.1.4 Upon completion of the interviews, the Council, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(h), may
go into executive session to evaluate the qualifications of each candidate.
The Council shall take final action appointing a candidate to fill the vacancy during an open
public meeting.
10.1.5 Provisions regarding the selection of a candidate for a City Council vacancy not set forth
by these rules shall be determined by the City Council upon a motion during an open public
10.1.6 The selection procedure set forth above shall apply if the vacancy occurs in a Council
position other than that of Council President. In the eventIf the Council President position
becomes vacant, the City Council may elect to appoint one of the existing Council members to
fill the position of Council President without following the selection procedure set forth above.
If, upon a motion of the City Council, the City Council decides to consider someone other than
an existing Council member to fill the vacant position of Council President, the City Council
shall follow the selection procedure set forth above.
Amended by Resolutions:
1995-0087 (July 10, 1995)
1996-0010 (Jan. 22, 1996)
1996-0052 (April 8, 1996)
1996-0064 (April 29, 1996)
1996-0068 (May 13, 1996)
2001-0005 (Feb. 5, 2001)
2001-0084 (Oct. 1, 2001)
2002-0027 (Mar. 11, 2002)
2002-0083 (Sept. 3, 2002)
2004-0027 (Mar. 29, 2004)

2005-0148 (Dec. 19, 2005)

2009-0078 (Oct. 26, 2009)
2010-0013 (Sept. 13, 2010)
2011-0033 (May 2, 2011)
2012-0001 (Jan. 9, 2012)
2012-0002 (Jan. 17, 2012)
2013-0005 (Feb. 4, 2013)
2013-0018 (March 4, 2013)
2014-0002 (Jan. 6, 2014)
20156-______ (date)

ADOPTED by the City Council on __________________________, 2016.

City Clerk

Approved as to form:

Assistant City Attorney

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