Brushless Motors: January 2008 Wayne Rademacher

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Brushless Motors

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Motor selection info.

Watts per pound of airplane weight.

100w/lbs = trainer/sport 150w/lbs = 3D aerobatics 200w/lbs = extreme

Watts = volts * current

7.4v * 10amps = 74watts 11.1v * 25amps = 277watts 22v * 50amps = 1110watts

Ex. 16oz sport airplane = 100w motor 746watts = 1 horse power

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Motor formulas
Efficiency: Motor Efficiency = Pout/Pin, Pout = (Vin - Iin * Rm) * (Iin - Io) Motor Kv: Kv = RPM / (Vin - Vloss), Vloss = Iin * Rm Motor RPM: RPM = Kv * (V - Vloss), Vloss = Iin * Rm Watts: Watts = V * Iin, Alternately P=IR (P = I x I x Rm) Stalled Motor: Istall = Vin / Rm Torque constant: Torque constant: Kt=Kb x 1.345, Kb = Voltage constant (Volt/1000 RPM) Torque Loss: Torque = Kt * (Iin - Io) Termination: Wye = the number of winds you have performed, Delta = divide the number of turns by 1.73 Watts per Horsepower: 1 horsepower = 746 watts Kv-Rpm constant: Kv * turns = motor constant, (ex. Kv=1090 * 32T ~= 35000 so, 35000/28T ~= 1250Kv)
January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Motor formulas - Acronyms

Rm = Resistance value of the motor, derived from the guage of wire used. Pout = Power Out of the Motor expressed in Watts Pin = Power In of the Motor expressed in Watts Vin = Voltage Into the Motor Iin = Current Into the Motor

Io = Noload Current of the Motor, derived from running a motor WOT without a prop at varying voltages. Io can be expressed with an associated Voltage and should be. Kv = K value or voltage constant, the expressed value where the rpm can be surmised by a given voltage. For a 2000 Kv motor an input voltage of 10V would net 20000RPM. Istall = The load current of a motor which is purposely stalled, hence not turning. Kt = Torque constant (oz-In/A) Kb = Voltage constant (Volt/1000 RPM)

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Misc. motor info.

PI*(dia./2)^2) = sectional area of wire ~ Delta > Star = .578 (.562 - .526) ~ Star > Delta = 1.73 (1.78 - 1.9) Doubling the number of winds halves Kv (rpm/volt) and doubles Kt (torque/Ampere), Doubling stator height halves Kv, doubles Kt and (roughly) doubles maximum power. Kv-Rpm Constant: Example: The 3008-32 motor has a Kv of 1090. If you take 1090 x 32 you get 34,880. If you look at the 3008-28 motor, it has a Kv of 1253. If you take 1253 x 28 you get 35,084. Based on these 2 numbers, you can see that the constant for the 3008 size motor is right arounf 35,000. If you take 35,000 and divie that by the number of turns, you will get the approximate Kv of the motor.

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Brushless motor construction

The basic 3-phase build

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Why build?

Fun Cheap Rewarding Build the perfect motor for your application.

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Electronic Gearing

Divide 360deg by number of magnets then divide by 3 phases.

This provides the degree of movement per step sequence.

6 cycle step sequences needed to complete 1 revolution of the magnetic field.

A to B / C to B / C to A / B to A / B to C / A to C

Examples: 10 magnet 360deg / 10 mag = 36deg || 36deg / 3 phase = 12deg (12deg / step) x 6 steps = 72deg. Sequence 360deg / 72deg = 5 or 5:1 gearing 14magnet 360deg / 14 mag = 25.71deg || 25.71deg / 3 phase = 8.57deg (8.57deg / step) x 6 steps = 51.42deg. Sequence 360deg / 51.42deg = 7 or 7:1 gearing January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

9-pole magnet options

9-pole stator basically two choices:

6 magnets (3:1 gearing)

High RPM (Kv), low torque Good for Helis and ducted fans

12 magnets (6:1 gearing)

Low RPM (Kv), high torque Larger propellers, 3D flying

Wayne Rademacher

January 2008

12-pole magnet options

12-pole stator four choices:
LRK or DLRK wind

10 magnets (5:1 gearing) Higher RPM (Kv), lower torque 14 magnets (7:1 gearing) Lower RPM (Kv), higher torque 8 magnets (4:1 gearing) Higher RPM (Kv), lower torque 16 magnets (8:1 gearing) Lower RPM (Kv), higher torque
Wayne Rademacher

ABC wind

January 2008

Wind techniques / options

9-pole stator can only be wound using ABC wind


12-pole stator can be wound either ABC, LRK or DLRK.

ABC ABCABCABCABC (easy, need more magnets) LRK A-b-C-a-B-c (high wrap count per tooth, less to wind) DLRK AabBCcaABbcC (low wrap count per tooth, more to wind

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

12 stator pole wind types

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Star or Delta connection?

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Magnet polarity

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Magnet installation

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Check for shorts Solder wires

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

9-pole stator ABC wind

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

9 pole Star connection

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

9 pole Delta Connection

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Phase A of the ABC wind 12-pole, 8 or 16-magnets

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

12 pole ABC Star Connection

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

12 pole ABC Delta Connection

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Distributed LRK winding diagram for 10 or 14 magnet poles.

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher

Phase A, DLRK wind

January 2008

Wayne Rademacher


January 2008

Wayne Rademacher


Scorpion motors / kits Motor kits Motor kits Excellent source of information.
Wayne Rademacher

January 2008

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