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Table of Contents
Vectors ................................................................................................................................. 3
Drag ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Lift and Drag: Profile of a Flat Object Subjected to Wind................................................... 10
Profile of a wing.................................................................................................................. 13
Polar Forces & Angle of Attack .......................................................................................... 16
Geometry of a Wing & Wing Loading................................................................................. 18
Equilibrium of Forces for a Glider in Normal Flight ............................................................ 22
Glide Ratio of a Wing ......................................................................................................... 23
Axes and Flight Stability..................................................................................................... 25
Polar Speeds...................................................................................................................... 26
Polar Speeds in Moving Air Mass ...................................................................................... 29
Equilibrium of Forces for a Glider while Turning & Load Factor......................................... 32
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A vector is a representation of certain physical phenomena characterized by a magnitude,
direction and point of origin. Two examples useful for the paragliding are (1) force and (2)
speed. To characterize these two phenomena requires knowledge of the magnitude, for
example a force of 10 kg or 16 kg and a speed of 35 km/h, their origin (center of the object
that is acted upon) and direction (in 2 or 3 dimensions).
To graphically represent the two phenomena we use vectors depicted as arrows (or lines).
Length of vector = magnitude of physical phenomenon. If the scale is 1 cm = 10 kg
represented graphically, a vector of 3 cm will then correspond to a force of 30 kg.
Origin of a vector = end without the arrow. For example, this is the point of application of
Direction of a vector = shown by the orientation arrow.
Example (Figure A1): In depicting on paper a speed of 30 km/h by a vector V, applied on
the object X (center of the object = X ') heading is north west.
Figure A1: Example of a vector V representing a speed. If 1 cm represents an arbitrary 10 km/h then 3 cm =
30 km/h . V goes to the NW and applies to the object X to point X '.
When two vectors V1 and V2 act on an object, it effect is the same as if it were only acted
on by the resultant vector R. This is called adding the two vectors. We cannot simply add
up their length because it ignores the directions. Figure A2 shows the technique to add
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Figure A2: (1) Re-position V1 without changing orientation, so that the two origins of V1 and V2 coincide. (2)
Draw a line parallel line to V2 (shown as S1). (3) Draw a line parallel to V1 (shown as S2). (3) The resultant
vector R has its origin O and ends at the intersection X of the two parallels S1 & S2.
Special cases: (1) Two vectors have the same orientation and the same direction, in this
case simply add up their magnitudes. (2) Two vectors have the same orientation but
opposite directions, then the resultant is the difference of the two vectors.
For the 5 questions 001 to 005, the same basic chart is used: See Figure A3. On the left
there are 5 examples of vectors F1 to F5. On the right there are 4 examples of resultant
vectors R1 to R4.
Figure A3: the basic graphic used for questions 1 to 5 (aerodynamics) of the SHV/FSVL paraglider pilot
theory examination.
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Question 002. Addition of F1 and F3. This is the other special case where two vectors are
parallel and in opposite. See Figure A5. R corresponds to R4 of Figure A3.
Question 003. Addition of F1 and F4. See Figure A6. R corresponds to R2.
Question 005. Addition of F4 and F5. See Figure A8. R corresponds to R4.
Note: You can add as vectors of the same type: eg two vectors of "force" but not different
types, eg. a vector of "speed" and vector of "force".
Wind: Moving air mass relative to fixed objects (houses, trees ... etc..). In the exam
multiple choice questions, this is also referred to as "airflow" or "flow".
Relative wind: When travelling at a speed V in an air mass moving at the same speed,
the sensation is the same if we remained motionless. When an object moves through air, it
experiences a relative wind.
Drag: All objects in a wind (normal or relative) are also subject to a force called drag. For
any object this force has the same orientation as the wind. For example if you put a hand
outside the window of a moving car, you feel a force pushing your hand backwards, in the
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Figure A9: The surface S of the object O in wind V is smaller than the surface S 'of the object O' itself greater
than O.
The relationship between drag and the exposed surface is linear: When the exposed
surface doubles, (or quadruples or halves), the drag doubles, (or quadruples or halves.
Questions 007 to 009. See Figure A10.
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Figure A10: For the same wind V, if the surface of an object exposed to the wind while doubles, the drag (F)
will double also.
Further example: If the exposed surface of an object in a wind (V) increases from 2m2 to
4m2, this doubles the exposed surface and therefore the drag also doubles. If the drag was
300N (Newtons), it will now be 600N. The fact that the wind is 30 km/h and that everything
occurs at sea level is irrelevant to the problem and is included in the question to test the
strength of your knowledge. (Question 010). Similar examples: if the surface is changed
(i) from 2m2 to 1m2 (halves), (ii) from 8m2 to 2m2 (decreases of a factor 4) or (iii) 0.5m2 to
3m2 (6-fold increases), the drag changes respectively from (i) 300N to 150N (halves), (ii)
1200N to 300N (reduced by a factor 4) or (iii) 150N to 900N (increases by a factor of 6).
Questions 011 to 013.
(2) Wind Speed: For the variations in wind speed, the effect is a less simple. The
relationship between wind speed and drag is not linear. In other words, if the speed
increases, drag increases much more. More specifically, the drag increases in proportion
to the square of the speed. See Figure A11. More concretely, if the wind speed (air flow)
exerted on the object increases by a factor of 2, the drag is multiplied by 22 (2 squared) =
4. Question 015.
Figure A11: For an identical surface, if the wind speed (V) doubles, the drag (F) experienced by the object
then quadruples (4F) in the higher wind.
Examples: If the wind speed (i) triples, (ii) quadruples or (iii) halves, the drag is multiplied
by (i) 9. (ii) 16 or (iii) divided by 4, respectively. Questions 016 to 018. Another more
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Figure A12: If the surface (S) and wind (V) are identical, and if the density (D) of the air doubles, then drag
(F) the object experiences in the wind will double also (2F).
If the air density (i) doubles or (ii) halves, then the drag (i) doubles or (ii) halves
respectively. Questions 024 and 025.
In what circumstances does the air density vary in practice? The density of air (and air
pressure) decreases with increasing altitude. In other words, the air is thinner with altitude.
Example: if all other conditions identical, and if an object moves away from the Earth's
surface (ie the object gains altitude), the density of air decreases as does the drag.
Question 026. The relationship between altitude and air density is not quite linear. The
more higher the initial altitude the more slowly the air density decreases with increased
altitude. In other words, if a body subjected to wind moves away from the Earth's surface
(i.e. climbs), the drag decreases faster in the lower layers than at higher altitudes.
Question 027. The factors should be remembered by heart for the examination: at 1100,
2200, 3300 and 4400m. altitude, the air density (and therefore the drag) of an object
subjected to varying wind speed changed by respectively 90, 81, 72, 64% versus the value
at sea level. Questions 028 to 031. Memory aid tip: the sum of height & density equals
100 approximate altitudes (in hundreds of m) 10, 20, 30, 40 + the approximate densities
corresponding (in% of air density at sea level) are 90, 80, 70, 60%.
(4) Object Shape: For an exposed area of the same object, an "aerodynamic" aspect
offers less resistance (less drag) than a less aerodynamic. See Figure A13. The impact of
shape on the drag of an object is determined by the drag coefficient (Cx). Question 033.
For example, the object (a) with a flat surface perpendicular to the airflow (wind) has a
drag coefficient of 1, the convex object (b) offers greater wind resistance is therefore a
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Figure A13: For identical surfaces and wind (V), the drag (F) varies depending on the shape of the object
subjected to the wind. For example, the object (b) has drag 1.3x larger than the object of (a) and (c) has a
drag of 0.08x vs. that of (a).
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Figure A14: Drag (T) and Lift (P) of a flat object under an oblique wind (V).
a = upper surface, b = bottom surface.
As the with only drag, for any object we find the same 4 factors that influence lift and drag
of a flat object: (1) The exposed surface of the object (2) wind speed (3) the density of air
and (4) the shape and angle to the wind (angle of attack) of the object.
If the surface or the air density doubles or halved, drag and lift double or are halved. If the
wind speed doubles, the lift and drag are multiplied by four (the lift and drag increase with
the square of wind speed).
For item 4, the coefficients of drag and lift, (respectively Cx and Cz) depend not only on
the shape of the object (Figure A15) but also the inclination of the flat object relative to the
direction wind (Figure A16). This is called the angle of attack.
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Figure A15: Drag (T) and Lift (P) or Cx and Cz, respectively, of a flat object under oblique wind (V): The
more the profile of the object resembles an aerodynamic wing, the more P (or Cz) becomes large relative to
T (or Cx).
Figure A16: Drag (T) and Lift (P), respectively, or Cx and Cz, a flat object under oblique wind V, depending
on the impact. a = nil effect: P and T zero very low. b = low impact: P maximum and T low. c = average
incidence: P and T by means. d = maximum effect (perpendicular to the wind): P & T no maximum.
The profile of a wing is the shape of the longitudinal section (front to back) of the wing.
Figure A18. The profile of the wings of gliders currently is quite thick and very asymmetric
with a curved top surface especially on the anterior third of the wing and a lower surface
slightly convex. Question 048. The profile is one of the important elements that define the
characteristics, including flying and kiting performace. Question 047.
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Measurement (a): median chord of the profile, between (d) and (e)
Measurement (b): length of the profile, close to, but less than (a).
Measurement (c): thickness of the profile.
Point (d): the trailing (rear) edge.
Point (e): the leading (front) edge.
Angle of attack (i): Angle between the direction of airflow (relative wind) and the median
chord of the profile (a).
Point of stagnation or breakpoint (a): the point on the leading edge where the air
streams divide between the upper and lower surfaces.
Center of thrust (b): the point where all the aerodynamic forces (lift and drag) effectively
Stall point (c): the point on the upper surface where the airflow detaches from the
surface of the wing and after which turbulence occurs and leads to a negative
component of lift. This occurs mainly at large angles of attack.
These points are aerodynamic not fixed geometrically. Rather they move as the angle of
attack varies. For example, the point of stagnation. Questions 069 and 070. See Figure
A21. When the (already positive) angle of attack of a wing increases, the point of
stagnation on the lower surface moves toward the leading edge: figure A21 (right).
Conversely, when the (already positive) angle of attack of a wing decreases, point of
stagnation moves toward the trailing edge: figure A21 (left).
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Figure A21: Moving the point of stagnation with changes in the angle of attack.
Right, angle of attack (i) increases and left decreases.
Figure A22: Breakdown of aerodynamic forces around a profile based on angle of attack.
Multiple examples of could be provided to illustrate this effect, but it is more helpful and
concise to represent the relationship between lift-drag and angle of incidence (angle of
attack) by a graph called a polar curve. See Figure A23. The values on the graph are
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Figure A23: Polar aerodynamic forces. The values 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 and 25 represent the various
implications degree (magnitude).
The relationship between lift and drag of a wing (profile) depends primarily on the angle of
attack. Question 061. At about 10 the ratio between lift and drag is at its maximum which
corresponds to the maximum efficiency and the best glide angle. By increasing the angle
of attack, the lift increases, but drag increases to a greater extent. At 20, the lift is at its
maximum, but with the accompanying effect of a relatively high drag. This corresponds to
the minimum sink rate. At 25, the lift disappears and the wing stalls (i.e. it is no longer
flying). On the graph, we see that beyong the point of maximum efficiency, if the angle of
attack is reduced or increased, then Cz (or lift) decreases or increases respectively.
Questions 058 and 060.
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For example, if a wing has a wingspan of 10m and an area of 25m2, the average depth is
25m2 / 10m = 2.5m. Question 084. The values of weight and load data in the statement of
this question are of course irrelevant. Another example: if a wing has a wingspan of 10m
and an area of 12.5m2, the average depth is equal to 12.5m2 / 10m = 1.25m. (Question
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Aspect ratio: Ratio of average area and depth, ie area/mean depth = e / p. Question 077.
e / p = (e2) / (p x e) = wingspan squared / area
In fact, the product p x e (wingspan x average depth) is just the area of the wing. See
Figure A25. Question 078. The latter formula wingspan2/area is more practical. For the
effective aspect ratio (flat wing), we take the actual (flat) values of the wingspan and the
area. For the projected aspect ratio, we longer we take the projected values of the
wingspan and area. With experience and practice, it is easy to recognize, at first glance, a
high aspect ratio wing as having a modest elongation. The high aspect ratio wings
therefore have a large wingspan and a small average depth. The wings are therefore a
little longer with much smaller average depth. Figure A27. Questions 079 and 080.
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When the aspect ratio is large, the wing tip vortices are important and induced drag is
large, which improves the performance of the wing in flight.
The aspect ratio of current paragliders is around 5, that of a delta wing is typically 8.
Questions 091 and 092.
A wing whose aspect ratio = 5 will have a major axis 5 times larger than its average depth
or average depth of 5 times smaller than its area. Questions 081 and 082.
Examples of calculations: Questions 083 and 087. Calculate the aspect ratio of a wing of
10m wingspan and 25m2 area. Weights and load data are used in the statement only to
mislead you and to test the strength of your knowledge. Aspect ratio = 10m x 10m / 25 m2
= 100 / 25 = 4. Calculate the aspect ratio of a wing of 10m wingspan and 12.5m2 area.
Aspect ratio = 10m x 10m / 12.5m2 = 100 / 12.5 = 8.
Another example: given the following characteristics of 4 wings (paragliders):
a) Area 32 m2, 8 meter wingspan
b) Area 25 m2, 10 meter wingspan
c) Area 20 m2, 10 meter wingspan
d) Area 24 m2, 12 meter wingspan
Find the wing with highest aspect ratio and the wing with the lowest aspect ratio.
Questions 093 and 094. The smallest aspect ratio is easy to find, because the surface is
larger (32m2) and the smallest wingspan (8m.). For largest aspect ratio, is evidently (c) or
(d) because the areas are smaller and wingspan longer.
For (c): aspect ratio = 10m x 10m / 20 m2 = 5
For (d): aspect ratio = 12m x 12m / 24 m2 = 144 / 24 = 6
So the largest aspect ratio is (d) = 6.
Another example: is given the characteristics of 4 wings (delta):
a) Area 16 m2, 12 meter wingspan
b) Area 20 m2, 10 meter wingspan
c) Area 12 m2, 12 meter wingspan
d) Area 12.5 m2, 10 meter wingspan
Find the wing with highest aspect ratio and the wing with the lowest aspect ratio.
Questions 095 and 096. The smallest aspect ratio is easy to find, it is (b) because the
surface is larger (20m2) and the smallest wingspan (10m.). For the largest aspect ratio, it is
either (c) or (d) because the areas are smaller and wingspans larger.
For (c): aspect ratio = 12m x 12m / 12m2 = 12
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Figure A30: Axes and movements in flight. Yaw (L) around the vertical axis (Av). Roll (R) around the
longitudinal axis (Al). Pitch (T) transverse axis (At).
Normally, a glider is constructed so that when it is not subject to any control from the pilot,
it naturally flies straight uniform (balanced flight). Moreover, when a force (pilot control) or
an external movement (turbulence) temporarily disturbs the glider, it will spontaneously
return to its straight and uniform flight, with its normal angle of attack. Such a glider is said
to display stable flight characteristics. For example; (question 117) a paraglider which
passes spontaneously from fast flight (due to the use of the speed system by the pilot) into
straight flight at normal speed, without active intervention of the pilot (when the speed
system is released) has stable flight characteristics. Other examples: (questions 115 and
116) A paraglider which, after flying straight and uniformly, increases its speed
spontaneously, without intervention by the pilot, has unstable flight characteristics. A
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The subject of polar forces was the basis for the previous section. Associated with this is
also the phenomenon of polar speeds: The horizontal (airspeed) and vertical (sink)
velocities and their ratio (glide ratio) all vary according to the angle of attack of the glider.
Decreasing the angle of attack by "nose diving" the wing, the speed increases.
Conversely, when the angle of attack increases by "pitching" the wing, the velocities
decrease initially and then only the horizontal velocity continues to decrease while the rate
of fall increases again slightly. The combinations of vertical & horizontal velocities that can
arise between the minimum flight speed and the maximum flight speed is called the speed
range. The polar curve of velocities is a graphical representation of horizontal (air
speed) and vertical (sink rate) velocities for the entire speed range of a paraglider.
Question 131. See Figure A31. The 4 angluar values in Figure 4 represent examples of
the angle of attack. These are typical orders of magnitude and not precise measures.
When the angle of attack is low (about 5), the glider flies fast. This is at the right of the
graph. At 10-12, the glider is has the best glide ratio (Fmax), i.e. the glider can fly the
farthest. When the angle of attack is high (approx. 15-20) the wing flies slowly. When the
angle of attack of a glider flying at its best glide ratio is reduced by 2, the airspeed is
increases. Question 057. Conversely, when the impact of a glider flying at maximum glide
ratio is increased by 2, the airspeed decreases. Question 059.
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Figure A31: polar speed. Vh = horizontal velocity. Vv = vertical velocity. t = tangent to the curve passing
through Fmax = trajectory at max. glide ratio. h = horizontal tangent. = glide angle.
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Figure A32: Basic Chart for questions 132 to 139 (aerodynamics) of the SHV/FSVL theory examination for
paraglider pilots.
Question 132: What is the airspeed (horizontal speed) corresponding to the maximum
glide ratio? In the column "finesse" (English: glide ratio) of the table, the maximum glide
ratio is clearly 5.3. This corresponds to an air speed of 9m/s (33km/h).
Question 133: What is the best glide ratio? In the column "finesse" (English: glide ratio)
of the table, the maximum value for the glide ratio is 5.3.
Question 134: What is the airspeed at minimum sink rate? In the column "Vvertical" (i.e
sink rate) of the table, the minimum value is 1.5m/s. This corresponds to an air speed of
7m/s (26km/h).
Question 135: What is the glide ratio at the minimum sink rate? In the column "Vvertical"
(i.e. sink rate) of the table, the minimum value is 1.5. This corresponds to a glide ratio of
Question 136: What is the minimum airspeed? In the column "Vhorizontal (i.e. airspeed)
of the table, the minimum value is 5m/s. This is the speed below which the wing stalls. The
practical minimum air speed is slightly higher, say 5.6m/s (20km/h).
Question 137: What is the glide ratio at minimum airspeed? In the column "Vhorizontal
(i.e. airspeed) of the table, the minimum is 5m/s. In the column "finesse" (English: glide
ratio) of the table, the corresponding value is 2.
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Figure A33: influence of wing loading on the velocities and the polar curve of a glider, a = low wing loading, c
= high wing loading and b = average wing loading.
For example, the values, Tmax, Fmax, Vmax of the previous figure increase or decrease
with the respective increase or decrease in the wing loading. However the ratio of
horizontal and vertical velocities (i.e. glide ratio) does not change for a given angle of
attack unless the wing loading is either too small or too big (i.e. well outside the range)
resulting in a distortion of the profile and therefore a change of the flight characteristics of
the wing. The stall speed follows the same rules: it decreases or increases with respective
decreasing or increasing wing loading. Questions 066 and 067.
Figure A34: Polar speeds with a head wind of 6m/s. Vhs = horizontal velocity relative to the ground. Vha =
horizontal velocity relative to the air. Vvs = Vva = vertical velocity (sink rate) from the ground and from the
air. Fmax = maximum glide ratio.
To fly at maximum glide ratio against the wind, a pilot must accelerate the wing. In figure
A34, the tangent to the polar curve which intersects the origin of the new axis corresponds
to an air speed of 11m/s, or ground speed of 5m/s. This is the speed required to achieve
the maximum glide ratio for this glider in a head wind of 6m/s. The glide ratio is only about
5/2.5 = 2. As the head wind increases the glider must fly faster to achieve the maximum
glide ratio. Question 143. When flying with a tail wind, the same logic shows that the
glider must fly at a speed closer to the horizontal speed at minimum sink rate to achieve
the maximum glide ratio.
Now consider the experience of a glider in a mass of air moving downward at 2m/s. See
Figure A35. The effect is the same as moving the entire polar curve down by 2m/s or
adjusting the origin of the axes by 2m/s To obtain the maximum glide ratio (the tangent to
the polar curve, intersecting the new origin of the axes), the glider must again fly faster
than best glide ratio in calm air. Question 142. On the other hand, if a glider flies at a
given angle of attack (e.g. for minimum sink rate), then the air speed (presumably
horizontal) does not change whether in still, ascending or descending air. Question 152.
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Figure A35: fleece with wind speeds down to 2m/s. Vvs = vertical velocity relative to the ground. VVA =
vertical velocity relative to the air. VHS = HAV = horizontal velocity relative to the ground and from the air.
Fmax = maximum fine.
Question 140. At what air speed should a praglider, with the polar curve shown in figure
A32, fly in order to navigate the greatest distance when flying with a head wind of 8m/s
(29km/h) (i.e. with the greatest glide ratio when facing the wind)? From the graph, we see
that the tangent (to the polar curve) which passes through the new origin formed by
shifting the horizontal axis by 8m/s touches the curve at a horizontal speed of
corresponding to 13m/s (or 13-8 = 5m/s relative to ground). The answer can also be
verified by calculation: if the wing flies at 11m/s (or ground speed of 3m/s) the glide ratio
will be 3 / 2.4 = 1.25. If the wing is flying at 13m/s (or ground speed of 5m/s) the glide ratio
will be 5 / 3.5 = 1.43. The values of 2.4 and 3.5 are the respective fall rates corresponding
to 11 and 13m/s horizontal velocity relative to the air (the relative wind) or 3 and 5m/s
horizontal velocity relative to the ground.
Questions 144 and 145. A pilot is flying at a speed of 36km/h (10m/s) and a sink rate of
1m/s. He reaches an area of downdraft of 1m/s. What are the speed and rate of fall within
the downdraft? What is the glide ratio if the air speed is maintained? The horizontal
velocity does not change (10m/s) but the rate of fall becomes 1 + 1 = 2m/s. The glide ratio
is now 10 / 2 = 5 versus the glide ratio in the absence of a downdraft of 10 / 1 = 10. The
glide ratiowas therefore reduced from 10 to 5.
Questions 146 and 147. A glider is flying at a speed of 54km/h (15m/s) and with a sink
rate of 2m/s. On its flight path it encounters a headwind of 18 km/h (5m/s). What are its
sink rate and ground speed (horizontal), and what is its glide ratio? The rate of fall does
not change (2m/s). The air speed is reduced by 5m/s, it becomes 15 - 5 = 10m/s (36km/h).
The glide ratio = 10 / 2 = 5.
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Figure A36: Balance of forces of a glider in a turn. RFA = resultant aerodynamic forces. i = angle of the wing.
Fc = centrifugal force. P = take-off weight in straight flight. R = take-off weight in the turn.
Since P (vertical and directed downwards) and Fc (horizontal and directed outwards) are
two forces with the same point of origin, the rules of vector addition can be applied. The
resultant R (also called effective weight) is directed at an angle downward and outward. It
is greater than P. If the turn is sharp (angle (i) of turn is high) Fc is larger and R is large
and steeply inclined. R is quantified in terms of P by the number of times that R is greater
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Figure A37: F = load factor (C) and increased speeds (V) relative to the angle of inclination i () of a turn.
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