Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing Steel
A reinforcing bar also known as reinforcing steel, reinforcement steel, rerod, a deformed bar, reo, or reo bar, is a common steel bar, and is commonly used as a tensioning device in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures holding the concrete in compression. It is usually formed from carbon steel, and is given ridges for better mechanical anchoring into the concrete.
Fig Showing the reinforcement work being carried out at the construction site. 35
Use in Concrete:
Concrete is a material that is very strong in compression, but relatively weak in tension. To compensate for this imbalance in concrete's behavior, rebar is cast into it to carry the tensile loads. or this purpose, the steel reinforcement of a concrete structure is, conceptually, divided in two types of reinforcement! primary reinforcement and secondary reinforcement. "rimary reinforcement refers to the reinforcement steel which is employed specifically to guarantee the necessary resistance needed by the structure to support the design loads. Secondary reinforcement, also known as distribution reinforcement, is employed for durability and aesthetics reasons, by providing enough locali#ed resistance to limit cracking and resist stresses caused by effects such as temperature changes and shrinkage. It is also employed to confer resistance to concentrated loads by providing enough locali#ed resistance and stiffness for a load to spread through a wider area. Different aspects of reinforcement placement: The important aspects of reinforcement placement are!$ % Concrete Cover % &ap &ength % 'evelopment &ength % (ar spacing and (ar si#e )* Concrete Cover! Cover less than the esign cover: The life of the reinforcing steel can be shortened due to corrosion from increased e+posure to deicing materials and,or the elements. Corrosion of the reinforcing steel will cause an increase in the diameter of the steel, which will cause the concrete outside the steel to sometimes spall off and the concrete around the reinforcing steel to become debonded from the reinforcing steel. This debonding of the concrete from the reinforcing steel can reduce the strength of the structure by preventing the necessary interaction between the concrete and the reinforcing steel. Cover more than the esign cover: will reduce the strength of the structure. "lacing the reinforcing steel with more than the design cover causes the neutral a+is to be shifted higher in the section, which reduces the area of concrete that is in compression and increases the cracked area of concrete in tension. This decrease in useful concrete -over .eutral A+is* and increase in useless concrete -below .eutral A+is* greatly reduces the strength of the structure.36
/* &ap &ength! It would be ideal to make reinforcing bars in structural members -like slabs, columns, beams etc.* one continuous bar, this however would be impractical due to difficulties in transporting and handling the steel. In order to achieve the same effect as having one continuous bar, shorter bars with minimum -over* lap lengths are used. The design lap length is usually a minimum length re0uired to transfer stress from one bar to another. If the actual lap length is less than the re0uired lap length, the stress may not be transferred to the other bar, which could cause a failure in the structure at that lap location. 1* 'evelopment &ength! The development length is often shown on the plans as a minimum embedment length. The purpose of the development length is to anchor the reinforcing bars beyond the area where the strength of the bars is needed. 2ithout the re0uired development length, the reinforcing bar would pull out of the concrete surrounding it and the structure could fail. 3* (ar Spacing and (ar Si#e! (oth the spacing and the si#e of the reinforcing bars control the amount of steel in the tension area. The amount of reinforcing steel in the tension area of the structure has a large impact on the strength of the structure. !"NUF"CTURE #IS $%&'()**&+: Steel shall be manufactured by the open$hearth, electric, duple+, basic$o+ygen process or a combination of these processes. In case any other process is employed by the manufacturer, prior approval of the purchaser should be obtained. The bars,wires shall be manufactured from properly identified heats of mould cast, continuously cast steel or rolled semis. The steel bar,wires for concrete reinforcement shall be manufactured by the process of hot rolling. It may be followed by a suitable method of cold working and,or in$line controlled cooling.
NO!IN"L SI/ES #IS $%&'()**&+: The nominal si#es of bars,wires shall be as follows! % 3 mm. % 4 mm % 5 mm % )6 mm % )/ mm % )5 mm % /6 mm % /4 mm % /7 mm % 1/ mm % 15 mm % 36 mm Effective Cross(Sectional "rea an !ass of Deforme 0ars an 1ires: % 8ass of 'eformed (ars is calculated from the formula! 9nit weight of steel -w* :2162; where<d= is diameter of Steel (ar. % or bars,wires whose pattern of deformation is such that by visual inspection, the cross$sectional area is substantially uniform along the length of the bar,wire, the effective cross$sectional area shall be the gross sectional area determined as follows, using a bar,wire not less than 6.4 m in length! >ross cross$sectional area, in2=0.00785; where &: &ength measured to a precision of 0.5%, NO!IN"L CROSS(SECTION"L "RE" "ND !"SS #IS$%&'()**&+:
'epending on the loading conditions appropriate steel si#e is selected giving due consideration to 8ass and Cross section Area per 2
8echanical "roperties of ?igh Strength 'eformed (ars and 2ires -IS )@75$ /667*!
A thorough structural analysis must be done before making a bar bend schedule for safety purposes. (ar bending schedule will aide as in determining the materials 0uantity, strength and for economic and practical purposes as well. Structural members such as beams, girders, columns, footings, piles are usually done with bar bend schedule as a guide in 41
positioning them upon casting in place. Some examples are the proper bending of ties and stirrups, bending of hooks, point where the top and bottom bars terminate, bend for anchorages, bend for de elopment, bend for splicing if necessar!, " straps, bend of bars in slabs, and bend for longitudinal position of rebar.