House Keeping Service in Hospital
House Keeping Service in Hospital
House Keeping Service in Hospital
Introduction: Many people think that housekeeping in the hospital is
simple and that any one can do the job without any ill effects. Although
ordinary elsewhere , housekeeping is special in the hospital set up because it is scientifically planned to provide maximum
Concept is taken from hotel industry
Housekeeping services, also called environment services, are of paramount importance in providing a safe, clean, pleasant, orderly and functional environment
Good housekeeping is far more important than many of us are inclined to think, and for two good reasons,
Firstly, the hospital is their temporary home for the duration of their stay Secondly, knowingly or unknowingly, they are exposed to the risk of cross-
contamination or hospital- acquired infections. Every patient has a right to be protected from hospital- acquired infections and from germs brought into the environment by other patients, visitors and the hospital staff. The hospital may have the best doctors on its staff and the most modern equipment, but if its housekeeping is of poor quality, it will overshadow the effect of all other things.
Housekeeping sercices in a hospital is entrusted with maintain a
To attain and maintain high standard of cleanliness
The department is responsible for a variety of tasks the following are some of
cleaning fixtures, walls, ceilings, windows and bathrooms, emptying trash cans and defrosting refrigerators in nursing station
Periodic cleaning: This includes washing windows, waxing floors, cleaning
various points within the hospital and moving them to the incinerator or
Discharge cleaning: This includes Cleaning the patient room after discharge or transfer of a patient and readying
Housekeeping serves all areas and departments of the
hospital. Although it can be situated in a nonprime area, it should as far as possible be centrally located and close to the vertical transport system to facilitate easy movement of housekeeping materials and equipment
with floor sinks, and space and shelves for housekeeping equipment,
The head of the housekeeping department is called the executive housekeeper who is assisted in the administration of the department by an
director of nursing or nursing superintendent but in larger institutions, she reports to an associate administrator.
The importance of the executive housekeeper is evident by her being a member of the hospital infection control committee.
The assistant executive housekeeper and the floor supervisors must be well- trained and conversant with housekeeping procedures. They should be able to effectively manage the housekeeping employees who are a rather recalcitrant group difficult to handle. Good interpersonal relations are thus important
Housekeeping employees are largely unskilled workers employed at the lowest salary level. They should receiv3e a good orientation, inservice education and on- the- job training.
Provide guidance in performing work, correct poor work and support him/her on the job.
Recognition: Recognize and praise good performance. Make the employee feel
an infection control committee of which the executive housekeeper is a member. Housekeeping staff should be aware of hospital- acquired infection and principles of infection control.
Standards of housekeeping
along with maintenance staff and one or two representative of house keeping staff
Surprise evening, night or early morning round at 4-5 days interval Having suggestion boxes and attending to the suggestion received in
Once staff gets motivated and apprehensive most of the members will
take the responsibility and put in more work.
Continuous stress
Security person is first and last person Person should be tactful, sensitive and diplomatic Maslow's Hierarchy of need theory
Protection of :
Property Staff Patients Image Information Establish a system of safeguard.
Why Safety ?
Vulnerability of the Hospital is more than a medical issue Hospitals are expected to give not only a good medical care, but
Threats to medical or non medical person
Drug theft/abused
Internal/External disaster White collar crimes Sexual assault Strikes Infant abduction
Analysis of threats and vulnerability
Conducting training
Role of security
To provide security services to all staff, patients and
visitors and for protection of hospital property on the premises through use of well trained personnel, technology, prevention activities and timely response to request.
The plan help to remain functional in the event of Disaster
or Emergency
The plan can help to increase efficiency and performance