Nabh Checklist

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a. The healthcare services being provided are defined and are in consonance with the needs of the community.

b. Each defined healthcare service should have diagnostic and treatment services with suitably qualified personnel who provide
out-patient, in-patient and emergency cover.
d. The organisation's defined healthcare services are prominently displayed.
c. Scope of the healthcare services of each department is defined.

a. The organisation uses written guidance for registering and admitting patients.
b. A unique identification number is generated at the end of the registration.
c. Patients are accepted only if the organisation can provide the required service.
d. The written guidance also addresses managing patients during non-availability of beds.
e. Access to the healthcare services in the organisation is prioritised according to the clinical needs of the patient.

a. Transfer-in of patients to the organisation is done appropriately.

b. Transfer- out/referral of patients to another facility is done appropriately.
c. During transfer or referral, accompanying staff are appropriate to the clinical condition of the patient.
d. The organisation gives a summary of the patient's condition and the treatment given.

c. The initial assessment is performed within a time frame based on the needs of the patient. *
a. The initial assessment of the outpatients, day-care, in-patients and emergency patients is done. *
f. The care plan is countersigned by the clinician-in-charge of the patient within 24 hours.
b The initial assessment is performed by qualified personnel. *
e. The initial assessment for in-patients results in a documented care plan.
g. The care plan includes the identification of special needs regarding care following discharge.
d. Initial assessment of day-care and in-patients includes nursing assessment, which is done at the time of admission and

a. Patients are reassessed at appropriate intervals to determine their response to treatment and to plan further
treatment or discharge.
b. Out-patients are informed of their next follow-up, where appropriate.
c. For in-patients during reassessment, the care plan is monitored and modified, where found necessary.
d. Staff involved in direct clinical care document reassessments.
e. The organisation lays down guidelines and implements processes to identify early warning signs of change or
deterioration in clinical conditions for initiating prompt intervention.

a. Scope of the laboratory services is commensurate to the services provided by the organisation.
d. Qualified and trained personnel perform and supervise the investigations and report the results.
e. Requisition for tests, collection, identification, handling, safe transportation, processing and disposal of a specimen is
performed according to written guidance. *
c. Human resource is adequate to provide the defined scope of services.
f. Laboratory results are available within a defined time frame. *
b. The infrastructure (physical and equipment) is adequate to provide the defined scope of services
g. Critical results are intimated to the person concerned at the earliest. *
h. Results are reported in a standardised manner.
j. Laboratory tests not available in the organisation are outsourced to the organisation(s) based on their quality
assurance system. *
i. There is a mechanism to address the recall / amendment of reports whenever applicable. *
a. The laboratory quality assurance programme is implemented. *
d. The programme includes periodic calibration and maintenance of all equipment. *
c. The programme ensures the quality of test results. *
b. The programme addresses verification and/or validation of test methods. *
f. The programme addresses clinicopathological meeting(s).
e. The programme includes the documentation of corrective and preventive actions

c. Laboratory personnel are appropriately trained in safe practices.

b. This programme is aligned with the organisation's safety programme.
a. The laboratory safety programme is implemented. *
d. Laboratory personnel are provided with appropriate safety measures.

c. The infrastructure (physical and equipment) and human resources are adequate to provide for its defined scope of
d. Qualified and trained personnel perform, supervise and interpret the investigations.
j. Imaging tests not available in the organisation are outsourced to the organisation(s) based on their quality assurance
system. *
a. Imaging services comply with legal and other requirements.
b. Scope of the imaging services is commensurate to the services provided by the organisation.
f. Imaging results are available within a defined time frame. *
h. Results are reported in a standardised manner.
g. Critical results are intimated immediately to the personnel concerned. *
i. There is a mechanism to address the recall / amendment of reports whenever applicable. *
e. Patients are transported in a safe and timely manner to and from the imaging services *

b. Quality assurance programme includes tests for imaging equipment.

c. Quality assurance programme includes the review of imaging protocols.
a. The quality assurance programme for imaging services is implemented. *
d. A system is in place to ensure the appropriateness of the investigations and procedures for the clinical indication.
e. The programme addresses periodic internal/external peer review of imaging results using appropriate sampling.
f. The programme addresses the clinico-radiological meeting(s).
g. The programme includes periodic calibration and maintenance of all equipment. *
h. The programme includes the documentation of corrective and preventive actions. *

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