Industrial Boilers

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Industrial Boilers

Steam generators Closed vessels made of steel and used for generation of steam vaporizing water combustion of fuels eg. coal,coke,oil,wood,saw dust and begesse etc. Steam used for producing power,for industrial process work or for heating proposes.

Requirements of a Perfect Steam Boilers

Should be absolutely reliable,capable of producing maximum steam at required pressure for minimum of fuel consumption,with minimum attention and minimum initial cost and operating cost. Simple constructions Quick starting from cold Strong enough against temp. stress & strains Well design combustion chamber Less floor area, space & light weight Best gauges,safety valves and other mountings Easily accessible for inspection,cleaning and repairs

Classification of Steam Boilers

Vertical or Horizontal Stationary(Power plant,industrial,central heating and combined power and heating boilers.),Portable,Locomotive or Marine Internally Fired or Externally Fired (Lancashire and Locomotive Boilers) Solid,Liquid or Gas Fired Fire(Smoke)Tube:Water is outside the tubes while the hot gases are inside the tubes eg.Vertical,Cochran,Lancashire,Cornish,Locomotives,etc ) or Water Tube: Contain a large number of small tubes through which water circulates,the fire and hot gases being outside of the and Wilcox, Stirling and High pressure Boilers etc.)

Vertical Boilers

Used in small factories,small water supply plants,cranes,excavators,winch engines in mines and on sites of temporary nature such as construction work etc. Required minimum floor space,not required elaborate foundations,and is portable. Cheap,easy to start but inefficient due to large wastage of fuel and less heating surface. Vertical Boilers are:Simple(having one to three cross tubes), fire tubes and water tubes types.

Simple Cross tube vertical boiler

consists of a cylindrical shell surrounding a cylindrical fire box. heating surface is about 8-10 times the grate area. 50% efficiency

Cochran Boiler
1.Cochran boiler essentially consists of: Boiler shell with hemispherical crown Furnace,fire box and grate Cc and flue tubes Smoke box and chimney Connection for boiler mounting and accessories. 2.Points to remember. It is well design of a Vertical multitubular fire tube boiler Improvement over the simple vertical boiler as it provides greater heating surface. Total heating surface area is about 10-25 times the grate area Efficiency 70-75%

Cochran Boiler contd.

Cochran boiler

Lancashire Boiler

The dia of flue tubes is about 0.4 times dia of shell. Grate is of 2m length. Is horizontal smoke tube boiler size range from a shell 2m diaX6m long to 3m diaX10m long Working pressure range are up to 20kgf/cm2 or 20 bar Ratio of heating surface to grate area is 24-30 Efficiency is about 56% without economizer and 75% with economizer.

Similar to Cornish boiler,in Lancashire Boiler two flue tubes but in Cornish boiler only one flue tubes are there. Adv; simplicity in design,good steam quality,inferior quality fuel burnt,low maint. Cost and operating cost,stand against sudden heavy demand for considerable time without appreciable pressure drop. Dis adv; max pressure 20 bar,more floor area req. due to bricks works,cracks in setting due to large tem diff.inside and outside.,restricated grate area due to furnace being inside,more time taken for developing steam pressure due to large water capicity.

Lancashire Boiler contd

Lancashire Boiler contd

Locomotive Boiler

Is an internally fired multitubular fire tube boiler

Locomotive :

Locomotive chitranjan L and d of barrel=5.203m,2.095 Size and no of super heater=14cm,38 Size and no of flue tube=5.72cm,38 Working pressure and capacity=14bar,9000kg/hr Heating surface and grate area=271cm2,4.2 m2

Babcock and Wilcox water tube Boiler

Water tube boiler having lager pressure ranges and larger sizes. Three main parts, steam and water drum,water tubes and furnace.

Babcock boiler

Horizontal, externally fired, natural circulation type stationary boiler. Tube inclined 15 deg to horizontal.10cm dia. Furnace is arranged below the uptake header. Coal is fed to the chain grate stroker through the fire door.the chain speed are regulated in such a way that by the time the coal reach other end of grate,its combustion has been completed.


1. 2. 3.

Evaporating capacity 20,000 to 40,000kg/hr Operating pressurre 40 bar. Slient aspects; Cope with high pick loads Draught loss is min. The replacement of defective tubes can be made easily

Stirling Boiler

Example of water tube boiler where bent tube are used instead of straight tube which are used in Babcock and Wilcox boiler

Stirling boiler

Multi drums so steam and water storage capacity and unit can meet peaks in load variation with less pressure drop Drums are interlinked to each other through bend tubes and to pevent the undue thermal stresses which are often setup with straight tues.

Stirling boiler

Mud drums is 10 to 25 cm greater thanSteam drums. The steam drums are usually suspended by steel structure and mud drum is supported by tubes to permit free expension and contraction of tubes.

High Pressure Boilers

Two types- Natural circulation & Forced circulation Boilers

High Pressure Boilers contd

La-Mont Boiler( Forced circulation Boiler)

Once-Through Forced Circulation Boiler

Does not required a steam and water drum,saving in weight Supercritical Pressure Boiler Two types- Benson and Ramzin

Loeffler Boiler

Indirect heating is combined with forced circulation

Velox boiler

Fire tube forced circulation Boiler

Fire tubes Vs water tubes Boilers

Fire tubes boilers has a large volume of water,therefore more flexible and can meet the sudden demand of steam without much drop of pressure. Fire tubes boiler is rigid and of simple mechanical construction,so greater reliability and low in first cost. Fire tube boilers can be made in smallest sizes therefore simple to fabricate and transport, occupies less floor space but more height. Due to mostly externally fired water tubes boiler so furnace can be altered considerably to meet the fuel requirements. Water tubes boilers are more readily accessible for cleaning,inspection and repairs,compared to the fire tube boilers. Modern trend is in the favors of water tube boiler due to continuous increase in capacities and steam pressures.

Ftb vs Wtb

Fire tube boiler have large ratio of water content to steam capacity. Larger water capacity makes the fire tube boiler slow in reaching operating pressure. Heating surface area of wtb is more that is why steam generating capacity is high.all large power plant is wtb.

Wtb vs ftb

The explosion ,if any,when it occurs becomes very serious problem in smoke tube boilers because of its large water capacity. Wtb are externally fired.the proportions of the furnace can be altered considerably to meet the fuel requirements.

Wtb vs ftb

Ftb are excellent for engine operating with rapid changes in load.when demand on the unit increases,p slightly goes down with consiquent reduction in boiling tem.the eveporatio rate would increase and steam in greater qty(but at slightly at lower p) can be supplied to engine.with reduction in steam demand

Wtb vs Ftb
Slight increase in pressure takes place resulting in the condensation of the part of existing steam.if overpeaks exist for short duration the p variations are tolerable.however for large load fluctations extending over large duration,the wtb are to be preferred.

Boiler Mountings and Accessories

Fitting and devices which are necessary for the safety and control are knows as boiler mountings Fitting or devices which are provided to increase the efficiency of the boiler and help in the smooth working of the plant are knows as boiler accessories.

Fittings which are essential from the safety point of view are as follows,
Water level indicators Safety valves Combined high steam and low water safety valve Fusible plug

Boiler Mountings and Accessories contd.

Fittings which are essential from the control point of view are as follows,
Pressure gauge Junction or stop valve Feed check valve Blow-off cock Man hole and Mud Box

The important accessories are

Superheater Economiser Air-preheater Feed pump or injector

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