Steam Genrators Lecture-2
Steam Genrators Lecture-2
Steam Genrators Lecture-2
lecture No.-2
Dr. Rajeev Trehan
Head, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering
Advisor, Centre of Training and Placement
Dr.B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar
Firetube boilers
Type of firetube boilers
Watertube boilers
Type of watertube boilers
Difference between firetube boiler and water tube boiler
Firetube boilers
the flames and hot gases, produced by the combustion of fuel, pass through the tube (called
multi-tubes) which are surrounded by water. The heat is conducted through the walls of the
tubes from the hot gases to the surrounding water. Examples of the fire tube boilers are:
Simple vertical boiler, Cochran boiler, lanchashire boiler, Cornish boiler, scotch marine
boiler, locomotive boiler, and Velcon boilers
Types of firetube boiler
in water tube steam boilers, the water is contained inside the tubes (called water tubes)
which are surrounded by flames and hot gases from outside. Examples of water tubes are :
babcock and wilcox boiler, stirling boiler, la mont boiler, benson boiler, yarrow boiler and
Loeffler boiler.
Babcock and wilcox
This is a water tube boiler, used in steam
power plants. In this type of boiler, water is
circulated inside the tubes and hot gases flow
over the tubes. It is a straight tube, stationary
type water tube boiler. It consists of a steam
and water drum. It is connected by a short
tube with uptake header or riser at the back
end. Furnaces are located below the tubes and
La-Mont boiler
A LaMont boiler is a type of forced circulation water-tube boiler[1] in
which the boiler water is circulated through an external pump through long
closely spaced tubes of small diameter. The mechanical pump is employed
in order to have an adequate and positive circulation in steam and hot water
boilers. A centrifugal pump which forms the heart of this boiler is
responsible to circulate water within the boiler system. It receives water
from the drum and delivers this water to a distribution header as shown in
the diagram here. The number of headers may differ in numbers and
depends on the size and boiler design of each boiler.The boiler heating
surfaces includes a number of tubes arranged in a parallel form and the inlet
ends are welded to the distributors or the headers. A circulation pressure is
to be provided during the installation of the pump as per the boiler design
and it should be sufficient to over come the resistance offered by the tubes.
An even circulation takes place with the helps of the inlet nozzles provided
at the inlet of tubes which creates the differential pressure adequate to cover
the variations occurring at fluctuating loads or uneven firing conditions. The
riser tubes outlet is welded to the collector headers and also directly to the
drum containing steam and water
Loeffler boiler
Loeffler boiler is a water tube boiler used for
generating steam by the burning of fuel which
is coal and further that is used for generation
of power. It is another extension of the
Lamont Boiler.
But the difference between Lamont and
Loeffler boiler is the Loeffler boiler can
generate steam with the use of saltwater and
there is no problem of Salt and sediment under
the boiler but in case of LaMont boiler it can
generate steam from the saltwater there is a
problem of salt and sedimenLoeffler boiler
generates steam 100 tones per hour.t under the
boiler surfaces.
Benson Boiler
Also known as supercritical steam generator is
a type of boiler that operates at supercritical
pressure, frequently used in the production of
electric power. n contrast to a subcritical
boiler in which bubbles can form, a
supercritical steam generator operates at
pressures above the critical pressure – 22
megapascals (3,200 psi). Therefore, liquid
water immediately becomes steam. Water
passes below the critical point as it does work
in a high pressure turbine and enters the
generator's condenser, resulting in slightly less
fuel use. The efficiency of power plants with
supercritical steam generators are higher than
with subcritcal steam
Difference between firetube boiler and water
tube boiler
Water tube boiler Fire tube boiler
The water circulates inside the tubes which The hot gases from the furnace pass through
are surrounded by hot gases from the the tubes which are surrounded by water.
It can generate steam upto 24.5 bar.
It generates steam at a pressure upto 165 bar.
The rate of generation of steam is low, i.e,
The rate of generation of steam is high, i.e, upto 9 tonnes per hour.
upto 450 tonnes per hour.
The floor area required is more, i.e, about 8
For a given power, the floor area required sq-m per tonne per hour of steam generation.
for the generation of steam is less, i.e, about
5 sq-m per tonne per hour of steam Its overall effieciency is only 75%.
Over-all effieciency with economiser is upto
Difference between firetube boiler and water
tube boiler
Water tube boiler Fire tube boiler