Grower Returns and Single Desk Selling of Australian Wheat: Joshua S. Gans
Grower Returns and Single Desk Selling of Australian Wheat: Joshua S. Gans
Grower Returns and Single Desk Selling of Australian Wheat: Joshua S. Gans
Joshua S. Gans*
Melbourne Business School
University of Melbourne
1. Introduction
One of the major on-going policy debates in Australia has been whether single
desk selling powers should remain for the export of Australian wheat. It has been over a
decade since that debate was resolved in favour of deregulation on the domestic-side but
in 2004 the Federal government held a review of single desk management following on
from its important 2000 National Competition Policy (NCP) review of the Wheat
Marketing Act 1989 (WMA). This Act establishes the regulatory framework for the
wheat industry and also specifies operating conditions and rights for the AWB Limited;
the privatised entity of the original statutory authority, the Australian Wheat Board. The
review recommended the retention of single desk powers.
The WMA contains several sections that impose restrictions on the degree of
competition in various areas of the Australian wheat industry. The most important of
these are:
• Export Controls: There are several ways in which the WMA places restrictions
on the free export of wheat from Australia. First, the export of the wheat from
Australia requires the consent of the Wheat Export Authority (WEA). The
WEA is a statutory authority that overseas the operation of the WMA. AWB
* Financial assistance from AWBI is gratefully acknowledged although none of the views expressed here should
be read as those of AWB or AWBI. The latest version of this paper is available at
equity in the Wheat Industry Fund (WIF).1 Holders of B-class shares can receive
dividend payments from AWB. These shares are tradable are ASX-listed. Essentially, this
means AWB is predominantly owned and controlled by growers.2
Second, and related to the first, is that the corporate objectives of the AWB are
tied to the interests of growers, rather than the pure maximisation of shareholder value
that arises for firms that are not cooperatives. In particular, the AWB operates to
maximise the net returns to growers selling pool return wheat to the company and to
provide services with a view to realising that objective.3 Finally, AWBI holds the single
desk and this operates separately from the other functions of AWB.4 It’s performance in
raising grower returns is overseen by the WEA.
A final important feature of AWB for the purpose of economic analysis is its use
of pools for determining disbursements to growers. In the absence of pools, growers
would receive a price that reflected the particular price paid for their grain by final
consumers. A pool means that growers receive a price that reflects the average price paid
by final consumers for grain. The pool, therefore, provides an insurance mechanism for
growers against short-term price fluctuations and also against heterogeneity among
consumers of grain in terms of the value they place on that grain and the competitive
options open to them. The AWB operates pools in an overlapping manner with different
pools opening and closing at different times of the year. Therefore, due to harvest cycles
there is a regional element to pooling. Moreover, AWB distinguish between different
qualities of grain supplied to the pool; so that growers are rewarded from grain quality.
Essentially, by selling grain to a pool, the grower is buying shares in a fund the return of
which is the overall revenue generated by all of the wheat in that pool less common costs.
In this respect, marketing costs are shared among growers.
1 A levy on grower farm gate production over a 9-year period enabled B-class shareholders to convert their
WIF units to shares on a one for one basis. The net asset backing of the WIF units at the time of conversion
was $2.51.
2 A-class shares are also related to production levels but the incremental power as a function of quantity
produced diminishes quickly.
3 Constitution of AWB Limited, Article 2.
4 In what follows, for convenience, I will use AWB and AWB International interchangeably unless, of course,
The policy debate surrounding the single desk centres on the trade-off between
potential higher returns arising from AWBI’s virtual monopoly status as an exporter of
Australian wheat and its monopsony status as a purchaser of wheat for export. Some
commentators argue that as Australian wheat comprises about 16% of global wheat trade,
AWBI’s monopoly power is overstated. Others are concerned that, as a monopsonist, it
may not act efficiently in reducing the distribution and marketing costs associated with
wheat export.5 However, in reality, viewing AWBI as acting in a textbook monopsonistic
manner is not appropriate as its various functions are regulated. The purchase obligation
of the WMA prevents AWBI from restricting purchases and lowering the price paid to
growers. The WEA’s oversight is intended to ensure that AWBI acts efficiently.
In this light, an assessment of what might occur if single desk powers were to be
removed is more complex. Specifically, if more bulk wheat export marketers were
permitted, it would likely no longer be feasible to impose on each a purchase obligation.
As such, one must ask whether a regulated monopsony is preferable to an unregulated
The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential benefits and costs of
removing the single desk powers of AWBI. The objective of the WMA is to “maximise
the net returns to Australian wheat growers” who are providing wheat for export. An
NCP review asks whether such legislative objectives can be achieved without any
specified restrictions on competition that might exist in the legislation. It is with this in
mind that this economic analysis takes place.
Nonetheless, it is worth emphasising that broader issues of economic welfare and
efficiency can also be of relevance. In particular, restrictions on competition, while of
benefit to a particular group (e.g., Australian wheat growers), may not be in the interests
of all people and businesses, in both Australia and internationally. Hence, it will also be
of relevance, throughout this paper, to identify those persons that might potentially be
harmed by the competitive restrictions in the WMA. However, throughout this paper, I
will frame the analysis in terms of how a particular legislative provision impacts upon the
returns to Australian wheat growers.
5 See L. Gropp, T. Hallam and V. Manion, “Single Desk Marketing: Assessing the Economic Arguments,” Staff
The key question for analysis, therefore, is: if other traders were permitted to
export bulk Australian wheat, what would happen to the net returns Australian wheat
growers received? This is a complex question because of the potentially large number of
alternative scenarios that might evolve. The contribution of this paper is to answer this by
considering alternative scenarios relative to AWBI’s current regulated status. For
example, the removal of a single desk could lead to a large number of export traders
selling Australian wheat overseas or, alternatively, the removal of the provisions may
have a limited effect on the AWBI’s current role as it has intrinsic advantages in
marketing Australian wheat that cannot easily be replicated by others. In this case,
however, the removal of regulations may pose a greater issue for growers.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 considers the options available to AWBI
as a single desk seller given the regulations that exist. It formulates a theoretical model of
current market outcomes and compares this to a drastic alternative whereby export
marketing became perfectly contestable. Section 3 then considers more realistic scenarios
that may arise if single desk powers were removed; demonstrating that the price of
Australian wheat could rise but the returns to growers may at the same time fall as they
are no longer protected by regulation. Section 4 then calibrates the model to get an
indication of the magnitudes of likely effects while Section 5 considers issues that will
make export marketing more or less contestable following any deregulation. A final
section concludes.
One way AWBI does this is through the use of logistics and planning. By timing
sales and strategically managing the quality of Australian wheat sold over the course of a
year, AWBI can ensure that it is able to flexibly make stronger marketing options
available at all times. It can also ensure that the correct type of wheat is available at the
port closest to a particular customer. In this way, if a buyer were to be difficult in
negotiations, AWBI would face fewer costs in supplying that wheat to other buyers.
In the absence of a single desk, AWBI would likely have more difficulty in
matching logistics to buyer negotiations. Instead, it would not be as sure where a
particular grower would be selling wheat and, indeed, whether it would trade through
AWBI at all. Thus, its flexibility would be undermined and this would diminish AWBI’s
negotiating position with buyers. Moreover, these logistical advantages would potentially
be lost to all traders (except maybe for multi-national corporations) to the long-term
detriment of Australian growers.
Another way AWBI could reap benefits from buyer competition would be to limit
the supply of Australian wheat. This is the textbook way a monopolist exercises its
market power; restricting supply in order to create shortages and increase price.
However, there is a complication to this textbook case of cartel use of market
power for the case of AWBI. The statutory obligation on AWBI to purchase all wheat (of
acceptable quality) limits its ability to exercise any market power it might have. To see
this, consider how a firm may exercise any market power it possessed. That firm would
wish to restrict output in order to push up prices and maximise the total profits earned.
However, for AWBI, the extent to which it can limit output is restricted by the behaviour
of growers. Suppose that in one particular year, wheat prices were to rise to monopoly
levels. This would induce some growers to expand their harvest and maybe other farms to
plant wheat.6 AWBI could not continue to maintain the output levels that led to high
prices. Instead, it would have to market any wheat produced in that year and if necessary
accept a lower price in order to sell its stocks.7,8
6 As those growers are relatively small (compared with the volume of Australian wheat), they ignore the effects
their expansion of output has on the prices earned by themselves and by other growers.
7 It could conceivably only release a limited quantity onto world markets but this could not be done indefinitely
The end result is that while AWBI may have market power, its ability to exercise
it by restricting output is limited by its statutory obligation to accept all wheat delivered.
The amount of wheat produced is a decision of individual growers and not AWBI. This
effect makes it unlikely, as a matter of economics, that AWBI will be able to extract
maximal price premiums in its current form.9 Only by being able to control the output of
all Australian wheat, could AWBI fully exercise market power. However, in order to do
this it would have to ensure that individual growers did not exceed specified quotas or
restrain total production by limiting grower access to export markets.10,11
In summary, while market power is often extolled as a benefit of exclusive
marketing arrangements, the particular institutional structure of AWBI makes it difficult
for such market power to be exercised. This is because the output decisions continue to
reside with growers who can respond to supra-competitive price premiums by increasing
output.12 In order for AWBI to be able to exercise market power, it would have to be able
to impose production maxima (quotas) on growers or to restrict access to AWBI services.
This, however, would have the potential implications of either placing disproportionate
8Mueller argued that the inability of cooperatives to control supply makes the customary index of market
power, a seller’s share of the market, virtually meaningless when applied to agricultural cooperatives. Mueller
points directly at the lack of control over production as a severe limitation on the ability to enhance prices
(W.F. Mueller, The National Antitrust Commission: Implications of Cooperatives. In Economics Issues. Department of
Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1979).
9 AWBI’s ability to price discriminate is not necessarily a function of its market power. Many firms in
competitive markets practice price discrimination. For example, cinemas offer discounts for screenings on
certain days, or to particular classes of customers (e.g. pensioners). The ability to price discriminate is more an
indicator of good performance in negotiations than the exercise of market power per se.
10 Setting production quotas is a common practice of cartels seeking to raise world prices (e.g., OPEC).
11 Cotterill notes that closed membership arrangements produce different results. “… farmer members of the
closed membership cooperative capture.. a higher price for their farm product” (R. Cotterill, “The performance
of agricultural marketing cooperatives in differentiated production product market”. Strategy and policy in the Food
System: Emerging Issues, Proceedings of NE-165 Conference June 20-21, 1996, Wash DC.
12Perhaps this explains why it has been difficult to establish the existence of persistent price premiums earned
by single desks around the world. The difficulties of evaluating single desk selling is outlined by R.R. Piggott,
“Some old truths revisited” Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics 36, 1992, pp.117-40. Piggott argues the
problem lies in establishing the correct counterfactual. However, to this I would add that the supply response
of growers erodes whatever premia are available.
harm on small growers who may be unable to produce enough to be viable or,
alternatively, may be denied access to export markets entirely.13
Theoretical foundation
What does this mean from a theoretical perspective? Under its purchase
obligation, AWBI must sell all wheat offered for sale by Australian wheat growers. In
addition, under pooling arrangements, Australian growers are paid on the basis of average
price. Given this, the overall level of wheat offered for sale will be at the average price
where the overseas demand for Australian wheat (based on marginal price), D, equals the
supply of wheat for export from Australia, S. S is determined by, among other things, the
domestic demand for wheat in Australia.
This outcome is depicted in Figure 1 with any overall volume for export of Qs.
Notice that the demand curve has a ‘kink’ in it. This kink comes because at some
benchmark world price, Pw, it is assumed that Australian growers can sell as much as
they want without impacting on that price.
Pw D
Qc QS Quantity
13Cotterill ibid. cites the case of Welch’s-National Grape and Ocean Spray system wherein farms that have
marketing rights through the cooperative are much more valuable than those that do not. The closed
cooperative price premium is capitalised into the value of the farm.
14J.S. Gans and J. Hirschberg, “A Hedonic Price Analysis of Price Premiums for Australian Wheat Exports,”
mimeo., Melbourne, 2004.
arrangements to all growers exporting wheat. In this situation, the total volume of wheat
offered for export is represented by QS.
$ Selling Price
Lost Access
Buying Price
Qm Q Quantity
If the purchase obligation were removed from AWBI, it would be able to restrict
the volume of wheat it purchased for export. Figure 2 represents a situation where there
are no other options for export for Australian growers (perhaps caused by high entry
barriers into export marketing). In this situation, the selling price of Australian wheat is
likely to rise as Australian wheat holds an intrinsic value on world markets. The new
selling price is presented by Pm.
Note that a higher selling price is achieved by a reduction in volumes exported. In
general, a high selling price will require a large reduction in volume. However, this, in
turn, will be related to the elasticity of demand for Australian wheat. Critically, the
reduction in volumes translates into lost export opportunities for a, perhaps sizeable,
group of growers. Those growers will be left to the domestic market; so instead of
earning P, they will earn a return dictated by the supply curve S.
For the growers who offer wheat for export, however, the picture is not
substantially better. The exporter’s monopoly position gives it monopsony power in
purchasing wheat for export. Without an obligation to purchase and pooling
15This model and the calibration that follows is stylised in an important respect: it presumes no internal costs
of getting wheat to market. Thus, here Pb presumes that growers pay those costs and their receival price
consequently builds in those costs. In actuality, so long as internal freight, storage and handling costs are
unchanged following the removal of single desk powers, this model reflects the impact on grower returns. Of
course, competition in the vertical chain may alter those costs; something we return to discuss below.
export. However, it does so at the cost of any real premium for Australian wheat. For this
reason, the average return to growers will fall.
What happens, however, if there are some export traders that can use the
advantages of scale, reputation and other factors AWBI now enjoys to earn a market
premium on Australian wheat? We noted above that in the extreme where only
‘premium’ exporters can operate on international markets and where there was only one
of these, the reduction in returns to growers is likely to be substantial; even if the selling
price of Australian wheat rises.
Two forces might mitigate this reduction in returns (although for each there is a
reduction in export premia). First, there may exist more than one premium seller. Those
sellers will compete with one another on international markets but also compete for
Australian wheat for export. This will lower Pm but raise Pb. Second, there may exist
alternative, substantial non-premium exporters as well as one or more premium exporters.
If that non-premium (or what we term ‘contestable’) exporter has the capacity to sell
most Australian wheat on world markets (i.e., is not simply a niche marketer) but must
otherwise take the world price of wheat (Pw) as given, we will have an outcome as in
Figure 3.
P = D
Qm Qc Q Quantity
4. Calibrated Model
16 Op.cit.
wheat exported. The elasticity measure is a reasonable and conservative figure arising
from an econometric analysis of AWBI’s contract data.17.
Given these, I am able to calculate the parameters as:
• a = 260
• b = 7.89 x 10-6
• c = 9.467 x 10-6
It is instructive to use these calibrate parameters to calculate what this model predicts
would be the perfectly contestable volume of wheat exported. Based on the average Pw
for AWBI contracts between 2000 and 2003, Pw = US$133.18 At this price, Qc = 14m
tonnes (approx). Based on this the upper bound value of the single desk is ($142 x
15m)/2 + ($133 x 14m)/2 = US$134m.
I now turn to present several counterfactual outcomes using the model calibration
above. In so doing, I distinguish between the cases where there are no contestable
exporters and those exporters are available to growers. The reason for this distinction is
that this is the key market condition that will dictate the returns to growers in any post-
single desk environment. Put simply, in the absence of contestable exporters, most
growers will not have access to international markets at anything near the world
benchmark price; in effect, growers will compete amongst each other for access to the
benefit of premium exporters and others with market power along the value chain in the
wheat export industry.
No Contestable Exporters
We begin with the case where there are no contestable exporters. As will be seen
this situation results in the worst options for grower returns.
In contrast to the current regulated monopoly, a possible outcome is a single
premium exporter without any purchase obligation or pooling. In this case, the price and
quantity outcomes are found by solving:
max Q (a − bQ )Q − 12 cQ 2
17 Op.cit.
18 Op.cit.
This yields:
a (b + c )
Qm = a
2b + c = 10.3m , P m = 2b + c = $179 and P b = ca
2b + c = $97.5
Notice that the considerable rise in price comes at the expense of a significant drop in
export quantity.
In terms of the reduction in overall grower returns, these price changes yield an
expected loss of US$563m per annum (or over half of existing grower returns under our
model’s assumptions).
This reduction is not as strong if there are more premium exports of Australian
wheat. To illustrate, we suppose that there are two of these and they are of equal size and
efficiency. In this situation, the average price of Australian wheat will fall and quantity
traded will be higher than the single premium seller case.
To see this, we assume that export marketers operate as a Cournot (quantity
setting) oligopoly. This fits a situation where they procure wheat from Australian growers
prior to signing export contracts. In this setting, an individual exporter chooses its
quantity, q, to solve:
max q (a − bQ)q − 12 cQ 2 .
This yields:
a (b + 2 c )
Qd = 2a
3b + 2 c = 12.2m , P c = 3b + 2 c = $164 and P b = 2 ac
3b + 2 c = $115.5
Contestable Exporters
We now suppose there exists sufficient numbers of contestable exporters so that
any volume of wheat can be exported at the world reference price of Pw.
19 Suppose that there were many premium export traders. If there are more than 13 traders, then prices are
unambiguously lower than their single desk levels. Whereas in the above market structures, some growers may
benefit from a removal of single desk powers, as the number of traders increases, this lowers the average return
of all growers.
In this case, when there is a single premium exporter, the price and quantity
outcomes are found by solving:
max Q (a − bQ − P w )Q
This yields:
Qm = a − Pw
2b = 8.05m , P m = a+ Pw
2 = $196 and P b = P w = $133 .
The existence of contestable exporters means that overall quantity and price are higher
than where there are only premium sellers. Indeed, overall quantity is the same as the
perfectly contestable case.
This means that total volume and the price received by growers will be exactly the
same as the perfectly contestable case. None of the benefits of premium exporting flow to
growers. This means that grower returns will be reduced by approximately US$134m per
year (or about 12 percent over current levels).
When there are contestable exporters, having more premium exporters does not
improve the situation for growers. Overall exports and the price they receive are the same
as the perfectly contestable case.
Nonetheless, in this situation, an individual premium exporter chooses its
quantity, q, to solve:
max q (a − bQ − P w )q .
This yields:
Qd = a − Pw
3b = 10.7m , P c = a + 2 Pw
3 = $175 and P b = P w = $133
Thus, while grower returns are the same as the single premium case, total volume sold by
premium exporters rises and the price they receive falls.
Here I have explored alternative market structures in export marketing and what
they imply for the overall returns to the Australian wheat industry. The following table
summarises these outcomes.
The key calculation – the reduction in grower returns – takes the grower returns as
calculated in each counterfactual exercise (based on Pb and the expected quantity) and
subtracts total grower returns under the single desk (based on a price of US$142 and a
quantity of 15m tonnes). This gives a negative number in each case, reported as the
reduction in grower returns under each specific post-single desk scenario.
These results give a sense of the magnitudes involve but also reinforce two clear
• The negative impact on grower returns is most salient where there are no
contestable exporters offering access to international markets for Australian
• Regardless, grower returns will likely fall if the regulations controlling
monopsony power on the part of exporters are removed with the single desk.
These results also highlight the importance of focusing on grower returns as opposed to
the returns to the industry at a whole. There is a sense in which these conflict when single
desk powers are removed. Thus, one key feature of the current system is the way it aligns
the interests of growers and exporters in promoting value in the system. This would likely
disappear to a large extent if the single desk system were to be dismantled.
The above analysis highlights they a key determinant of the returns to growers
following any removal of single desk powers will be the presence of sufficient numbers
of exporters so that most growers will be able to access world markets and receive
approximate would prices for wheat.
There are two challenges to the contestability of exporters – entry barriers and
issues along the vertical chain. I discuss each in turn.
20For example, Cargill’s acquisition of Continental’s grain merchandising business was considered to be
motivated by the desire to achieve economies of scale and scope in grain handling (M. Hayenga and R. Wisner,
“Cargill’s acquisition of Continental Grain’s grain merchandising business,” Staff Paper 312, Department of
Economics, Iowa State University, 1999.
21Such pressures for consolidation are occurring throughout the agricultural industry. See, for example, Mark
Drabenstott, “Consolidation in US Agriculture: The New Rural Landscape and Public Policy,” testimony to the
Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, January 1999.
22 Richard Caves found that both information and insurance were important reasons why scale economies
appeared to be present in agriculture. On the information-side, economies came from information about
demand (in terms of quantity, timing and quality) and the expectations of international trade flows. This
information could be used to assist in coordination and other logistical activities. On the insurance side, risks in
grain trading can more easily be managed through pooling arrangements. See Richard E. Caves, “Organisation,
systemic elements to wheat marketing all potentially serve to lower logistics costs for all
wheat as more wheat is traded through AWBI.23
A subtler form of scale economy surrounds the issue of ‘branding.’ As argued
earlier, AWBI’s methods of assuring wheat quality and improving wheat variety have
enabled it to develop a reputation for Australian wheat; thereby, improving returns per
unit sold. If some Australian wheat were marketed without these quality assurances, it
may lead to some deterioration in wheat quality and may harm the brand-image of
Australian wheat. That is, the reputation AWBI has developed may be undermined.24 It
may be possible to remove the statutory protection of AWBI without erosion of its brand
so long as strict controls on the alternative marketing of Australian wheat were possible.
However, these very controls may be argued to be an impediment to the competition any
removal of protection may be designed to achieve.
Vertical Chain
Growers who wish to export their produce will first bring it to a site where it is
handled by a bulk handler. It is at this point that a farmer chooses to either sell their grain
to various traders to accept AWBI’s pool price that is determined later. The traders
themselves are speculating on that pool price. So, in effect, growers have a choice of
financial instruments and contracts at this point.
However, at the same time, the different options have embedded potentially
different payments for bulk handling. A grower electing to sell to AWBI will implicitly
pay the price AWBI has negotiated with bulk handlers, freight transporters and port
services. Other traders will have different implicit options. Some of these traders may
themselves be bulk handlers.
Importantly, the whole industry from site to port and beyond appears to be
constituted by serial monopolies. Port services are controlled by monopoly port operators
Scale and Performance of the Grain Trade” Food Research Institute Studies, Vol. 16 Stanford University, 1977-78;
and Richard Caves, Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1982.
23The issue of economies of scale and scope raises the empirical question as to the optimal size of the AWB,
and how this compares to the Australian market.
24Jean Tirole, “A Theory of Collective Reputations,” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 63(1), January 1996, pp.1-
that have varying degrees of regulation (although AWB itself has a stake in some ports
and ports partly compete with one another). Freight by rail has monopoly elements but
thanks to recent access regulation has a more competitive pricing structure.
Finally, bulk handling has been subject to increasing monopolisation with virtual
monopoly provision on both coasts. The main reason for this is the high costs of setting
up bulk handling sites and duplicating back office structures. AWB has entered into this
segment in recent years but still has only a fraction of the total number of sites.
What this means is that even if there are many exporters, access to international
markets is likely to be controlled by market power at other steps of the vertical chain.
Thus, the wedge between grower receival prices and export prices will be driven by
margins in these segments rather than at the export end. From the perspective of
economics, however, the impact on growers is the same. Market power at segments
between them and the international market will reduce their prospects for high returns in
any post-single desk environment.
Contestable exporters are an important means by which the decline in grower
returns could be arrested in any post-single desk environment. However, the prospects for
such contestability are slim. Many export functions become only efficient if economies of
scale can be realised; providing an important entry barrier. Moreover, the existence of
bottleneck suppliers along the value chain themselves creates a barrier to access to
international markets – even if contestable exporters were present in large numbers. For
this reason, it appears that following deregulation, the reduction in grower returns may be
significant with any benefits to the removal of AWBI’s single desk status and
accompanying regulations flowing to others in the Australian and International wheat
6. Conclusion
desk restrictions were removed and other traders were able to sell Australian wheat. But
how to predict that counterfactual is not simple; a dilemma noted by others:
The impact of an STE (State Trading Enterprise) operating in the international
market can be determined by answering the following question: What is the
outcome (e.g., in terms of prices, output, exports, imports, economic surplus) if
an STE is assumed to operate in the international market, and what is the effect
on this outcome if the STE is removed and replaced by privately-owned traders?
The assumptions used in answering this question are very important. Previous
models of STE typically assume that STE removal will result in the formation of
a competitive trading sector in that country or for that commodity. This
assumption is simplistic and can have important consequences for the results of
analyses that employ it. In reality, although the removal of an STE could
potentially result in a competitive trading sector, in many industries the more
likely impact of STE removal is the replacement of one oligopolistic structure
with another. This is particularly likely for many export STE. … the
replacements to an export STE are often likely to be multinational enterprises
(MNE); these MNE are large, may be vertically integrated, and often are
privately owned firms that provide very little public information.25
In the Australian context, the analysis is complicated further because the domestic market
is unregulated and because AWBI has conditions that require it to purchase all wheat put
forward by growers for export, subject to minimal quality standards. This means that
AWBI can potentially derive bargaining power but not market power in world markets.
On a theoretical level, this paper has shown that the impact of removal of single
desk selling may have an adverse impact on growers as a whole and also a distributional
impact that may affect some growers more than others. In particular, it is likely that
AWBI can command price premia that would be eroded in the absence of its exclusive
trading rights. Moreover, by examining actual pricing data, it was found that this data
was consistent with this theoretical hypothesis. Even entry of additional trader could
erode price premia significantly.
Similar losses could also arise when considering AWBI’s logistic function. In
particular, the critical issue is whether new traders would erode economies of scale and
thereby increase average exporting costs across the Australian industry. Moreover, it is
important to consider whether those traders would place sufficient competitive pressure
on AWBI’s costs to outweigh any losses in economies of scale; specifically, competitive
pressure that could not be achieved by appropriate regulation by the Wheat Export
Authority. This is a key issue that needs to be judged in any review of AWBI’s exclusive
export rights.
In terms of the potential gains to agents other than growers, we were unable to
predict definitively the impact on the domestic trading market although we could
conclude that international purchasers and other traders would potentially benefit from
the removal of single desk selling of Australian wheat. Nonetheless, any gains here
seemed to be distributional rather than welfare enhancing. This was a similar conclusion
to other studies:
We believe that concerns over export STE are probably exaggerated. The
evidence available indicates that most export STE receive little assistance from
their government. The most effective way of ensuring that SET do not subsidise
exports is to ensure that these are self-financing institutions that are insulated
from government. However, the most effective means of ensuring that export
subsidies do not distort world markets for agricultural products would be the
complete prohibition of all agricultural export subsidies.26
From this perspective, this paper has argued that the negative impact of single desk
selling on international trade is overstated and is in all likelihood non-existent given the
statutory purchase obligations of AWBI.
In the end, it appears most likely that the impact of the removal of single desk
selling would be distributional. That is, some growers may benefit while others might be
disadvantaged. Such distributional concerns have been common throughout the history of
the Australian wheat industry.
The standard work on the AWB (Whitwell and Sydenham, 1991) is entitled A
Shared Harvest, a title reflecting the essence of the pooling principle that price
risks and marketing costs are shared among producers. The way farmers manage
production, marketing and financial risks is at the core of their individual
business strategies and competition for resources amongst farmers. Pooling is
designed to reduce this competition. Whatever the economic effects of pooling
and statutory marketing, grower equality was paramount for its supporters. Their
other concern was the behaviour of middlemen. Whitwell and Sydenham (ibid.,
p.286) described growers’ ambitions for wheat marketing as involving ‘three
main principles, namely that the pool be compulsory, that the marketing
organisation be granted monopoly powers and that it be grower-dominated.’27
Pooling is an example of practice that protects some growers. It means that grower
returns are average across wheat grade and other factors. In practice, this means that there
are potential opportunities for some growers to receive greater returns from dealing with
customers who have high demand for certain grades of wheat. However, to allow this
would be to reduce the returns for growers unable to sell wheat to those customers. The
erosion in bargaining power and the loss of economies of scale that might arise from the
removal of AWBI’s exclusive right – as well as pressure to remove its statutory purchase
obligation – could well result in some growers being no longer able to access
international markets. It is in this light that the single desk policy needs to be evaluated.
That is, is the principle of equalising access to international customers worth sacrificing
efficiency losses (if any) that result from single desk selling?