Cyberbullying: Parents and Teachers' Perceptions and Awareness in The Light of Covid-19 Pandemic
Cyberbullying: Parents and Teachers' Perceptions and Awareness in The Light of Covid-19 Pandemic
Cyberbullying: Parents and Teachers' Perceptions and Awareness in The Light of Covid-19 Pandemic
Title of the Study: Cyberbullying: Parents and Teachers’ Perceptions and Awareness in the light of
Covid-19 Pandemic
This descriptive study will investigate the perceptions and awareness of cyberbullying in the
light of the Covid-19 Pandemic among parents and teachers of the Senior High School learners of
Bukidnon National High School for the school year 2021-2022. It is a study on a needs
assessment to gain perspective on parents’ and teachers’ perceptions and awareness of
cyberbullying: parents and teachers’ demographic profile, the extent of cyberbullying perceptions
and awareness among parents and teachers; difference of perceptions and awareness among
parents and teachers; and difference among parents’ perceptions and awareness on
cyberbullying in the light of Covid-19 pandemic when grouped in terms of parent’s age, sex,
marital status, income range, and educational attainment.
2. Subject Participation
There will be 357 participants from the parents and 84 participants from the teachers of
the Senior High School learners of Bukidnon National High School for the school year 2021-2022.
Your participation will involve one visit, approximately 10 minutes in length.
3. Confidentiality
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to not
participate in this study, it will not affect the care, services, or benefits to which you are entitled.
If you decide to participate in this study, you may withdraw from your participation at any
time without penalty.
Name of Participant:
Signature:_____________________ Date:__________________
Cyberbullying: Parents and Teachers’ Perceptions and Awareness in the light of Covid-
19 Pandemic
A. Demographic Questionnaire. Kindly check the category that best describes you in the
space provided.
____ 25-35 years old
____ 36-45 years old
46-55 years old
____ 56- and above years old
____ Male
____ Female
____ Single
____ In a relationship (not married)
____ Married
____ Separated
____ Widowed
____ Elementary Level
____ High School level
____ Graduate Level
____ Post-Graduate Level
(4) (3) (2) (1)
9. Cyberbullying can cause psychological
harm to the child.
10. I have heard or read that cyberbullying
has contributed to inferiority among
11. I believe it is important to monitor my
child’s use of cyberspace.
12. I believe it is important to set down
restrictions on my child’s use of
13. I am aware that cyberbullying is rampant
on social networking sites.
14. I am acquainted with Instagram
cyberbullying regulations and deterrence.
15. I am acquainted with Twitter
cyberbullying regulations and deterrence.
16. I am acquainted with TikTok
cyberbullying regulations and deterrence.
17. I am acquainted with Youtube
cyberbullying regulations and deterrence.
18. I am acquainted with Facebook
cyberbullying regulations and deterrence.
19. I am acquainted with instant messaging
(FB Messenger) cyberbullying
regulations and deterrence.
20. Children are taught how to recognize
cyberbullying and threats to their online
21. Parents know how to recognize
cyberbullying issues and intervene/ help in
a cyberbullying situation in an appropriate
22. Technological platforms (Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok, etc.) are intensifying
cyberbullying perpetration.
23. Technological platforms (Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok, etc.) regulations and
deterrence of cyberbullying are
24. Schools have a formal procedure or
policy with a continuum/ range of
consequences for cyberbullying
25. Schools have educated teachers more
about cyberbullying and how to help their
learners stay safe.
26. Schools have formal procedures or
policies for investigating cyberbullying.
27. Government’s increased involvement in
addressing cyberbullying would not
significantly reduce cyberbullying.
28. Laws currently in place address
cyberbullying adequately.
29. There is a cyberbullying community
center where children/learners can go
and get help.
30. Service providers takes responsibility for
quickly removing offensive and
embarrassing online material.
Cyberbullying: Parents and Teachers’ Perceptions and
Awareness in the light of Covid-19 Pandemic