Team Mustefa Commented
Team Mustefa Commented
Team Mustefa Commented
JUNE, 2024
WE researchers hereby declare that the thesis, entitled “ Assessment Of Source Of
Conflict Among University Students and Its Resolution Method (In Case Of
Werabe University” submitted to the Department of Management, College of Business and
Economics, Werabe University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree of Management), is a record of original research work done by me during 2016-2017
E.C, under the supervision and guidance of Mr.Yaregal (MBA) and it has not formed the
basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma / Associate ship / Fellowship or other similar title of
any candidate of any university.
This is to certify that the thesis, entitled “Assessment Of Source Of Conflict Among University
Students and Its Resolution Method (In Case Of Werabe University” submitted to the
Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Werabe University, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Management), is a record of
original research work done by me during 2016-2017 E.C, under the supervision and guidance of
Mr.Yaregal (MBA) and it has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma /
Associate ship / Fellowship or other similar title of any candidate of any university.
SIGNATURE: …………………………
DATE: …………………………
Approved by:
-------------------------------------- -------------------------- -----------------
Name Signature Date
Co –Advisor
-------------------------------------- -------------------------- -----------------
Name Signature Date
First and for most we would like to thanks the almighty God for helping us in every aspect of our
live. Next, we would like to express our appreciation to our advisor Mr, Yaregal (MBA)for
his unlimited support, critical comments and guidance from the inception to the success of the
research. Moreover, we would like to thank all our family those stood with us in financial
support. We are also great full thanks for Werabe University which arrested us by supplying
different materials such as books and other information’s.
Table of Contents
List of table..................................................................................................................................................x
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTIONS.................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................................................1
1. 2 Statement of the problem..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Research Question.............................................................................................................................2
1.4 Objective of the study........................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 General Objective.......................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.....................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the study..............................................................................................................................3
1.6 Significance of the study...................................................................................................................3
1.7. Limitation of the study......................................................................................................................4
1.8 Organization of the research proposal................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................................................................5
2.1 Definition of Conflict........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Level of Conflict................................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Inter personal conflict.................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Intra-Personal Conflict................................................................................................................6
2.2.3 Inter-Group Conflict...................................................................................................................6
2.2.4 Intra-Group Conflict...................................................................................................................6
2.3 Consequence of Conflict....................................................................................................................6
2.3.1 Positive effect of conflict............................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Negative effects of conflict.........................................................................................................7
2.4 Source of conflict..............................................................................................................................7
2.5 Types of Conflict...............................................................................................................................7
2.5.1 Goal conflict...............................................................................................................................7
List of table
List of table pages
Table 1 Age of respondent.....................................................................................16
Table 2 Gender of respondent................................................................................17
Table 3 Type of conflict.........................................................................................17
Table 4 Occurrence of conflict..............................................................................18
Table 5 Source of conflict......................................................................................19
Table 6 Satisfaction with current conflict resolution method.................................20
Table 7 Methods used reduce source of conflict..................................................... 21
Table 8 Suggestion to when resolve conflict............................................................23
Table 9 Methods of conflict resolution.....................................................................23
Table 10 Improper management of conflict..............................................................24
Table 11 Possibility to avoid conflict.........................................................................24
Table 12 Influence of conflict on the students’ performance.....................................25
Table 13 Effect of conflict...........................................................................................26
What was given a considerable amount of focus throughout this study was of course, one of the
basic elements that affect the peace of any students, which are conflict and its management
system. The objective of this study is to find better ways of conflict management and to improve
awareness of the students about conflict. The types and source of data used include both primary
and secondary data. The primary data was collected by questionnaire and interviews and the
secondary data have been gathered by referring books and documents. The data collected was
analyzed by using descriptive method. The sampling techniques was used in this case were
stratified sampling. The four important research questions were answered. The questions related
with, the major source of conflict, the current and future methods of conflict management and
frequently occurred conflict type in Werabe University in general. The main key points from the
finding were summarized and conclusion was put by clearly. It summarized that prominent
source of conflict, effects of conflict and others were discussed obviously. Finally, important
recommendations were explained like rule and regulation for conflict, suitable solutions method
and others were recommended.
Again, conflict can be defined as process in which one party perceived that will opposed or
negatively affected by another party.
It is also a natural issue that occurs among individuals or groups irrespective of culture, political,
economic, social as well as historical settling. Since, conflict is unavoidable from the world the
conflict management is essentially thing in order to solve conflict. Hence it is about how parties
can move from zero sum or destructive patterns of conflict to positive sum or constructive
outcome the aim to develop process of conflict resolution that appears to be acceptable to parties
in dispute and effective in reserving conflict (Hug ,mali, 1986).
Conflict management is also strategy for getting better issue keeping discussion open and
minimizing hurt feeling so as to that people can find a solution which feels good to very one involved
(Hug , mali1986).
Conflict management intervention that alters the level of conflict in ways that maximize its benefits and
minimize its dysfunctional Consequence (James,1989).
personal dissimilarities such as background, values, education, age and social patterns lower the
probability of interpersonal report between their respective of units (patrick., 1995).
Conflict arises among students in a university since there is heterogeneity of ethnic, religion,
personal and social patterns. Also, shortage of resources such as books in library, chairs in
library, water shortage, problem of cafeteria and shortage of toilet. Furthermore, miss behavior
of some students is major source of conflict among the student Werabe University. When the
effect of conflict is destruction, it is said to be dysfunctional. It has a negative impact on the
student’s effectiveness something's needs. To be done therefore to bring the conflict it down to
an acceptable level. Therefore, to bring peace in the university the concerning body's use same
basic conflict management method. Avoiding strategy is success when the issue involved is
relating unimportant to people. Also if people have little or are in situation is very difficult to
change avoiding may be the best choice, compromising method is to find mutual acceptable
around that partially satisfies both parties (Curtis W.phillip L, hunsker (2001).
Source of conflict is different from place to place, and time to time. Among some of these source
of conflict, poor communication, lack of compromise, need not meet, prejudice, intolerance, self-
interest, ignorance, desire for power, lack of empathy, making assumption. Incase these sources
of conflict is different from place to place, and time to time the research was done in the previous
time was not improve conflict of today. Also, research done in other place may not solve conflict
in Werabe University. And there is no scientific research document in werabe University done in
the last years. For above reason the researcher’s did this study to identify type of conflict, and
identify resolution techniques in Werabe University
2. What type of conflict resolution methods are used to solve current conflict and suitable for the
3. What are the frequent sources of conflict among student worabe University?
To assess source of conflict among students in Collage of business and economics Werabe
The study was divided into five chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction to the
background of the study. It also outlines the objectives, significance, scope, and definitions of
key terms, as well as the organization of the study. The second chapter reviews previous studies
and literature related to the subject of the research thesis, which helps in analyzing where the
research fits in. The third chapter focuses on the methodology. This includes discussing the
research approach, design, population and sample size, data sources and types, data collection
procedures, ethical considerations, and data analysis. The fourth chapter analyzes the collected
data, while the fifth chapter presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
It is also defined as a disagreement between two or more person or work group resulting from
incomparability of goals, resource, expectation, perception or value. It can rise over multiple of
organization experience such as incompatible goals, difference in the interpretation of facts,
negative failing, difference of values and philosophic or disputes over shard resource (Curtis
W.Phillip L.Humsker 2001).
Conflict is inevitable among humans it is always which us in our everyday life, ever where we go
and in everything we do. It is also integral part of our every day or organization life( Robert ,Get
wood 1998).
Generally conflict in the organization context can thus be defined as a disagreement between two
or more organization members or groups arising from the fact that they have different status,
goals value and perception /Robert,Get wood 1998/.
Many inter personal conflict involves what are commonly called personality clashes that is when
one person’s style of behavior routinely battles the other person/Patrick 1995/.
effect. Positive outcome of conflict includes expand understanding of the issue, mobilization of
party resources and energies clarification of competing solution and creative search for
alternative and enhanced ability in the future/Brown M.1983/.
Conflict arises when people are competing for scarce resources because resources are limited the
competition for those resources as well as they are not fairly distributed (James 1989). Conflicts
arise when people beliefs clash religious and ideological views are particularly sensitive, because
people often depend on these for sense of identity and belongings. Breaking down in
communications may communication selfdom perfect and imperfect communication may result
in perception and miss understanding because of the receiver is not listening actively, the
receiver may simply be misunderstanding the sender intention (Patrick, 1995).
characterized by genuine attempt to find solutions that satisfy all of the need for all parties. This
intention of parties is to solve the conflict by clarifying difference (Patrick: 1995).
This approach used when to find an integrative solution when both sets of concerns are to merge
in sight from people with different perspective to gain commitment by incorporation concerns in
to a consensus to work through felling that have interfered with a relationship. The major
objective is solving the problem or conflict together/David B.Anderzej H 1997/.
This approaches is appropriate when you find you are wrong to allow a better position to be
heard to learn and to show you are reasonableness issues are more important to others than
yourself to satisfy others and maintain cooperation to build social credits for later issue to
minimize loss when you are out matched and losing harmony are stability are especially
important and to allow subordinates to develop by learning from mistakes (David B.Andrezej
It is appropriate the situation, when goals are important, but not worth the effort of potential
disruption of more asserts model, opponent with equal power are committed to mutually
exclusive goals to achieve temporary segment to complex issue, to move expedient solution
under time pressure and as a backup when collaboration or competition is unsuccessful (David
Bhelcon, Andrezej H, 1997).
2.7.1 Negotiation
Negotiation is a give or take process between conflict interdependent parts. Negotiation skill are
important than today and distributive bargaining is negotiation situation in which a fixed sum of
resources is dived up, it leads to a win loss between the parties. Integrative bargaining is a
negotiation situation that seeks to increase the total amount of resources. It create a win win
situation between the parties no the third person need (David B.Andrezej H.1997).
2.7.2 Mediation
Mediation is a process in which neutral third party to the conflict assists in achievement of
negotiated solution using reason, pervasion and the presentation of alternative. These techniques
include asking each parties to state the problem to state others view of the problem, and ask them
to confirm the accuracy of the others eruption (David B.Andrezej H.1997).
2.7.3 Arbitration
Arbitration refers to the process where the decision is made by a third party. The arbitrator hears
the case as presented by the parties in conflict or dispute and makes a decision or award in the
same way as a judge (David B.Andrezej H.1997).
3.1. Introduction
The methodology is the core of scientific study as it is the way through which findings were
achieved .This was the essential pre requisite for the validity and reliability of the result to be
found out. This chapter describes the methodology of the study including; the research
design ,data type ,source of data ,method of data collection ,population and sample design ,and
method of data analysis.
N 588
n= 1+ N∗e
2 = 1+ 588∗0.1
=¿ =85(yemane)
n =sample size
N =total population
e =sample error
Total 588 85
This section deals with the finding and discussion part of the collected data on the assessment of the
source of conflict among campus students and resolution method in case of Werabe University graduate
regular and extension students in this year in Collage of business and economics. In this chapter
the researchers tried to discuss and analyzed the primary and secondary data by using both qualitative and
quantitative data analysis method.
From total number of sample size (85) all of them questionnaires were distributed. From total
questionnaire 75 (88.23%) are returned, due to different factors 10(11.77%) of questionnaires not
collected and analyzed. Totally the response of open and closed ended response and interviews
from administrative staff is analyzed and interpreted. In addition to this, the paper represents the
information collected from different sex of Werabe University graduate regular and extension
students in this year in Collage of business and economics.
1 18-25 55 73.33
2 26-35 15 20
3 36-50 5 6.67
4 Above 50 - -
Total 75 100
The above table shows age of respondents, as observed 55(73.33%) of the respondents are between 18-25
years’ age, 15 (20%) of them are between 26-35 age range, and 5(6.67%) of them are between 36-50 age
range. Therefore, majority of the students in of Werabe University graduate regular and extension
students in this year in Collage of business and economics are very young.
1 Male 42 56
2 Female 33 44
Total 75 100
The above table shows gender of respondents, as observed 42(56%) of the respondents are males
and the remaining 33 (44%) are female.This shows that most of the respondents are males.
Goal conflict 18 24
Cognitive conflict 12 16
Affective conflict 15 20
Behavioral conflict 30 40
Total 75 100
Total 75 100
Table 4.3 item “1” shows that of conflict emerged among the students is goal conflict 18 (24%),
cognitive conflict 12 (16%), affective conflict is15 (20 %) and the remaining of them 30 (40%)
are replied that conflict emerged among the students is behavioral conflict that means the most
frequently happening type of conflict among the student is behavioral conflict. Also this implies
that most of the time conflict emerged among the student in the Werabe University graduate
regular students in this year in Collage of business and economics is behavioral conflict.
As we seen clearly in the same table 4.3 item two (2)35(46.67%) (Majority or half) of the
respondent replied that can minimize conflict among the students by teaching misbehavior
students, 11 (14.67 %) of the respondents replied that can minimize by distribution of scarce
resources fairly and the remaining 29(38.67%) that it can be minimized by creation awareness
about effective of conflict. This implies that creating awareness about the effect of conflict and
teaching misbehavior students can minimize emergence of conflict among the student most of
the time.
Daily 30 40
Weekly 15 20
Monthly 17 22.67
Yearly 13 17.33
Total 75 100
Table 4.4 show that 13(17.33%) respondents replied that conflict occur among the students
yearly, 17(22.67%) of them responded that it occurs among student monthly15 (20 %) of the
hem replied that it occurs weakly. The remaining 30(40 %) of the respondents said that it occurs
day to day among the student. This information simply assured conflict in inevitable among
humans. It is always with as in our everyday life, everywhere we go and everything we do.
Therefore, conflict is inevitable among the students in everyday life, when they study, eat, play
and speak.
Difference in objective 12 16
Misbehavior of students 21 28
Total 75 100
Table 4.5 shows that from total respondents 8(10.67 %) respondents said that conflict is caused
by competition on scarce resource, 12(16%) replied that it is caused by difference in objectives,
8(10.67%) of responded that it caused by breakdown in communication,21(28 %) respondents
Yes 33 44
No 42 56
Total 75 100
Collaboration 29 38.67
Compromising 18 24
Avoidance 12 16
Computing 9 12
Accommodation 7 9.33
Total 75 100
According to above table 4.6 item one (1) shows 33(44%) of the respondents are satisfied with
the current method of conflict resolution and 42(56%) of respondent said that they are not
satisfied with the current methods of conflict resolution. Therefore, majority of respondents are
not satisfied with the current method of conflict resolution.
According to above table 4.6 item two (2) shows 7(9.33 %) of respondent responded that
accommodation is one of conflict resolution methods among the students, 9(12 %) of replied that
computing another method, avoidance and compromising are also another method used to
resolve conflict among the students as 12(16 %) and 18(24 %) respectively. The remaining
29(38.67 %) of the respondent replied that collaboration is the most use method. This clearly
indicates that most of time Werabe University graduate regular and extension students in this year
in Collage of business and economics by collaboration method to solve frequently occurred, type
of conflict among the student currently. Because collaboration promote that bargain each party
by giving up something value involve rating another thing. So this method to satisfy the need to
both party by bringing each party a middle ground.
Table 4.7 methods that should be used to reduce the major source of conflict that occurs by
campus students.
Total 75 100
Total 75 100
According to above table 4.7 item “1” it is clearly indicate /shows 7(9.33 %) of respondent
responded that open additional cafeteria (café) is one of the method that should be reduce
conflict that occurs among Werabe University graduate regular students in this year in Collage of
business and economics students during cafe queue, as17(22.67%) of respondent replied that
deliver equal resources to all students is another method and 24 (32 %) of the respondent replied
open on time the café service is also another solution. The remaining 27(36%) of the respondents
replied take punishment to students who involve conflict is also the best (most useful) method.
According to above table 4.7 item “2”it clearly shows 17(22.67 % )respondent replied that
conflict occurs among campus students during water queue by opening water pump every time is
possible solution to reduce conflict,18(24 %)of respondent replied that by educating misbehavior
students to fetch water keep queue is another method ,by advising all students to use properly
having water pump and by delivering additional water to students by using big water butt are
also the best another method used to reduce conflict among that occurs Werabe University
graduate regular students in this year in Collage of business and economics students during water
queue as 19(25.33%) and 21(28 % )respectively.
Immediately 41 54.67
Total 75 100
Almost 41(54.67 %) of the respondent said that whatever the conflict level and whoever it is
necessary to set the disagreement immediately. The rest 34 (45.33%) of the respondents have
said that it is necessary to settle conflicts after some times. The former one reason out saying if it
is not immediately resolved the level of conflicts, may become more interest from time to time
and may end up with the level of confident that will not be resolved so the sum total effects delay
in resolution will highly affect the student, the later one reasoned out saying if it is not analyzed
by taking enough time it may create another problem while trying to resolve so it is better to take
sometimes. The implication is that what type of conflicts should be resolved now or later is
depend on the nature of conflicts that means certain conflicts might be resolved immediately and
the other may be resolved after some times.
Mediation 23 30.67
Arbitration 22 29.33
Negotiation 30 40
Total 75 100
As it is clearly indicating in table 4.9, 22(29.33%) of the respondent replied that arbitration is
possible to solve a conflict,23 (30.67%) of the respondent replied that a method of conflict
resolution is possible to use by mediation method and the remaining 30(40 %) of the respondent
replied that use negotiation conflict resolution method among the student as possible or it is the
best way to take solution.
Yes 50 66.67
No 25 33.33
Total 75 100
Yes 30 40
No 45 60
Total 75 100
As it is clearly indicating in table 4.11, 30 (40%) of the respondent replied that complete
removing or avoiding conflicts among students is possible. The remaining 45 (60%) of the
respondent replied that completely removing or avoiding conflicts among students is impossible.
The respondent suggests that because of scarce resource, difference in objective, perception,
values, interest, behavior, religion, ethnic, and conflicts emergence inevitable among the
students. It cannot avoidable completely rather than minimize.
Total 75 100
As it is indicating in table 4.12, 32(42.67%) of respondent replied that conflict down play
performance of the students, 29(38.67%) of them replied that conflict increase performance of
students and the remaining 14 (18.67 %) replied that conflict does not affect the performance of
the student. This finding shows that the attitude of student toward conflict is negative. They
perceive it as negative because they conceived that conflict is it severs it result in resentment,
tension and anxiety. These feeling appear to result students away from their objectives. This
leads to decrease in their performance.
Yes 35 46.67
No 40 53.33
Total 75 100
Positive 16 21.33
Negative 32 42.67
Both 27 36
Total 75 100
According to table, 4.13 Item one (1) 40(53.33%) of the respondent replied conflicts among the
student does not promote awareness, enhance personal development and encourage
psychological development. The rest 35(46.67%) agreed that it promote awareness enhance
personal and encourage psychological development. This implies that most of the time conflict
among the student has destructive effects like causing frustration poor self-confidence and loss
of work motivation. Therefore, we can say conflict among the student is dysfunctional.
According to above .4.13. Item “2” shows 16(21.33%) of respondents responded that conflict has
positive effects,32 (42.67 %) of replied that conflict has negative effects and the remaining 27(36
%)of the respondent replied conflict has both positive and negative effects. These clearly indicate
that almost conflict has negative effect and both the effects of positive and negative. Because it is
not totally positive and on the other hand it is not totally negative rather it has both effects.
The interview was forwarded for administrative staff of the campus. The response present as
follows. Currently Werabe University graduate regular and extension students in this year in
Collage of business and economics practice collaboration type of conflict resolution method to
solve frequently occurred, type of conflict among the students currently. Because it promote that
bargain each party by giving up something value involve rating another thing.
2 What problems are occurring while you are resolving conflict among students?
The response of interview stated that the major problems are the cause of conflict among
students are very wide and change as a time changes restrict us to develop effective resolving
technique to handle such variety of problem .
The other major problem is lack of time to resolve those conflict in proper manner, since conflict
among students occur frequently so, it takes much time to analyses the cause of conflict and
recommend best solution.
Also the interview was forwarded both students as well as administrative staff. The response
present as fellows. Actually there is no universally accepted conflict resolution method is
depending up on the situation, so it is preferable it by taking discussion with party using
mediation techniques. Other suggests that major objectives of the student in the campus is
learning so, the conflict management is preferable that creating awareness about destructiveness
of the conflict. There it should be mediation and negotiation, also the other said that it should be
in the way promoting tolerance and there should be clear defined rule and regulation should be
by depending on the situation.
In this part of research, the summary, conclusion and recommendation are put side by side where even
necessary to recommend on from the summary and conclusion, hoping that doing provider immediate
answer for anyone having a glance at study.
more than half of the respondents believed that the prominent source of conflict is:-
Competition on scarce resource
Misbehavior of students.
The 41(55 %) of respondents assured that the type of conflict should be resolved now or
later is depends up on the nature of conflict, that means certain conflict might be resolved
immediately and the other 34(45 %) may be resolved after some time.
From the finding 30(40%) of respondents assured that conflict could take place among
students in every day, every place, and every time. Because it cannot be remove from
students is a day to day activity.
From the finding 40 (53.33%) of respondent assured that the destructive conflict has
negative effects like:-
Reduce awareness, personal development and psychological development.
Increase instability, emotional problem, fatigue, individualism, stress and
frustration of digression.
5.3. Conclusion
Based on the analysis the following conclusion has drawn.
• Majority of respondents assured that most of the time conflict emerged among the student was
misbehavior of students and competition on scarce resources.
• Among the different kind of conflict, mostly occurred type of conflict is behavioral conflicts.
• Conflict among the student is not promote awareness, enhance personal development and
encourage psychological development there it effect is destructive we can say dysfunctional
conflicts fairly.
• Improper management of the conflict among the student has dysfunctional effects.
• From the finding conflict is inevitable among the students in everyday life, when they study,
eat, play and speak.
• Most of the time Werabe University graduate regular and extension students in this year in
Collage of business and economics by collaboration method to solve frequently occurred type of
conflict among the student currently.
• Completely removing or avoiding conflicts among the students is impossible because of there
is scarce resources, difference in objectives, perception, valves, interest, behavior, religion,
ethnic and conflict emergence inevitable among the students. It cannot avoidable completely
rather than minimize it.
• Generally, from the many finding everybody can understand that the conflict is not totally
negative as well as it is also not totally positive to the student, rather conflict have both effects’
negative (destructive) effects and positive (constructive) effects.
5.4. Recommendation
Management of the organization is better to supposed to manage conflict effectively so
as to attain a moderate functional level of conflict in inevitable in any organization.
The management of the organization is better to apply appropriate means of conflict
resolution methods to solve frequent occurring conflict.
The campus is better to make clear/transparent/the rule and regulation when managing
conflicts all parties.
The management of the organization is advisable to undertake proper discussion among
all parties before giving at decision.
The management of the organization is better to focus on mechanism to distribute scarce
resources fairly among the students.
It is advisable to management of the organization to give great care when resolving
conflict among students, because improper management of conflict hinders the university
as well as the student from achieving its goal.
The management of the organization is better to give great concerns for creation
awareness for misbehavior students and fair distribution of scarce resources.
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Curtis W.Philip Munseker (2001) management old organization behavior 3rd McGrqw- Hull.
David Andres Huczynski (1997) organization behavior 3rd edition. Prentice Hull (UK).
Fred Luthans, conflict management practice 10th edition.
Garth G. Jones(1985) organization theory weakly publishing company, Inc.
Hugh Mail, (cotemporary conflict resolution).
James H. Higgins (1998), the management: challenge and introduction to management,
Macmillan testing software.
Kesile W. Rue, Lioyd L. Byars (1992).Management skills and applications, 6th ed. Richard
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Patrick, right (1995), management of organization, Richard, Irwin.
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Robert, Kreizener (1998), organizational behavior, 4th edition McGraw-Hill companies Inc.
QUESTIONNAIRES: - questionnaires to be filled by students of Werabe University in graduate
regular and students in this year in collage of business and economics.
Dear respondents: -This questionnaire will prepare in order to conduct the researcher in partial fulfillment
for the requirement of the bachelor degree in management. Its aim is to collect relevant information
regarding to the assessment of source of conflict among students and its resolution methods in Werabe
University. So, you are kindly requested to give the right answer you think as possible since it contributes
a lot for the success of and reliability of this research proposal
1. For some no need of writing your name
2. "Encircle" the letter of you choose from provided close ended questions and fill
the blank space provided for open ended questions.
5, What kind of conflict resolution methods are used/applied/ currently in resolving conflict among
A, Collaborations
B, Avoidance
C, Computing
D, Compromising
E, Accommodation
6, What is the best /suitable/ measurement that should be used reduce conflict that occurs campus students
in cafe during queue?
A, Yes B, No
Please specify___________________________________________________________________
A, Immediately
B, After sometimes
A, Yes B, No
12, Is it possible to avoid completely conflict among the students by managing conflict?
A, Yes B, No
16, Does conflict among the students have effect like promoting awareness, enhance personal
development and encourage psychological development?
A, Yes B, No
2, What problems are occurred while you are resolving conflict among students?
3, what type of conflict resolution method use in the future in the Werabe University graduate regular
students in this year in Collage of business and economics?