Assessing The Effect of Service Quality On Customers

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LEMA TESHOME (Asst. prof.)
A Thesis Submitted to Department of Management for Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

JUN, 2023

I Bareke Bulto declare that the work included in this research thesis is my own work carried
out by me under the guidance of my advisor. The research thesis has not been summated for
any other purpose to any other higher education institutions I also declare that have adhered
to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and not misrepresented source in my
research thesis submission and the source used are daily acknowledged. I understand that
any violation of academic integrity would be cause for displinary action by the university

Name of the student: Bareke Bulto



This is to certify that the thesis entitled ASSESSING THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY
ON CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION: IN CASE OF Addis Ababa yeka sub-city trade office.”
Submitted to Arsi University, College of Business and Economics, Department of Management
for the award of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) is crried out by Mr. Bareke Bulto,
under my supervision is correct and fulfill all required standard and commensurate with
academic integrity. Hence, I attest the student can submit the MBA thesis to the department for
further evaluation by board of examiners.
Name of Advisor: Lema Teshome (
Signature of the Advisor: ______________________

Submitted By:
_______________________________ ________________ ______________
Name of Student Signature Date


Name Signature Date

1) _______________________________ ________________ ______________


2) ________________________________ ________________ ______________

(Internal Examiner)
3) ______________________________ ________________ ______________

(External Examiner)

A study of this type could not come to completion without the assistance of institutes, groups of
people and individuals. First of all, I would like to thank the glory God, who has been the
ultimate source of my strength. My special gratitude goes to my advisor Lema Teshome
( whose work ethic is worth modeling, for his commitment on the thesis at each stage
and for making invaluable comments and suggestions.
I would also like to express my congratulation to my lovely family who were also the building
block of my life their assistance and understanding made me strong in doing this thesis. I was
also really grateful to all the respondents who took their time to respond to my request during
this pandemic period voluntarily
Lastly, I would like to thank all of my families and who encouraged me and provided necessary
materials for the study.

God bless you all.


ANOVA: Analysis of Variables

FDRE MOT: Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia Ministry Of Trade
IBM: International Business Machine
SERVQUAL: Service Quality
SPSS: Statistical Package for the social science

Table of Contents page
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i
CERTIFICATION .................................................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... iv
LISTS OF ABBREVATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the study ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Research questions .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Objective of the study ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 General objective ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Specific objective ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. Definition of key Terms ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Significance of the study .................................................................................................................... 5
1.7. Scope (delimitation) of the study ....................................................................................................... 5
1.8. Organization of the study ................................................................................................................... 5
2. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE ....................................................................................... 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Theoretical Review ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Service concept and its unique characteristics ............................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Service Quality............................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.3 Service Quality, the Gap between Expectations and Performance .............................................. 8
2.1.4 Customer Perceived Service Quality ........................................................................................... 9
2.1.5 Dimensions of Service quality ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1.6 Customer Satisfaction ................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.7 Customer‟s Expectation ............................................................................................................. 12
2.1.8 Customer Perception .................................................................................................................. 12

2.1.9 Customer Complaint Handling System...................................................................................... 13
2.2. Empirical reviews ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.1. Empirical evidences on the Quality of Service delivery practice in Ethiopian Public Sectors
............................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.2 Relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality ............................................... 15
2.3 Conceptual frame work ..................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................. 17
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 17
This chapter deals with research design and methodology, tools and sources of data collection, data
collection instruments, target population, sample size and sampling techniques and methods of data
processing and analyzing. ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Description of the Study Area ........................................................................................................... 17
Addis Ababa was the capital city of Ethiopia, The study was conducted at yeka sub-city trade office.
yeka sub-city was ones from 11 sub citys which found in Addis Ababa and there are 12 woredas found
under yeka sub-city. ................................................................................................................................ 17
3.2. RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 18
3.3. RESEARCH APPROACH ................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.1 Methods of data collection and data sources.............................................................................. 18
3.3.2 Sources of Data ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.3. Primary Sources ............................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.4. Secondary Sources ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.5. Tools of Data Collection ............................................................................................................... 19
3.3.6. Data Collection Procedures........................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Population and Sampling .................................................................................................................. 19
3.4.1Target population ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.4.2 Sampling Technique ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.3. Sample Size................................................................................................................................... 20
3.5. Methods of Data Analysis ............................................................................................................ 21
3.6. Data Quality Assurance ....................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.1 Reliability....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.6.2 Validity .......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7. Data analyzing procedure................................................................................................................. 23
3.8. Ethical Consideration ................................................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................... 25
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................... 25
4.1. Response Rate .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2. Demographic characteristics ............................................................................................................ 26
4.3 Descriptive Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Service Quality Assessment ....................................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Customer Satisfaction ................................................................................................................ 32
4.4. Correlation analysis ......................................................................................................................... 38
4.4.1. Relationship between service quality dimension ...................................................................... 38
4.5 Effects of Quality service on customer satisfaction .......................................................................... 39
4.5.1 Assumptions ............................................................................................................................... 39
4.5.2. Normality Test .......................................................................................................................... 39
4.5.3. Linearity Test ............................................................................................................................ 40
4.5.4. Multicollinearity Test ................................................................................................................ 40
4.5.5. Independent of Error Test ......................................................................................................... 41
4.5.6 Homoscedasticity of variance Test ............................................................................................ 41
4.6 Regression Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 41
4.7. Predicting role of each variables ...................................................................................................... 43
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 46
5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................. 46
5.1. Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 46
5.2 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 47
5.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 48
5.4. Limitation and Future research implication ..................................................................................... 49
5.4.1. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................................................. 49
5.4. 2. Future research implication ...................................................................................................... 49
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 50
APPENDIXES ................................................................................................................................................ 55
Appendix : Questionnaire ........................................................................................................................... 60
Appendix 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 68
Normality assumption test ...................................................................................................................... 68
Appendix 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 69

Normality assumption test ...................................................................................................................... 69
Appendix 4 .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Appendixes 5........................................................................................................................................... 70
Linearity assumption test ............................................................................................................................ 70
APPENDIXES ...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 1. Questionnaire ........................................................................................................... 55

Appendix 2 Normality assumption test......................................................................................... 68

Appendix 3 Normality assumption test..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 4 Homoscedasticity of variance assumption Test ........................................................ 69

Appendixes 5 Linearity assumption test ..................................................................................... 701


Table 3.1:Proportional sample ...................................................................................................... 21

Table3. 2: Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency of Scale ................................. 22
Table 4.1፡ Response Rate for Questionnaire distributed .............................................................. 26
Table 4:2፡ Gender information of the responses .......................................................................... 26
Table 4.3፡ Age information of the responses ................................................................................ 26
Table 4.4: Education information of the Reponses ....................................................................... 27
Table:4.5፡ Tangibility Dimension................................................................................................. 28
Table: 4.6: Service Reliability ...................................................................................................... 29
Table: 4.7፡ Responsiveness Dimension ........................................................................................ 30
Table: 4.8: Service Assurance....................................................................................................... 31
Table: 4.9: Service Empathy ......................................................................................................... 31
Table: 4.10: Customer Satisfaction ............................................................................................... 32
Table 4.11፡ Coustomer satisfaction with the quick service of the office ..................................... 33
Table: 4.12፡ I am satisfied with the office accessibility of information for its customer ............. 34
Table: 4.13: Customer Satisfaction in percent .............................................................................. 34
Table: 4.14: I am satisfied with the respectful behavior of employees ........................................ 35
Table: 4.15: C ustomer Satisfaction in percent ............................................................................. 35
Table: 4.16: Customer Satisfaction in percent .............................................................................. 36
Table: 4.17: Correlation analysis .................................................................................................. 38
Table 4.18 : Regression model summary of service quality ........................................................ 42
Table4. 19: ANOVA result ........................................................................................................... 42
Table 4.20: Estimated Unstandardized and Standardized Regression Coefficient ....................... 44

Figure 2.1. Figure 1:Conceptual frame work of the study Source: Adopted from literature
(Parasuraman et al.,1988) ............................................................................................................. 16

The main objective of study is to assess the effect of service quality on customer’s satisfaction in
the case of Yeka sub-city Trade office. Regarding to research methodology, this study was used
both quantitative and qualitative research design and both primary and secondary data was
employed. From the target population of 2843 customers and 62 employees 350 and 18 samples
was drawn respectively. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were
employed for selecting samples of customers and employee’s respectively. The data analysis was
conducted through statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, Bivariate correlations and
multiple linear regressions by using SPSS software version 20. In order to test the reliability of
the instrument, the Crobanch alpha test was used .person correlation and multiple linear
regression analysis was employed to estimate the causal relationships between service quality
and customer satisfaction.
The findings indicate that the service quality of the organization is good based on the result of
those dimensions. All service quality dimensions are positively related to customer satisfaction.
The data also shown that all the independent variables (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance and empathy) had statistically positive and significant effect on dependent variable
(customer satisfaction). From the data collected and result of the analysis, the study indicates
that the five dimensions of service quality were positively correlated with the customer
satisfaction. The overall finding of this study suggested that all employees and officials in the
office had to be committed and involved in service quality improvement in order to meet
customers’ expectation. The study recommended that the office had to give significant
consideration for all service quality dimensions that positively effect on customer satisfaction

Key words: Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction


This chapter presents the general idea of the whole research thesis. It covers the background of the
study, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the study, significance of the study,
scope of the study and organization of the study.

1.1 Background of the study

According to (Medberg& Grönroos, 2020), services are "activities or series of Activities of more or
less intangible nature that usually, but not essentially, take place in relations between customer and
service workers or physical resources or goods and systems of the service supplier, which are
provided as solutions to customer problems." The service concept is adapted to the current society's
life and is as old as the history of humans. Considered from This point of view, there is no generally
accepted and complete definition of services. International Business Machine (IBM), in their ongoing
research program Services science, lists a random selection of efforts to define services from the
literatures and suggests that service is „a provider-client interaction that creates and captures value
(Yuan, 2013).

In simple terms “Services are deeds, processes, and performances” (Munusamy et al., 2010). on the
other hand, in a more broader definition, (Angelova&Zekiri, 2011; N. F. Taylor et al., 2012) indicate
that "services contain all economic activities whose output is not a physical product, and is in general
consumed at the time of production, and provides added value in forms such as convenience,
amusement, timeliness, comfort, or health which are essentially intangible in nature". (Ahmad M.
Zamil& Marwan M. Shammot, 2011),

Service quality is the set of aspects and characteristics of a product that relate to its ability to satisfy
expressed or latent needs, i.e., measuring the degree of a customer's satisfaction with the product or
service provided by organizations (Castro and Paccha 2018). Similarly, quality is defined as a form of
attitude that is related to satisfaction and originates from making comparisons of expectations with
perceptions of quality when a customer has a service experience (Monroy and Urcádiz 2020).
Ahmad (2011), on the other hand, defines services as "any act or performance that one party can offer

to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything". He affirms
the view that "services are intangible, inseparable, variable and perishable and also added that
services normally require more quality control, supplier- credibility, and adaptability”.
According to Gronroos (2004), services are "activities or series of activities of more or less intangible
nature that normally, but not necessarily, take place in interactions between customer and service
employees or physical resources or goods and systems of the service provider, which are provided as
solutions to customer problems." Customer satisfaction is becoming one of the most essential
objectives which any firm seeking for long-term relationship with customer considers as the top
One of the main elements determining customer satisfaction is the customer‟s perception of service
quality. Customer satisfaction is described as the result of a comparison of the customers‟
expectations and his or her subsequent perceived performance of service quality (Herington
&Weaven, 2009). According to this conceptualization, perceived service quality is one of the
antecedents to overall customer satisfaction.
According to Juwaheer and Kandampully (2009), the relationship between service quality and
customer satisfaction has proven its role and importance, in satisfaction, can be the result of high
quality services when management implements service quality concepts and metrics properly.

Today, quality of service plays a crucial role in the success of the organization in creating competitive
advantage and increase competitive power. Quality of service meets two dimensions of Technical
(outcome) and operational (process-oriented). Technical dimension of service is what the customer
gets from service and is measurable so as objective, because it is what customers sees in the end of
serving process. On the other hand, the functional quality associated with how to get service and is
not easily measured and also understood by the client mentally. In other words, the technical quality
is the practical result of the service while the operational dimension quality shows process how
service provided.
Customer satisfaction so that improve service quality increases also the likelihood of customer
satisfaction. Increasing customer satisfaction leads to behavioral outcomes such as commitment, a
desire to remain a two-way link between the service provider and the customer, increasing customer‟s
tolerance to failures in service delivery and positive oral advertising about organization (Hosseini& et
al, 2010).

1.2 Statement of the Problem
One of the most significant challenges facing services organizations today is to provide consistently
high-quality services. The delivery of consistent service quality is arguably the most vital factors that
contribute to the establishment of credibility and reputation of the organizations in the eyes of the
public. It is well recognized that providing high quality services has a beneficial effect on the bottom-
line performance for the organization.
Many authors agree that service quality leads to customer satisfaction. Although; the need to satisfy
customer is something that goes without saying this is precisely the problem with many
organizations, assumptions are made about what customers really want and even if customers have
been consulted, it may be such a long time in the past that this information is at best irrelevant and
often positively dangerous. The service quality dimensions that affect customer satisfaction are
Tangibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Reliability. Professional services in a
particular sector frequently suffer from an attitude of thinking that they know best, because they are
the experts. This may be true but this attitude can create blind spots in dealing with customers
(Johnson and Clark, 2002).
According to Hussein, (2009), though public organizations are supposed to give quality service in a
way that is efficient, effective, fair, transparent, reliable, and responsive that meets customer
satisfaction, service delivery quality lack these qualities which in turn affected the level of customer
satisfaction. According to the existing experiences and reports, this is currently experienced yeka sub-
city trade office and also some of the bottle necks in commercial registration and licensing services.
Currently, citizens expect variety of service from the government that requires seamless and flexible
organization that is effective and efficient in delivering services. To avoid some of the bottle necks in
commercial registration and licensing services, address maladministration and improve the services
supported by technology.
Trade office has been established to provide quality service to its customers in the giving trade
license. According to the government policy, rules and regulation any government organization has to
Give quality of service to satisfy its customers. Many studies have been done on service quality and
customer satisfaction. Only few studies were done on trade office service quality. However, to cross
check whether it is delivering quality service to satisfy its customers there is no any research
conducted in yeka sub-city trade office. To this effect the researcher is, therefore, motivated to carry
out and assess service quality on customer satisfaction the case of yeka sub-city Trade office.

Services to assess the effect of service quality on the customer satisfaction and to identify the most
important service quality dimensions that influence overall customer satisfaction of trade offices.

1.3 Research questions

The study answers the following research questions?
Which service quality dimension is getting the highest perceived quality by the customer?

What is the overall level of satisfaction of customers of the trade office?

What is the effect of service quality on customer‟s satisfaction?

How does service quality relate to customer satisfaction in the trade office?

1.4 Objective of the study

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of the study is to Assessing the effect of service quality on customers‟
satisfaction in Addis Ababa yeka sub – city trade office.

1.4.2 Specific objective

On the basis of general objective; the specific objectives of this study are the following:
 To assess the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction
towards trade office

 To find out the effect of service quality on customers satisfaction.

 To identify the dimensions that affect service quality in trade office.
 To determine the level of customer satisfaction towards trade office.

1.5. Definition of key Terms

Service quality; means the difference between the customer‟s expectation of service and their
Perceived service. In this study, the assessment standards of Zeithaml, Parasuraman& Berry(1990)
would be used, which consist of five dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, Assurance
and empathy.
Customer Satisfaction; means an individual‟s feeling of pleasure (disappointment) resulting from
comparing the perceived performance or outcome in relation to the expectation.

1.6. Significance of the study
The research is important to the office to identify the level of its customer‟s satisfaction and to
enhance & improve the mechanism of its service delivery.
Specifically, it has the following significances:
 This enables the office to identify the gap between what customer hope to get and what they
perceived from actual service delivery of the office.
 It may help the office to apply new strategies to offer efficient services for the community of
commerce in the sub-city.
 The management may use it as an opportunity to improve their organizational communication
 The results of the findings in this research may help as a benchmark for further studies of
other researchers in the area.

1.7. Scope (delimitation) of the study

This study was assessing the effect of service quality on customers‟ satisfaction in Yeka sub-city
trade office. The study had geographical, methodological and conceptual delimitations.
Geographically, the scope of the study was delimited to Addis Ababa Yeka sub-city. Conceptual scope
of the study was concentrated on the effect of service quality on customers‟ satisfaction. This study
focuses on five independent variables namely: Tangibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and
Reliability. In connection with methodological delimitation, the researcher was used explanatory and
descriptive research design and in order to answer the study questions quantitative research approach
was employed.

1.8. Organization of the study

The study was organizes in to five chapters. The first chapter introduces back ground of the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study, research question, significance of the study, scope of
study, and operational definition of terms and organization of the study are explain. The second
chapter focuses on the review of different related literature are presented to create depth
understanding toward subject under study. It group in to three parts, such as Theoretical concepts,
Empirical finding and theoretical/conceptual Frame work. While the third chapter deals with research
methodology part of the study. While result and discussion were present in chapter four and
summary conclusion and recommendation part of chapter five.


In this chapter theoretical and empirical review of existing literatures about the concepts of service
quality and customers‟ satisfaction, service quality dimensions, customers‟ expectation and
perceptions, customer complaint handling mechanisms and conceptual framework of the study are

2.1 Theoretical Review

2.1.1 Service concept and its unique characteristics

Service quality was a measure of how an organization delivers its services compared to the
expectations of its customers. Customers purchase services as a response to specific needs. They
either consciously or unconsciously have certain standards and expectations for how organizations
delivery of services fulfills those needs. An organization with high service quality offers services that
match or exceed its customers' expectations.
Service was an activity which has some element of intangibility related with it which involves some
communication with customers or with property in their ownership, and does not result in a transfer
of ownership. A change in situation may occur and manufacture of the service may or may not be
closely related with a physical product. “In simple terms “Services are deeds, processes, and
performances” (Munusamy et al., 2010).
Characteristics of Service
Service is an intangible part: of the economy it only exists while the provider is delivering it, and
the customer is consuming it. There is no transfer the ownership when an organization provides a
service to clients.
Service is Inseparability: Personal service cannot be separated from the individual and some
personalized services are created and consumed simultaneously.
Services Heterogeneity: The features of service by a provider cannot be uniform or standardized.
Pricing of Services: Pricing decision about services is influenced by perish ability, fluctuation in
demand and inseparability. Quality of a service cannot be carefully standardized,Pricing of services is
dependent on demand and competition where variable pricing may be used.

2.1.2 Service Quality
Service quality is defined as a comparison of customer expectations with service performance, Good
service quality leads into customer satisfaction and therefore, makes the High service quality can be
achieved by identifying problems in service and defining measures for service performances and
outcomes as well as level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, service quality can be defined by
examining the differences between expected service and perceived service.

According to Agyapong (2011) there was a positive relationship between service quality and
customer satisfaction. Service quality can be accessed with the SERVQUAL scale (Khan &Fasih,
2014). SERVQUAL scale measures the quality of a service before and after the consumption of a
service, with five dimensions. Namely; tangibility (visible elements of a service such as buildings,
sites and tools); responsiveness (how fast service providers respond to customer queries/ the
willingness for service providers to assist customers and provide prompt services); reliability (the
ability for a service provider to assure customers of a reliable and proper service); assurance ( the
level of knowledge displayed by a service provider when delivering its services and their ability to
inspire trust and confidence ); and empathy (ability for a service provider to pay attention to
individual customer demands/ individualization of service).

The Quality of most services has to be difficult than the quality of physical goods, because of the
complexity of their characteristics (Groonroos, 2001). Groonroos grouped the quality of services in to
two categories based on technical quality of the outcome (What) and functional quality of the service
process (How).From his point of view, the quality of services influenced by the way the customer
receives the service and the way technical quality transferred to the customer or service provider was
highly responsible in this process. For example ,A business man visit the trade office with the
purpose of having trade license and commercial registration or he may become to the office to renew
his license and if this is the outcome then the customer has received the satisfaction technical quality.
However ,it is possible to be satisfied with the outcome but dissatisfied with the process or functional
quality received such as ,at the time of annual renewal of business license ,the office could be
overcrowded and suffocated ,the stuffs may not be fast and queue are so long .

2.1.3 Service Quality, the Gap between Expectations and Performance
Customer perceptions and effective factors on it Perceived service quality by consumer comparing
what they feel that services company must provide (their expectations) with their understanding
comes from the service provider business performance. The primary factors that affect the customer's
perception of service, it show when we speak from customer's perception is assumed; dimensions of
services and practices of assessing customers exposures is similar, whether evaluator be internal or
external customer of the organization. Four main factors affecting customer perceptions from service
1: Service Encounter, or Moments of Truth
The most obvious impact services from consumer point of view occur in service encounters, when
customers interact with services company, in these encounters that customers receive the picture from
services quality in organization and each service encounter help to the satisfaction and overall desire
of people because work with organization again. In term of organization view, each encounter
provides an opportunity to improve its ability as provider of services quality to increase customer
2. The Evidence of service
Another set from factors affecting customer perception of service refers to the evidence of service
because the services are invisible, customers looking for the evidence of service that they have with
an organization in every interaction. Individuals (employees in customer contact, customer, and
customers) Physical evidence (regular communication, technology, and warranty and service space)
and process (the operational process of activities, process steps, flexibility in standards, and
technology versus human) these classification together offer services and provide evidence for
tangible services to customers (Bahadoran, 2008).
3. Image beyond impacts from the service encounters and assessing evidence of service,
Perceptions can be influenced by the organization's image or reputation. Here, the image of an
organization is defined as the perception of organization that is reflected in relationship that there is in
the customer‟s memory.
4. Price
Price can influence on perceptions of quality, satisfaction and value. If the price is too high,
customers are likely to expect high quality. Actual perceptions are influenced based on these

expectations and conversely, if the price is too low, customers may doubt the company's ability to
provide quality services.

2.1.4 Customer Perceived Service Quality

Customers‟ expectations and experience of service can vary of a single organization. Service quality
as a form of attitude, related but not equal to satisfaction, and results from a consumption of
expectations with perceptions of performance. As services are intangible, customers search for
evidence of service in very interaction they have with a service firm. The evidences of service as
experienced by the customers are: people, process and physical evidence. (Raghu and Venugopal,

2.1.5 Dimensions of Service quality

1. Tangibility
The reliability dimension of service quality refers to the ability of service organizations to perform
the promised service dependably and accurately, and thus reflects the consistency and dependability
of an organization‟s performance. In service organization, customers often rely on tangible evidence
that surrounds the service to form their own evaluation of the service. Tangibles is defined as the
physical appearance of facilities, equipment, and staff and written materials. Tangibles are used to
convey images and to signal quality (Srinivasan, 2012).
2. Responsiveness
Responsiveness dimension is concerned in dealing with the customer‟s requests, questions, and
complaints promptly and attentively (Siddiqqi, 2011). This dimension of service quality is perceived
through the people aspect of service quality. However, information technology advancement likes
emails, webpage and customer service interface improves the responsiveness of service delivery firm
(Kaura, et al., 2012). Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and to provide prompt
service. This dimension emphasizes attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer requests,
questions, complaints and problems. Responsiveness also captures the notion of flexibility and the
ability to customize the service to customer needs. The organization must view the process of service
delivery and the handling of requests from the customer‟s point of view rather than from the
organization‟s point of view.

3. Assurance
The assurance dimension of service quality addresses the competence of the organization, the
Courtesy it extends to its customers and the security of its operations. Assurance as employees‟
knowledge and courtesy, and the ability of the organization and its employees to inspire trust and
confidence. This is especially important with services that a customer might perceive as being above
their ability to understand and properly evaluate; meaning that there has to be a certain element of
trust in the servicing organization's ability to deliver. Assurance is the degree of trust and confident of
customers to feel that the services providers are competent to provide the services (Siddiqi, 2011).
Naidoo (2014) argues that not all customers have the expertise to understand the quality of service
and values they received, and as such may require effective communication or personal explanations
to understand the value they receive. This service quality dimension is performed through the people
aspect of service quality (Kaura, et al., 2012).
4. Empathy
Khan &Fasih (2014, after, Blery, et. al., 2009) state that empathy is the ability for service delivery
firms to pay attention to individual customer problems and demands, then address these issues
effectively. It involves giving ears to their problems and effectively addressing their concerns and
demands. Thus, it is the Dimension of a business relationship that enables two parties to see a
situation from the other‟s perspective.
The essence of empathy is conveying, through personalized or customized service, that the customers
are unique and special and that their needs are understood. Empathetic firms have not lost touch with
what it is like to be a customer of their own organization. On the other hand, it is referred as sign of
Caring; individualized attention, approachability, easiness of contact; effort in understanding the
customers‟ needs is signs of empathy.
5. Reliability
Reliability has an impact on trust and the overall impression left in the mind of a customer after
service consumption (Abd-El-Salam, et al., 2013).Customers want trustable services on which they
can rely. Reliability is the extent to which the service is delivered to the standards expected and
promised (Siddiqi, 2011).
Relationship between Tangibility with customer satisfactions
Tangibility: It encompasses physical facilities, equipment, appearance of personnel and
communication materials. In other words, the tangible dimension is about creating first hand

impressions. An organization should want all their customers to get a unique positive and
unforgettable first hand impression; this would make them more likely to return in the future.
Relationship between Reliability with customer satisfactions
Reliability: It is the most important determinant of perceptions of service quality. It is the ability to
perform the promised service dependably and accurately. The promise may include service Delivery,
problem resolution and pricing.
Relationship between Responsiveness with customer satisfactions
Responsiveness: Is the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. This dimension
emphasizes attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer request, questions, complaints and
problems. It is all about length of time they have to wait for assistance, answers to questions or
attention to problems. To truly distinguish themselves on responsiveness organizations, need well-
staffed customer service department as well as responsive frontline people in all contact positions.
Relationship between Empathy with customer satisfactions
Empathy: caring individualized attention the firm provides to its customers. It is an employee‟s
„commitment to deliver quality and efficient services, skillfully handling of conflicts which
eventually resulted in satisfied customers for long term benefit.
Relationship between Assurances with customer satisfactions
Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence.
This dimension is likely to be particularly important for services that customers perceives high risk or
uncertain about their ability to evaluate outcomes. Trust and confidence are embodied in the contact
employee and the organization itself.

2.1.6 Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction was basically how happy the customers are with the services provided and can
be determined through surveys and ratings to understand their needs and make adjustments where
Customer satisfaction is defined as the deter services and improvements are capable of meeting the
expectations of the customers. The customer satisfaction can be measured by various ways one of the
way of measuring the customers satisfaction is the expectation of customers about the benefits and
the cost association depends upon the experience of the past. The customer satisfaction is also
directly influenced by the price factor. The price fairness effect the customer satisfaction in a positive
way but the perceived price fairness can be negatively.

Customer satisfaction can lead to customer loyalty because people tend to be rational and risk-adverse
so that they might have a tendency to reduce risk and stay with the service providers which they
already had good experience with. Actually, customer satisfaction has been suggested to be an
antecedent of loyalty in service context in previous studies (Belas&Gabcova, 2016).

Customer satisfaction is something beyond a positive Impact on efforts done in the organization.
Customer satisfaction is defined as “the number of customers or percentage of total customers, whose
reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction
goals. Understanding customer satisfaction in the organization should be considered as a major issue.
As part of this strategy, service and the needs of customer, prepare a list of data, customer complaints,
the selection of process is important. Basic questions include: What do we provide service? Who are
our customers? What do they want and need? Is it measurable? What is needed to improve the
process? By answers to these questions will have a better understanding of customer continuously?

2.1.7 Customer’s Expectation

Customers‟ expectation is what the customers wish to receive from the services. Expectations are the
results of prior experience with the organization‟s products. Singh and Khanduja (2010) proposed
that customers, expectation is formed by many uncontrollable factors which include previous
experience with other companies, and their advertising, customers, psychological condition at the
time of service delivery, customer background and values and the images of the purchased product.

The diversity of expectation definitions can be concluded that expectation is uncontrollable factors
which including past experience, advertising, customers perception at the time of purchase,
background, attitude and product‟s image. Furthermore, the influences of customer‟s expectation are
pre-purchase beliefs, word of mouth communications, individual needs, customers‟ experiences, and
other personal attitudes. Different customers have different expectation based on the customer‟s
knowledge of a product or service. Studies supported that expectations precede satisfaction for
instance: Turel and Serenko (2004) found that perceived expectations are positively correlated with
customer satisfaction.

2.1.8 Customer Perception

Perception is a way of forming impressions about oneself, other people and daily experience. It also
serves as a screen or filter through which information passes before it has an effect on people. Even
though it is subjective the quality or accuracy of a person‟s perceptions has a major impact on his or
her responses to a given situation. Perceptions are those processes that shape and produce what one
actually experiences. Since perceptions are influenced by many external and internal factors such as
cultural, social, psychological and economic, the ways in which the customer perceives services are
highly subjective. What a customer perceives can differ from objective reality.

2.1.9 Customer Complaint Handling System

Complaint is a behavior that customers show their dissatisfactory against their expectations.
Customer's complaint is the best indicator to determine whether a service-oriented business operates
well. If a company does not handle its customer complaint properly and promptly, further negative
customer responses was cause major damage to the image of the organization.

Complaint handling is to terminate the dissatisfaction and to take remedy and /or give compensation
to enhance customers‟ satisfactory levels. The emotional direction includes apology and explanation.
The physical direction is to do the economic compensation to the disgruntled customer (Charles et al,
Therefore, credible and functioning complaint mechanisms constitute a key tool for public institutions
like yeka sub-city trade office and other organization established not for-profit organizations to
manage corruption risk and potential reputational damage.
The following are the major complaint handling processes listed in the guide
Channels to report complaints: These should allow all potential complainants to report their
grievances. They include email addresses, online and offline reporting tools help lines, personal
conversations, SMS reporting and mobile applications.

Publicizing complaint handling procedures: In line with the principles of transparency and
accountability and in order to build trust in the mechanism, the complaint handling procedure should
be publicized.

Handling incoming complaints: Incoming complaints handling should be done with care, in line
with processes established, in time and should be well recorded in order for the responsible staff to be
able to follow up appropriately.

Processing complaints: analysis and fact-finding Complaints; that are in-scope with the complaint
mechanism require a detailed review and analysis, including fact-finding, to have a sound basis for

the decision on how to proceed with the complaint. This review should be independent, objective and

Developing a resolution: Complaints either handled by the organization itself or referred to the
other body. When possible and appropriate, the complaint should be handled directly by the receiving
organization which has the duty to find the best possible approach towards solving the complaint.

2.2. Empirical reviews

2.2.1. Empirical evidences on the Quality of Service delivery practice in

Ethiopian Public Sectors

According to Thomas, 2018 interpretation public service is a service provided by the government to
the citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or indirectly by financing the private provision
of the service.
In April 2001, the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia published a service
delivery policy of the Ethiopian civil service realizing that the existing system requires reforms or
adjustment to improve public service delivery. Which referred service delivery as systematic
arrangement of activities in service giving institutions with the aim of fulfilling needs and
expectations of service users and other stakeholders with the optimum use of resources?

The policy came up with the assumption that effective implementation of the policy requires that all
civil servants, service users and other concerned bodies have sufficient understanding of the
objectives, contents, concepts and principles that enables civil service initiations to carry out what is
expected of them and makes service users (customers) aware of their rights to receive services and
benefit thereafter.
The fact that civil service in many cases has not been able to properly address the rights of service
users to get public service in equitable manner have contributed to the prevailing negative perception
among the public about the efficiency of government institutions and civil servants (Thomas,2018).
According to Tewodros ( 2015) the reason behind this is mainly because of strong bureaucratic delays
Such as; the organizations unresponsiveness to their customers‟ requests, clear procedures and
predetermined service standards were not in place and not posted officially; absence of
communication to customers, no consultation process and feedback collection; no training for
developing skills of service delivery and absence of strict controlling mechanisms to control the
service delivery of the institutions. All these and other supporting reasons may incur customers for
additional costs.
Ahmed, 2010 has conducted a research on the association between service quality and customer
satisfaction. They found that all dimensions of service quality have a significant correlation with
customer satisfaction. In particular,. Research also shows that the five dimensions have positive
association related to customer satisfaction.
Aman (2008) in his research conducted there were problems with provision of service delivery
process and quality service indicating it was below the average customer expectations. Similarly,
conducted a research with a topic of “service delivery and satisfaction” in the same organization. The
poor quality service and performance of the organization, the needs and expectations of customers
were not met at the level that it had to be. Finally he recommended that public services often require
high levels of training and education and as well as they can attract people with a public service who
wishes to give something to the wider public or community through their work.
Croner and Gungor (2002), finds out the higher quality of services was lead to more loyal customers.
Liu, chang –yung(2000), also found there is a positive correlation among service qualities scopes
such as tangibles , empathy, reliability, responsiveness and assurance in one side to customer
satisfaction . It further sets up a positive connection between customer satisfaction and the aim of the
use or retention among the satisfied customers.

2.2.2 Relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality

According to Endalkachew (2013) quality of service is one of the major contributing factors needed
in enhancing customer satisfaction. The findings of his study indicated that unlike tangibility and
responsiveness the three service quality dimensions including reliability, assurance and empathy have
positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction and also assurance is the most important
factor to have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction.
There is a significant relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, this could mean
that, relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality might be depending on service
Quality dimensions (Jenet,2011).

2.3 Conceptual frame work

This conceptual framework of the study was developing on the basis of literature and empirical
review what they stated about the two most important variables are service quality variables
(Independent variables) and customer satisfaction (dependent variable).It was develop to show the
effect of the independent variable (service quality) and customer satisfaction (independent
variable).The researcher was used the Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and
Empathy Under independent variable, Customer satisfaction under dependent variable.

Independent variables Dependent variable

 Service Quality
 Tangibility  Customer
 Reliability

 Responsiveness

 Assurance

 Empathy

Figure 2.1. Conceptual frame work of the study Source: Adopted from literature (Parasuraman
et al.,1988)

Tangible: encompasses physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel.

Reliability: ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.

Responsiveness: reflects the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

Assurance: involves knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and





This chapter deals with research design and methodology, tools and sources of data collection, data
collection instruments, target population, sample size and sampling techniques and methods of data
processing and analyzing.

3.1 Description of the Study Area

Addis Ababa was the capital city of Ethiopia, The study was conducted at yeka sub-city trade office.
yeka sub-city was ones from 11 sub citys which found in Addis Ababa and there are 12 woredas
found under yeka sub-city.
The sub-city trade office shall have the powers and duties to: Promote the expansion of domestic
trade and maintain lawful trade practices, Establish a system that enable to ascertain that export or
import goods are sold or bought at the appropriate price, make follow ups in collaboration with the
concerned executive bodies, and take measures in accordance with the law against those who export
or import by under invoicing, Provide commercial registration and business licensing services, and
control the use of business licenses for unauthorized purposes; Control the compliance of goods and
services with the requirements of mandatory Ethiopian standards, and take measure against those
found to be below the standards set for them.
The main objectives for the sector are; to ensure modern and fair trading practices, to improve the
transparency and fairness of the institutional and organizational framework for trade operations. The
office set some values for the organization such as; Understand, respect & accept the constitution,
Being democratic & development outlook, Avoid rent seeking tendencies and practices, Being
committed for trade sector development, Serving transparency and accountability,
The study on the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction was conducted in yeka sub-city
trade of the commercial registration and business licensing directorate which its activities listed in the
proclamation No 686/2002 or No 686/ 2010 and amended proclamation No980/ 2008 or No

Research design is the conceptual structure with in which research is conduct it constitutes the blue
print for the data, for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data .However the study was
used both descriptive and explanatory research designs. Explanatory research type; in order to assess
the effect of Service Quality on customers‟ satisfaction in the office. This is because; explanatory
research design helps the researcher to identify any causal relationships between the factors or
variables that pertain to the research problem. Explanatory research design is not limited to one
specific paradigm, but may use either qualitative or quantitative approaches. Descriptive types of
study under take in order to ascertain and able to describe the characteristic of variables of interest in
situation in order to understand of dimensions; such as; Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness,
Assurance and Empathy.


Research approaches can be defined as the collection of procedures and plans that decide the overall
process of research. Research approach decides the methods for data collection, analysis, and
interpretation. The concept of research approach is followed in the entire research process. Research
approaches can be of two types, i.e., qualitative and quantitative. When the researcher wants to
determine or check the presence or absence of an element in the study, then qualitative methods was
used. Whereas, when the researcher wants to determine the level of the element's presence, then
quantitative methods would be used. Quantitative techniques make use of advanced statistical
techniques whereas qualitative methods employ open-ended questions which utilize direct quotations.
The researcher can utilize quantitative methods in the form of statistical techniques and qualitative
methods in the form of semi structured interviews.

3.3.1 Methods of data collection and data sources

3.3.2 Sources of Data

The researcher was used both primary and secondary data sources to get consolidated data so as to
reach on concrete findings.

3.3.3. Primary Sources

The primary sources of data were collected from sample of employees and customers by using
questionnaire and interview In order to collect reliable and valid information.
3.3.4. Secondary Sources
The study was also made used secondary data in collecting information. The sources of the secondary
data include organization‟s manual and any relevant literature available from the document review
and annual report appropriate journals, magazines, company brochures and articles used to achieve
the objective of the study.

3.3.5. Tools of Data Collection

In this study structured close ended questionnaire prepared in the form of Likert scale was used to
collect the required data. Such data collection instrument was help to gather data and avoid pressure
on the respondents. A set of standardized questionnaire was adopted from (Parasuramanet al.,1988)
called Parasurman‟s modified SERVQUAL dimensions of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance and empathy having 27 items. All these questionnaires of Service Quality and Customer
Satisfaction was measured by 5-point Likert type scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly
agree (5), each variable was defined using the following classification (Strongly Agree = 5, Agree =
4,Neutral = 3, Disagree = 2and Strongly Disagree = 1). Secondary data are obtained through the
review of organization‟s manual and any relevant literature available from the document review and
annual report appropriate journals, magazines, company brochures and articles, previous researches,
websites and other available sources. This instrument gives expected information about the role of
service quality dimensions that effect on customer satisfaction.

3.3.6. Data Collection Procedures

The data was collected through quantitative questionnaire secondary and primary data are obtained
through the review of the organization‟s Manual and books, journals, websites and other available
sources. Questionnaires that would be fill out and an interview by employees immediately collected
for further statistical data process. The Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from

3.4 Population and Sampling

3.4.1Target population
Target population consists of all trade office customers within the territory of Yeka sub-city and the
key informants such as the head of the office, team leaders and front line employees of the office
who have direct contact with customers. There are about 2843 individual business persons‟; who are
commercial business owners in different business types registered & got a license certificate at this
office selected as target study population.
In addition, front line employees & team leaders who were expected to provide better information
about the service rendering & customer feedback was taking as the populations from which the
sample of the study was drawn. From the total of 62 employees in the office, purposely 13 front line
employees,4 team leaders and head of the office were selected as a sample because of their daily
contact with customers than the others. From the total population of 2843 by considering Confidence
level of 95% and 5% margin of error 350 customers are selected by using sample size determination
formula of (Taro Yemane, 1967).

3.4.2 Sampling Technique

Both probability and non- probability sampling techniques were employed by the researcher in order
to be economical with the available resources. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling
techniques was used to select samples from employees and customers respectively.

3.4.3. Sample Size

To do so the sample size determined statistically, at 95% confidence level with a 5% margin of error
used assumes. Given this level of confidence and the assume margin of error. To manage the data, the
study was used Yemane Taro‟s sample size determination formula. As per Yemane, if the error term
increases the sample size was decrease with the range interval of 5% of error term. Considering of
this it would be difficult to select more sample within the given time interval, therefore the researcher
will select 5% of error term.

N=population e=acceptable sampling error

n=sample size 95% confidence interval

n = ___N___
1+N (e2)

n= 2843/1+2843* (0.05)2
n = 2843/8.1075= 350
Therefore, n= 350 are the sample size.
The samples of the study was selected through calculating the sample size by substituting the

numbers into the Yamane‟s formula, therefore, the total sample size of the study was 350
Table 3.1: Proportional sample

Category population Sample Sampling

size technique
1. Front line employees , team 13 frontline 18 Purposive
leaders of the office (including employees,4 sampling
head of the office) team leaders&1
head office
2. Individual business owners 2843 individual 350 Simple random
business persons sampling
registered at the

3.5. Methods of Data Analysis

After data collection and processing, the remaining works were analyzed and interpreted. The
collected data would be analyzed in line with the study objectives. The data collected from different
sources would be analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation, and inferential statistics such as correlation and linear regression with the aid of SPSS
software version 20. The researcher was chose descriptive analysis because of its simplicity and
clarity to draw inferences. The data was analyzed by using correlation analysis to explore the existing
relationship between the variables. The researcher was used the customer satisfaction as the
dependent variable and service quality dimensions (i.e. reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
empathy, and tangibles) as independent variables. Besides, data gathered through interviews and
unstructured questionnaires were analyzed qualitatively.

3.6. Data Quality Assurance

The data quality was censured by multiple ways. First of all, the researcher refined the data collection
tool as much as possible before taking it to the field with my advisor. Validity and reliability test were
the two approaches used to check the quality to data in this study.

3.6.1 Reliability
Reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or measuring instrument, often were used
To describe a test. Reliability is inversely related to a random error the researcher was used
Cronbach‟s Alpha test. Cronbach‟s Alpha is based on the average correlation of items within a test if
the items are standardized. Cronbach‟s alpha reliability analysis was conducted on the independent
variables in order to determine the reliability of the instrument used. Even though various methods
exist to evaluate the internal consistency of the instrument, the researcher used Cronbach‟s Alpha test
(Dawson & Trapp, 2004) for ensuring reliability and internal consistency. The value of Cronbach
Alpha above .70 are considered to represent acceptable reliability and the values of 0.60 to 0.70 are at
the lower limit of acceptability and values greater than 0.80 and 0.90 are considered good and
excellent respectively as suggested in the literature (Pallant, 2007). A low Cronbach‟s Alpha
coefficient indicates that variables may be too heterogeneous, thus perform poorly in representing the
Table3. 1: Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for internal consistency of Scale

Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based N of Items

on Standardized Items
.679 .664 27

The value of Cronbach Alpha showed on the above table 0.679, these was near to 0.70 and
considered to represent acceptable reliability. The reliability statics test results indicates that the
Cronbach‟s Alpha value for the items were concluded that all the items in the construct were reliable.

3.6.2 Validity
Validity refers to the extent to which it correlates with some criterion external to the instrument itself
(Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson &Tatham, 2006).Validity is the degree to which an instrument
succeeds in measuring what it has set out to measure. Content validity is use for ensuring the validity
of the questionnaire of the study. Validity is concerned with whether the findings are really about what
they appear to be about and Data was collected from the reliable sources. The items of questionnaires
were adopted from (Parasuraman et al.,1988) called Parasurman‟s modified SERVQUAL dimensions
of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.

3.7. Data analyzing procedure
After the data were collected, it was edited, coded, classified and tabulated following the variables in
the study. This coded data was then classified and tabulated for efficient analysis. Data editing
entailed examining the collected new data to detect errors and omissions for correction to ensure
accuracy and consistency. In data coding symbols were assigned to answers and classify responses.
Data classification reduces data into homogeneous attributes that enables the researcher to get
meaningful relationships.
Based on the nature of data collected, they can be categorized. Questionnaires data are mainly
quantitative data, while secondary data are both quantitative and qualitative. A major challenge faced
by researchers in dealing with quantitative data is to determine the correct statistical test for each
question. In this study, two statistical methods; descriptive and correctional expletory inferential
analysis were applied to measured and determined the relationship that exists among the collected
data by using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 20.0). Descriptive analysis
used frequency, percentages and mean were used to help to understand and interpret variables and
correctional expletory inferential statistics such as correlation analysis was used to show the degree of
the relationship between independents and dependent variables and regression analysis were used to
show the role of independent variables on dependent variable. The above method was used, because it
was the best instrument to identified, compared, described and reached a conclusion.
Model specification
Multiple regression attempts to model the relationship between two or more explanatory variables
and a response variable by fitting a linear equation to observed data. Every value of the independent
variable x is associated with a value of the dependent variable y.
The multiple regression formula we adopted for this study which was built around the independent
variables and dependent variable as below.
Yi = β0 +β 1X1 + β2X2 + β3 X3 + β 4X4 + β 5X5 +e
Y1= was the response of dependent variables customer satisfaction
X1= Tangibility X2=Reliability X3= Responsiveness X4= Assurance; X5= Empathy
β0, β1, β2, β3, β4, β5= the coefficients of the variables
e= the error term

β0 was a constant while was the error term in the function. The error term was computed when
checking for reliability of research questionnaires prior to the actual study. Accordingly, this
statistical technique was applied to explain Customer Satisfaction (as dependent variables) on the
selected linear combination of the independent variables using multiple regressions.

3.8. Ethical Consideration

The researcher explains to the respondents about the research study and support that their information
can only be used for academic purposes. The researcher made clear that the contribution is voluntary
and that the respondents were be free to reject or withdraw from contribution any time during the
research period. Respondents would not force into contributing in the study. The contributors would
have signed informed consent to make the choice to contribute or not. They were guaranteed that
their privacy is protected by severe standard of confidentiality.

Under this chapter, the study focuses on the effects of service quality dimensions on customer
satisfaction of Addis Ababa yeka sub-city trade offices. For this survey, analysis of data and
discussion on the findings has been made. The findings of the study are analyzed based on the
specific objectives. Particularly, in this chapter respondent‟s general information, reliability test,
descriptive statistics, correlation; and regression analysis were discussed.

4.1. Response Rate

The researcher was able to get back two hundred ninety six (296) out of the three hundred fifth (350)
questionnaires administered to the customers of the sampled giving 84.57% response rate. On the
whole, data collection lasted a total of four (4) weeks. This was done in order to obtain a larger
response rate. Of the three hundred fifty (350) questionnaires distributed, fifty four (54)
questionnaires were not returned at all and among returned questionnaire twenty (20) of them were
invalid and this make usable response two hundred seventy six (276) questionnaire was valid with a
response rate of 78.86% percent as showed on table 4.1 below. As Babbie (2010) assert that a return
of 50% was adequate, although Bailey (2007) set the adequacy bar at 75%. This implies that based on
this assertions, the response rate of 65% was very good, so this would be done for this study. The
high response could be attributed to self-administration of the questionnaire. In addition, the data
were also collected from key informants such as front line employees and other officials of the office
by using structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews respectively. In contrary to data
collected from customers, all the questionnaires (100 percent) that of distributed for thirty (13)
frontline employees, 4 team leader and head office were filled correctly and returned to researcher, on
the other hand all the interviewees (i.e the four team leaders and the head ) being interviewed and
answered the questions that they were asked by interviewer .

Table 4.1.: Response Rate for Questionnaire distributed

No of Questionnaire Returned Valid Response rate % valid Usable

Distributed Rate
350 296(84.57%) 276 78.86%
Source: Researcher survey data, April, 2023

4.2. Demographic characteristics

Data on respondents‟ demographics who participated in the study were collected and analyzed.
Variables included were gender, age and educational level. The following subsections presented the
results of demographic variables of respondents.
Table 2.2: Gender information of the responses

Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Male 163 59.1 59.1 59.1

Valid Female 113 40.9 40.9 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher survey data, April, 2023
Table 4.2 presented the distribution of the respondents by gender.
While the research did not focus precisely on gender equity, the findings reflect that the sample is
biased towards males. It was clear that the majority of the respondents, 163 (59.1%) were male as
opposed to female who were 113(40.9%).

Table 4.3: Age information of the responses

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

less than & equal 30 years 95 34.4 34.4 34.4
31 - 40 years 72 26.1 26.1 60.5
Valid 41 - 50 years 64 23.2 23.2 83.7
Above 50 years 45 16.3 16.3 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023

Table 4.3. Presented the results of the respondent‟s in terms of age. It was clear that the majority of
respondents, 95(34.4%) were in the age range of less than & equal 30 years, this was followed by 72
(26.1%) in the age range of 31-40 years were as 64(23.2%) in the age range of 41-50 years and the
remaining 45 (16.3%) were above age range of 50 years.

According to table 4.4 presented below the first item shows educational status of the respondents.
From the total 34(12.3)% of the respondents were categorized under primary education, 35(12.7)% of
them were high school complete, 62(22.5)% diploma holders, 126(45.7)% degree holders,
16(5.8)%master holder and the remaining 3(1.1)% were PhD and above. In general, the table shown
the majority of the respondents were degree holders with 45.7% from the total.
Table 4.4.:Education information of the Reponses

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Primary 34 12.3 12.3 12.3
High school 35 12.7 12.7 25.0
Diploma 62 22.5 22.5 47.5
Valid Degree 126 45.7 45.7 93.1
Master 16 5.8 5.8 98.9
PhD and above 3 1.1 1.1 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023

4.3 Descriptive Statistics

The analysis of this study was done using descriptive statistic or through using central tendency,
From these the researcher used the mean scores of each variable. The main reason of using this
Measurement was to demonstrate the average responses of respondents for each question that was
included under each dimension of the predictor variable and to reach the grand mean of each
Finally, the interpretation is made through using the grand mean of each independent dimension for
the aim of achieving partial research objectives of the study. The interpretation was made Based on
the following measurement scale intervals or range. Mean scores 4.51-5.00 excellent or very good,
3.51-4.50 good, 2.51-3.50 average or moderate, 1.51-2.50 fair and 1.00-1.50 is poor (Poonlar
4.3.1 Service Quality Assessment
In order to assess the customer-perceived quality of trade office, descriptive statistics were computed
per dimension, as given below.
Table:4.5:Tangibility Dimension
Items N Mean Std. Deviation
The office has modern looking equipment 276 3.78 .881
the office's physical features are visually
276 3.59 1.077
The offices reception desk employees are
276 3.79 .960
neat appealing
Materials associated with the
services(such as pamphlets
276 3.61 1.105
magazines/brushers are appealing at the
Total Tangibility 276 3.6920 .55946
Valid N (listwise) 276
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023
Tangibility refers to the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication
materials. According to table 4.5, the descriptive statistical analysis shown that according to Poonlar
Btawee: 1987, the range 3.51-4.50 indicates that customers perceived that the tangibility of the
organization was good. Based on the data analysis the mean score of tangibility with the value of 3.69
imply that customer‟s attitude towards the organization tangible aspect was good.
The higher contribution to the outcome is achieved from the four items that means the office has
modern looking equipment and the offices reception desk employees are neat appealing with the
mean value of 3.78 and 3.79 respectively. However the lower contribution was that means materials
associated with the services (such as pamphlets magazines/brushers are appealing at the office and the
office's physical features are visually appealing the office had with the mean value of 3.61 and 3.59
respectively. The mean score of the construct shown that the customers‟ perception of the trade office
service quality was good.

Reliability refers to the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. It was
regarded as the most important determinant of perceptions of service quality. According to the below
table, reliability with 3.72 values from the descriptive statistics indicate that customers Perceive that

quality of service being offered by the organization was good, according to Poonlar Btawee: 1987, the
mean score of 3.51-4.50 was under good service quality range.
From the variables the higher contribution to the mean had come from the five items that means when
the office promise to do something by certain time it does so, the office provides the service at the
time it promises to do so and tread office insists on error-free records with the mean value of 3.85,
3.81, and 3.76 respectively. However lower contribution was that means when you have a problem the
offices show a sincere interest in solving it and the office performances the service right the first time
with the mean value of 3.58 and 3.62 respectively. In addition the standard deviation shown indicates
how closer or far each observation was from the average. In general reliability takes a dominant
position compared with the other independent variables at Yeka trade office in the measuring the
quality of service delivery.
Table 4.6: Service Reliability

Items N Mean Std. Deviation

When the office promise to do something by
276 3.85 1.016
certain time it does so
When you have a problem the offices show a
276 3.58 1.074
sincere interest in solving it
The office performances the service right the
276 3.62 .944
first time
The office provides the service at the time it
276 3.81 .932
promises to do so.

The offices insists on error free records 276 3.76 .910

Total Reliability 276 3.7239 .51325
Valid N (listwise) 276
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023

The responsiveness dimensions involves provision of prompt services and willingness to help
Customers. The below table shown interrelated items that measure responsiveness. Responsiveness
with 3.82 values from the descriptive statistics analysis according to PoonlarBtawee: 1987, indicates
that customers perceive that quality of service being offered by the organization was good hence the
mean score that has the value from 3.51-4.50 shows good level of quality service delivery.
The higher contribution of the mean had come from the four variables that means employees in the
office give you prompt service; employees in the office tell you exactly when the services were

performed and employees in the office are always willing to help you with the mean value of 3.97,
3.88 and 3.83, respectively. However lower contribution was by the last predictor that means employees
in the office are never too busy to respond to your request with the mean value of 3.60. From this
inference, we can conclude that customers had good perception towards the responsiveness of the
aspects of the organization.
Table: 4.7: Responsiveness Dimensions
Item N Mean Std.

Employees in the office give your prompt service. 276 3.97 .781

Employees in the office tell you exactly when the services

276 3.88 .972
will be performed

Employees in the office are always willing to help you. 276 3.83 1.002

Employees in the office are never too busy to respond to

276 3.60 1.017
your request

Total Responsiveness 276 3.8207 .52048

Valid N (listwise) 276
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023

The assurance dimension refers to the knowledge of employees and their ability to inspire trust,
confidence and security. Based on data analysis according to Poonlar Btawee: 1987, the below table
shown us the mean scores of customers perceived assurance quality yeka trade office range from
3.51-4.50 indicate that customers‟ perceived that the assurance aspects of the organization were good.
The mean score of assurance was 3.85, which suggests that the customers find the services assurance
of the yeka trade office was good.
The higher contribution from the three variables that means Employees in the office have the
knowledge to answer your questions with the mean value of 3.90 and followed by the behavior of
employees of tread office instills confidence in customers there are adequate and necessary personnel
for good customer services with the mean value of 3.85. However lower contribution was by variables
that means employees in the office are consistently courteous with you with the mean value of 3.79

.Finally, this shown that the value of assurance was a good indicator of the Organization service
Table: 4.8: Service Assurance

Items N Mean Std. Deviation

The behavior of employees in the office
instills confidence in you. 276 3.85 .974

Employees in the office are consistently

courteous with you. 276 3.79 .768

Employees in the office have the

knowledge to answer your questions. 276 3.90 .796

Total Assurance 276 3.8466 .52129

Valid N (listwise) 276
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023

Table: 4.9:Service Empathy

N Mean Std. Deviation

The offices give you individual
attention 276 3.79 .972

The office has operating hours

convenient to all its customers 276 3.61 .926

The employees who give your

personal attention 276 3.76 .916

the office has your best interest at

heart 276 3.84 .914

The employees of the office

understand your specific needs 276 3.93 .887

Total Empathy 276 3.7841 .46495

Valid N (listwise) 276
Source: Researcher Survey data,April, 2023
The empathy dimension represents the provision of individualized attention to customer‟s and ease of
contact, effective communication, and understanding the customers. Based on the data Analysis the
above table 4.9 show predictors of empathy and shown the customers‟ judgment level of empathy.
According to PoonlarBtawee: 1987, the range 3.51-4.50 indicates that customers‟ perceived that the
empathy aspect of the organization was good.
The total mean score of empathy was 3.78, which shown the customers believed that the empathy of
the organization was good according to the customers‟ point of view. The highest contributor for this
dimension has come from the five variables indicator that means employees of yeka trade office
customers‟ specific needs followed by trade office has having their best interest at heart of customers
with the mean value of 3.93 and 3.84 respectively. However, the least contribution was trade office
gives it‟ shad operating hours convenient to all its customers with the mean value of 3.61. As a
conclusion, the total mean score of this construct based on customer‟s point of view shown that trade
office had good service quality delivery.
Generally, according to the descriptive statistics methods of data analysis different dimensions of
SERVQUAL had different perceived quality level by the customer at trade office .Assurance was the
most important element in how a customer perceived a service quality in relation to other
SERVQUAL dimensions followed by perceived responsiveness quality, empathy quality, reliability
quality, and tangibility respectively. There is good service quality among the SERVQUAL dimension
as perceived by trade office customers.

4.3.2 Customer Satisfaction

Many researchers conceptualize customer satisfaction as an individual‟s feeling of pleasure (or
Disappointment) resulting from comparing the perceived performance or outcome in relation to the
expectation (Oliver, 1980; Brandy and Robertson, 2001; Lovelock, Patterson and
Walker,2001).However, the customers have different levels of satisfaction as they have different
attitudes and perceived performance from the product/service. Based on this idea; the researcher tried
to measure the level of customer satisfaction and the descriptive statistics analysis of customer
satisfaction shown that the level of customer satisfaction was 3.71, which implies customer of the
organization were satisfied and above average by the organization service delivery. Moreover,
customer satisfaction based on amount of measurement scale is presented below in the table 4.10 and
this finding shows that the customers were satisfied with the service delivery of the organization.

Table: 4.10: Customer Satisfaction
N Mean Std. Deviation
I am satisfaction with the quick service
276 3.69 1.081
of the office
I am satisfied with the office accessibility
276 3.62 .917
of information for its customer
I am satisfied with the office employees
276 3.80 .941
professional competence
I am satisfied with the respectful
276 3.73 1.021
behavior of employees
I am satisfied with the performance of
276 3.75 1.015
the employees of the office
overall how do you rate your level of
satisfaction with the service quality of the 276 3.65 1.050
TCust.Satifcation 276 3.7065 .48951
Valid N (listwise) 276

Source: Researcher Survey data, April , 2023

Table: 4.11 : customer satisfaction with the quick service of the office
Frequenc Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly disagree 20 7.2 7.2 7.2
Disagree 14 5.1 5.1 12.3
Neutral 55 19.9 19.9 32.2
Agree 130 47.1 47.1 79.3
Strongly agree 57 20.7 20.7 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0

Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023

The above table 4.11. shows that the overall satisfaction level of customers, with regarding to service
quickness the least (5.1%) of the respondents are disagree, (7.2%) are strongly dissatisfied, (19.9%)
percent are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, the majority (47.1%) of the respondents are satisfied and

20.7 percent of the respondents are Strongly satisfied with the quick service of the office. With this
aspect, the office should also improve speed of the services to address those who were not satisfied.
Table: 4.12: I am satisfied with the office accessibility of information for its customer

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Strongly disagree 6 2.2 2.2 2.2

Disagree 22 8.0 8.0 10.1

Valid Neutral 87 31.5 31.5 41.7
Agree 118 42.8 42.8 84.4
Strongly agree 43 15.6 15.6 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023
Regarding to the office's information accessibility, the least (2.2%) of the respondents are strongly
dissatisfied, 8 percent of the respondents are dissatisfied, (31.5%) of the respondents are neutral, the
majority (42.8)% of the respondents were satisfied and (15.6%) of the respondents were strongly
satisfied with the office accessibility of information.
Table: 4.13: Customer Satisfaction in percent

I am satisfied with the office employees professional competence

Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
6 2.2 2.2 2.2
Disagree 20 7.2 7.2 9.4
Valid Neutral 58 21.0 21.0 30.4
Agree 130 47.1 47.1 77.5
Strongly agree 62 22.5 22.5 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023
Concerning about employees professional competency,(2.2%) of the respondents are strongly
dissatisfied, 7.2% of the respondents are dissatisfied, (21.0%) of the respondents are neither satisfied
nor dissatisfied, the majority (47.1%) of the respondents are satisfied and (22.5%) of the respondents
were strongly satisfied with the office employees‟ professional competence.

Table: 4.14. Customer satisfied with the respectful behavior of employees

Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent
15 5.4 5.4 5.4
Disagree 17 6.2 6.2 11.6
Valid Neutral 50 18.1 18.1 29.7
Agree 140 50.7 50.7 80.4
Strongly agree 54 19.6 19.6 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023
With regarding to employees behavior or politeness of employees, 5.4% percent of the respondents
are strongly dissatisfied, (6.2%) of respondents are dissatisfied, 18.1% are neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied, the majority of 50.7% of the respondents are satisfied and (19.6%) are strongly satisfied
with the respectful behavior of Employees. This indicates that the employee‟s behavior or politeness
of employees was good with customer handling.

Table: 4.15.: customer satisfied with the performance of the employees of the office
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 10 3.6 3.6 3.6
Disagree 21 7.6 7.6 11.2
Neutral 61 22.1 22.1 33.3
Agree 119 43.1 43.1 76.4
Strongly agree 65 23.6 23.6 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023
Regarding to the performance of the employees in the office, the least(3.6%) of the respondents were
strongly dissatisfied,(7.6%) of the respondents were dissatisfied,22.1%) of the respondents were
neutral the majority,(43.1%) of the respondents were satisfied and 23.6% of the respondents were
strongly satisfied with the performance of the employers.

Table: 4.16.: Customer Satisfaction in percent
over, all how do you rate your level of satisfaction with the service quality of the office

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Strongly disagree 14 5.1 5.1 5.1
Disagree 22 8.0 8.0 13.0
Neutral 67 24.3 24.3 37.3
Agree 117 42.4 42.4 79.7
Strongly agree 56 20.3 20.3 100.0
Total 276 100.0 100.0
Source: Researcher Survey data, April, 2023
Regarding customers level of satisfaction with the service quality of the office; as the results
indicated that (5.1%) of the respondents were strongly dissatisfied, (8.0%) of the respondents were
dissatisfied, (24.3%) of the respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, the majority (42.4%)
of the respondents were satisfied and the last (20.3%) of the respondents were strongly satisfied with
the service quality of the trade office.
Generally, most of the office customers were highly satisfied with the quick service of the office,
regarding with other perspectives of the office like; its accessibility of information, professional
competency, personal behavior and performance of employees, the average satisfaction level of
customers in each attribute was 65.92%. This means from the total of the respondents, those who
were satisfied and strongly satisfied. This indicates that the office should a good service delivery and
employees performance, but highly to asses in order to better satisfy customers especially those who
dissatisfied. This is also strengthening by the results of data collected from employees and officials
within the office.
Frontline employees asked different questions related with the service delivery of their office. Among
the questions forwarded to them was about the existence of clearly predetermined standard in their
office and the level of their knowledge regarding to the standards of the service delivery.
The majority of respondents do not agree with the existence of the predetermined service standards
for each service. Insignificant numbers of the respondents agree to the existence of it. These shown
that there was a knowledge gap between the employees and the service standards of the office. To see

the gap employees were asked to rate their knowledge based on the standards of the service delivery.
All the asked employees agree that their customers have high expectation of service delivery from
The majority of employees responded that, the office does not give an opportunity for them to
participate in decision making on issue related with service delivery and they do not had good
relationship with their bosses, this was meaning that they are not satisfied with them. Employees
stated that the reasons why the office does not give a chance to participate in decision-making mainly
because of lack of information flow and always decisions made at the top-level officials of the sub-
city and employee forced to do whatever it might be.
It was obvious that to improve the service delivery practice in the office training of employees plays a
vital role, specifically for those who have contact with customers. To see the reality employees were
asked to tell any training they had taken and the reason why for those do not take any training with
regard to service delivery. The majority of the employees were not provided with any training on
customer service delivery. The reason there was problem of selection for training beyond financial
problems why they did not get training was that, these facts were also confirmed by the officials‟
interview responses.
As the same time the data obtained from officials‟ interview assured that even if their office was
striving to improve the quality of service delivery, there were many draw back factors, both from
internally and externally which unable the office to provide its service effectively. Inconvenience
poor resource allocation compared with other sectors in the sub-city, scarcity of resource to serve
customers effectively, absence of clear manuals and procedures for employees, officials and system
failure are the challenges, Thus, they believed that there might be dissatisfied customers on service
Regarding with employees training the officials agreed with the employee's response, they said that
the office has training plan for its employees, but there was budget deficiency for training and it used
poor budget with other sectors. Therefore, the office had no power to approve the budget. Even if
trainings prepared by the Human Resource (HR) office of the sub-city, there were problems of
selection. Only employees get technical trainings from the Addis Ababa Trade bureau and MOT. This
indicates that the sub-city HR gives less priority for employee training, but it had its own influence on
employee motivation and their professional competency.

4.4. Correlation analysis

4.4.1. Relationship between service quality dimension

Table: 4.17: Correlation analysis

Tangib Reliabil Responsi Assuran Empath Cust.Satisfac

ility ity veness ce y tionm
Tangibilitym Sig. (2-
N 276
.466** 1
Reliabilitym Sig. (2-
N 276 276
.450** .422** 1
Sig. (2-
essm .000 .000
N 276 276 276
.122* .174** .176** 1 .
Assurancem Sig. (2-
.043 .004 .003
N 276 276 276 276
.153* .256** .171** .204** 1
Empathym Sig. (2-
.011 .000 .004 .001
N 276 276 276 276 276
.311** .262** .279** .215** .223** 1
Sig. (2-
ionm .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 276 276 276 276 276 276
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Survey data, April, 2023

Pearson correlation analysis was used to provide evidence of convergent validity. As per the general
principle suggested by Field (2005), correlation values less than 0.3 were considered weak,
correlations between 0.3 and 0.7 were considered moderate, and correlations greater than 0.7 were
considered strong as the closer it gets to 1 the stronger it becomes and the closer it gets to zero the
weaker it was. Based on the above assumption, bivariate correlation was computed to analyze the
proposed relationship between variables.
The Pearson‟s correlation coefficients illustrated above on table 4.17 confirmed significant positive
relationship between all the predictors and the dependent variables at P-value 0.01 level.
The lowest correlation in this study was between service quality and customer satisfaction (r=0.215
p<0.01). The highest correlation were between reliability and Responsiveness and empathy, (r=0.311
p<0.01) and between tangibility and assurance (r=0.311, p<0.01).
The results indicate that all coefficients are positive, thus demonstrating that the associations among
service quality and customer satisfaction were positive.
The results provide the sufficient empirical evidence to say that, service quality had a positive and
statistically significant relationship with the customer satisfaction. The results of the present study
created a harmony with the results of prior studies that service quality dimension had a positive and
significant relationship with the customer satisfaction.

4.5 Effects of Quality service on customer satisfaction

To examine the effects of quality service on customer satisfaction the researcher conducted regression
analysis. However, before running regression analysis certain model assumptions tests for error
checking to perform the analysis.

4.5.1 Assumptions
Testing the assumptions was an important task for the researcher utilizing multiple regression
techniques (Cohen, Cohen, West &Aiker, 2003). Serious assumption violations could result in biased
estimates of relationships, over or under confident estimate of precision of the regression coefficients.
This study performed several tests of assumptions.

4.5.2. Normality Test

Multiple regressions assume that the residuals are normally distributed. This assumption can best be
checked with a frequency distribution (histogram), P-P plot (probability-probability plot) and Q-Q-
Plot ( quantile- quantile plot). The frequency distribution that plots the observed values against their
frequency provides both a visual judgment about whether the distribution was bell shaped and
insights about gaps in the data and outliers outlying values. Thus, the assumption was tested by using
frequency distribution (histogram). This could be confirmed by visual inspection of the histogram of
the same data shown in Appendix 2 and normal p-p plot of regression standardized residual shown in
Appendix 3 indicates the fitness of the model or the results show that the test has a p-value greater
than 0.05, which indicates normal distribution of data.

4.5.3. Linearity Test

Linearity was used to check whether all the estimates of regression including regression coefficients,
standard errors and tests of statistical significance were biased or not (Keith, 2006). It basically
checked whether these residuals were equally distributed, or whether they tend to bunch together at
some values, and at other values, spread far apart entailing normality. As linearity entails that the
predictor variables in the regression had a straight line relationship with the outcome variable, the
residuals showing a nearly normal distribution was an absolute confirmation for the same. As shown
in the figure, the data used for this study was normally distributed. The linearity test model as shown
on linearity assumption test shown in Appendix5 indicates the fitness of the model.

4.5.4. Multicollinearity Test

According to Gujarati (2003) Multi-co linearity tests helps to identify the high correlation between
explanatory variables and to avoid double effect of independent variable from the model. When
independent variables were multi-collinear there was overlap or sharing of predictive power.
Predictor variable should be strongly related to dependent variable but not strongly related to each
other. This may lead to the paradoxical effect, whereby the regression model fits the data well but,
none of the explanatory variables individually had a significant impact in predicting the dependent
The commonly used cut-off points mentioned for determining the existence of multicollinearity
among independent variables were tolerance value and variance inflation factor (VIF) value (Pallant,
2007). The rule was that when tolerance value was less than 0.2 and the VIF exceeds 10; it was a
signal of multicollinearity, which could lead to misleading and/or inaccurate results (Field, 2013).
Multicollinearity occurs when there were high inter-correlations among some set of the predictor
variables. In other words, multicollinearity happens when two or more predictors contain much of the
same information. According to Field (2013) serious problem of multi-co linearity was avoided by
omitting the variables with 10 and more from the analysis. In addition tolerance was an indicator how
much of the variability of independent variable was not explained by the other independent variable
in the model and was calculated using the formula 1-R2 for each variable. If the value was very small
(less than 0.1) it shows the multi-co linearity problem. As shown on table 4.20 multicollinearity
statistics of tolerance figures ranging from 0.694 to 0.932while Variance Inflation factors (VIFs)
ranging from 1.075 to 1.434. These indicated that variance inflation factors (VIFs) and tolerance
values of multicollinearity were not a problem for regression analysis.

4.5.5. Independent of Error Test

The Durbin-Watson statistic was used to test for the presence of serial correlation among the
residuals. As a general rule, the residuals were not correlated if they were within the acceptable
range of was 1.50 - 2.50. When Durbin - Watson were at value of 2, it means there was no auto
correlation, value approaching 0 means there was positive correlation, and value towards 4 means
there was negative correlation. Durbin-Watson test calculates the auto correlation of the residual from
the regression analysis the Durbin Watson value was 2.034 which shown on table 4.18 that was
shows acceptability of the model. This indicates that there was no independent of error.

4.5.6 Homoscedasticity of variance Test

According to authors such as Tabachnick&Fidell (2012), this assumption requires that the variance
error terms were similar across the independent variables, that means the variation in the residuals or
the amount of error in the model was similar at each point across the model. In other words, the
spread of the residuals should be fairly constant at each point of the predictor variables or across the
linear model.
These were better if the result of scatter plot fall in the range of -3 to 3.The Homoscedasticity of
variance test model as shown on Appendix 4 indicates the fitness of the model.

4.6 Regression Analysis

This regression was conducted to know how much the independent variable explains the
dependent variable. It was also used to understand by how much each independent variable
(Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and empathy) explains the dependent variable,
which was Customer Satisfaction. The regression model presents how much of the variance in the
measure of Customer Satisfaction was explained by the underlying dimensions of quality services.

Table 4.18. Regression model summary of service quality
Model Summary
Mode R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
l Square the Estimate Watson
1 .398a .159 .143 .45311 2.034
a. Predictors: (Constant), Total Empathy, Total Tangibility, Total
Assurance, Total Responsiveness, Total Reliability
b. Dependent Variable: T Customer Satisfaction
Source: Survey data, April, 2023
We observed in the model summary from the analysis in the above table R (0.398) and R Square
(0.159). indicates correlation of the five independent variables with the dependent variable customer
satisfaction and the weighted combination of the predictor variables ( SERVQUAL dimensions)
explained or affect approximately 39.8%(R) of the variance of customer satisfaction and the
remaining 60.2% is by extraneous variables. This result also indicates that there may be other
variables that could have been neglected by the current study in predicting satisfaction.
Table4. 19.: ANOVA result

Model Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 10.463 5 2.093 10.192 .000b
1 Residual 55.432 270 .205
Total 65.895 275
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Empathy, Tangibility, Assurance, Responsiveness,
Source: Survey data, April, 2023

Furthermore, the ANOVA table 4.19 above had shown the overall significance / acceptability of the
model from a statistical perspective. As the significance value of F statistics shown a value .000,
which was less than p<0.01, implies the model was significant. This indicates that the variation
explained by the model was not due to chance.
The results of Analysis Of Variance indicated that the variance of the variables, F ratio was the test

Statistic used to decide whether the model as a whole has statistically significant predictive
capability, considering the number of variables needed to achieve it. The researcher established, the F
ratio F (5, 270) =10.192 p=0.000) was statistically significant at p<0.05 level of significance. This
can be said that 10.19% improvement in predicting the outcome can be achieved by fitting the model.
According to the table above, we can see that the Mean Square of Regressions is more than Mean
Square of Residual and the sig(p) = 0.000. These shown that service quality dimensions of
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy statistically significantly effect on
customer satisfaction. Thus for this research Regressions was significant at a confidence level of

4.7. Predicting role of each variables

The values of the unstandardized Beta Coefficients (β) indicated the effects of each independent
variable on dependent variable. Furthermore, the values of the unstandardized Beta Coefficients in
the Beta column of the Table 4.20 below, indicated which independent variable (Service quality
dimension) makes the strongest contribution to explain the dependent variable (Customer
Satisfaction), when the variance explained by all other independent variables in the model was
controlled. The t value and the sig (p) value indicated whether the independent variable was
significantly contributing to the prediction of the dependent variable.
The coefficient table 4.20 shown that the beta values for independent variables were, tangibility β=
.168, Reliability β=.081 Responsiveness β= .136, Assuranceβ=.088, and Empathyβ=.175. The
regression equation can be written as:
Yi = 1.941 + .168X1 + .081X2 + .136X3 + .088X4 + .175X5 +e

Table 4.20: Estimated Unstandardized and Standardized Regression Coefficient
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics

B Std. Beta Tolerance VIF

(Constant) 1.941 .325 5.975 .000
Tanigibility .168 .058 .192 2.883 .004 .704 1.420

Reliability .081 .064 .085 1.267 .006 .697 1.434

.136 .061 .145 2.220 .027 .730 1.371
Assurance .088 .054 .093 1.614 .008 .932 1.073
Empathy .175 .062 .166 2.830 .005 .906 1.104
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction
Source: Survey data, April, 2023

All the components of service quality practice (Tangibility Reliability Responsiveness Assurance and
Empathy) do have significant effects on Customer satisfaction at P<.05 significance level. The results
of multiple regressions, as presented in Table 4.20 above, revealed that Empathy of service quality
had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with values (β=0.166,t = 2.83, p = 0
.005). This indicates the unstandardized coefficient value of each independent variable shown that, a
unit change in empathy (i.e. if respondents change their mind for instance from strongly disagree to
disagree or neutral to agree) by keeping the other variables constant, its customer satisfaction would
increase by 17.5%. Therefore, empathy components of quality service had a positive and significant
effect on customer satisfaction at 95% confidence level.

The results of multiple regressions, as presented in Table 4.20 above, also shown that tangibility
service quality had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with values (β=0.192,t =
2.883, p = 0.004). This indicates the unstandardized coefficient value of each independent variable
shown that, a unit change in(i.e. if respondents change their mind for instance from strongly disagree
to disagree or neutral to agree) by keeping the other variables constant, its customer satisfaction

would increase by 16.8%. Therefore, tangibility components of quality service had a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction at 95% confidence level.
The regression finding also showed the positive and significant effect of responsiveness on customer
satisfaction with values (β=0.145,t = 2.220, p = 0 .027). This indicates the unstandardized coefficient
value of each independent variable shown that, a unit change in(i.e. if respondents change their mind
for instance from strongly disagree to disagree or neutral to agree) by keeping the other variables
constant, its customer satisfaction would increase by 13.6%. Therefore, responsiveness components
of quality service had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction at 95% confidence

The results of multiple regressions, as presented in Table 4.20 above, also shown that assurance
service quality had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with values (β=0.093,t =
1.614, p = 0.008). This indicates the unstandardized coefficient value of each independent variable
shown that, a unit change in(i.e. if respondents change their mind for instance from strongly disagree
to disagree or neutral to agree) by keeping the other variables constant, its customer satisfaction
would increase by 8.8%. Therefore, assurance components of quality service had a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction at 95% confidence level.
The results of multiple regressions, as presented in Table 4.20 above, also shown that reliability
service quality had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with values (β=0.085,t =
1.267, p = 0.006). This indicates the unstandardized coefficient value of each independent variable
shown that, a unit change in (i.e. if respondents change their mind for instance from strongly disagree
to disagree or neutral to agree) by keeping the other variables constant, its customer satisfaction
would increase by 8.1%. Therefore, reliability components of quality service had a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction at 95% confidence level.

Generally, customer satisfaction is primarily predicted by higher level of assurance, responsiveness

and empathy, and to a lesser extent by reliability and tangibility.



This chapter summarizes the study, summary, conclusions that have been derived from the study
findings and also the chapter has recommendations.

5.1. Summary
The Pearson‟s correlation coefficient of the study signifies that all predictor variables and criterion
variable have positive relationship with each other. Based on the study result empathy, assurance,
responsiveness, tangibility and reliability have strong association with customer and their level of
significance was varying among dimensions in the sector.
The computed values of the criterion variable shown that the level of customer satisfaction was good
based on the research finding, those shown that most of the customers were satisfied and there were
customers that were dissatisfied with some aspects of the organization‟s services.
The demographic profile of total respondents shows the majority of the respondents are males. The office
doesn't give a chance for its employees to participate in decision making and to have professional training.
Inadequacy of front line employees, inconvenience, poor resource allocation, absence of clear manuals
and procedures for employees and officials, are the challenges of the office for the service delivery.
As the finding indicated that, there was positive and significant relationship with all service quality
dimensions and customer satisfaction.

The paper adopted quantitative research strategy questionnaire to collect data from the customers.
Descriptive statistics like frequency mean and Pearson correlation analysis techniques were applied to
analyze general information of respondents, respondents‟ perception on service quality and
satisfaction as well as relationship between service quality dimensions and customers‟ satisfaction. In
addition, regression analysis technique was applied to investigate effects of service quality
dimensions on customers‟ satisfaction.
The service quality was measured using the five service quality dimensions (tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy) and the satisfaction level of respondents was measured using
a five point Likert scale ranging from strongly agrees to strongly dis –agree.

For the survey, 350 questionnaires were distributed to Customers, 54 questionnaires were not
returned among these 296 were returned, of which 20 responses were invalid. Thus, 276
questionnaires are analyzed using a statistical package for social science (SPSS version 20).
Through the process of research analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and simple
Regression analyses were used. The descriptive finding of the survey shows that all the five attributes
of service quality have a Positive relationship with overall service quality and customer satisfaction.
The descriptive finding of the survey shown that all the five attributes of service quality have a
Positive relationship with overall service quality and customer satisfaction, but tangibility and
Reliability has a low mean value. Assurance has the highest mean value among the other Dimensions.
A simple linear regression model measured the impact of service quality dimensions on customer
Satisfaction. The results show that there is a positive (p<0.01) relationship between service Quality
dimensions and customer satisfaction.

5.2 Conclusion
Customer satisfaction had become an important issue for commercial and public service
organizations. Establishing and achieving customer satisfaction was a main goal of business
nowadays, because there were very clear and strong relationship between the quality of product,
customer satisfaction and profitability.
The study examined the effect of service quality on customers‟ satisfaction. The results of the study
shown that the working environment in the office was not comfortable for employees‟ .Because of
the absence of good relationship between employees and their bosses , the office gives less priority
for its employees empowerment and it‟s not facilitate professional training opportunities for them.
In addition to these deficient budget and scarcity of materials are among the reasons for the
uncomfortable working environment. Continuation of this type of work environment could result in
the organization, high employees turnover rate and customer complaints.

The findings indicate that customers‟ perceptions vary according to the nature of service. The
Computed mean scores of SERVQUAL dimensions help to measure the perceived service quality of
the organization and the result shown that the service quality of the organization was good. The
higher confirmed dimension by the customers was assurance, responsiveness, tangibility, and
empathy however; lower perceived quality dimensions by the customer were reliability.

As a general, the result t of the study shown that the customers had good attitudes towards the
service quality of the organization.
The computed values of the criterion variable shown that the level of customer satisfaction was good
based on the research finding, this shown that most of the customers were satisfied and there were
customers that are dissatisfied with some aspects of the organization‟s services. The Pearson‟s
correlation coefficient of the study signifies that all predictor variables and criterion variable had
positive relationship with each other. Based on the study result empathy, assurance, responsiveness,
tangibility and reliability had association with customer and their level of significance was varying
among dimensions in the sector.

5.3 Recommendations

 All employees have to know that service quality in its true sense for improved customer
Service. Create an environment for each and every employee to consider customers service as
part of his/her job .this is done by giving continuous training and capacity building programs
on how to solve the problems raised from customers, how to address complaints sincerely,
maintain accurate customers‟ record and improve communication among them.
 The office has to get experience sharing with best customer service performing institutions.
Getting experience sharing and adopt the suitable ones towards service excellence was help to
enhance the service level.
 Predetermined service standard is vital to control service quality and performance of
employees. the office has to establish a clear and precise service standards and working
procedures to measure each service standards, working procedures to measure each service
encounter quality and its performance to take corrective action in its weak performance, and
to satisfy its customers as well as to reward its employees based on predetermined standards.
 There has to be continuous professional training and motivation for all employees; better to
serve customers Staff training is one of the most important factors for delivering better
customer service. Therefore, the officials of the office have to solve the budget and training
selection problems with the sub-city.
 Promote employee involvement in decision making is one of the management strategies to
improve their motivation. Involved employees are more likely to generate new ideas and
achieve a higher quality of work life in addition to this, employee involvement have benefits

to reduce the workload of team leaders and head offices. Therefore, the office should
empower and give a chance for its employees to participate in decision-making.
 The office has to give significant consideration for all service quality dimensions that
positively effect on customer satisfaction
 If there is lateral or horizontal information flow among colleagues in the office, it helps to
save time and to create smooth relationship between staffs and officials. Both of them have to
use supportive communications, not defensive communication through which they can
understand and appreciate each other‟s views.

5.4. Limitation and Future research implication

5.4.1. Limitation of the Study

This study is limited to Addis Ababa yeka sub-city trade offices. This study was consider only
customers of yeka sub-city trade offices. I analyzed the study from the customer perspective only, and
it does not measure the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction from the company‟s side.
Though customer satisfaction results form of many other variables, the study focuses only the effects
of services quality on customer satisfaction. Besides, practically in the customer's perspective the
service has been affected by quality service Dimensions.

5.4. 2. Future research implication

Regardless of some limitations, this study contributes well to understand and validate the relationship
and effects of the quality services on customer satisfaction in yeka sub-city trade offices. Besides,
future researchers who want to investigate similar area may include and investigate the levels of
service quality and customer satisfaction. Studies could also include other quality service dimensions
and some other variables, which could mediate the relationship of customer satisfaction.

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Appendix 1. Questionnaire
Dear Respondents,
I am apostgraduate student currently attending my MBAat Arsi University College of Business and
Economics Department of Management. Now I am working on research thesis. The purpose of this
questioner is toconducting a research study on “Assess service quality and its effect on customer
satisfaction in case of Trade office. The study is purely for academic purpose and thus do not
affect you any case. So, your genuine, frank and timely response is vital for s uccessfulness of
the study. Therefore, I kindly request you to respond to each items of the question very

Yours faithfully,

1. No need of writing your name.

2. Put tick “X” mark for your answer

3. Please return the completed questionnaire in time.

Thank you, in advance for your cooperation and timely response.
Part I. Demographic variable Assessment Questionnaire
The following questions concern your position and other personal information. For each question
write appropriate answer or mark X sign on the space provided.
1. Gender:
1.Male  2. Female
2. Please indicate your age
1. Less than& equal 30 2. 31-40 3.41-50 , 4.Above50 years

3. Level of education
1. Primary  4. Degree 
2. High school  5.Master 
3. Diploma  6. PhD and above

Part II Basic information related to service quality

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements
By putting “X” in the appropriate place to choose the number from 1-5 that best represents your
Level of agreement with the statement

Key: 5= strongly agree 4= Agree 3= neither agree nor disagree 2= Disagree

1= Strongly Disagree

N Dimensions Measurement items Measurement scales

O Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree (2) (3) (4) agree (5)
1. Tangibility
The office has modern
looking equipment.

2. The office's physical

features are visually
3. The office's customer
service officers are neat
4. Materials associated
with the service (such
as pamphlets,
magazines or broshers)
are visually appealing
at the office.
1. Reliability
When the office
promises to do
something by a certain
time, it does so.

When you have a
problem, the office
shows a sincere interest
in solving it.

3. The office performs

the service right the
first time.

The office provides its
service at the time it
promises to do so.

The office insists on
error free records.

1. Responsive
Employees in the
office tell you exactly
when the services will
be performed.

Employees in the office
give you prompt

Employees in the office
are always willing to
help you.

4. Employees in the office

are never too busy to
respond to your
1. Assurance
The behavior of
employees in the office
instills confidence in

Employees in the office
are consistently

courteous with you.

Employees in the office
have the knowledge to
answer your questions.

1. Empathy
The office gives you
individual attention.

2. The office has

operating hours
convenient to all its

The office has
employees who give
you personal attention.

The office has your
best interests at heart.

The employees of the
office understand your
specific needs.

Part III

NB: Please Put “√” only to the number that best fits your opinion and feelings for the below
tabulated questions.
Key: 5= Strongly Agree 4= Agree 3=Neutral 2= Disagree
1= Strongly Disagree statements satisfaction level
5 4 3 2 1
I am satisfied with the quick
1. service of the office
I am satisfied with the office
accessibility of information for its
2. customers
I am satisfied with the office
employees‟ professional
3. Competence
I am satisfied with the respectful
4. behavior of Employees.
I am satisfied with the
performance of the employees of
5. the office.
Overall, how do you rate your
level of satisfaction with the
6. service quality of the office

Appendix : Questionnaire


Questionnaires to be filled by Employees

Dear employees of the office,
The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather data regarding to assess the effect of Service quality on
Customers satisfaction in the case of yeka Sub-city Trade office. The study is purely for academic
purpose and thus does not affect you in any case. Your genuine, frank and timely response is vital for
the success of the study. Therefore, I kindly request you to respond to each question item carefully
and oblige.
Note: -1. No need of writing your name.
2. Put tick “√” mark for your answer
3. Please return the completed questionnaire in time.

Thank you, in advance for your cooperation and timely response.

Yours sincerely


Part I. The respondents Profile: - Put“√”mark in relevant box below.

1. Sex:- 1.Male  2.Female
2.Age group:-
1. Less than& equal 30 2. 31-40 3.41-50 , 4. Above50 years

3 .Work Experiences
1. 2-4 years  4. 16-20years 
2. 5-10 years  5. Above 20 years
3. 11-15 years

4. Level of education
1. Primary  2. . High school  3. Diploma 

4. Degree  5. Master  6. PhD and above 

5. Job title:- 1. Junior  2.Officer  3.Senior 

6. Do you agree that there are clearly predetermined service standards for each service types?
Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Agree 
7. Your knowledge regarding the standard of your service delivery is?

Very Good GoodModerate Poor Very Poor

8. Do you agree that the customers have high expectation of service delivery from you?

Strongly disagree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly Agree Averagely agree 

9. Do you think that there is a gap between your predetermined goals and objectives and the actual
performance of your service delivery?
Yes No May be 
10. Have you ever taken any training in relation to customer service delivery?

Yes No May be 

11. If your answer for question number 10 is “No” what do you think is the reason for that?

Financial Constraint  Lack of knowledge  about its important 

12. Does your office give a chance to employees to participate in decision making with regard to
service delivery?

Yes  No May be
13. Are you given chance to actively participate in meetings without your request?

Yes  No May be

14. Do you have any comments or suggestions to make with regard to the service provision?

አባሪ 1
የስራ አመራር ትምህርት ክፍሌ
በደንበኞች የሚሞሊ መጠይቅ፣
ውድ ይህንን መጠይቅ ሇመሙሊት ፈቃዳችሁን የገሇፃችሁሌኝ ሁሇ፡-
የዚህ መጠይቅ ዋና አሊማ የአገላግሌት አሰጣጥ ጥራት በደንበኞች እርካታ ሇይ ያሇዉ ተጽዕኖ
በየካ ከፍሇ ከተማ ንግድ ጽ/ቤት በሚሌ ርዕስ መረጃ ሇመሰብሰብ ነዉ፡፡ ጥናቱ የሚደረገዉ
ሙለ በሙለ ሇትምህርት አሊማ ስሇሆነ በየትኛዉም መሌኩ እርስዎን የማይነካና የማይጎዳ
ነዉ፡፡ እርስዎም የሚሰጡት መረጃ የሊቀ፣ እዉነተኛ፣ ተኣማኝነት ያሇዉና ትክክሌኛ ምሊሽ
ሇጥናቱ መሳካት እጅግ ጠቃሚ ነዉ፡፡ በመሆኑም እያንዳንዱን ጥያቄ በጥንቃቄና በትክክሌ
እንዱመሌሱ በአክብሮት እጠይቆታሇሁ፡፡
ስም መጥቀስ አያስፈሌግም
 መሌሱንይህን ’’x ” ምሌክትበማድረግይመሌሱ
 እባክዎን የተሟሊ መጠይቅ በሰዓቱ ይመሌሱ

 ስሇሚያደርጉሌኝ መሌካም ትብብር በቅድሚያ አመሰግናሊሁ፡፡

ክፍላ 1፡ የተሳታፊዎች የግሌ መረጃ፣

1.ጾታ፡ ወንድ 2.ሴት
2. እዴሜ ፡ 1. ከ30 ዓመትበታች 2.ከ31-40 ዓመት 3.ከ41 - 50 ዓመት
4. ከ50 ዓመትበሊይ
3. ከፍተኛ የትምህርት ደረጃዎን ይምረጡ
1ኛ ደረጃ 2.ሁተኛ ደረጃ ያጠናቀቀ 3.ዲፕሌማ
4. የመጀመሪያዲግሪ 5. ድህረ-ምረቃ/ማስተርስ 6.የዶክትሬት(ፒኤችዱ)

 ክፍሌሁሇት
 የሚጠብቁት፡- ይህ ማሊት እርስዎ የሚፈሌጉት፣ ሊማግኘት ተስፋ የሚያደርጉት ወይም
ማግኘት ያሊብዎት ማሊትነው፡፡
እሳብ፡- ይህ ማሊትየእርስዎ ትዝብት፣አስተያየት፣አመሊካከት ወይም ሀሳብ ማሊት ነው፡፡
5 ማሊት = በጣም እስማማሇሁ፣ 4 = እስማማሊሁ፣ 3 = በሁሊቱም ማሊትም በጣም እስማማሊሁ
እና እሌስማማሁ የሚሇውን አሌቀበሌም ማሊት ሲሆን፣ 2 = አሌስማማም፣እና በስተመጨረሻ 1
ደግሞ በጣም አሌስማማም ማሊት ነው፡፡
ተ የግምገ የሚጠብቁት
ቁ ማመዉ የሚጠብቁት በጣምእስ እስማማሇሁ ገሇሌተኛ አሌስማማ በጣምአሌስ
ጫ (4) (3) ም ማማም
(2) (1)
1. ተጨባ ጽ/ቤቱ ዘመናዊ
ጭነት የሆኑ መሳሪያዎች
2. የጽ/ቤቱ ቁሳዊ

3. በጽ/ቤቱ አንግዳ
መቀበያ ዴስክ
የሚሰሩ ሰራተኞች
ጽዱ ናቸው

4. በጽ/ቤቱ
ከአገሌግልት ጋር
ተያያዥ የሆኑ
ችየመሳሰለት )

1. ሌተማ ጽ/ቤቱ በተወሰነ
መኑበት ጊዜ አንድ ነገርን
መቻሌ አደርጋሇሁ ብል
ቃሌ ከገባ ይህንኑ
2. ችግር
በሚያጋጥምዎ ጊዜ
ችግሩን ሇመፍታት
የሆነፍሊጎት ያሳያሌ
3. ጽ/ቤቱሇመጀመሪያ
4. ጽ/ቤቱ አደርጋሇሁ
ብልቃሌ በገባበት
ጊዜ አገሌግሌቱን
5. ጽ/ቤቱ ከስህተት
ነጻ የሆነ የመዝገብ
አያያዝ በጥብቅ
1. ምሉሽ በጽ/ቤቱየሚገኙሰራ
ሰጪነት ተኞችአገሌግሌቶቹ

2. በጽ/ቤቱየ ሚገኙ
ሰራተኞች ቀሌጣፋ

3. በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
ሰራተኞች ዘወትር
ሇመርዳት ፍቃደኛ
4. በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
የእርስዎን ጥያቄ
ሇመመሇስ በፍጹም
ስራ በዛብን
1.. ዋስትና በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
ሰራተኞች ባህሪ
በእርስዎ ሊይ
2. በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
3. ሰራተኞች ሇዕርሶ
ጥያቄ በቂ የሆነ

እዉቃት አሊቸዉ
1. የሰውን ሰራተኞች
ችግርመ የእርስዎን የተሇያዩ
ረዲት ፍሊጎቶች
2. በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
ሇእርስዎ ትሁት
የሆነ ባህሪያሳያለ
3. በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
ሰራተኞች ሇእርሶ
ጥሩ የሆነ ትኩረት
4. ጽ/ቤቱ በእርሶ
ፍሊጎት መሰረት
5. በጽ/ቤቱ የሚገኙ
ሰራተኞች የእርሶን
የግሌ ፍሊጎት

 ክፍሌ ሶስት የደንበኛ እርካታ መጠይቆች

ማስታወሻ፡- 1.በሠንጠረዡ ውስጥ ከ5-1 የተዘረዘሩትን ምንነት በተመሇከተ፡-
5 ማሇት = በጣምእስማማሇሁ፣ 4 = እስማማሇሁ፣ 3 = በሁሇቱም ማሇትም በጣም እስማማሇሁ
እና እስማማሇሁ የሚሇውን አሌቀበሌም ማሇትሲሆን፣ 2 = አሌስማማም፣ እና በስተመጨረሻ 1
ደግሞ በጣም አሌስማማም ማሇትነው፡፡
 እባክዎን ትትክክሇኛ ምሊሽዎትን በሳጥኑ ውስጥ “ √” ምላክት ያስቀምጡ

ተ.ቁ የእርካታ ደረጃ መስጫ

5 4 3 2 1
በጽ/ቤቱ ፈጣን አገሌግልት
1. እረክቻሇው

ጽ/ቤቱ ሇደንበኞቹ ባሇው የመረጃ

2. ተደራሽነት እረክቻሇሁ
በጽ/ቤቱ ሰራተኞች ሙያዊ
3. ክህልት እረክቻሇሁ
በሰራተኞች የተገሌጋይ አክብሮት
4. እረክቻሇሁ
በሰራተኞች አገሌግልት አሰጣጥ
5. እረክቻሇሁ

በአጠቃሊይ ፅ/ቤቱ በሚሰጣቸዉ

6. አገሌግልት ደስተኛ ነኘ

Appendix I
Interview Questions for team leaders and head of the office
1. As a leader and as a responsible person how can you suggest about your organization‟s
service delivery Practice?

2. What are the major challenges /problems in service provision in your office?

3. Has your organization training plan for employees of your office? Is it for relevant

4. What mechanism is usually used by your office to improve performance and delivery of
service? And how do you think about its effectiveness? Any other issues you can raise
regarding the quality of service and customer satisfaction of your office?

Appendix 2

Normality assumption test

Appendix 3

Normality assumption test

Appendix 4
Homoscedasticity of variance

Appendixes 5

Linearity assumption test

Linearity assumptions


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