Final Edited Thesis Work, According in A Mock Defense
Final Edited Thesis Work, According in A Mock Defense
Final Edited Thesis Work, According in A Mock Defense
JUNE, 2022
JUNE, 2022
ERMIAS GOJE, declare that the thesis entitled “The impact of Training and Development on
Employees Performance: At sawla Polytechnic college” is my original work. I have carried
out the present study independently with the guidance and support of the research Getahun
kelmwork, (Asst. Professor).Any other contributors or sources used for the study have
been duly acknowledged. The study has not been previously published by any other person nor
material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree of the University, except
where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.
Table of Contents
APPROVAL SHEET...............................................................................................................iii
LIST OF ABBERVATION....................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLE...................................................................................................................viii
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study.....................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Questions.............................................................................................................5
1.4Objective of the Study..........................................................................................................5
1.4.1 General Objective.........................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.......................................................................................................5
1.5 Research Hypotheses.....................................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the Study....................................................................................................6
1.7 Scope of the Study..............................................................................................................6
1.8 Organization of the Paper...................................................................................................6
1.9 Definition of Terms.............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TOW......................................................................................................................8
2. LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................8
2.1 Training and development..................................................................................................8
2.2 Types of Training..............................................................................................................10
2.2.2 Induction/Orientation.................................................................................................11
2.2.3 Internship..............................................................................................................11
2.2.4 Job Rotation..........................................................................................................11
2.3Training and Training Transfer..........................................................................................12
2.4 Formal training courses and Development Programs.......................................................13
2.5 Training Evaluation...........................................................................................................14
2.6 Benefits of Training..........................................................................................................15
2.7 Employee Performance Indicators...............................................................................16
2.8 Effect of Employee Training on Employee Performance............................................17
2.9 Training Design and Employee Performance..............................................................18
2.10Training needs Identification and Assessment.................................................................19
2.11Effect of Training Delivery Style on Employees Performance.......................................21
2.12 Training Policy................................................................................................................22
2.13 Theoretical Framework................................................................................................23
2.14 Empirical Review.........................................................................................................24
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................27
3. METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................27
3.1 Background of the study area............................................................................................27
3.1.1 Technical and vocational education and training (TVET).........................................27
3.1.2 TVET in Ethiopia.......................................................................................................27
3.1.3TVET in SNNPRS;.....................................................................................................28
3.2 Research Design and Approach........................................................................................29
3.2.1 Research Design:........................................................................................................29
3.2.2 Research Approach:...................................................................................................30
3.2.3 Data type and source:.................................................................................................30
3.3 Target Population and Sampling Techniques..............................................................31
3.3.1 Target Population andSample:.......................................................................................31
3.4 Methods of data Collection and Analysis:........................................................................31
3.5 Research model.................................................................................................................32
3.6 Validity and Reliability.....................................................................................................32
3.6.1 Validity.......................................................................................................................32
3.6.2 Reliability...................................................................................................................33
CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................34
4.1. Introduction......................................................................................................................34
4.2 Respondents Profile..........................................................................................................34
4.2.1 The Frequency distribution to respondent profile..........................................................34
4.2.2 Training opportunity;.....................................................................................................35
4.3 Analysis of Descriptive statistics......................................................................................37
4.3.1 The mean and std. Deviation of Developmentprogram.................................................37
4.3.2 The mean and std. Deviation of training design;...........................................................38
4.3.3The mean and std. Deviation of training needs assessment............................................39
4.4. Correlation analysis..........................................................................................................40
4.5 Regression analysis...........................................................................................................41
4.5.1 Coefficients of the variable............................................................................................41
4.5.2 Model summary.............................................................................................................43
4.5.3 ANOVA.........................................................................................................................44
4.6 Hypotheses test.................................................................................................................45
CHAPTER FIVE.....................................................................................................................46
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................46
5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................46
5.2 Summary...........................................................................................................................46
5. 3 Findings............................................................................................................................47
5.3.1 Discussion on Findings..................................................................................................49
5.4 Conclusion........................................................................................................................50
5.5 Recommendations.............................................................................................................51
5.6 Future Research.................................................................................................................52
(CC) ----------------------------Correlation coefficients
(CI)------------------------------Condition index
(EOS)---------------------------Ethiopian Occupational Standard
(HRM)--------------------------Human Resource Management
(NGO)--------------------------Non-Governmental Organization
(MOE)--------------------------Ministry of Education
(SNNPRS)---------------------South Nations Nationalities and Peoples Regional State
(RQ#)---------------------------Research question number
(TTLM)------------------------Teachers Training and Learning Manual
(TVET)-------------------------Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(UNESCO)---------------------United nation education scenes and culture organization
(VIF) ---------------------------Variance inflation factor
First and foremost, I am grateful to Almighty God for giving me grace, wisdom and strength in
my endeavors. My special thanks and gratitude is extended to Getahun kelmwork(Ass.
professor, my major adviser and Baldada k. my Co adviser for their reliable guidance,
invaluable comments and assistance in understanding this study. I would like to sincerely
thank my friends who helped me with their valuable ideas during the entire process of this
research. Finally, I wish to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to all my family,
relatives and research respondents.
The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of training and development on employees’
performance in Sawla Polytechnic College. To these ends, the study followed quantitative
study procedures with descriptive and designs. A total of 108 employees (technical instructor)
are study participants were drawn Census method sampling techniques from which all
employee are the respondent were involved in this study but have the response rate was of
90(83%) were respond the questioner. SPSS (Version-16) computer software program was
used for the task of analyzing the quantitative data. Mean, Standard Deviation, One Sample t-
test, One Way ANOVA test of significance of mean differences, and Multiple Linear
Regressions were the main statistical devices employed by this study to analyze the quantitative
data. The findings revealed that the mean scores of the participants’ responses to the items of
the study to the overall items of the general training and development process were analyzed.
The results also showed that the mean score of the participants’ responses to the items of the
training design was 40.5333, which was the test value, with statistically significant (t = 51.506,
df. = 89, 𝑆𝑖𝑔. = 0.000),the responses to the items of the development program was 37.7667,
which was the test value, with statistically significant (t = 43.998, df. = 89, 𝑆𝑖𝑔. = 0.000), the
responses to the items of the training need assessment was 33.0333, which was the test value,
with statistically significant (t = 37.893, df. = 89, 𝑆𝑖𝑔. = 0.000), Therefore, the result implies
there was a good measured and significant effect in study variables on the employee
performance, for better work in the study area further investigation would be needed, for this
the recommendations were added based on the findings which affect employees’ performance
in the case of Sawla Polytechnic college to their recommended part of the study, personnel
training and development programs, were also forwarded eventually.
1.1 Background of the Study
Human resource has become strategic resource to gain sustainable competitive advantages in
this age of globalization. Human capital is the differentiator between a good company and a
great company. Human resource is also the very important and the backbone of every
organization and it is also the main Resource of the organization. One significant function of
Human Resource Management is the effective use of human resources training and
According to Robbins and DeCenzo, (2000), training has the distinct role in the achievement of
an organizational goal by incorporating the interests of organization and the workforce, in
Human Resource Management, there is no doubt that training is important in all aspect for an
organization. Training has traditionally been defined as the process by which individuals
change their skills, knowledge, attitudes, and/or behavior, and the primary role of training is to
improve the employees’ skill for current and future duties and responsibilities. Training helps
employee to change with aspects like technology and competition as Dessler, G. (2014). Now a
day’s training is the most important factor in the business world because training increases the
efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization. Training is important
to enhance the capabilities of employees. Recent researches reveal that training enables most
organizations meet their goals and objectives, in doing so employees are able to learn new
work concepts, refresh their skills, improve their work attitude and boost productivity as Cole
(2002). On the one hand, most of the employees need training to perform their job duties or at
least to increase the quality and quantity of their work; on the other hand, the employee need
training to skilled and efficient manpower, to the most important success factor in achieving
the goal of organizations.
Effective training and development is an investment in the human resources of an organization,
with both immediate and long-range returns. Training is a key element for improved
performance; it can increase the level of individual and organizational competency. Training
holds the key to unlock the potential growth and development opportunities to achieve a
competitive edge. Training programs helps in making advantage of employees with more
advance technology and attaining robust competencies and skills in order to handle the
functions and basics of newly introduced technical equipment. Training facilitates the updating
of skills and leads to increase commitment, well-being, and sense of belonging, thus directly
strengthening the organization’s competitiveness as Stone R J. (2002),
Training has been an important variable in increasing organizational productivity. Most of
researches including Konings &Vanormelingen, (2009), showed that training is a fundamental
and effectual instrument in successful accomplishment of the firm’s goals and objectives,
resulting in higher performance and productivity of the organization.
Training is a tool to fill the gap and the firms should use it wisely to improve employee
productivity. According to Armstrong, (2000), contends that trained employees often work
better as teams because everyone is aware of the expectations and can achieve them together
smoothly. In addition, employees who receive regular training are more likely to accept change
and come up with new ideas. Training plays a vital role, improving performance as well as
increasing productivity, and eventually putting companies in the best position to face
competition and stay at the top. Past researches provides the evidence regarding the positive
affect of training programs on both employee and organizational performance. Training has
direct relationship with the employees’ performance. A significant relationship was found
between the employees training and their result performance in accomplishing different
tasks,and by the help of training employees become proficient in their jobs and they become
able to give better results.
Training in TVET was have a unique features, its delivery is more of Cooperative and
Apprenticeship Training,The flexibility of TVET delivery also allows for a strengthening and
further development and deepening of cooperative TVET (including apprenticeship training).
Cooperative TVET is a mode of TVET provided in partnership between enterprises and TVET
institutions. Usually, the bulk of practical training takes place in an enterprise, while theory and
initial practical exposure is provided by the TVET institution. In more advanced TVET
systems, for instance in many European countries, cooperative TVET schemes are organized as
formal apprenticeship training, implying a work or apprenticeship contract between the trainee
and the company, as(NationalTechnical & Vocational Education and Training Strategy of
Ethiopian,22 August 2008 / 2nd Edition 31 / 52).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Training and development is an important aspect of human resource management and it is
important for organizations to get skilled and capable employees for better performances, and
employees would be competent when they have the knowledge and skill of doing the task.
Training has provided opportunities to the employees to make a better performance and
outshine in the given work.
Employee performance is normally looked at in terms of outcomes; employees contribute to
their assigned tasks. However, it can also be looked at in terms of behavior as Armstrong,
(2010).Employees are the assets of an organization, if they are skilled and trained, will perform
better than those who are untrained.
Many research findings indicate that training has a positive impact on business outcome,
through increased productivity, improved management skill, reduced production cost; easy
access to profitability and expanded market result from new idea, according to S. Kessy and
S.S.Temu, (2010). Due to fast pace of global and technological development, firms are now
facing new changes as well as challenges for productivity and survival, Technology
advancement has molded the need of capabilities and competencies required to perform a
particular tasks. Thus, to cope up with these challenges, more improved and effective training
is required; this training is based on the updated development program, training design and
training need assessment.
As a performance measure, the one that concern training and development activities are poor
planned and designed, or not systematically implemented and not fairly spread across all
departments, which all results a problem on employee performance, which is a weak measure
of performance, the collaboration with some of the employees indicated that little attention in
Management on the planning and implementation of development program, as a result of this,
most of the employees go for higher education or a short-term, courses through their own
arrangement, Employees who articulated the need to pursue university education is not given
any form of support like sponsorship with pay.
In the education sector changes are inevitable, like changing of curriculum, advancement of
technology like the use of computer software, these all needs, teachers to be trained, so that
they can perform better and increase quality of production in their institutions.
The research gaps hear was observed, since 2013, there is no empirical study that reports on
the impact of training on employee performance in Sawla polytechnic College. And as well as
other relevant issues is geographically case, in case of this the College was the only
polytechnic in Gofa Zone, and also more human resource variable was not used in advance to
measure employee performance. The training and development impact through training design,
development program and training need assessments, that all arise from the research in respect
to the topic. Other problems, how does training and development affect the performance of
employees in the sake of achievement of organizational goals and objectives? What must be
the bases for training and development impact would be assessed consider with employee
performance? How training and development needs were determined in the sake of
performance? Who must determine training design to employees? How much training was
conducted to deliver for employees? Is training and development was relevant at all? What
must be done to ensure skills and competencies acquired from training transfers back to the
work situation? What was the relationship between the training impact and Employees’
performance in their places of work?; even though Sawla Polytechnic was described as
upgraded to Polytechnic in recent year, and by its management and employees, in case of
these, the college currently has much training opportunity. But the employees’ skills and
abilities have over the years has not been enhanced become effective and efficient. Though for
the college, there is a management body in addition an academic board and sub-committee on
post-graduate scholarship and staff development, to laid done policy, which directs employee
in their work to address the training opportunity. Therefore implementation of “training” plans
which is mainly granting of study leave with or without sponsorship for either in any upgrade
has been based on precedence schedule.
The research sought to find answers to all maintained problems, and to assess the impact of
training and development on employee performance; this may lead to practice what the
competence in the situation of development program, training design and training need
assessment, on employee performance.
1.3 Research Questions
The research was guide by the following research questions:
1. What effect of employee development program on employee performance at the
2. How much the training design was affect employees performance at the College?
3. How does training needs assessment was related to employee performance at the
years. It will help the TVET College know about the aspect that plays vital role in employee
performance and it will also help in perceptive the relation between training and employees
performance in the case of TVET College. Moreover, the researcher based on the findings of
this study on training has made concrete recommendations and it has a big benefit to the
department of human resource at the TVET College to rearrange the training and development
program. It is hoped that this study will also be used for the TVET College to meet their
strategy and give suggestion towards training development and employee performance.
Moreover, it encourages the management of the College to focus on variables that have
significant influence on employee’s performance and to make proper decision in relation to
training. It also helps other institutions to exercise training for the sake of increasing employee
performance. Besides, the study will have an impact on the theoretical contribution to the body
of knowledge against to the practice of training and its effects on employee performance. It
will be used as clue for further research.
This study was organized into five chapters. Chapter one covers introduction, statement of the
problems, objective of the study, research question, significance of the study and scope and
limitation of study. Chapter two provides related literature review and conceptual frame work
of the study. Chapter three provides methodology and description of the study area. Chapter
four deals with data presentation, analysis and interpretation and chapter five provides the
summary of the key findings, conclusion and recommendation of the study.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Employee Performance; - This is an outcome of an employee to achieve a certain goal.
Performance;-The achievement of specific responsibilities graded against a pre-set
standard of accuracy Afshan, et al. (2012).
Training ;-An activity planned in a systematic fashion that results in a high level of
enhanced skills and knowledge that is necessary to effectively and efficiently perform
any task Pace, Smith, R.(1990).
2.1 Training and development
Training and Development basically deals with the acquisition of understanding, know-how,
techniques and practices. In fact, training and development is one of the imperatives of human
resource management as it can improve performance at individual, collegial and organizational
levels. As the process of increasing one’s capacity to take action, organizations are now
increasingly becoming particular with organizational learning and therefore collective
development. Organizational learning, on the other hand, refers to the efficient procedure to
process, interpret and respond to both internal and external information of a predominantly
explicit nature. According to Smith,R. (1990), the emergence of the concept of organizational
learning is central on the hitherto idea that prior advocacies of learning are tended to its
commercial significance and are lacking of empirical information on learning processes.
Strategically, organizational learning, which makes use of training and development as one of
the several responses, deals with the acquisition of understanding, know-how, techniques and
practices. These intellectual intangibles can be translated into an organizational resource
through the people that acquire, infer and utilize such towards the achievement of the
organization-wide training and development as Armstrong, (2006). Training and development
are planned learning experiences which teach employees how to perform current and future
jobs more effectively. According to Sims, (2002) emphasizes that training focuses on present
jobs while development prepares employees for possible future jobs. Basically, the objective of
training and development is to contribute to the organization's overall goal. Closing the skills
gap is now a critical area of human resource development for organizations to continuously
penetrate the market. Skills gap basically threatens the productivity and competitiveness both
in organizational and operational levels. This requires that human resource management
professionals should start the cultivation of the workforce from the recruitment period.
However, this is not easy considering that there are specific works which require customization
of skills and that not all newly hired employees acquire social skills aside from the basic skills.
In responding to the challenges of the skills gap and skills deficiency, HR professionals have to
develop programs that will address the problem.
Building the organization hence is an imperative for the existence and survival of modern
organizations. Consistently, companies are investing on their internal customers or employees
thus taking advantage of the human capital management. Sense of ownership is also important,
requiring HR professionals to develop strategies that will ensure superior knowledge, skills and
experience to settle within the workforce. Learning activities shall put skills enhancement and
development assignments at its core as well as empowerment and career development. This is
lifelong learning which guide the organizations particularly human resource department to
make an ongoing investment with organizational members and help them build their
competencies as Sims, (2006).
The purposes of learning from the employee perspective are basically to acquire skills and
knowledge to do the job and to gain promotion and advance career. In facilitating career
changes, training and development also caters for the personal and professional developments
of the employees. Learning can be defined as knowledge obtained by self-directed study,
experience, or both; the art of acquiring knowledge, skills, competencies, attitudes, and ideas
retained and used; or a change of behavior through experience. According to Senge, (1990)
believes that learning has little to do with taking in information; rather it is a process that
enhances capacity. Learning is about building the capacity to create that which one previously
could not create.
Regardless of individual differences and whether a trainee is learning a new skill of acquiring
knowledge of a given topic, the person should be given opportunity to practice what is being
taught. Practice is also essential after the individual has been successfully trained Sims,(1990).
There are two aspects of practice active practice and over learning. Active learning allows the
trainees to perform the task repeatedly or use the knowledge being learned. Over learning
occurs when trainees are given the opportunity to practice far beyond the point where the task
becomes ‘second nature’ and is said to be ‘over learned’. The fifth and most important of all
which will give life to other four is application because training is useless unless learning can
be applied.
Thereby, training and development is beneficial not just for the organization itself but also to
the individual employees. On the one hand, training and development leads to improved
profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward profit orientation, improves the job
knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization, improves the morale of the workforce
and helps the employees identify with organizational goals. On the other, training and
development benefits individual employees through helping them make better decisions and
effective problem solving, assisting in encouraging and achieving self-development and self-
confidence, helping an employee a person handle stress, tension, frustration, and conflict,
increasing job satisfaction and recognition and moving the person toward personal goals while
improving interaction skills as Sims, (1990).
Apprenticeship is a training system that is commonly used for the new generation of
practitioners of a specific trade or profession. It ranges from craft occupations to regulated
professions that require obtaining a professional license. This system of training provides
employee with the required knowledge and skill required for a craft or a variety of related jobs
according to Ezeigbo, (2011). Majority of the training involves working for an employer who
teaches the apprentices their trade or profession, in exchange for their labor over a fixed period
after they have attained assessable competencies. An allowance for upkeep is usually provided
by the employer during the period of training.
2.2.2 Induction/Orientation
This training is given to fresh employees to induct them into organization’s processes, policies,
goals and regulations of an organization, new recruits are introduced to their new job
responsibilities which usually occur during the first day/ week of resumption,as Olaniyan and
Ojo, (2008).
2.2.3 Internship
This type of on-the-job training is mostly used for formal jobs/professional careers. Internships
and apprenticeships are similar however they are both geared towards different career paths i.e.
internships are for professional careers and apprenticeships for trade/vocational jobs.
Internships are popular with under-graduates. Post-graduate students can also undergo
internship training. For the most part, internship provides you with an opportunity to expand
your knowledge and benefit from invaluable on-the-job experience.
a positive impact. They can also analyze previous behaviors for the purpose of reflection on
what has been successful and what has notsuccessful. The trainees are provided with
educational material, which covers the theory aspect. During the type of training, trainees feel
more inclined to express their views and feelings. They can also explore new and pioneering
impressions using case studies, conferences, seminars, audio-visuals, lectures, simulations and
role-play. This is an expensive training method with expenses including the place of training,
facilities used in training the employees, and hiring experts to add value to the training.
According to Cascio, (1992), training and training transfer is the extent to which knowledge,
skills and abilities and other characteristics learned during training could be applied on the job.
Training results thus could come in three folds: At the end of training, the organization should
notice the effect of training in terms of transferring to the job. It required training needs
analysis are done thoroughly before training and ensure the system is convenient for positive
transfer of the learned knowledge, skill, and behavior;as e.t.c to the job.According to Cascio,
(1992), learningapproach is greatest for transfer of training when the following steps are
a. Explain the content in terms of the strategic needs of the organization.
b. Identifying and assigning individuals to training based on careful selection standards.
(Survey on trainee interest, supervisor, performance appraisal etc.)
c. Ensuring that classroom content of training program are directly relevant to the works/
jobs settings in the organization and
d. Ensuring the practical application of the training to the work/ job setting bymeans of
systematic follow-up.
Training is successful when trainees would do magnificently when they go back to their job,
asAsare, (2008), he agree that training and training transfer could be successful through the
collaborative effort involving the trainer, trainee’s manager/ supervisor (e. g. head of
departments) and the trainee himself and that each of the three (3) parties need to take some
from action before, during and after the training program.
2.5 Training Evaluation
Training has its own objectives and hence at the end of the training there should be system that
evaluates the effectiveness of training. According to Dessler, (2008), training evaluation is
after a training program ends, or at intervals during an ongoing training program, organizations
should ensure that the training is meeting objectives. The stage to prepare for evaluating a
training program is when the program is being developed. Along with designing course
objectives and content, the planner should identify how to measure achievement of objectives.
Therefore, Dessler, (2008), proposed four basic categories of training program result:
1. Reactions of the trainees to the program are evaluated; an example is whether they like the
program and that they think it was worth their time, energy and efforts.
2. In respect of learning, trainees are given some kind of test to find out whether they learned
the principles, skills and facts that they were supposed to learn.
3. Find out whether trainees behavior on the job has changed due to the training program and
4. Find out whether the objectives set before the training has been achieved.
According to Kirkpatrick, (2006), training programs can be evaluated into four main levels.The
first levelis measuring the participants‟ reactions to the training program. He refers to this step
as a measure of customer satisfaction.The second levelof evaluation measures whether learning
has occurred as a result of attending the training. Did the participants acquire the skills or
knowledge embodied in the objectives?The third levelof evaluation measures the extent to
which on-the-job behavioral change has occurred to the participants who have attended the
training program. Another technique with this level of evaluation would be to employ
performance evaluations designed to measure the new competencies.The fourth levelof
evaluation attempts to measure the final results that occurred because employees attended the
training. Ideally, training is linked to improved organizational performance. At this level,
evaluation is concerned with determining what impact the training has had on the organization.
Satisfactory final results can include such things as fewer grievances filed against supervisors,
greater employee productivity, a reduction in the number of client complaints, a decrease in
workplace accidents, larger amounts of profit change, improved board relations, and less
discrimination in the workplace. A final step, organizations must determine whether the
benefits of the training outweigh its direct and indirect costs. The training program must
achieve measurable results to achieve its goals as stated in the objectives.
achievement. This could further broaden career progression opportunities. And training
improves the availability, quality and skills of staff.
More over Cole, (2004), explains the benefits to organizations from systematic training and
development include: The provision of a pool of skilled personnel for the organization; (same
as Mullins fourth point) Greater commitment of staff (first point of Mullins) Improved service
to customers Improvement in job performance with its resulting increase in productivity
overall. Training is the essential part of human resource activities and of the organization’s
business strategy. It is one of the integral elements in the improvement process of
organization’s performance, enhance individual performance, and keep the organization at top
in competence world. Close the gap between what should happen and what is happening and
finally leading to organizational competence.
To effectively track employee training and its effectiveness, key performance indicators should
include; specific objectives, measurable goals, relevant goals to the organization and Time-
frame for achieving this goal. According to Hakala, (2008) explains that the following
indicators are used to measure performance.
Quantity: This indicator highlights the amount of items produced, or sold in comparison to the
fixed standard i.e. the amount of items earmarked for production, processing and sale.
Quality: Several Indicators are used to measure the quality of a completed task. The ratio of
work output repeated or rejected is an indicator. In a sales environment, a key indicator of
quality salesmanship is the proportion of enquiries converted to sales.
Timeliness: This measures the speediness in the completion of tasks or provision of services.
For example, in a manufacturing company; a time based indicator is the time frame used to
produce a product or cycle time for a specific operation.
Cost-effectiveness: This factor can be used as a measurement evaluating how an employee is
cost efficient.
Policy Adherence: Policies are put in place to create boundaries and ensure encouragement of
creativity does not translate to deviation of companies’ ethics, rules and regulations.
Employees who deviate from company policies show that their performance and development
goals do not align with those of the company.
Gossip and Other Personal Habits: This may not be an obvious performance-related
indicator, but personal habits like gossip, can adversely affect performance and hinder that of
others. Such behaviors should be confronted, and goals set to reduce their occurrence.
employee turnover and prevents employees changing jobs rapidly. It is also indicative of the
organization’s dedication to its employees which in turn leads to an increase in their
There are three key factors to consider when formulating a training design; these; understand
trainees’ eagerness, learning styles and trainee knowledge transfer. Trainees must have the
basic skills required for acquiring knowledge, high level of motivation for learning and also
self-efficacy in order for training to yield positive results according to Mathis and Jackson,
(2009). Trainers must be well-informed on the application of learning theories in the design of
training programs to ensure the objective of training which is to help employees gain the
required skills, knowledge and behavior needed for improved performance at work is met.
Individuals are more likely to learn if they acknowledge the need for training and make a
commitment towards it.
Organizational, Operational and Individual analyses
1. Organizational analysis:
The purpose of this analysis is on identifying where within the organization training is needed
and assessed against the organization’s objectives and strategies. This would help avoid
wastage of resources in training and development where employees are trained in skills they
already haveor that are not transferable to the job situation. This analysis included external
environment(environmental scanning in PEST analysis which is a simple and widely used tools
that help to analyze the political, Economic, Social-culture, and Technological changes and the
internal climate (SWOT analysis) of the organization. This is the critical first step for HRD
personnel in assessing and relating training needs to the achievement of organizational goals.
2. Operational analysis:
This is the stage which assesses carefully the job to be performed after the employee had been
trained. It consists of the following:
Collect information on exactly how the job is done (job analysis).
Performance standards for those jobs to be done are determined
The task to be performed to meet standards and
Identify the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics necessary for effective
task performance.
The required information for this stage could come from various sources such as: Job analysis,
performance appraisal, Job description, Interviews with jobholders, ship floor supervisors and
higher management and analysis of operating problems (e.g. quality controls, quarterly etc.
reports would provide very important input in to the analysis of training needs.
3. Individual analysis:
Finally, at this level / stage training needs could be defined in terms of
Difference between desired performance and actual performance e. g. from
performance appraisal report
Performance standards identified in the operational analysis
Individual performance data from performance appraisals
Diagnostic ratings of employees by supervisors
Records of performance kept by employees in a diary form and
Attitude and interview survey by researchers and management
Therefore, the identification of a gap existence between actual performance and desired
performance may be filled by training. According to Dessler, (2008), the training needs
identification and analysis could be grouped in to two levels: First, for the new employees: -
Determine what the job involves and break it down into subtasks which are taught to the new
employees. Second, Current employee:- training needs analysis for current employees is more
complex since HRD department and supervisor have the added task of deciding whether
training is the solution to the whatever performance gap exist. This is again important (as its
been emphasized) given the fact that not all problems could be solved through training and
Training needs identification and analysis could also come from what as Dessler, (2008), called
a ‘’competency model”. The model shows knowledge; skills and behaviors that enable
employees to effectively perform their jobs. This process begins with interviewing CEO to
understand the organization’s strategies and objectives. Human resource department make
behavioral interview with jobs performers and focus groups to identify the set of competencies
help to get job’s competency Model. According to Ivancevich, (2010) agrees that interviews,
surveys, reviews of records, observation and discussions with management and subject matter
experts are methods used to conduct training needs identification or assessment. The way data
and information gathering gives a clue for what type of training, who and when should be
given the training. This evidence helps to identify whether training is the solution to the
deficiency. Having said above human resource department of United Bank should prepare
concerned staff that able to carry out training needs identification or assessment. The bank
needs to practice competency model which helps to identify the gap between actual
performance and desired performance.
basis or trial basis is to determine if it meets the identified needs and that its design is suitable
for the group of trainees as Mathias and Jackson, (2009).
In general Training has the distinct role in the achievement of an organizational goal by
incorporating the interests of organization and the workforce as Stone R J. (2002), Human
Resource Management; many studies are available on the subject, which seek to determine the
impact of training on employee performance. Some are provided here after According to the
Angela, (2014), training had an impact on the performance of employee among the
international civil servants. A survey research design was used for this study 144 staff of the
United Nation supports office for the African mission in Somalia. The finding showed that in
general training enhanced employee engagement on change processes, motivation, job
satisfaction and overall performance. But according to the researcher Appiah, (2012) training
enhances knowledge, skills, attributes and competencies and ultimately worker performance
and productivity in organization. Again Garavan T.N., (2003) suggested that training process
was a more job oriented that could change employee attitudes and behaviors that motivate
them to increase their knowledge and understanding of the job according to the dynamic
corporate environment in his journal. Where observed the measurement level of performance
after being trained. It also evaluated the impact of training on employee performance on their
jobs. Keeping these objectives in view, this study presumed that training was positively related
to job performance of employees. Several measures of performance were analyzed including
compensation, performance appraisal, and organizational commitment which apparently
increased the employee performance; there was a positive relationship between training
programs and employee motivation which make the employees more involved in their jobs and
subsequently results in better performance and productivity both for the employees as well as
for the organizations. Again as Cole, (2002) in his book “Personnel Management: Theory and
Practice” 5th edition, defined training as “The learning activity directed towards acquiring
specific knowledge and skills for an occupation or task. He found however the focus of
training was on the job or task to be performed efficiently. But another researcher Cooper,
(2010) Found a positive relationship between training programs and employees job
involvement. He argued that if there were some recognitions and financial benefits for the high
performers at the training programs, the feelings of reciprocity emerged in the high performing
employees as well as in other ones which motivated them to extend themselves in many ways
such as adapting new skills, knowledge and competencies which ultimately leads to improved
organizational performance.
2.13 Theoretical Framework
Employee training has two major theoretical approaches, which are, the human capital
approach and the technology-based approach. The human capital approach suggests that
training is an investment in human capital whereby gains achieved from increased productivity
levels are greater than the cost of training as Luo, (2000). The technology-based approach
suggests that training is a skill formation process. According to this approach, training in the
contemporary period is driven by a rapid change in technology and work reforms. To reform
employee performance and growth, this type of training is preferred as it explores the needs of
an organization Luo, (2000) says that organizations face challenges with trainings as a result of
four different factors. Firstly, trainings that are conducted are not essentially tied to the
technicality of the role. Secondly, prior needs assessments are rarely performed, despite
suggestions to do so in most training guides. Third, training instructors and design that
organizations rarely evaluate outcome(s) resulting from trainings. Forth, Evaluation, when one
is done, is often focused on how trainees feel about the training and not what was learnt. Based
on the technology approach the researcher constructs the following conceptual framework
according in the research gate.
The impact of training on performance has been analyzed for different indicators including
improved output, profits, salary bandwidth. Increased training led to a more effective work
force with increased productivity across several sectors. The manufacturing companies
participating in trainings showed increased level of productivity, higher intensity, conducted
more research, and had a more competent workforce. According to Collier et al (2003) found
that increased funding in training reduces the chances of an organization closing down. For
smaller organizations, informal workers training had an impact whereas for larger
organizations, training of informal workers. Employees’ motivation and positive outlook are
evidence-based benefits from training noted.
According to Ali (2014), study revealed that there is a positive effect of training and
development on employee performance. The data gathered point out that, training and
development activities had provided new skills and knowledge, therefore enriched their
performance of work. Thus, it can be concluded that from the subjective perspective of
respondents, there is a relationship between training and development activities on employees’
performance in the Anglo Gold Ashanti with regards to effectiveness of training and
development on employees. The interview with the manager of training and development and
HR established that there is a positive effect of training and development on the performance
of the organization. There is a difference in the employee operation where the trained
employee is more effective and efficient than untrained ones. Hence, the effects necessitate the
hypothetical back ground that there is a significant positive effect of training and development
program on the performance of the employees.
According to Khan et al. (2011), training design & delivery style has positively related with
organizational performance as measured by empirical data. Organizational goals, can practice
without human resource had not achieved; most of the jobs have such type of orientation which
cannot be performed without human capital as Naveed et al., (2014).Similarly, as stated by
training design and delivery style has significant effect on employee Performance and these
entire have positively affect the employee performance. It means it increases the overall
organizational performance.
Additionally, the other finding of this study shows that delivery style also has a positive and
significant relationship with employee performance. This study also confirmed by the study of
Naveed et al., (2014). This indicates that if employees are satisfied with the delivery style of
the training program their performance will enhance. To deliver training in effective manner
organization should understand adult learning principle, follow different and interesting
learning style, and fulfill the needed material adequately. Moreover, the study indicates the
correlation result shows that training design has a positive and significant relationship with
employee performance. This indicates that the trainees will reach at the desired level of
performance if the training is well designed. Well-designed training can be indicated by clearly
defined objective, relevant and updated content, effective selection of training method and
trainer. The other finding of the study shows that delivery style also has a positive and
significant relationship with employee performance. This study also confirmed by the study of
Naveed et al. (2014) stated that the positive and significant correlation between training design
and employee performance. This indicates that if employees are satisfied with the design of the
training program their performance will enhance to deliver training in effective manner,
organization should understand the learning principle, follow different and interesting learning
style, and fulfill the needed material adequately.
H1 program
Employee Performance
The training
H2 design
3.1 Background of the study area
Skills development and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) are now
becoming increasingly important on the international and national policy agenda. For example,
UNESCO advocates TVET, claiming that technical and vocational education that is driven by
market demand is more effective in enhancing employment and income for the disadvantaged.
The World Development Report 2007 states that making labor, which is the main asset of the
poor, productivity, is the best way to reduce poverty (World Bank, 2006). As a concrete policy
responses in favor of TVET, the Dakar Framework for Action set explicit goals pertinent to
TVET UNESCO, (2000). Generally, there is an expectation that TVET facilitates economic
growth and poverty alleviation by serving as a mechanism to prepare people for occupational
fields and by enhancing their effective participation in the world of work, UNESCO, 2001;
NUFFIC, (2010). Furthermore, TVET has also gained the attention in Africa as a result of
which TVET is part of the education systems as Oketch et al., (2009). Despite the political
attention that is being given to TVET, the literature on TVET lacks agreement on the relevance
and effectiveness of TVET in developing countries.
The TVET program in Ethiopia is primarily supply driven. Even though TVET strategy
stresses the importance of ensuring that TVET is flexible enough to accommodate the demand
for, the allocation of students to TVET institutions, as well as the curriculum and the
specialization offered are determined by government. This is in contrast to market-driven
TVET systems, where the demand for particular specialization, as well as the fields of study is
governed by the “invisible hand”. In the literature the appropriateness of the first versus the
second approach has not been consistently settled, and the best approach may indeed depend
on the particular contextual and institutional setting. Statistics shows, in recent years, there has
been considerable expansion in TVET institutions in Ethiopia, both in terms of public spending
and increased provision by private institutions. Number of TVET institutions in Ethiopia is
also provided by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). During the years 2004-2009,
average annual increase in enrolment in TVET was 30.5%. In the year 2008/09 (2001 E.C),
there were total of 458 TVET institutions in Ethiopia. These institutions enrolled total of
308,501 students in regular, evening, summer and distance program (Table 3-1) as (MOE,
2008). In 2007, Ethiopia was the second in Africa in terms of number of training institutions.
Government sources estimate that private TVET providers currently provide approximately
30% of all TVET in Ethiopia, while private TVET providers estimate their share of the market
to be around 50% as (MOE, 2008).
In SNNPRS has 67 TVET Colleges, Sawla Polytechnic college is one of the TVET college
located in south Ethiopian regional sate, i.e owned by government established in 1995 e.c when
the time of establishing it is a institute form than the rank up to construction college than again
its rank up to poly college, it located in south Ethiopian Nation Nationality and Peoples of
Ethiopian regional state. Slawla Polytechnic college is fare from the center Addis 525k.m and
from HAWASS its distance IS 305k.m found in Gofa zone, sawla ton is the capital city of the
Gofa zone. Undertake the strategy of an outcome based training system. This training sector
and occupation level to be carryout are decided after the need assessment/occupation demand
study. The college compiled its own outcome based curriculum based on the Ethiopian
occupation standard (EOS). Also teaching, training and learning materials (TTLM) which
contains teachers guide, learners guide, and assessment packet is prepared on outcome base to
implement training activity.
In general the college have186 employees , from these 113 employees are technical instructors
the rest 73 employees are Administrative staff, three training sectors in this poly college
namely infrastructure, culture and tourism, and metal engineering, and manufacturing. Each
training sector has several occupation fields which in general have twenty (20) occupation
fields that have 1800 trainees. The training method is both lectures, demonstration, discussion
and practical activity from which 70% is covered in practice and 30% is for theoretical areas.
In the college the occupation standard of training sectors is ranging from level-I to level-V.
According to the strategy the mode of training system is flexible that adjust itself with the
dynamicity of local as well as global demand of employment and entrepreneurship. Also the
time to start and terminate a given occupation is not fixed; rather is flexible which depend up
on acquire level and speed of trainee to complete the whole competency of a given occupation
level. The TVET curriculum, training sector, and training materials are also dynamic in
accordance with the ever-changing of national occupation standard that is redesigned to meet
the ever-changing employment and entrepreneurship demand.
3.2 Research Design and Approach
all target respondents in order to determine the perceptions of employees on the effect of
training and development on employee performance in the case of SwalaPolytechnic College.
Sawla Polytechnic college human resource department record, the population of Sawla
Polytechnic College was 108 including supervisory.
Census method was used to obtain respondents in the study. Census method is also known as
non-probability method. This method involves all the target population as a respondent,
because of small population size the researcher used census method, and data collected from all
members of the total population of 108 employees (technical instructors) Sawla Polytechnic
Β1, β2 and β3were the coefficient for the independent variable respectively.
u-was the error term
Correlation analysis shows the existence of relationship between two variables x and y, but not
they have cause-and-effect relationship.
However, regression analysis may show cause-and-effect relationship between x and y;
meaning, a change in the value of independent variable x affects/influences (or effect or may
cause) a corresponding change in the value of dependent variable y, holding other factors
In correlation analysis both y and x are independent variables, but in regression analysis y is
dependent variable and x is independent variable.
3.6.1 Validity
Validity is described as the extent to which a measuring instrument satisfies the purpose for
which it was constructed. It refers to the extent to which it correlates with some criterion
external to the instrument succeeds in measuring what it has set out to measure Blumberg,
(2005). The researcher checks the validity in a data entry routine that test the input for correct
and reasonable conditions, such as numbers falling within a range, numeric data being all
digits, dates having a valid month, day and year, etc. Checking the spelling of proper names, if
possible, can also be part of validity checking
The basic thing of the validity of a questionnaire is asking the right questions phrased in the
least ambiguous way. In other words, do the items measure significance of the purpose of the
investigation; terms must be clearly defined so that they have the same meaning to all
respondents. The purpose of a pilot test is to refine the questions on the questionnaire in order
to ensure that there is no ambiguity or bias so that the measuring instrument was fine tuned for
data collection Saunders, et al (2009). For the intended study, 5 respondents participated in this
study and there were randomly selected to test the questionnaire so that as per their comments,
necessary revisions were made before administration of the questionnaire to the target
respondents. The respondents did not include those in the target population of 108 elements.
3.6.2 Reliability
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.917 4
According to Ghauri, (2005), reliability refers to the stability of the measure used to study the
relationships between variables. It ensures that the consistency of research measurement or the
degree to which the questionnaires as a measure of an instrument, measures the same way each
time it is used under the same condition with the same subjects. Cronboach’s alpha is a
coefficient of reliability, or internal consistency, of a set of scale or test items. The researcher
predominately used it to measure the internal consistency or reliability of a psychometric test
score for a sample of examinees. A rule of thumb for interpreting alpha for dichotomous
questions (i.e questions with two possible answer) or Likert scale questions is: Cronbach’s
alpha α ≥ 0.9 internal consistency is Excellent, 0.9 > α ≥ 0.8 internal consistency is Good and
0.8 > α ≥ 0.0.7 is acceptable. In general a score of more than 0.7 is considered as acceptable
although some authors suggest higher value of 0.90 – 0.95 should be norm. Hence, it is
significant to test the reliability of the data instrument. For this purpose,the researcher used to
test the reliability of the research instrument Cronboch’s Alpha. As per recommended above
the researcher tested the internal consistency or reliability which were administered to the
participants having in study variable the Cronbach’s alpha value = 0.917, which internal
consistency of the study wasExcellent.
4.1. Introduction
This chapter is made up of presentation, analysis and discussion of data collected from Sawla
Polytechnic College Human Resources divisions. The data was separated into the college
instructors including supervisor. The data have been analyzed and presented in tables, statistical
model and charts. Out of a total of sample of 108, 90 responded respond to the questioner,
representing 83% response rate
Based on the above table the following interpretations stated to the Frequency distribution of
the respondent’s profile.
1. Sex;
The respondents were analyzed and the results presented in Table 4.2.1 shows that out of 100%
responses received, 78 (86.7%) of the respondents represented males while 12(13.3%) of the
represented are females. This shows the college has male dominated technical instructors’.
2. Age;
The respondents were analyzed and the results presented in Table 4.2.2 shows that out of 100%
responses received, 29 (32.2%) of the respondents represented were age group between 20-25
year 48(53.3%) of the represented were under age group 26-30 year but the least number of
respondents were under age group above 31 year this showed the college have young aged
3. Educational levels of respondents;
Levels of Education Distribution of respondents were examined and the results presented in Table
4.2.3 shows that out of 100% responses received, 64 (71.1%) of the respondents had B-Level
education while 20(22.2%) of the respondents represented those who obtained C-Level. The table
also indicated that 6(6.7%) of the respondents received A-Level. It could be seen from the table
that every respondent have had degree level of education but the least have masters level.
Work Experiences Distribution of respondents was examined and the results presented in Table
4.2.3 shows that out of 100% responses received, 47 (52.2%) of the respondents had been working
between 0- 5 years whilst 40 (44.4%) of the respondents represented those who have been working
between 6- 10 years. The table also indicated that 3 (3.3%) of the respondents had been working
between 11- 15 years working Experience.
Crosstab on SPSS work to result the following output, in all the case the respondent get the
training opportunity maximum one employee can get training 14 times. The training opportunity,
how many times the employee can get training at the college was one of the employee background
questions in this study questioners.
In the table below the one cannot get training opportunity, they can get the training opportunity
at the college, are discussed in the level, sex and their number of employee was separately
So in the college there may not get training opportunity has male and 5 in number, and A-level
instructor, the instructor may get training opportunity one times has male total 20 A Level-1, B
Level 15 C Level 4 and female total 7 in number, and A-level instructor,
the instructor may get training opportunity 2 times has male total 22, A Level-1, B Level 15 C
Level 6 and female total 2 in number, and A-level-0 instructor B Level-1 C Level-1
the instructor may get training opportunity 3 times has male total 6 A Level-1, B Level 4 C
Level 1 and female total 6 in number, and A-level-1 instructor, B Level-4 C Level-1
the instructor may get training opportunity 4 times has male total 10 A Level-0, B Level 8 C
Level 2 and female total 1 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-0 C Level-1
the instructor may get training opportunity 5 times has male total 8 A Level-2, B Level 6 C
Level 0 and female total 1 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-1 C Level-0
the instructor may get training opportunity 6 times has male total 1 A Level-0, B Level 1 C
Level 0 and female total 0 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-0 C Level-0
the instructor may get training opportunity 7 times has male total 2 A Level-0, B Level 2 C
Level 0 and female total 0 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-0 C Level-0
the instructor may get training opportunity 8 times has male total 1 A Level-0, B Level 1 C
Level 0 and female total 1 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-1 C Level-0
the instructor may get training opportunity 10 times has male total 2 A Level-0, B Level 1 C
Level 1 and female total 0 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-0 C Level-0
the instructor may get training opportunity 14 times has male total 1 A Level-0, B Level 1 C
Level 0 and female total 0 in number, and A-level-0 instructor, B Level-0 C Level-0
Table 4.2Training opportunity
4.3 Analysis of Descriptive statistics
4.3.1 The mean and std. Deviation of Development program
The results in table 4.3 below shows that from item no, 10, 3, 8, 6 and 5 have high mean value
above the average mean ‘Because of development my performance was changed on my job
accomplishment’,(3.6), which indicates that the respondents agree highly with the content of
the item. The employee development program provided by the organization helped me to
perform my task quickly and efficiently, was the smallest mean (3.26) which indicate that the
respondents not agree on the item that means the development program in the college has not
enough to employee efficiency.
Table 4.3 Mean and std. Deviation of the employee development program
No Description Mean Std. Dev. Var.
10 Because of development my performance was changed on my 3.6000 1.00337 1.007
job accomplishment.
3 I feel that employee development program enable to perform my 3.5222 .98560 .971
work with greater accuracy and precision.
Development program in the college was contributes confidence 3.5000 1.06264 1.129
8 in solving problem and making decisions.
I think, that of gaining employee development program, 3.5000 1.12430 1.264
6 employee have active and positive effect on their work
commitment in the college.
I feel strong sense of belongingness to the college, since it has a 3.4889 .96273 .927
good employee development program to acquire to need the
5 skills and to become loyal for different activities.
I can say that after, I got employee development program in the 3.4667 1.02989 1.061
4 college, I accomplish my work well with their regular activities.
Because of the employee development program, my knowledge, 3.4111 1.01555 1.031
2 skill and attitude improved and I can accomplish without waste.
9 The one has gaining employee development program, the ability 3.3667 1.02168 1.044
of managing time and accuracy was increasing.
Performance of the employee prior and after gaining employee 3.3333 .94809 .899
11 development program are compared in order to evaluate the
performance impact of them.
I am satisfied with gaining employee development program 3.3111 1.09795 1.205
7 including the new material and facility of the training strategy,
of the college has provides to increase my work performance.
1 The employee development program provided by the 3.2667 1.01450 1.029
organization helped me to perform my task quickly and
Average 3.4341 1.0242 1.0509
Source; own survey (2022)
4.3.2 The mean and std. Deviation of training design;
The results in table 4.4 below show that in item no, 1 ‘Time of the training sessions is suitable
to the working hours” had the highest mean (3.82), which indicates that the respondents agree
highly with the content of the item. ‘Content of training courses is delivered by any methods in
the study item have small mean’’ which is the smallest mean (3.1-2.9) which indicate that the
respondents disagree on the item. The overall decision to identify the best training design was
having higher mean items, i.e. item no, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7.
that the respondents agree highly with the content of the item. ‘’Training needs are identified
based on the introduction of new technologies’’ was the smallest mean (3.2) which indicate
that the respondents not agree on the item i.e. ‘’training needs are neither based on the
introduction of new technologies, nor on certain standards. Item 5, 2,7,6,8 have the mean
values has small and slight difference between them but the same decision. Training needs
which are identified based on certain standards" had the lower mean (3.20 up to 3.24) for both
of them it indicates that the respondent disagree more. The overall decision to identify the
training need assessment had higher mean value items, i.e. from item no, 1 and 3.
Table 4.5Mean and std. Deviation of Training need Assessment
No Description Mean Std. Varianc
Deviatio e
The method used in identifying the training needs was 3.5111 1.04122 1.084
1 based on the work requirements
3 Training needs were identified through comparing the 3.4000 1.12978 1.276
current abilities of employees and the new requirements
of work
4 Training needs were identified through comparing the 3.3778 1.05551 1.114
expected performance to the actual performance
5 Training needs were determined based on personal 3.3333 1.12180 1.258
2 Training needs were identified based on the regular 3.3111 1.03473 1.071
assessment of performance
7 Training needs were identified through direct observation 3.2444 1.12491 1.265
6 Training needs were identified for new jobs and posts 3.2333 1.10209 1.215
8 Training needs were identified based on the set priorities 3.2111 1.17554 1.382
10 Training needs were identified based on certain standards 3.2111 1.03310 1.067
9 Training needs were identified based on the introduction 3.2000 1.10362 1.218
of new technologies
Average 3.3033 1.0922 1.1950
Source; own survey (2022
In order to determine how strong the relationship is between two variables, the coefficient
value can rangebetween -1.00 and 1.00. If the coefficient value was in the negative range, then
that means therelationship between the variables wasnegatively correlated, or as one value
increases, the other decreases. If the coefficient value was in the positive range, then that
means the relationship between thevariables waspositively correlated, or both values increase
or decrease together.
As the table 4.6 illustrates below as the coefficient value shows that the result of the training
design, development program and training need assessment were correlated with employee
performance within the range of(0.694) to (0.792) all were significant whereas training need
assessment was lower range or small correlation. Hence,the relationships between the
independent variables have been correlated with each other at asignificant level of p<0.01.
From the result the researcher then investigated the retaliations betweenindependent variable
and employee performance by running a Pearson's correlation value. So it has apositive
correlation corresponds to an increasing relationship. The independent variable training
design(r=0.792), development program (r=0.741), has lies atthe range of high degree level it
means it has strong correlation with employee performance.The independent variable training
need assessment, its’ coefficient value (r=0.717), medium correlation with
Therefore, in this study correlation matrix for the three independent variables shown in the
table had been estimated and answered research question RQ#1‘Is there a positive impact of
employee development programon employee performance at the College?’’ RQ#2‘’ the
general training design was a performance impact on employees at the College?’’and research
question RQ#3‘’Does training needs assessment is direct relationship to employee
performance at the College? ‘’ Was answered ‘’yes’’. Because have shown in the correlation
table 4.6, we seen the relationship between the employee performance withthe three
independent variable has positive correlation.
Table 4.6the Correlations
training development training need employee
design program assessment performance
training design Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 90
Employee Pearson Correlation .741** 1
development Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 90 90
training need Pearson Correlation .694 **
.743** 1
assessment Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 90 90 90
employee Pearson Correlation .792 **
.717** 1
performance Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 90 90 90 90
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
Source; own survey (2022)
4.5.3 ANOVA
Table 4.9the ANOVATable
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4251.651 3 1417.217 64.437 .000a
Residual 1891.471 86 21.994
Total 6143.122 89
a. Predictors: (Constant), training need assessment, training design,
development program
b. Dependent Variable: employee performance
The Anova matrix F-value (and associated p-value) tells the model was statistically significant
and combination of individual independent variables has significantly predicts the dependent
variable, employee performance in the study, by chance the f-value is large.The F-value, which
explained whether the results ofthe regression model could have occurred by chance, has a
value of 64.437 and significant at0.000. Large F value and a small significance level indicate
that the results probably are not dueto random chance. Nevertheless, it is possible to say that
the regression model adopted in thisstudy could have not occurred by chance and was
considered significant.
and affecting the employee performance at the college, but development program was small
unit change in employee performance.
To interpret result, β 0 = -0.396 in the regression line tells us when there was an absent of
independent variables, the dependent variable, employee performance has a negative value.
All the three study variables have positive impact on employee performance and having their
coefficients 0.546, 0.183 and 0.244 respectively, which implies that one level change in
training design, development program and training need assessment would have 0.546,0.183
and 0.244 changes on employee performance with the same direction respectively.
As we observed the predictor which had better effect on the overall level of employee
performance in Sawla polytechnic college was training design with a coefficient (β = 0.546).
The result indicated that a one unit increase in training design would lead to 54.6 % increase in
the magnitude of employees’ performance and contributing high important.
The other independent variable, training need assessment with a (β= 0.244) contribute an
important role in influencing better performance. The employee development program with
(β= 0.184) have less important to performance, comparing with other independent variable.
Change Statistics
Mode R Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Sig. F
l R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change Change
1 .832a .692 .681 4.68976 .692 64.437 .000
Source; own survey (2022)
The Model Summary in the table 4.8 reproduced to tells one how well the line fits that data.
The resultfor R2 (written “R square”) is 0.692. In which the variable in the model represent
69.2% which is a good result to show the explanatory variable have a power to represent the
model. A line that fits the data perfectly will have R 2 equal to 1. Whereas a line that doesnot
explain anything in the data will have R2 of zero. In this study the value of R 2equal to 0.692
(69.2%) of the variation in the data was being explained by the line.
To understand whether employee performance can be predicted based on independent
variables;the multiple correlation coefficients (R), Coefficient of determination (R square)
were examined. The coefficient of determination (R square) presents how much of the variance
in the measure ofemployees’ performance explained by the independent variable. The
independent variables haveaccounted for 69.2% (adjusted R square of 68.1%) with estimated
standard deviation (4.68976) ofthe variance in the employee performance.
The result implies that 69.2% ofthe dependent variable is explained by the independent
variables in the model. The result alsoimplies that, the remaining 30.8% of the variance can be
explained by other variables. There for we can be drawn from this a good suggestion or strong
evidencewe have the level ofemployees’ performance of Sawla polytechnic college.
Goodness of Fit
How well does the model fit the data? One measure wasR2, the so-called coefficientof
determination or percentage of variance explained, wherethe range was0<R2< 1 values closer
to 1 indicating better fits. In the study the R 2 value is 0.692 which between 0 and 1, andthe
model was better fit the data.
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
training design 90 40.5333 7.45654 .78599
Development program 90 37.7667 8.13240 .85723
training need assessment 90 33.0333 8.25772 .87044
employee performance 90 36.7444 8.30806 .87575
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0.05
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. Mean Difference
t df (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
training design 51.506 89 .000 40.48333 38.9216 42.0451
Development program 43.998 89 .000 37.71667 36.0134 39.4200
training need
37.893 89 .000 32.98333 31.2538 34.7129
employee performance 41.901 89 .000 36.69444 34.9544 38.4345
Source; own survey (2022
The T test Table shows that there are the significance values (.000) for all independent
variables that were less than test value (0.05) so that, all the H O:hypothesis stated in the study
was accepted.
And t-test answersyes to research question#1, 2 and 3 accordingly. The T- test that
observed the null hypothesis states that the three independent variables have a significant
positive impact on the employee performance or the variables have a positive relationship with
employee performance.
5.2 Summary
The general objective of this study was to find out the impact of training and development on
employees’ performance in the sawla polytechnic college. More specifically, the study sought
to determine the extent of the practices of each stage of the training and development process
and the general level of employees’ performance in the study area. The study also wished to
examine if there existed statistically significant mean differences among the study variable in
the practice of the training and development process, and to determine the impact of training
and development on employee performance at the study area. To all these ends, the study
followed quantitative study procedures with descriptive designs. Anda total of 90 employees’
participants were involved in this study through validly responding to 22 itemsof the
quantitative questionnaire which generally comprised for 5-points Likert scalestype.
The study was designed to investigate the impact of training on employee’sperformance in
sawla poly technical college. The sample selected for the study was 90 respondents, of which
we (78) male technical teachers (instructors) and(12) technical teachers (instructors).The
supporting literature was studied for the development of a common approachtowards
understanding the impact of training on employee’s performance.All the related literature was
brought to review in the study, so that, the real impact could be sensed forfurther improvement
and conduction of Human Resource practices.Descriptive statistics, regression and correlation
were analyzedand adjustment were processed to data were analyzed by using SPSS version
16.The SPSS (Version-16) computer software program was used for the task of analyzing the
quantitative data. Mean, Standard Deviation, One Sample t-test, One Way ANOVA, test of
significance of mean differences, and Linear Regressions were the main statistical devices was
Consequently, to summarize the sample member participants to the items of that addressed the
training design was being statistically significant at (t=51.506, df = 89, sig at
=0.000),Development programat (t=43.998, df = 89, sig at =0.000),and training needs
assessmentwas being statistically significant at (t=37.893, df = 89, sig at =0.000).
5. 3 Findings
From respondent background, there was found that a sample, females represent 13.3%
(females), while males represent 86.7% (Males). The majority of technical teachers
(instructors) in sawla poly technical collegewere and first degree (71.1%), holding diploma
(22.2%) very few are having a Master degree (6.7%) It appears that males are more
highlyeducated than female (90.6%) of males are holding a first degree (B-level), (100%)
Master degree (A-level) and 70% ofmales are having diploma(C-level) while there was not
even a single female with a Master degree and only 9.4% of females have completed the first
degree. We have seen 83% (90) of technical teachers (instructors) responding to the
questionnaire had get the training opportunity, We can see that those who are having more than
six years of work experience represent 44.4% and of trained employees and those who have
three to five years of work experience represent 52.2%. Almost all employees having trained
but small number (5)5.5% were not trained.
The other finding of the study, at the data regression analysis show the coefficient β 0 = -0.396,
β1 = 0.546β 2 = 0.184andβ 3 = 0.244,told us the employee performance measured in the college
have positive relation with training design, development programand training needs
assessment. Absent of those independent variable the employee performance in the college was
negative measure.The symmetric measures show a strong correlationbetween all the three
independent variables, training design and employee performance,development programand
employee performanceand training needs assessment and employee performance in the college
We confirm there was a strong positiveand significantcorrelation between employee’s
performancebetween training design,development programand training need assessments
(Pearson’ Correlation = 0.792, 0.724 and 0.717 Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000);
The finding has shown in comparing the mean, fromDescriptive statistics, the respondent
agreement has the smallest mean of (3.26) to the development program, which was the college
did has not enough orefficientdevelopment program to employee performance. But the
‘development program can change the level of performance’ with mean value (3.6).
The finding has shown in comparing the mean, from Descriptive statistics, the respondent
agreement has the smallest mean of (2.9 up to 3.1) to the training design, which was the
college did not well designed for ‘Content of training courses was delivered through methods,’
like decisions, Role playing, Contests and conference methods. But the time of the ‘training
sessions was suitable to the working hours’did has well designed with mean value of (3.8).
The finding has shown in comparing the mean, from Descriptive statistics, the respondent
agreement has the smallest mean of (3.2) to the training need assessment, which was the
college did not have well practice,to assessing the training needs based on new technology, the
overall respondent response tells us training based on new technology did less practice.But the
‘training needs were based on the work requirements’did has well practiced with mean value of
5.3.1 Discussion on Findings
The research discusses the impact of trainingand development on the employee performance of
sawla polytechnic college the following were its main findings discussed on findings of the
1. The impact of training on the performance of technical instructor was a very useful in
terms of teachers’ efficiency, classroom control and management and students’
2. Training caused teachers (instructors) to be good teachers and encouraged them to be
able enough to guide well in the subject taught. This change in teaching style and
behavior was due to an appropriate and effective training.
3. The training fulfilled all the needs of a discussed item by providing all the techniques
and essential knowledge according to the needs of modern teaching learning. The
training was successful in making the teachers aware about the aims, goals and
objectives of their teaching. This could caste an effect on the formative and summative
evaluation. The training made a teacher a scientist in his own way, who could work as a
scholar and educationist.
4. It result teachers (instructors) acknowledged the impact of the training with positive
5. Instructors observed a positive change in the results; these results they confirm, the
findings that show the positive impact of training on employee’s performance.
6. Trained employees are responsible for their own professional development and for
identifying gaps in their own and common competences.
7. In particular, non-trained employees seem to be insufficiently familiar with the concept
of competences.
5.4 Conclusion
The study reveals a diverse aspect of a practical operation of human resourcemanagement
related to employee training, and development on employee performance.The symmetric
measures have shown a strong correlation between training design,development program and
training need assessment with Employee’s performance, the higher performance secures
employee’s development. In the studywe also agreed that employees who are not trained were
lose their job required performance. When the employee was perform better only when they
were trained and feel secured. Weconclude in saying that training and development can secure
employee’s career and betterperformance.
Employees who have been trained have also mastery specific skills they need tosuccessfully
perform the tasks related to their present job.Trained employees were more willing to continue
working in the same organizationafter being trained than those who are not yet trained as the
survey in the study. One big result was that havingmastery specific skills one needs to
successfully perform the tasks related to his/herpresent job after training and seeing to perform
present job are strongly.Hence, it was confirmed that training and development was a key
factor to good performance. Once an employee is trained, he performs better, he wouldassure
of being promoted to higher responsibilities and he willing to stayinglonger in the current
organization. Once an employee was trained, he gains opportunityto enhance his performance,
his job performance outcomes are consistent with the goalsof the organization and his good
performance on his job gives him/her formalappreciation by the higher ups.
From the above all the study makes an effort signifying a substantial positive contributionby
employee training and development to employee performance. Generally, the findings of this
study were found reliable with the studies conductedby other researchers on the contribution of
human resource practices related to the employee performance.
The study illustrates the efforts looking for establishing a Human Resource-Performance
linkage by developing a specific conceptual framework to demonstratethe progression by
which the practice of employee training and development to employee performance was might
correlated and had tested it with empirical data.
5.5 Recommendations
Fundamental changes in the following three areas are required if the quality of technical
instructor (teachers)would be significantly improved their performance. Some key
recommendationsidentified from the study are;
1. The college managers establish training and development program in commitment
manner to performance in the form of vision, policies, plans, and actions for long-term
professional development of technical instructor (teachers).
2. Delegate to the college, the authority flexibility, and responsibility to develop relevant
training and development programs and schedules to establish this long-term
professional performance commitment.
3. Require the college supervisors to inform technical instructor (teachers)and head
teachers of promising teaching practices, and assist staff in trying to practice the result
of the study.
4. Develop human resource development strategies that are long-term and ongoing depend
heavily on college-based in-service programs, link with training and development to
better performance.
5. The college committed technical instructor (teachers)and provide adequate training
support to enable them to do their job performance. It will preferable at least B-Level
Education toall technical instructor (teachers).
6. Provide a range of incentives for different stages to attract suitable candidates to
teaching in a performance base, the manager of the college can establishjob
satisfaction, and improve instructional practice. Which may include incentives can be
direct monetary benefits likeallowances, indirect monetary benefits like professional
training, teacher guides, textbooks, instructional supervision, transportation, or
nonmonetary benefits like professional status in the community, location of teaching
position, and recognition of performance.
7. For best performance, the college to extend the performance evaluation,the evaluation
practices must also investigate whether attitudes and practices of participants have
actually changed theirperformance better and whether these changes are manifest as in
classroom,or as a college.
5.6 Future Research
This study discovered the impact of training and development on employee’s performance, its
sub facets and the study variable impact on employee performance at the college.
Howeverfurther studies can be extended towards the impact exploration, of relationship among
thetraining and development on organizational performance, with study intervening variables
like officeenvironment, promotion policy and allowances etc. Apart from this, future
studieswill be done,the scope would expand and including governmental and private sectors as
well as the industrysector, and other stockholders would be included in the study population.
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Research Topic;
Dear respondents:
This questionnaire is prepared to collect data for the fulfillment of MBA degree for Management
with the above research topic in college of business and economics. The information given to as
is highly privileged and will only be used for academic research purpose. Every information’s
which will be provided by you is kept confidential. The finding will help to identify the impact
of training and development performance.
Thank you in advance of your cooperation.
Note: -Do not write your name, for the questions requiring your opinion, please make tick
mark(√) in the place where provided, where you feel correct and write your explanation opinion
when you are requested, you jot on the space provided make it clear and precise.
INSTRUCTION: Please, tick (√) against the appropriate answer where applicable
PART I –employee background
1. Sex
a) Male [ ]
b) Female [ ]
2. Age
a) 20 – 25 yrs [ ]
b) 26 – 30 yrs [ ]
c) 31 – 35 yrs [ ]
d) 36 yrs and above [ ]
3. Show your instructor Level
a) A Level [ ]
b) B Level [ ]
c) C Level [ ]
5. How many years of experience, have you been working in the college?
a. 0-5 Years
b. 6-10 Years
c. 11-15 Years
6. Have you get any training at this college? How many times-------------------------
PART-Ц: Evaluation of training procedures in sawla Polytechnic College.
Fill the blank by tick marks to appropriate answer in the following.
The data in this section will be used to measure employee performance.
For each of the statements, please indicate your agreement or disagreement on a 5 point likert
scale ranging from ‘’strongly agree ‘’(5)’’ to strongly disagree” (1)
Where: -
5= strongly agree,
4= agree,
3 =neither,
2= disagree,
1=strongly disagree
No Description 5 4 3 2 1
1 The method used in identifying the training needs is based on the
work requirements
2 Training needs are identified based on the regular assessment of
3 Training needs are identified through comparing the current
abilities of employees and the new requirements of work
4 Training needs are identified through comparing the expected
performance to the actual performance
5 Training needs are determined based on personal relationships
6 Training needs are identified for new jobs and posts
7 Training needs are identified through direct observation
8 Training needs are identified based on the set priorities
9 Training needs are identified based on the introduction of new
10 Training needs are identified based on certain standards
No Description 5 4 3 2 1
1 Training courses enhance the level of trainees at the College.
2 Training courses increase the efficiency of employees
3 Training courses at the college improves job satisfaction of the
4 Training courses at the college improve the self-confidence of
5 Training courses decreases the routine of daily work
6 The repetition of the content of the training courses enhances the
mastery of the skills learned
7 The impact of training courses on the performance of employees
is assessed
8 Training courses achieve the aims of the college
9 Training programs are evaluated positive outcome impact on the
performance of employees
10 Trainees are assessed at work in order to evaluate their mastery of
relevant skills
11 Effectiveness of training courses is add regularly Performance to
No Description 5 4 3 2 1
1 Time of the training sessions is suitable to the working hours
2 Designing training courses is based on well stated aims and
3 The content of the training courses is repeated from time to time
4 Courses aiming at solving work problems are developed
5 Content of training courses is delivered through lecturing
6 Content of the course is related to the requirements of work
7 Content of training courses is delivered through workshops
8 External training courses were successful in achieving their aims
9 Content of training courses is delivered through the management
decisions method
10 Content of training courses is delivered through conferences
11 Content of training courses is delivered through the contests
12 Content of training courses is delivered through role playing
No Description 5 4 3 2 1