Membranes 11 00379
Membranes 11 00379
Membranes 11 00379
Self-Discharge of a Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer:
Investigation for Modeling Purposes
Ángel Hernández-Gómez 1,† , Victor Ramirez 1,2,† , Damien Guilbert 3, *,† and Belem Saldivar 2,4
Abstract: The self-discharge phenomenon results in a decrease of the open-circuit voltage (OCV),
which occurs when an electrochemical device is disconnected from the power source. Although the
self-discharge phenomenon has widely been investigated for energy storage devices such as batteries
and supercapacitors, no previous works have been reported in the literature about this phenomenon
for electrolyzers. For this reason, this work is mainly focused on investigating the self-discharge
voltage that occurs in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer. To investigate this voltage
drop for modeling purposes, experiments have been performed on a commercial PEM electrolyzer
to analyze the decrease in the OCV. One model was developed based on different tests carried out
on a commercial-400 W PEM electrolyzer for the self-discharge voltage. The proposed model has
Citation: Hernández-Gómez, Á.;
been compared with the experimental data to assess its effectiveness in modeling the self-discharge
Ramirez, V.; Guilbert, D.; Saldivar, B.
phenomenon. Thus, by taking into account this voltage drop in the modeling, simulations with a
Self-Discharge of a Proton Exchange
higher degree of reliability were obtained when predicting the behavior of PEM electrolyzers.
Membrane Electrolyzer: Investigation
for Modeling Purposes. Membranes
Keywords: PEM electrolyzer; modeling; dynamic model; self-discharge voltage
2021, 11, 379.
with the conduction of protons. On the other hand, the thinner the membrane, the higher
the gas crossover and leakage currents [33,34]. Over a long period of operation, gas
crossover through the membrane may reduce the lifespan of the fuel cell and degrade the
membrane (e.g., pinholes) [34]. Therefore, this phenomenon remains a major concern for
electrolyzers and further investigations are required.
From this current state-of-the-art, it is important to start studying the phenomenon
of self-discharge voltage that occurs in PEM electrolyzers, since it is significant when the
electrolyzer is coupled with RES and should be useful for the development of future works
as PEM electrolyzer emulators (i.e., by taking this phenomenon into account, more realistic
behavior of the PEM electrolyzer voltage can be obtained). For this reason, this we aimed
at describing the self-discharge voltage met in a PEM electrolyzer through different experi-
mental tests and developing a model enabling reproducing the self-discharge phenomenon
according to the operating conditions, such as the current. This model has been developed
based on models proposed in the literature for supercapacitors and batteries to describe the
behavior of self-discharge voltage. The comparison between the developed model and the
experimental data for different operating conditions has demonstrated the high reliability
of the model in reproducing the self-discharge phenomenon.
This paper is organized as follows. After the introduction, the sighting of the self-
discharge voltage in a PEM electrolyzer (description of the experimental test setup and
self-discharge voltage issues) is described in Section 2. The development of the model for
self-discharge voltage is introduced in Section 3. Validation and discussion are provided in
Section 4. Finally, the conclusion of this work is presented in Section 5.
the anode, cathode, and electrolyte. This first voltage drop ended when the stack voltage
reached 4.2 V related to the OCV of the electrolyzer stack.
Figure 2. Self-discharge tests according to different initial conditions (10, 20, 30, and 35 A).
After that, the voltage drop related to the self-discharge phenomenon can be em-
phasized. This self-discharge can be divided into two phenomena: one is related to an
accelerated self-discharge and the second to a slow, continuous self-discharge. These
two phenomena are well known when characterizing batteries, as reported in the liter-
ature [36,37]. The accelerated self-discharge is commonly called OCV “depolarization,”
and the slow continuous self-discharge is defined as OCV “relaxation”. In Figure 2, it
can be seen that the OCV for the test (35–0 A) decreased more quickly and continuously
compared to the other tests at lower currents. This observation demonstrates that the initial
operating conditions affect the self-discharging. To emphasize those two phenomena (OCV
depolarization and relaxation), the results of each test have been plotted in Figures 3–6.
The OCV relaxation occurred when the OCV reached around 0.5 V. For each test, the time
separating these two OCV phenomena can be apprehended. Depending on the initial
operating conditions, the duration of the OCV depolarization was longer or shorter. For
instance, in Figure 6, the duration of the OCV depolarization is shorter (around 2850 s) com-
pared to the other tests. A summary of the measured duration of the OCV depolarization
for each test is provided in Table 2.
Based on the previous works reported for self-discharge in batteries [18,20] and
supercapacitors [27,28], the studied PEM electrolyzer features a higher self-discharge rate.
Indeed, lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries feature low self-discharge rates (noticeable in
terms of days, weeks, or even months), and supercapacitors higher self-discharge rates
(noticeable in terms of hours or days). In supercapacitors, the high self-discharge is due
to their organic electrolyte. For batteries, the self-discharge rate strongly depends on the
temperature and the wear (decrease in the number of charge/discharge cycles) due to
deep discharges [18]. The higher the temperature, the higher the self-discharge rate. The
same phenomenon has been reported when the batteries are subject to deep discharge.
In comparison, for supercapacitors, it has been highlighted that their self-discharge rates
are dependent on their double-layer capacitance values, and on the temperature [19].
The higher the temperature, the higher the self-discharge rate; whereas the smaller the
double-layer capacitance value, the higher the self-discharge rate.
As it has been emphasized in previous works [13,14], when supplying the PEM
electrolyzer with dynamic current profiles, the electrolyzer behaves as a capacitor because
of the charge double-layer effect. Indeed, between the electrode and the electrolyte, there is
a layer of charge, which can store electrical charge, and therefore, energy. The accumulation
of charges generates an electrical voltage, which corresponds to the activation overvoltage
both at the anode and at the cathode. Thus, when the current immediately changes, the
activation overvoltage at both the anode and the cathode takes some time before following
the change in current due to the reaction kinetics. Besides, the PEM electrolyzer features
two dynamics, the first one slower regarding the anode, and the second one faster regarding
the cathode. These two different dynamics can be modeled by two RC branches where their
constant times depend on the values of the two resistors considering the values of both
capacitances equal [38]. Given that the dynamics both at the anode and cathode change
according to the operating conditions, the values of both RC branches cannot be considered
constant. For this reason, in [14], the parameters of both RC branches have been assessed
through mathematical modeling whatever the operating conditions. The reported values
for the double-layer capacitance are similar to the ones for supercapacitors (between 3
and 69 F) [14]. By starting from this analysis and the previous observations reported for
supercapacitors, the high-self discharge rate depicted in Figure 2 can be explained. Indeed,
the low double-layer capacitance value of the PEM electrolyzer leads to an accelerated and
slow continuous self-discharge.
Finally, based on previous works reported for PEM electrolyzers [15,35] and the
knowledge of the authors on this topic, the self-discharge phenomenon in PEM electrolyzers
is mainly induced by the leakage currents due to gas crossover through the membrane.
Indeed, a part of the current at the cathode side has not been combined with the protons
to generate hydrogen. Hence, this current goes back to the anode through the membrane
that, at low current densities, is more permeable to gas crossover, as demonstrated in
the literature [15,35]. Besides, it is important to point out that gas crossover is strongly
dependent on temperature, pressure, and membrane thickness, as emphasized in the
literature [15,39]. In the case under study, the PEM electrolyzer features a very thin
membrane (i.e., around 25 µm). As highlighted in [39], the thinner the membrane, the
higher the gas crossover. Therefore, the thin membrane of the PEM electrolyzer may
explain the high self-discharge rate observed in Figure 2.
To conclude, despite these first observations, further investigation is required to
understand the self-discharge rates of PEM electrolyzers and the parameters affecting the
self-discharge rate, such as temperature and accelerated wear linked to their operating
conditions (static and dynamic).
3. Mathematical Model
As mentioned in the introduction, there are no reported models for the self-discharge
voltage of the PEM electrolyzer. For this reason, this work is also focused on developing a
model to describe the self-discharge voltage behavior.
Membranes 2021, 11, 379 9 of 17
As can be seen, there is a lag time in the experimental data before self-discharge voltage
occurs; see Figure 2. For this reason, it is assumed that the voltage in the electrolyzer has
normal behavior before the self-discharge voltage occurs. Therefore, taking into account
the model for voltage developed in [13,14], which describes the static-dynamic behavior of
the voltage drop in small periods (i.e., time lapses around 50 s) into a PEM electrolyzer,
the static-dynamic model for the voltage before the self-discharge voltage occurs can be
expressed as:
V0 if t < tc ,
V (t) = (1)
Vrev + i (t) · Rmem + ηact (t) if t ≥ tc ,
where V0 is the initial voltage of the PEM electrolyzer (i.e., it is the value obtained before
disconnecting the PEM electrolyzer from the power source). Vrev is the OCV, [V ]. i is
the current in the cell [ A]; Rmem is the membrane resistance [Ω]. ηact is the activation
overvoltage, [V ]. t is the time in [s]. Finally, tc is the time that the electrolyzer remains
connected to the energy source, [s].
Furthermore, due to the experiment carried out, the current function can be expressed
as the step function:
A1 if t < tc ,
i (t) = (2)
A2 if t ≥ tc ,
where both A1 and A2 take constant values, [ A]. Besides, the activation overvoltage is
expressed as ηact = ηact,c + ηact,a , where ηact,c is:
tc − t
ηact,c (t) = · ( A2 − A1 ) · 1 − exp + f 1 ( t ) + g1 ( t ) (3)
Cc τc
and ηact,a :
tc − t
ηact,a (t) = · ( A2 − A1 ) · 1 − exp + f 2 ( t ) + g2 ( t ) , (4)
Ca τa
where Cc and Ca are capacitance for cathode and anode; as for [ F ], both capacitances are
considered equal based on a previous work reported in [38]. τc and τa are time constants,
[s]. The functions f 1 (t) and f 2 (t) are given by:
h i h i
f 1 (t) = A1 · 1 − exp − τc
, f 2 (t) = A1 · 1 − exp −
, (5)
where r is the rate of voltage drop (self-discharge voltage). K is the voltage that the
electrolyzer maintains after the self-discharge phenomenon, [V ].
Membranes 2021, 11, 379 10 of 17
K · V (0) · exp[r · t]
V (t) = (8)
K + V (0) · exp[r · t]
Therefore, by considering Equations (1) and (8), the self-discharge voltage model for
PEM electrolyzer is expressed as:
V0 if t < tc ,
V (t) = Vrev + i (t) · Rmem + ηact (t) if tc ≤ t < tτ , (9)
K · V (tτ ) · exp[r · t]
if tτ ≤ t.
K + V (tτ ) · exp[r · t]
where tτ indicates the time in which the self-discharge phenomenon begins in the PEM
electrolyzer, [s]. The following section presents the validation and a discussion on the
model developed in this section.
As can be seen in Table 3, the values of ηact,c (0) and ηact,a (0) depend on the current
input i, which agrees with the work reported in [14,40].
After calculating the parameters, the effectiveness of the model at reproducing the
real behavior of the self-discharge voltage in the PEM electrolyzer has been evaluated. To
carry out this evaluation, a comparison between the experimental data and the model has
been created using the mean absolute percentage error Er and the mean absolute error Em ,
as follows:
exp,k − Vsim,k
Er = · ∑ (10)
N k =1
Em =
· ∑ Vexp,k − Vsim,k (11)
k =1
where N is the number of experimental data. Vexp,k and Vsim,k are the k experimental data
and k simulation data, respectively.
Membranes 2021, 11, 379 11 of 17
To observe the comparison between the experimental data and the model simulations,
an m-file was developed in Matlab® . The results are shown in Figures 7–10. In these figures,
the OCV depolarization and relaxation are emphasized. In Figure 7, one can appreciate
the comparison between the curve of the experimental data from 10 to 0 A and the curve
generated by the model. To generate this simulation, the values A1 = 10 A, A2 = 0 A,
V0 = 6.78 V, tc = 155 s, and tτ = 3200 s have been used.
Experimental Data
6 Model
Stack voltage (V)
3 Depolarization Relaxation
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time (s)
Figure 7. Comparison between the experimental data from 10 to 0 A and the simulation of the model.
In Figure 8, the comparison between the curve of the experimental data from 20 to
0 A and the curve generated by the model is shown. To perform the simulation, the values
A1 = 20 A, A2 = 0 A, V0 = 7 V, tc = 210 s, and tτ = 2600 s have been used.
Experimental Data
7 Model
Stack voltage (V)
3 Depolarization Relaxation
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time (s)
Figure 8. Comparison between the experimental data from 20 to 0 A and the simulation of the model.
Membranes 2021, 11, 379 12 of 17
In Figure 9, one can observe the comparison between the curve of the experimental
data from 30 to 0 A and the curve generated by the model. To develop this simulation, the
values A1 = 30 A, A2 = 0 A, V0 = 6.9 V, tc = 190 s, and tτ = 2400 s have been used.
Experimental Data
Stack voltage (V)
3 Depolarization Relaxation
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Time (s)
Figure 9. Comparison between the experimental data from 30 to 0 A and the simulation of the model.
Finally, in Figure 10, the comparison between the curve of the experimental data from
35 to 0 A and the curve generated by the model is shown. To perform the simulation, the
values A1 = 35 A, A2 = 0 A, V0 = 7.1 V, tc = 170 s, and tτ = 2300 s have been used.
Experimental Data
7 Model
Stack voltage (V)
3 Depolarization Relaxation
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time (s)
Figure 10. Comparison between the experimental data from 35 to 0 A and the simulation of the model.
Membranes 2021, 11, 379 13 of 17
4.1. Discussion
To facilitate the comparison between the experimental data and the simulated data, a
summary of the relative error and mean error is presented in Table 4. On the one hand, a
relative error Er of less than 5% is presented for the tests of 10–0, 20–0, and 30–0 A. The
test with 35–0 A obtained a relative error of 5.69%, this being the highest relative error
obtained within these comparisons. On the other hand, a mean error Em of less than 0.075
V was obtained for each one of the experimental tests. Therefore, in general, there was an
average relative error of Er = 4.6% and an average mean error of Em = 0.0603 V for the
experimental tests, which validates the model.
Input Current Er Em
10–0 A 3.55% 0.0528 V
20–0 A 4.43% 0.0489 V
30–0 A 4.70% 0.0745 V
35–0 A 5.69% 0.0648 V
As can be seen, the behavior of the self-discharge voltage curve was expected to
be asymptotically stable for large periods. Furthermore, the behavior presented by the
self-discharge voltage in a PEM electrolyzer has great similarity with the curve described
by Verhulst’s equation. Besides, as highlighted in [41], the self-discharge phenomenon
in supercapacitors does not obey the usual empirical equations. For this reason, the
developed model was based on physical reasoning, taking into consideration the real
physical phenomena governed by supercapacitors’ and electrolyzers’ operation. As a
result, the model achieved high accuracy.
Finally, recommendations to prevent the phenomenon of self-discharge voltage in
a PEM electrolyzer are presented in the next subsection as a result of the analysis of the
experimental data.
Figure 11. Stack voltage overshoot when connecting to the DC power supply as a result of a self-
5. Conclusions
The main objective of this work consisted of introducing to the research field the
phenomenon of self-discharge voltage that occurs in a PEM electrolyzer. Additionally, to
predict the behavior of the self-discharge voltage, an accurate model has been developed.
This model has been developed based on models that have already been reported in the
literature for supercapacitors and batteries (i.e., due to the similarities that these devices
have with PEM electrolyzers).
The model presented in this work has been validated for self-discharge voltage in a
PEM electrolyzer. Besides, this model presents different characteristics and can be useful in
different investigations. Indeed, the model has been developed based on physical reasoning,
taking into consideration the real physical phenomena governing a PEM electrolyzer’s
operation. As a result, this model performs well. However, the model presented in this
work can be improved using different mathematical tools, such as functional analysis or
control theory. Thus, this work is a basis for future research on the development of more
complex models of PEM electrolyzers.
From the analysis performed on the experimental data, recommendations for lowering
self-discharge voltage in a PEM electrolyzer have been proposed, taking into consideration
many variables, such as temperature, membrane, and pressure.
Membranes 2021, 11, 379 15 of 17
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Á.H.-G., V.R., D.G. and B.S.; methodology, Á.H.-G., V.R.,
D.G. and B.S.; validation, Á.H.-G. and D.G.; investigation, Á.H.-G. and D.G.; writing—original draft
preparation, Á.H.-G. and D.G.; writing—review and editing, Á.H-G., V.R., D.G. and B.S. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to their current utilization for future
works involving the authors of this paper.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to express their gratitude to the GREEN laboratory of
the University of Lorraine for their constant encouragement and support toward developing research
cooperation between France and Mexico.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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