Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
Rana AlQurem
Fall 2021
• Writing programs that communicate with each other over a
computer network
• We need a protocol to govern how data is exchanged
between applications/programs
• A given program can be a client (caller) or a server (callee)
• The client initiates a communication with the server
• The client-server architecture/model is used by most
networked applications
Client Server
1.1 Introduction (continued)
• Example : Client and Server on different LANs
connected through WAN.
client server
application application
Host Host
with with
router router
router router router router
Figure 1.4 Client and server on different LANs connected through a WAN
Sockets API
• We need socket API (or, simply a socket) to access (read from
/ write to) the network
• The API is provided by the Operating System
• Example library functions: read(), write(), close(), …
• We will cover the Socket API in UNIX-based systems using the
C programming language
• High-level applications/programs are built upon sockets
– Web browsers/servers; E-mail; Instant messaging; Peer-to-peer
file sharing systems
• Types of Sockets
– Stream sockets implement connection-oriented semantics (TCP)
– Datagram sockets implement connection-less semantics (UDP)
– Raw sockets bypass the transport layer & use IP directly
1.2 A Simple Daytime Client
• A TCP daytime client
• Many Unix machines run a daytime server on port #13
• Try on an appropriate UNIX machine
TCP Client
– telnet <machineIPaddress> 13
1.2 A Simple Daytime Client (continued)
• The preamble (include required header files)
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
1.2 A Simple Daytime Client (continued)
• 3. Send data to the server (Not needed in this example)
char sendline[500];
// Fill some text in the `sendline’ buffer
write(sockfd, sendline, strlen(sendline)); System call
1.4 Error Handling: Wrapper Functions
• Since terminating on an error is the common case, we can shorten our program
by defining a wrapper function that performs the actual function call, tests the
return value, and terminates on an error. (capitalize function name)
• sockfd = Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
Socket(int family, int type, int protocol)
int n;
if( (n = socket( family, type, protocol)) < 0 )
err_sys(“socket error”);
return (n);
• Unix errno Value: a global variable set to a positive value indicating the error when
function fails (the function returns -1)
– The value is undefined if the function returns no error
– Error values are defined in <sys/error.h> header file, and names start with E
1.5 A Simple Daytime Server
• A TCP daytime server TCP Server
• Server Development socket()
1. Create TCP socket: get a file descriptor
2. Bind the socket with its local (well-known) port Bind()
3. Listen: convert the socket to a listening socket
4. Accept client connection then send reply
1.Accept blocks to sleep
2.Accept returns a connected descriptor
* (when 3-way handshaking finishes)
*( a new descriptor is returned for new client )
3.Read/write: to a client using the connected descriptor write()
5.Close socket
1.5 A Simple Daytime Server
1.5 A Simple Daytime Server
– A daytime service simply sends the current date and time as a
character string without regard to the input
– A server listens for TCP connections on TCP port 13
– Once a connection is established the current date and time is
sent out the connection as an ASCII character string
– And any data received is thrown away
– The service closes the connection after sending the quote
• Download the full source code file (daytimetcpcli.c)
from elearning
• Change the code in line 26 to reflect the IP address of a
Linux/Unix machine running the daytime service
• Compile and run the program
$ gcc daytimetcpcli.c -o daytimetcpcli.o
$ ./daytimetcpcli.o