Lepiota Species
Lepiota Species
Lepiota Species
doi: 10.1590/0102-33062021abb0382
Original article
During our surveys of mushrooms in 2019 and 2020, an interesting species of the genus Lepiota was collected from
three different areas of Punjab (Bahawalnagar, Sheikhupura, and Muzaffarghar), Pakistan. These areas vary in their
altitude and somewhat climatic conditions, nevertheless, morpho-anatomical comparisons and molecular analyses
proved that these collections represented the same taxon, described here as Lepiota brunneogranulosa. This new species
is characterized by a pileus with a yellowish-brown central disc, with brown colored granules on a very pale brown
background, dextrinoid, ellipsoid basidiospores, frequently bi-sporic basidia, and narrowly clavate cheilocystidia.
Because of the hymeniform pileus covering, and the placement in the phylogeny, based on Internal Transcribed
Spacer (nrITS) and Larger Subunit (LSU), it belongs to the Lepiota sect. Lilaceae.
1 Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, 54590, Lahore, Pakistan
Figure 1. Molecular phylogenetic placement of Lepiota brunneogranulosa based on maximum likelihood (ML) method of ITS sequences.
Figure 2. Molecular phylogenetic placement of Lepiota brunneogranulosa based on maximum likelihood (ML) method of LSU sequences.
thick-walled, hyaline in KOH, septate, irregularly arranged m a.s.l) scattered on loamy soil, September 20, 2019, Aiman
with obovoid, clavate to broadly clavate or utriform with Izhar SKP 1211 (LAH36974). Pakistan-Punjab: Easan Wala
median constriction terminal cells 25-47 × 17-27 µm, hyphae Forest, District Muzaffargarh, (Coordinates: 30°4′10″N,
8.7-6.3 µm, avl × avw = 19.3 × 11.5 µm. Stipitipellis a 71°11′39″E; 123 m a.s.l) August 29, 2020, Muhammad
cutis, hyphae 6.6 – 13.2 µm, avw = 8.4 µm, thick-walled, Haqnawaz EF 02, (LAH36954). GenBank: ITS = OL331705;
hyaline in KOH, septate, parallel arrangement, long and 28S = OL331515.
narrow. Caulocystidia absent. Clamp connections are
present in all tissues.
Habitat and Ecology: Scattered or in groups, on nutrient-
rich loamy soil, under Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.,
Aug to Sep. Lepiota brunneogranulosa is characterized by pileus with
Geographical distribution range: Known only from Punjab, brown granules on a very pale brown background, presence of
Pakistan. annulus on stipe, becoming yellowish on handling, narrowly
Additional specimens examined: PAKISTAN. Punjab: clavate cheilocystidia, ellipsoid to broadly basidiospores,
Haroonabad, District Bahawalnagar, at 163 m a.s.l, September and obvoid, clavate to broadly clavate or utriform terminal
07, 2020, Muhammad Asif BWN 142 (LAH36804). GenBank: elements in pileus covering (Tab. 1).
ITS = OL331704; 28S = OL331516. Pakistan-Punjab: District Lepiota lilacea (GQ203822 & AY176379) and L.
Sheikhupura, (Coordinates: 31° 71′67″N, 73°98 50″E; 236 bengalensis (KU563149 & KU563148) are found to be
close relatives of our newly described taxon in ITS based Lepiota bengalensis reported from Bangladesh differs
phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1). But both species can be from L. brunneogranulosa in having pastel red to brownish
differentiated from our new species morpho-anatomically. red, conico-convex to hemispherical pileus with the dark
Lepiota lilacea is widely reported around temperate areas. ochraceous or reddish-brown central disc, and brownish red
It was originally described and widely reported in Europe to reddish-orange appressed or radially arranged squamules
and is also present in North America. It differs from L. on the pileus and no color change on touching (Hosen et
brunneogranulosa macroscopically in having plano-convex to al. 2016). Clamp connections are only present in pileus
applanate pileus with dark violet central disc that has radially covering (Tab. 1) (Hosen et al. 2016).
arranged scales, white lamellae with free margins, and In LSU based phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 2), Lepiota
microscopically in having ellipsoid to oblong basidiospores scaberula, a species originally reported from the California,
with 5.2 × 3.1 µm average size (Tab. 1) (Vellinga 2001ab; USA, is the closest relative to L. brunneogranulosa; it differs
Vellinga et al. 2011). from latter by its scurfy pileus surface with fibrillose v-shaped
Figure 3. Basidiomata of Lepiota brunneogranulosa (LAH36803, Holotype) Photos by Muhammad Asif & Aiman Izhar.
Table 1. Comparison of the diagnostic characteristics of L. brunneogranulosa with closely related species (Vellinga 2001b; 2001d;
Hosen et al. 2016; Orton 1960).
Characters L. brunneogranulosa L. lilaceae L. bengalensis L. scaberula L. ochraceofulva
Pastel red to brownish
Paler around centre
red, campanulate
and whistish
Violet, plano-convex to to conicoconvex, Orange brown to
Pileus Plane, very pale brown at margins,
applanate, expanding to leather brown
hemispherical to
hemispherical to
applanate with age
Brownish red to
Violet, radially arranged reddish orange, Irregularly fibrillose Pileus broken
Squamules Brown granules
appressed scales appressed or radially v-shaped squamules into squamules
arranged squamules
Distant to sub-
crowded, pale yellow Moderately crowded
Sub-distant, light
Lamellae Crowded, white to yellowish white to moderately Crowded
or light ochraceous- distant
Ellipsoid to broadly
Ellipsoid to oblong, Ellipsoid to cylindrical, Ellipsoid to oblong, Broadly ellipsoid,
Basidiospores ellipsoid or oblong,
av = 5.2 × 3.1 µm av = 5.6 × 3 µm av = 5.7 × 3.6 µm av = 5.5 × 3.7 µm
av = 4.9 × 3.5 µm,
Cylindrical and
Narrowly cylindrical, Fasciculate, clavate to
Cheilocystidia Narrowly clavate slightly widened at Clavate
narrowly utriform narrowly clavate
irregularly arranged Hymeniderm made up of Cylindrical to
composed of clavate
Pileus covering with obvoid, clavate clavate to broadly clavate slightly inflated Hymeniform
to broadly clavate or
to broadly clavate or cells hyphae
narrowly clavate cells
utriform terminal cells
Gregarious in small
Scattered or in groups, Solitary, caespitose Gregarious,
groups, on irrigated soil, On loamy soil,
on nutrient-rich loamy or gregarious in small saprotrophic on
Habitat on rich nitrophilous in gardens and
soil under Eucalyptus groups on debris of soil in Sequoia
shrubs in woods under parks
camaldulensis Albizia and Eucalyptus sempervirens forests
Sequoia sempervirens
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