MCQ From Control Statement To Pointer-2019

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Multi Choice Objective Questions from Chapter “Control statement to Pointer”

1. What is the work of all the control statement in C?

2. How many type of control statement and what are they?
3. Which one of the control statement only contained true block?
4. In ‘if’ statement, If expression is false then what will be displayed on output screen?
5. Write the syntax of ‘if’ statement.
6. Which one of the control statement, contained both true & false block?
7. In ‘if else’ statement, If expression is false then whose block of statement will be executed by
8. Write the syntax of ‘if else’ statement.
9. If any ‘if statement’ contained another ‘if statement’ under it then that is called __________.
10. Write the flow chat of ‘if else’ statement.
11. What is the Syntax of ‘multiple if’ statement?
12. Write the syntax of ‘Nested if’ statement.
13. In Which control statement we are used ‘else if’ block.
14. Which of the following is most complex?
b) Nested IF
c) Else IF
d) IF
15. What is work of ‘multiple if’ statement in C?
16. In programming, ‘else’ is treated as ___________ block.
17. Write the flow chat of ‘multiple if’ statement.
18. Work of switch case in programming is ______________.
19. The concept of Switch case is similar to ______________ in control statement.
20. In switch case method, what is the work of break keyword?
21. When a default’s statement is executed in switch case?
22. Write the syntax of switch case statement?
23. Why we are used looping in C programming?
24. Alternate name of looping is ______________.

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Multi Choice Objective Questions from Chapter “Control statement to Pointer”

25. If int i=0, expression is used such as: (i<10) and update like i+=2; then how many times ‘Hello’ will be
printed in output screen.
26. How many type of looping?
27. Write the syntax of while loop with flow chart?
28. How long the execution of the while block’s statement will be continue?
29. If user want to print 3 to 47 with the difference of 4, then what will be the initialization, condition &
update line should written by user on program?
30. What the main difference is between while & do…while loop?
31. If the expression is false in do…While, then how many time(s) statement is printed on output.
32. Write the flow chart of do…while loop?
33. In all four loop, which loop is simplest?
34. What will be the syntax of for loop?
35. If a ‘for loop’ contained another ‘for loop’ then it is called as _________.
36. In nested for loop, how many variables are taken in program.
37. What is the use of jump statement in C?
38. What happened, when complier finds break statement inside loop?
39. What is the work of Continue keyword in loop?
40. “Jumps from one point to another point” this line is done by _______ keyword in C.
41. Default value of variable is ___________.
42. Collection of similar values is known as __________.
43. Array is which kind of data type?
44. Why we are used array in our program?
45. What is the demerit of array?
46. Which symbol is specified a variable is array type?
47. What is the initialization syntax of array?
48. Array can hold ________ no. of elements at a time.
49. Array index starts form _________ to __________.
50. Int a[]={1,2,3,4};, in this example how many index is created by compiler.

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