Design of High Speed BCD Adder Using CMOS Technology
Design of High Speed BCD Adder Using CMOS Technology
Design of High Speed BCD Adder Using CMOS Technology
Corresponding authors: Fadi Nessir Zghoul ([email protected]) and Mohammad Al-Khaleel ([email protected])
ABSTRACT Decimal arithmetic gains its importance in different applications in the fields of finance
and scientific applications. The approach of running decimal arithmetic over binary hardware requires
conversions from decimal to binary and from binary to decimal. These conversions produce inexact results
that impose financial losses for companies. Therefore, the need for decimal hardware is of high importance.
This work proposes decimal addition circuits and presents their realization in complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) technology. LTSPICE SPICE simulator software is used to simulate and verify the
functionality of the proposed circuits. The circuits are simulated using 45nm, 65nm, and 180nm technologies
and compared against existing works in the literature. Due to the lack of existing work in literature and for
purpose of comparison, this work also designed five different BCD adders using different existing binary
adders in literature. The experimental results show that proposed decimal adder achieves better performance
comparing to the other works. For example, for 3-digit operands, the proposed adder shows a power delay
product (PDP), in femtojoule (fJ), of 13.88 fJ comparing to 25.38 fJ , 16.01 fJ , 15.24 fJ , 27.49 fJ , and 27.77
fJ PDP for other works.
INDEX TERMS Addition circuits, BCD adders, CMOS, decimal arithmetic, decimal hardware, LTSPICE,
applications. In addition, software solutions are not favored the emergence of energy-efficient, compact, and portable
for such applications since they are generally slower than electronic systems [20]. Additionally, pioneering methodolo-
their hardware counterparts for large scale applications [13]. gies have paved the way for the creation of efficient and
As a result, experiments have been conducted in recent years symmetrical CMOS logic circuits, unlocking fresh opportu-
to improve decimal arithmetic in electronic devices. nities for design innovation [21]. In tandem, these endeavors
Different addition techniques have been devised since the have made significant contributions to comprehending and
adder is utilized in arithmetic tasks, whether in decimal or analyzing the performance of CMOS circuits [22]. In essence,
binary units. This study compares and implements the Binary CMOS circuits, fortified by inventive calibration techniques,
Coded Decimal (BCD) delay drop, as well as looks at the state-of-the-art power supply algorithms, inventive design
power reduction of five proposed decimal additions. approaches, and advanced analytical methods, persist as cen-
In computers, BCD is often used to encode decimal tral components in modern electronics, catalyzing innovation
values. BCD is a number representation system with a and empowering the development of progressively intricate
range from 0 to 9, where each decimal digit is represented electronic systems.
separately by 4-bit. For example, the decimal number 546 in The main contribution of this work is the design of two-
BCD is (0101 0100 0110)BCD [14], [15], [16]. stage, correction-free, fast, and low-power one-digit decimal
One significant advantage that BCD representation has addition CMOS circuit. This one-digit addition circuit is
over binary representation is the ease with which a decimal utilized in designing higher digits decimal addition circuits
number can be converted from its text representation to which is used in decimal arithmetic units that support
its BCD representation. Since many frequently used values decimal-based applications. In addition, for comparison
between 0 and 1 cannot be precisely represented by fixed and purposes, this work build five different decimal adders based
floating point binary representations, this capability is helpful on existing binary adders. The proposed decimal adder and
when working with fractional numbers. the other five decimal adders are used to build 2-digit, 3-digit,
A BCD adder adds two decimal digits with a carry-in and 4-digit decimal adders that are realized and simulated
input and generates the decimal sum and the carry-out output. using different CMOS technology libraries.
Typically, it consists of two 4-bit binary adders that are All of the one-digit decimal addition circuits are imple-
integrated with correction and carry generation circuits. The mented using CMOS technology, which has many advantages
two decimal operands and the carry-in are added using the over other technologies. For example, power dissipation is
first 4-bit binary adder. If the resulting sum is greater than 9 very low in digital CMOS circuits, since they dissipate power
(invalid decimal digit) then a correction is mandatory. The during switching time only. Moreover, in comparison to other
correction is done by the second binary adder, which adds types of transistors, CMOS devices can be scaled down more
6 to the result and passes any resulting carry to the output easily. Additionally, recent advances in CMOS technologies
[17], [18]. have improved the intrinsic speed of CMOS devices, which
In the field of contemporary electronics, the utilization made it faster than other type of devices. In general, CMOS
of CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) technology is preferred in digital circuit design over other
circuits has become remarkably prevalent due to their type of technologies due to its low fabrication cost. CMOS
exceptional qualities. These circuits have discovered diverse technology has been used in designing different type of BCD
applications across various domains, owing to their dis- adders in the literature [23], [24], [25].
tinctive advantages. A particularly noteworthy attribute is The rest of the paper is structured in the following manner.
the capacity of CMOS transistors to achieve minimal time Section II presents the background and the literature review.
delay, a feature of immense significance when aiming for Section III contains detailed information about the proposed
precision in electronic system design. Furthermore, they are BCD adder circuits. Section IV presents simulation results
acknowledged for their effectiveness in conserving power, and comparisons. Finally, the conclusions are provided in
a pivotal aspect in the creation of energy-efficient designs. Section V.
These attributes assume heightened significance during the
development of electronic systems, directly influencing both II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK
speed and energy efficiency. The integration of CMOS BCD addition of n-digit operands is usually performed by
technology has ushered in substantial progress in the realm cascading n 1-digit BCD adders in a ripple carry structure as
of electronics, enabling the realization of high-performance, illustrated by Figure 1, where, Xi and Yi ; i = 0, 1, 2, · · · , n −
energy-efficient components such as microprocessors and 1 are the decimal digits of the two operands. In this case, if the
memory modules. It is worth noting that numerous studies delay for the 1-digit BCD adder is assumed to be T , then the
in the existing body of research have played a pivotal role delay for the n-digit BCD adder is linearly increasing with n
in advancing the precision of CMOS circuits [19], further and it can be estimated to be nT for large n.
solidifying their prominence in contemporary electronics. Performing a 1-digit BCD addition is achieved by adding
Moreover, dedicated efforts have been invested in the evolu- the BCD codes of the two decimal digits in binary and if
tion of power supply technologies, consequently facilitating the result is greater than 9 or if a carryout is generated,
in (1)-(5).
C1 = G0 (P0 + C0 ), (1)
C2 = G1 (P1 + G0 ) + C0 (P1 + P0 ), (2)
C3 = G2 (P2 + G1 ) + (P2 + P1 ).(G0 (P0 + C0 )), (3)
where, Pi = Ai + Bi and Gi = Ai Bi .
gating and multi-channel techniques to curtail the leakage Figure 6 shows the circuits for the carry signals of this
supremacy dissipated during standby mode in all deep CLA.
submicron CMOS devices.
B. LOW-LEVEL BINARY ADDERS A new 4-bit CLA architecture is presented in [34]. In this
One approach that is used to speed up binary adders is the design, inputs (Ai , Bi , and C0 ) are directly supplied into the
carry look ahead addition (CLA). This type of adders reduces complex CLA circuits and the carry signals are generated.
the carry delay by reducing the number of gates through None of the Gi and Pi signals are used in this design. The
which the carry propagates [31]. Two signals, Propagate (P) circuits for the carry signals of this CLA are presented in
and Generate (G), are invented exclusively for the aim of Figure 7.
reducing the time required to generate the carry bits.
In the sequel, we present, discuss, and realize a CMOS based
1) CONVENTIONAL 4-BIT CLA ADDERS fast BCD digit adder which we use to build higher order BCD
The theory behind the conventional CLA is addressed by adders. The adder achieves high speed since being correction-
many works in literature such as [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], free. It is developed as a two-level netlist: netlist1 and netlist2
[37], [38], and [39]. In general, in a 4-bit conventional as illustrated by Figure 8. To do so, we first note that we let
CLA adder, the Propagate (P) and Generate (G) signals are the BCD adder have two decimal inputs A = A3 A2 A1 A0 and
computed and used in generating the sum and the carry B = B3 B2 B1 B0 , where A, B ∈ {0, 9} and Cin be the decimal
signals. The CMOS realization for these signal is found in carry input. Additionally, we let the output decimal sum be
many works in the literature. S ∈ {0, 9} and the output decimal carry be Cout . Then, the A
and B terms are expressed in the Boolean functions in (6) and
(7) in terms of two integers I = B3 B2 B1 and J = A3 A2 A1 as
New implementations, as illustrated by Figure 3, for the XOR
and AND gates are presented in [40]. These XOR and AND A = (2 × J ) + A0 , (6)
gates are used to generate the Pi and Gi signals in the modified B = (2 × I ) + B0 . (7)
CLA presented in [41]. The only difference between this
modified CLA and the conventional CLA is the way the Pi Since A and B are two decimal digits, we have 0 ≤ J ≤ 4 and
and Gi signals are generated. 0 ≤ I ≤ 4.
As a result, the BCD adder output can be written as follows:
3) COMPACT 4-BIT CLA ARCHITECTURE {Cout , Sum} = A + B + Cin
The work in [42] presents the compact 4-bit CLA shown in = (2 × J + A0 ) + (2 × I + B0 ) + Cin
Figure 4. This CLA generates the Pi signal in a similar way it
is generated in the conventional CLA. However, the Gi signal = 2 × (J + I ) + (A0 + B0 + Cin )
is not required in this design and the carry-generation depends = 2 × K + (A0 + B0 + Cin ), (8)
only on the Pi signal.
where K = (J + I ) = (K3 K2 K1 K0 )BCD and 2 × K =
(K3 K2 K1 K0 0)BCD is generated using Netlist1 of Figure 8.
4) NOVEL 4-BIT CLA ARCHITECTURE K3 represents the decimal carry output and its value is either
A novel CLA is presented in [43] where the generation of 1 or 0. (K2 K1 K0 0)BCD is an even decimal digits which means
the Pi signal is completely changed and a NOR gate is used that the least significant bit (LSB) of 2 × K is always 0.
instead of the XOR gate in the conventional CLA. In addition, Therefore, only K3 , K2 , K1 , and K0 are forwarded to Netlist2
an inverted version of the Gi signal is utilized. The new logic of Figure 8 in order to add the term (A0 + B0 + Cin ) to 2 × K
based on this modification is given by the Boolean functions to get the final result.
FIGURE 5. NAND logic and NOR logic used in Novel 4-bit CLA.
The delay of all paths from inputs to the most significant bit
(MSB) of the sum output and the delay of all paths from input FIGURE 10. Netlist2 of the proposed BCD adder.
TABLE 1. Symbols used to refer to the five BCD adders that are built by
this work for comparison purposes with the proposed BCD adder.
TABLE 2. Delay for all possible critical paths in the proposed 4-digit BCD adder.
TABLE 3. Delay for all possible critical paths in the proposed 3-digit BCD adder.
TABLE 4. Delay for all possible critical paths in the proposed 2-digit BCD adder.
From Table 10, the proposed 4-digit decimal adder 180nm technology, the proposed decimal adder is compared
achieves 23.1 PDP comparing to 50.3 and 1815.6 PDP for the with the work presented in [30] for 1-digit, 2-digit, and 4-digit
4-digit (CMOS) and (DTMOS) decimal adders of [45]. The operand size. The proposed 4-digit decimal adder achieves
works in [30] and [46] do not report any information about the almost 68% power saving comparing to the 4-digit decimal
delay and the PDP of their design. Therefore, the proposed adder in [30] that is based on power gating technique.
decimal adder is compared with these works in terms of The total transistor area (TTA) for each circuit is calculated
power only. The proposed 1-digit decimal adder achieves using (11) where Nn and Np are the n-MOST and p-MOST
much power saving comparing to both decimal adder designs transistors count, respectively. Therfore, the total number of
presented in [46]. For example, there is 99% saving in power transistors N = Nn + Np . Ln and Lp are the transistor length
comparing to the (RPS) decimal adder presented in [46]. For for the n-MOST and p-MOST transistors, respectively. Wn
TABLE 5. Delay for all possible critical paths in the proposed 1-digit BCD adder.
TABLE 6. Comparisons results for 1-digit BCD adder. TABLE 9. Comparisons results for 4-digit BCD adder.
and Wp are the transistor width for the n-MOST and p-MOST
transistors, respectively. This work sets Wn = 3Ln , Wp = 6Lp is used. Therefore, as an examples, the total transistor area
and Ln = Lp = L. In CMOS technology, Nn = Np = N /2. for the proposed 3-digit BCD adder is calculated to be
12.848625 µm2 , 26.807625 µm2 , and 205.578 µm2 for
TTA = Np × Lp × Wp + Nn × Ln × Wn . the 45nm process, the 65nm process, and 180nm process;
= Np × Lp × 6Lp + Nn × Ln × 3Ln . respectively.
= N /2 × (6Lp2 + 3Ln2 ).
= 9NL 2 /2. (11)
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the Department of Computer Engineering, Jordan
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University of Science and Technology. His current
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[45] P. Chaudhari, A. Khadke, M. More, and P. D. S. Patil, ‘‘Ultra low power,
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[46] C. M. Kumar, M. Srinivasulu, S. A. Basha, K. Suvarna, and H. Devanna,
‘‘Design of low power 4-bit BCD adder using reversible gates,’’ Int. J. Ind.
Electron. Elect. Eng., vol. 2, pp. 14–16, Sep. 2014. MOHAMMAD AL-KHALEEL received the M.Sc.
and Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics (numer-
ical analysis and scientific computing) from
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in
2003 and 2007, respectively. In 2007, he became
an Assistant Professor of mathematics with the
ABDELSALAM AL SHARE received the B.Sc.
Department of Mathematics, Yarmouk University,
degree from Yarmouk University, Jordan, in 2018,
Jordan, and afterwards was promoted to an
and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering
Associate Professor. He is currently an Associate
from the Jordan University of Science and Tech-
Professor with the Department of Mathematics,
nology, Jordan, in 2023. He did practical training
Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates.
for three months with Irbid Electricity Company,
His research interests include multidisciplinary nature but the bulk of it
from June 2017 to September 2017. He was
has revolved around developing and implementing efficient and parallel
an Electrical Engineer with Jordan Petroleum
numerical methods as well as analytical methods for solving differential
Refinery, from September 2018 to February 2019.
equations (ordinary, partial, and fractional) that appear in many applications
He is currently with the Ministry of Education,
in different fields, including seismic waves, nanofluid and microfluid dynam-
Jordan. His current research interests include electrical circuits design,
ics, circuit simulations, other areas of mathematics, including topics in metric
electrical distribution systems, and electronic circuit design.
fixed point theory, fractional calculus, numerical parameter optimization,
inverse and control problems, and the mathematical background of computer
arithmetic circuits.