Wireless Power Transmission Station and Automated Self Decision Making Robot
Wireless Power Transmission Station and Automated Self Decision Making Robot
Wireless Power Transmission Station and Automated Self Decision Making Robot
Abstract:- Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) is an Wireless power transmission (WPT) is an increasingly
evolving technology used in various fields to transfer power popular technology with various applications in different fields.
from a source to an electrical load without physical It enables power transfer from a source to an electrical load
connections. WPT is beneficial when traditional wiring isn't without physical interconnections, making it useful where
feasible. This technology operates based on mutual wiring is not practical. Based on mutual inductance principle,
inductance. An exciting application is seen in Electric WPT has potential applications in Electric Vehicles within the
Vehicles (EVs) within the automotive industry. This article automotive sector.
discusses the development of wireless charging systems for
EVs, Tesla Coils for power transmission. The main goal is This paper focuses on researching and developing
to create efficient charging systems with a DC power source, wireless charging systems for Electric Vehicles using wireless
transmission coil, reception coil, and battery as the electric transmission technology. The main objective is to transmit
load. power via resonance coupling and construct efficient charging
systems comprising an AC source, transmission coil, reception
Keywords:- Arduino Uno, Induction Coil, Ultrasonic Sensor, coil, and electric load like batteries.
Relay .
The creation of an obstacle-avoiding robot utilizing IR
The Line Following Robot is an autonomous robot that motion Sensors has been accomplished without specifying a
identifies a path and then follows it based on the path drawn particular task for the robot platform but focusing on a general
using an IR sensor attached to the robot. The path can be a black wheeled autonomous design. This versatile design allows for
line on a white surface or a white line on a black surface to broad applications in education, research, or industrial settings.
prevent any detection errors. Students benefit from learning microcontroller programming
with C++, Arduino Uno compiler, understanding IR sensor
This project serves as the basic stage for any automatic behavior, motor drive circuitry, and signal conditioning circuit
robot. The robot possesses enough intelligence to cover the design. Exploring obstacle avoidance robots at the polytechnic
maximum area of the given space. Equipped with an ultrasonic level enhances students' communication, technical abilities,
sensor, it can detect obstacles that come in its way and maneuver and teamwork skills. The adaptable nature of this robot design
around them. Two D.C motors are utilized to provide motion to permits various methods for different implementations.
the robot. Notably, PIR sensors prove more sensitive than IR sensors in
the detection of human presence.
The construction of the robot circuit is simple and
compact. The electronic components used in the circuits are In 1901, Nikola Tesla started the ambitious endeavor of
readily available and cost-effective. Our goal is to create a robot constructing the Wardenclyffe Tower to pioneer a
vehicle that responds to voice commands. Known as Speech groundbreaking wireless energy transmission system.
Controlled Automation System (SCAS), our design serves as a Unfortunately, financial limitations and Tesla's debts led to the
prototype for a robot driven by voice commands. tower's tragic demise as it was demolished for scrap metal.
Arduino UNO
IR Sensor
L298 Motor Driver
Ultrasonic Sensor
Connecting Wires
3.7 V lithium-ion Battery
On off Switch
IR receiver module
Induction coil
2N2222A Transistor
22 to 28k register
C. Circuit Diagram
Wireless Charging Station In this line follower robot, the sensor detects white
surfaces as input 1 for the IC and black lines as input 0. The
robot is divided into three main sections: sensor section, control
section, and driver section.
The converted commands are transmitted to the Arduino on the III. CONCLUSION
RC car via Bluetooth connection facilitated by a Bluetooth
module. These DC motors set the wheels in motion according The integration of Arduino Uno in wireless charging
to received commands. For instance, if the command instructs stations for electric vehicles (EVs) is a versatile solution to
to move forward, motors rotate accordingly for forward enhance functionality, safety, and user experience. By
propulsion. Additionally, an optional feedback mechanism like incorporating the Arduino Uno, users can create cost-effective
a speaker or buzzer can offer audio confirmation of successful solutions tailored to specific needs for personal or public
command execution to users. infrastructure, including advanced IOT integration. Developing
a basic wireless charging station control system with Arduino
Iot Based Wireless Charging Station Uno showcases real-time monitoring, user authentication,
The Arduino code provided is crafted for managing a relay safety protocols, and remote control features. This project
via an ultrasonic sensor and password verification on the serial demonstrates the practical application of Arduino Uno while
monitor. It sets up the pins for the ultrasonic sensor (trigger and showcasing future possibilities in EV charging technology
echo) and the relay, initiating serial communication at 9600 advancements. Integrating microcontroller platforms like
baud rate. The password is "1234," with a Boolean flag, relay Arduino Uno will drive widespread adoption and refinement of
Activated. Within the setup function, the ultrasonic trigger pin wireless EV charging systems for a more sustainable future.
becomes an output, echo pin an input, and relay pin an output.
The relay starts in the off position. Serial.begin(9600) kicks off REFERENCES
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