Computer Science C++

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Chapter 13 Structures

Section A: Basic Theory

Suppose that a program needed to process car insurance premiums. Each line of input represented one policy holders information about their insurance. Take a minute and reflect on what fields of information might be needed. Certainly the line would contain the policy number, the policy holders first and last name, their address, city, state, zip code, phone number, car make, car model, VIN number, color, year and so on. There could easily be more than two dozen individual fields. Following the principles of good programming design, the problem would undoubtedly be functionally decomposed into several functions, for example input a set of data. Can you imagine the function prototypes and headers required to pass two dozen fields? It would be a nightmare.

What is needed is a way to group all these related fields into one large aggregate and then to be able to use that aggregate to simplify the programming. This is exactly what a structure is and does for us. A structure is a grouping of related fields of information that is often called a record of data. Many convenient operations can be performed using this structure aggregate. If we had a car insurance structure, we can pass this one instance of the large group to the functions instead of the dozens of individual fields. The structure provides means for us to access the individual member fields as needed.

Defining Structures
The starting point is to define the model or blueprint that the compiler uses when it needs to create an actual instance of the structure in memory. This model is called the structure template or definition. The template includes the keyword struct followed by the structure tag which is the name that is used to identify this structure from all others. This is followed by all of the member field definitions surrounded by braces {} and ends with a semicolon.



Suppose that the program is to process cost records. Each cost record includes the item number, quantity on hand, product description and its cost. Here is what the structure template looks like. const int DescrLen = 21; // max length of description struct COSTREC { long itemNum; short qty; char descr[DescrLen]; double cost; }; // // // // item number quantity on hand item description item cost

The structure tag, COSTREC in this case, is used to identify this particular structure. By convention, all structure tags either are wholly uppercase names (usually) or are capitalized. The four data items contained between the braces { } are called the structure members. Each structure member is a normal variable data definition. Notice that constant integers or #defines can be used for array bounds as usual, but those definitions must precede the structure template, following the defined before first use rule. When any instance of COSTREC is created or used, the member fields are always created and stored in the order shown in the template. The order of the structure members can sometimes be important. If this program is part of a collection of programs, all sharing the same files, such as a payroll system of programs, or if the data file to be input is in binary format, then the structure members must be in the same order that the data is in the binary file. A binary file is one in which all data is stored in internal format; binary files cannot be viewed with text editors such as Notepad. They are discussed in detail near the end of this chapter. For most problems, the fields can be in any order you choose. Suppose that when recording weather statistics, data is measured and recorded every hour. A daily weather record might be defined as follows. const int NumObs = 24; const int StationLen = 21; struct WEATHER { char stationName[StationLen]; float temps[NumObs]; float humidity[NumObs]; float rainfall[NumObs]; float windspeed[NumObs]; }; Notice that a structure can contain arrays. // // // // // reporting location degrees Centigrade such as 50% in millimeters in m/s

Where are the structure templates located in a program? As with all data definitions, a structure template must be defined before its first use. Where is its first usage? In a modular



program, structures or references to structures are commonly passed to other functions. Thus, the structure templates must come before function prototypes that use them. The sequence is often #includes const ints or #defines structure templates int main () {

Creating Instances of a Structure

With the structure template defined, how are instances of it created? It is done in a manner similar to any other intrinsic data type. For example, how would one define an instance of a double called cost? double cost; The data type precedes the desired name of the variable. Structure instances follow the same pattern. The data type is the structure tag in C++. The following creates a structure variable called costRec and a structure variable called weaRec. A structure variable is just an instance of a structure in memory. COSTREC costRec; WEATHER weaRec; What does the structure variable costRec look like in memory when it is created by the compiler? Figure 13.1 shows the memory layout of costRec and its member fields. Notice that the fields are in the same order as in the COSTREC template.

Figure 13.1 The costRec Memory Layout One can have arrays of structures as well. Suppose that the program needed to store a maximum of 1000 cost records and a maximum of 500 weather records. The following defines these two arrays and also shows the location of all the parts of the structure definitions. #define MAXRECS 1000 const int DescrLen = 21; // max length of description struct COSTREC { long itemNum; short qty; char descr[DescrLen]; double cost; }; int main () { COSTREC arec[MAXRECS]; // // // // item number quantity on hand item description item cost

// array of 1000 cost records

Structures ... or #define LIMIT 500 const int NumObs = 24; // number observations per day const int StationLen = 21; // max len of station struct char float float float float }; WEATHER { stationName[StationLen]; temps[NumObs]; humidity[NumObs]; rainfall[NumObs]; windspeed[NumObs]; // // // // // reporting location degrees Centigrade such as 50% in millimeters in m/s


int main () { WEATHER weaArray[LIMIT]; A structure can also contain instances of other structures and arrays of other structures. For example, consider a DATE structure which represents a calendar date. Using instances of a DATE structure would make passing dates very convenient. Further, consider an employee record that contained the employees id number, their salary and the date that they were hired. The EMPLOYEE structure contains an instance of the DATE structure as shown below. struct DATE { char month; char day; short year; }; struct EMPLOYEE { long id; double salary; DATE hireDate; }; Suppose that a CARMAINT structure must be defined to represent the periodic maintenance requirements for a new car. Here the CARMAINT structure contains an array of DATE structures. const int numMaint = 10; struct CARMAINT { bool maintenanceDone[numMaint]; // true if the work was done int maintenanceCode[numMaint]; // manufacturers maint. codes DATE maintenanceDueDate[numMaint];// date maintenance is due };



How are Structures Initialized?

An instance of a structure can be initialized when it is defined, just as any other variable. However, since a structure typically has a number of data members, the values are surrounded by braces {} as are single dimensioned arrays. The following structure represents a quarter coin initialized as it is defined within main(). const int MaxLen = 10; struct COIN { int denomination; char singular[MaxLen]; char multiple[MaxLen]; }; int main () { COIN quarter = {25, "Quarter", "Quarters"};

How are Structure Members Accessed?

Having defined the structure template and created instance(s) of it, the next action is to utilize the members within the structure. This is done by using the dot (.) operator. To the left of the dot operator must be a structure variable and to the right must be a member variable of that structure. To access the qty member of the costRec instance, one codes costRec.qty To calculate the totalCost using the cost and qty members of the costRec instance, do the following. double totalCost = costRec.qty * costRec.cost; To display the description, use cout << costRec.descr; To increment the costRec's quantity member or add another variable to it, one can code costRec.qty++; costRec.qty += orderedQty; To input a set of data into the costRec variable, there are a number of ways. Here is one. cin >> costRec.itemNum >> costRec.qty >> ws; cin.get (costRec.descr, DescrLen); cin >> costRec.cost; The above assumes that no description field in the input data contains all blanks. It also assumes that all descriptions contain DescrLen 1 number of characters. As you look these over, notice that there are no differences at all on input or output of structure members, other than the requisite dot operator qualification with the structure variable.



Rules of Use for Structure Variables

Structure variables can be used for only five actions. These are the following. A structure variable can be used to access structure members. A structure variable or reference to one can be passed to a function. A function can return a structure variable. The address operator & returns the memory address of a structure variable A structure variable can be assigned to another structure variable as long as they both have the same structure tag. We have already examined the first one, using the structure variable to access the individual members, as in costRec.qty. The address operator & returns the address of the structure variable. If one codes &costRec then the compiler provides the memory location where the instance begins. Normally, the compiler does this automatically for us when we use reference variables. Assume that the program also had defined another instance of the COSTREC. COSTREC previousRec; The fifth rule says that a complete copy of a structure variable can be done as follows. previousRec = costRec; This is very powerful indeed. Consider the alternative if this were not allowed. One would have to write an assignment for each of the three numeric fields and then use strcpy() to copy the string as shown below. previousRec.itemNum = costRec.itemNum; previousRec.qty = costRec.qty; previousRec.cost = costRec.cost; strcpy (previousRec.descr, costRec.descr); Clearly, the ability to assign one structure variable to another instance can be a terrific operation when it is needed. A structure variable can be passed to a function or a reference to one can be passed. Passing by reference is the best approach to take. Likewise, a function can return a copy of a structure. However, in reality, returning a structure and passing a structure and not using reference to a structure instance is generally avoided. Let's examine these two issues in detail. Suppose that the main() program defined the cost record structure as we have been using it thus far. Suppose further that the main() function then wanted to call a PrintRec() function whose task is to print the data nicely formatted. The main() function does the following. int main () { COSTREC crec; PrintRec (outfile, crec);

Structures The PrintRec() function begins as follows. void PrintRec (ostream& outfile, COSTREC crec) { outfile << crec.itemNum


When the compiler generates the instructions to make the call to PrintRec(), it must make a new parameter instance of the COSTREC structure and then spend execution time to copy all the data from the main()'s costRec instance into PrintRec()'s crec parameter instance. For structures that contain a large number of members, this is wasteful of both memory (the parameter copy) and execution speed (making the copy every time the function is called). A far better approach is to pass the structure variable by reference. A simple change to PrintRec() vastly improves both memory utilization and execution speed. void PrintRec (ostream& outfile, COSTREC& crec) { outfile << crec.itemNum Here the compiler actually passes only the memory address of main()'s costRec. PrintRec()'s crec parameter is now a reference variable (usually occupying 4 bytes of memory). No copy of the data is made. Okay. But what about good programming design? PrintRec() should not be allowed to modify the contents of main()'s costRec in any way. It should have read-only access, for example. This can be enforced by using the const keyword as follows. void PrintRec (ostream& outfile, const COSTREC& crec) { outfile << crec.itemNum Here, the data being referenced is constant and cannot be changed within PrintRec(). If PrintRec() were to attempt to assign 42 to the qty field as in crec.qty = 42; the compiler generates a compile time error. Thus, you should always use constant references in functions that should not be allowed to alter the data. A ReadRec() function would certainly not be passed a constant COSTREC reference. It should be filling up the structure instance with input data. This brings up the ReadRec() function whose job it is to input the data and somehow fill up the main()'s costRec with that data. One way that the ReadRec() function can be defined is to have it return a COSTREC structure. This is not a good way to do it, but lets see how a function can return a structure instance. Then, we will see how to better design the ReadRec() function. If ReadRec() returns a structure, then main() would have to assign it to main()'s costRec variable. From a design point of view, since main() is passing ReadRec() a reference to the input stream, ReadRec() lets the main() function decide on what to for I/O errors, bad data and EOF detection. The coding for main() is as follows. int main () { COSTREC costRec; costRec = ReadRec (infile); // now check on infiles state



Now in ReadRec(), the coding can be done this way. COSTREC ReadRec (istream& infile) { COSTREC temp = {0}; if (infile >> ws && !infile.good()) { return temp; } infile >> temp.itemNum >> and so on return temp; } Here the structure variable temp is filled with the input files next set of data and then a complete copy of temp is returned to main(). However, since EOF can occur as well as bad data and since we have to return an instance of the COSTREC structure, temp is initialized to zeros. Back in main(), when the function call to ReadRec() is completed, the compiler then must copy that returned copy of temp into main()'s costRec variable. If the structure contained a large number of member fields, memory is being wasted. In all cases, execution speed is going to suffer because of all the copying operations needed to move the data from temp into costRec. While there can be times when this overhead cannot be avoided, usually the answer is to pass a reference to the ReadRec() function and have the function fill up main()s costRec directly. This then frees up the return value for other uses. And by now returning a reference to the input stream being used for input, the caller of the ReadRec() function can make more effective use of the language. Suppose that ReadRec() was rewritten to be passed a reference to the caller's COSTREC structure variable to be filled with the input data. The improved function is shown below. istream& ReadRec (istream& infile, COSTREC& crec) { if (infile >> ws && !infile.good()) { return infile; } infile >> crec.itemNum >> and so on return infile; } Now the main() function has more ways that it can utilize the ReadRec() function. Here is the improved main() function. int main () { COSTREC costRec; while (ReadRec (infile, costRec)) { Certainly main() benefits from the change. The while clause is basically testing the goodness of the input stream after the input operations are complete. Also, ReadRec() now avoids both the extra memory overhead of returning a structure instance and the execution time needed to make the copies.



User-Written Header Files

A programming application may involve a series of programs. A payroll application typically consists of several individual programs to accomplish the total task of managing a companys payroll needs. One program might input the weekly time sheets and store the data into a master file on disk. The next program in the series might calculate the wages of all the employees from that master file on disk. Another program might input that master file and produce IRS reports, and so on. All of these programs must use an EMPLOYEE structure to group the fields into a manageable aggregate. If each program defined its own version of the EMPLOYEE structure, chaos arises. Suppose a simple change was requested increase the size of the employees name field from 20 characters to 30. The programmers would have to go into every program in the system and make that same change in every version of the EMPLOYEE structure. This is simply not practical nor feasible. Instead, the EMPLOYEE structure definition or template and related items such as the const ints or #defines are stored in a separate file, a header file with the extension .h. Each program that wishes to use the EMPLOYEE structure only has to code a #include for it. The syntax for user header files differs slightly from system header files. The <> on the #include compiler directives notify the compiler that the filename within the angle brackets is in the system include folder(s). To include user header files, use double quote marks instead of the angle brackets filename for example. #include "Employee.h" This instructs the compiler to copy the contents of the file Employee.h into the program at this point. The compiler assumes that the Employee.h file is located in the same folder as the project cpp file(s). If the header file is not in the project folder, a partial path, a relative path or a full path can be included. The following are all valid, assuming the file is located in the indicated place. #include "Employee.h" #include "Include\\Employee.h" #include "..\\IncludeFiles\\Employee.h" #include "D:\\Programming\\Include\\Employee.h" The first one implies the header is in the project folder. The second one implies that the header file is in a subfolder of the project called Include. The third one implies that the header is in the IncludeFiles folder located in the parent folder of the project folder. The fourth one provides an absolute path. In general, do not use absolute paths because the project is not portable. One cannot move the project to other drives, other computers or other folders and still compile properly. User headers are often found in the project folder.



The header file is built just like a cpp file. If you are working with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, choose File-New and pick header file and enter the name desired. If we wanted to place the COSTREC structure template into a header file, the contents of the header file CostRec.h would be as follows. const int DescrLen = 21; // max length of description struct COSTREC { long itemNum; short qty; char descr[DescrLen]; double cost; }; // // // // item number quantity on hand item description item cost

In the main() function, you should include first all of the needed C++ standard library header files that the program requires and then include all of the user header files. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; #include "Costrec.h" Why? Accidentally, you might have used a name that is already in use by the system functions and system coding contained in the system header files. If you include the system headers first, the compiler points to your accidental redefinition in your header file. However, if you include the user headers first and the system headers second, then the compilers error messages point to a redefinition error within the system headers!

Binary Files and Structures

Up to this point, every file of data that has been used is a text file. That is, the encoding scheme is that of pure ASCII text. Such files are easily viewed and created with Notepad or any other text editor. For example, suppose that the file contained the quantity of 1234. If you viewed this file and the line with this number on it, four characters are shown: 1, 2, 3 and 4. The digits are stored using their ASCII decimal values of 49, 50, 51 and 52. If the quantity were defined to be a short and then inputted as usual with cin >> quantity; we know that quantity is stored in a binary format. In this case, since a short has 16 bits and since the sign occupies the first or leftmost position (0 meaning it is a positive number), then 15 bits remain to store the value. In memory the quantity variable appears this way. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0

Structures This means the number stored is given by: or


2 + 16 + 64 + 128 + 1024 = 1234 This is what is meant by internal numeric format. Floating point types have a different format. When the input stream inputs the quantity, it brings in the ASCII text digits and must then convert those digits into the binary internal representation. This is a process known as data conversion. In general, data conversion is a slow, tedious process. It is very slow indeed for the floating point types. A binary file is one in which all data are stored in internal format. If the short quantity were stored in a binary file, the two bytes would contain precisely the bit pattern that they would have if it were in memory, namely 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 It is indistinguishable from the short quantity in memory. If the ifstream was to input a quantity field from a binary file, no conversion is needed ever. It only has to input the two bytes that comprise a short and place then into the two bytes of the quantity field. Binary file I/O is significantly faster than text file I/O. The larger the file, the more significant the speed difference. Consider some other examples: a double occupies eight bytes in a binary file; a long, four bytes. How about a character string? Suppose that the string was defined to contain a maximum of 20 bytes but that this particular instance currently is holding the string Sam. Binary output of this string outputs all 20 bytes, not just the characters that are in use at the moment. Similarly binary input of the string must input all 20 bytes. Contrast this with what would be output using a cout operation. If a company is storing its data in a data base or file, then it makes sense to store that data in a binary file. Consider for a moment the data base or master file of a national car insurance company. One expects that the company to have a significant number of programs accessing that data for some purpose, such as billing and reporting. By making the master file be a binary file instead of a text file, their entire system of programs runs significantly faster.

Mechanics of Binary Files

The iostreams are capable of reading and writing binary files. When opening a file for binary operations, another flag must be set, ios::binary. If this flag is not set, the iostream assumes that it is a text type of file. Two new functions actually handle the binary input and output operations, read() and write(). Lets begin by writing a short program that inputs a text file of temperatures and writes out a binary file of those same temperatures. When opening a binary file, normally we have used

Structures the flags ios::in or ios::out. Now we must OR in the ios::binary flag. ofstream outfile; ("temps.dat", ios::out | ios::binary); float temp; while (cin >> temp) { outfile.write ((char*)&temp, sizeof (temp)); } outfile.close (); The new coding is in bold. First notice how ios::binary is ORed into the open flags.


The write() function looks complicated at first, but it really is simple. Its prototype is ostream& write (char* buffer, unsigned int length); The first parameter is the memory address from which the data is to be written and the second parameter is how many bytes are to be written starting at that location. The memory address it assumes is an array of characters or bytes. We use the address operator & to obtain the memory location of temp. The (char*) typecast is used to convince the compiler that this memory address of a float is what is desired. The sizeof() macro is used to obtain the implementation defined number of bytes of the float variable temp. Next, lets input the temperatures from the binary file we have just written. The short sequence is as follows. ifstream infile; ("temps.dat", ios::in | ios::binary); float temp; while ( ((char*)&temp, sizeof (temp))) { do something with temp } infile.close(); Again, the new coding is in bold face. The ios::binary flag is ORed with ios::in. The syntax of the read() function is istream& read (char* buffer, unsigned int numBytes); The read() function inputs the number of bytes indicated by the second parameter into consecutive bytes beginning with the memory address provided by the first parameter. It returns a reference to the original input stream. When arrays are involved, binary I/O is even more powerful. Suppose that we had an array of up to 1000 temperatures with numTemps containing the number actually present on this execution. We can output the entire array with a single write function call! float temps[1000]; int numTemps; outfile.write ((char*) temps, numTemps * sizeof (float)); Or if all 1000 entries were filled, just outfile.write ((char*) temps, sizeof (temps));



It gets even better when structures are involved. Suppose that we wanted to write our cost record instance, costRec, to a binary output file. COSTREC costRec; outfile.write ((char*) &costRec, sizeof (costRec)); One line and the entire structure with all of its member fields are written to disk. To input a single COSTREC structure instance into costRec from a binary file of data, it is as simple as ((char*) &costRec, sizeof (costRec)); Binary data files using structures opens up new processing avenues and leads directly to inquiry and file update type applications. In an inquiry program, the user enters a key identifier, such as social security number, and the program finds that specific record in the binary master file, reads it into memory and typically displays the relevant information. In an update program, after inputting the data for the specific item, various fields are altered and the new modified data is rewritten to the master file, overlaying the previous contents. These type applications are covered in my sequel book, Beginning Data Structures in C++. Structures represent the key to most all advanced processing circumstances. Structures led historically to the development of classes in object oriented programming.

Section B: Computer Science Examples

Cs13-1 Credit Card Application with Sorting
Acme Credit Company has a master file of its card holders. Each record in the file CreditMaster.txt represents the data for one customer. The data consists of the account number (social security number), the customer name of up to 30 characters, a two-character state code abbreviation, the credit limit to be extended and finally the current balance. The customer name is enclosed in quote marks, for example, John Doe. The state codes are all uppercase letters. Design a credit structure and create an array that can hold a maximum of 500 card holders. Note that the file is in no particular order. The program is to input the master file and create the Credit Extended by State report. The report looks like this.
+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * Output Report of Cs13a Credit Extended by State Program * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 Acme Credit Company - Credit Extended by State Report * * 2 * * 3 State Number of Credit Totals Extended * * 4 Code Accounts Limit Balance * * 5 AL 4 $ 22100.00 $ 20500.00 * * 6 IA 5 $ 28300.00 $ 22642.42 * * 7 IL 7 $ 36500.00 $ 33500.00 * * 8 MO 4 $ 20200.00 $ 18500.00 * * 9 -------------------*



* 10 4 20 $107100.00 $ 95142.42 * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

The program should have a LoadArray() function and a SortArray() function to subsequently sort the array of credit records into state code order. Once this has been done, the data can easily be accumulated and the report printed from a PrintReport() function. The main() program should prompt the user for the master file name to be used and for the name of the report file to write. The screen display of the program should appear as follows; note that the user enters the file names to use.
Enter the name of the credit master file: CreditMaster.txt Enter the name of the output report file: CreditReport.txt Array loaded: nnn records input Sorting the array Printing the report Finished

In this program, the report is sent to an output file. However, there is lots of processing going on during the execution of the program. Hence, to make the program more user-friendly, it must periodically display the last four lines, indicating the action that is occurring at that point. Otherwise, if the input file was large and the processing time therefore lengthy, the user would be staring at a blinking cursor wondering what was going on and perhaps panicking a bit. Figure 13.2 shows the Top-Down Design for the program.

Figure 13.2 Top-Down Design for the Program The data for a single card holder is stored in a CREDITREC structure. It is defined as follows.
struct CREDITREC { long acctno; // char custName[MaxNameLen]; // char stateCode[MaxStCodeLen];// double creditLimit; // double balance; // }; account number =social security num customer name up to 30 characters upper case state code credit limit of customer customer's current balance due



The main() function defines an array of CREDITREC structures called creditRec and numRecs contains the current number of elements actually in the array. Since the user must input the two file names, lets call them inputFilename and reportFilename. Main storage for main() is shown in Figure 13.3. Notice how I have drawn the array of CREDITREC structures. At the bottom of the array, I have included the member names.

Figure 13.3 Main Storage for main() The instruction sequence for main() is very simple, IPO as usual. First, it must obtain the input and report filenames from the user. prompt for and input inputFilename prompt for and input reportFilename load the array of credit records by calling numRecs = LoadArray (creditRec, MaxNum, inputFilename) display a message to the user that numRecs records were input display a message that we are sorting the array into state code order call SortArray (creditRec, numRecs) display a message that we are printing the report call PrintReport (creditRec, numRecs, reportFilename); display a finished message LoadArray() loads the passed array of credit records from the input file. It is given crec[], limit and filename. Its sequence is as follows. Notice how the ith element of the structure is referenced in the input operations. When the custName field is to be input, the leading double quotes mark is input into a character leaving the input stream pointing to the first character of the name. The getline() function is used to extract all characters of the name up to the trailing double quotes mark; getline() also removes this trailing character from the input stream. define and open infile (filename), if it fails to open, display an error message and abort let i = 0; while i<limit and an attempt to partially input the data by

Structures infile >> crec[i].acctno >> c is successful then do the following input the customer name by infile.getline (crec[i].custName, MaxNameLen, \") input the next byte which can be the " if the name is max length infile.get (c) then skip over whitespace to the start of the state code infile >> ws input the stateCode by calling infile.get (crec[i].stateCode, MaxStCodeLen) input the limit and balance by infile >> crec[i].creditLimit >> crec[i].balance increment i end while loop guard against bad input data by checking if bad, then do display to cerr an error message stating what was the last good id close the infile abort the program end the if bad block guard against too many elements by checking if i == limit and if infile >> ws is successful, then do the following display an error message to cerr that the array size has been exceeded close the infile abort the program end the if close the infile return i which is the number of records input


The SortArray() sorts the credit records into state code order. It is passed crec[] and numRecs. In order to swap two elements of the array, a temporary CREDITREC called temp is needed. Since the field to be sorted is a character string, the strcmp() string function is used. for (i=0; i<numRecs-1; i++) { for (j=i+1; j<numRecs; j++) { if (strcmp (crec[j].stateCode, crec[i].stateCode) < 0) { temp = crec[i]; crec[i] = crec[j]; crec[j] = temp; end if end inner for loop end outer for loop The PrintReport() function must summarize the data while printing the report. It is passed crec[], numRecs and the filename to use. This is essentially a control break problem. We must sum the number of accounts, their limits and balances for each state. Since the array is now in state code order, the main loop just sums the values. When there is a change in state code, then we display the totals for the state we just summed and reset the totals and begin summing the next state.



Begin by identifying the key variables to hold our needed values. First, prevState should contain the previous state code; we check it against the current state code of the ith element in the array. The three state totals are numAcctsInState, totalLimit and totalBalance. The grand nationwide totals are grandNumStates which is the total number of states serviced, grandNumAccts, grandTotalLimit and grandTotalBalance. All of these seven totals must be initialized to zero. Figure 13.4 shows the main storage layout for PrintReport(). Note for ease of debugging, I have recopied the actual array defined in the main() function here in the diagram for crec; in fact, crec is really just the memory address of main()s creditRec array.

Figure 13.4 Main Storage for PrintReport() The coding sequence for PrintReport() is as follows. open outfile, but if it fails, display an error message to cerr and abort output headings and column headings if there are any elements in crec, then do the summation copy the first state code into prevState strcpy (prevState, crec[0].stateCode) let totalLimit = crec[0].creditLimit let totalBalance = crec[0].balance and increment numAcctsInState loop through all the remaining credit records: for i=1; i<numRecs; i++ do has the state code changed is strcmp (prevState, crec[i].stateCode) != 0 yes, do output the prevState, numAcctsInState, totalLimit and totalBalance // add this state set of totals to the grand totals grandNumAccts += numAcctsInState increment grandNumStates grandTotalLimit += totalLimit grandTotalBalance += totalBalance reset the previous state code strcpy (prevState, crec[i].stateCode) // set totals back to zero



numAcctsInState = 0; totalLimit = 0; totalBalance = 0; end if state changed increment numAcctsInState totalLimit += crec[i].creditLimit totalBalance += crec[i].balance end for loop // output last states totals - prevState, numAcctsInState, totalLimit totalBalance grandNumAccts += numAcctsInState increment grandNumStates grandTotalLimit += totalLimit grandTotalBalance += totalBalance end if there are any elements output the dash line output grandNumStates, grandNumAccts, grandTotalLimit and grandTotalBalance close outfile As usual, one should thoroughly desk check the solution before converting it into actual program coding. The complete program Cs13a is shown below.
+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * Listing Cs13a - Credit Extended by State Program * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 /***************************************************************/* * 2 /* */* * 3 /* CS13a - Credit Extended by State report program */* * 4 /* */* * 5 /***************************************************************/* * 6 * * 7 #include <iostream> * * 8 #include <fstream> * * 9 #include <iomanip> * * 10 #include <string> * * 11 using namespace std; * * 12 * * 13 const int MaxNameLen = 31; // maximum length of customer name * * 14 const int MaxStCodeLen = 3; // maximum length of state code * * 15 const int MaxNum = 500; // maximum number of credit records* * 16 * * 17 struct CREDITREC { * * 18 long acctno; // account number = ss number * * 19 char custName[MaxNameLen]; // customer name up to 30 chars * * 20 char stateCode[MaxStCodeLen];// upper case state code * * 21 double creditLimit; // credit limit of customer * * 22 double balance; // customer's current balance due* * 23 }; * * 24 * * 25 int LoadArray (CREDITREC crec[], int limit, char filename[]); *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

void SortArray (CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs); * void PrintReport(CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs, char filename[]);*

int main () { * CREDITREC creditRec[MaxNum]; // array of customer credit records* int numRecs; // current number of customers *
* * * * * * * * * // load the array of credit records * numRecs = LoadArray (creditRec, MaxNum, inputFilename); * cout << "\nArray loaded: " << numRecs << " records input\n"; * * // sort the array into state code order * cout << "Sorting the array\n"; * SortArray (creditRec, numRecs); * * // produce the report * cout << "Printing the report\n"; * PrintReport (creditRec, numRecs, reportFilename); * cout << "Finished\n"; * return 0; * } * * /***************************************************************/* /* */* /* LoadArray: loads an array of credit records from the file */* /* */* /***************************************************************/* * int LoadArray (CREDITREC crec[], int limit, char filename[]) { * ifstream infile (filename); * if (!infile) { * cerr << "Error: cannot open " << filename << endl; * exit (1); * } * int i = 0; * char c; * while (i<limit && infile >> crec[i].acctno >> c) { * // input the customer name " delimited * infile.getline (crec[i].custName, MaxNameLen, '\"'); * // input next byte which can be the " if the name is max length* infile.get (c); * // if it was the " then skip ws * infile >> ws; * infile.get (crec[i].stateCode, MaxStCodeLen); *

// obtain the input and report filenames from the user char inputFilename[_MAX_PATH]; char reportFilename[_MAX_PATH]; cout << "Enter the name of the credit master file: "; cin.getline (inputFilename, _MAX_PATH); cout << "Enter the name of the output report file: "; cin.getline (reportFilename, _MAX_PATH);

* 78 * 79 * 80 * 81 * 82 * 83 * 84 * 85 * 86 * 87 * 88 * 89 * 90 * 91 * 92 * 93 * 94 * 95 * 96 * 97 * 98 * 99 * 100 * 101 * 102 * 103 * 104 * 105 * 106 * 107 * 108 * 109 * 110 * 111 * 112 * 113 * 114 * 115 * 116 * 117 * 118 * 119 * 120 * 121 * 122 * 123 * 124 * 125 * 126 * 127 * 128 * 129


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * } * * /***************************************************************/* /* */* /* SortArray: sorts the credit records into state code order */* /* */* /***************************************************************/* * void SortArray (CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs) { * CREDITREC temp; * int i, j; * for (i=0; i<numRecs-1; i++) { * for (j=i+1; j<numRecs; j++) { * if (strcmp (crec[j].stateCode, crec[i].stateCode) < 0) { * temp = crec[i]; * crec[i] = crec[j]; * crec[j] = temp; * } * } * } * } * * /***************************************************************/* /* */* /* PrintReport: summarize data while printing the report */* /* */* /***************************************************************/* * void PrintReport (CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs, * char filename[]) { * char prevState[MaxStCodeLen]; // previous state code for break*

infile >> crec[i].creditLimit >> crec[i].balance; i++; } // guard against bad input data if (!infile.eof() && { cerr << "Error: bad data in input file.\nLast good id was "; if ((i-1)==0) cerr << "the first line\n"; else cerr << crec[i-1].acctno << endl; infile.close (); exit (2); } // guard against too much data for array size if (i == limit && infile >> ws && infile.good ()) { cerr << "Error: array size exceeded\n"; infile.close (); exit (3); } infile.close (); return i; // return the number of records inputted

* 130 * 131 * 132 * 133 * 134 * 135 * 136 * 137 * 138 * 139 * 140 * 141 * 142 * 143 * 144 * 145 * 146 * 147 * 148 * 149 * 152 * 153 * 154 * 155 * 156 * 157 * 158 * 159 * 160 * 161 * 162 * 163 * 164 * 165 * 166 * 167 * 168 * 169 * 170 * 171 * 172 * 173 * 174 * 175 * 176 * 177 * 178 * 179 * 180 * 181 * 182 * 183

numAcctsInState = 0; totalLimit = 0; totalBalance = 0; grandNumStates = 0; grandNumAccts = 0; grandTotalLimit = 0; grandTotalBalance = 0; // // // // // // // num of accounts in this state* tot creditlimit in this state* tot credit extended in state* tot number of states serviced* company total num of accounts* company total credit limit * company total credit extended*

int double double int int double double

// open report file and print headings and column headings * ofstream outfile (filename); * if (!outfile) { * cerr << "Error: cannot open the output file: " << filename * << endl; * exit (2); * } * outfile << * "Acme Credit Company - Credit Extended by State Report\n\n"* << "State Number of Credit Totals Extended\n" * << "Code Accounts Limit Balance\n"; * outfile << fixed <<setprecision (2); * // guard against no records in the array if (numRecs) { // initialize the previous state code to the first record // and initialize the initial state totals strcpy_s (prevState, sizeof(prevState), crec[0].stateCode); totalLimit = crec[0].creditLimit; totalBalance = crec[0].balance; numAcctsInState++; // loop through all the credit records for (int i=1; i<numRecs; i++) { // check for a change in state code if (strcmp (prevState, crec[i].stateCode) != 0) { // this state is the next state, print totals for prev state outfile << setw (4) << prevState << setw (9) << numAcctsInState << setw (7) << "$" << setw (9) << totalLimit << setw (6) << "$" << setw (9) << totalBalance << endl; // roll previous state totals into grand company totals grandNumAccts += numAcctsInState; grandNumStates++; grandTotalLimit += totalLimit; grandTotalBalance += totalBalance; // reset previous state code to the new one strcpy_s (prevState, sizeof(prevState), crec[i].stateCode); // reset this state totals to 0 numAcctsInState = 0; totalLimit = 0; totalBalance = 0; }
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



* 184 // accumulate this state values * * 185 numAcctsInState++; * * 186 totalLimit += crec[i].creditLimit; * * 187 totalBalance += crec[i].balance; * * 188 } * * 189 // print last state in the set of data * * 190 outfile << setw (4) << prevState * * 191 << setw (9) << numAcctsInState * * 192 << setw (7) << "$" << setw (9) << totalLimit * * 193 << setw (6) << "$" << setw (9) << totalBalance << endl;* * 194 grandNumAccts += numAcctsInState; * * 195 grandNumStates++; * * 196 grandTotalLimit += totalLimit; * * 197 grandTotalBalance += totalBalance; * * 198 } * * 199 // print the grand company totals * * 200 outfile << " --------------------\n" * * 201 << setw (4) << grandNumStates * * 202 << setw (9) << grandNumAccts * * 203 << setw (7) << "$" << setw (9) << grandTotalLimit * * 204 << setw (6) << "$" << setw (9) << grandTotalBalance * * 205 << endl; * * 206 outfile.close (); * * 207 } * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

Cs13-2 Writing a Binary File

Lets examine how a binary file is created in the first place and then in the next example see how it can be read back into a program. For this program, we deal with Student Course Records. At the end of each semester, student grades are submitted. Each line of the input file contains the students id number (social security number), the course (up to five characters), course number (three characters), section (one or two characters) and the letter grade earned. The binary master file that is output must contain these fields plus a float for the grade points earned (based on the 4.0 scale). An A earns 4.0 points, a B earns 3, and so on. So first, lets create the structure to contain these fields. The structure STUDREC that meets these requirements is defined as follows. const int CourseLen = 5; const int CourseNumLen = 4; const int SectionLen = 3; struct STUDREC { long ssno; char course[CourseLen]; char courseNum[CourseNumLen]; char section[SectionLen]; char grade;

Structures float gp; };


The design is very simple. Whenever you need to input a set of data into a structure instance, it is usually very convenient to create a GetData() function that is passed a reference to the structure instance to fill up and a reference to the input stream to use, returning a reference to that stream back to the caller. Since this is the only function needed in this program, I have omitted the Top-Down Design drawing. The main storage diagram is also very tiny, containing just a single instance of the structure to be filled. I have omitted the main storage diagram as well. The main processing loop is quite small. As long as the GetData() function is able to input another student record, the grade points earned for that course are figured and the binary record written to disk. Since the actual processing steps are so simple, I have omitted the pseudo coding also. Here are the key lines to look at. The items dealing with the binary file are shown in boldface. STUDREC srec; ofstream outfile ("Master.dat", ios::out | ios::binary); while (GetData (infile, srec)) { count++; switch (srec.grade) { // figure grade points earned ... outfile.write ((char*) &srec, sizeof (srec)); } Here is the complete listing of Cs13b.
+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * Listing of Cs13b Student Records - build a binary master file * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 /***************************************************************/* * 2 /* */* * 3 /* Cs13b Student Records - build a binary master file */* * 4 /* */* * 5 /***************************************************************/* * 6 * * 7 #include <iostream> * * 8 #include <fstream> * * 9 using namespace std; * * 10 const int CourseLen = 6; * * 11 const int CourseNumLen = 4; * * 12 const int SectionLen = 3; * * 13 * * 14 struct STUDREC { * * 15 long ssno; // student id number * * 16 char course[CourseLen]; // course taken: CSMPS * * 17 char courseNum[CourseNumLen]; // course number: 125 * * 18 char section[SectionLen]; // course section: AA * * 19 char grade; // letter grade received *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

// grade point received-4.0 system*

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

float gp; };

* * istream& GetData (istream& infile, STUDREC& srec); * * int main () { * STUDREC srec; * * ifstream infile ("Cs13b-student-records.txt"); * if (!infile) { * cerr << "Error: cannot open file Cs13b-student-records.txt\n"; * return 1; * } * ofstream outfile ("Master.dat", ios::out | ios::binary); * * int count = 0; * while (GetData (infile, srec)) { * count++; * switch (srec.grade) { // figure grade points earned * case 'A': * = 4; * break; * case 'B': * = 3; * break; * case 'C': * = 2; * break; * case 'D': * = 1; * break; * default: * = 0; * }; * outfile.write ((char*) &srec, sizeof (srec)); // binary write * } * infile.close (); * outfile.close (); * cout << count << " Student records written to the masterfile\n";* * return 0; * } * * /***************************************************************/* /* */* /* GetData: input a student grade record */* /* */* /***************************************************************/* * istream& GetData (istream& infile, STUDREC& srec) { * infile >> srec.ssno >> ws; * if (!infile) return infile; *



* 73 infile.get (srec.course, sizeof (srec.course)); * * 74 infile >> ws; * * 75 infile.get (srec.courseNum, sizeof (srec.courseNum)); * * 76 infile >> ws; * * 77 infile.get (srec.section, sizeof (srec.section)); * * 78 infile >> srec.grade; * * 79 return infile; * * 80 } * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

Cs13-3 Reading a Binary File Building a Consolidated Student GPA Binary File
Next, lets input the binary file of student course records just built with Program Cs13-2, accumulate the data for each student and write a new binary file of GPA records. The student course records from the previous program are, in fact, in order by student id (social security number). For each student, accumulate their grade points and then calculate their GPA. The GPA record has just two members, the student id (social security number) and the overall GPA. Actually, this problem is a control break problem. Input and accumulate a students grade points until there is a change in social security number. The ControlBreak() function is called when there is a change in social security numbers. The break function fills in the GPA record, writes that record to disk, formats a brief log message, and resets the counter and sum fields to zero, ready for the next student. Dont forget to call the break function one more time when the main loop ends. Remember the program has been accumulating the grade points earned for the last student; that last students GPA data must be written to disk as well. The GPA structure is defined as struct GPAREC { long ssno; // student id number float gpa; // grade point received - 4.0 system }; As with all control break problems, the previous value of the control field, here the social security number, must be initialized with the value from the first student course record. Thus, we must use a primed loop approach and input the first record and give the previous field its value. Lets begin by examining the main() functions processing. The key variables are STUDREC srec; // student course record int count; // count of courses of a student float sum; // sum of gp of a student long previousSsno; // the previous ssno Next, main() reads in the first binary record and sets previousSsno variable and the accumulators.

Structures ((char*) &srec, sizeof (srec)); previousSsno = srec.ssno; sum =; count = 1;


After the while clause successfully reads in the next student record, the first action is to check and see if we are still working with the same student. If so, accumulate grade point information. If not, then the ControlBreak() function is called to generate and output the student GPA record. The previousSsno is reset to this new student. while ( ((char*) &srec, sizeof (srec))) { if (previousSsno != srec.ssno) { ControlBreak (outfile, previousSsno, sum, count, logfile); previousSsno = srec.ssno; } sum +=; count++; } ControlBreak (outfile, previousSsno, sum, count, logfile); When the main loop ends, the ControlBreak() function is invoked one last time for that last student. Control break logic always follows a quite standard sequence. First, roll (or add) any totals into any grand totals (there are none in this problem). Next, output this set of totals; here we calculate the GPA and fill in the gpaRec structure instance with this students data and write it to the new binary master file. Next, the break function would zero the totals and counters. ControlBreak() is given outfile, ssno, sum and count. Its sequence is just this. GPAREC gpaRec; gpaRec.ssno = ssno; gpaRec.gpa = sum / count; outfile.write ((char*) &gpaRec, sizeof (gpaRec)); count = 0; sum = 0; Now we have a new binary file of student GPA values. The next step is to find out how an inquiry program can directly access a specific students GPA record on disk. (Alas, you will have to get my sequel book to see this.) Here are the complete listing for Cs13c and a sample test run.
+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * Listing of Cs13c Student GPA Builder Program - reads a binary file * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 /***************************************************************/* * 2 /* */* * 3 /* Cs13c Student GPA Builder Program- reads binary file of data*/* * 4 /* writes another binary file of student gpa records */* * 5 /* */* * 6 /***************************************************************/* * 7 *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

* * * * * * * * struct STUDREC { * long ssno; // student id number * char course[CourseLen]; // course taken: CSMPS * char courseNum[CourseNumLen]; // course number: 125 * char section[SectionLen]; // course section: AA * char grade; // letter grade received * float gp; // grade point received-4.0 system* }; * * struct GPAREC { * long ssno; // student id number * float gpa; // grade point received-4.0 system* }; * * void ControlBreak (ostream& outfile, long ssno, float& sum, * int& count, ostream& logfile); * * int main () { * ifstream infile ("Cs13c-StudentRecords.dat", * ios::in | ios::binary); * if (!infile) { * cerr << "Error: cannot open file Cs13c-StudentRecords.dat\n"; * return 1; * } * * STUDREC srec; // student course record * int count; // count of courses of a student * float sum; // sum of gp of a student * long previousSsno; // the previous ssno * int totalStudents = 0; // the total number of students * * // read first record and initialize counters and save areas * ((char*) &srec, sizeof (srec)); * if (!infile) { * cerr << "Masterfile is empty.\n"; * infile.close (); * return 1; * } * previousSsno = srec.ssno; * sum =; * count = 1; * * // open output files * ofstream outfile ("GPA-Master.dat", ios::out | ios::binary); *

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; const int CourseLen = 6; const int CourseNumLen = 4; const int SectionLen = 3;

* 60 * 61 * 62 * 65 * 66 * 67 * 68 * 69 * 70 * 71 * 72 * 73 * 74 * 75 * 76 * 77 * 78 * 79 * 80 * 81 * 82 * 83 * 84 * 85 * 86 * 87 * 88 * 89 * 90 * 91 * 92 * 93 * 94 * 95 * 96 * 97 * 98 * 99 * 100 * 101 * 102 * 103 * 104 * 105 * 106 * 107 * 108 * 109 * 110 * 111 * 112 * 113


* * * * Student ID GPA\n\n"; * * // process all student course records * while ( ((char*) &srec, sizeof (srec))) { * // check for a change in student id (ssno) * if (previousSsno != srec.ssno) { * // finished with this student, so output their GPA record * ControlBreak (outfile, previousSsno, sum, count, logfile); * previousSsno = srec.ssno; * totalStudents++; * } * // accumulate student grade points * sum +=; * count++; * } * // process last student being accumulated * ControlBreak (outfile, previousSsno, sum, count, logfile); * totalStudents++; * * infile.close (); * outfile.close (); * logfile << endl << totalStudents * << " Student gpa records written\n"; * logfile.close (); * return 0; * } * * /***************************************************************/* /* */* /* ControlBreak: fill in the GPA record and write it to master */* /* and log files */* /* */* /***************************************************************/* * void ControlBreak (ostream& outfile, long ssno, float& sum, * int& count, ostream& logfile) { * GPAREC gpaRec; * * // fillup gpaRec * gpaRec.ssno = ssno; * gpaRec.gpa = sum / count; * * // write the binary master file * outfile.write ((char*) &gpaRec, sizeof (gpaRec)); * * // write log information * logfile << setw (15) << ssno << setw (6) << gpaRec.gpa << endl; * *

ofstream logfile ("LogResults.txt"); // setup floating point output format logfile << fixed << setprecision (2); // display headings on the log file logfile << " GPA Log File\n\n



* 114 // reset counters for next student * * 115 count = 0; * * 116 sum = 0; * * 117 } * * 118 * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * Logfile for Cs13c Student GPA Builder Program * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 GPA Log File * * 2 * * 3 Student ID GPA * * 4 * * 5 111111111 4.00 * * 6 222222222 3.00 * * 7 333333333 2.00 * * 8 444444444 3.00 * * 9 555555555 2.50 * * 10 666666666 2.00 * * 11 * * 12 6 Student gpa records written * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

Section C: An Engineering Example

Engr13a Weather Statistics Revisited
The major impact that structures have on engineering problems is primarily that of consolidating related fields. Weather statistics are far more involved than just merely recording hourly temperatures. A structure allows us to group all the related fields into one simple package and then to be able to pass a reference to the package to various statistical functions. Assume that the weather stations are logging weather events on an hourly basis. For each feature measured, there are going to be twenty-four such observations per record. The following defines an advanced daily weather record for just one observing site within a state. const int StationLen = 21; const int NumObs = 24; struct WEATHER_EVENTS { char station[StationLen]; float temps[NumObs]; float rainfall[NumObs]; float pressure[NumObs]; float relHumidity[NumObs]; float windSpeed[NumObs]; char windDir[NumObs][3]; };



Notice that the WEATHER_EVENTS record contains one string, five arrays of twentyfour elements each and one two-dimensional array of characters (in other words, a singledimensioned array of strings). This WEATHER_EVENTS record represents 145 separate fields, occupying at least 573 bytes! Clearly, structures offer engineering programming a great value. In fact, if the data was stored in binary format, one read statement is all that is needed to input the entire set of fields! This sample program is designed to show you how convenient arrays of structures can be. Lets modify Program Engr11a that produced a report of unusual weather conditions. If you look back at Program Engr11a, the main() function is a large wall of coding. The objective is to easily break this problem down into smaller units by using an array of weather structures. The WEATHER structure is defined as const int MaxCityLen = 21; // city name length is 20 chars const int MaxRecs = 100; // max number of weather records struct WEATHER { char city [MaxCityLen]; float high; float low; float rainfall; float snowfall; float windspeed; }; // // // // // // string to hold city name high temperature of the day - F low temperature of the day - F rainfall in inches snowfall in inches wind speed in mph

The main() function defines an array of these weather records. After prompting the user to input the filenames to use both for input and for output, main() calls the LoadArray() function to input all the weather records into the array. Then, main() calls the PrintReport() function to print the actual report. Now main() is very streamlined and we have encapsulated the input and output operations in a pair of functions. In the LoadArray() function, the key loop to input all the data is this. while (i < limit && infile >> junk) { // input of junk retrieved the leading " of city string infile.get (wrec[i].city, sizeof (wrec[i].city), '\"'); infile.get (junk); infile >> wrec[i].high >> wrec[i].low >> wrec[i].rainfall >> wrec[i].snowfall >> wrec[i].windspeed; i++; } Notice the syntax to access the individual members of the ith element of the wrec array is wrec[i].city, for example. Here are the complete coding for Engr13a and the test run.



* Engr13a: Unusual Weather Statistics report using a structure * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 /***************************************************************/* * 2 /* */* * 3 /* Engr13a: Unusual Weather Statistics report using a structure*/* * 4 /* */* * 5 /***************************************************************/* * 6 * * 7 #include <iostream> * * 8 #include <iomanip> * * 9 #include <fstream> * * 10 #include <string> * * 11 using namespace std; * * 12 * * 13 const int MaxCityLen = 21; // city name length is 20 chars * * 14 const int MaxRecs = 100; // maximum number of weather records * * 15 * * 16 struct WEATHER { * * 17 char city [MaxCityLen]; // string to hold city name * * 18 float high; // high temperature of the day - F * * 19 float low; // low temperature of the day - F * * 20 float rainfall; // rainfall in inches * * 21 float snowfall; // snowfall in inches * * 22 float windspeed; // wind speed in mph * * 23 }; * * 24 * * 25 int LoadArray (char filename[], WEATHER wrec[], int limit); * * 26 void PrintReport (char filename[], WEATHER wrec[], int limit); * * 27 * * 28 int main () { * * 29 * * 30 // prompt user for filenames for input and output * * 31 char infilename[_MAX_PATH]; * * 32 char reportname[_MAX_PATH]; * * 33 cout << "Enter the filename with today's weather data\n"; * * 34 cin.getline (infilename, sizeof (infilename)); * * 35 cout << "\nEnter the report filename\n"; * * 36 cin.getline (reportname, sizeof(reportname)); * * 37 * * 38 WEATHER wrec[MaxRecs]; * * 39 int numRecs = LoadArray (infilename, wrec, MaxRecs); * * 40 * * 41 PrintReport (reportname, wrec, numRecs); * * 42 return 0; * * 43 } * * 44 * * 45 /***************************************************************/* * 46 /* */* * 47 /* LoadArray: loads an array of weather records */* * 48 /* */* * 49 /***************************************************************/* * 50 *

* 51 * 52 * 53 * 54 * 55 * 56 * 57 * 58 * 59 * 60 * 61 * 62 * 63 * 64 * 65 * 66 * 67 * 68 * 69 * 70 * 71 * 72 * 73 * 74 * 75 * 76 * 77 * 78 * 79 * 80 * 81 * 82 * 83 * 84 * 85 * 86 * 87 * 88 * 89 * 90 * 91 * 92 * 93 * 96 * 97 * 98 * 99 * 100 * 101 * 102 * 103 * 104


* * * * * * * * * * while (i < limit && infile >> junk) { // input leading " of city* infile.get (wrec[i].city, sizeof (wrec[i].city), '\"'); * infile.get (junk); * infile >> wrec[i].high >> wrec[i].low >> wrec[i].rainfall * >> wrec[i].snowfall >> wrec[i].windspeed; * * // abort if there is incomplete or bad data * if (!infile) { * cerr << "Error: incomplete city data on line " << i+1 << endl;* infile.close (); * exit (2); * } * * i++; * } * infile.close (); * return i; * } * /***************************************************************/* /* */* /* PrintReport: prints a report of unusual weather */* /* */* /***************************************************************/* * void PrintReport (char filename[], WEATHER wrec[], int limit) { * ofstream outfile; * (filename); * if (!outfile) { * cerr << "Error: cannot open file: " << filename << endl; * exit (3); * } * // setup floating point output format * outfile << fixed << setprecision (1); * * outfile << "Unusual Weather Report\n\n"; * outfile<<"City High Low Rain Snow"* " Wind\n"; * outfile << * " Fall Fall"* " Speed\n\n"; * * for (int i=0; i<limit; i++) { *

int LoadArray (char filename[], WEATHER wrec[], int limit) { char junk; // to hold the " around city names int i = 0; ifstream infile; (filename); if (!infile) { cerr << "Error: cannot open file: " << filename << endl; exit (1); }



* 105 if (wrec[i].high > 95 || wrec[i].low < 0 || * * 106 wrec[i].rainfall > 2 || wrec[i].snowfall > 6 || * * 107 wrec[i].windspeed > 45) { * * 108 // unusual weather - display this city data * * 109 outfile << left << setw (22) << wrec[i].city << right * * 112 << setw (7) << wrec[i].high; * * 113 if (wrec[i].high > 95) * * 114 outfile << '*'; * * 115 else * * 116 outfile << ' '; * * 117 outfile << setw (7) << wrec[i].low; * * 118 if (wrec[i].low < 0) * * 119 outfile << '*'; * * 120 else * * 121 outfile << ' '; * * 122 outfile << setw (7) << wrec[i].rainfall; * * 123 if (wrec[i].rainfall > 2) * * 124 outfile << '*'; * * 125 else * * 126 outfile << ' '; * * 127 outfile << setw (7) << wrec[i].snowfall; * * 128 if (wrec[i].snowfall > 6) * * 129 outfile << '*'; * * 130 else * * 131 outfile << ' '; * * 132 outfile << setw (7) << wrec[i].windspeed; * * 133 if (wrec[i].windspeed > 45) * * 134 outfile << '*'; * * 135 else * * 136 outfile << ' '; * * 137 outfile << endl; * * 138 } * * 139 } * * 140 outfile.close (); * * 141 * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * Output from Engr13a: Unusual Weather Statistics report using struct * /)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1 * 1 Unusual Weather Report * * 2 * * 3 City High Low Rain Snow Wind * * 4 Fall Fall Speed * * 5 * * 6 Washington 99.0* 70.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 * * 7 Morton 85.0 65.0 5.0* 0.0 40.0 * * 8 Chicago 32.0 -5.0* 0.0 8.0* 25.0 * * 9 Joliet 88.0 70.0 2.0 0.0 60.0* * * 10 Springfield 99.0* 75.0 3.0* 0.0 55.0* * * 11 New Salem 0.0 -3.0* 0.0 9.0* 55.0* * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-



Design Exercises
1. Airline Scheduling Program
Acme Airline wants a new program to track their arrival and departure schedules. Create a DATE structure to contain a date that consists of three numbers: month, day and year. Create a TIME structure to contain a time that consists of two numbers: hours and minutes. All times are on a 24-hour basis; that is, 10:00 p.m. would be entered as 22:00. Next, create a FLIGHT structure that contains the departure date and time, the arrival date and time, the character string flight number, the maximum number of passengers and the current number of passengers. The arrival and departure dates and times should be instances of your DATE and TIME structures. The flight number is a string of 10 characters maximum including the null-terminator. Now write the sketch for the program that inputs a set of data on flights, stores them in an array of FLIGHT structures. Then, print a report of the flights as entered. Each line of the input file consists of the flight number, departure date and time, arrival date and time, maximum passengers and current number of passengers.

2. Sports Event Reporting

For the time trails at a major sporting event, a series of programs needs to be designed and made to track the results of the contestants. The judges desire to store the contestants three digit id number, the contestant name of up to 30 characters, and the start and stop times. A time is input as hh:mm:ss.ssss. First design a TIME structure to store the three portions of a time. Then, design an EVENTREC structure to store the basic information for one contestant. There is one additional field in the EVENTREC, the total elapsed time in seconds. Now sketch the Data Entry program that inputs EVENTREC data and writes a binary master file of the contestant data. It must calculate the total elapsed time in seconds. Now sketch an Event Summary Program that inputs the binary master file into an array of EVENTREC structures. The array should then be sorted into increasing total elapsed time order. The printed report displays the contestant id number, name and total elapsed time.



Stop! Do These Exercises Before Programming

1. Acme wishes to make a database of all of its clients TV preferences. A TV preference consists of the short int channel number, two short ints for the hour and minute the show is broadcast but are stored in 24-hour format (that is, 8pm is stored as 20 hours), a short int for the day of the week, and the name of the show which can hold thirty characters. The programmer coded the following which does not compile among other goofs. Correct this sequence so that it compiles and meets the specifications above. Structure PREFERENCE { short channel short day short hr short min char name[MAXLEN] } const int MAXLEN = 30; 2. Just to test the structure coding, the programmer decided to see if he could input one set of preferences and then display it. However, his attempt met with complete failure and does not compile. Why? What would have to be done to make this work? int main () { cin >> >> >> >> PREFERENCE.min >>; cout << << << << PREFERENCE.min << << endl;

3. The problem specifications called for creating a LoadPreferences() function. Here the programmer ran into a great deal of difficulty. What is wrong with this function? How can it be fixed? void LoadPreferences (PREFERENCE rec, int limit, istream& infile) { for (int j=0; j<limit && infile >> ws; j++) { infile >> rec[j].channel >> rec[j].day >> rec[j].hr >> rec[j].min >>rec[j].name; } } Here are two typical data lines. 11 6 08:00pm Babylon 5 12 5 07:30pm Doctor Who



4. Having gotten the array loaded, the programmer decided to print what was in the array to be sure the data had been entered correctly. However, it does not compile. How can it be made to work properly? int main () { PREFERENCE recs[1000]; int numRecs; for (int j=0; j<numRecs; j++) { cout << << setw (5) << << " " << setfill ('0') << setw (2) << << ':' << recs.min << setfill (' ') << setw (40) << << endl; }

5. Next, management wanted the entire array sorted into order based on the TV shows name so that the program could then calculate frequencies of each TV show. The sortArray() function does not work properly, though it compiles. What is wrong and how can it be fixed? void sortArray (PREFERENCE recs[], int numRecs) { PREFERENCES temp; for (int j=0; j<numRecs; j++) { for (int k=j; k<numRecs; k++) { if (recs[k].name < recs[j].name) { temp = recs[k]; recs[k] = recs[j]; recs[j] = temp; } } } }



Programming Problems
Problem Cs13-1 Acme Payroll Program
The Acme Company has a master file of employee data that is already sorted by employee id number. Their employees work on various job sites around the city. At the end of the pay period, a transactions file is created that contains their hours worked. Our task is to calculate their pay. Some employees are classified as time-card workers and get paid an hourly rate. Some are classified as salaried or management and are paid a fixed rate independent of hours worked. Define an enumerated data type, PayType, to reflect these two kinds, Hourly or Salaried. Next, define an EMPLOYEE structure to hold the following fields in this order: int id number char name of maximum length of 20 chars +1 for the null-terminator double pay rate short int number of dependents enum PayType which can be Salaried or Hourly In the main() function, create an array of these employee records and allow for a maximum of 500 employees. The main() function should first call the LoadMaster() function to load all of the employee master records into the array. The LoadMaster() function is passed the EMPLOYEE array and the array bounds. It inputs the employee master file from a file called Cs13-1-master.txt. The function returns the number of employee records input. In the input file, the names are padded to twenty characters with blanks as needed. The payType input field contains an H for Hourly workers and S for Salaried workers. Acme employees work on various job sites around the city. The second input file, Cs131-jobsites.txt, contains the job site number and its corresponding name sorted into site number order. Create another structure called JOBSITE that contains these members. int job site number char sitename string of a maximum 20 chars plus 1 for the null-terminator With the array loaded, the main() function should next define an array of 500 JOBSITE structures and an integer count of the number in the array. The main() function then calls the function LoadSites() to get that array filled. The LoadSites() function is passed the array of job sites and the maximum number. It returns the number of job sites actually input from the file.



With these initial setup actions done, main() is now ready to process the transactions file. The third file, Cs13-1-transactions.txt, contains the pay period information. Each line contains the following fields int employee id number int job site number double hours worked The transactions file is sorted into employee number order. Your task in the main() function is to open this file and write a loop that inputs each employee and calculates their pay. The report is written to output file pay.txt. The report consists of one line per valid employee showing the id number, name, job site name, gross pay and net pay. Hence, two table look-ups must be done: one to obtain the employees name and the other to get the job site name. Create a pair of functions to do the table look ups: MatchEmployee() and MatchSite(). Each should return the index (integer) of the corresponding EMPLOYEE or JOBSITE structure for this employees id or site number. Both functions must return a 1 for no matching record (invalid id or site number). If either the employees id or the site number are invalid, then the main() function should print an error message to the error log file called errors.txt. It should print either Error bad Id: then the employees transaction record information or Error bad site Id: then the employees transaction record information An employees pay is more complex. For Salaried workers, gross pay is the amount contained in the employee records pay rate. For Hourly workers, the pay rate should be multiplied by the hours worked. However, they also get time and a half for all hours worked more than 40. The net pay for any employee is gross pay minus tax. Here are the taxation rules: if the number of dependents is 1, the tax rate is 15% else the tax is the larger of these two amounts gross pay x 2.5% gross pay x 15% x (1 number dependents/(number dependents 6)) Finally, the last line of this report should list the number of employees paid and the total gross payroll.



Problem Cs13-2 Friends Phone Number Database

The objective of this program is to aid you in maintaining a file of friends phone numbers. The phone numbers contain three separate parts. For example, we are used to seeing phone numbers as (309) 699-9999. However, the program must store the phone number as three separate numbers: the area code (309), the prefix (699) and the main number (9999). Make a structure template called FRIEND that contains the following fields in this order. Last name up to 20 characters maximum + 1 for the null terminator First name up to 15 characters maximum + 1 for the null terminator area code stored as a short phone number prefix stored as a short phone number main stored as a short The main() function defines an array called friends; allow for a maximum of 200 entries. The main() function begins by calling a LoadFriends() function that is passed the array and the maximum limit. LoadFriends() returns the number of friends actually input. In LoadFriends(), input all the data from the file friends.txt. Initially, the file does not exist, so no friend records are input and the function returns 0 elements are in the array. With the array loaded, main() presents a short menu of options, similar to the following Enter the number of your choice 1. Add new friend 2. Update a friend 3. Save all the data 4. Make a friends listing in Last Name order 5. Make a friends listing in Area Code order 6. Make a friends listing in Prefix order 7. Quit the program Enter your choice: _ Now get the users choice. The friends array is always saved on disk sorted into alphabetical order on last name and then first name, if there are two friends with the same last name. When the friends array is actually in memory, the array can be sorted into another order. When the choice is Add new friend, prompt the user for the needed information and input the data. Then, place that data into the array maintaining the correct alphabetical order. When the choice is Update a friend, prompt the user for the last and first names. Perform a match on last and first names to find that friend in the data base. If the entry is found, display the phone number three fields. Prompt and input the changes. Store the updated information in that friends record.



When Save is selected, rewrite the friends.txt file from the friends array. Make sure that the array is sorted into order by last name and then first name, if two entries have the same last name. For the three Make a listing actions, sort the array into the correct order. Sorting by area code means sort on area code first, but, when duplicate area codes occur, also sort on last name and then first name if the last names are the same. Sorting by prefix means to first sort on the prefix, but, when two prefixes are the same, use the main number portion next. If two main numbers are the same, do anything you desire. Note that the Sort on Name function must be done before a Save, Add or an Update operation can be done. To avoid needless sorting, have the main() program maintain a bool, isInNameOrder. It is true when the original input file is loaded. It is changed to false when any of the numerical sorts are done. It is reset back to true when the Sort on Name is subsequently done. When the user chooses any of the Make a Friends Listing, prompt the user for the name of the output report file. Then sort the array as needed before producing the report.

Problem Cs13-3 Your Pets Rabies Shot Is Due

Acme Animal Control maintains a database of all registered pets in the city. Each month, they send out a notice to all pet owners reminding them that the pets rabies shot is due this month, but only of course if that pet is due for its rabies shot that month. Rabies shots are given yearly. Define a structure template, PETREC, that contains the needed fields as follows. Be sure to add one to each of the character strings to get the needed array bounds. Each listed character string length represents the maximum number of characters it could hold. Pet name 10 characters Owners name 40 characters Address 30 characters City 20 characters State 2 characters Zip 5 characters Year of last vaccination Month of last vaccination The main() function defines an array of 100 pet records and calls the LoadPets() function. As usual, LoadPets() is passed the array of pet records and the array limit. It inputs the pet records in the file and returns the number actually input. Use the data file Cs13-3-pets.txt. Next, the main() function prompts the user to enter the year and the month for the reminders. Given that reminder date, the main() function then checks each record in the array to see if that pet is due for its yearly rabies shot. If a pet is due, main calls PrintReminder() passing

Structures it a constant reference to the pet record and the output file stream on which to display the reminder.


PrintReminder() should display the reminder notice formatted as follows. (Assume that 10/2000 was the due date that was entered.) Acme Animal Control Spot is due for its annual rabies shot this month (10/2000). John Smith 123 Somerville Ave North Plains, TX 59685 Use the pets name where I have used Spot. Insert the due date where I have 10/2000. Insert the owners name, address, city, state and zip. Print each reminder notice on a new page. (Remember that the escape sequence \f causes the printer to eject to a new page.)

Problem Cs13-4 Acme Grocery Store Sales Analysis

The Acme Grocery Store has inventory records that consist of these fields. unsigned long productId; char description[21]; unsigned short quantityOnHand; double cost; Create an INV_REC structure to contain these four fields. In the main() function, create an array of a maximum of 100 INV_REC records. Then call a function, loadArray(), to input a file with up to 100 records in it. Use the provided file called cs13-4-master.txt. Next, call a function, findMin(), that returns the subscript of the record that costs the least. Then, call a function, findMax(), that returns the subscript of the record that costs the most. Save these subscripts for later use in the final report. Next, the main() function prompts the user to enter the mark up percentage, such as 20.0, for 20%. For testing purposes, use 20.0 for the mark up percentage. Now print a report similar to the one shown below. There are a title line and two column heading lines.
Acme Grocery Store Sales Analysis: Product Description ID 9999999 Potatoes Quantity 10 Mark up Percentage is Wholesale Cost $ 6.00 Retail Cost $ 7.20 20% Total Profit $ 12.00

The retail cost is the inputted cost that has been marked up by the mark up percentage. The profit is the difference between the retail and wholesale costs multiplied by the quantity.

Structures Print a final summary set of lines. The first line shows the total expected profit if everything is sold. Follow that with two lines as follows: The least expensive item is: nnnnnnnn $ nn.nn The most expensive item is: mmmmmmmm $ nn.nn


Finally, again prompt the user for another mark up percentage and repeat the report using the new percentage. Continue until the user signals EOF by a ctrl-Z code. Begin each report on a new page.

Problem Engr13-1 Problem Engr07-2 Revisited (Electrical Circuit Design)

In Problem Engr07-2, an electronic circuit involving a resistor, capacitor and an inductor was designed according to the formula

The resistance required was found using the bisection method. However, the problem with the F(R) function was the remaining variables, L, C, t and q/q0 . Those four values were input from the user in a function called Input(). However, they are actually used in F(R). This was solved using four global variables. A major use of structures is reducing the number of parameters needed to be passed or made available to functions. Create a structure to contain those four values. Then, create a global instance of that structure. Remove the other original four global variables. Rewrite the Input() function to fill up the global instance. Rewrite the F(R) function to use this global instance. Verify that all is working properly by running the same four test cases in the original problem.

Problem Engr13-2 Problem Engr07-1 Revisited Vibration Studies

In Problem Engr07-1, various root solving methods were used to find the first three roots of the spring dampening function. The variables input by the user consisted of the cars mass and the depth of the pothole. Those were made global variables to facilitate communications to the F(t) function. Remove those global variables. Create a structure whose two members are the mass of the car and the pot hole depth. Then, create a global instance of the structure. Change the program to



input the users choices into the global instance. Modify the F(t) function to also access the two data members from the global instance. Then test the program in the same manner as given in Engr07-1.

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