Artificial Intelligence in Managing The Electronic Customer Relationship and Enhancing The Level of Satisfaction With Electronic Services

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Artificial Intelligence in Managing the Electronic Customer Relationship and

Enhancing the Level of Satisfaction with Electronic Services

Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · May 2021

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3858964


7 365

2 authors:

Mohammad Ali Alqudah Leyla Muradkhanli

Khazar University Baku Higher Oil School


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Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

Artificial Intelligence In Managing The Electronic Customer Relationship And

Enhancing The Level Of Satisfaction With Electronic Services
Mohammad Ali Alqudah,
Fellow of Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, Khazar University, Azerbaijan
Email: [email protected]

Leyla Muradkhanli
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Khazar University, Azerbaijan
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The customer is the backbone of Introduction
the process of using the applications in the Artificial Intelligence is artificial
government institution. In a way that ensures the intelligence one of the methods adopted in the
creation of its information about the change of his field of information management of all kinds
desires and opinions about the products and According to specific mechanisms as follows:
applications that are developed by electronic
the concept of artificial intelligence The
governments, and even his reactions and
roots of artificial intelligence can be traced back
complaints within a marketing strategy that
to the 1940s with the spread of Computers
artificial intelligence sought with its embodied
Although there is no comprehensive definition of
tools for information technology to provide it, and
intelligence Artificial is the response of machines
the result was to manage the relationship with the
or computers after being programmed By humans
customer using the technological developments
in a way that some belief is intelligent(Kaya, 2019;
that help to do so. Throughout this article, we try
Siskos et al., 2014).
to find out the following questions: What The role
of artificial intelligence in managing a government More so, it's kind of a discipline of science
institution's customer relationship? For this, we Computers, which is interested in studying and
proposed three objectives, how expert systems creating computer systems some forms of
embody the mechanisms of artificial intelligence intelligence appear, and these systems have the
within the government institution, while the ability to Very useful conclusions about the
mechanism of customer relationship management problem laid out as you can. (Hou et al., 2019)
within the government institution is represented, .These systems understand natural languages or
how artificial intelligence has contributed to the an understanding of living perception And other
success of customer relationship management to possibilities that need intelligence when
the e-government. implemented from Before man (Murmu & Biswas,
2015)Artificial Intelligence is one of the most
Keywords. artificial intelligence, customer,
successful areas of the time The present where it
relationship management, information
went out of the research phase to commercial use
It has proven its efficiency in several fields and

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Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

has been applied in many areas Fields (including experiences, knowledge, and skills that are
medicine), commercial and industrial available to experts to return to it when any
organizations, and Educational(Bejarbaneh et al., problem occurs to solve it without referring to
2018) (and in various forms) Neural Networks experts and specialists, and the mechanism of
Networks, Developmental Algorithms, and action of these smart systems appears as shown
Genetic Algorithms Intelligent systems clients and in Figure 1.
expert systems latter, which was very popular in
terms of use, perhaps due to its suitability for
purposes Administrative, which greatly
contributed in facilitating information
management as an intelligent system in
information management we will see how the
Expert systems embody the mechanisms of
artificial intelligence within the government
institution after definition expert system in
AI(Davenport & Ronanki, 2018; Kaya, 2019; Silva Source by (Wong et al., 2013).
Araújo et al., 2019)
By according (Allahverdi, 2014; Ryman-
Related of work:- Tubb et al., 2018; Wirtz et al., 2019) Expert
systems are used as a comparative method for the
Expert Systems and Information
human method in solving complex problems, as
Management Expert systems:- are one of the
they deal with hypotheses simultaneously, with
artificial intelligence applications used In the field
high accuracy and speed, especially as they work
of management, it relies on artificial intelligence
at a stable scientific and advisory level that does
tools in preserving and simulating scarce human
not fluctuate, as the expert system absorbs and
expertise, with speed, accuracy, and high ability to
stores the accumulated experience and
store vast amounts of information, knowledge,
knowledge of the human expert (Wong et al.,
and experiences that it uses efficiently in
identifying and diagnosing problems, and making
decisions regarding them within the organization Decision Supporting Systems (DSS) begin
(Allahverdi, 2014), The content of expert systems with recalling the data necessary for the work
is considered an advanced form of decision that was previously recorded in the database, and
support system, by proposing solutions and the necessary software is called from the models
decisions to problems by choosing appropriate base for processing.
alternatives, and it is also a kind of knowledge-
based system Systems (and an advanced form of On inferential and directed databases, and
Artificial Intelligence), which was based on through which they undergo logical tests through
building systems on a principle similar to the logic the formation of their scenarios to represent the
of human thinking(Kramer, 2017). It consists of a hypothetical reality of the issue and to verify the
package of subsystems that work in combination reliability of the decision and its conformity with
with each other to work on storing various the actual reality, and then emerge the results that
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Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

can be accepted or rejected according to the Supporting the process of formulating the
processing logic of smart systems(Hossain et al., mission and mission of the Organization Mission
2015). If the results are acceptable and the result by identifying the types of core activities and
of the logical treatment is true (True 1), then the providing information on the target markets.
decision is approved and directed to the outputs
Formulating the institution’s strategic
of the system, and in the violation cases in which
objectives by analyzing its strengths and
the results are rejected (False 0), The results are
weaknesses and comparing them with current
returned to the model base to search for a new
and expected opportunities and threats in the
alternative that is more logical and appropriate to
external environment.
the proposals of expert systems. This work
continues through feeding and feedback at a Assist in choosing the overall business
tremendous speed until the ideal alternative to strategy from among the available strategic
the treatment logic is chosen, and then the alternatives
decision is sent in the form of outputs and
executive decisions to the individuals and devices The importance of these systems appears
that work(Kramer, 2017). Under the control of at every stage of the product's life cycle, beginning
the organization, to implement it as required. As with its introduction to its exit to the market,
for expert systems, they have many applications through the information it provides on the main
and in various fields, some of which are competitive forces in the external environment
specialized in managing and controlling and information on value chain activities,
production(Egrioglu et al., 2013). And its through:
management in the workshops, through a
Providing information about the products
production plan to correct the errors of the
to be presented in the market in all its details, as
manufacturing process, and there are expert
well as the market in which they are offered, as
systems used in the distribution network, and
well as providing information on consumer
other financial systems used by financial
purchasing patterns and the willingness of
institutions to evaluate the financial return,
distribution outlets to deal with this product and
identify risks, and suggest solutions, in addition to
the extent of the need to present it at this time
the existence of systems for processing
(determining the marketing opportunity).
accounting information in banks and others In the
field of insurance, financial statement analysis, tax i. -Providing information about competing
advice, inventory management, and others(Lee & organizations and the characteristics and
Choeh, 2014). ingredients of the product offered, in addition to
the commodity composition of the organization’s
The importance of expert systems .this is
evidenced by their substantial influence in the
following main areas and activities:- ii. -Providing the necessary information
about the nature and constituents of the new
Participation in the formulation of the
competing products, as well as information on the
strategic vision of the institution.
opportunities available for developing the

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product and improving its quality, in addition to viii. The smart product information system
the new advantages of the product or searching provides the appropriate mechanisms to increase
for new markets. the productivity of the engineers and thus the
design process is reduced, in addition to reducing
iii. Providing information on possibilities of
the number of overall changes required to design
canceling the old product and opportunities to
the product During its development cycle
introduce the new product.
ix. The smart product information system
iv. Provide the necessary information on
can guarantee international quality standards by
the number and diversity of product lines, the
relying on several mechanisms during the product
extent of the link between the various products,
life cycle and formulating procedures to identify
the available opportunities, the organization’s
access, control, and test the parts involved in
ability to maintain leadership in the market, and
product installation, especially since it can
its ability to change its current products in
diagnose deficiencies in quality procedures which
response to changes in market conditions. does not rise to the level of international
v. Providing information on the prices of standards, as well as the possibility of continuous
raw materials adopted in the manufacturing follow-up of the history of product development,
process and the determinants of demand and explaining the reasons and periods of
costs. It also provides information on consumers' modifications and the authorities that
purchasing power. implemented them.

vi. Provide information on the behavioral Customer relationship management with

and demographic characteristics of consumers the government sector: the concept of customer
and on the behavior of competing institutions and relationship management can be addressed by
the legal and legislative frameworks that govern providing some definitions that we consider more
the scope of promotional efforts, information on comprehensive, and then we present the most
advertising design offices, and available times for important elements included in those definitions,
advertising, information on the budget allocated which express and explain well the concept of
to spend on the campaign customer relationship management(Küpper et al.,
vii. smart product information system can
reduce the time required to complete various The concept of managing the customer
tasks, such as engineering design and relationship: Customer relationship management
manufacturing processes, and the time spent on is a strategy and organizational process that seeks
rework by providing information to its users and to increase the number of businesses and
providing support to them, enabling this to profitability in the organization by developing a
achieve important effects on profitability and permanent and harmonious relationship with the
market share, through a strong relationship customers identified through their activities
between the organization’s profitability and the Potential and their cost-effectiveness for the
growth of its share The marketability and the organization. Customer relationship management
speed with which its products reach the market. is also about collecting detailed and individual

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information about customers while carefully identifying the activities and cost-effectiveness of
managing all moments of contact with them to each customer, in terms of business number, is
maximize their loyalty to the organization considered to be the return, to allow
(Papadomichelaki & Mentzas, 2009). Customer adaptation(Baharon et al., 2017)
relationship management is a combination of
Marketing policies and budgets for
marketing strategy, information, and
different clients according to their capabilities.
communication technology, aimed at building a
Moments of contact are represented by all the
profitable and long-term relationship between the
opportunities through which the customer enters
organization and its customers. Customer
into real contact with the brand or product (note)
relationship management is all the processes of
The suddenness of the product, consumption, and
interaction with the customer where the focus is
review through communication means and the
based on managing and maximizing the entire
institution follows up every moment of
customer cycle, it is concerned with expanding
communication to develop its customers'
the customer base by attracting new customers,
portfolio(Alawneh et al., 2013).
and serving and meeting the needs of the existing
customers effectively(Al-Ma’aitah, 2019; AL- Individual marketing, in the sense that the
MA’AITAH & AL-HASHEM, 2019). Through the organization works on preparing products,
various definitions that dealt with the concept of services, and marketing processes individually
customer relationship management, we can through the data it possesses about each
summarize the most important elements and customer, which increases the value it obtains.
points that I dealt with, and those definitions tried The customer is from the institution and on him.
to focus on them. It considers developing a customer portfolio,
which is reached through
Customer relationship management is
considered as a strategic view through which Adopting several strategies (reducing the
clear and measurable goals are defined, with customer turnout rate, developing the life of the
specific targets and a relationship contract relationship with them, thinking about the
between the organization and the brand to customer’s share and growing that share,
achieve real benefits for the customer through attracting less profitable customers and
constant contact and exchange of information increasing their profitability, how much efforts
(Sigwejo & Pather, 2016). Customer relationship are focused on customers with a large business
management is an organizational project, as it number for the organization through gifts and
requires the participation of managers and summons for specific events. “Building lasting
synergy between several internal interests of the customer relationships is about creating value for
organization, especially the marketing ones, with the customer through excellent customer
knowledge of the possibility of resistance and satisfaction and persuasion. Customer
how to overcome it by using the necessary means relationship management focuses on the idea of
for that. That a permanent and cohesive increasing or improving the perceived value of the
relationship using different means of customer. Customer relationship management
communication. Diagnosing customers by sheds light, but rather focuses on the concept of

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loyalty through a lasting relationship with the

customer and extending its life cycle(Kumar,
It should be noted that every customer
interaction with the organization is recorded in
Customer Relationship Management the form of data in the central database, to be fed
focuses on the idea of customer service through by the Customer Relationship Department, as this
the facilities provided to customers before, database provides support operations with the
during, and after the sale process, and excellence necessary data, to be processed, so that
in their service. Customer Relationship information is sent to front-end operations via a
Management deals with the idea of customer database The data is recorded to be used.
orientation in a setting And implementation of
The importance of customer relationship
marketing strategies and operations. Customer
management: There is great importance to
relationship management focuses on managing
managing the customer relationship. Institutions
customer services Customers services
strive to work with them, and perhaps the most
management(Badwan et al., 2017; Magoutas et al.,
important of these bets are summarized in the
following elements (Dewnarain et al., 2019;
It can be said that customer relationship Sigala, 2018).
management consists of two types of operations:
1- Providing better service to customers:
Front-end operations: which are The customer’s evaluation of the value of any
considered as customer contact points using offer by the institutions at present has become
various possible means (the shop, phone calls, dependent on a set of common services based on
receiving orders, complaints ...), which allows information about the product, advice, facilitation
obtaining various data related to customers that of purchase, the mechanism, the interest of
are of interest to the organization. customers according to the situation each
customer through the establishment of a
Support Operations: It works on the front-
relationship with customers through the
end operations service and information feeding,
information that the institution possesses and
as it includes financial and administrative
direct contact with them.
information systems and uses technological
techniques to process previously collected data. 2- Sales development: In return for
considering the relationship with customers leads
to additional costs to raise the quality of the
service provided on the one hand, on the other
hand, it is considered an excellent way to increase
sales in light of the fierce competition by
achieving customer loyalty. The customer’s share
and its proportionality with the increase in
loyalty, including the increase in sales, because
the enterprise’s business number is a result of

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each of the number of polarized customers, the use of marketing expenditures, which can be
duration of the relationship with the institution’s achieved through customer relationship
products, the share of these customers management, through a complete or partial
’expenditures on the products. If we know that (automatic) automation, whether it is related to
attracting customers is through relying heavily on communication or trading activities, such as the
traditional marketing, then growing the automation of the information interest for
customer’s share and increasing his loyalty over customers, the service interest After sales,
time requires an effective policy. salesforce, orders ... which allows reducing costs,
including increasing the profitability you are
3- Integration between multiple
looking for the institution with a differential
communication channels: The organization has
treatment between the various categories of large,
many options regarding communication and
medium and small customers, where, of course,
distribution methods towards its customers
more means and expenditures are allocated to the
(delegates, points of sale, catalogs, mail, call
large or important customers of the institution,
centers, the Internet In the corporation to avoid
while working to reduce the costs of the
incurring additional costs in exploiting these
customers that contribute less to the business
channels by taking advantage of synergy,
number(Al-Weshah et al., 2019).
harmony, and a comprehensive view of exploiting
the various channels, which ensures that it is in Objectives of Customer Relationship
constant contact with its customers, which Management:-
requires a good diagnosis of customers, with the
The enterprise aims through its application
exchange with them for various knowledge
to manage customer relationship to achieve A set
through these channels in a harmonious manner
of goals, which can be summarized in the
Communication from The institution and to the
following points
institution with its customers.
1. Maximizing customer lifetime value
4 - Better competitiveness: It is difficult in
through value creation.
light of the fierce competition to obtain new
customers who currently deal with competitors, 2. Improving and increasing customer
including improving their competitiveness, satisfaction and loyalty to the organization.
because this is related to their lack of loyalty to
brands belonging to other institutions, so most of 3. Targeting the most profitable customers
the institutions work to gain the loyalty of their out of the overall customer portfolio.
customers through effective relational programs
4. Defining the market segments with
depending on Distributors and the various
optimum utilization of customer segments.
communication channels that the institution has
harnessed for this to ensure continuous 5. Increase the effectiveness and efficiency
communication with customers to maintain them. of interactive relationships with customers.

5.Increase productivity: the organization

can increase its cost-effectiveness through good

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6. Increase a business number by achieving i. Review current sources of

customer satisfaction It is considered one of the information about customers,
main determinants of profitability.
ii. Evaluating potential sources of
7. Reducing costs for customer support by information in terms of their importance,
offering Information available in the database comparing cost and achievement by attracting
related to its customers and their relationships customers and communicating with them.
with and from him directing them effectively and
iii. Defining a policy that allows for
periodic information collection goals, methods,
8. Reducing sales and distribution costs by rewards.
targeting customers Perspective It can be said
iv. Assess the possibility of
that the organization behind its adoption of the
achievement to entering the existing database.
philosophy of relationship management
Customers support their loyalty by acting as an 2- The second stage: Segmentation based
investment on the database: It is related to grouping
customers in terms of common characteristics
The relationship between the customer
that are capable of influencing their behavior,
and the institution, especially the clients with a
such as the importance of each customer's
stake A large number of enterprise businesses,
purchases, the type of goods purchased .., and this
focus on database Support for making the right
allows the organization to lead an effective policy.
marketing decision
3- The third stage: Service and
The stages of customer relationship
Communication Adaptation: After the supervisors
management Enterprise customer relationship
of the Customer Relationship Management
management can be implemented in five steps
program have identified the customers accurately
and individually, it is necessary to reach the
The first stage: data collection: the process setting of an adapted service and communication
of identifying customers requires collecting towards these customers, which is based on
information about each customer or at least the offers, communication channels, or about the
customers who have been targeted in the content Where we find, for example, that the
business plan, which must be officially entered Internet is the appropriate channel for privacy in
into the database for the organization to benefit communication because the website "can adapt
from a periodic and automatic customer its content according to the customer's
knowledge model, depending on Questionnaires, description.
salesforce, accounting information, loyalty cards,
4- The fourth stage: exchange or
after-sales interest, calls, the Internet It should be
interaction with customers: The exchange or
noted that the formation of a customer database
interaction with customers may take place, either
goes through the following stages:
through campaigns organized by the organization
or in response to customers' request, as follows:

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Campaigns organized by the institution shall be 1- Long-term guidance where the

according to a scheme adapted to the diagnosed organization must express to the customer that it
departments and has specific objectives. It is is a catalyst for maintenance to exchange against
allowed to present an offer or make a relationship time.
with the customer, by sending mail, phone call, e-
2- Reciprocity there must be a balance in
mail, short messages, as well as responding to
the benefits achieved between the institution and
customer requests, by calls to a number Model for
its customers, in the framework of the win-win
the institution, sending mail, e-mail, resorting to a
point of sale ..., which allows the database to be
fed with new information about customers, which 3- Credibility is based on the periodic good
allows for special offers. fulfillment of agreed pledges.
5- The fifth stage: evaluation of the device: 4- The exchange of useful information: is
the relationship with customers is formed with based on collecting data about customers from
time and develops in each contact, and therefore different sources upon contact and making them
it is necessary to define quantitative goals that can later centralized in a “central database” of the
be evaluated by the institution to judge the extent institution, and in return for that, the institution
of the positive or negative development of this sends information about its services to the
relationship, and the evaluation may take the customers.
form of various indicators, it can be mentioned
Some of them are as Satisfaction indicators, 5 – Flexibility must be present in managing
participation rate, turnover per customer, return the customer relationship, to take into account the
per customer, customer share. special needs that have not been mentioned for
each customer to carry out ongoing maintenance
Principles of Effective Customer services without appointments in a short time.
Relationship Management
6- Solidarity relates to proposing
There are many thinkers in the field of assistance to the customer in case he encounters
marketing in general knowing customer behavior difficulties.
and extending the satisfaction of those who use
electronic applications To relationships in How Artificial Intelligence to the Success of
particular, through the analyzed experiences of Customer Relationship Management
how to implement customer relationship
Some view customer relationship
management, and the problems encountered in
management as an automated or technological
applying this concept successfully, they suggested
media project, and reality shows that it is a
some principles that can increase the
management and marketing project that relies
effectiveness of customer relationship
heavily on technological means to consolidate
management, summarized in the following
relationships with customers through the various
elements (Aljawarneh & Al-Omari, 2018; Soltani
stages of communication with them. These tools
et al., 2018)
make it easier for organizations to process to

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communicate and provide services to customers Marketing mechanism tools (monitoring

in the best possible way with the least effort and the movement of marketing work, conducting
cost, depending on (Delanoy & Kasztelnik, 2020; marketing campaigns).
Zerbino et al., 2018)
2- Data warehouse: It is a large database
On the analytical, practical, and other that collects information coming from partial
means, which is what we will explain it as follows: databases within the organization. Production
system (deals, accounting, supply ...) customer
Analytical and practical tools for managing
contact points (call centers, internet, points of
customer relationship: sale), Or external sources. As this data will be
It can be said that these two methods are filtered and filtered, be converted and merged
essential in managing the customer relationship, into the central database. Business intelligence is
as each of them has a role and means to based on the so-called “Data Warehouse” and on a
contribute to the consolidation and permanence set of analysis and presentation tools, which
of the relationship between the institution and its together form an integrated system that works to
customers. maximize Information value, by transforming data
Information that helps in making a decision.
Analytical tools: It is mainly concerned Figure 02 shows the structure of the data
with collecting, analyzing, and converting warehouse(Garcelon et al., 2018; Salinas & Lemus,
customer-related data, depending on the data 2017).
warehouse, and data processing, as well as
statistical and mathematical tools

Practical tools: The role of these tools is to

direct the stages of communication or interaction
with the target customers, and from this, they
contribute to improving the productivity of the
means of trade and communication, which

Relationship management tools

(personalized messages, facilitating Figure 2 the structure of the data
communication with the customer through warehouse
various channels, enriching the customer Defined a data warehouse as "a decision-
database ...). making database that stores the data set that is
Automation tools for selling power, used in the decision-making and decision-analysis
maximizing customer exploration, helping to form process this repository fills automatically from
a trade offer (Configuration), order-taking the business database of the business
mechanism. organization and all external information By
relying on special tools called "Extraction Tools"
Transformation loading (or ETL for short), which
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Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

allows for data collection and preparation Although consumers' dependence on

(Garcelon et al., 2018). artificial intelligence applications is still relatively
limited, most consumers must have inadvertently
3- Smart data system and data processing
used some form of artificial intelligence
system The smart data system is considered as
applications such as a fingerprint system or voice
partial sets of the data warehouse, which includes
system and other applications. In this context, the
only some information necessary for some
application of artificial intelligence effectively
functions in the organization (direct marketing
plays the role of a filter between the consumer
application, analysis of commercial results, call
and the service provided, providing unique
centers, ...), and therefore it is easy to process And
recommendations to the consumer based on
analyze the target database compared to
consumer decisions.
processing if the data is entirely about customers.
The future of artificial intelligence in
Sorting data: Its role is to discover the
shaping the customer experience
correlations, relationships, and tendencies that
are reached by processing a large amount of data There are a lot of exciting things happening
using mathematical and statistical methods. in the field of artificial intelligence, and we are not
very far from the future with completely seamless
Score: After performing the treatment
interactions between customers and government
process and finding the correlations, work will be
electronic applications. Dominate the seamless
done on preparing a score It is expected for each
and frictionless customer interaction space. Many
customer, allowing him to be given the possibility
government apps now allow customers to use
of a specific behavior or behavior, and from it to
them to schedule bills, book appointments, renew
meet him with a certain commercial or risk
some subscriptions, issue official papers, etc., all
behavior, as we find that the score calculation
with their voice. This improves the customer
allows selecting customers who are characterized
experience because it requires much less effort
by high positive behavior to increase the cost-
from the customer, thus making the process much
effectiveness of the process.
smoother and less chore(Drexler & Lapré, 2019).
Return tools: it works to make the huge
Clients will be able to communicate with
specialized database that the organization has
companies according to their contact details, and
come up with easy to enter and use, to benefit
the message will always reach the right team. and
from it, otherwise everything that the institution
be used by AI to gain deep insights about
has done before does not mean anything and is
customers and their experience. These ideas will
useless. For example, we find in the call centers
then be used to create actionable goals to improve
the tools used are represented In screens that
the customer experience(Grewal & Roggeveen,
summarize the most important points about
customers, where it shows the customer’s data,
the number of businesses that he achieves for the Artificial intelligence and automation lead
institution, us to this point. It used to be that a lot of customer
data was split across different teams and different

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programs, resulting in a situation where there Proactive problem-solving. We now have

was not a complete view of the customer. Some an AI that can monitor multiple data sources, such
companies still operate this way, which ultimately as Twitter feeds, customer service tickets, and call
means that they are not operating at the level they logs, to look for patterns. There may be a common
should be. There is a lot of potential for CX growth problem arising from customers that the company
that can be unleashed by automation and artificial as a whole is not yet aware of. The AI will capture
intelligence(Khrais, 2020). this so the company can respond quickly and
quickly to start working on a solution.
Providing an enhanced customer service
experience has made much of the buzz around AI- Smart call routing in customer service
powered customer service in recent years and calls. Customers hate being suspended and hate
with good reason. Finally, AI-powered customer having to repeat their information multiple times.
service solutions are becoming viable in a way This creates friction in the customer service
that didn't exist a decade ago. We now have a process and leaves customers frustrated and
powerful AI that can intelligently process data and more likely to report a bad customer experience.
make the best decision within seconds. Salesforce With today's technology, there is no reason for a
2019 research found that the use of "AI by customer to repeat the same information multiple
customer service teams will increase 143% by times. You must track customer information
2020". We are too early in 2020 to see if this through the customer service process. Clients
prediction has been met, but AI is clearly on the should also be sent to the most appropriate agent
rise and showing no signs of slowing down. Here immediately. Catboats are great at doing this.
are some of how AI is being used(Hoyer et al., They can ask a customer some basic questions to
2020; Reis et al., 2019). find out what category their problem falls into.
Sometimes the problem can be resolved by a
Predictive intelligence. Artificial
Chabot if it's simple, but if not, a Chabot can direct
intelligence can be used to identify customers
the customer to the appropriate team or agent.
who are at risk of transferring their money to
another company. Amnesty International will Customer service surveys can be sent
then suggest special retention offers or other next automatically. This is a simple use of automation,
steps to encourage the customer to stay. but still very valuable. You can't figure out how to
improve your connections with clients if you don't
Targeting potential clients. If you know
know how they're feeling. A survey is a great way
who your potential customers are, you can
to find out how your customers feel about your
convert them into customers through
customer service team. When it comes to surveys,
personalized marketing and targeted
it is important to ask the right questions and
communications. This is what Harley Davidson is
allow the client to expand on certain points as and
now doing with her AI program called Albert.
when required. It may be easier to approach a
Artificial intelligence uses algorithms to find high-
multiple-choice survey from a data perspective,
value, ready-to-buy leads. It then sends this
but there are times when it can provide
information to the sales force so that they can
significantly less value.
individually target those customers.

© 2021, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 15

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

Self-service, help yourself. As we touched Artificial intelligence is one of the

on briefly, there are times when there is no need mechanisms that help the use of technological
for a customer to speak to an agent at all. They development in the conduct of administrative and
might have a slight problem with their bill, a employment relations as it is used in government
mistake with their information, or need to update services and investing this mechanism in the field
their address, or something similar. These of creating a space for permanent contact with the
activities have a quick solution that can be easily customer, which is the focus of the marketing
automated. It's not a good use of a customer's process of the economic institution, and through
time or an agent's time to contact them. Instead, a this these institutions include many results that
Chabot is more suitable; as long as it does its job accrue to them. The benefits are perhaps the most
well means that customers can obtain instant important of them: creating a space for constant
responses to simple questions and that agents are communication with customers, effective
free to deal with the most complex issues. management of the relationship with customers,
exploiting the benefits of information technology
Support around the clock. Artificial
in the management of information within this
intelligence and automation have greatly made it
easier for companies to provide 24/7 support to
their customers. Customers want businesses to be Findings and recommendations
available whenever they are available, and this
means that serving customers for limited hours is
no longer viable in the modern world. However, The adoption of the artificial intelligence
24/7 customer support doesn't mean you have to mechanism within the government institution is
work the same around the clock. You can use an investment of the benefits of information
chatbots to take some of the stress off the technology in terms of managing administrative
discount customer service agent process during functions and managing relationships.
peak hours. You can also use the AI to schedule
calls to customers who have tried to contact the Expert systems are the embodiment of
company when agents are not available. AI artificial intelligence and serve the quality and
customer service agents also have distinct effectiveness of administrative management
benefits over human agents in some areas. They within the organization
never tire, they never feel unhappy, they don't
Managing the customer relationship is a
need to take breaks, they never leave the
marketing strategy that ensures an increase in the
company, and they never feel dissatisfied with
profitability of the organization, as well as a
their career progression. Customer service
number that blinds it because it is concerned with
remains a high turnover area due to the stressful
the nerve of the marketing process.
nature of the job, among other factors. By using
AI-powered customer service agents, you can Artificial intelligence provides ease and
solve a lot of these problems. effectiveness in communicating with the
customer, ensuring that the organization makes
the right marketing decisions.

© 2021, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 16

Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

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(Checklist for yourself).

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