Artificial Intelligence in Managing The Electronic Customer Relationship and Enhancing The Level of Satisfaction With Electronic Services
Artificial Intelligence in Managing The Electronic Customer Relationship and Enhancing The Level of Satisfaction With Electronic Services
Artificial Intelligence in Managing The Electronic Customer Relationship and Enhancing The Level of Satisfaction With Electronic Services
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Ali Alqudah on 15 May 2023.
Leyla Muradkhanli
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Khazar University, Azerbaijan
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: The customer is the backbone of Introduction
the process of using the applications in the Artificial Intelligence is artificial
government institution. In a way that ensures the intelligence one of the methods adopted in the
creation of its information about the change of his field of information management of all kinds
desires and opinions about the products and According to specific mechanisms as follows:
applications that are developed by electronic
the concept of artificial intelligence The
governments, and even his reactions and
roots of artificial intelligence can be traced back
complaints within a marketing strategy that
to the 1940s with the spread of Computers
artificial intelligence sought with its embodied
Although there is no comprehensive definition of
tools for information technology to provide it, and
intelligence Artificial is the response of machines
the result was to manage the relationship with the
or computers after being programmed By humans
customer using the technological developments
in a way that some belief is intelligent(Kaya, 2019;
that help to do so. Throughout this article, we try
Siskos et al., 2014).
to find out the following questions: What The role
of artificial intelligence in managing a government More so, it's kind of a discipline of science
institution's customer relationship? For this, we Computers, which is interested in studying and
proposed three objectives, how expert systems creating computer systems some forms of
embody the mechanisms of artificial intelligence intelligence appear, and these systems have the
within the government institution, while the ability to Very useful conclusions about the
mechanism of customer relationship management problem laid out as you can. (Hou et al., 2019)
within the government institution is represented, .These systems understand natural languages or
how artificial intelligence has contributed to the an understanding of living perception And other
success of customer relationship management to possibilities that need intelligence when
the e-government. implemented from Before man (Murmu & Biswas,
2015)Artificial Intelligence is one of the most
Keywords. artificial intelligence, customer,
successful areas of the time The present where it
relationship management, information
went out of the research phase to commercial use
It has proven its efficiency in several fields and
has been applied in many areas Fields (including experiences, knowledge, and skills that are
medicine), commercial and industrial available to experts to return to it when any
organizations, and Educational(Bejarbaneh et al., problem occurs to solve it without referring to
2018) (and in various forms) Neural Networks experts and specialists, and the mechanism of
Networks, Developmental Algorithms, and action of these smart systems appears as shown
Genetic Algorithms Intelligent systems clients and in Figure 1.
expert systems latter, which was very popular in
terms of use, perhaps due to its suitability for
purposes Administrative, which greatly
contributed in facilitating information
management as an intelligent system in
information management we will see how the
Expert systems embody the mechanisms of
artificial intelligence within the government
institution after definition expert system in
AI(Davenport & Ronanki, 2018; Kaya, 2019; Silva Source by (Wong et al., 2013).
Araújo et al., 2019)
By according (Allahverdi, 2014; Ryman-
Related of work:- Tubb et al., 2018; Wirtz et al., 2019) Expert
systems are used as a comparative method for the
Expert Systems and Information
human method in solving complex problems, as
Management Expert systems:- are one of the
they deal with hypotheses simultaneously, with
artificial intelligence applications used In the field
high accuracy and speed, especially as they work
of management, it relies on artificial intelligence
at a stable scientific and advisory level that does
tools in preserving and simulating scarce human
not fluctuate, as the expert system absorbs and
expertise, with speed, accuracy, and high ability to
stores the accumulated experience and
store vast amounts of information, knowledge,
knowledge of the human expert (Wong et al.,
and experiences that it uses efficiently in
identifying and diagnosing problems, and making
decisions regarding them within the organization Decision Supporting Systems (DSS) begin
(Allahverdi, 2014), The content of expert systems with recalling the data necessary for the work
is considered an advanced form of decision that was previously recorded in the database, and
support system, by proposing solutions and the necessary software is called from the models
decisions to problems by choosing appropriate base for processing.
alternatives, and it is also a kind of knowledge-
based system Systems (and an advanced form of On inferential and directed databases, and
Artificial Intelligence), which was based on through which they undergo logical tests through
building systems on a principle similar to the logic the formation of their scenarios to represent the
of human thinking(Kramer, 2017). It consists of a hypothetical reality of the issue and to verify the
package of subsystems that work in combination reliability of the decision and its conformity with
with each other to work on storing various the actual reality, and then emerge the results that
© 2021, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 5
Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021
can be accepted or rejected according to the Supporting the process of formulating the
processing logic of smart systems(Hossain et al., mission and mission of the Organization Mission
2015). If the results are acceptable and the result by identifying the types of core activities and
of the logical treatment is true (True 1), then the providing information on the target markets.
decision is approved and directed to the outputs
Formulating the institution’s strategic
of the system, and in the violation cases in which
objectives by analyzing its strengths and
the results are rejected (False 0), The results are
weaknesses and comparing them with current
returned to the model base to search for a new
and expected opportunities and threats in the
alternative that is more logical and appropriate to
external environment.
the proposals of expert systems. This work
continues through feeding and feedback at a Assist in choosing the overall business
tremendous speed until the ideal alternative to strategy from among the available strategic
the treatment logic is chosen, and then the alternatives
decision is sent in the form of outputs and
executive decisions to the individuals and devices The importance of these systems appears
that work(Kramer, 2017). Under the control of at every stage of the product's life cycle, beginning
the organization, to implement it as required. As with its introduction to its exit to the market,
for expert systems, they have many applications through the information it provides on the main
and in various fields, some of which are competitive forces in the external environment
specialized in managing and controlling and information on value chain activities,
production(Egrioglu et al., 2013). And its through:
management in the workshops, through a
Providing information about the products
production plan to correct the errors of the
to be presented in the market in all its details, as
manufacturing process, and there are expert
well as the market in which they are offered, as
systems used in the distribution network, and
well as providing information on consumer
other financial systems used by financial
purchasing patterns and the willingness of
institutions to evaluate the financial return,
distribution outlets to deal with this product and
identify risks, and suggest solutions, in addition to
the extent of the need to present it at this time
the existence of systems for processing
(determining the marketing opportunity).
accounting information in banks and others In the
field of insurance, financial statement analysis, tax i. -Providing information about competing
advice, inventory management, and others(Lee & organizations and the characteristics and
Choeh, 2014). ingredients of the product offered, in addition to
the commodity composition of the organization’s
The importance of expert systems .this is
evidenced by their substantial influence in the
following main areas and activities:- ii. -Providing the necessary information
about the nature and constituents of the new
Participation in the formulation of the
competing products, as well as information on the
strategic vision of the institution.
opportunities available for developing the
product and improving its quality, in addition to viii. The smart product information system
the new advantages of the product or searching provides the appropriate mechanisms to increase
for new markets. the productivity of the engineers and thus the
design process is reduced, in addition to reducing
iii. Providing information on possibilities of
the number of overall changes required to design
canceling the old product and opportunities to
the product During its development cycle
introduce the new product.
ix. The smart product information system
iv. Provide the necessary information on
can guarantee international quality standards by
the number and diversity of product lines, the
relying on several mechanisms during the product
extent of the link between the various products,
life cycle and formulating procedures to identify
the available opportunities, the organization’s
access, control, and test the parts involved in
ability to maintain leadership in the market, and
product installation, especially since it can
its ability to change its current products in
diagnose deficiencies in quality procedures which
response to changes in market conditions. does not rise to the level of international
v. Providing information on the prices of standards, as well as the possibility of continuous
raw materials adopted in the manufacturing follow-up of the history of product development,
process and the determinants of demand and explaining the reasons and periods of
costs. It also provides information on consumers' modifications and the authorities that
purchasing power. implemented them.
information about customers while carefully identifying the activities and cost-effectiveness of
managing all moments of contact with them to each customer, in terms of business number, is
maximize their loyalty to the organization considered to be the return, to allow
(Papadomichelaki & Mentzas, 2009). Customer adaptation(Baharon et al., 2017)
relationship management is a combination of
Marketing policies and budgets for
marketing strategy, information, and
different clients according to their capabilities.
communication technology, aimed at building a
Moments of contact are represented by all the
profitable and long-term relationship between the
opportunities through which the customer enters
organization and its customers. Customer
into real contact with the brand or product (note)
relationship management is all the processes of
The suddenness of the product, consumption, and
interaction with the customer where the focus is
review through communication means and the
based on managing and maximizing the entire
institution follows up every moment of
customer cycle, it is concerned with expanding
communication to develop its customers'
the customer base by attracting new customers,
portfolio(Alawneh et al., 2013).
and serving and meeting the needs of the existing
customers effectively(Al-Ma’aitah, 2019; AL- Individual marketing, in the sense that the
MA’AITAH & AL-HASHEM, 2019). Through the organization works on preparing products,
various definitions that dealt with the concept of services, and marketing processes individually
customer relationship management, we can through the data it possesses about each
summarize the most important elements and customer, which increases the value it obtains.
points that I dealt with, and those definitions tried The customer is from the institution and on him.
to focus on them. It considers developing a customer portfolio,
which is reached through
Customer relationship management is
considered as a strategic view through which Adopting several strategies (reducing the
clear and measurable goals are defined, with customer turnout rate, developing the life of the
specific targets and a relationship contract relationship with them, thinking about the
between the organization and the brand to customer’s share and growing that share,
achieve real benefits for the customer through attracting less profitable customers and
constant contact and exchange of information increasing their profitability, how much efforts
(Sigwejo & Pather, 2016). Customer relationship are focused on customers with a large business
management is an organizational project, as it number for the organization through gifts and
requires the participation of managers and summons for specific events. “Building lasting
synergy between several internal interests of the customer relationships is about creating value for
organization, especially the marketing ones, with the customer through excellent customer
knowledge of the possibility of resistance and satisfaction and persuasion. Customer
how to overcome it by using the necessary means relationship management focuses on the idea of
for that. That a permanent and cohesive increasing or improving the perceived value of the
relationship using different means of customer. Customer relationship management
communication. Diagnosing customers by sheds light, but rather focuses on the concept of
each of the number of polarized customers, the use of marketing expenditures, which can be
duration of the relationship with the institution’s achieved through customer relationship
products, the share of these customers management, through a complete or partial
’expenditures on the products. If we know that (automatic) automation, whether it is related to
attracting customers is through relying heavily on communication or trading activities, such as the
traditional marketing, then growing the automation of the information interest for
customer’s share and increasing his loyalty over customers, the service interest After sales,
time requires an effective policy. salesforce, orders ... which allows reducing costs,
including increasing the profitability you are
3- Integration between multiple
looking for the institution with a differential
communication channels: The organization has
treatment between the various categories of large,
many options regarding communication and
medium and small customers, where, of course,
distribution methods towards its customers
more means and expenditures are allocated to the
(delegates, points of sale, catalogs, mail, call
large or important customers of the institution,
centers, the Internet In the corporation to avoid
while working to reduce the costs of the
incurring additional costs in exploiting these
customers that contribute less to the business
channels by taking advantage of synergy,
number(Al-Weshah et al., 2019).
harmony, and a comprehensive view of exploiting
the various channels, which ensures that it is in Objectives of Customer Relationship
constant contact with its customers, which Management:-
requires a good diagnosis of customers, with the
The enterprise aims through its application
exchange with them for various knowledge
to manage customer relationship to achieve A set
through these channels in a harmonious manner
of goals, which can be summarized in the
Communication from The institution and to the
following points
institution with its customers.
1. Maximizing customer lifetime value
4 - Better competitiveness: It is difficult in
through value creation.
light of the fierce competition to obtain new
customers who currently deal with competitors, 2. Improving and increasing customer
including improving their competitiveness, satisfaction and loyalty to the organization.
because this is related to their lack of loyalty to
brands belonging to other institutions, so most of 3. Targeting the most profitable customers
the institutions work to gain the loyalty of their out of the overall customer portfolio.
customers through effective relational programs
4. Defining the market segments with
depending on Distributors and the various
optimum utilization of customer segments.
communication channels that the institution has
harnessed for this to ensure continuous 5. Increase the effectiveness and efficiency
communication with customers to maintain them. of interactive relationships with customers.
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