AReview of Research Methodologies For Analyzing The Sustainability Benefits and Challenges of AIIo TAnd Enterprise Systems Integration

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Vol. 03, No. 02, pp.


Journal of Information Technology and Informatics (JITI)

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A Review of Research Methodologies for Analyzing the Sustainability

Benefits and Challenges of AI, IoT, and Enterprise Systems Integration
Hevi Kamal Ismaeel1, Azar Abid Salih2, Omar M. Ahmed3, Abdulmajeed Adil Yazdeen4, Rozin Majeed Abdullah5,
Teba Mohammed Ghazi Sami6
Akre University for Applied Science, Technical College of Informatics-Akre, Department of Information Technology, Akre, 42004, Iraq
Duhok Polytechnic University, Technical College of Administration, Information Technology Management, Duhok, 42001, Iraq
Duhok Polytechnic University, Zakho Technical College, Computer Information System Department, Zakho, 42002, Iraq
Duhok Polytechnic University, Technical College of Administration, Information Technology Management Department, Duhok, 42001, Iraq
Duhok Polytechnic University, Technical College of Engineering, Highway and Bridges Department, Duhok, 42001, Iraq
University of Zakho, Faculty of Science, Computer Science Department, Zakho, 42002, Iraq

Corresponding Author: Hevi Kamal Ismaeel, E-mail: [email protected]


When it comes to achieving sustainability, the combination of artificial
Received: 10/06/2024
intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and business systems presents a
Accepted: 10/07/2024 number of challenges as well as significant opportunities. Within the scope of this
Volume: 03 book, a number of research methodologies that have been used to investigate the
Issue: 02
environmental, economic, and social ramifications of these technologies in
connection to their contributions to sustainable development are brought under
KEYWORDS scrutiny and evaluated critically. Effectiveness and the process of making judgments
based on accurate information are both improved by the capabilities of artificial
intelligence in the areas of machine learning, natural language processing, and
Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, computer vision. The Internet of Things (IoT) makes it possible for networked
Internet of Things, Enterprise devices and sensors to share data in real time with one another. This facilitates the
optimization of resource use and the reduction of environmental effect. The link with
enterprise systems improves operating efficiency, makes the flow of information
easier, and encourages the adoption of environmentally responsible business
practices. Even while there are many advantages, there are still challenges to be
conquered in terms of protecting the privacy of data, ensuring its security, and
ensuring that robust frameworks are in place to handle large volumes of data. For
the purpose of addressing these challenges and making the most of the potential of
artificial intelligence, internet of things, and business systems in achieving long-term
sustainability, the study highlights the need of interdisciplinary research and

I. INTRODUCTION operate and make decisions[2]. These technologies

In today's fast-changing world of technology, the enhance efficiency, improve accuracy, and enable
integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of predictive analytics, leading to smarter and more
Things (IoT), and Enterprise Systems presents both sustainable business practices[3]. IoT, on the other hand,
significant opportunities and challenges for achieving connects devices and systems, allowing real-time data
sustainability. Sustainability, in this context, refers to collection and analysis, which improves monitoring and
meeting present needs without compromising the ability of control of various processes, from industrial automation to
future generations to meet their own needs. It involves smart homes[4]. Enterprise systems, such as Enterprise
optimizing resource usage, reducing environmental Resource Planning (ERP) systems, integrate AI and IoT to
footprints, ensuring economic viability, and promoting provide a unified view of an organization's data and
social well-being through responsible technology processes, enhancing decision-making and operational
deployment[1]. AI has made substantial advancements in efficiency[5]. These integrated systems can optimize
machine learning, natural language processing, and resource allocation, reduce waste, and support sustainable
computer vision, which are transforming how industries practices, contributing to environmental, economic, and

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 3, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

social sustainability[6]. Despite these benefits, integrating There are four basic classes that may be differentiated
AI, IoT, and enterprise systems poses several challenges. within the field of cloud computing, and they are as
These include technical issues, such as interoperability and follows: Computing systems that are private, public,
data management, as well as ethical and regulatory hybrid, and multicloud. The saving of data and the
concerns related to privacy, security, and the impact of execution of programs are two distinct processes that are
automation on employment[7]. Addressing these included in each of these categories. Both of these
challenges requires robust research methodologies to processes are described in their own right[15].
analyze and understand the sustainability implications of Furthermore, these categories are further subdivided into
these technologies. This paper reviews various research other subcategories below them. The use of cloud
methodologies used to study the sustainability benefits and computing provides customers with the opportunity to
challenges of integrating AI, IoT, and enterprise systems. have access to a wide range of information technology
By examining existing literature and case studies, we aim services. Servers, databases, software, virtual storage, and
to provide insights into effective strategies for leveraging networking are all included in these services[16]. The
these technologies to achieve sustainable development users of these services also have the potential to engage in
goals. collaborative activities in a way that is more comfortable
for them when they are using these services. In the event
It is possible to divide the vast field of information that you make use of a user interface that is founded on the
technology into seven key subfields, which, when web, you will be able to get access to these services. The
considered as a whole, encompass the whole of the subject phrase "cloud computing" refers to a virtual platform that
matter that is significant. Each of these subfields offers a makes use of the internet to provide users with unlimited
distinct and significant contribution that adds to the overall access to data storage and access to the data itself[17]. It is
development of the issue[8]. When taken together, these common practice to refer to platforms that enable cloud
contributions make up the overall advancement. Electronic computing as "cloud computing." Despite the fact that
components that are used in the construction of a computer cloud computing, the cloud, and internet-based computing
system. The term "hardware" is used to refer to all of the are all phrases that relate to the same concept, they are
hardware components that are physically present inside the often used interchangeably with one another. The use of
equipment itself when it is used in the context of cloud computing makes it feasible for businesses of any
information technology equipment[9]. In this way, each size and operating in any sector to make use of a wide
and every individual component that constitutes the whole variety of services provided by organizations[17]. There is
is taken into consideration. Computer networks are a possibility that these companies function inside any
constructed from software components that have been sector of the economy. There are a variety of services that
developed specifically for the purpose of storing and are offered, including but not limited to data backup and
processing information for individual users[10]. This is disaster recovery, email services, virtual desktops,
achieved via the usage of computer networks. In addition software development and testing, big data analytics, and
to being kept in a digital archive, these artifacts may also client-centric web applications[18].
be archived at another site anywhere in the world. This is
a further insult to the harm that they have already suffered. Cloud computing makes it possible for organizations to
It is possible to get access not just to conventional wired grow while maintaining their flexibility and focusing their
networks like Ethernet, but also to wireless networks like efforts on the most critical tasks that are necessary to their
Wi-Fi. This is accomplished via the use of the internet[11]. core operations. This allows businesses to develop without
sacrificing their ability to maintain their flexibility[19]. As
This firm not only has the two key companies that were a result of the fact that companies no longer have to be
mentioned before, but it also offers a broad variety of concerned about the management of their data as they
services, including consultancy and system integration, grow, this is a very straightforward job to do. As a
among other things. Data centers, buildings, servers, consequence of the scalability that cloud computing offers,
networking equipment, desktop personal computers, and which makes it possible for enterprises to engage in its
business application software solutions are some of the usage, this is something that is achievable[20]. A concept
essential components that make up the fundamental that was previously unimaginable is now within the realm
architecture of information technology[12]. For your of possibility for organizations: the capacity to store their
consideration, the following are some examples that data on the cloud. This enables them to carry out the task
should be taken into account. There are many different that has to be done. Your company has the capacity to
kinds of systems that fall under the umbrella of make the most of the many advantages that cloud
information infrastructures. Some examples of these computing has to offer if it works together with another
systems include the Internet, computer networks in cloud provider on a project that is collaborative[20, 21].
hospitals and other medical facilities, and computer Before starting the process of constructing a private cloud
networks in businesses and other organizations[13]. One infrastructure, it is essential to accomplish three main steps
such instance is the networks that are utilized in in their totality. This is a prerequisite for commencing the
commercial and business contexts. Additionally, there are process. Until that point, it is not possible to proceed to the
a number of other examples[14]. subsequent stage of the process of creating infrastructure.

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

The steps are as outlined in the following description: By To simplify the execution of business operations and
using clusters as a solution, it is feasible to simultaneously activities that are reliant on information technology, it is
satisfy your requirements for the capacity of processing, absolutely important to develop an information technology
networking, and data storage. This is made possible by the infrastructure. This is because of the importance of
use of clusters[22, 23]. information technology. Increasing efficiency and
accelerating the process of putting business procedures
supposing that you make use of clusters as a means of and systems into place are the reasons why this is done.
providing support to yourself. After the program has been This is because the implementation of such procedures and
loaded, it is essential to install the software that will be systems necessitates the use of information technology as
used to administer the devices and to make any necessary an essential component. This is the reason why this is the
adjustments. This should be done as soon as possible. In case. As a result of this, the process of putting in place a
the event that a backup strategy has been selected, the significant number of processes and systems will be
subsequent step that must be taken is to develop redundant significantly simplified. The information technology (IT)
server systems[24]. This is the case regardless of whether infrastructure of an organization, which is also often
the backup plan is for each individual virtual machine or referred to as the technology infrastructure, is the core
for the whole cloud. A huge number of distinct framework that provides support for the essential business
components are used in the construction of the cloud's applications of a company and ensures that these programs
infrastructure. These components are all coupled with one are consistently updated. This framework is also
another to form the overall system. Servers, storage sometimes referred to as the technology infrastructure.
devices, networks, software for cloud management, There is no distinction between the information
software for deployment, and platform virtualization are technology infrastructure of an organization and the
some of the components that make up this system. Other technical infrastructure of an organization, regardless of
components include platform virtualization[25]. It is also the kind of organization[30, 31].
important to note that the name "hypervisor" encompasses
not just the software that is employed for the hypervisor In some contexts, the phrase "technical infrastructure" is
itself, but also the software that is utilized for the purposes often used to refer to this infrastructure. This infrastructure
of deployment and administration. This paper's objective is part of an organization's overall infrastructure. In
is to provide comprehensive information on the physical addition, the term "IT foundation" is often used to refer to
components that serve as the key structural underpinning these specific foundations. The terms "computing,"
for data storage, computer servers, and computer "networking," "the office," "the cloud," and "the
networks, with a focus on openness. The paper's aim is to peripheral" are all referring to distinct characteristics of a
provide this information[26, 27]. single entity when used in the context of this discussion
respectively. This is because the cloud is comparable to
There is a concept known as scalability, which refers to the other things, such as computers, networking, the office,
capability of the user to independently monitor and and the cloud itself. This is the reason why this is the
manage all components of the program, including its data case[32]. There is a single concept that may be represented
and operating system. A important characteristic of by a number of different metaphors, including the cloud,
contemporary software is its capacity to scale. Cloud computers, networking, and the office. This is the reason
computing is positioned to have a future that is both why things are the way they are. There have been five key
innovative and fascinating. This is because cloud epochs that have defined the growth of the infrastructure
computing is conducted over the internet. It is anticipated of information technology during the duration of its
that cloud computing will see a rise in popularity over the existence. These epochs have been characterized by
course of the next years[28]. As a consequence of the particular changes. These time periods include a wide
considerable impact that artificial intelligence has had, range of eras, including the age of the mainframe, the age
users from a broad range of sectors, including of the personal computer (PC), the age of client-server
organizations and individuals, are becoming increasingly computing, the age of corporate computing, as well as the
reliant on cloud services for the storage and organization age of cloud computing and mobile computing[33].
of their data. This trend is expected to continue. There is a
clear connection between this dependency and the Some examples of the many different types of security
enormous transformations that have been brought about by information systems (SIS) that are now available on the
artificial intelligence. The degree to which we are market include the following: A method of doing business
dependent on cloud services is progressively increasing that puts a high importance on the collection of up-to-date
during the course of each day that passes. The continuation information as one of its key aims with the intention of
of this trend is something that is anticipated to take place conducting business. It is often referred to as the
in the future. Taking into view that artificial intelligence Management Information System by a substantial portion
was the key primary driving force behind the of the individuals who are engaged in this area. When
advancement, it was inescapable that this change would applied to the process of decision-making, the
take place[29]. implementation of a strategy that simplifies and increases
the potential to exert more influence over the whole

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

activity is referred to as utilization. The automation of advantages that has developed as a result of the
digital labor and office tasks is the focus of specialist development of this technology is the capability to utilize
software that was designed specifically for the aim of cloud computing from any location and on any device that
automating these tasks. The use of a number of different is applicable to the situation. The use of this technology
technological techniques with the purpose of simplifying has led to the realization of one of the most important
the process of carrying out financial transactions with the benefits for consumers[41].
intention of accomplishing the task that has been set[34].
There is a significant benefit that may be obtained via the
Technology, which acts as the core framework for the acquisition of this technology. A computer has the
system, plays a crucial role in ensuring that the potential of removing all of the software and hardware
administration is able to perform its tasks. This is because components that have been installed on the system, either
technology is the foundation the system is built upon. fully or almost completely. This is referred to as the
Database and information management systems, data "complete removal" capability. The protection of
communications networks, and application software are information that is stored in a centralized place that is
examples of components of the infrastructure that are accessible to all personnel provides an organization with a
regarded as being of the utmost relevance respectively[35]. considerable competitive advantage in terms of the amount
It is vital to draw a clear separation between the of information that is generated and the amount of
components of the infrastructure that are unique to the information that is accessible[42]. Taking into account the
manufacturing sector and those that are not. This present circumstances, it is of the utmost importance that a
differentiation must be made regardless of the difficulty of new version of a program be made available as quickly as
the work at hand. Despite the fact that the scenario is rather feasible. An evaluation of the business that is brief and
challenging, it is of the utmost importance to establish this illustrative, with the major focus being centered on
distinction. It is of the highest significance to discriminate insuring the company's continuing success and
between the two, despite the fact that doing so may be productivity. The purpose of this endeavor is to expand
difficult to do successfully[36, 37]. your bargaining power while simultaneously decreasing
the amount of money that you are required to spend out of
There are three basic categories that may be used to pocket[43, 44].
classify cloud simulations. These categories include
"infrastructure as a service," "platform as a service," and II. BACKGROUND THEORY
"software as a service." Platform as a service (PaaS) and An environment that is hosted in the cloud contains a
software as a service (SaaS) are both acronyms that stand number of important properties, which are detailed in the
for "platform as a service" and "software as a service," following list: The National Institute of Standards and
respectively. IaaS is an abbreviation that stands for Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing based on five
"infrastructure as a service." The cloud services that may main criteria. Quantified service, self-service on demand,
be used can be classified into a broad range of categories, access to a broad network, shared resources, and fast
adaptation are some of the aspects that stand out as the most
each of which can be applied to the services. IaaS is an attractive among these features. It is not a good idea to
acronym that stands for "infrastructure as a service," which combine any of these characteristics since each one has its
is synonymous with the term "software as a service" in own worth. First, let's take a look at some of the
some contexts[38]. Similarities may be seen between these applications that are already accessible to customers that
ideas and the cloud service models or cloud computing make extensive use of cloud computing. Through the use
service models that are well recognized. It is easy to draw of the cloud, you are able to store a broad variety of data,
parallels between the two. Although it is not entirely out including email archives and data collections, and then
retrieve them whenever it is required[45, 46]. You will be
of the question, using this example is acceptable. It is the
able to increase your productivity with the help of this
supply of computer services to customers over the internet, function. A shared cloud storage allows several users to
which is often referred to as "the cloud," that is what is concurrently study the data that is kept in the cloud,
indicated by the phrase "cloud basics[39]." regardless of who first uploaded the data. This is possible
because the cloud storage is shared among multiple users.
To deliver faster innovation, increased resource flexibility, In the process of searching for a suitable solution to back
and larger economies of scale is the major goal of this up your data in a safe manner, cloud storage is a possible
endeavor. This category includes a wide range of services, alternative that should be considered. One of the most
including but not limited to the following: servers, storage, sophisticated computer systems that is capable of
databases, networking, software, analytics, and concurrently storing and transmitting data[47, 48].
intelligence. When referring to this specific service, the In its whole, Dropbox is a stunning and exceptional
term "cloud computing" is something that is often representation of the sort of service that is being discussed
utilized[40]. A cloud computing provider is a company here. The Microsoft Azure cloud platform is a flexible
that provides a wide range of information technology cloud platform that provides a variety of capabilities,
including data backup, hosting, and disaster recovery,
services, such as servers, storage, databases, networking,
amongst other features. Microsoft Azure is capable of being
software, analytics, and intelligence. These services have used for a variety of new applications. Another cloud
been offered by the company. One of the most important computing platform that can be accessed over the internet

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

is Microsoft Azure[49]. As the corporation that is credited objective as long as they put in the necessary amount of
with the conception and development of Azure, Microsoft work.
is responsible for both of these things. Cloud computing,
data storage, and security services are all areas of expertise a restriction that is imposed on the amount of freedom
for Rackspace, a company that specializes in such services. that is allowed, while at the same time increasing the degree
In 1998, Rackspace was founded, and its headquarters are of thorough monitoring that is carried out. Only one
located in San Antonio, Texas, in the United States. Visit supplier is allowed to participate. ensuring that both the
their website if you would like to get further information on positive and negative aspects of the present situation are
these servicess[50, 51]. taken into consideration. It is a formal, sociotechnical, and
organizational system that is used to gather, process, store,
In comparison to other solutions that are now available and disseminate data and other information[57]. An
on the market, cloud computing provides levels of information system is also known as an information
performance, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness that will management system. The term "database" is also often used
not be found anywhere else. Through the simplification of to refer to this kind of technology. The collection,
product development timeframes and the incorporation of processing, storing, and dissemination of information are
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into the major roles that it performs. Among the most important
preexisting corporate processes, it enables businesses to responsibilities that fall within the purview of information
experience increased levels of creativity and innovation. systems (IS) are the gathering, examination, storage, and
Both of these elements contribute to a reduction in the transmission of information and data alike. Within the
amount of time necessary to bring a product to realm of sociotechnical analysis, the development of
distribution[52]. The time required to get a product ready information systems necessitates the use of four entirely
for sale in the market may be cut down thanks to both of separate components. The following components are
these factors, which contribute to saving time. A significant included in the sections: the activities that are being carried
reduction in the amount of time necessary to bring a out, the personnel who are participating in the process, the
product to market has occurred as a result of these reasons. structure (or roles), and the technology and its constituent
Any one of these two factors might result in a reduction in parts[58].
the overall amount of physical labor that is required to bring
a product to market successfully. Cloud computing Systems that collect, store, and analyze data are known
provides clients with an experience that is both user- as information systems. These systems are sophisticated
friendly and mobile, allowing them to have more mobility. systems that integrate a variety of components. The
Using cloud computing offers clients the benefit of dissemination of information, the addition of new
increased storage capacity as an added benefit. Users have information to the current body of knowledge, and the
the ability to store data remotely and do analytics on that provision of digital tools that facilitate decision making are
data via the usage of cloud computing. It is no longer their primary goals. Among the goals are the chores of
necessary for educators to depend on costly desktop collecting, storing, and analyzing data; extending the
computers and laptops in order to complete activities information that is already available; and developing digital
involving computing in the classroom[53]. tools that assist in decision-making[59]. The dissemination
of information, the enhancement of previously acquired
The introduction of cloud computing has made it knowledge, and the creation of digital goods that facilitate
possible for individuals to use low-cost mobile devices, decision-making are some of the goals that have been set.
such as smartphones or tablets, to have access to digital Data collection, storage, and processing are the
textbooks, lesson plans, and homework assignments. responsibilities of these systems, which are accountable for
Because of this, educational institutions have been able to supporting the dissemination, addition, and generation of
achieve significant cost savings. Over the last several years, data. All three of those jobs are going to be easier to do as
cloud computing has had a significant spike in popularity, a result of this. The purpose of these components is to
which has resulted in it being a reasonable alternative[54]. promote the exchange of information, the production of
The usage of cloud computing gives customers access to a new knowledge, and the development of digital
variety of services, one of which is the decrease of commodities by collecting data, storing it, and doing
downtime and other interruptions. Individuals who are analysis on it[60, 61].
either employed by one of these companies or linked with
one of these companies are the only ones who are permitted Two of the most important jobs that fall within the
to use cloud services. In order for individuals to make purview of a computer information system are data
advantage of cloud services, they must first become processing and data analysis. These operations often
members of an authorized organization[26, 55]. require a mix of human and machine components. Among
the most important activities that take place inside a
Cloud computing services are exclusively accessible to computer information system are the processing and
companies and the employees that work for such firms. At analysis of data[62]. The capability of a computer
all times, the protection of individuals who are in danger information system to handle and evaluate data that is being
and the confidentiality of information that has been received is one of the most important components of such
revealed are guaranteed to be protected and maintain their a system. The tasks that are described here are the kinds of
integrity. The danger that cloud computing presents to user tasks that a computer information system ought to be
data is significantly increased, which has implications for accountable for doing on behalf of its users. In this context,
the users' rights to privacy and safety. Additionally, in the phrase "preinstalled" is used to indicate a computer that
addition to the issues that were outlined before, this new already has a software program installed on it, regardless of
risk has surfaced as a result of the use of cloud the particular function that the application is intended to
computing[56]. Individuals who have a strong desire to perform[55, 63]. This is the exact connotation that is
deconstruct it will not have any trouble accomplishing their associated with the term. A word that is used to describe the
connected computer hardware and software systems that

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

individuals and companies use to gather, organize, analyze, attain a desired end. It is of the utmost importance to avoid
and produce data is "information systems." This phrase is using the phrases "business processes" and "information
also used to define the area of study that investigates systems" interchangeably wherever possible. This is
systems with a special focus on information. A because there is absolutely no link or resemblance between
comprehensive analysis of information systems include not the two[71].
only the systems that are focused on information but also
the computer hardware and software systems that are used There is a distinction between the notions of
to support these systems[64]. information systems and business processes. There is a
significant correlation between the capacity of an
In the 1960s, this pioneering academic subject was organization to maintain control over its internal operations
established, and since then, it has developed into a booming and the complexity of the information systems
sector that today has a market worth of several billion implemented by that organization. The enormity of the firm
dollars. The market value of this industry has increased does not affect the truth of this statement. It has been
significantly since its beginnings. The subject of study that suggested by Alter that when a corporation recognizes an
focuses on systems, with a particular emphasis on information system as a distinct kind of workplace system,
information, as well as the computer hardware and software it may result in a variety of beneficial benefits. The possible
systems that are associated to it, is referred to as outcomes may include but are not limited to increased
"information systems." These systems function in a manner productivity, lower expenditures, and increased
that is comparable to this. "Information systems" was a contentment among workers[72, 73].
term that was first used in the 1960s by the American
Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)[65, An improvement in employee morale, a decrease in
66]. Since its inception in the 1960s, the word "information expenses, or both, as well as an increase in productivity, are
systems" (IS) has garnered a significant amount of attention all potential outcomes that might result from these affects.
and popularity today. This argument places a significant A work system is defined as "a collection of processes and
amount of emphasis on the several components that actions, performed by either humans or machines, that
comprise an information system, including its borders, utilize resources to deliver a specific output to consumers."
users, processors, storage, inputs, outputs, and This concept is universally applicable, regardless of
communication networks. The whole of the system is whether the processes and actions are carried out by
comprised of these individual sections taken together. humans or robots. The findings may encompass a variety
When referring to the particular department or division of aspects, such as the definition of a work system stated
inside a business that is responsible for the administration above. One of the arguments that might be made in favor
of the company's computer networks and the processing of of the proposal of a work system is that this is one of the
its internal data, the term "information services" is often reasons. To further clarify the meaning of the word "work
used in a variety of different sectors[67]. system," which can be found here, this article provides an
extra explanation. It does not make a difference whether the
The department that is in charge of administering the acts are carried out by people or robots; this term is relevant
company's computer networks is referred to as the "IT in any situation. That is relevant in any imaginable scenario
department" in the term. Under some circumstances, this that might ever occur[74, 75].
may take place within either a department or a division of
the company, depending on the unique circumstances. For the purpose of carrying out an inspection, it is
Enhancing management, decision-making, and operational possible to assign any one of a number of unique categories
efficiency are three major goals that must be prioritized to the processes that are engaged in the activities that are
while creating an information system. It is essential to pay performed at work. Collection, transmission, storage,
attention to these three objectives. The fact is that this is the retrieval, modification, and presentation of information are
case regardless of the kind of information system that you the essential tasks of an information system. Other
are developing. In order to attain success, it is necessary to functions include the ability to modify and show
prioritize the three objectives that were stated before in the information. In addition to that, this article digs into a more
in-depth analysis of the methods that are used in the process
order that was supplied[68]. Information systems are
comprised of an organization's information and of gathering, transferring, keeping, retrieving, and
communications technology (ICT) as well as the manner in presenting information. Not only are information systems
which employees interact with that ICT in order to ensure connected to activity systems, but they are also connected
that business procedures are optimized and that to data systems. This is because of the reality being
productivity is increased. This is done in order to improve discussed before[76]. The fact that was discussed before
the efficiency and efficacy of information systems. The has a direct bearing on this particular outcome. In order to
ideas of information systems, computer systems, and access and process information contained inside a database,
business processes are distinct from one another and should it is necessary to make references to data that has been
not be confused with one another, as stated by a number of recorded in the past. This may be seen as a representation
authors. As a consequence of this, they independently of collective memory. There is a good chance that you are
address these three areas of inquiry in their works[69, 70]. familiar with the concept of an information system;
nonetheless, communication systems are occasionally
Despite the fact that information and communication referred to by the same title. It is possible to draw parallels
technologies are used in these systems, the major focus of between an information system and a less formal language
information systems is not on the technology itself but due to the fact that it assists individuals in improving the
rather on the individual who will ultimately be using the quality of their judgments and the results that they get from
system. One of the reasons behind this is that technology is their activities[77]. This is due to the fact that both of these
only a tool that may be used to accomplish a goal. The things assist people in accomplishing their goals in a more
rationale for this is that technology is not the ultimate goal effective and efficient manner.
in and of itself (ICT), but rather it is a tool that is used to

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

In order to build an information system that is capable is the process of inserting column headings into a ledger
of performing its tasks effectively, it is essential that the six book. This example serves as an illustration of the concept.
components that are listed below come together and align The process of entering column headers into an accounting
with one another. Putting in place a system for information ledger is a good illustration of this phenomenon[85].
is something that is required. Additionally, additional
clarification on their individual components will be Making a pie chart is still another alternative that might
provided in the next paragraph. Prior to beginning the be considered. If we were to take this as an example, we
process of constructing an information system, it is might say that using software is like to inserting column
essential to finish this phase in advance. When we talk heads into a ledger book. Inserting column headers into a
about "hardware," we are referring to a wide variety of ledger book, which can also be considered as an instance of
distinct items, such as tools, machines, and a number of this concept (as shown in the manual for a card catalog), is
different kinds of equipment, amongst other aspects of the one approach to explain this principle. Another way to
world[78, 79]. Every time we make use of the phrase illustrate it is to use a ledger book. The process of entering
"hardware," we are referring to these particular items in factual information, which is sometimes referred to as data,
particular. Since computers and the devices that are into a computer and then subjecting it to computerized
connected to them are vital elements of any modern analysis is required in order to get meaningful insights from
the data. The majority of these ideas were drawn from the
information system, the primary focus of this essay will be
on the computer and its associated devices. An true facts, which are the primary source material for this
investigation of the peripheral devices that are connected to essay which serves as the primary source material[86].
the computer will also be included in this article. The Up until the point that the computer deems that it
fundamental infrastructure, which is comprised of the requires them, the majority of the data that is used in
components that have been outlined, provides support for a modern information systems is kept in a format that is
wide variety of system operations in order to ensure that readable by machines, such as on disks or tapes. The time
they operate without any problems. Data receiving it takes for this procedure to complete might range
hardware, data storage hardware, and data transmission anywhere from a few seconds to several years. This method
hardware are some of the components that make up this may be carried out in a time frame ranging from
system[80, 81]. milliseconds to hours to complete. Depending on how long
It is possible that the first types of record-keeping were it takes to complete, the amount of time it takes to do this
carried out with little more than a sheet of paper and some work might range anywhere from a few seconds to a few
ink before the invention of computers. This took place weeks[81, 87]. Your rate of work will determine the length
before the invention of computers by the computer of time it takes you to do this activity, which might range
industry. When talking about different computer programs, anywhere from a few seconds to several hours. During the
it is common practice to use the term "software" to refer to time when computers were widely available, the
both the programs themselves and the documentation that documentation of databases was often presented in a way
goes along with them. The reason for this is because the that was uncomplicated and simple to understand. As a
term "software" encompasses not just the documentation result of the restricted availability of computers at that time
but also the programs themselves. This is done in order to period, this occurred. This was the normal phenomenon
eliminate the likelihood of any misunderstanding that occurred the majority of the time. It was because of the
occurring. This is done in order to remove any possibility restricted availability of personal computers to the general
of ambiguity that may exist in the situation[82]. These people that this scenario occurred. To what extent does the
instructions are written in a language that can be read by operation of a particular information system depend on the
machines, and they direct the hardware components of the rules and policies that govern it, and what precisely are
computer throughout the process of data analysis in order those rules and policies? In order to accomplish the desired
to produce useful insights. The document containing these end result, the following instruments are required[88, 89].
instructions is written in a language that can be read by It is a typical strategy to emphasize the significance of
machines. Written in a language that can be read by system processes by drawing similarities between them,
machines, these instructions are provided. The language with software serving as the main example in the majority
that is developed specifically for the purpose of creating of instances. In order to accomplish this objective in an
software programs for computers is referred to as a efficient manner, it is necessary to develop linkages
programming language. The computer programming between the program and the operating procedures. In order
language that is used in the process of developing software for any system to work well, it is dependent on a number of
for computers is intended to be comprehended by factors, one of the most important of which is the active
computers[83, 84]. engagement of people[90]. When it comes to determining
Due to the fact that they are more compact than other whether or not an information system has the potential to
alternatives that are readily available, disks or tapes are be successful, the persons who are engaging in the system
often the most suitable storage media for the purpose of are often treated with inadequate attention. It is the quality
storing a program for usage in the future. The reason for of the information itself that is the most important
this is because, in comparison to other options, disks and component in determining whether or not an information
tapes have a storage capacity that is much larger. system will be successful. This component is sometimes
Historically, prior to the widespread availability of overlooked by a large number of people, despite the fact
computers, the term "software" included not only the that it eventually offers the most relevance and makes the
instructions for operating the hardware (for example, greatest contribution to the whole worth. An international
writing column headings in a ledger book), but also the communications network connects all of the persons and
process of configuring the hardware for the purpose for entities that make up the internet[91, 92].
which it was meant to be used. A good example of this idea

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

These individuals and entities include users, operators, to characterize the utilization of computers[97]. There is a
service technicians, data administrators, and network possibility that computers will have a considerable
support professionals. The internet is made up of these influence on the operation of these systems, either in their
linked individuals and entities. With that being said, the use whole or in part. The computer-based information system,
of this resource is not required in order to successfully which is sometimes referred to as "computer-based
finish the work at hand. Sharing information between information system," is the most appropriate illustration of
people and robots makes it easier for both parties to an information system for the current problem. This system
comprehend each other and permits communication properly illustrates the system's most important
between the two. It is very necessary for us to include real characteristics[98, 99].
people as subjects in our research project if we want to get
knowledge that is related to anything other than statistics. The following enumeration covers fundamental parts
Only information that is statistical in nature will be typically incorporated into computer-based information
available. The only data that we are allowed to collect is systems: Within a computer system, "hardware"
statistical information because of the extraordinary encompasses the display, the central processing unit (CPU),
circumstances surrounding this incident. The the input/output (I/O) devices, and the input devices. The
transformation of the data that was gathered into input devices are also included as additional examples. It is
common practice to refer to the physical components of a
information that has some significance will be the
completion of the process of obtaining these computer as its "hardware," and this word is used to
components[93]. explicitly refer to these components. Additional examples
of various sorts of equipment include printers and scanners,
The pyramidal model of information systems, which which are shown below for your reference. Additionally,
was presented in textbooks from the 1980s, was developed there are input devices like as keyboards and mouse, as well
with the intention of re-creating the traditional structure of as peripherals such as printers, scanners, and network
organizational hierarchy. Through the use of three distinct adapters such as these[25, 100]. If the software that is
layers of information, this purpose was successfully loaded on a computer does not provide support for the
accomplished. Through the use of a three-tier design, we hardware of the machine, then the hardware will be unable
were able to successfully achieve this aim. For the purpose to execute the tasks that it was designed to accomplish in
of satisfying this need, the decision was taken to implement an effective manner. Databases are organized repositories
the information system in the form of a pyramidal structure. of data that are linked together and saved in tables or files.
According to this theory, management information systems These tables and files are also used to link and store data
were placed at the base of the pyramid, which was the inside the databases themselves. The whole of a database is
lowest level. Subsequently, the introduction of decision made up of files and tables that are linked to one another
support systems, executive information systems, and and stored together[100]. It is possible to establish links
transaction processing systems occurred in that particular between these snippets of data. A group of computers that
order[94, 95]. On the other hand, there has been a are linked to one another and work together to share
significant amount of development made in the disciplines information and a variety of other resources is known as a
of information systems and technological breakthroughs network. By establishing connections with one another,
since the pyramid model was first established. When used these computers create a network. All of these pieces of
in the informational and technical realms of the modern machinery are connected to one another via a single
day, the traditional approach to problem-solving often network that links them all. Protocols are a collection of
results in providing solutions that are less than ideal. A instructions that specify the exact sequence in which
wide variety of information systems are available to users. components are assembled. This ensures that the
Some examples of these systems include search engines, components are subjected to the necessary processing and
process control systems, expert systems, multimedia produce the desired result. It is the predicted consequence
information systems, social information systems, that this outcome will occur. When all of the components
geographic information systems, global information are brought together in this fashion, it will be feasible to get
systems, and management information systems. Expert the result that is wanted[101, 102].
systems, search engines, and management information
systems are all examples of subcategories that fall under Within the realm of information technology, the term
this umbrella[96]. "IT platform" refers to the whole of the hardware, software,
database, and network components. After successfully
Information systems may also be broken down into completing this level, experts in the field of information
further categories, such as management information technology will be able to use these components to
systems, geographic information systems, and social construct information systems for the purpose of
information systems. Every one of these components may monitoring preventative measures, potential threats, and
be grouped together under the umbrella term of information data management. The companies that may be classified in
systems. In addition, there are products that are referred to this manner are often referred to as "information
separately as global management information systems and technology services" or elsewhere referred to as "IT
global information systems, respectively. These two services." The majority of an organization's information
entities are instances of information systems that are systems are designed to provide assistance for specific
accessible to users. Both of them are open to users. Those departments, the whole organization, and even, in certain
information systems (IS) that are able to accomplish their cases, external groups that are partnering with the business.
objectives via the use of computers are referred to as With regard to the vast majority of information systems,
computer-based information systems. Computers may be this is applicable[103, 104].
the only or partial source of dependence for these systems.
In order to indicate that computers are being used in a This is due to the fact that the bulk of an organization's
productive manner, the word "computer-based" is utilized efforts are focused on giving assistance to other
departments that are located inside the same firm. The

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

practice of assigning separate data storage systems and included in this list. A few examples are shown below. A
software applications to each department or division of a great number of more instances exist, and these are only a
company is considered to be standard practice. The handful of them. In addition to these examples, there are a
standard operating procedure that has been set by the great many more. These are only a few examples.
organization is followed in order to carry out its Dashboards are a subfield of information technology (IS),
responsibilities. The aforementioned procedure is one that which happens to be one of the topics that lie under the
is carried out in a routine and consistent manner. In umbrella of the more general discipline of information
accordance with the standard operating procedure of the systems. Streamlining and improving the quality of
organization, it is necessary to carry out the task in the management decision-making at all levels of an
manner that is described. Apart from these basic application organization was the major objective that led to the
interfaces (FAIs), more complicated information systems, development of dashboard designs[113, 114].
such as business intelligence tools and dashboards, are
created. The basis for the construction of these very Because to their assistance, you will be able to quickly
complex information systems is provided by these and easily obtain up-to-date information and data that is
Fundamental Artificial Intelligences, often known as well-organized in the form of reports, which will save you
FAIs[105]. Beyond these foundational artificial both time and work. To attain the same degree of
performance as human specialists in a certain field,
intelligence systems (FAIs), there are also the following:
computer programs known as expert systems are designed
The development of intelligent systems (IS) that are to achieve the same level of expertise. They are able to do
more complex will take place. Each of the FAIS, which is this by using human-like reasoning, being knowledgeable
an acronym that stands for accounting information systems, about the area, and having experience. Expert systems have
finance information systems, production-operation the potential to fulfill their promise by using human-level
management (POM) information systems, marketing reasoning, domain-specific knowledge, and experience at
information systems, and human resources information their disposal[115]. In expert systems, the use of human-
systems, offers assistance for a particular business process level reasoning, domain-specific knowledge, and
that is carried out within the larger organization[106]. In experience all contribute to the emergence of this
accordance with the nomenclature of the FAIS, the capability. The use of human-level reasoning in expert
processes that are being discussed are as follows: systems, in conjunction with subject-specific knowledge
production-operation management (POM) information and experience, allows for the possibility of this potential
systems, marketing information systems, accounting materializing. Expert systems have the potential to exceed
information systems, and finance information systems. In human experts in their respective fields as a result of the
addition to marketing information systems and human characteristics that have been discussed above. There are
resources information systems, financial advisory some computer programs that are able to attain high levels
information systems, which are sometimes abbreviated as of performance because they make use of specialized
FAIS, are also part of the category[107]. The marketing knowledge and experience that is highly suitable with the
information systems and the human resources information particular industry in which they are employed. As a
systems are two further examples of FAIS. Managers in the consequence of this, the programs are able to achieve their
accounting and financial industries are heavily reliant on objectives in a timely manner[116, 117].
information technology (IT) systems in order to carry out a
broad variety of obligations. These responsibilities include A. Sustainability
guaranteeing the organization's continued viability and Sustainability refers to the ability to meet present needs
maintaining accurate financial records. These managers are without compromising the ability of future generations to
accountable for a wide variety of tasks and obligations with meet their own needs. In the context of integrating AI, IoT,
varying degrees of responsibility[108, 109]. and enterprise systems, sustainability encompasses the
The forecasting of future revenue and activity, the environmental, economic, and social impacts of these
creation of a budget for capital expenditures, and the technologies. It involves optimizing resource usage,
execution of auditing processes are all included in these reducing environmental footprints, ensuring economic
activities. Among these jobs is the responsibility of viability, and promoting social well-being through the
anticipating income and activities, in addition to managing responsible deployment and management of advanced
the budget for capital expenditures and other obligations. technologies. This holistic approach aims to create long-
The responsibilities that fall under this category also term value and resilience for businesses, societies, and the
encompass a number of additional responsibilities[110]. In environment [1].
addition, this group includes needs that are not in the
previous category. Auditing, accounting for capital
B. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
expenditures, estimating future income and activities, and
conducting revenue and activity predictions are some of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has garnered significant
obligations that fall within the purview of this domain's area attention and exploration, with researchers focusing on
of responsibility[111]. Other responsibilities that fall under enhancing it through the development of advanced machine
this category include. The following is a list of the various learning algorithms and the creation of intelligent systems.
types of information systems that are typically utilized by The aim of AI research is to broaden the capabilities of
businesses: executive dashboards, expert systems, supply machines in comprehension, reasoning, and decision-
chain management systems, electronic commerce systems, making processes [2].
and financial accounting information systems[112].
Enterprise resource planning, transaction processing AI researchers are looking into better ways to make
systems, office automation systems, management machine learning algorithms more accurate and efficient.
information systems, and executive dashboards are also They are trying out new methods and models that work well

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

with big datasets, improve how well AI systems can to fix biases and make sure AI systems are built and used
perform in various situations, and make it easier to in a fair and responsible way [120]. They are creating rules
understand how these systems work. Also, researchers are and guidelines to address possible dangers of AI, such as
working on AI algorithms that can learn from a small issues with privacy, biases in algorithms, and how
amount of data or adjust to new conditions, allowing automation affects society. Interdisciplinary research in AI
machines to get better at what they do as time goes on [3]. is becoming more popular, with researchers from different
Figure 1. displays an architecture of artificial intelligence. areas working together to solve complicated problems. AI
experts are joining forces with specialists in psychology,
neuroscience, sociology, and other fields to better
understand human intelligence and behavior [118]. This
approach combines different fields to develop AI systems
that are smart and can interact with humans more naturally.
In summary, AI research is a dynamic and growing area,
with experts investigating many aspects of this game-
changing technology [121]. New developments in areas
like machine learning, natural language understanding,
computer vision, and ethics are helping shape the future of
artificial intelligence (AI). With ongoing research and new
ideas, AI could transform various industries, make
decision-making better, and improve how humans interact
with machines.

C. IoT Concept and Terminology

• Internet of Things (IoT) Definition

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network that is
Fig. 1. Artificial Intelligence Architecture comprised of a variety of devices and sensors that are
connected to one another and communicate information via
Another research area in AI is natural language the use of the internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an
processing (NLP), which aims to help machines understand immensely essential component of the architectural,
and produce human language [118]. Researchers are engineering, and construction (AEC) business. This is due
creating programs that help computers understand and to the fact that technology makes it feasible to produce
analyze text. This lets machines do things like figure out intelligent buildings. These buildings are outfitted with
the mood of the text, summarize it, and translate it into sensors that monitor a range of variables, such as
other languages. Also, research in natural language temperature, light intensity, occupancy, and energy use,
processing (NLP) is focused on making AI systems better among others. The information that is obtained from these
at chatting with people, allowing for smoother and more sensors is used to improve the functioning of the building,
aware conversations. Figure 2. displays a typical artificial which ensures that the people who live in the building are
intelligence workflow. comfortable and that they are able to make the most
effective use of energy. An example of this would be the
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that are employed in
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
These technologies have the power to autonomously alter
temperature and airflow in order to reduce the amount of
energy that is needed. The use of this strategy results in an
improvement in the efficiency with which resources are
utilized and a prolongation of the lifespan of structures,
both of which eventually contribute to the development of
sustainability [124]. According to Ashton, the term
"Internet of Things" (IoT) was used in 2009 to describe
radio-frequency identifications that are connected to
internet connections in order to enhance the functioning of
supply chain systems [122]. The Internet of Things (IoT) is
often seen as a network of physical items that are linked to
the internet. This is a popular way of thinking about the IoT
itself. These devices have the capacity to generate, access,
Fig. 2. A Typical Artificial Intelligence Workflow and record data in real time, which may be used for the
purposes of monitoring and as a basis for decision-making
Computer vision is an important field in AI that helps in a wide range of applications.
computers see and understand images. Researchers are
working on creating programs that can identify objects, As can be seen in Figure 4, the fundamental framework of
follow movements, and make sense of detailed visual an Internet of Things (IoT) system is composed of four
environments [119]. This study has many uses, such as self- major levels, which are as follows: The physical layer, the
driving cars, medical scans, security cameras, and cloud layer, the communication layer, and the service
augmented reality. Also, there is a lot of focus on ethics and framework are the four layers that make up the software
fairness in AI research. Researchers are looking into ways stack. These levels encompass all of the main components

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

that are required for any Internet of Things (IoT) strategy, prevent data breaches. Because of this, the significance of
including the hardware, software, network, and integration this phase cannot be overstated. Cloud storage is very
components. This is the text that the user has supplied, popular for a number of reasons, one of which is that it has
which is "[124]." It is possible to get an overview of each the ability to extend, adapt, and handle vast volumes of data
layer by using the following procedure: while simultaneously lowering the amount of data that is
lost [128]. Due to the fact that the concept of the cloud layer
in the Internet of Things domain is distinct from that of
1. Physical Layer cloud computing or mobile computing, it is essential to
emphasize that these three types of computing are not
The physical layer of the building is comprised of a wide necessarily comparable in terms of the concepts or
range of sensors, actuators, processors, and other pieces of procedures that they include. This is because the cloud
hardware that are intelligently coupled to one another in layer is a component of the Internet of Things. Due to the
order to facilitate interaction with the environment that fact that the cloud layer is a component of the Internet of
surrounds the structure. In order to identify and respond to Things, this is the case. Figure 3 provides a graphical
events that take place within the structures, these sensors illustration of the linkages and overlaps that exist between
have been devised and built specifically for the goal of mobile computing, cloud computing, and Internet of
recognizing and reacting to such events. Internet of Things Things computing. This illustration may be found in the
(IoT) sensors often have low power consumption and are Figure 3 diagram.
thus cost-effective. This is because they are a component of
the Internet of Things. Several distinct types of sensors
have been designed expressly for a wide range of
applications. These sensors come in a wide number of
configurations. There are many applications for these
sensors, some of which include the following: energy
sensors, which are used to monitor the amount of energy
that a building consumes; medical sensors, which are used
to track health; pressure sensors, which are used to detect
occupancy; and environmental and chemical sensors,
which monitor the environmental conditions of the
building. It is the task of actuators, which are responsible
for modifying the condition of a structure, to convert
electrical impulses into physical motion. Actuators are
responsible for this transition. [125] In the construction of
buildings, actuators are used for the purpose of controlling
temperatures, activating or deactivating electrical
equipment, and triggering alarm systems. Actuators are
also employed to control the temperature of the structure.
2. Cloud Layer
Different kinds of technology are used by the cloud Fig. 3. Mobile, IoT, and Cloud computing paradigms [15].
layer in a variety of different ways. Computing, database
administration, and the processing of significant amounts 3. Communication Layer
of data are all examples of technologies that fall under this Within the framework that is made up of the Internet of
category. This layer is responsible for storing the Things, the communication layer, which is also sometimes
information that is acquired by sensors. Following that, the referred to as the network layer, is the one that is
information is evaluated by means of specific algorithms in accountable for the establishment of connections between
order to provide assistance with decision-making. As soon the various components of the system. This particular layer
as it is finished, the data is sent to the service layer so that provides support for the use of a broad variety of network
it may be shown [126]. The servers that are utilized in the technologies. The most important role of this layer is to
cloud layer typically include the following: (1) a MQTT facilitate the transmission of data to higher levels in a
Broker, which is responsible for facilitating manner that is not only accurate but also secure. This layer's
communication between edge devices and ensuring primary objective is to make this transfer simpler. This
protection against unauthorized access; (2) an Analytics layer [128], which is responsible for delivering that
Engine Server, which is accountable for analyzing data and connection, has the objective of establishing a link between
making informed decisions; (3) a Web Server, which is all of the computer equipment that is located inside a
responsible for managing data transmission to and from the building and the internet. Through the use of Internet
database; and (4) a Storage Server, which is specifically Protocol (IP), each of the computers will be able to
designated for the purpose of data storage [127]. The communicate with one another, which is made possible via
processing of data within the architecture of the cloud this connection. There are a variety of communication
results in the elimination of unnecessary information, technologies that may be used in the construction of
which ultimately leads to an improvement in the accuracy monitoring and control systems. Some examples of these
and dependability of the data. This is a consequence of the technologies are Ethernet, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, Zigbee, mobile
cloud's design. This phase is important because it has the communications, Long Range Wide Area Network
potential to avoid data breaches that are caused by factors (LoRaWAN), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and
such as power instability, network outages, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). An additional illustration of
electromagnetic interference in communication networks
[126]. This phase is essential because it has the capacity to

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

this would be the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and the interference. One other advantage is that it provides
Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). assistance in reducing interference.
In accordance with the standard that was issued by the ZigBee is a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
IEEE 802.3 Association, the Ethernet standard is a wired that is not only cost-effective but also comes in compliance
local area network (LAN) technology that is widely used with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. In accordance with the
and conforms with the standard. In addition to making it specifications, this is the case[130]. This communication
easier to establish connections between devices via the use protocol is quite complicated and was developed expressly
of physical cables for the purpose of transmitting data, the for the purpose of serving applications that need low data
speed at which data is sent is contingent upon the kind of rates and do not require a substantial amount of energy
cable that is being employed. Fiber optic cables, twisted despite the fact that it was built for such applications. The
pairs, and coaxial cables are all types of network cables that ZigBee protocol has the capability of concurrently
are instances of Ethernet cables. Generally speaking, there transmitting data at speeds ranging from forty kilobytes per
are a great deal of distinct varieties of Ethernet cables. Data second to two hundred and fifty kilobytes per second. This
transfer rates that vary from 100 Mb/s to 1000 Mb/s are is a possibility. This device is capable of operating in a
made possible by Ethernet technology, which is also much frequency range that extends from 868 MHz all the way up
more cost-effective than other methods. When compared to to 2.4 GHz. It is claimed in [131] that the range of these
other technologies, which provide far lower data transfer broadcasts is restricted to a narrow area, which is between
speeds, this is a significant difference. On the other hand, it 10 and 20 meters. ZigBee is the mesh networking
is only suitable for applications that involve the transfer of technology that is now being used in the field of building
data across very minute spatial distances [125]. automation and control systems [125]. This is the case at
the present time. The ZigBee protocol is associated with a
Wi-Fi refers to a wireless local area network (LAN) that number of benefits, some of which are cost-effectiveness,
is in line with the requirements of the IEEE 802.11 low duty cycle, reliable data transfer, straightforward
standard. When we talk about Wi-Fi, we are referring to analog circuitry, simplicity of installation, and low power
this kind of network. The a, b, c, d, g, and n standards are consumption [132]. ZigBee offers a variety of benefits to
only some of the many possible variants of these criteria its users.
that are available. For the purpose of facilitating the
construction of network connections and the transport of The term "mobile communication" refers to a set of
data between different devices, radio waves are used. standards that have evolved throughout time. Each
According to its capabilities, it is able to reach data transfer generation of these standards is capable of operating on
speeds that range from one megabit per second to six and a cellular networks that have varying data transmission
half gigabits per second. Wi-Fi is a wireless networking speeds. In the context of mobile communication, the phrase
technology that operates within a frequency band that "mobile communication" refers to the notion of mobile
ranges from 5 GHz to 60 GHz and offers a communication communication. The first generation (1G) has a data
distance that may be anywhere from 20 to 100 meters [125]. transfer rate of 2.4 kilobits per second (kb/s), the second
Wi-Fi is responsible for allowing wireless networks to generation (2G) has a range of 50 to 100 kilobits per second
function. There are a multitude of significant advantages (kb/s), the third generation (3G) achieves a speed of 200
that Wi-Fi offers, some of which include its vast kilobits per second (kb/s), and the fourth generation (4G)
transmission range, speedy data rate, and wide bandwidth provides a speed between 0.1 and 1 gigabits per second
configuration in comparison to other technologies. (Gb/s) [133]. Beginning at 865 MHz and going all the way
up to 2.4 GHz, the frequency range that is consistently used
WiMAX is a wireless communication technology that in the area of mobile communications spans the whole
is in accordance with the standard that was established by spectrum.
the IEEE 802.16 convention, which is responsible for
developing the standard. Additionally, it is able to handle An open standard is used by this cutting-edge
frequency division multiplexing (FDD), as well as temporal communication technology, which was developed for use
division multiplexing (TDM). In addition to these two in networks that are on a large size and is suited for use in
skills, it also has a number of other capabilities. For the such networks. These sorts of networks are the ones that
purpose of achieving the objective of connecting a wide LoRaWAN is designed to operate with. By allowing for
range of computer equipment to the internet, it is necessary data transfer rates ranging from 0.3 kbps to 50 kbps, this
to make use of microwave radio technology [129]. Because technology makes it possible for low-powered devices to
it utilizes a high-frequency bandwidth that runs at communicate across an extensive distance. It is possible to
frequencies ranging from 2 gigahertz to 66 gigahertz, choose from a number of different data transmission
WiMAX is able to offer a variety of data transmission speeds. This strategy is used in the great majority of
speeds, ranging from 1.5 megabits per second to 1 gigabit instances whenever it is applied to commercial structures
per second. This capabilities allow WiMAX to deliver a that are really intricate. Data transfer between the many
wide range of data transmission speeds. However, the vast devices that compose a LoRaWAN network and the central
majority of applications have a propensity to operate inside network server is handled via the gateways that are linked
the frequency ranges that are situated between 3.5 GHz and to the network server [134]. The transmission of data is
5.8 GHz. This is because these ranges are the most efficient. accomplished via the use of gateways.
In addition to having a range that may extend up to fifty-
five kilometers, WiMAX is also capable of transferring Radio frequency identification, often known as RFID,
data over very long distances. It is possible that WiMAX is a communication system that use radio waves in order to
might be able to give with this capabilities. This makes it identify and monitor a variety of things. RFID technology
superior than Wi-Fi in terms of transmission range, and it is also known as radio frequency identification. A one-of-
also helps to reduce interference and other sorts of a-kind digital identity is assigned to each individual product
interference. Another benefit is that it helps to reduce in order to facilitate the process of automatically identifying

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VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

items and allowing them to be linked to a network. This is in charge of the back-end, which includes the facilitation of
done in order to facilitate the procedure. In order to monitor the formation of usernames and passwords, the verification
the state of an item, a radio frequency identification (RFID) of authentication codes, the checking of device status, the
technology is comprised of three components: a tag that is support of commands, and the administration of lists of
attached to the item in order to monitor its state, a reader locations and devices. JS is responsible for all of these
that extracts data from the tags and provides the necessary things. Each and every one of these items is JS's
signal, and a database that stores the information that has responsibility. The information that has been analyzed is
been obtained throughout the process of tracking. In a sent to a mobile application in the form of Extensible
broad range of contexts, such as hospitals, enterprises, and Markup Language (XML) via the way that the internet is
transportation firms, the widespread use of this technology used. As a consequence of this, users are provided with an
has become a routine practice [135]. easy avenue via which they may obtain the information.
According to the kind of mobile device that is being used,
Experts are in agreement that the Bluetooth Low Energy it is possible that the mobile application might be produced
(BLE) protocol is a low-energy communication option for for either the Android or iOS operating system [125]. This
the Internet of Things (IoT) that is primarily designed for is something that is feasible.
devices that are powered by batteries [136]. This is the
consensus among experts. This technology comes with a It is the obligation of the service layer, which is responsible
multitude of benefits, some of which include the fact that it for enabling users to communicate with and use the Internet
is compatible with a broad variety of smartphone operating of Things (IoT) system, to present a significant threat that
systems, that it is accessible to a large range of smartphone has the ability to put the authentication and security aspects
operating systems, and that it is simply simple to put into of the system at risk. They are responsible for providing this
practice [137]. In contrast to the standard Bluetooth threat. The use of strategies is often carried out with the
protocol, the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol makes purpose of reducing the severity of this circumstance.
use of radio frequencies that operate at 2.4 GHz. However, Furthermore, it is necessary that the security and
it employs a modulation strategy that is less complex than authentication approaches be both robust and adaptable in
the standard Bluetooth protocol. Bluetooth Low Energy order to ensure that interface operations are effectively
(BLE) is most often used for the purpose of providing carried out in a broad variety of circumstances. This is
location services in smart homes, commercial buildings, because it is vital that the techniques be both strong and
and applications that are associated with healthcare [125]. flexible. The systems that are part of the Internet of Things
(IoT) are supported by a wide range of protocols that have
been developed expressly for them. It has been shown that
these techniques are highly helpful. MQTT, the
Constrained Application Protocol (COAP), the Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON), Transport Layer Security (TLS),
Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), and Routing
Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) are
some of the protocols that fall under this category. In
addition, this category encompasses a number of other
protocols as well. Users have the opportunity to alter the
functionality of their system without compromising its
performance since they are able to adapt these protocols.
This gives users the flexibility to customize the
functionality of their system. With regard to the selection
of a protocol for an Internet of Things system, there are a
number of significant factors that need to be taken into
mind [140]. Among the characteristics that are covered in
Fig. 4. IoT system architecture. this category are network design, openness,
interoperability, and network range. Additional criteria
4. Service Layer include network range.
A mediator between the users and the system that is linked • IoT Terminology
to the Internet of Things is the duty of the service layer [28].
In addition, the components of Internet of Things
This obligation falls within the service layer's purview.
systems may be categorized into three fundamental
Users have the ability to see processed data in the form of
components by making use of the technical language that is
graphs, charts, or spreadsheets, and they also have the
provided in the following literature [141]. This
ability to remotely handle a variety of devices that are
classification is possible while taking into account the
connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). The system's
collecting of data in real time and the transmission of
interfaces may be accessible via the use of mobile devices
information. In addition to the four layers that are explained
or through the use of the internet. When it comes to the
in Section 2.3.1 and shown in Figure 3, these components
process of constructing the user interface of the online
are also included in the package.
terminal, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and/or
JavaScript (JS) are tools that are used. A login page, which 1. In the first place, the Internet of Things (IoT) is
is made possible by HTML, which is responsible for the distinguished by its physical layer, which is comprised of
front face of the website, allows users to access their hardware. Intelligent sensors, integrated communication
accounts and device information. This page also allows devices, and actuators are the components that make up
users to access their device information. Additionally, JS is this system. These components are put in buildings so that

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VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

remote monitoring and control services may be provided. example, predictive maintenance algorithms can forecast
Within the framework of the Internet of Things (IoT), the equipment failures and schedule timely maintenance,
primary objective of hardware is to establish a connection reducing downtime and costs [143].
between the digital and physical components of the
Internet of Things systems. As a consequence of this, it is IoT Integration: IoT sensors and devices collect data from
now feasible to collect data about the surrounding the physical environment and transmit it to enterprise
environment and to transmit this data to devices that are systems. This real-time data enables organizations to
linked to the internet [141]. monitor conditions, track assets, and improve operational
efficiency. For instance, IoT-enabled supply chain
2. Middleware: Middleware is a set of software management can track inventory levels and optimize
components that helps to transfer and retrieve logistics [144].
information. Middleware is also known as "middleware."
For example, databases, servers, protocols, and queries • Integration ERP and AI
are all included in these components. A collection of The integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
software components is precisely what is meant by the systems with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
term "middleware." In addition to other items, this represents a transformative advancement in business
component of the Internet of items (IoT) refers to the operations. This fusion leverages AI's capabilities in data
layer that encompasses cloud computing and wireless analysis, machine learning, and automation to enhance the
communication. The collection, analysis, and storage of functionalities of traditional ERP systems [7]. Key benefits
data extracted from a wide range of sensors are all of this integration include:
components of this process. In addition to this, the
middleware is accountable for the elimination of 1. Enhanced Decision-Making: AI-driven analytics
superfluous data and the establishment of contact with the provide deep insights and predictive capabilities,
cloud in order to send vital information. Moreover, it is enabling more informed and timely decision-making.
liable for the installation and administration of a broad This helps organizations anticipate market trends,
variety of intelligent devices, the monitoring of the optimize inventory levels, and forecast demand
energy consumption of these devices, and the guarantee accurately.
of the reliability and secrecy of all data that is sent [142]. 2. Process Automation: AI automates routine and
These are all extra responsibilities that it is responsible repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoice processing,
for. and compliance checks. This reduces human error, frees
3. Presentation: This aspect of the Internet of Things (IoT) up employee time for strategic activities, and increases
involves the service layer, which includes resources for overall productivity.
visualization and interpretation that are helped by 3. Improved Efficiency: AI algorithms optimize resource
computers. Users are able to see and manage the systems allocation and workflow processes, ensuring that
that are connected to the Internet of Things. In order to operations run smoothly and efficiently. For example,
provide users with assistance in digesting processed data AI can schedule maintenance for equipment based on
and engaging with their built environment, a variety of usage patterns and predictive analytics, reducing
apps that have been developed particularly for mobile and downtime and maintenance costs.
internet platforms have been developed [125].
4. Personalized Customer Experience: AI enhances CRM
modules within ERP systems by analyzing customer
D. Enterprise Systems data to provide personalized recommendations, targeted
marketing, and improved customer service, leading to
• Enterprise Systems Definition higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. 5. Real-Time
Monitoring and Adaptability: AI-integrated ERP
Enterprise systems, also known as enterprise resource systems can continuously monitor business processes in
planning (ERP) systems, are integrated software platforms real-time and adapt to changes dynamically. This agility
used by organizations to manage and automate core allows businesses to respond quickly to disruptions,
business processes across various departments. These market changes, and operational challenges.
systems are designed to streamline operations, enhance
information flow, and improve decision-making by 6. Cost Savings: By improving efficiency, reducing
providing a unified view of the organization's data and errors, and automating tasks, AI integration leads to
processes [5]. significant cost savings. Businesses can achieve better
financial management and allocate resources more
• Integration with AI and IoT effectively.
The integration of AI and IoT with enterprise systems 7. Enhanced Data Management: AI improves data quality
represents a significant advancement in how organizations and integrity by identifying and correcting
manage their operations. AI technologies can enhance inconsistencies, ensuring that the data used for
enterprise systems by providing predictive analytics, decision-making is accurate and reliable.
automating decision-making processes, and optimizing
resource allocation. IoT devices can feed real-time data into • Integration ERP and IoT
enterprise systems, enabling better monitoring and control Since that the semantic web is regarded as an efficient
of physical assets and processes [6]. approach for achieving system integration, a model for
AI Integration: AI algorithms can analyze large volumes of integrating ERP and IoT is presented here. This model
data generated by enterprise systems to identify patterns, involves integrating cloud ERP APIs and Things as a
predict outcomes, and provide actionable insights. For Service. [145]. As illustrated in Figure 5, the Internet of

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

Things (IoT) encompasses sensors, actuators, and now allows customers to track product status, usage,
applications (either on mobile devices or Windows behavior, wear, and tear. Some advanced IoT devices
platforms). The sensors gather data based on the actions of can even signal when parts need replacement.
the actuators. This data forms a unified framework that
enables sharing and connection to the cloud via the 8. Products can be sold directly to customers or through
Semantic Web. Additionally, the data is connected to IoT dealers. The latter poses a challenge for ERP systems in
applications through the cloud. Enterprise Resource tracking end-user data. IoT addresses this by enabling
Planning (ERP) systems also manage and control this data products to communicate with customers immediately
via the cloud. The integration of IoT and ERP offers after activation.
numerous benefits, such as: 9. IoT facilitates the automatic scanning and entry of
barcode data in real-time, reducing human intervention
through sensors embedded in machines, thus improving
production efficiency.
10. In supply chains, IoT facilitates the monitoring of
products or equipment as they progress through various
phases, furnishing up-to-the-minute data. This
instantaneous data is integrated into the ERP system,
enabling stakeholders to monitor the connections
between the product lifecycle and material flow.

• Sustainability Considerations
Enterprise systems play a crucial role in promoting
sustainability within organizations by enabling more
efficient use of resources, reducing waste, and supporting
sustainable business practices [5]. They can help:
Fig. 5. IoT and cloud ERP integration model. 1. Resource Optimization: By providing insights into
1. Events like re-orders, replenishments, stock shortages, resource consumption and identifying areas for
and missed deliveries can be automatically reported improvement, enterprise systems can help
through internet-connected sensors and devices. organizations optimize their use of materials, energy,
and other resources.
2. IoT enables the sending of notifications and warnings
to manufacturers, such as alerts for product attention or 2. Waste Reduction: Improved process control and
machine downtime. However, this functionality is only automation can lead to reduced waste and higher quality
effective when business processes are adapted to this outputs, contributing to environmental sustainability.
new model and can respond to it. 3. Sustainable Supply Chains: Enterprise systems can
3. IoT generates a vast amount of data that must be enhance supply chain transparency, allowing
collected, processed, and analyzed properly to fully organizations to track and manage the environmental
benefit from IoT ERP. The reliability of this software is and social impacts of their suppliers.
a significant concern, as IoT ERP must handle large
data influxes from various devices and products.
Manufacturing companies need to prepare extensively, III. LITERATURE REVIEW
considering their current ERP system's capacity to
Abulibdeh et al. (2024) examined the influence of
connect to IoT.
Industry 4.0, characterized by advanced technologies such
4. Real-time information is essential for instant solutions. as automation, IoT, AI, and smart factories, on the
Integrating ERP and IoT facilitates real-time data and educational landscape. It underscored the necessity for a
immediate solutions, with ERP providing a clear proficient workforce and emphasized the pivotal role of
understanding of the situation and IoT offering potential higher education institutions (HEIs) in updating their
solutions. IoT can generate unnecessary data, which curricula to align with industry requirements. The
ERP can filter to improve business processes. importance of Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) was also highlighted, in accordance with global
5. The integrated system can protect company products initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
from theft through sensors, sending alert messages if a The incorporation of AI tools in education, notably
package is tampered with before reaching its ChatGPT, was investigated, recognizing its potential for
destination. transformation while also raising ethical considerations and
6. IoT solutions safeguard special or sensitive products emphasizing the importance of continuous learning
with specific maintenance requirements, such as strategies. The research identified gaps in existing literature
temperature or pressure, from environmental hazards, regarding AI's impact on ESD, curriculum development,
thereby preserving their quality throughout and collaboration between academia and industry.
transportation. Recommendations included adaptable curricula, faculty
training, ethical AI implementation, and stakeholder
7. Traditionally, manufacturers could only check the involvement to effectively harness the benefits of AI in
quality of shipped products through basic methods like education and equip students for the challenges posed by
customer service calls or field visits. IoT technology Industry 4.0. [146].

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VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

Morchid et al. (2024) explored was the role of sensors industry, agriculture, smart cities, smart homes, and
and the Internet of Things (IoT) in tackling agricultural transportation, emphasizing its role in enhancing processes,
challenges, balancing the needs of a growing population efficiency, decision-making, and quality of life. It
with environmental preservation. It offered insights into the particularly focused on how IoT revolutionized industrial
anticipated global market size for smart agriculture agriculture, notably aquaculture, by increasing production,
spanning from 2021 to 2030 and delved into the four layers reducing costs, ensuring environmental sustainability, and
of IoT architecture tailored for smart agricultural practices. improving food product traceability. Additionally, it
Diverse potential applications of IoT and sensor mentioned a bibliometric study that analyzed IoT-related
technologies in agriculture were illuminated, encompassing industrial sectors from 2018 to 2023, highlighting popular
tasks such as irrigation monitoring, fertilizer management, domains and prevalent technologies aimed at optimizing
crop disease detection, and monitoring of climatic operations and reducing costs. The study anticipated a
conditions. The study underscored the benefits of promising future for IoT in agriculture, especially with AI
employing IoT in agriculture, citing enhancements in integration, which was expected to elevate precision,
efficiency, resource conservation, and product quality, sustainability, and automation. It concluded by hinting at
while also acknowledging hurdles that must be overcome forthcoming research on integrating IoT and AI to monitor
for widespread implementation. It emphasized the and enhance water quality in aquaculture fish farms,
necessity of collaborative efforts among governments, showcasing the efficiency of these technologies [6].
private sector entities, and stakeholders to formulate
policies and strategies conducive to the seamless Ebirim et al. (2024) presented a critical review of
integration of IoT and sensor technologies in agriculture, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
ensuring sustainable and efficient food production for implementation in Multinational Corporations (MNCs),
forthcoming generations [147]. emphasizing trends, challenges, and future directions. It
highlighted the increasing reliance on integrated software
Lawal and Rafsanjani (2022) provided an in-depth solutions, incorporating emerging technologies like
examination of the current state of IoT technologies within artificial intelligence and blockchain. Challenges included
residential and commercial structures, emphasizing their cultural diversity, regulatory differences, and balancing
capacity to convert traditional buildings into intelligent, standardization with customization. Successful cases
streamlined, and safe environments. The review involved top management commitment, user training, and
categorized research into various applications, such as phased implementation strategies. Future directions
home automation, energy management systems, and included the adoption of cloud-based solutions, Industry
healthcare facilities for residential buildings, and office 4.0 technologies, and green ERP initiatives. The review
buildings, healthcare facilities, educational buildings, and underscored the importance of ongoing research, user-
restaurants/retail facilities for commercial buildings. The centric strategies, longitudinal studies, and policy
paper identified trends, benefits, risks, and future harmonization to ensure efficient and sustainable ERP
challenges of IoT implementation in built environments, implementations in the global business landscape [149].
emphasizing challenges like integration of IoT
technologies, data management, and privacy/security risks. Cortiñas-Lorenzo et al. (2024) introduced the "looking-
It noted a greater focus on commercial buildings compared glass metaphor" to conceptualize AI systems as both
to residential ones and suggested future research directions, reflecting and distorting information, thereby expanding
including the integration of IoT with Nanotechnology and the understanding of transparency requirements and
the utilization of Cloud services for enhanced connectivity. challenges. The paper identified three transparency
Overall, while IoT held significant potential, addressing dimensions crucial for realizing the value of AI knowledge
issues like comprehensive frameworks and compatibility systems: system transparency, procedural transparency,
with existing technologies was crucial for its successful and transparency of outcomes. It highlighted the
implementation and development in both residential and sociotechnical nature of these systems and outlined key
commercial buildings [15ss]. challenges hindering transparency implementation.
Furthermore, it emphasized the need for further research,
Wardat et al. (2024) investigated mathematics teachers' particularly in Computer-supported Cooperative Work
perceptions of AI systems and applications implemented in (CSCW), to address transparency needs, implications, and
schools in Abu Dhabi Emirate. It involved 580 male and challenges in enterprise AI knowledge systems. The text
female math teachers from public and private schools also discussed the potential effects on self-concept beliefs
across three educational regions. The research utilized a and encouraged cross-disciplinary research in AI
descriptive analytical approach. Results indicated that AI transparency to understand its societal implications. Lastly,
could enhance teaching by increasing student motivation, it underscored the importance of AI transparency in
fostering competition, and addressing individual shaping equitable futures of work and called for continued
differences. However, challenges included the need for research in this area [150].
additional effort compared to traditional methods and
external pressures hindering AI integration. While there Bhambri et al. (2023) provided a comprehensive
were no significant differences in teachers' views on the exploration of the integration of transformative
importance of AI, variations were observed in challenges technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the
based on educational qualifications, particularly among Internet of Things (IoT), in manufacturing and industrial
those with master's degrees. These findings could inform engineering. It discussed how the Fourth Industrial
the development of guidelines for integrating AI education Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, had ushered in an
in schools, drawing from teachers' experiences and insights era where intelligent systems and data-driven decision-
[148]. making were revolutionizing the industrial sector. The
marriage of AI-based approaches like machine learning and
GOUIZA et al. (2024) explored the broad impact of the deep learning with IoT devices had opened up numerous
Internet of Things (IoT) across sectors like healthcare, possibilities for optimizing production processes,

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

enhancing quality control, and enabling predictive processes. The study also discussed challenges like the
maintenance. However, it also acknowledged the need for expertise and training, regulatory issues, and data
challenges posed by these technologies, such as data sharing concerns. Overall, it presented a comprehensive
management and cybersecurity issues. Despite these view of how IoT, AI, and BCT enhanced the wine industry,
challenges, the integration of IoT and AI presented ensuring product safety, economic viability, and
significant opportunities, including real-time monitoring responsiveness to changing consumer demands [154].
and predictive quality control, which were expected to
shape the future of industrial engineering as they continued Hameed et al. (2024) highlighted the challenges faced
to advance [151]. by the agricultural sector, such as population growth and
climate change, and discussed how AI and IoT offered
Allahham et al. (2023) investigated how big data solutions through real-time monitoring and data analysis.
analytics (BDA) and artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced The integration of these technologies enhanced efficiency,
hospital supply chain sustainability. It emphasized the precision, and sustainability in farming practices, leading to
growing need for eco-friendly operations in hospitals and increased crop yields and economic viability for farmers.
identified major environmental challenges within supply However, challenges like high costs and data security
networks. Through data analysis from 68 UK hospitals, it concerns needed to be addressed. Tailored solutions and
showed how BDA and AI could optimize inventory education were necessary for successful technology
management, demand forecasting, and procurement, adoption. Overall, AI and IoT had the potential to
leading to reduced waste and supply shortages. AI also revolutionize agriculture, but overcoming challenges and
improved transportation efficiency and enabled predictive ensuring accessibility were crucial for realizing their full
maintenance for medical equipment. The study benefits [156].
underscored the potential of BDA and AI to improve
healthcare delivery, reduce environmental impact, and Kholkute et al. (2024) underscored the significance of
conserve resources. It advocated for strategic investments integrated business applications, particularly Enterprise
in these technologies and multidisciplinary collaboration Resource Planning (ERP), in the then current digital
for effective integration into healthcare operations [152]. business landscape. It stressed ERP's ability to seamlessly
interact with various business functions within and outside
Chen et al. (2022) aimed to establish a positive cycle for organizations, facilitating simplification and
socio-economic development by addressing environmental standardization of processes. Despite initial cost concerns,
cost control issues and examining the relationship between the advent of cloud-based ERPs made them more
the value chain and environmental cost management. It accessible, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises
utilized the decision tree algorithm of artificial intelligence (SMEs). The paper aimed to review research on the need
to design a cost control system for manufacturing and benefits of digital transformation, highlighting ERP's
enterprises, focusing on internalizing environmental costs. role as a catalyst. It outlined several advantages of ERP
Through analyzing an oil production plant's environmental adoption, including robust integration, improved user
cost report, recommendations were provided to enhance the experience, productivity enhancement through AI and
enterprise's environmental cost management scheme. machine learning, and flexibility. The success of digital
Traditional business development faced challenges in transformation depended on clear objectives, top
environmental cost control, alongside issues like imperfect management support, and organizational change
management systems and weak supervision, hindering management. Further research into the impact of
long-term societal and enterprise development. Petroleum organizational change management on digital
enterprises, as significant contributors to economic growth, transformation was suggested [157].
played a crucial role in environmental protection.
Strengthening environmental cost control aligned with Rehman et al. (2024) delved into the significant impact
circular economy principles, facilitating resource reuse, of Machine Learning (ML) on Internet of Things (IoT)
promoting socio-economic development, and protecting applications, particularly focusing on automation and
the environment. The study concluded by summarizing security aspects. It emphasized the need for integrating IoT
systems with existing enterprise applications, which
experiences in environmental cost control based on the
value chain, offering insights for manufacturing enterprises required adjustments to Enterprise Architecture (EA)
to enhance their environmental cost management practices models to accommodate IoT and cloud technologies. ML
[153]. played a pivotal role within EA, facilitating automation and
intelligent decision-making processes. Through the
Adamashvili et al. (2024) provided a detailed analysis application of ML techniques to IoT data, organizations
of how the integration of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial could augment their operational efficiency and
Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain Technology (BCT) methodologies. ML also addressed various IoT challenges,
revolutionized wine production and supply chain including the security of smart systems and the detection of
management. It discussed various applications of these suspicious activities. The survey paper conducted a
technologies, such as vineyard management, wine quality comprehensive analysis of state-of-the-art ML approaches
control, and supply chain tracking, highlighting benefits in the IoT context, highlighting their contributions,
like increased efficiency, transparency, and cost reduction. obstacles, and potential uses. It stressed the significance of
The proposed framework addressed challenges in harnessing the synergy between ML and IoT to foster more
implementation, including lack of transparency and efficient, secure, and adaptable enterprise environments.
ecosystem management in the wine industry. It emphasized Additionally, it proposed further investigation into
the potential of these technologies to optimize the wine developing ML-based security measures to safeguard
supply chain and suggested areas for future research. enterprise architectures from potential threats, such as an
Additionally, it explored the role of these technologies in Intrusion Prevention and Detection System (IPS/IDS)
global agriculture and logistics sectors, emphasizing tailored for Industrial IoT systems [158].
economic sustainability and reliable trade compliance

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

Aliyah et al. (2023) highlighted the pressing importance P. Mudholkar (2024) evaluated the impact of AI and
of employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of IoT on operational efficiency across various sectors,
Things (IoT) to advance Smart Tourism Destinations analyzing existing literature and empirical evidence. It
(STDs). It delved into how AI and IoT technologies can be revealed significant improvements in performance metrics
integrated to transform different facets of tourism, like efficiency, productivity, quality, and customer
providing tailored suggestions and gathering real-time data. satisfaction in sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing,
The research offered a thorough examination of the present and retailing. For instance, healthcare saw a 50% reduction
situation, obstacles, and future prospects of STDs in terms in patient queue times, manufacturing increased
of incorporating AI and IoT. It scrutinized AI productivity while reducing capital costs by 33%, and retail
methodologies and IoT-driven data collection systems to experienced a 25% sales increment through AI-aided
enhance the traveler's experience and streamline demand forecasting and IoT in inventory management. The
destination management. Despite hurdles such as privacy research underscored the pivotal role of AI and IoT in
and data security concerns, the study envisioned the use of driving operational excellence, decision-making, and
technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual innovation in performance management, while also
Reality (VR) to further enrich STDs. The objective was to highlighting concerns like data privacy, security, and
cultivate more intelligent, visitor-centric tourism technology integration. Leveraging AI and IoT
destinations, with an emphasis on ethical considerations, technologies enabled companies to discover new models of
data integrity, and fostering collaboration between humans sustainable development and gain market advantages in the
and AI for the responsible deployment of AI in the industry contemporary business landscape. Ultimately, sustained
[118]. collaboration among stakeholders was essential to explore
the full potential of AI and IoT for performance
Shaikh and Birajdar (2024) discussed the examination optimization while addressing associated challenges
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) incorporation into effectively [162].
groundwater management, emphasizing its capacity for
transformation alongside the hurdles it presented. AI Soliman et al. (2024) delved into the rising role of
applications aimed to revolutionize groundwater Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping the development of
management by offering accurate predictive models and the Metaverse, a virtual reality (VR) environment where
live monitoring. Issues such as interpretability and the users interacted with digital elements and each other. By
requirement for specialized technical skills and reliable integrating AI with emerging technologies like IoT,
data posed challenges. Nevertheless, AI showed potential blockchain, and Natural Language Processing, new
in enhancing predictions, pinpointing vulnerable regions, immersive experiences and task automation possibilities
and facilitating collaborative platforms. It stressed the emerged. While AI offered benefits such as personalized
importance of embracing AI's potential while overcoming experiences and increased efficiency, challenges like
obstacles for sustainable groundwater management. The privacy and bias were addressed. The survey underscored
paper underscored the significance of interdisciplinary the importance of understanding AI's role in the ongoing
cooperation, policy alignment, and technological evolution of the Metaverse and advocated for continued
advancement to fully utilize AI for safeguarding exploration and responsible integration of these
groundwater resources [159]. technologies to maximize their positive impact on user
experience and virtual operations [163].
Hidayat et al. (2024) explored the impact of artificial
intelligence (AI) on financial oversight, investigating its Maqbool et al. (2023) examined the research
role in financial decision-making, predictive analysis, and surrounding Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things within
risk management. By analyzing existing literature, the the construction sector, specifically focusing on Ghanaian
study revealed AI's substantial contributions to operational professionals and companies to gauge their comprehension
efficiency, insights for decision-making, and enhanced of these advancing technologies, as well as the associated
customer satisfaction in banking. Despite its benefits, challenges and advantages. Conducted an extensive
ethical concerns, data security issues, adoption risks, and literature review to pinpoint crucial paradigms and
the need for regulatory adjustments were highlighted. The variables, which were then methodically tested. Utilizing a
study aimed to provide insights for businesses and quantitative research method, these identified variables
policymakers to navigate the evolving landscape of informed the construction of a structured questionnaire.
financial management in the digital era [160]. The survey targeted 154 reputable construction experts and
researchers through purposive sampling. Data analysis was
C. O. Omoga (2023) analyzed the benefits of Artificial carried out using the Relative Importance Index (RII).
Intelligence (AI) integration within Management Results revealed that smart construction emerged as the
Information Systems (MIS) for decision-making in Kenyan most favored Industry 4.0 technology within Ghana's
County Governments. The study employed a descriptive construction industry. The primary benefit highlighted was
survey design and collected data using structured the integration of sustainable policy requirements into
questionnaires from ICT directors in 47 counties, analyzing tendering processes, while the most pressing issue
it with SPSS software. The methods used included identified was the scarcity of talent and skills in utilizing
predictive analytics, machine learning algorithms, and AI- Industry 4.0 and IoT technologies. This research, centered
driven automation, which all showed improvements in on the questionnaire survey, established a sustainable
decision-making accuracy, speed, financial performance, pathway for the construction community, emphasizing the
customer satisfaction, and sustainability. The review involvement of key stakeholders and those impacted by
highlighted AI's potential to transform public sector these technologies [164].
decision-making by enhancing the processing of complex
datasets and streamlining business processes, thus Jawad and Balázs (2024) analyzed the integration of
addressing significant operational challenges [161]. machine learning (ML) within enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems, emphasizing its role in enhancing

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

efficiency and adaptability. Employing a systematic for reliable connectivity and explored various wireless
approach and utilizing reputable sources, the review communication technologies suitable for smart city
examined recent studies on ML's role in ERP, discussing applications. The integration of AI algorithms such as
key techniques like predictive analytics, anomaly detection, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Natural
and adaptive process automation. The findings showed that Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), and
ML integration improved decision-making, operational Reinforcement Learning (RL) was examined for enhancing
efficiency, and promoted agile business transformations. efficiency and sustainability in areas like traffic
Despite challenges such as data accuracy and algorithm management and public safety. Additionally, the text
complexity, the review was optimistic about the future of emphasized the importance of incorporating 5G
ML in ERP, suggesting it would continue to drive technology, IoT devices, and AI algorithms for building
substantial improvements in enterprise management efficient and sustainable smart cities. However, it also
systems and transform business processes through data pointed out challenges like interoperability issues and the
analytics and automation [165]. need for ethical considerations regarding privacy and
security [167].
Alhosani and Alhashmi (2024) explored the potential of
artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors, particularly in N. L. Rane (2023) focused on integrating AI, IoT, and
government settings, highlighting its benefits and Big Data within the Architecture, Engineering, and
challenges. It discussed the lack of consensus on AI's Construction (AEC) sector, employing systematic methods
definition and scope, hindering its practical implementation to assess their impact. It highlighted how AI and machine
in government. By examining methodologies, goals, and learning automated processes and improved decision-
organizational theories, the study aimed to understand AI's making, while IoT boosted operational efficiency and
role in enhancing human capabilities and improving safety through real-time monitoring. Big Data analytics
government services. It emphasized the need for a strategic further supported risk management, cost reduction, and
approach to AI adoption in the public sector, considering optimization. Results showed significant enhancements in
ethical, societal, and organizational implications. Despite operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability, aligning
the benefits like increased productivity and simplified with sustainable development goals. However, challenges
processes, challenges such as job displacement were like data privacy and the need for skilled training were
carefully considered. Overall, the study provided insights noted, with recommendations for ongoing research to
into AI's transformative potential in government service address these issues. The review strongly supported the
delivery and called for a balanced approach to its adoption continued integration of these technologies to improve the
[166]. efficiency, sustainability, and safety of construction
practices [4].
Alahi et al. (2023) discussed the role of the Internet of
Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping
smart cities, with a focus on communication technologies,
AI algorithms, and future prospects. It highlighted the need

TABLE I. Detailed comparison among the addressed research in the Literature Review section.

Ref. Objective Technique Advantage Disadvantage Result

Skilled workforce,
Flexible curricula, faculty
updated curricula,
Discussed the impact of Ethical concerns, development, ethical AI
[146] Integrated AI tools in education for
Industry 4.0 on education and continuous learning integration, stakeholder
(2024) education sustainable
the integration of AI tools strategies engagement

Collaborative efforts for

Explored the role of IoT and Efficiency, resource policies and strategies,
[147] Utilized IoT and Challenges in
sensor technologies in reduction, product sustainable and effective
(2024) sensor technologies widespread adoption
agriculture quality improvement food production

Future research directions,

Reviewed the state of IoT Categorized IoT Integration challenges,
[15] Smart, efficient, and improved technology
technologies in residential applications in built data management,
(2022) secure spaces integration
and commercial buildings environments privacy/security risks
Guidelines for AI
Additional effort education integration,
Investigated mathematics Increased student
[148] Analyzed AI systems' compared to traditional insight into challenges
teachers' perceptions of AI motivation, fostering
(2024) impact on teaching methods, external based on educational
systems in schools competition
pressures qualifications

[149] Explored the impact of IoT Applied IoT in efficiency, decision- Integration challenges, Promising future for IoT,
(2024) across various sectors different industries making data security optimization of operations

Critically reviewed ERP Reviewed ERP Increased reliance on Policy harmonization,

[150] Cultural diversity,
systems implementation in systems integrated software ongoing research, user-
(2024) regulatory differences
MNCs implementation solutions, challenges centric strategies

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

Introduced transparency
implications and challenges Analyzed Realized the value, Sociotechnical
[151] Equitable futures of work,
in enterprise AI knowledge transparency in AI transparency challenges, research
(2024) cross-disciplinary research
systems systems dimensions needs

Optimization of
Explored the integration of transformative
[152] production Data management, Real-time monitoring,
AI and IoT in manufacturing technologies'
(2023) processes, quality cybersecurity issues predictive maintenance
and industrial engineering integration
Investigated how BDA and Improved healthcare
Analyzed BDA and Optimized inventory
[153] AI enhanced hospital supply Data privacy, security delivery, reduced
AI in hospital supply management,
(2023) chain sustainability concerns environmental impact
chains demand forecasting
Established an
environmental cost control Socio-economic Imperfect management
[154] Designed an AI-based Enhanced environmental
system for manufacturing development, systems, weak
(2022) cost control system cost management practices
enterprises using AI resource reuse supervision

Lack of transparency,
Analyzed the integration of Explored IoT, AI, and Increased efficiency, ecosystem Optimization of the wine
IoT, AI, and Blockchain in Blockchain in wine transparency, cost management supply chain, economic
the wine supply chain production reduction challenges sustainability

Discussed AI and IoT
[156] Highlighted the role of AI precision, High costs, data Increased crop yields,
applications in
(2024) and IoT in farming sustainability security concerns economic viability
Clear objectives, top
Underscored the significance Reviewed ERP's role Initial cost concerns, management support,
[157] integration,
of ERP in digital in digital organizational change organizational change
(2024) productivity
transformation transformation management management
Efficient, secure, and
[158] Discussed the role of ML in Analyzed ML's role in Integration challenges, adaptive enterprise
Automation, security
(2024) IoT applications IoT security threats ecosystems

Explored the impact of AI Smarter tourism
[8] Analyzed AI and IoT experiences, real- Privacy, data security
and IoT on Smart Tourism destinations, ethical
(2023) in tourism time data collection concerns
Destinations considerations
Improved predictions,
Evaluated AI's role in Interpretability issues,
[159] Investigated AI integration in Predictive modeling, identification of
groundwater technical expertise
(2024) groundwater management real-time monitoring vulnerable areas
management needs
performance Improved operational
[160] Examined AI's impact on Evaluated AI's role in Ethical challenges, data
improvement, deep performance, deep
(2024) financial management financial management security concerns
insights insights

Investigated the advantages

of incorporating AI into
Analyzed AI
Management Information Informed and Lack of talent and
[161] integration within Enhanced decision-
Systems (MIS) to aid effective decision- skills, technology
(2023) MIS for decision- making processes
decision-making in Kenyan making adoption challenges
County Governments.

Reviewed AI and
Evaluated the impact of AI IoT's impact on Efficiency, Operational excellence,
[162] Data privacy, security
and IoT on operational performance productivity innovation in performance
(2024) concerns
efficiency management improvement management

Enhanced user experience,
[163] Discussed AI's role in Analyzed AI's role in experiences,
Privacy, bias concerns task automation
(2024) shaping the Metaverse the Metaverse increased efficiency
Sustainable policy
Examined Industry 4.0 and Examined industry requirements, talent
IoT technologies within the 4.0 and IoT in and skills
construction sector of Ghana. construction development

Enhanced accuracy
Transformed conventional
in predictions and
Challenges such as the business operations;
Evaluated integration of ML ML technology data-driven
[165] need for clear and enhanced decision-making
with ERP systems and its integration within decisions; enhanced
(2024) comprehensible ML capabilities, resource
impact on optimization ERP environments efficiency and
models within ERP allocation, and customer

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

Understood AI's role

Explored potential of AI in in enhancing human Increased productivity
[167] goals, and Challenges like job
government settings and its capabilities and and simplified
(2024) organizational displacement
benefits and challenges improving processes
government services

Examined AI
Discussed the role of IoT and algorithms for Enhanced efficiency Challenges like
AI in shaping smart cities, enhancing efficiency and sustainability in interoperability issues;
[168] ML, DL, NLP, CV,
focusing on communication and sustainability in areas like traffic ethical considerations
(2023) RL
technologies and AI smart city management and regarding privacy and
algorithms applications public safety security

Improved resource
Focused on the roles of IoT, Enhanced transparency
advanced computing models, and security in Challenges such as
operations, and
and big data in the AEC transactions; interoperability issues;
[4] enhanced decision- Various AI models
industry, along with AI implementation of ethical considerations
(2023) making in the and techniques
models and techniques efficient and regarding privacy and
reshaping Construction 4.0 sustainable security
engineering, and
and 5.0 construction practices
construction (AEC)

IV. DISCUSSION evolve, their thoughtful integration into societal

frameworks remains crucial for realizing their full potential
Our review of the integration of AI, IoT, and enterprise in fostering a sustainable future.
systems has illuminated several key areas where these
technologies significantly enhance sustainability practices
while also presenting unique challenges. Notably, the
findings from recent studies (Abulibdeh et al., 2024; V. EXTRACTED STATISTICS
Morchid et al., 2024; Lawal & Rafsanjani, 2022; Wardat et The chart visualizing the distribution of studies across
al., 2024) emphasize the transformative potential of these various sectors like Education, Agriculture, Healthcare,
technologies across various sectors, including education, etc., based on the data provided. Each sector in the chart
agriculture, and smart buildings, aligning closely with represents a study, showing a broad range of areas impacted
global sustainability goals. In the educational sector, AI's by technologies such as AI, IoT, and ERP systems. This
integration has been pivotal in reshaping curricula to better visualization helps to understand the diversity of fields
prepare students for the demands of Industry 4.0, as explored in the studies.
discussed by Abulibdeh et al. (2024). This integration,
however, is not without its challenges, notably the need for
continuous adaptation of teaching methods and the ethical
considerations of AI deployment in educational settings.
Similarly, in agriculture, IoT technologies have proven to
enhance resource efficiency and productivity, which are
crucial for sustainable development. Morchid et al. (2024)
highlighted how IoT applications in smart agriculture could
address food security concerns while mitigating
environmental impacts, an essential consideration given the
sector's vulnerability to climate change.
Furthermore, the incorporation of IoT in smart
buildings presents an opportunity for significant energy
savings and operational efficiencies, as explored by Lawal
& Rafsanjani (2022). The challenge here lies in the
integration of these technologies into existing
infrastructures, where issues of data management and
security risks are predominant. Across these studies, a
common theme emerges: the need for a balanced approach
to technology integration, where benefits are maximized Fig. 6. Statistic chart for distribution of studies across broad
while minimizing potential drawbacks such as security sectors.
risks, ethical concerns, and the digital divide. This requires
not only technological innovation but also robust policy The chart displays the frequency of the top 10
frameworks and ongoing collaboration among stakeholders advantages mentioned across various sectors, based on the
to ensure that the benefits of AI and IoT are accessible to data provided. This visualization highlights the proportion
all sections of society, thereby promoting an inclusive of each advantage within the discussions, with "Efficiency"
approach to sustainable development. In conclusion, while and "Security" among the most frequently mentioned
the path forward is fraught with challenges, the potential of benefits, underscoring their significant value across
AI, IoT, and enterprise systems to drive sustainable different technological applications and sectors.
practices is undeniable. As these technologies continue to

𝔔𝔄𝔅𝔄𝔖 𝕮𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖊
VOLUME 03, 2024
Journal of Information Technology and Informatics Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 79-105 (2024)

7. Encourage Sustainable Practices: Leverage AI and IoT

to optimize resource use and reduce waste. For instance,
smart agriculture can use IoT sensors to monitor soil
moisture and optimize water use, thereby conserving
water resources.
By following these recommendations, stakeholders can
maximize the potential of AI, IoT, and enterprise systems
to contribute to sustainable development while mitigating
associated risks. These steps will help ensure that the
deployment of these technologies aligns with the long-term
sustainability goals and benefits society at large.

Through the use of business systems, artificial
intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), this
Fig. 7. Frequency of top 10 advantages across various sectors study presents evidence that demonstrates the usefulness of
using these technologies in order to enhance and promote
sustainability. There is a possibility that the use of these
VI. RECOMMENDATIONS technologies might enhance our educational practices,
agricultural practices, and building management, which
Based on the insights gathered from the integration of
would eventually result in increased production and
AI, IoT, and enterprise systems, we recommend the
environmental benefits. The use of these technologies, on
following strategies to enhance sustainability and address
the other hand, may from time to time present challenges.
In order to ensure that everyone involved is protected and
1. Enhance Education and Training: As technologies treated properly, it is of the highest significance that we
evolve rapidly, continuous education and training are take the necessary precautions. Rather than limiting the
essential. Educational institutions and businesses should benefits of new technology to a select few persons, this
update their curricula and training programs to include entails safeguarding the confidentiality of sensitive
skills relevant to AI, IoT, and enterprise systems, information pertaining to individuals and making certain
ensuring a workforce capable of leveraging these that all individuals have equal access to these technologies.
technologies effectively. With the help of these technologies, there are a number of
chances that will present themselves in the future for the
2. Develop Strong Policy Frameworks: Governments and implementation of more technical advancements or
regulatory bodies should create robust policy frameworks enhancements. It is only at this point that we are starting to
that address privacy, security, and ethical issues gain a glimpse of the entire spectrum of the options that
associated with AI and IoT. These policies should also they offer their customers. Through the collaboration of
encourage the use of these technologies in a way that engineers, government officials, and industry leaders, we
promotes sustainability and public benefit. are able to harness the potential of these technologies and
3. Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage use them to our advantage. To put it another way, this will
collaboration across different disciplines and industries to make it possible for us to create a prosperous future for our
innovate and solve complex problems. Combining planet and all of its inhabitants.
expertise from technology, environmental science, ethics,
and policy can lead to more holistic and sustainable
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VOLUME 03, 2024

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