Machine Minds, Mechanical Might The Pinnacle of Ai Driven Robotics

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Machine Minds, Mechanical Might:

The Pinnacle of Ai-Driven Robotics
Archana Balkrishna Yadav
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Archana

The main purpose of developing this work is to analyze the Balkrishna Yadav "Machine Minds,
incorporation of AI-driven robotics in mechanical might and how it Mechanical Might: The Pinnacle of Ai-
can successfully develop the efficiency enhancement of machinery Driven Robotics"
Published in
performances along with satisfying the emotional intelligence of
International Journal
human beings. This paper has been evaluated with the secondary of Trend in
method of collecting data or information from several existing Scientific Research
literature articles, the clear and transparent discussion has been and Development
offered with respect to the efficient theoretical models such as TAM (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD64633
or Technology Acceptance Model and Hedonic Motivation System 6470, Volume-8 |
Adoption Model (HMSAM). Issue-2, April 2024, pp.300-303, URL:

Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this paper is mainly aligned with the qualitative data or information with several authentic
development of detailed sights about the literatures from existing articles or journals [2] is
incorporation of AI-driven robotics in the mechanical typically followed and develops the results by
might and enhancing the working of several allowing critical discussion with respect to the
components of machine minds along with the theoretical model aligned completely with the main
challenges and ethical concerns in this context. Not research context.
only this but the complete evaluation of the regulatory 2.2. Materials used for the paper
landscape in using AI-Driven robotics in machinery is In the cases of developing the research with
also Enlighted thoroughly.
secondary research methodology, the existing articles
1.2. Background or journals are mainly used as the materials for
Artificial intelligence and robotics are remarkable collecting the most authentic data or information for
evolutions that are thoroughly able to highlight the research purposes. Not only this, but the collection of
significant advancement in autonomous systems, the information enhances the overall findings with more
adoption of capabilities as well as the complete authenticity as well as an evidence-based format.
interaction with human-robot interfaces [1]. The
transformative impact on the overall industry through 3. Results
this advancement from automobile manufacturing to 3.1. AI-Driven Robotics and Machine Mind
the healthcare industry is completely developed in Components
this paper. The machine mind components and AI-driven
robotics include the cutting-edge technological
2. Methods advancements that have emerged with robotics and
2.1. Method used for the paper artificial intelligence. The integration of robotics
For conducting this paper, the secondary method of hardware with AI-based algorithms provides the
research that thoroughly enhances the findings by

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64633 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 300
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
synergy of collaboration and potential downfalls with 3.4. AI-Driven Robotics System Case Study
the associated risks such as ethical concerns as well
as security vulnerabilities [3]. Machine mind
components are completely able to respond to the
elements that are thoroughly attached to AI-driven
robotic systems, which allowing in enabling the
system to analyse information or data, division-
making and effectively respond to the diverse
3.2. Mechanical Might: AI-Driven Robotics
Mechanical might be completely able to optimize the
fusion that developed with the allowance of robotics
and AI and also make a revolution throughout the Figure 1: Recycleye Robotics designed by
industry landscape with an insight of unparalleled FANUC
efficiency. Advanced levels of algorithms integrated (Source: [6])
with AI-driven robotics [4] that thoroughly able to Being the top robot manufacturer, FANUC and
empower machines to perform their tasks with high Recycleye, a leading intelligent waste management
precision as well as adaptability. The complete startup, have deployed the modular level of picking
amplification of productivity and the remarkable system supporting the facilities relevant to material
reduction of human fatigues enhance the operational recovery allowed to obtain UN Sustainability Goal
efficacy along with their capabilities. The No. 11. Through this automation, the replacement of
transformative era observed from automobile per minute 55 successful physical picks to the double
manufacturing to sophisticated surgical healthcare by rate of overall throughout with incorporation of
mechanical might with a complete elevation of Recycleye Robotics designed by FANUC automation
technological power along with the progression of team expert allowed [6].
innovation across the diverse levels in the industrial
field. 3.5. AI-Driven Robotics Regulatory Landscape
Globally, governments have focused on formulating
3.3. Human-robot Interaction Challenges and guidelines for the purpose of addressing the concerns
Ethical Concerns of AI-Driven Robotics relevant to privacy, safety as well as accountability in
The posses of challenges through human-robot the emerging of AI-driven robotics. For this instance,
interaction is completely highlighted due to the ISO 13482 standards for robot service [7], and ISO
greater prevalence of AI-driven robotics. For the 21448 for the automotive AI-contributed safety
purposes of demanding advanced as well as protocols [8] have been thoroughly determined. On
emotional intelligence processing ensuring the other hand, in the field of data protection-relevant
establishing seamless understanding along with regulations, GDPR [9] is one of the leading
developing communication between robots and approaches. The complete consideration of the ethical
humans is one of the crucial factors [5]. In the cases aspects focused on maintaining transparency and
of stating the ethical concerns in AI-driven robotics, it fairness has been obtained in this context.
can be stated that this is completely aligned with the
maintenance of privacy, job displacement as well as 4. Discussion
autonomy. In the cases of fostering trust, the 4.1. Technology Acceptance Model
deployment of responsibilities towards technology The TAM or Technology Acceptance Model is one of
must be ensured through ethical consideration in AI- the leading theoretical frameworks that is completely
driven robotics thoroughly. allowed in exploring the adoption of technological
advancement by the users developing the complete
investigation about their perception as well as
attitudes in a significant manner [10]. For this
instance, while stating the current topic, it illustrated
the interplay between advanced user acceptance as
well as the incorporation of robotics in the industry.
In the cases of AI-driven robotics, the assurance of
technological advancement is completely paramount
with the complete understanding of the users'
attitudes in a significant manner. There can be raised

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64633 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 301
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
a question about the integration of mechanical might amplifies emotional intelligence efficiently by the
as well as machine minds about the main usefulness human-robotic interface.
of the technologies that can enhance the overall
5. Conclusion
productivity performances and efficiency. Concluding the context of adopting AI-driven
Additionally, in the context of the Technology robotics completely able to develop insights about the
Acceptance Model (TAM) theoretical framework, the robotic systems incorporation that can enable the
usage of AI-driven robotics completely considers the machinery to develop, learn as well as allow
factors in terms of the design of the user interface and approaches towards autonomous segments. The
adaptability is one of the crucial aspects. The human-robot interaction is one of the significant
complete allowance of developing valuable views
aspects that allow the industrial growth effectively.
about the exploration of the user perception during The integration of AI with machine mind components
handling the machines with adopting AI-driven empowers the operations performed by machines to
robotics by completely influenced the factors such as the new era through increasing the autonomy,
control, trust and string familiarity in shaping the adaptability as well and high capabilities in problem-
acceptance. solving approaches that can ensure the revolution
4.2. Hedonic Motivation System Adoption Model throughout the industrial landscape along with
promoting the remarkable shipment towards
automation by shopping the future.
List of Abbreviations:
Technology Acceptance Model - TAM
Hedonic Motivation System Adoption Model -
Artificial intelligence - AI
United Nation - UN
General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR
Figure 2: Hedonic Motivation System Adoption
Model (HMSAM) Declaration:
(Source: [11]) I declare that no material contained in the piece of
reaserch has been used in any other submission for an
The Hedonic Motivation System Adoption Model academic award or any other publication work.
(HMSAM) is a theoretical framework that can be
elaborated in the cases of analyzing as well as  Availability of data and materials
understanding the significant factors that thoroughly The data and information taken in the current paper
influenced the adoption process of individuals with are available on Google scholar database.
respect to their hedonic motivation systems in terms  Competing interests
of leisure or entertainment technologies. With respect While developing this piece of work, there is no other
to the above figure, it can be stated that this is the organization, as well as an interesting body, that has
theoretical model which allows the users to develop been allowed to provide any kind of support in any
the effective decision-making process. In the cases of part of this paper. On the other hand, no financial
developing insights concerning AI-driven robotics support has been earned in relation to this particular
adoption, it completely allows all to explore the work process.
integration of AI technology in robotics along with its
 Funding
complete impact towards human motivation. With
Very little amount of funding was required which was
respect to this significant model, the evaluation of the
self managed by the author in the following research
working efficiency of the machine due to the
incorporation of AI-driven robotics is not only the
work, but it also allows the development of  Authors' contributions
understanding as well as responding to the human The author has contributed in the overall research
emotional preferences in these synergies. The posits paper the overall research has been conducted the
of this model drive the thought towards allowing research including defining methodology, gather data
pleasure by humans and avoidance of pain. In the AI- and analyzing the data
driven robotics context, the success of these AI  Acknowledgements
robotic integrated machines by their ability I am thankful to my mentors as they have guided me
completely enables the enhancement of the well- during the period of information collection as well as
being of humans, the satisfaction of their needs and analysis. I am also grateful to my family and friends

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64633 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 302
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
as they have given me the strength to complete this 102231.
piece of work efficiently.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64633 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 303

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