Power Loss Minimization Assessment of A Doubly Fed Induction Generator With Variable Core Resistance For Wind Turbines Operation
Power Loss Minimization Assessment of A Doubly Fed Induction Generator With Variable Core Resistance For Wind Turbines Operation
Power Loss Minimization Assessment of A Doubly Fed Induction Generator With Variable Core Resistance For Wind Turbines Operation
Corresponding Author:
Crescent Onyebuchi Omeje
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, University of Port Harcourt
East-West Road, PMB, 5323 Choba, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria
Email: [email protected]
Wind energy in addition to photovoltaic energy source is the fastest growing energy with an annual
growth rate of 30% and with a predictable penetration of 12% of the global electricity demand [1]. The use of
power electronic converters allows for a variable speed operation of the wind turbine where the wind energy
conversion system extracts maximum power from the turbine during peak operation as reported in [2]. One
of the energy generation systems commercially available in the wind energy market is the doubly fed
induction generator (DFIG) and its numerous advantages are enumerated in [2], [3]. To produce a maximum
energy, an efficient DFIG with higher power rating is a precondition for wind energy conversion system
(WECS) though active power loss during the operation is the main drawback for efficiency optimization and
life expectancy’s challenge. Variable speed wind turbines are usually more effective due to their improved
efficiency in capturing more wind power and their innate ability to achieve higher quality of power at
optimum wind speed [4]. DFIG implementation is increasing in leaps and bounds as a consequence of a
reduced mechanical stress and noise in addition to the flexible control of active and reactive power which is
based on the back-to-back power electronics converter sandwiched between the induction machine and the
power grid [5]. Active power generation at the stator and rotor terminals is effectively controlled using the
rotor side converter (RSC). The regulation of the stator side active and reactive power is independently
achieved with the RSC. However, the fluctuations in power output from the DFIG-based wind generation in
response to the variations in wind speed adversely affect the needed power quality [6]. Therefore, with an
increased penetration of the DFIG in power system operation, inertia of the power system is reduced. An
increased capacity in grid integration of this variable power poses an impactful challenge on power system
stability [7]. In line with the system stability is the minimization of the overall system losses under different
wind speed and reactive power conditions. Therefore, to improve on the system overall efficiency, the
reactive power flow is regulated with a minimized system electrical loss on the generator and on the power
electronic converters.
In this paper, a modified equivalent circuit of the DFIG with variable core resistance values for loss
minimization was adopted. The copper and iron losses of the DFIG were modeled as a function of the rotor
dq-axes currents and stator flux. At optimum condition, the stator d-axis flux that minimizes the total DFIG
loss was derived. The simulation results obtained showed that the efficiency values of 83.45% and 41.21%
were obtained when the equivalent paralleled core resistance values of the DFIG were kept at 0.75Ω and
0.25Ω. The power loss at a slight transient disturbance peaked at 202.277 kW and reduced to 17.2058 kW
under steady state for 0.75Ω net resistance. Similarly, at a net core resistance value of 0.25Ω, the power loss
during a transient disturbance peaked at 757.325 kW and reduced to 23.7597 kW. The variations in the power
loss at different net-core resistance accounted for the difference in the efficiency values as presented in the
preceding simulation waveforms.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 is the introduction; Section 2 is the reviewed literature
on DFIG loss control; Section 3 illustrates the wind turbine model of doubly fed induction generator;
Section 4 presents the DFIG mathematical modeling and power loss minimization scheme; and Section 5
contains the simulation results. Section 6 is the conclusion.
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Pm = × ρ × A × V 3 × Cp × (λ, β) (1)
Where Pm (W) is the mechanical power of the turbine, ρ (Kg/m 3) is the air density, A (m2) is the area
covered by the rotor turbine, V (m/s) is the wind speed upstream of the rotor and C p is the performance
coefficient or power coefficient. The power coefficient is a function of the pitch angle (β) of the rotor blades.
The tip speed ratio is the ratio between the blade tip speed and wind speed upstream of the rotor. Altering the
pitch angle implies slightly rotating the turbine blades along the horizontal or vertical axis. C p which
represents the wind turbine power coefficient is given by (2).
1.16 −
Cp (λ, β) = 22 × ( − 0.004β − 0.05) e λi
1 1 0.035
= − (3)
λi λ +0.08β β3 +1
Where β represents the blade pitch angle and λ represents the tip speed ratio which is given by (4).
ω r Rr
λ = (4)
The dynamic model wind turbine is associated with the rotor speed ω r and gear box ratio ηg by (5).
𝜔𝑟 = η𝑔 × 𝜔𝑟 (5)
The exact dynamic model of the torque equation for the generator is given by (6).
Pm πρR3
Tm = = × Vw2 × Ct (λ) (6)
ωr 2
Where 𝜌 = air density (Kgm-3); R = radius of the turbine (m); Vw= wind speed (MS-1); Ct (λ) = Torque
coefficient (pu). The wind turbine characteristics are presented in Figure 2.
The plot of power coefficient against the tip speed ratio at varying blade pitch angle is represented
in Figure 2. It is observed that the power coefficient increases as the pitch angle decreases. Therefore, at a
zero-pitch angle, the maximum power coefficient is 0.5 which implies that the maximum power is tracked at
a zero-blade pitch and tip speed ratio value of ten as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. A plot of wind turbine power coefficient against tip-speed ratio at varying pitch angle
Vds = R s ids + − ωe λqs (7)
Vqs = R s iqs + + ωe λds (8)
Vdr = R r idr + − ωe λqr (9)
Vqr = R r iqr + + ωe λdr (10)
dids didm
Vds = R s ids + LLs + Lm − ωe (LLs iqs + Lm iqm ) (15)
dt dt
diqs diqm
Vqs = R s iqs + LLs + Lm + ωe (LLs ids + Lm idm ) (16)
dt dt
didr didm
Vdr = R r idr + LLr + Lm − ωe (LLr iqr + Lm iqm ) (17)
dt dt
diqr diqm
Vqr = R r iqr + LLr + Lm + ωe (LLr idr + Lm idm ) (18)
dt dt
Modified equivalent circuit model of the DFIG with multiple paralleled core resistance is obtained from
(15)–(18) and presented in Figures 3 and 4. Branch currents are obtained from Figures 3 and 4 by applying
KCL as expressed in (19) and (20).
[−ωe Lm iqm ]
ids + idr = idm + = idm − Aiqm (19)
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[ωe Lm idm ]
iqs + iqr = iqm + = iqm + Aidm (20)
A simultaneous solution of (19) and (20) by substitution gives rise to (21) and (22).
ωe Lm
Where: A = . For vector controlled condition, 𝜆𝑞𝑠 = 0 and 𝜆𝑑𝑠 = 𝜆𝑠 substituting this into (11) and
(12) gives rise to (23) and (24).
iqs = i (23)
LLs qr
𝜆𝑠 −Lm idr
ids = (24)
Figure 3. D-axis equivalent circuit of a DFIG with multiple paralleled core resistance
Figure 4. Q-axis equivalent circuit of a DFIG with multiple paralleled core resistance
Therefore, the dq-axes magnetizing currents under vector control is obtained by substituting (23)
and (24) into (21) and (22) as re-presented in (25) and (26).
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ωe Lm
Where: A1 = andA2 = LLs A1 .
LLs (1 + A2 )
The voltage magnitude across the magnetizing branch is presented in (29).
Vm = Vdm 2
+ Vqm = A22 (1 + A2 )[i2dr + i2qr ] + 2A1 A2 (1 + A2 )λs idr + A21 (1 + A2 )λ2s (29)
Total core loss in terms of magnetizing voltage and equivalent core resistance is given by (30).
(Vm )2 1
P Total
core = = A22 (1 + A2 )(i2r ) + 2A1 A2 (1 + A2 )λs idr + A21 (1 + A2 )λ2s (30)
Req Req
Where: i2r = i2dr + i2qr and R eq = 𝑅𝑓𝑒 ‖𝑅𝑓𝑒 ‖𝑅𝑓𝑒 ‖𝑅𝑓𝑒……𝑛+1 are derived from Figures 3 and 4. The stator and
rotor copper losses with core losses which are the total resistive losses of the DFIG are presented in (31).
PResistive = R s [i2ds + i2qs ] + R r [i2dr + i2qr ] + R fe [i2qfe + i2dfe ] (31)
Rs (λs )2 Rs L2 2Rs Lm Rs L2 2
P Total
Resistive = + m
(idr )2 − λs idr + m
(iqr ) + R r i2r + R fe [i2qfe + i2dfe ] (32)
Ls L2
Ls L2
Ls L2
Other types of power losses associated with the DFIG operated system are the RL-filter losses,
Frictional losses and power electronics converter losses as presented in (33)–(35) respectively.
The total losses of the DFIG scheme can be written in terms of the total core loss, resistive loss, RL-filter
losses, Frictional losses and power electronics converter losses as given in (36).
P Total Total Total
Loss = P core + P Resistive + PRL−Filter + PFrictiion + PConverter = [A22 (1 + A2 )i2r +
Rs (λs )2 Rs L2 2R L
2A1 A2 λs idr (1 + A2 ) + A21 λ2s (1 + A2 )] + + m 2
ir − s2 m λs idr + R r i2r + R fe [i2qfe + i2dfe ] +
Ls L2
Ls LLs
R Filter (i2d−Filter + i2q−Filter ) + K Fr ω2mech + R Converter (i2d−Converter + i2q−Converlter ) (36)
The flux at which Total Power loss is minimized is determined by setting the derivative of (36) to zero.
𝑑P Total
Loss 1 2λs R s 2R s Lm
=0= [2A1 A2 idr (1 + A2 ) + 2λs A21 (1 + A2 )] + 2 − i =0
𝑑λs R eq LLs L2Ls dr
[Rr Req Lm −(1+A2 )A1 A2 L2
Ls ]idr
λ smin = 2 2 (37)
1 (1+A )LLs + Rs Req
The flux at which minimum loss occurred is as presented in (37). This implies that the minimum flux
increases with a proportionate rise in the rotor direct axis current and equivalent core resistance values.
Therefore, the overall total loss is minimized when λ smin is substituted for λ s in (36) that gives rise to (38).
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P Total Total Total
Loss−min = P core−min + P Resistive−min + PRL−Filter + PFrictiion + PConverter = [A22 (1 +
Rs (λ smin )2 Rs L2 2Rs Lm
A2 ) i2r + 2A1 A2 λ smin idr (1 + A2 ) + A21 λ2smin (1 + A2 )] + + m 2
ir − λ
smin dr i +
Ls L2
Ls L2
R r i2r + R fe [i2qfe + i2dfe ] + R Filter (i2d−Filter + i2q−Filter ) + K Fr ω2mech + 2
R Converter (id−Converter +
i2q−Converlter ) (38)
The DFIG power loss minimization technique applied on (38) was actualized with the Sylvester’s
criterion for positive definite state using the Hessian matrix determinant test. The objective function to be
minimized is the overall total power loss already given in (38). The Hessian matrix is obtained by taking the
second derivatives of (38) in terms of stator flux and rotor current as presented (39)–(42).
d2 PTotal 1 2Rs
H11 = Loss−min
= [ 2(1 + A2 )A21 ] + (39)
d2 λsmin Req L2
d2 PTotal
H12 = = 0 (40)
dλsmin dir
d2 PTotal
H21 = = 0 (41)
dir dλsmin
d2 PTotal 1 2𝐿2𝑚Rs
H22 = Loss−min
= [ 2(1 + A2 )A22 ] + + 2𝑅𝑟 (42)
d2 i r Req L2
The Hessian matrix equation is presented in (43) for the DFIG total loss parameter stability test.
1 2Rs
H11 = [2(1 + A2 )A21 ] + H12 = 0
Req L2
H = [ 1 2L2
] (43)
m Rs
H21 = 0 H22 = [ 2(1 + A2 )A22 ] + + 2R r
Req L2
The total power loss is minimized if the leading principal determinants of (43) are positive and greater than
zero. The principal determinants are obtained with the DFIG parameters in Table 2 substituted to give the
1 2R s
|H11 | = | [ 2(1 + A2 )A21 ] + 2 | = 691 . 9801
R eq Ls
1 2R s
[ 2(1 + A2 )A21 ] + 2 0
H H12 R eq Ls
| 11 | = || |
H21 H22 1 2 2
2L2m R s
0 [ 2(1 + A )A2 ] + + 2R r
R eq L2s
1 2 )A2 ]
2R s 2 2
2Lm R s
= 2 [([2(1 + A 1 + 2 ) ([2(1 + A )A 2 ] + + 2R r ) − 0]
R eq Ls L2s
= 2.9156𝑒 + 05
The parameters substituted above showed that the DFIG power loss model was controllable with a
positive definite value of 691.9801 and 2.9156 e +5 for the leading principal determinants of the Hessian
matrix. For dynamic simulation analysis of the doubly fed induction generator under a load disturbance, the
state space model equations were derived with the aid of Figures 5 and 6 and presented in (44)–(57).
Applying the Kirchhoff’s current law at nodes A and B on the simplified DFIG dq-axes equivalent circuit
diagram presented in Figures 5 and 6 gives rise to (44)–(47).
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Sets of current differential equations applied in the DFIG simulations are presented in (48) to (53).
dids 1
= (Vds − R s ids + ωe LLs iqs − R fe idfe ) (48)
dt LLs
diqs 1
= (Vqs − R s iqs − ωe LLs ids − R fe iqfe ) (49)
dt LLs
didr 1
= (Vdr − R r idr − ωe Lm iqm + ωe LLr iqr − R fe idfe ) (50)
dt LLr
diqr 1
= (Vqr − R r iqr − ωe Lm idm + ωe LLr idr − R fe iqfe ) (51)
dt LLr
didm 1
= (R fe idfe + ωe Lm iqm ) (52)
dt Lm
diqm 1
= (R fe iqfe − ωe Lm idm ) (53)
dt Lm
Similarly, derivatives of (46) and (47) for a change in the core current gave rise to (54) and (55).
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The estimated stator active and reactive powers are expressed in (56).
Ps = [Vds ids + Vqs iqs ]
3 } (56)
Qs = [Vqs ids − Vds iqs ]
Also, the estimated rotor active and reactive powers are expressed in (57).
Pr = [Vdr idr + Vqr iqr ]
3 } (57)
Qr = [Vqr idr − Vdr iqr ]
The mechanical dynamics of the DFIG based on speed and torque are presented in (58)–(60).
Tem = × Lm (idm iqr − iqm idr ) (58)
dωr 1
= × (Te − TL − βωr ) (59)
dt J
𝜔𝑟 = ∫ J × (Te − TL − βωr ) (60)
The efficiency of the machine in terms of power output and total losses of the DFIG is expressed in (61).
Power Output Tem ×ωr
⟅ = = (Tem ×ωr ) + P Total
× 100% (61)
Power Output+Total Losses Loss
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In Figures 15(a) and 15(b), the stator active and reactive powers are presented. It is observed that a
rapid oscillation was obtained during a transient disturbance which is more pronounced when the core
resistance is kept at R fe = 0.75Ω. Conversely, in Figures 16(a) and 16(b), during a transient disturbance a
rapid transient oscillation was observed at R fe = 0.25Ω for rotor active and reactive power which implies
that more current is drawn when R fe = 0.25Ω.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. A plot of (a) flux linkage (V.S) against current (A) and
(b) total core loss (W) against flux linkage (V.S)
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(a) (b)
Figure 8. A plot of (a) total resistive loss (W) against current (A) and
(b) DFIG total loss (W) against flux linkage (V.S)
(a) (b)
Figure 9. A plot of (a) dq-axes GSC voltage (V) against time (S) and
(b) dq-axes RSC voltage (V) against time (S)
(a) (b)
Figure 10. A plot of (a) dq-axes rotor current (A) for Rfe = 0.75Ω and
(b) dq-axes rotor current for Rfe = 0.25Ω
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(a) (b)
Figure 11. The plots obtained for (a) dq-axes core current (A) for Rfe = 0.75Ω. and
(b) dq-axes core currents for Rfe = 0.25Ω
(a) (b)
Figure 12. A sharp deviation in the settling time of (a) dq-axes magnetizing current (A) for Rfe = 0.75Ω and
(b) dq-axes magnetizing currents for Rfe = 0.25Ω
(a) (b)
Figure 13. A plot of (a) speed (Rad/Sec) and torque (Nm) for Rfe = 0.75Ω and (b) for Rfe = 0.25Ω
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(a) (b)
Figure 14. A plot of power loss and power output (kW) for (a) Rfe=0.75Ω and (b) Rfe = 0.25Ω
(a) (b)
Figure 15. A plot of stator active and reactive power for (a) Rfe = 0.75Ω and (b) Rfe = 0.25Ω
(a) (b)
Figure 16. A plot of rotor active and reactive power for (a) Rfe = 0.75Ω. and (b) Rfe = 0.25Ω
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In this paper, power loss minimization of a DFIG has been presented using a modified DFIG
equivalent circuit with multi-core resistances connected in parallel. The impact of core arrangements on
dynamic power loss inside a DFIG was analyzed. The loss minimization model of the DFIG was developed
incorporating iron, copper loss components, RL-filter losses, Frictional losses and power electronics
converter losses with a minimum flux linkage to minimize the overall total power losses. Simulation results
showed that losses are minimized when the equivalent core resistances are connected in parallel with
minimum permissible current flow. This aids in regulating the magnitude of the reactive power between the
wind turbine and the DFIG. An unconstrained optimization carried out showed that the DFIG power loss
model analyzed using the Hessian matrix is positive definite and therefore is controllable. The results
obtained during a transient disturbance indicated that at different core resistance values of R fe = 0.75Ω and
0.25Ω different efficiency values of 83.45% and 41.20% were obtained due to the variation in the core
currents and core losses. It can be concluded from the simulation results that with the reduced core resistance
and increased flux linkage more current flows through the core and more losses are dissipated with a
consequent local saturation of the core which may be unavoidable.
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