Condensed Book
Condensed Book
Condensed Book
condensed mathematics
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.1 Compact Hausdorff space 39
2.1.1 Compact/Hausdorff space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.1.2 Stone-Čech compactification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.2 Projective objects 43
2.2.1 Free compact Hausdorff space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.2.2 Totally/Extremally disconnected space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2.3 Stone space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.2.4 Stonean space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.3 Compactly generated space 48
2.3.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.3.2 Compact-open topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.3.3 Weak Hausdorff space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5 Commutative algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1 Additive category 91
5.1.1 Pre-additive category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1.2 Additive category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.1.3 Exact sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.2 Abelian category 94
5.2.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.2.2 Grothendieck category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.3 Abelian sheaf 97
5.3.1 Defintiion/Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.3.2 Abelian group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.3.3 Internal Hom and tensor product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Références . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Vector spaces often come with a topology, and linear maps between them are
then required to be continuous. In particular, an isomorphism is not only supposed
to be linear and bijective, but it also needs to be a homeomorphism. Unfortunately,
it is not true anymore, in this situation, that a linear map whose kernel and cokernel
Actually, they consider profinite sets but this is equivalent.
vanish is an isomorphism. The baby example is given by the identity on the real line
R when R is given the discrete topology on the one side and its usual topology on
the other. In particular, all the standard tools from commutative algebra are not
anymore available when some topology is involved. Mathematicians have been trying
to resolve this issue for some time now, starting maybe with the work of Choquet in
the late 40’s and first formalized by Johnstone in the late 70’s ([Joh79]).
His original idea was to not only consider the points of a given topological space
X but also the set of all convergent sequences in it (in order to keep track of the
topology). A point of X may be seen – in a very fancy way – as a (continuous) map
defined on a one point space • with values in X. Similarly, a convergent sequence
(together with the choice of a limit) may be seen as a continuous map defined on the
one-point compactification N of the set of all integers N with values in X. Let us
denote by X(•) and X(N) the corresponding sets. They are not unrelated because
there exists various maps between them obtained for example by composing with
the various points of N (meaning maps from • to N). One may then consider more
generally any couple of sets T (•) and T (N), endowed with some family of maps
between them and subject to some conditions. In modern language, this is a sheaf
on a site. The collection of all these sheaves may be seen as an enlargement of the
collection of all topological spaces. Abelian sheaves always form a Grothendieck
abelian category satisfying AB5 and AB3*.
Although promising, this is not completely satisfying. For example, there exists
the general notion of a (quasi-) compact sheaf but the unit interval [0, 1] is not
(quasi-) compact in this setting. This may be fixed by adding a new test-space, for
example the Cantor space 2N which surjects continuously onto [0, 1]. The idea of
Clausen and Scholze is to actually use the site of all (light) profinite spaces S and not
merely • and N or even 2N . A condensed set is then simply a sheaf (of sets) on this
site. And a condensed abelian group is an abelian sheaf on this site. It happens that
condensed abelian groups have all the properties expected from commutative algebra:
much like abelian groups, they form a Grothendieck abelian category satisfying AB6
and AB4*. Moreover, their cohomology provides the expected invariants for locally
compact abelian groups.
There also exists the notion of a completion in this theory called solidification
that matches the properties of usual non-Archimedean completion. Clausen and
Scholze are then able to provide very elegant proofs of several theorems from algebraic
geometry and even obtain new results. The idea is that many results in geometry
require strong global properties such as properness because of finiteness constraints.
Condensed geometry provides a way to remove the global condition and work locally,
which is much more natrual. Note that there also exists the notion of a liquid
vector space that matches the properties of Banach spaces in the archimedean world.
Their introduction is necessary in order to recover classical analytic geometry (and
functional analysis).
This course is intended for regular students. We shall present some material
which is necessary to understand the basics of the theory of condensed sets. We may
only reach the definition of a condensed abelian group in the end – and hopefully be
able to show that they satisfy the expected properties. We hope however that we
can cover some cohomological results. We apologize before the the reader that the
limited time for the course does not allow us to do more and send him to further
The first chapter is presentation of general category theory. The second one is a
review of topology with special focus on compact Hausdorff spaces. The third chapter
is an introduction to topos theory (it is completely independent from the second one).
Chapter 4 is devoted to condensed sets. Chapter 5 presents the theory of abelian
categories. Chapter 6 is devoted to condensed abelian groups. Chapter 7 deals
with cohomology theory. Chapter 8 is devoted to the computation of cohomology of
condensed abelian groups.
Here is non exhaustive list of links to yet unpublished documents related to the
theory of condensed sets (see also the bibliography at the end of the course):
• Lectures on condensed mathematics – Clausen, Scholze.
• Lectures on analytic geometry – Clausen, Scholze.
• Condensed mathematics and complex geometry – Clausen, Scholze.
• The foundation of condensed mathematics – Àsgeirsson.
• Mathématiques condensées – Le Bras.
• Condensed mathematics – Mathew.
• Crash Course Condensed Mathematics – Barton, Commelin.
• Condensed and locally compact abelian groups – Deglise.
• Condensed Mathematics Seminar – Morgan, Rodrigez-Camargo
Many thanks to the student who took my course - and those who freely attended
it - for their feedback that helped me improve on these notes.
1. Categories and functors
For those who might worry about set-theoretic issues (see [Shu08] for example),
we shall stay in a fixed universe (some large set, see definition 1.1.1 of [KS06] for
example). We shall then call a set only those sets that are contained (⊂) in our
universe. Such a set is said to be small if it actually belongs (∈) to our universe.
1.1 Category
1.1.1 Definition/Examples
Definition 1.1.1 A (locally small) category consists in the following data:
1. a set of objects C,
2. for all X, Y ∈ C, a small set of morphisms Hom(X, Y ),
3. for all X ∈ C, an identity morphism IdX ∈ End(X) := Hom(X, X),
4. for all X, Y, Z ∈ C, a composition rule
such that
(a) f ◦ IdX = f and IdY ◦ f = f ,
(b) if h ∈ Hom(Z, T ), then h ◦ (g ◦ f ) = (h ◦ g) ◦ f .
The category is said to be small if its objects (or equivalently its morphisms)
form a small set and finite if there is a finite number of (objects and) morphisms.
We will usually write f : X → Y instead of f ∈ Hom(X, Y ) and call X (resp. Y )
the domain (resp. le codomain) of f . Note that IdX is uniquely determined by the
conditions (4a). In practice, we shall simply say that the set C is a category1 but we
must not forget that it involves some extra structure: morphisms and composition.
As one may denote a group by G without explicitly mentioning the multiplication rule.
12 Chapter 1. Categories and functors
Exercise 1.1 Define the categories Mon, Gr, Rng, G-Set, A-Mod and k-Alg of
monoids, groups, rings, G-sets, A-modules and k-algebras.
Definition 1.1.2 The simplex category ∆ has positive integers [n] := n + 1 for
n ∈ N as objects and order preserving maps as morphisms. The injective (resp.
surjective) maps
that forget (resp. repeats) the i-th term are called the face (resp. degeneracy)
Exercise 1.2 Show that any morphism in ∆ is a composition of face and degeneracy
Exercise 1.5 Show that if C is a category and X ∈ C, then there exists a category
X\ C (of X-objects of C) defined as follows: an object of X\ C is a morphism
f : X → Y and a morphism from f : X → Y to g : X → Z is a morphism
h : Y → Z such that h ◦ f = g. Make explicit the category C/X := (X\ C op )op (of
objects of C over X). For example, in Top, an object Y over X is called a bundle
or a fibration.
1.1.2 Isomorphism
Definition 1.1.3 In a category C,
1. a section (resp. a retraction) of a morphism f : X → Y is a morphism
g : Y → X such that f ◦ g = IdY (resp. g ◦ f = IdX ):
g g
u /Y u /
X f g resp. 7X f
Y .
h = h ◦ idY = h ◦ f ◦ g = idX ◦ g = g. ■
1.1.3 Subcategory
Definition 1.1.5 A subcategory of a category C is the data of
1. a subset C ′ ⊂ C,
2. for all X, Y ∈ C ′ , a subset HomC ′ (X, Y ) ⊂ HomC (X, Y ), such that
(a) if X ∈ C ′ , then IdX ∈ EndC ′ (X) := HomC ′ (X, X),
(b) if X, Y, Z ∈ C ′ , f ∈ HomC ′ (X, Y ) and g ∈ HomC ′ (Y, Z), then g ◦ f ∈
HomC ′ (X, Z).
It is a full subcategory if actually
1.2 Functor
1.2.1 Definition/Examples
Definition 1.2.1 1. A (covariant) functor F : C → C ′ between two categories
is the data for all X ∈ C of F (X) ∈ C ′ and for all f : X → Y of F (f ) :
F (X) → F (Y ), in such a way that we always have F (IdX ) = IdF (X) and
F (g ◦ f ) = F (g) ◦ F (f ).
2. If G : C ′ → C ′′ is another functor, then their composite is the functor G ◦ F
given by (G ◦ F )(X) = G(F (X)) and (G ◦ F )(f ) = G(F (f )).
There always exists an identity functor IdC : C → C that doesn’t change anything.
A functor F : C → C ′ is called an isomorphism it there exists a functor G such that
G ◦ F = IdC and F ◦ G = IdC ′ (but this is not an interesting notion).
A functor F : C op → C ′ is also called a contravariant functor from C to C ′ . Any
functor F : C → C ′ provides a fucntor F op : C op → C ′op and this construction is
“functorial” : IdC op = Idop
C and (G ◦ F )
= Gop ◦ F op .
Exercise 1.8 What are the analog of the “free abelian group” functor X 7→ Z · X
for the categories Mon, Gr, Rng, G-Set, A-Mod and k-Alg.
In other words, X is the alphabet, G is the set of words in this alphabet and the
operation is concatenation. ■
Exercise 1.9 Show that, besides the inclusion functor Ab ,→ Gr, there exists an
abelianization functor G 7→ Gab = G/[G, G] in the other direction. Show however
hat the center of a group is not functorial: a group homomorphism φ : G → H
does not necessarily induce a morphism of abelian groups Z(G) → Z(H).
Some people write Z[X] instead of Z · X but this may be confused with a polynomial ring.
16 Chapter 1. Categories and functors
Exercise 1.10 Show that the categories Z-Mod and Ab are isomorphic. Same
thing with the categories Z-Alg and Rng, and, more generally, with k-Alg and a
full subcategory of k\ Rng (the image of k must be in the center).
that sends (f, g) to the map h 7→ g ◦ h ◦ f . If we compose with the partial functors,
we get the (fundamental) functors
hX : C → Set, Y 7→ Hom(X, Y )
hY : C op → Set, X 7→ Hom(X, Y ).
Exercise 1.11 Define the domain and codomain functors Mor(C) → C as well as
the forgetful functors X\ C → C and C/X → C.
Exercise 1.12 Let us denote by Op(C) ⊂ Mor(C) the full subcategory made of
morphisms with same domain and codomain (objects with operator). Show that,
if k is commutative ring, then Op(k-Mod) ≃ k[T ]-Mod.
F (f )
F (X) / F (Y )
αY αX
G(f )
G(X) / G(Y )
isomorphism for n = 1.
2. If C is any category, then there exists isomorphisms of categories Hom(0, C) ≃ 1,
Hom(1, C) ≃ C and Hom(2, C) ≃ Mor(C).
One also defines the essential image of a functor F as the set of all X ′ ∈ C ′
such that there exists X ∈ C with X ′ ≃ F (X). The functor F is then essentially
surjective when the essential image is equal to C ′ .
The inclusion of a (full) subcategory is a (fully) faithful functor. An isomorphism
of categories is an equivalence (but not conversely). We shall use the notation C ≃ C ′
for the wider notion of equivalence (and not merely isomorphism).
Exercise 1.13 Show that the forgetful functors Top → Set and Ab → Set are
faithful but not fully faithful.
Exercise 1.14 Show that there exists a fully faithful functor X 7→ X from pre-
ordered sets to small categories. What is the essential image ? Same questions
with a functor G 7→ G from monoids to small categories.
Exercise 1.15 Show that if F ≃ F ′ , then F is faithful (resp. full, resp. fully faithful,
essentially surjective, an equivalence) if and only if F ′ is.
Exercise 1.16 Show that a fully faithful functor is essentially injective: if F (X) ≃
F (Y ), then X ≃ Y .
Proof. In order to show that the condition is necessary, we first remark that our
functor F : C → C ′ will be essentially surjective since we will always have X ′ ≃ F (X)
with X := G(X ′ ) if G is a quasi-inverse for F . Then, we consider the following
sequence of maps
Hom(X, Y ) → Hom(F (X), F (Y ))
→ Hom(G(F (X)), G(F (Y ))) → Hom(F (G(F (X))), F (G(F (Y ))))
18 Chapter 1. Categories and functors
Since both G ◦ F and F ◦ G are fully faithful, all the maps are necessary bijective
and F is therefore fully faithful.
In order to show that the condition is sufficient, we choose for all X ′ ∈ C ′ an
object X ∈ C and an isomorphism αX ′ : X ′ ≃ F (X). We set G(X ′ ) := X. Since F
is fully faithful, there exists for each f ′ : X ′ → Y ′ a unique f : G(X ′ ) → G(Y ′ ) such
that F (f ) = αY ′ ◦f ′ ◦αX
′ and we set G(f ) = f . One easily checks that G is a functor
Exercise 1.17 Show that if X is a preordered set and Y denotes its ordered
quotient, then the categories X and Y are equivalent.
∀Y ∈ C, ∀t ∈ F (Y ), ∃!f : X → Y, F (f )(s) = t.
We may also say that the couple (X ∈ C, s ∈ F (X)) is universal among all
couples (Y ∈ C, t ∈ F (Y )), or that s ∈ F (X) is universal for t ∈ F (Y ).
Exercise 1.19 Show that the other usual forgetful functors with value in Set are
also representable.
Exercise 1.20 Show that the tensor product (M, N ) 7→ M ⊗A N (resp. (M, N ) 7→
M ⊗k N ) is universal for Z-bilinear (resp. k-bilinear) maps.
αZ ◦ hX (g) = F (g) ◦ αY
if g : Y → Z. Indeed, we do have
C op → Hom(C, Set), X 7→ hX
1.3 Limit
1.3.1 Diagrams, cones and limits
Definition 1.3.1 Let I be a small category and C any category. Then, a commutative
diagram on I in C is a functor D : I → C.
A commutative diagram on I in C is therefore the data of an object Xi for all
i ∈ I and a morphism fα : Xi → Xj for all α : i → j satisfying fβ◦α = fβ ◦ fα and
fIdi = IdXi :
Xi / Xj
~ fβ
dn+1 dn
.. / .. / / d10
0 0
/ /
Xn+1 . / Xn . / Xn−1 X2 / X1 / X0
dn d11
n+1 n
such that
Example There exists a cosimplicial object in Top sending [n] to the standard
topological simplex
( n
∆n := (x0 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn+1
≥0 , xi = 1
and u : [n] → [m] to the unique linear map sending ei to eu(i) if (e0 , . . . , en ) denotes
the usual basis.
1.3 Limit 21
In down to earth terms, a commutative diagram (Xi , fα ) has X as a limit if and only
if we are given for all i ∈ I a morphism pi : X → Xi such that for all α : i → j, we
have pj = fα ◦ pi with the following universal property: if we are given some Y ∈ C
endowed for all i ∈ I with a morphism gi : Y → Xi such that for all u : i → j, we
have gj = fα ◦ gi , then there exists a unique morphism g : Y → X such that for all
i ∈ I, we have gi = pi ◦ g :
pi 5 Xi
Y / X fα
4 Xj
Note that a final (resp. initial) object is nothing else but the empty product (resp.
Examples 1. In Set, the cartesian product is a product and the disjoint union
is a coproduct.
2. In Top, this is the same thing with the coarser (resp. finer) topolofy making
the projections (resp. injections) continuous.
3. In Ab, the cartesian product is a product and the direct sum is a coproduct3
(product equals coproduct when I is finite).
f1 f2
Definition 1.3.7 A limit X of a diagram (X1 → X0 ← X2 ) is called a fibered
product of X1 and X2 over X0 and denoted by X = X1 ×X0 X2 . We shall then
also say that the diagram
X / X1
p2 f1
X2 / X0
Note that a product (resp. coproduct) of two objects is nothing but a fibered
product (resp. fibered coproduct) over a final (resp. initial) object (if it exists).
Be careful that what is called free product is a coproduct in the category of (non abelian)
1.3 Limit 23
X1 ⊔X0 X2 = (X1 ⊔ X2 )/ ∼
/Y /
X / Z
is left exact. Dually, there exists the notion of a cokernel (or coequalizer ) coker (f, g)
and right exact sequencea .
We should say exact sequence and coexact sequence.
i / X
Exercise 1.27 Make explicit some classical limits and colimits in Mon, Gr, Rng,
G-Set, A-Mod and k-Alg.
Exercise 1.28 Show that the fibered coproduct in the category of commutative
rings is the tensor product.
Exercise 1.29 Show that in a poset, the limit (resp. colimit) is the greatest lower
bound or meet (resp. least upper bound or join). What about cone and cocone ?
Make explicit the case of a finite ordinal as well as the set of open subsets of a
topological space.
Exercise 1.30 Does the category Cat have a final object? an initial object ? finite
products ? Make them explicit. Show that if C is a small category, then Op(C) is
the kernel of the domain and codomain functors Mor(C) → C in Cat.
Exercise 1.32 Show that any morphism is strict in Set or Ab but not in Top.
ker(f, g) /X
Y / Y × Y.
is cartesian. More precisely, show that if Y × Y exists, then there exists such a
fibered product if and only if ker(f, g) exists in which case they coincide.
1.4 Applications
1.4.1 Filtered colimit
Definition 1.4.1 A small category I is said to be filtered if it has all finite cocones.
A filtered diagram is a diagram I → C with I filtered. A filtered colimit is a colimit
of a filtered diagram.
Exercise 1.38 Show that a poset is directed if and only if it is filtered (as a
There exists a partial converse (we may always replace a filtered category with a
directed set):
Proposition 1.4.2 If I is a filtered category, then there exists a directed set J and a
functor u : J → I such that, for all diagram D : I → C, if lim(D ◦ u) exists, then
lim D exists and lim(D ◦ u) ≃ lim D.
−→ −→ −→
Proof. To do ■
3. ∀u, v : i → j, ∃c : j → k / c ◦ u = c ◦ v.
Exercise 1.40 Show that a category with filtered colimits and finite colimits (resp.
finite coproducts) has all colimits (resp. coproducts).
The dual notion is that of a pro-object “ lim Xi ”and they form a category Pro(C) :=
Ind(C op )op .
The notion of ind-object lives somehow between the notion of a diagram and the
notion of a limit. One can show that we get an equivalent category by considering
only directed sets instead of filtered categories (difficult).
Example The category of profinite sets (pro-objects of the category of finite sets)
is equivalent to the category of compact Hausdorff totally disconnected spaces.
Exercise 1.41 Show that the obvious functor C ,→ Ind(C) is fully faithful.
F I : C I → DI , D 7→ F (D) := F ◦ D
We shall usually simply write F instead of F I so that F (Xi , fα ) = (F (Xi ), F (fα )).
Definition 1.4.4 If D is a commutative diagram in C, then a functor F : C → D is
said to preserve (or commute with) the limit of D, if
Exercise 1.43 Show that a functor that preserves filtered colimits and finite
colimits (resp. finite coproducts) preserves all colimits (resp. coproducts).
1.4 Applications 27
Exercise 1.44 Show that the forgetful functor Top → Set preserves all limits and
colimits and that the functor Ab → Set preserves all limits (but not colimits).
There is no dual statement here and the notion of a limit plays a special role.
When applied to the functor Hom, we have the following formulas
Definition 1.4.6 A functor is said to be left exact (resp. right exact) if it preserves
all finite limits (resp. colimits). Il is said to be exact if it is both left and right
exacta .
We should say exact, coexact and biexact respectively.
Examples 1. The forgetful functor Top → Set is exact, as well as the functor
Set → Top that endows a set with the discrete topology, but the functor
Set → Top that endows a set with the coarse topology is only left exact.
2. The forgetful functor Ab → Set is left exact but not right exact, and the free
abelian group functor Set → Ab is right exact but not left exact.
Exercise 1.46 Show that the obvious functor C ,→ Ind(C) is exact and preserves
all limits.
1.4.3 Projective/Injective
Definition 1.4.7 An object X of a category C is said to be projective if hX preserves
epimorphisms. The dual notion is that of an injective object.
X / Y (resp. Y / X )
can be completed with the dotted arrow. When X is projective (resp. injective),
any epimorphism Y ↠ X (resp. monomorphism X ,→ Y ) has a section (resp. a
retraction). Also, if X → Y has a retraction and Y is projective, then X also is
projective (analog for injective).
Examples 1. In Set, all objects are projective and injective.
2. In Ab, projective objects are free abelian groups and injective objects are
divisible groups (for example Q and Q/Z).
3. In R−Mod, projective objects are direct factors of free R-modules (Z/2 is
projective – but not free – over Z/6).
4. We shall show that the projective objects of the category of compact Haus-
dorff spaces are the Stonean (meaning extremally disconnected) spaces (or
equivalently the retracts of free compact Hausdorff spaces).
Exercise 1.48 Assume C admits fibred products and that epimorphisms are uni-
versal (see definition 3.2.11 below). Show that X is projective if and only if any
epimorphism Y ↠ X has a section.
Definition 1.4.8 A category C has enough projectives if, given any X ∈ C, there
exists a projective Y and an epimorphism Y ↠ X (dual notion : enough injective).
In other words,
lim Hom(X, Yi ) ≃ Hom(X, lim Yi )
−→ −→
when (Yi ) is filtered. Or, in more down to earth terms, any morphism X → lim Yi
factors through some Yi .
Examples 1. A set is finitely presented if and only if it is finite.
2. A topological space is finitely presented if and only if it is finite discrete.
3. An abelian group is finitely presented (resp. finitely presented projective) if
and only if it is finitely generated (resp. free of finite rank).
4. A topological space is compact (in the usual sense) if and only if X is a finitely
presented object of Open(X).
1.4 Applications 29
f ×f ′ f
G×G / G′ × G′ and G_ / ′
ϵ ϵ′
µ µ′
G / G′ 1
(ι,IdG )
G / G×G
(IdG ,ι) 1 µ
µ #
G×G / G.
Monoids (resp. groups, resp. abelian groups) of C make a category Mon(C) (resp.
Gr(C), resp. Ab(C)). We shall concentrate on abelian groups.
Example An abelian group of the category Set is nothing but a usual abelian
group. An abelian group of Top is a topological abelian group (with continuous
multiplication and continuous inversion).
Exercise 1.50 Define the notion of a ring A in a category C with finite products
as well as the notion of a G-object, an A-modules or a k-algebra. We shall denote
by Rng(C), G-Set(C), A-Mod(C) and k-Alg(C) these categories.
Exercise 1.51 Show that, if all limits exist in C, then the same holds in Ab(C)
and they are preserved by the obvious forgetful functor Ab(C) → C.
30 Chapter 1. Categories and functors
Exercise 1.52 Let F : C → C ′ be a functor between categories with finite products.
Show that
1. if F preserves finite products, then F induces a functor Ab(F ) : Ab(C) →
Ab(C ′ ),
2. if F preserves all limits, so does Ab(F ).
1.4.5 Localization
Definition 1.4.11 The localization of a small category C with respect to a set of
morphisms W is a categorya ho(C) which is universal for functors C → D sending
W to isomorphisms in D.
ho stands for homotopy category.
Proof. (Sketch) We may assume that W contains all isomorphisms in C. Then, the
objects of ho(C) are the objects of C and morphisms are finite chains
X = X0 ← X1 → X2 ← · · · → Xn−1 ← Xn → Xn+1 = Y
up to equivalence. ■
Exercise 1.53 Show that if C admits right calculus of fraction with respect to W ,
then the functor Q : C → ho(C) is exact.
1.5 Adjoint
1.5.1 Definition
Definition 1.5.1 A functor F : C → C ′ is adjoint to a functor G : C ′ → C if there
exists a natural isomorphism
Exercise 1.54 Write explicitly what it means for ΦX,X ′ : Hom(F (X), X ′ ) ≃
Hom(X, G(X ′ )) and its inverse to be natural.
Exercise 1.55 Show that most forgetful and inclusion functors we have already
met have an adjoint (and sometimes a coadjoint) and make them explicit.
Exercise 1.56 Show that the functor X 7→ X × Y from Set to itself is adjoint to
the functor Z 7→ F(Y, Z):
Solution. Both F1 (X) and F2 (X) represent the same functor X ′ 7→ Hom(X, G(X ′ ))
and there exists therefore a isomorphism F1 (X) ≃ F2 (X) which is easily seen to be
natural. ■
32 Chapter 1. Categories and functors
Exercise 1.58 Show that if F1 : C ⇆ D : G1 and F2 : D ⇆ E : G2 then,
F2 ◦ F1 ⊣ G1 ◦ G2 .
We may then set αX := ΦX,F (X) (IdF (X) ) and, dually, βX ′ := Φ−1
G(X ′ ),X ′ (IdG(X ) ). Then,
we have
= IdF (X)
Then, we have
and symetrically. ■
Definition 1.5.3 The morphisms α and β are called unit and counit (or else
adjunction morphisms).
Exercise 1.59 Assume F ⊣ G with unit α and counit β. Show that G is faith-
ful (resp. fully faithful) if and only if αX is always a monomorphism (resp. an
isomorphism). Analogue for G ?
where the first one is f 7→ F (f ) and the second one is the adjunction ΦY,F (X) . We
Thus we see that G is faithful (resp. fully faithful) if and only hαX injective (resp.
bijective) for all X and all Y . This means that αX is a monomorphism (resp. an
isomorphism) for all X.
Now, we have Gop ⊣ F op and the unit for this adjunction is β op . Moreover, βX op
Exercise 1.60 Describe the adjunction morphisms in all the examples studied so
far. Deduce in each case faithfulness or full faithfulness of the functors.
Exercise 1.61 Show that, if a small category C has copowers, then all representable
functors F on C have an adjoint. Recover the fact that F preserves all limits.
Set → C, I 7→ X (I) ,
define unit I → Hom(X, X (I) ) and counit X (Hom(X,Y )) → Y and check the properties.
Theorem 1.5.5 A functor that admits an adjoint (resp. a coadjoint) preserves all
limits (resp. colimits).
As a consequence, we see that limits (resp. colimits) commute with limits (resp.
There exists a partial converse which is called Freyd adjunction theorem:
Theorem 1.5.6 If D is a small complete category, then a functor G : D → C which
preserves all limits has an adjoint (and dual).
F X := lim Y. ■
One can replace the smallness condition on D by the solution-set condition: given
any X in C, there exists a set of morphisms X → GYi such that any morphism
X → GY factors through some GYi .
Example As we already noticed, the forgetful functor Top → Set preserves all
limits and all colimits and the forgetful functor Ab → Set preserves all limits.
Exercise 1.65 Study the exactness of various forgetful and inclusion functors as
well as their adjoints.
Exercise 1.66 Show that if all limits on I exist in C, then all limits on I exist in
C J and that, if D ∈ C I×J (≃ (C J )I ), then
∀j ∈ J, lim D = lim Dj .
←− ←−
i j i
Proof. The point is to show that if I is a directed set, then the functor
always replace any xi with some xj ∈ Xj when j > i without changing its class. By
considering colimits on the projections, we have the following morphisms
Exercise 1.67 Show that filtered colimits are exact in Ab, etc. and that they
commute with the forgetful functors (one may show the second assertion first).
Exercise 1.68 Show that Ab satisfies AB6 which means that filtered colimits
commute with products:
lim Mij ≃ lim Mij
−→ Q−→
j∈J ij ∈Ij j∈J Ij j∈J
F / +3 p−1 G.
>D (not commutative) and F 5=
p! F ⇒G
C p−1 p! F
There exists the dual notion of a right Kan extension p∗ F with γ : p−1 G ⇒ F this
1 X
C F /7 +3 G5= ′ ◦ F +3
>C D, IdC and F H3; ◦ F.
F ◦G
D G◦F F ◦G◦F
has an adjoint p! if and only if all Kan extensions along p with values in D exist
(and dual).
Exercise 2.1 Show that a topological space X is Hausdorff it and only if the
diagonal ∆X ⊂ X × X is closed.
Exercise 2.2 Show that any subspace of a Hausdorff space is Hausdorff. Show
that a an equivalence relation on a topological space is closed if and only if the
quotient is Hausdorff. Show that a non empty product of topological spaces is
Hausdorff if and only if each of them is Hausdorff. Show that any limit (but not
Be careful that T4 and normal are sometimes reversed.
But it is T0 -space (or Kolmogorov).
40 Chapter 2. Topology
Exercise 2.3 Show that the category of Hausdorff topological spaces is a reflective
subcategory of the category of all topological spaces.
Solution. Follows from Freyd’s adjunction theorem (the solution set is obtained by
considering any Hausdorff topology on a quotient X/ ∼). ■
Exercise 2.5 Show that a normala space X is “locally closed”: any neighborhood
of x ∈ X contains a closed neighborhood.
Or more generally regular.
Lemma 2.1.2 — Urysohn. A topological space X is T4 if and only if, given two non-
empty closed disjoint subsets A and B, there exists a continuous map f : X → R
such that f (A) = 0 and f (B) = 1.
Proof. Classical. ■
Alternatively, if
T a family of closed subsets (Fi )i∈I satisfies ̸ ∅ for all
i∈J Fi =
finite J ⊂ I, then i∈I Fi ̸= ∅.
Examples 1. A finite space (such as the Sierpiński space) is compact (but not
Hausdorff in général).
2. A discrete space is compact if and only if it is finite (in which case it is compact
3. The space N is compact Hausdorff.
Exercise 2.6 Show that a closed subspace of a compact space is compact. Show
that the image of a compact space by a continuous map is compact. Show that
a compact subspace of a Hausdorff space is closed. Show that a finite disjoint
union of compact (Hausdorff) spaces is compact (Hausdorff).
Proof. Classical. ■
The following result will also follow from proposition 2.1.7 below:
Exercise 2.10 Show that any limit of compact Hausdorff spaces is compact Haus-
Solution. Thanks to Tykhonov theorem, it is sufficient to show that the kernel of two
maps f, g : S → T of compact Hausdorff spaces is compact Hausdorff, or equivalently,
closed. But ker(f, g) is the inverse image of the diagonal T ⊂ T × T , which is closed
since T is Hausdorff, by the continuous map S → T × T, x 7→ (f (x), g(x)). ■
We shall need later the following lemma
Lemma 2.1.5 If f : S ↠ T is a continuous surjection of compact Hausdorff spaces,
then there exists a minimal closed subset S ′ of S such that the restriction of f to
S ′ is surjective.
Proof. We use Zorn’s lemma. Thus, we give ourselves a decreasing family Si of closed
subsets of S that for all i ∈ I, the restriction of f to Si is surjective. If y ∈ T , then
f −1 (y) is closer and meets any of the Si which are closed. Since f −1 (y) is a compact
subset of S, it also meets necessarily S ′ := i∈I Si .
42 Chapter 2. Topology
In order to show that this map is continuous, it is sufficient again to consider the
projection on some fixed factor:
This is continuous by definition of the the product topology. Moreover, the diagram
X / [0, 1]C(X,[0,1])
Y / [0, 1]C(Y,[0,1])
is clearly commutative. It follows that the closure of the image of X is sent into the
closure of the image of Y and we do get a continuous map βϕ : βX → βY . Finally, it
follows from Urysohn’s lemma that, when S is compact Hausdorff, the natural map
S → βS is injective: if x ̸= x′ ∈ S, then there exists a continuous map f : S → [0, 1]
such that f (x) = 0 and f (x′ ) = 1. It is therefore a homeomorphism (a continuous
bijection between compact Hausdorff spaces is always a homeomorphism).
Our assertion therefore follows from exercise 1.70. ■
As a consequence of proposition 2.1.7, any limit (in the category of topological
spaces) of compact Hausdorff spaces is compact Hausdorff. In particular, a topological
monoid (resp. group, resp. abelian group) which is compact Hausdorff is the same
thing as monoid (resp. group, resp. abelian group) in the category of compact
2.2 Projective objects 43
Hausdorff spaces. There also exists colimits obtained by applying β to the colimit
of topological spaces. When we write lim Xi , we always mean the colimit in the
category of topological spaces, even if all Xi ’s are compact Hausdorff. We shall then
write β lim Xi if we ever need to consider the colimit in the category of compact
Hausdorff spaces.
It is important to remember that there exists a natural bijection
C(βX, S) ≃ C(X, S)
βS disc / βS
S disc //S
Exercise 2.13 Show that the image of a connected space by a continuous map
is always connected. Show that the closure of a connected subset is connected.
Show that a connected component is closed (but not necessarily open). Show that
a clopen subset is a (disjoint) union of connected components.
Solution. The point is to show that, if S is compact Hausdorff, then π0 (S) is Hausdorff.
Let C and C ′ be two distinct connected components of S. Since C ′ is compact, and
clopen are stable under finite intersection, it follows from proposition 2.2.6 that there
exists a clopen U such that C ⊂ U and C ′ ∩ U = ∅. Then, U is a union of connected
46 Chapter 2. Topology
Exercise 2.17 Show that a profinite space is a directed limit of finite discrete
topological spaces with surjective transitions maps.
Proof. First of all, a profinite space is a Stone space as a limit of Stone spaces. Assume
conversely that` S is a Stone space. Let E be the set finite families E ⊂ Open(S) \ {∅}
such that S = U ∈E U . If E ∈ E, then there exists a continuous surjection S → E,
that sends x to U if x ∈ U and they are compatible with inclusion E ′ ⊂ E.
Therefore, there exists a continuous map S → lim E. Since S is compact, if (UE )E∈E
is a compatible system, then ∩E∈E UE ̸= ∅: indeed, this is clearly true for a finite
family and the UE ’s are closed. It follows that the map is surjective. Now, since S is
a Stone space, if x ∈ S, then {x} it the intersection of all clopen containing x. It
follows that the map is injective: if x ̸= y, there exists U clopen such that x ∈ U
and y ∈/ U and we may choose E = {U, U c }. A bijective continuous map of compact
Hausdorff spaces is a homeomorphism. ■
Exercise 2.19 Show that, if S is a Stone space, then any open covering has a finite
disjoint clopen refinement.
Solution. It follows from proposition 2.2.9 and exercise 2.17 that S = limi∈I Sk is
a directed limit of finite discrete spaces and we shall denote by πi : S → Si the
projection. If x ∈ S, then the clopen subsets Ux,i := πi−1 (πi (x)) with i ∈ I form
a basis of open neighborhoods of x. Since S is compact, our covering has a finite
refinement by open subsets of the form Uxk ,ik with k = 1, . . . , r. Since I is directed,
there exists i ≥ ik for i = 1, . . . , r. Then, for a ∈ Si , we set Ua = πi−1 (a). This is a
2.2 Projective objects 47
Exercise 2.20 Show that the category of profinite sets is equivalent to the category
of profinite spaces.
Recall that a boolean algebra is a commutative ring A such that all a ∈ A are
idempotent (a2 = a).
Exercise 2.21 Prove Stone representation theorem: the opposite of the category
of boolean algebras is equivalent to the category of Stone spaces.
Solution. One endows S(A) := HomRng (A, F2 ) ⊂ FA2 with the induced topology (and
F2 with the discrete topology). A quasi-inverse is given by sending S to the set
A(S) of all clopen subsets of S with the operations a + b := (a ∪ b) \ (a ∩ b) and
ab = a ∩ b. ■
2.3.1 Definition
Definition 2.3.1 A topological space X is
1. locally compact Hausdorff if it is Hausdorff and any point has a compact
2. compactly (Hausdorff ) generated (also called a k-space) if it is a colimit of
compact Hausdorff spaces.
Proof. Classic. ■
Exercise 2.23 Show that, for a topological space X, the following conditions are
1. X is compactly generated.
2. X is a quotient of a disjoint union of compact Hausdorff spaces.
3. X is a quotient of a locally compact Hausdorff space.
4. A subset Y of X is open (resp. closed) when, given any continuous map
f : S → X from a compact Hausdorff space, f −1 (Y ) is open (resp. closed)
in S.
5. A map X → Y is continuous when, given any continuous map S → X
from a compact Hausdorff space, the composite map S → X → Y is also
6. X = lim S when S → X runs through all continuous maps from a compact
Hausdorff space.
induces a bijection
for compactly generated spaces and then apply Yoneda lemma. This is done by hand
(see theorem 5.9.8 in [Bro06] for example). ■
The category of compactly generated spaces is cartesian closed (meaning that 2.1
holds). More generally:
It is usually quite hard to tell if C(X, Y ) is compactly generated.
2.3 Compactly generated space 51
Exercise 2.30 Show that Hausdorff implies weak Hausdorff implies Fréchet.
Exercise 2.31 Show that, if X is a weak Hausdorff topological space, then, for all
morphism f : S → X with S compact Hausdorff, f (S) is compact Hausdorff.
Solution. The second assertion follows from the first one which we now prove. Since
X is weak Hausdorff and S1 ⊔ S2 is compact Hausdorff, then the image T of S1 ⊔ S2
in X is a compact Hausdorff subset and therefore S1 ×X S2 = S1 ×T S2 is compact
Hausdorff. ■
Solution. This is the inverse image of the diagonal along the continuous map (f, g) :
X →Y ×Y. ■
Exercise 2.36 Show that, if Y is weak Hausdorff, then kC(X, Y ) is also weak
Exercise 2.37 Show that an equivalence relation R on a compactly generated
space X is k-closed if and only if X/R is weak Hausdorff.
It follows that any limit of compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces, endowed
with the k-topology, is weak Hausdorff.
Exercise 2.39 Show that an open (resp. a closed) subspace of an hk-space is an
52 Chapter 2. Topology
Solution. Since X is weak Hausdorff, we can assume that Sn ⊂ Sn+1 for all n ∈ N.
We may also replace S with its image in X. Then, we have S = limn∈N S ∩ Sn and
we may finally assume that X = S and S = limn∈N Sn . We have to show that there
exists n such that S = Sn . Otherwise, we may assume that Sn ⊊ Sn+1 for all n ∈ N
and pick a point xn ∈ Sn+1 \ Sn up. If T ⊂ {xn }n∈N , then T ∩ Sn is (finite) closed in
Sn for all n ∈ N. Since S has the colimit topology, then T is closed in S. This shows
that {xn }n∈N is discrete in S compact and therefore finite. Contradiction. ■
3. Sites and topos
3.1 Presheaf
We fix a category C.
3.1.1 Defintion
Definition 3.1.1 A presheaf (of sets) on C is a (contravariant) functor T : C op → Set.
A morphism of presheaves is a natural transformation between them.
4. For fixed set E, we can consider the constant presheaf EC on a category C that
sends any X to E and any f to IdE . When C = Open(X), we shall write EX .
5. For fixed X ∈ C, we can consider the presheaf
hX : Y 7→ Hom(Y, X)
Solution. We may assume that 1Cb is the constant presheaf associated to 1 := {0}
(which is clearly a final object). There exists a natural bijection
E ≃ Hom(1, E) ≃ Hom(1Cb, EC ), e 7→ eC .
By construction, if X ∈ C, we have φe,X (0) = φX (e) which implies that the map is
injective and provides a candidate for an inverse. It is however necessary to check
that ϕ will be a morphism of presheaves but if f : Y → X, we have f ∗ (φX (e)) =
f ∗ (φe,X (0)) = φe,Y (0) = φY (e). ■
Exercise 3.2 Show that a presheaf on Top is equivalent to the following data :
1. a presheaf TX (its realization) on each topological space X, and
2. a compatible family of morphisms TX 7→ fb∗ TY for all continuous map
f : Y → X, where fb∗ TY is the presheaf on X defined by
fb∗ TY (U ) = TY (f −1 (U )).
Theorem 3.1.2 All limits and colimits exist in Cb and, if X ∈ C, then the functor
ょ : C ,→ C,
b X 7→ hX
Ind(C) ,→ C,
b “ lim Xi ” 7→ lim hXi .
−→ −→
A presheaf T isomorphic to lim hXi is said to be ind-representable.
/ Cb
is cartesian.
Exercise 3.6 1. Prove the density theorem: any presheaf T on a category C is
a colimit of representable presheaves. More, precisely:
T ≃ lim hX .
3.2 Site
3.2.1 Topology
Definition 3.2.1 If C is a category and X ∈ C, then a subobject R of hX is called
a sieve of X. The inverse image of R under a morphism f : Y → X is the sieve
f −1 (R) := R ×hX hY of Y .
The set C/R is sometimes also called a sieve (this was actually the original
Exercise 3.8 Show that it is equivalent to give a sieve R of X or a set R of
morphisms X ′ → X such that, if X ′ → X belongs to R, then any precomposition
X ′′ → X ′ → X is still in R. Show that f −1 (R) then corresponds to the set of all
morphisms Y ′ → Y such that the composition Y ′ → Y → X is in R.
Since the notion of a sieve of X is stable under intersection, there is a notion of
sieve generated by a family (Xi → X)i∈I .
Exercise 3.9 Show that the sieve R of X generated by a family (fi : Xi → X)i∈I
is i∈I im hfi . In other words, Y → X is in R(Y ) if and only if it factors through
some Xi .
Definition 3.2.3 A topologically generating set for a site C is a set G ⊂ C such that
any X ∈ C admits a covering sieve generated by a family (fi : Xi → X)i∈I with
Xi ∈ G.
58 Chapter 3. Sites and topos
For set-theoretic issues, it is necessary to always assume that there exists a small
topologically generating set. It makes it possible to replace J(X) with a small set.
If C is any category, then the various topologies on C are ordered by inclusion from
coarse (only hX covers X) to discrete (any sieve R covers X). Any intersection of
topologies is a topology and it follows that any set of sieves generates a topology. As
a consequence, any set of families (Xi → X)i∈I for various X generates a topology.
In practice, it is convenient to rely on the following:
Definition 3.2.4 A pretopology on a category C is the data of sets Cov(X) of
covering families (Xi → X)i∈I for all X ∈ C such that
1. any isomorphism X ′ → X is in Cov(X),
2. if (Xi → X)i∈I ∈ Cov(X) and f : Y → X is any morphism, then (Xi ×X Y →
Y )i∈I ∈ Cov(Y ),
3. if (Xi → X)i∈I ∈ Cov(X), and for each i ∈ I, (Xij → Xi )j∈Ii ∈ Cov(Xi ),
then (Xij → X)i∈I,j∈Ij ∈ Cov(X).
Exercise 3.12 Show that, if C is a site with fibered products, then the set of all
families (Xi → X)i∈I that generate a covering sieve of X, is a pretopology that
generates the topology of C. This is called the maximal pretopology (of the site).
Be careful however that a family that generates a covering sieve is not necessarily
a covering family for the given pretopology.
3.2.2 Sheaf
Definition 3.2.5 A presheaf F : C op → Set on a site C is separated (resp. a sheaf )
if, for all X ∈ C and R ∈ J(X), the restriction map
We shall denote by Ce the full subcategory of sheaves of sets on the site C and by
H : Ce ,→ Cb the inclusion functor.
R_ / T
hX / Ȟ(T )
60 Chapter 3. Sites and topos
is commutative.
Proof. We have to show that, for all Y ∈ C, the diagram
R(Y ) / T (Y )
hX (Y ) / Ȟ(T )(Y )
Proof. The first assertion follows from the fact that both filtered colimits and Hom
are left exact.
In order to show that Ȟ(T ) is separated, we give ourselves two maps hX ⇒ Ȟ(T )
that coincide on some R ∈ J(X), and we show that, after possibly refining R, they
come from the same map R → T . We may first assume that they come from two
maps R ⇒ T . Then, thanks to lemma 3.16, both compositions R ⇒ T → Ȟ(T ) are
the same. It is now sufficient to prove that R′ := ker(R ⇒ T ) ∈ J(X) and then
replace R with R′ . Since R ∈ J(X), it is sufficient to show that for all f ∈ R(Y ),
f −1 (R′ ) = ker(hY ⇒ T ) ∈ J(Y ). But since both compositions hY ⇒ T → Ȟ(T ) are
the same, there exists S ∈ J(Y ) such that both compositions S ,→ hY ⇒ T are the
same. Necessarily, S ⊂ ker(hY ⇒ T ) ∈ J(Y ).
As an immediate consequence, if T ,→ Ȟ(T ) is a monomorphism, then T is also
separated as a sub-presheaf of a separated presheaf. Conversely, since filtered limits
are exact, if T is separated, then we have a monomorphism T ,→ Ȟ(T ).
We shall now prove that, if T is separated, then Ȟ(T ) is a sheaf. We give
ourselves a map R → Ȟ(T ) with R ∈ J(X). We let R′ := T ×Ȟ(T ) R ⊂ R and
we first show that R′ ∈ J(X). It is sufficient to prove that, for all f ∈ R(Y ),
f −1 (R′ ) = T ×Ȟ(T ) hY ∈ J(Y ). But this is clear since the map hY → Ȟ(T ) comes
from some S → T with S ∈ J(Y ) and then, necessarily, S ⊂ T ×Ȟ(T ) hY ∈ J(Y ). We
may therefore replace R with R′ . Then our map factors as R → T ,→ Ȟ(T ) which
provides a map hX → Ȟ(T ) by definition.
Finally, it is clear that T is sheaf if and only if T ≃ Ȟ(T ). ■
3.2 Site 61
Example 1. If C has the discrete (resp. the coarse) topology, then Te = T (resp.
Te = ∅C ).
2. If E is any set, then we may consider the constant sheaf E eC (sometimes still
denoted by E) associated to the constant presheaf EC .
Exercise 3.17 Show that, for a set E and a sheaf F on a site C, we have the
adjunction (where 1Ce denotes a final object)
The functor C → C,
e X 7→ X is left exact but not necessary fully faithful. Also,
we have
∀X ∈ C, F ∈ C,
e Hom(X, F) ≃ F(X).
62 Chapter 3. Sites and topos
Exercise 3.18 Show that if E a set, then
eTop ≃ E disc
(and E
eTop (X) = E if and only if X is connected).
Solution. Notice first that 1 (with 1 = {0}) is the final object of Top.
g Now, given
any sheaf F, we have on the one hand
eTop , F) ≃ Hom(1, F)E ≃ F(1)E ,
3.2.3 Properties
Definition 3.2.11 In a category C,
1. a colimit X = limi∈I Xi is said to be universal if for all morphisms X → Y
and Y ′ → Y , we have X ×Y Y ′ ≃ lim(Xi ×Y Y ′ ),
2. A (regular) epimorphism f : X ↠ Y is said to be universal if for all
morphism Y ′ → Y ` , f ×Y Y ′ is a (regular) epimorphism,
3. A coproduct X = i∈I Xi is said to be disjoint if
(a) for all i ∈ I, Xi ⊂ X,
(b) for all i ̸= j ∈ I, Xi ∩ Xj = ∅.
We may also say that an effective equivalence relation is universal if the quotient
map is a universal regular epimorphism.
Exercise 3.19 Show that if C is a site, then all limits and colimits exist in Ce and
1. colimits are universal,
2. filtered colimits are exact,
3. epimorphisms are regular and universal,
4. coproducts are disjoint,
5. equivalence relations are effective.
im(F → G) = ker (G ⇒ G ⊔F G)
3.2 Site 63
Te ≃ lim X
Corollary 3.2.13 A family (Xi → X)i∈I generates a covering sieve if and only if
the morphism X i ↠ X is an epimorphism (in C).
` e
Exercise 3.25 Show that if C is a site and Ce is endowed with its canonical topology,
then Ce ≃ Ce
ょ : Ce ,→ C, F 7→ hF
is simply given by
op ょ
G op G
Ceop → Set 7→ C ,→ C → Set .
covering sieve for the canonical topology. Indeed, given any F ∈ C, e we have
3.3 Topos
3.3.1 Pretopos
Definition 3.3.1 A pretopos is a category C such that
1. finite limits exist,
2. finite coproducts exist and are disjoint and universal,
3. epimorphisms are regular and universal,
4. equivalence relations are effective.
Ze π
e //Z
g ,e
h) (g,h)
π×π/ /
X ×X X × X.
Exercise 3.27 Show that a pretopos is balanced : A morphism which is at the same
time a monomorphism and an epimorphism is automatically an isomorphism.
Solution. We have to show that, given any Y ∈ C and any covering family (Xi →
X)i∈I , then
hY (X) ≃ ker hY (Xi ) ⇒ hY (Xi ×X Xj ) .
i∈I i,j∈I
holds just because hY is left exact. In the second case, we have X = X ′ /R with
R := X ′ ×X X ′ and we have to show that
Hom(X ′ /R, Y ) ≃ ker(Hom(X ′ , Y )) ⇒ Hom(R, Y ))),
which is the very definition of a quotient. ■
X1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ Xr ≃ X 1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ X r .
X/R ≃ X/R.
Solution. The equivalence is true for isomorphisms because the topology is subcanon-
ical. The direct implication holds for monomorphisms since X 7→ X is left exact.
If f is an epimorphism, then it is regular and Y ≃ X/R so that Y = X/R ≃ X/R
which shows that f also is an epimorphism. In general, there exists an epi-mono
factorization X ↠ Z ,→ Y providing an epi-mono factorization X ↠ Z ,→ Y . If f
is a monomorphism then X = Z so that X = Z and f is a monomorphism. If f is
an epimorphism, then Z = Y so that Z = Y and f is an epimorphism. ■
3.3.3 Generator
Definition 3.3.4 A set S ⊂ C is a set of generators (or separators) for a category C
if the functor hG is faithful. When S = {G}, we say that G is a generator.
Exercise 3.34 Show that, if C has all coproducts, then S is a set of generators if
and only if we have for all X ∈ C an epimorphism
G ↠ X.
G∈S,f :G→X
3.3.4 Topos
Definition 3.3.5 A category T is a topos if
1. there exists a small set of generators,
2. finite limits exist,
3. coproducts exist and they are disjoint and universal,
4. equivalence relations are effective and universal.
Proof. For (1) ⇒ (2), given a sheaf F, we set X := limY ∈T Y . Then, one can
−→ /F
check that F ≃ hX . For (2) ⇒ (3), we can almost choose C = T with its canonical
topology. Also, it follows from exercises 3.19 and 3.33 that (3) ⇒ (1). We also proved
in proposition 3.16 that (3) ⇒ (4). For (4) ⇒ (1), it is sufficient to notice that C
b is
a topos and use the reflection. ■
If follows that, in a topos T , all limits and colimits exist, colimits are universal,
epimorphisms are regular and universal, filtered colimits are exact and equivalence
relations are effective. Actually, any formula that involves colimits and finite limits
that hold for sets also holds in T . In particular, a topos is a pretopos and therefore,
any morphism has a unique epi-mono factorization. Subobjects form a bounded
lattice and pulling back is a morphism of bounded lattices.
Corollary 3.3.7 If C is a small set of generators of a topos T and C has the induced
topology, then T ≃ C.e ■
Example A family of maps (fi : Xi → X)i∈I is a covering in the topos Set (for the
canonical topology) if and only if it is jointly surjective:
∀x ∈ X, ∃i ∈ I, ∃xi ∈ Xi , fi (xi ) = x.
X ≃ lim X ′ .
X ∈T/R
T (X) ≃ lim T (X ′ )
X ∈T/R
and this shows that T is a sheaf. The converse follows from proposition 1.4.5. ■
X 7→ Hom(X × Y, Z)
Proof. It is sufficient to show that it is a sheaf but this follows from the fact that
colimits are universal in a topos. ■
As a consequence, a topos is cartesian closed : there exists a natural isomorphism
Example If F, G are two (pre-) sheaves on a topological space X, then Hom(F, G)(U ) =
Hom(F|U , G|U ) (with F|U (V ) := F(V ) for V ⊂ U ).
Exercise 3.38 Show that, if 1 denote the final object of a topos, then
1. Hom(1, X) ≃ X,
2. Hom(X, Y ) = Hom(X, Y )(1).
3.3.6 Quasi-compact/separated
See for example Lurie.
Definition 3.3.9 An object X of a site C is said to be quasi-compact if, given any
family (Xi → X)i∈I that generates a covering sieve, there exists a finite subset J
of I such that the sieve generated by (Xi → X)i∈J is also a covering.
In particular,
` an object X of a topos T is quasi-compact if and only ` if, given an
epimorphism i∈I Xi ↠ X, there exists a finite subset J of I such that i∈J Xi ↠ X
is an epimorphism. Actually, quasi-compactness may always be checked in a topos:
Exercise 3.40 Show that an object X of a site C is quasi-compact if and only if X
is quasi-compact (for the canonical topology).
Proof. It follows from exercise 3.34 that there exists an epimorphism i∈I X i ↠ F
with X`i ∈ C. If F is quasi-compact, we may assume that I is finite and set
X := i∈I Xi . For the converse, we may assume that F = X. It follows from the
very definition of the topology that X is quasi-compact. Or, thanks to exercise 3.40,
equivalently, that X is quasi-compact. ■
Proof. Since the topology is subcanonical, the functor is fully faithful and it easily
follows from proposition 3.3.10 that X is always quasi-compact quasi-separated.
Assume conversely that F is quasi-compact quasi-separated and let X ↠ F (resp.
X ′ ↠ X ×F X) be an epimorphism. The composite morphism
X ′ ↠ X ×F X ,→ X × X ≃ X × X
f −1 : T ′ −→ T , f∗ : T −→ T ′
f∗ Hom(f −1 X ′ , Y ) ≃ Hom(X ′ , f∗ Y ).
One defines in the obvious way the composition of two morphisms of topos so
that we may consider the topos as the objects of a category.
3.4 Morphism of topos (optional) 73
3.4.2 Presheaves
Theorem 3.4.2 If g : C → C ′ is any functor, then the functor
gb−1 : Cb′ / C,
b T′ / T ′ ◦ g.
As a consequence, gb! preserves all colimits, gb−1 preserves all limits and colimits and
gb∗ preserves all limits. In particular, both gb−1 and gb∗ preserve algebraic structures.
Note also that we can recover the original functor g from the equality hg(X) = g! hX .
Proof. The existence of gb! makes sure that gb−1 is left exact. ■
Make X
b! , X
b −1 and X
b∗ explicit.
(g = ) f −1 : Open(X) → Open(Y ),
g −1 = ) fb∗ : Open(Y
(b \ ) → Open(X),
g! = ) fb−1
(b g∗ = ) fb! : Open(X)
and (b \ → Open(Y
\ ).
fb∗ : Cb′ → C,
b T ′ 7→ T ′ ◦ f −1
preserves sheaves.
We shall then denote by fe∗ : Ce′ → Ce (or f∗ for short) the induced functor.
Exercise 3.48 Show that if C and C ′ are two sites and if f −1 : C → C ′ is a
continuous functor, then the functor
fe−1 : Ce → Ce′ , F 7→ fb−1 (F)
is adjoint to f∗ .
Since we always have f −1 (X) = fe−1 (X), we may simply write f −1 instead of fe−1
when there is no ambiguity.
Definition 3.4.5 A morphism of sites is a continuous functor f −1 : C → C ′ such
that fe−1 is (left) exact.
f := (f −1 , f∗ ) : Ce′ → Ce
CbO ′ / CbO
? ?
Ce′ / C.
^ ) → Open(X).
f : Open(Y ^
V 7→ lim F(U ).
f (V )⊂U
Exercise 3.49 Make explicit the morphism of topos coming from the final map
p : X → 1 when X is a topological space. Show that if f : Y → X is a continuous
map, then E eX .
eY = f −1 E
Exercise 3.50 Make explicit the morphism of topos coming from a point x : 1 → X
when X is a topological space.
E if x ∈ U
Solution. We have (x∗ E)(U ) = and x−1 F = Fx . ■
∅ if x ∈
Exercise 3.53 Show that if g is cocontinuous, then the induced functor g∗ : Ce′ → Ce
extends uniquely to a morphism of topos g := (g −1 , g∗ ) : Ce → Ce′ .
Exercise 3.54 Show that, if g : C ′ → C be a functor between two sites and for any
X ′ ∈ C ′ , any covering family of g(X ′ ) is the image of a covering family of X ′ , then
g is cocontinuous.
76 Chapter 3. Sites and topos
Exercise 3.55 Show that if C is a site, then the topology of C is induced by the
(canonical) topology of C.
If C is a site and T ∈ C,
b we can consider the forgetful functor jT : C/T → C and
endow C/T with the induced topology.
Exercise 3.56 Show that a sieve R of s ∈ T (X) is a covering in C/T if and only if
jT ! R is a covering sieve of X in C.
Unfortunately, the adjoint jT ! is not left exact in general and we do not get a
morphism of sites. However:
Exercise 3.57 Show that, if C is a site and T ∈ C,b then jT is also cocontinuous
and there exists therefore a morphism of topos
jT : Cf
/T → C.
Open(X) ,→ Top/X
is continuous, cocontinuous and left exact giving rise to two morphisms of topos
/ ^
Top/X o Open(X)
^ / ^ )
j f
^ / Open(X).
FY := φY ∗ F/Y .
αf : f −1 FY → FZ
We shall call a sheaf F on Top/X crystalline if all the maps αf are isomorphisms
f −1 FY ≃ FZ .
Exercise 3.62 Show that realization F 7→ FX induces an equivalence between
crystalline sheaves on Top/X and sheaves on X.
Exercise 3.63 Show that the category Et(X) is equivalent to the category of
crystalline sheaves on Top/X , and consequently to the category of sheaves on X.
Again, we shall not worry much about set-theoretical issues and work in a fixed
universe. Note however that there exists an unconditional theory of condensed sets
(that does not depend on the choice of a universe). There also exists a theory of light
condensed sets.
Proof. Recall that Top has all limits and colimits and that they are computed in
Set. Moreover, Set is a topos and therefore, all the above properties are satisfied. In
particular, it follows from proposition 2.1.7 that CHaus has all limits and colimits
with limits computed in Top. Moreover, any colimit in Top of compact Hausdorff
spaces which is itself compact Hausdorff is also the colimit in CHaus. This applies
in particular to finite coproducts, epimorphisms and closed equivalence relations. It
follows that finite coproducts are disjoint, epimorphisms are universal and universal
and that equivalence relations are effective. Finally, a continuous surjective map
between compact Hausdorff spaces is a quotient map and therefore. In other words,
an epimorphism is regular. ■
80 Chapter 4. Condensed sets
We may also stress out the fact that a continuous map is a monomorphism (resp.
an epimorphism, an isomorphism) if and only if it is injective (resp. surjective, resp.
bijective). Any monomorphism (resp. epimorphism) is regular: any continuous
injective (resp. surjective) map is a homeomorphism onto a closed subspace (resp. a
quotient map).
4.1.2 Definition
We shall systematically endow CHaus with its precanonical topology: a family
(Si → S)i∈I of continuous maps of compact Hausdorff spaces is a covering if and only
if I is finite and i∈I Si ↠ S is surjective. Recall that this topology is subcanonical.
Exercise 4.1 Show that a presheaf of sets X on CHaus is a condensed set if and
only if
1. given any compact Hausdorff spaces S1 , . . . , Sr ,
for compact Hausdorff spaces S, S ′ . Also, the second one may be rephrased by saying
that, if f : S ′ ↠ S is a continuous surjection, then the sequence
is (left) exact.
Theorem 4.1.4 The category Cond is a topos.
Corollary 4.1.5 In the category Cond, all limits and colimits exist and
1. colimits are universal,
2. filtered colimits are exact,
3. epimorphisms are regular and universal,
4. equivalence relations are effective. ■
More generally, any formula that involves colimits and finite limits that holds for
sets also holds for condensed sets. Also that any morphism has a unique epi-mono
factorization and subobjects form a bounded lattice (and pulling back is a morphism
of bounded lattices).
The topos Cond will be endowed with its canonical topology (a sheaf is a
representable presheaf).
We shall systematically endow FCHaus with this topology: a family (Fi → F )i∈I
of continuous
` maps of free compact Hausdorff spaces is a covering if and only if I is
finite and i∈I Fi ≃ F is bijective.
Exercise 4.3 Show that a presheaf of sets X on FCHaus is a sheaf if and only if
it preserves products (condition (4.1) above).
^ ≃ FCHaus.
Cond := CHaus ^
Proof. Clearly, any sheaf X on CHaus will restrict to a sheaf on FCHaus. Conversely,
if X be a sheaf on FCHaus and S any compact Hausdorff space, we set
F′ // F // S (4.3)
F′ // F ×S/R F // F // S/R
R S ×S/R S // S // S/R
? ?
X(S/R) / X(S) // X(R).
Since F is free, the morphism F ↠ S/R has a section and the upper sequence is
therefpre left exact. The same holds for the bottom one. ■
Our assertion means that any sheaf on FCHaus extends uniquely to a condensed
set. We will say for short that the sheaf is a condensed set.
There exists analogous statements with many intermediate categories such as
Stone or Stonean spaces. More precisely, the category of Stone spaces is endowed
with the pretopology made of jointly surjective maps (like CHaus) and the category
of Stonean spaces with the pretopology made of disjoint unions (like FCHaus). This
was the original approach to the theory.
Proposition 4.1.7 A morphism X → Y of condensed sets is an epimorphism if
and only if, for all free compact Hausdorff space F , the map X(F ) → Y (F ) is
X : CHausop ,→ Topop −→
Set, S 7→ C(S, X)
is a condensed set.
Proof. Clearly X(∅) = C(∅, X) = {∅} and
X(S ⊔ S ′ ) = C(S ⊔ S ′ , X) = C(S, X) × C(S, X) = X(S) × X(S ′ ).
It remains to show that the sequence
C(S/R, X) → C(S, X) ⇒ C(R, X)
is exact when R is a closed equivalence relation on S. But if f : S → X is a continuous
map which is compatible with R, then it factors uniquely through S/R. ■
S1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ Sr ≃ S 1 ⊔ . . . ⊔ S r .
S/R ≃ S/R.
Proof. Let us first show that, if X is a topological space, then X(•) = kX. First of
all, as sets, we have X(•) = C(•, X) ≃ X. Moreover, if S is a compact Hausdorff
space, then X(S) ≃ C(S, X). Under this bijection, an f ∈ X(S) corresponds to the
composite map
S → X(•) ≃ X.
Our claim then follows from the very definitions of the topology of kX and X(•)
and we can move to the main statement.
Since the coreflection X 7→ kX is clearly faithful, it is sufficient to show that, if
we are given a condensed set X and topological space Y , then the natural map
Hom(E, X) ≃ X(•)E .
By left exactness, we know that • is a final object of Cond. Then, we know from
the previous result that there exists a natural isomorphism
e X) ≃ Hom(•, X)E ≃ X(•)E .
Solution. In the case X = S is compact Hausdorff, it follows from exercise 2.5 that
we can replace our open covering with a finite compact covering and we are done. In
general, any morphism S → X where S is a compact Hausdorff space has the form
f and we can apply the first case to the covering S = i∈I f −1 (Xi ). It means that
(S ×X X i → S)i∈I
U 7→ Y (U ) := Hom/X (U , Y )
Exercise 4.10 Show that the hypothesis is satisfied when X locally compact
Hausdorff, Y is weak Hausdorff and π is open surjective.
Recall from theorem 2.3.6 that the category of compactly generated spaces is also
cartesian closed. Actually, if X, Y, Z are three topological spaces, then there exists a
C(X(•), Y ) ≃ Hom(X, Y ).
Proof. We shall first do the case X = S with S compact Hausdorff so that X(•) = S.
If T is compact Hausdorff, then
Exercise 4.11 Show that if E is any set and X a topological space, then
Hom(E, X) ≃ kX E .
Proof. We use uniqueness of the adjoint. If X, Y are two condensed sets and Z is
any topological space, then
C(k(X(•) × Y (•)), Z) ≃ C(X(•), C(Y (•), Z))
≃ Hom(X, C(Y (•), Z))
≃ Hom(X, Hom(Y, Z))
≃ Hom(X × Y, Z)
= C((X × Y )(•), Z). ■
It is important to notice that the result does not hold anymore if we replace
kTop with Top. However, there exists a projection formula
S × X(•) ≃ (S × X)(•)
when X is any condensed set and S is a (locally) compact Hausdorff.
88 Chapter 4. Condensed sets
Proof. Thanks to exercise 3.42, only the direct implication needs a proof. There
exists an isomorphism X ≃ limi∈I T i with Ti compact Hausdorff. Thus, if we denote
by Xi the image of T i in X, we have X = limi∈I Xi . As an image of T i , Xi is quasi-
compact. But it is also quasi-separated because X is assumed to be quasi-separated.
It follows that Xi ≃ S i with Si compact Hausdorff. We may then replace the family
(Si ) with the family of SJ = ∪i∈J Si with J finite to get a directed set. ■
In other words, there exists an equivalence between the subcategory of Ind(CHaus)
of ind-objects “ lim Si ”with injective transition maps and the category of quasi-
compact quasi-separated condensed sets.
Exercise 4.12 Show that if X = lim Sn is a countable filtered colimit of compact
Hausdorff spaces under inclusion maps, then X is quasi-separated and X = lim S n .
Solution. This follows from exercise 2.40. More precisely, if we are given a compact
Hausdorff space T , then an element of X(T ) is a continuous map T → X and it
comes from a morphism T → Sn which is an element of S n (T ). ■
Exercise 4.13 Show that if X is a quasi-separated condensed set, then the canonical
map X → X(•) is a monomorphism.
5. Commutative algebra
Hom : C op × C / Set
This is a particular instance of the notion of an enriched category.
(f, g) / g◦f
is bilinear. In particular, End(M ) becomes a ring. We shall simply say that the
category is pre-additive (and not mention the factorization through the category of
abelian groups).
hM : C → Ab and hM : C op → Ab.
Hom(M, N ) → Hom(F (M ), F (N ))
is a group homomorphism.
The composite of two additive functors is additive. If F is an additive functor,
so is F op . And so is F I if I is a category.
pk : M → Mk , ik : Mk → M, k = 1, 2 such that
Both notions are autodual in the sense that the property is satisfied in C if and
only if it is satisfied in C op .
Exercise 5.1 Let C be a pre-additive category.
1. Show that an M ∈ C is a zero object if and only if it is a final object (and
2. Show that an M ∈ C is a direct sum of M1 and M2 if and only if it is a
product of M1 and M2 with projections p1 and p2 (and dual).
Exercise 5.2 Show that if C is an additive category, then the factorization of Hom
through Ab is unique.
Exercise 5.3 Show that a functor between two additive categories is additive if
and only if it preserves all direct sums and the zero object - or equivalently all
finite products (and dual).
Exercise 5.4 Show that if a functor F between two additive categories is adjoint to
a functor G, then both functors are additive and there exists a natural isomorphism
of abelian groups
which is exact both on the left and on the right. We shall also say that M
is an extension of M ′′ by M ′ .
94 Chapter 5. Commutative algebra
Exercise 5.5 In the the category AbHaus of Hausdorff topological abelian groups,
show that
1. if f : M → N is any continuous homomorphism, then ker f = f −1 (0) with
the induced topology and cokerf = N/f (M ) with the quotient topology.
2. a continuous map is a kernel (resp. cokernel) if and only if it is closed
injective (resp. open surjective).
ι π
3. a short sequence 0 → M ′ → M → M ′′ → 0 is exacta if and only if it is exact
as a sequence of abelian groups with ι closed and π open.
Sometimes called strict exact in order to insist on the fact that this is not just exact as a
sequence of abelian groups.
Exercise 5.6 Show that left (resp. right, resp. short) exact sequences in C form an
additive subcategory of C 3 .
i1 p2
0 / M1 / M1 ⊕ M2 / M2 / 0.
0 / M′ i / M / M ′′ / 0
4. If f : M → N is a morphism, then
Exercise 5.9 Show that, in an abelian category C, we have for any morphism
f : M → N,
f g
Definition 5.2.3 A sequence M ′ → M → M ′′ is said to be exact (in M ) if
Im(f ) = ker(g).
0 / M′ i / M / M ′′ / 0
is a short exact sequence (resp. left exact, resp. right exact) if and only if it is
exact in M ′ , M, M ′′ (resp. M ′ , M , resp. M, M ′′ ).
Exercise 5.12 Let D be an additive (resp. abelian) category. Show that, if a fully
faithful (resp. and exact) functor C ,→ D has an adjoint or a coadjoint, then C
also is additive (resp. abelian).
We shall not prove the next result which is useful to reduce many general
statements on abelian categories to the case of a category of A-modules:
96 Chapter 5. Commutative algebra
Proof. To do. ■
Proof. To do. ■
5.3 Abelian sheaf 97
X 7→ Hom(Y, F(X))
is a sheaf.
One can extend many former results from sheaf theory to this situation but
we shall concentrate on the case of sheaves with values in Ab and say sheaf of
abelian groups or abelian sheaf or even abelian group on C. We shall denote by
b := Hom(C op , (Ab) (resp. C(Ab)
e ⊂ C(Ab))
b the category of presheaves (resp.
the full subcategory of sheaves) of abelian groups on C. Note that a presheaf is a
particular case of a sheaf where we endow C with the coarse topology. When there is
no risk of ambiguity, we shall write
Solution. By definition, the presheaf M is a sheaf if and only if, for all covering
sieves R of X ∈ C and for all N ∈ A, we have
HomZ (N, M(X)) ≃ lim HomZ (N, M(Y )) ≃ HomZ N, lim M(Y )
←− ←−
Y ∈C/R Y ∈C/R
(in Ab) and we know that the forgetful functor preserves all limits. ■
Solution. It follows from exercise 5.17 that the global section functor preserves
products. Therefore, if M ∈ Ab(C)e and X ∈ C, then M(X) is a usual abelian group
98 Chapter 5. Commutative algebra
Solution. Since sheafification is (left) exact, this easily follows from theorem 3.2.8. ■
e → Ab, (resp. C(Ab)
b → Ab) M 7→ Γ(X, M) := M(X).
Solution. In the presheaf case, this is shown as in theorem 3.1.2 and we may then
use exercise 5.16. ■
HomZ (Z · X, M) ≃ M(X).
Solution. Thanks to exercise 3.36, it is sufficient to notice that the presheaf commutes
will all limits. ■
As a consequence, there exists a natural isomorphism
HomZ (M, Hom(X, N )) ≃ Hom(X, HomZ (M, N )) ≃ HomZ (M, N )(X).
HomZ (Z · X, M ) ≃ Hom(X, M ).
Exercise 5.25 Show that if T is a topos and M, N ∈ T (Ab), then the functor
is representable by an M ⊗Z N ∈ T (Ab).
Proof. This follows from the definition and proposition 4.1.6 thanks to exercise
5.15. ■
The category CondAb is also equivalent to the category of sheaves of abelian
groups on the site of Stone or Stonean spaces. We shall identify all these categories.
The category CondAb is automatically a Grothendiek category but we shall do a lot
better (theorem 6.1.4 below).
Exercise 6.1 Show that a presheaf M of abelian groups on FCHaus is a condensed
abelian group if and only if it preserves finite products: for all free compact
104 Chapter 6. Condensed abelian groups
Proof. Thanks to exercise 5.17, it suffices to show that if (Mi )i∈I is diagram of
sheaves of abelian groups on FCHaus, then its colimit limpi∈I Mi in the category of
presheaves of abelian groups is automatically a sheaf. We give ourselves free compact
Hausdorff spaces F1 , . . . , Fr and we compute
! r ! r
p a a
lim Mi Fj = lim Mi Fj
−→ −→
i∈I j=1 i∈I j=1
= lim Mi (Fj )
i∈I j=1
= lim Mi (Fj )
j=1 i∈I
M p
= lim Mi (Fj ) . ■
j=1 i∈I
preserves epimorphisms and filtered colimits. This follows from proosition 6.1.3 since
Proof. Since Cond is generated the family of F where F is a free compact Hausdorff
space, we know from exercise 5.20 that CondAb is generated by all Z · F . ■
The category CondAb is a closed symmetric monoidal category (in particular, it
is enriched over itself):
Proposition 6.1.8 There exists two bifunctors HomZ and ⊗Z on CondAb with
natural isomorphisms of abelian groups
AbTop → AbCond, M 7→ M
Be careful however that there is no obvious adjoint because the functor X 7→ X(•)
does not preserve products. In the same way, if M is a topological abelian group,
then kM does not get the structure of a topological abelian group in general.
If M, N are two topological abelian groups, then we denote by CZ (M, N ) ⊂
C(M, N ) the subspace of continuous homomorphisms. Note that CZ (M , N ) =
HomZ (M, N ) when M is compactly generated.
Proposition 6.2.2 If M, N are two topological abelian groups with M compactly
generated, then there exists a natural isomorphism of condensed abelian groups
CZ (M, N ) ≃ HomZ (M , N ).
Proof. Let S be a compact Hausdorff space. It follows from proposition 6.2.1 that
ι π
Proposition 6.2.3 Let 0 → M ′ → M → M ′′ → 0 be an exact sequence of topological
abelian groups with M ′′ weak Hausdorff. Assume that for all compact Hausdorff
K ′′ ⊂ M ′′ , there exists a compact Hausdorff K ⊂ M such that K ′′ ⊂ π(K). Then,
the sequence of condensed abelian groups 0 → M ′ → M → M ′′ → 0 is also exact.
Proof. Since left exactness is automatic, this follows from proposition 4.2.5. ■
Exercise 6.3 Show that if (Mi )i∈I is a family of abelian groups, then
Mi ≃ Midisc .
i∈I i∈I
6.2 Topological abelian groups 107
Solution. The kernel of f : M → N is the usual kernel with the induced topology.
The cokernel is the quotient N/f (M ) with the quotient topology. The category is
not abelian because the identity Rdisc → R is not strict. ■
M ∗ := CZ (M, T)
R × R → T, (x, y) 7→ e2iπxy
Solution. If f ∈ R∗ , then
R ϵ f is continuous and f (0) = 1. It follows that there exists
ϵ > 0 such that δ := 0 f (t)dt ̸= 0. Since f is a homomorphism, we have
Z y+ϵ Z ϵ Z ϵ
f (t)dt = f (y + t)dt = f (y)f (t)dt = δf (y).
y 0 0
R y+ϵ
It follows that f (y) = δ −1 y f (t)dt, and in particular, f is differentiable. Since
f is a homomorphism, we have f (y + h) − f (y) = f (y)(f (h) − f (0)). Dividing by
h and taking limit provides f ′ (y) = f ′ (0)f (y) and therefore f (y) = Cef (0)y . Since
f (0) = 1, we have C = 1 and since |f (1)| = 1, we have f ′ (0) ∈ Ri. We can therefore
write f (y) = e2iπxy for a unique x ∈ R. This implies that R ≃ R∗ . The isomorphism
Z ≃ T∗ follows immediately (by composition with the covering R ↠ T) and T ≃ Z∗
is trivial. ■
Proof. To do. ■
It means that, if M is a locally compact Hausdorff abelian group, then M ∗ also
and (M ∗ )∗ = M .
Exercise 6.7 Show that if 0 → M ′ → M → M ′′ → 0 is a (strict) exact sequence
of locally compact abelian groups, then the sequence 0 → M ′′∗ → M ∗ → M ′∗ → 0
108 Chapter 6. Condensed abelian groups
is also exact.
Solution. There exists an exact sequence of topological abelian groups 0 → N →
M → M/N → 0. Since N is closed, M/N is Hausdorff. Moreover, M is locally
compact. Then, we know that the sequence 0 → N → M → M/N → 0 is exact. It
means that M/N ≃ M /N . ■
Exercise 6.8 Show that Pontryagin duality reduces to usual duality on finite
dimensional real Banach spacesa .
A real Banach space is locally compact if and only if it is finite dimensinal.
Exercise 6.9 Show that Pontryagin duality induces an equivalence between dis-
crete abelian groups and compact Hausdorff abelian groups. Show that torsion
corresponds to Stonea and torsion free corresponds to connected.
Exercise 6.10 Show that any compact Hausdorff abelian group M has a two terms
resolution (a short exact sequence)
0 → M → M0 → M1 → 0
with M0 , M1 connected.
Exercise 6.11 Show that if M is a locally compact Hausdorff abelian group, then
It follows that
Theorem 6.2.5 Any locally compact Hausdorff abelian group M has an open
subgroup of the form V × K where V is a finite dimensional real Banach space
and K is a compact Hausdorff abelian group.
6.2 Topological abelian groups 109
Proof. To do. ■
In other words, there exists an exact sequence
0→V ×K →M →D →0
with D discrete.
7. Cohomology (optional)
7.1 Complex
7.1.1 Definition
/ dn−1 / dn / /
··· K n−1 Kn K n+1 ···
We shall denote by C+ (C), C− (C) and Cb (C) the categories of complexes that
are respectively bounded below, bounded above and bounded. All the coming
development has an equivalent with +, − and b.
112 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
Exercise 7.2 Show that if K• is a (semi-) simplicial object and we set dn :=
(−1)i dni , then K• becomes a chain complex.
Example If X is any topological space, we can consider the simplicial set S• (X) =
hX ◦ ∆• so that Sn (X) = Homcont (∆n , X). We may then consider the simplicial
(resp. cosimplicial) group
C• (X) := Z · S• (X) (resp. C • (X) := ZS• (X) )
and see it as a chain (resp. cochain) complex.
Exercise 7.3 1. Show that the inclusion 1 = {0} ,→ (Z, ≤) induces a functor
C ,→ C(C), M 7→ [M ]
7.1.2 Homotopy
Definition 7.1.2 Two morphisms f, g : K • → L• are said to be homotopic if there
exists a family of sn : K n → Ln−1 :
/ dn−1 / dn / / ···
··· K n−1 Kn K n+1
sn−1 sn sn+1
{ { { dn
/ dn−1 / Ln / Ln+1 / ···
··· Ln−1
f n − g n = sn+1 ◦ dn + dn−1 ◦ sn .
Exercise 7.4 Show that morphisms that are homotopic to 0 form a subgroup
of HomC(C) (K • , L• ). Show that composition on both sides with a morphism
homotopic to 0 always gives a morphism homotopic to 0.
h / M •
f g
Exercise 7.7 1. Show that K(C) is an additive category and that the obvious
functor C(C) → K(C) is additive.
2. Show that any additive functor F : C → C ′ induces a functor
F : K(C) → K(C ′ ).
On defines K+ (C), K− (C) and Kb (C) in the same way (may also be seen as full
The kth shift K • [k] of a complex K • is defined by K • [k]n := K n+k endowed with
(−1)k dn+k .
Exercise 7.8 Show that there exists a short exact sequence of complexes
g h
0 → L• → M (f )• → K • [1] → 0
with g := and h = 0 Id .
K • → L• → M • → K • [1] (or K • → L• → M • → for short).
114 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
K• / L• / M• / K • [1]
u v w u[1]
K ′• / L′• / M ′• / K ′• [1].
f g h
K • → L• → M • → K • [1]
is distinguished.
Proof. In order to prove the direct implication, it is sufficient to show that there
exists a commutative diagram in K(C):
g −f [1]
L• / M (f )• h / K • [1] / L• [1]
L• / M (f )• / M (g)• / L• [1].
Proof. The first assertion is clear. For the second one, we can write v n ◦f n −f ′n ◦un =
sn+1 ◦ dn + dn−1 ◦ sn and set
u 0
= M (f )n → M (f ′ )n . ■
sn+1 v n
f g
K• / L• / M• h / K • [1]
0 0 w 0
f g
K• / L• / M• h / K • [1]
K• / L• / M• / K • [1]
u v w u[1]
K ′• / L′• / M ′• / K ′• [1],
If follows from lemma 7.1.8 that (w − Id)2 = 0 in K(C). Thus, 2Id − w is an inverse
for w. ■
As a consequence, the mapping cone is “almost” unique (up to a homotopy
equivalence) in K(C).
Corollary 7.1.10 In a distinguished triangle
f +
K • → L• → M • →,
7.1.4 Cohomology
Let A be an abelian category.
Exercise 7.11 Show that C(A) also is abelian.
Hn (K • ) := Zn (K • )/Bn (K • )
Hn : C(A) → A
f g
Proof. Let L′• → L• → L′′• → L′• [1] be a distinguished triangle. If K • → L′• is any
morphism, then there exists a morphism of triangles
K• K• / 0 / K • [1]
L′• / L• / L′′• / L′• [1].
f′ f f ′′
j q
0 / N′ / N / N ′′ /0
is a commutative diagram with exact lines, then there exists a natural (long) exact
118 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
· · · → Hn (K • ) → Hn (L• ) → Hn (M • ) → Hn+1 (K • ) → · · ·
7.1.5 Quasi-isomorphism
Definition 7.1.17 A quasi-isomorphism of complexes f : K • → L• is a morphism
such that Hn (f ) is an isomorphism for all n ∈ Z. An acylic complex K • is a
complex such that Hn (K • ) = 0 for all n ∈ Z.
K• / L• / M•
+ /
u v w
K ′• / L′• / M ′•
+ /
With a lot of fun - assume A = A−Mod to make it easier.
7.1 Complex 119
Proof. 2 Since I • is bounded below, we may assume that we have built a homotopy
sk up to k = n. In particular, we have f n−1 = sn ◦ dn−1 + dn−2 ◦ sn−1 . Thus, if we
set g n := f n − dn−1 ◦ sn , we have
f n = sn+1 ◦ dn + dn−1 ◦ sn . ■
Exercise 7.20 Show that I • , J • ∈ C+ (I) are quasi-isomorphic if and only if they
are homotopically equivalent (and dual).
The proof in [Sta19, Tag 013R] is not correct.
120 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
Proposition 7.1.21 If A has enough injectives and K • ∈ C+ (A), then there exists
an injective resolution K • → I • made of injective maps (and dual).
Proof. We may assume that K n = 0 for n < 0 and, by induction, that there exists
an injective morphism of complexes with right exact lines
? ? ? ? ?
K0 / K1 / ··· / K n−2 / K n−1 / Cn / 0
" -
< c
? ? ? Q ?n
K n−2 / K n−1 / / Cn /1 K / / C n+1
K ′ [−1] / K• / N• / K ′•
L′• / L• / N• / L′• [1].
Thus, D(A) has the same objects as K(A) (or equivalently C(A)) and a morphism
K • to L• is a diagram
K ′•
K• L•
K • → L• → M • → K • [1].
K• / L• / M• / K • [1]
u v w u[1]
K ′• / L′• / M ′• / K ′• [1].
f g
Proposition 7.2.4 If 0 → K • → L• → M • → 0 is an exact sequence of complexes,
f g
then there exists a distinguished triangle K • → L• → M • → K • [1] in D(A).
122 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
0 → M (IdK • ) → M • (f ) → M • → 0.
It follows from corollary 7.1.16 that M (IdK • ) is acyclic and then from theorem 7.1.15
that M • (f ) → M • is a quasi-isomorphism. ■
Theorem 7.2.6 Assume that A has enough injectives. Then there exists an equiva-
K+ (A)
F / K+ (A′ )
K+ (I)
D (A)
RF / D (A′ ).
This definition is usually only applied to left exact functors.
∀n ∈ N, Rn F K • := Hn (RF K • ).
0 → K • → L• → M • → 0
Proof. We know from propositon 7.2.4 that there exists a distinguished triangle
K • → L• → M • → K • [1] in D(A). Thanks to theorem 7.2.6, we may assume that
all complexes are composed of injective objects and maps defined in C(A). We can
then apply F and then use corollary 7.1.16 ■
Exercise 7.23 Show that F is left exact (resp. exact) if and only if ∀M ∈
A, R0 F M ≃ F M (resp. RF M ≃ FM ) (and dual).
Exercise 7.25 Show that if M, N are two abelian groups, then Extn (M, N ) = 0
for n ̸= 0, 1 and Ext0 (M, N ) = Hom(M, N ). Show that Ext1 (Z/kZ, N ) ≃ N/kN .
Proof. We may assume that K n = 0 for n < 0. Assume first that K • is bounded
and denote by K ′• := K 1 → K 2 → · · · . Then, there exists an exact sequence
0 → K ′• → K • → [K 0 ] → 0. It follows that there exists a morphism of distinguished
F K ′• / F K• / F K0 / F K ′• [1]
RF K ′• / RF K • / RF K 0 / RF K ′• [1].
0 / H nF K •
≃ / H n F K ′′• / 0 ■
0 / Rn F K •
≃ / Rn F K ′′• / 0.
∀n ∈ N, Rn F M = H n (F K • ).
Exercise 7.26 Show that an object is injective if and only if it is F -acyclic for all
left exact functor F if and only if this is the case when F = Hom(M, −) for all
M ∈ A (and dual).
7.2 Derived functor 125
Corollary 7.2.13 Assume A′ also has enough injective, A′′ is another abelian
category and G : A′ → A′′ an additive functor. Assume that F I is G-acyclic
whenever I is injective. Then R(G ◦ F ) = RG ◦ RF .
M ⊃ · · · ⊃ Fn M ⊃ Fn+1 M ⊃ · · · ⊃ 0.
⇒ H p+q
1. a family of complexes with p, q, r ∈ Z and r ≥ r0
drp−r,q+r−1 dp,q
· · · −→ Erp−r,q+r−1 −→ Erp,q −→
Erp+r,q−r+1 −→ · · ·
such that
Er+1 = H p,q (Er ) := ker(dp,q p−r,q+r−1
r )/Im(dr ),
For example a Grothendieck category.
126 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
Exercise 7.30 Show that, in a first quadrant spectral sequence, the sequence
is exact.
Proof. To do. ■
In other words, a bicomplex is a diagram (K p,q , dp,q , d′p,q ) on (Z, ≤)2 such that
for all p, q ∈ Z,
It is called the simple complex associated to the bicomplex or the total complex
of the bicomplex.
Proposition 7.2.18 Let K •,• be a bicomplex. Assume that it is bounded below (in
both variables). Then there exists a spectral sequence
Exercise 7.33 Show that E1 = Hq (K p,• ) and E2p,q = Hp (Hq (K •,• )).
Lemma 7.2.19 If K • is bounded below, then there exists a bounded below bicom-
plex I •,• with I •,q = 0 for q < 0 and a morphism of complexes K • → I •,0 such
that each K p → I p,• and H p (K • ) → H p (I •,• ) are injective resolutions.
Proof. To do. ■
This is called a Cartan-Eilenberg resolution.
Exercise 7.34 Show that if I • denotes the associated simple complex, then K • → I •
is also an injective resolution.
Proposition 7.2.20 Let A → A′ be an additive functor. Assume A has enough
7.3 Sheaf cohomology 127
But we may also exchange the rôle of p and q and consider the spectral sequence
E2p,q = Hq (F Hp (I •,• )) ⇒ Hp+q (F I • ). ■
Corollary 7.2.21 Let A → A′ → A′′ be a sequence of additive functors. Assume A
and A′ have enough injectives and F I is G-acyclic whenever I is injective. If K •
is bounded below, then there exists a spectral sequence
Exercise 7.35 Show that, in the situation of the corollary, when F (resp. G) is
exact, there is an isomorphism
e → Ab, M → Γ(X, M) := M(X).
Hn (X, M• ) := Rn Γ(X, M• ).
Solution. Choose an injective resolution, use left exactness of global section and the
fact that products are exact in abelian groups. ■
On a topos T (with enough projectives - but this not really necessary), we can
derive our functors HomZ and ⊗Z (on one side or the other) and obtain
[n] 7→ Xn := Y ×X · · · ×X Y
| {z }
so that
/ /
/ / /
X• : / X ×X ×Y ×X Y / Y ×X Y / Y.
7.3 Sheaf cohomology 129
RΓ(R, M) ≃ Cˇ• (X , M)
RΓ(R, M) ≃ RHomZ (Z · R, M)
≃ RHomZ (Z · hX• , M)
≃ HomZ (Z · hX• , M)
= Cˇ• (X , M). ■
H : C(Ab)
e ,→ C(Ab)
(so that H(M) denotes the sheaf M seen as a presheaf) and write for all n ∈ Z and
all complex M• of abelian sheaves, Hn (M• ) = Rn H(M• ).
Exercise 7.42 Show that if X ∈ C, then Γ(X, RH(M• )) = RΓ(X, M• ) and
therefore Γ(X, Hn (M• )) = Hn (X, M• ).
Ȟ : C(Ab)
b → C(Ab),
b ∀X ∈ C, Ȟ(M)(X) = lim Hom(R, M)
Solution. Any open covering of [0, 1] has a refinement of the form [0, 1] = rk=0 Ik
where Ik is an interval and Ik ∩ Ik−1 = Jk is also an interval for k = 1, . . . r (make a
pictutre). Then, the augmented Čech complex
M / M r+1 /Mr
(sk ) / (sk+1 − sk )
is acyclic. ■
We shall apply the above definition when M• is a complex of abelian sheaves so
Ȟn (M• ) := Ȟn (H(M• )) and Ȟn (X, M• ) := Ȟn (X, H(M• )).
Proof. If R denote the sieve generated by X , then Γ(X, M) = Γ(R, H(M)). Since
H preserves injectives, the spectral sequence is obtained from corollary 7.2.21 and
proposition 7.3.4. ■
Corollary 7.3.7 Assume Hq (Xk , M) = 0 for all q ̸= 0 and k ∈ N. Then, there exists
an isomorphism
Proof. Filtered direct limits are exact and therefore preserve spectral sequences. ■
Solution. We consider the spectral sequence from corollary 7.3.8. It follows from
exercise 7.45 that E20,1 = 0. Our assertion therefore follows from exercise 7.30 ■
Proof. It follows from corollary 7.3.8 and exercise 7.42 that there exists a spectral
sequence of presheaves
Solution. (1) ⇔ (2) follows from exercise 7.42. Then, (1) ⇒ (3) follows from theorem
7.3.6. And (3) ⇒ (4) is obtained by taking the limit. Finally, (1) ⇔ (4) follows from
the proposition. ■
Note that this is also equivalent to C(X
ˇ + , M) being an acyclic complex.
If M is an abelian sheaf on a topological space X, we shall denote its cohomological
groups by Hnsheaf (X, M) or Hn (X, M) when there is no ambiguity.
7.4 Morphisms of topos (optional) 133
Proof. Classic. ■
Hn (X ′ , M • ) → Hn (f −1 (X ′ ), f −1 M • ).
134 Chapter 7. Cohomology (optional)
f f′
Exercise 7.55 Show that if T → T ′ → T ′ is a sequence of morphisms of topos,
then Rf∗′ ◦ Rf∗ = R(f ′ ◦ f )∗ and there is a spectral sequence
Solution. Our assertion follows from proposition 7.2.13 and corollary 7.2.21. ■
E2p,q = H p (X ′ , Rq f∗ (M • )) ⇒ Hp+q (f −1 (X ′ ), M • ).
7.4.2 Localization
Exercise 7.57 Show that if T is a topos and X ∈ T , then the functor jX
Ab(T ) → Ab(T/X ) has an exact left adjoint jX! : Ab(T/X ) → Ab(T ).
Be careful that the functors jX! on abelian groups and set are not compatible.
7.4 Morphisms of topos (optional) 135
Solution. It follows from exercise 3.58 that jX! 1X = X where 1X = IdX denotes the
final object of T/X . Therefore, we have
HomZ (jX! Z, M ) ≃ HomZ (Z, jX M)
= Hom(1X , jX M )
= Hom(jX! 1X , M )
= Hom(X, M )
= HomZ (Z · X, M ). ■
Solution. We have
HomZ (Z, jX M ) = HomZ (jX! Z, M ) = HomZ (Z · X, M ).
Since jX
has an exact adjoint, it preserves injectives and therefore
RHomZ (Z, jX M • ) = RHomZ (Z · X, M • )
g o
Top Top
^ /X o
/ Open(X).
Hn (Y, M ) → Hn (X, M ).
Proof. Classic (see for example Schapira’s course on Algebra and Topology). ■
Hn (Y, M ) ≃ Hn (X, M ).
8.1 Cohomology
8.1.1 On Stonean spaces
If M is a condensed abelian group and X is a condensed set, we can consider the
cohomology groups Hn (X, M ). We may write Hncond (X, M ) in order to remove any
ambiguity. In the case X is a topological space (and M is a condensed abelian group),
then we may write Hn (X, M ) = Hn (X, M ). Also, if M is a topological abelian group
(and X a condensed set), we may simply write Hn (X, M ) := Hn (X, M ). Finally, we
may still denote by M the constant condensed abelian group associated to a usual
abelian group M .
Proposition 8.1.1 Condensed abelian groups are acyclic on Stonean spaces.
Proof. We saw in lemma 6.1.3 that the functor M 7→ Γ(S, M ) is exact on Stonean
spaces (and has therefore no higher cohomlogy). ■
In other words, we always have Hncond (S, M ) = 0 for n ̸= 0 when S is Stonean.
Using exercise exercise 7.49, this last result may also be deduced from the following:
Exercise 8.1 Show that, if M is a condensed abelian group and S := (Si ,→ S)ri=1
is a finite disjoint covering in CHaus, then Ȟn (S, M ) = 0 for n ̸= 0.
Proof. Using exercises 7.38 and 4.6 and 3.43, we are reduced to the case of a
Stonean. ■
is acyclic (note that the case of a finite disjoint covering is taken care of by exercise
8.1). If S and S0 are finite, this follows from proposition 7.3.3. In general, we can
write S0 = limk S0k with S0k finite and we shall denote by S−1k the image S0k in S.
Since M is discrete,
cX : Cond/X → Open(X)
given by
Y 7→ U 7→ Y (U ) := Hom/X (U , Y ) and F 7→ F := lim U.
U ⊂X,s∈F (U )
Proof. It follows from exercise 4.7 that the functors are well defined. Moreover,
inverse image is left exact because direct colimits are exact. Now, we have
when U (resp. S) runs trough the open (resp. compact) neighbohoods of x. Thanks
to exercise 3.47, it is sufficient to show that this stalk is zero. Fix some compact
neighborhood K of x in X. Let f : K0 → K be a surjective map with K0 Stone. Let
S ⊂ K be a compact subset and S0 := f −1 (K0 ). Then, Sn is a Stone space for all
n ∈ N because a product of Stone, as well as a subspace of Stone is automatically
Stone. It follows from corollary 7.3.7 and lemma 8.1.2 that
Hncond (S, M ) = Ȟn (S• , M ).
Since filtered colimits are exact, we are reduced to the case S = {x} in which case
we can apply proposition 7.3.3. ■
Proof. We may clearly replace M • with its Hausdorff quotient and assume that
M• ⊂ M c• . For the implication, fix ϵ > 0 and s ∈ M
cn . There exists t ∈ M n such
∥s − t∥ ≤
2(1 + K∥dn ∥)
Now, there exists s′ ∈ M n−1 such that ∥t − ds′ ∥ ≤ K∥dt∥ + ϵ/2. It follows that
∥s − ds′ ∥ ≤ ∥s − t∥ + ∥t − ds′ ∥
≤ ∥s − t∥ + K∥dt∥ + ϵ/2
≤ ∥s − t∥ + K∥ds∥ + K∥ds − dt∥ + ϵ/2
≤ K∥ds∥ + ∥s − t∥ + K∥dn ∥∥s − t∥ + ϵ/2
≤ ϵ.
Proof. Let s ∈ M n such that ds = 0. Then, there exists s′i ∈ M n−1 and s′′i ∈ M n−2
such that
1 1
∥s − ds′i ∥ ≤ and ∥s′i+1 − s′i − ds′′i ∥ ≤ K∥d(s′i+1 − s′i )∥ + .
2i+2 K 2i+1
We have
∥d(s′i − s′i+1 )∥ ≤ ∥s − ds′i+1 ∥ + ∥s − ds′i ∥ ≤ .
2i+1 K
8.2 Banach abelian groups 141
is 1-bounded acyclic.
Proof. We can write S0 = limk S0k with S0k finite and we shall denote by S−1k the
image S0k in S. Then, we consider
lim Cˇ• ((S0k → S−1k )+ , M ) ≃ Cˇ• ((S0 → S)+ , M disc ) → Cˇ• ((S0 → S)+ , M ).
The direct limit topology on Cˇ• ((S0 → S)+ , M disc ) coincides with the induced
topology (this is the sup-norm topology). Using exercise 8.5 and 8.2.2, we see that
it is sufficient to show that Cˇ• ((S0 → S)+ , M disc ) is 1-bounded acyclic (for this
topology). Now, thanks to lemma 8.4, we are reduced to the case S, S0 finite. In
this case, we know from proposition 7.3.3 that the complex Cˇ• ((S0 → S)+ , M ) is
homotopically trivial. Moreover, the homotopy has the form hn : f 7→ f ◦ kn for
some kn : Sn → Sn+1 and therefore ∥hn ∥ ≤ 1. Since Id = h ◦ d + d ◦ h, we finally
obtain that, if s ∈ M n , then ∥s − dhs∥ ≤ ∥ds∥. ■
142 Chapter 8. Condensed cohomology (optional)
Proof. Sketch3 . When V is finite dimensional or V = ℓ∞ (R), this reduces to the case
V = R where this is a classical result in the spirit of Urysohn’s lemma. In general,
since a compact subset of a Banach space is separable, one may assume that V is
separable. Since all infinite dimensional separable Banach spaces are isomorphic, we
may assume that V = c0 (R) (space of null sequences). This is a Lipschitz retract to
ℓ∞ (R) where we know that the result holds. ■
Theorem 8.2.8 Real Banach spaces are acyclic on compact Hausdorff spaces.
Proof. Let V be a Banach space. Thanks to propositions 7.3.7 and 8.2.6, and
corollary 8.2.4, it is sufficient to show that, if S0 → S is a continuous surjection from
a Stone space, then the augmented Čech complex Cˇ• ((S0 → S)+ , V ) is 1-acyclic. We
fix some ϵ > 0. We denote by πn : Sn → S the canonical map and apply for all x ∈ S,
lemma 8.2.5 to π0−1 (x) → x. If f : Sn → V is a continuous map and fx denote its
restriction to πn−1 (x), then there exists gx : πn−1
(x) → V such that (use exercise 8.6)
∥f − de
gx ∥πn−1 (Vx ) < ∥df ∥ + ϵ.
This is supposed to be a result of Dugundji but I have not been able to provide a reference.
8.3 Extensions of abelian groups 143
It follows that
∥f − dg∥ = (ϕi ◦ πn )(f − dgi )
≤ ϕi ∥(f − dgi )∥πn−1 (Vi )
≤ ∥df ∥ + ϵ. ■
Proof. Since S is Stonean, then Z · S is projective, which implies that the functor
HomZ (Z · S, −) is exact. We apply exercise 7.35 to the natural isomorphism
and obtain
ExtnZ (Z · X, N )(S) ≃ Hn (X × S, N ).
144 Chapter 8. Condensed cohomology (optional)
Exercise 8.9 Show that if S is a Stonean space and N a condensed abelian group,
RHomZ (Z · S, N ) ≃ N (S).
RHomZ (Z · E, N ) ≃ N E .
Solution. Exercises 8.8 and 8.2 show that, if S is a Stonean space, then
for n ̸= 0. ■
Exercise 8.11 Show that if M, N are two discrete abelian groups, then
Exercise 8.12 Show that if S is a compact Hausdorff space and N a real Banach
space, then
RHomZ (Z · S, N ) ≃ C(S, N ).
Solution. It follows from exercise 8.8 and theorem 8.2.8 that, if T is Stonean, we
ExtnZ (Z · S, N )(T ) ≃ Hn (S × T , N ) = 0. ■
· · · → Z · M2 ⊕ Z · M3 → Z · M2 → Z · M → M
We have
1. d0 : [s] 7→ s,
2. d1 :
[s1 , s2 ] 7→ −[s1 ] + [s1 + s2 ] − [s2 ],
[s1 , s2 ] 7→ [s1 , s2 ] − [s2 , s1 ]
3. d2 :
[s1 , s2 , s3 ] 7→ −[s2 , s3 ] + [s1 + s2 , s3 ] − [s1 , s2 + s3 ] + [s1 , s2 ].
Exercise 8.13 Show that this is indeed the lower terms of a resolution.
Exercise 8.14 Show that, if M, N are two abelian groups of a topos, then there
exists a natural spectral sequence
E1p,q = Hq (M sp,i , N ) ⇒ Extp+q
Z (M, N )
We shall need later the following (whose proof is in the same sprit as the proof of
Breen-Deligne theorem):
Since limits and colimits are computed argument by argument on presheaves, Z·M s is
a projective abelian group of T . It follows that the assertion is true in this case. Now,
if M is any (usual) abelian group, we can specialize to M = hZ (M ). This extends to
any category of presheaves and then to any category of sheaves by sheafification. ■
F (M )• · S = F (M )• ⊗Z Z · S → M ⊗Z Z · S ≃ M · S
8.3.3 Applications
Proposition 8.3.5 If M is a finite dimensional real Banach space and N a discrete
abelian group, then
RHomZ (M , N ) = 0.
Proof. Recall first from corollary 8.3.4 that, if S is a Stonean space, then there exists
a natural spectral sequence
E1p,q = Hq (M sp,i × S, N ) ⇒ Extp+q
Z (M, N )(S)
and we want to show that the abutment is zero. Now, let q, s ∈ N. Thanks to
corollary 7.4.3 and proposition 8.1.4, since M s is contractible and M s × S is locally
compact Hausdorff, we have a natural isomorphism
Hn (M s × S, N ) ≃ Hn (S, N ).
We haven’t discussed this matter.
8.3 Extensions of abelian groups 147
RHomZ (M , N ) = 0.
is acyclic. Now, we proved lemma 8.3.3 that the maps 2 and [2] induced by multipli-
cation by 2 on N and M respectively are homotopic on the Breen-Deligne resolution:
2 − [2] = dh + hd. Let f ∈ K n such that df = 0. Then, 2f − [2]∗ f = dh∗n−1 f and
therefore f = 12 [2]∗ f + d( 12 h∗n−1 f ). By induction, we get
1 n∗ X 1 ∗
f = n [2 ] f + d h ([2k−1 ]∗ f ) .
k n−1
2 k=1
Since ∥[2]∗ ∥ ≤ 1 and ∥h∗n−1 ([2k−1 ]∗ f )∥ ≤ ∥h∗n−1 ∥∥f ∥ (so that the series below con-
verges), we finally obtain
X 1 ∗
f =d h ([2k−1 ]∗ f ) .
k n−1
Exercise 8.15 Show that, if M and N are finite dimensional Banach spaces, then
provides a map
M ⊗Z HomZ (M, P ) → P (resp. P ⊗Z HomZ (P, N ) → N ).
From this, we deduce
M ⊗Z HomZ (M, P ) ⊗Z HomZ (P, N ) → P ⊗Z HomZ (P, N ) → N,
and by adjunction again
M ⊗Z HomZ (P, N ) → HomZ (HomZ (M, P ), N )
We can then derive. ■
Recall that we denote by T the circle (the one dimensional torus).
Proposition 8.3.7 If M, N are two discrete abelian groups, then
M \N Z R T
R 0 R R
T Z[−1] 0 Z
M ∗ ≃ RHomZ (M , T).
We also have
0 → M ∗ → F ∗ → F ′∗ → Ext1Z (M , T) → 0
which implies that Ext1Z (M , T) = 0. In the case M is compact, we can first apply
the previous result to M ∗ so that
RHomZ (M ∗ , T) ≃ M .
∀n ̸= 1, ExtnZ (M , N ) = 0.
Solution. Any connected locally compact Haudorff abelian group is the direct sum of
a connected compact Haudorff abelian group and a finite dimensional Banach space.
150 Chapter 8. Condensed cohomology (optional)
Theorem 8.3.9 If M, N are two locally compact Hausdorff abelian groups, then
∀n ̸= 0, 1, ExtnZ (M , N ) = 0.
Proof. Since both M and N are an extension of a discrete abelian group by the sum
of a finite dimensional Banach space and a connected compact Hausdorff abelian
group, it is sufficient to consider the case where they are of one of these types: discrete
abelian group, finite dimensional Banach space or connected compact Hausdorff
abelian group. If M is discrete, there exists a two terms free resolution and the result
follows from exercise 8.10. If N is discrete, then this follows from exercise 8.18. The
case N is Banach is taken care of by propositions 8.3.6 and 8.15. So, we may assume
now that N is connected compact Hausdorff. There exists a two terms resolution of
the form 0 → N → TE → TE → 0. It is therefore sufficient to show that
∀n ̸= 0, ExtnZ (M , TE ) = ExtnZ (M , T)E = 0.
But this follows from proposition 8.3.8. ■
It is also possible to treat non locally compact groups:
Exercise 8.19 Show that
Solution. The first assertion follows from the fact that RI is an R-module but we
shall give a direct proof. Considering the first assertion, one can use Breen-Deligne
resolution for some Stonean space S and it is sufficient to show that
Hp ((RI )s × S, Z) = Hp (S, Z)
when s ∈ N. We may clearly assume s = 1. One can write RI = lim i∈I [−ni , ni ]
(for the compact-open topology) and therefore
RΓ(RI × S, Z) = R lim RΓ [−ni , ni ] × S, Z
Now, we can use sheaf cohomology since i∈I [−ni , ni ]×S is compact. But i∈I [−ni , ni ]
is acyclic and therefore
R lim RΓ [−ni , ni ] × S, Z = R lim RΓ (S, Z) = RΓ (S, Z) .
←− ←−
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