Math - Std2 - Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within 1000 - Teacher's Guide
Math - Std2 - Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within 1000 - Teacher's Guide
Math - Std2 - Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within 1000 - Teacher's Guide
Wrapping Up
Addition and
Subtraction Within 1,000
Teacher Guide
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
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illustrative and educational purposes and are the property of
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Wrapping Up Addition
and Subtraction
Within 1,000
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Unit Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Center Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Lessons Plans and Student Task Statements:
Section A: Lessons 1–6 Add Within 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Section B: Lessons 7–12 Subtract Within 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Section C: Lessons 13–16 Round Within 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Section D: Lessons 17–21 Solve Two-Step Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Teacher Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Family Support Materials
Cool Downs
n tr ti n Masters
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within 1,000
Teacher Guide
Core Knowledge Mathematics™
Unit 3: Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction
within 1,000
At a Glance
This unit is divided into four sections including 20 lessons and 1 optional lesson.
On pages 7-8 of this Teacher Guide is a chart that identifies the section each lesson belongs in
and the materials needed for each lesson.
• Target Numbers
• Five in a Row: Addition and Subtraction
• Rectangle Rumble
• How Close?
• Number Puzzles: Addition and Subtraction
• Five in a Row: Multiplication
• Capture Squares
• Tic Tac Round
Unit 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Students use place value understanding to round whole numbers and add and subtract within 1,000.
They also represent and solve two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, and multiplication
and assess the reasonableness of answers.
In this unit, students work toward the goal of fluently adding and subtracting within 1,000. They use
mental math strategies developed in grade 2 and learn algorithms based on place value.
In grade 2, students added and subtracted within 1,000 using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. When students
combine hundreds, tens, and ones, they use place value understanding. When they decompose
numbers to add or subtract, they rely on the commutative and associative properties. When students
count up to subtract, they use the relationship between addition and subtraction.
To move toward fluency, students learn a few different algorithms that work with any numbers and are
generalizable to larger numbers and decimals. Students work with a variety of algorithms, starting with
those that show expanded form, and moving toward algorithms that are more streamlined and closer
to the standard algorithm.
Students explore various algorithms but are not required to use a specific one. They should, however,
move from strategy-based work of grade 2 to algorithm-based work to set the stage for using the
standard algorithm in grade 4. If students begin the unit with knowledge of the standard algorithm, it is
still important for them to make sense of the place-value basis of the algorithm.
Understanding of place value also comes into play as students round numbers to the nearest multiple
of 10 and 100. Students do not need to know a formal definition of “multiples” until grade 4. At this
point, it is enough to recognize that a multiple of 10 is a number called out when counting by 10, or the
total in a whole-number of tens (such as 8 tens). Likewise, a multiple of 100 is a number called out
when counting by 100, or the total in a whole-number of hundreds (such as 6 hundreds). Students use
rounding to estimate answers to two-step problems and determine if answers are reasonable.
Unit 3 1
Grade 3, Unit 3
Students begin this section by revisiting the idea of place value, reasoning about different ways to
decompose numbers within 1,000, and using familiar strategies from grade 2 to add and subtract
within 1,000.
rom there, they progress toward more abstract addition strategies, but ones that are still based on
place value. To support this progression toward algorithms, students use base-ten blocks or diagrams,
express numbers in expanded form, and rely on their understanding of properties of operations. or
example, here are three ways to add
Students look for and make use of structure as they relate the compositions of numbers, expressions,
and base-ten blocks or diagrams to find sums and differences ( ).
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
ectangle umble (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
2 Grade 3
Unit 3 Section B
Grade 3, Unit 3
In this section, students analyze and use subtraction algorithms. They begin by using base-ten blocks
and diagrams to subtract numbers. ecause it is di cult to record regrouping using drawings,
however, they see algorithms as a helpful way to find differences.
As is the case with addition, students first make sense of a subtraction algorithm that uses expanded
form, which allows them to see how the hundreds and tens are decomposed into smaller units.
This non-conventional notation allows students to see the meaning behind the digits used above the
numbers in the standard algorithm.
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
Unit 3 Section B 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
In this section, students learn the conventions of rounding whole numbers to the nearest multiple of
10 or 100. This work relies on and reinforces their understanding of place value. umber line diagrams
are used to help students think about the multiple of 10 or 100 to which a given number is closest.
Students learn that when we find the nearest multiple of 10 or 100, we are rounding “to the nearest
ten” or rounding “to the nearest hundred.” They also see that rounding a number to the nearest ten
and nearest hundred can produce the same result.
Students explore how rounding to the nearest ten or hundred can change the estimate of a sum.
This prepares them to use rounding to see if solutions to problems are reasonable in the next section.
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage Subtract undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
apture Squares (1 3), Stage 6 ultiply with 1 (Supporting)
4 Grade 3
Unit 3 Section D
Grade 3, Unit 3
In this section, students encounter more complex problems, think about the reasonableness of their
answers, and use rounding to make estimates.
Students analyze tape diagrams that could represent the relationships in given situations and write
corresponding equations to represent them. reviously, they worked with diagrams and equations
with a or to represent an unknown. ow, students interpret and write letters to stand for an
unknown number.
inally, students apply what they ve learned about adding and subtracting within 1,000 to solve two-
step word problems that involve multiplication, addition, and subtraction.
Suggested enters
Tic Tac ound (3 ), Stage 1 earest Ten or undred (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
Unit 3 Section D 5
Grade 3, Unit 3
Later in the unit, students come back to multiplication and build on the work of multiplying by 2, , and
10. Students apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and represent these strategies
using visual representations and expressions. This work prepares students to solve two-step word
problems using addition, subtraction, and multiplication at the end of the unit.
6 Grade 3
Unit 3 Materials Needed
Grade 3, Unit 3
aterials eeded
A. • none • none
.1 • none • none
.1 • none • none
.1 • none • none
8 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Target Numbers (1–5)
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Grade3.3.A1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A2 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A3 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A4 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A6 (addressing)
Stage arrati e
Students add hundreds, tens, and ones to get as close to 1,000 as possible. Students start by rolling
three number cubes to get a starting number. Then, they take turns rolling the three cubes to create a
number to add. or each number they roll, they choose whether they want it to represent hundreds, tens, or
ones. Students add their hundreds, tens, and ones to the starting number. The sum becomes the first
addend in the next round. The player who gets closest to 1,000 in 6 rounds, without going over, is the
Additional n or ation
ach group of 2 needs three number cubes.
• Grade3.3. 13 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 14 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 16 (addressing)
Stage arrati e
Students subtract hundreds, tens, and ones to get as close to 0 as possible. Students start their first
equation with 1,000 and take turns rolling three cubes to get a number to subtract. or each number they
roll, they choose whether they want it to represent hundreds, tens, or ones. Students subtract their
hundreds, tens, and ones from the starting number. The difference becomes the first number in the next
equation. The player who gets closest to 0 in 6 rounds, without going below 0, is the winner.
Additional n or ation
ach group of 2 needs three number cubes.
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.3.A
• Grade2. .
• Grade2. .
10 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Target Numbers (1–5)
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.8.A
• Grade2.8.
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.8.A
• Grade2.8.
• Grade3.3.A1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A2 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A3 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A4 (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A (addressing)
• Grade3.3.A6 (addressing)
Stage arrati e
artner A chooses two numbers and places a paper clip on each number. They add the numbers and place
a counter on the sum. artner moves one of the paper clips to a different number, adds the numbers, and
places a counter on the sum. Students take turns moving one paper clip, finding the sum, and covering it
with a counter.
Additional n or ation
ach group of 2 needs 2 counters and 2 paper clips.
• Grade2.2.A
12 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Five in a Row: Addition and Subtraction (1–2)
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Grade2.2.A
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.3.A
• Grade2.4.A
• Grade2. .A
• Grade2. .A
• Grade2. .
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.8.A
• Grade2.8.
• Grade2. .
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.8.A
• Grade2.8.
• Grade3.3.A2 (supporting)
• Grade3.3.A3 (supporting)
• Grade3.3.A4 (supporting)
• Grade3.3.A (supporting)
• Grade3.3.A6 (supporting)
Stage arrati e
Students generate factors with a number cube and a spinner with the numbers 1 . Students use a
Additional n or ation
ach group of students need a paper clip, a number cube, and two different color writing utensils.
14 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: How Close? (1–5)
Grade 3, Unit 3
enter: o lose 1
Stage : Add to 1,000
• Grade3.3. (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 8 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 10 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 11 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 12 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 13 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 14 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 16 (addressing)
Stage arrati e
efore playing, students remove the cards that show 10 and set them aside.
ach student picks 8 cards and chooses 6 of them to create 2 three-digit numbers. ach student adds the
numbers. The score for the round is the difference between each student s sum and 1,000. Students pick
new cards so that they have 8 cards in their hand and then start the next round. The player with the lowest
score wins.
This center stage is the first time umber ards 0 10 are used in Grade 3, so they are provided as a
Instructional master. Students will continue to use these throughout the year. onsider copying them on
cardstock or laminating them and keeping them organized to be used repeatedly.
aterials to op
ow lose Stage 4 ecording Sheet (groups of 1),
umber ards (0-10) (groups of 2)
• Grade2.1.A
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.A
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.
Stage 3
• Grade2.1.A
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.4.A
• Grade2.4.
• Grade2. .A
• Grade2. .
• Grade2. .
• Grade2. .
• Grade2.8.A
• Grade2.8.
16 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Number Puzzles: Addition and Subtraction (1–4)
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Grade3.3. (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 8 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 10 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 11 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 12 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 18 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 20 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 21 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 12 (supporting)
Stage arrati e
Students use the digits 0 to make addition equations true. They work with sums and differences within
aterials to op
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction Stage
ecording Sheet (groups of 2)
• Grade2.1.A
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.A
• Grade2.1.A
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.1.
• Grade2.3.
• Grade2. .A
• Grade2.6.
Stage 3
• Grade2.3.
• Grade2. .A
• Grade2.6.
18 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Number Puzzles: Addition and Subtraction (1–4)
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Grade2.3.
• Grade2.3.
• Grade2.4.
• Grade2.4.A
• Grade2. .A
• Grade2.6.
• Grade2. .
• Grade2. .
enter: i e in a o : ultiplication 3
Stage : actors 1
• Grade3.3. 8 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 10 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 11 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 18 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 1 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 20 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 21 (supporting)
Stage arrati e
Students multiply using factors of 1 . artner A chooses two numbers and places a paper clip on each
number. They multiply the numbers and place a counter on the product. artner moves one of the paper
clips to a different number, multiplies the numbers, and places a counter on the product. Students take
turns moving one paper clip, finding the product, and covering it with a counter.
Additional n or ation
ach group of 2 needs 2 two-color counters and 2 paper clips.
20 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Capture Squares (1–3)
Grade 3, Unit 3
• Grade3.3. 14 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 1 (supporting)
• Grade3.3. 16 (supporting)
Stage arrati e
Students roll a number cube and spin a spinner and find the product of the two numbers they generated.
The spinner has numbers 2 .
Additional n or ation
ach group of 2 needs one number cube.
• Grade2.2.A
• Grade2.2.A
Stage 3
• Grade2.2.A
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.4.A
• Grade2.6.
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.2.
• Grade2.3.
• Grade2.4.A
• Grade2.6.
22 Grade 3
Unit 3 Center: Tic Tac Round (3–5)
Grade 3, Unit 3
enter: ic ac ound 3
Stage 1: earest en or undred
• Grade3.3. 1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 18 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 1 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 20 (addressing)
• Grade3.3. 21 (addressing)
Stage arrati e
Students remove the cards that show 10 before they start. Then they choose three number cards and make
a three-digit number. They spin the spinner to get a place value to round to. Students write their number in
any space on the board, each partner using a different color. The first player to get three in a row wins.
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to represent numbers using base-ten blocks, base-ten
diagrams, expanded form, numerals, and word form.
rior to this grade, students represented numbers within 1,000 using number names, base-ten blocks
and diagrams, and expanded form. They used place value to compose and decompose numbers within
In this lesson, students revisit these familiar representations and ways of reasoning about numbers as
they work to build fluency with addition and subtraction within 1,000. The base-ten diagrams and the
expanded form will continue to be used to support students throughout this unit. Give students access
to base-ten blocks, in case requested.
Access or:
nstructional outines
Which ne oesn t elong (Warm-up)
24 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 1
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
A. 2
. 2
Student esponses
, , and
Unit 3 Lesson 1 25
Grade 3, Unit 3
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
This warm-up prompts students to compare numbers represented in different ways. It gives the
teacher an opportunity to hear how students use terminology and talk about characteristics of the
items in comparison to one another. uring the synthesis, ask students to explain the meaning of any
terminology they use, such as place value, hundreds, tens, ones, sum, or base-ten diagram.
nstructional outines
Which ne oesn t elong
26 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to revisit numbers that are written in different forms.
Students match numbers represented in different forms base-ten numerals, base-ten diagrams,
number names, and expanded form. As they make matches, students use their understanding of
base-ten structure represented in many different ways ( ).
e uired reparation
• reate a set of cards from the Instructional master for each group of 2.
Unit 3 Lesson 1 27
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
28 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to use place value understanding from grade 2 to
decompose numbers in different ways. In small groups, students start by writing a three-digit
number, and then pass their number to the group member to their right. ach time students
receive the number, they decompose it in a different way. In the synthesis, students look for
connections in the ways their number was decomposed, and in all the recording sheets in their
group. ighlight connections that show that place value can be used to represent a number as
different combinations of hundreds, tens, and ones. This will be helpful later in the unit when
students add and subtract using strategies and algorithms based on place value.
art 2
Unit 3 Lesson 1 29
Grade 3, Unit 3
2. Look at all of the recording sheets for your • “ ass your paper to your right and receive
group. What patterns do you notice in the the paper from your left. The paper has a
ways the numbers are decomposed number in ox 1. In ox 2, show one way
the number you were ust passed can be
Student esponses decomposed.”
Sample responses
• 1-2 minutes independent work time
2. Sample response All of the representations • “ ass your paper one more time. ou
should have your original number back.”
used hundreds, tens, and ones in some way
to represent the number. • “Talk to your group about which box was
the most di cult for you to fill in. Share
ideas about what helped you most during
this activity.”
• Share responses.
art 2
30 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
• “ ow could you use base-ten blocks to come up with other ways to decompose the
number ”
isplay 2 3
“Today we decomposed numbers in lots of different ways. What are some ways that we could
decompose 2 3 ” ( , , )
“If you were adding 2 3 and 134, which way of decomposing the numbers do you think would be most
helpful and why ” (I think decomposing them by hundreds, tens, and ones would be most helpful so
you could add hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, and ones and ones.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
o plete ool o n
Unit 3 Lesson 1 31
Grade 3, Unit 3
32 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 2
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use addition and subtraction to solve problems within
rior to this grade, students used various strategies and representations to solve problems involving
addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers (first within 100, and then within 1,000).
This lesson enables the teacher to see the strategies and representations that students use, which may
include base-ten blocks or diagrams, number lines, or equations. It also elicits what students know
about using place value to add or subtract (for instance, combining hundreds and hundreds, tens and
tens, and ones and ones). The work here prepares students to learn algorithms for addition and
subtraction, which are also grounded in the same ideas.
Access or:
nstructional outines
ractices (Activity 1), otice and Wonder (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks Activity 1
Unit 3 Lesson 2 33
Grade 3, Unit 3
Activity 2 10 min
ool-down min
ow uch Taller
ow much taller is the Statue of Liberty than the rooklyn ridge xplain or show your
Student esponses
1 2 feet. Sample response I drew a number line and started at 133. Then I umped to 140 and
60 more to 200. I umped 100 to get to 300. Then, I umped more to get to 30 . inally, I added
up all my umps on the number line. is 1 2.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
34 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit observations about patterns in addition tables containing sums
of two-digit addends that are multiples of 10. ach table is partially filled out to show certain behaviors
of the sums and highlight some properties of operations. or example, the sums in the first table can
illustrate the commutative property ( and both give 40). The sums in the second table
can help students to intuit the associative property
( , though students are not expected to generate
equations as shown here).
While students may notice and wonder many things about the addition tables, focus the discussion on
the patterns in the tables and possible explanations for them. When students make sense of patterns
in sums and try to explain them in terms of the features of the addends and how they are added, they
look for and make use of structure ( ).
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder
1 2 3
• isplay the tables.
Unit 3 Lesson 2 35
Grade 3, Unit 3
• All the numbers end with 0 and are tens (or • “In the first table, why are the sums in the
groups of 10). middle row and the middle column the same
set of numbers ” (The same pairs of numbers
• ach table has a question mark.
are added. The first number in the middle
• In the first table
row and in the middle column are 40 because
The sums in the middle row and they are both the sum of 10 and 30, ust
middle column are the same set of added in different orders and
numbers. .)
The sums increase by 10 each time • “In the second table, why are the sums from
from left to right and top to bottom. the lower left corner to the upper right corner
• In the second table all 60 ” ( ach time, the first number being
added goes up by 10 and the second number
The cells that run diagonally are filled
goes down by 10, so the sum stays the same.)
with numbers.
The numbers from the upper left to
lower right go up by 20 each time.
The numbers from the lower left to
upper right are all 60.
There is a 100 in the bottom right
Acti it 1 2 min
36 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to solve word problems that involve adding or
subtracting numbers within 1,000, using strategies they are familiar with from earlier grades. The
goal is to elicit and highlight strategies that rely on place value understanding, in preparation for
upcoming work on addition and subtraction algorithms, which also rely on place value.
onitor for the following strategies as students work on the last problem about the iffel Tower
• Starting at 328 and counting on by place to 6 4. This could be represented on a number line
or a series of equations.
• Starting at 6 4 and counting back to 328. This could be represented on a number line or as a
series of equations.
• Subtracting 328 from 6 4 using base-ten blocks, subtracting hundreds from hundreds, tens
from tens, and ones from ones, trading a ten for more ones as needed.
As students interpret quantities in context, reason about ways to represent them, and consider
the solutions in terms of the situation, they practice reasoning quantitatively and abstractly ( 2).
nstructional outines
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
Unit 3 Lesson 2 37
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
monuments that honor important people in • onitor for the strategies used to solve the
iffel Tower problem and identify students
American history.
who use different strategies to share
The Lincoln emorial is feet tall. The during synthesis.
Washington onument is feet tall. • As student work, consider asking
“ ow could you represent the
problem ”
“What does this represent in the
problem ”
ow much taller is “What strategies could you use to
the Washington solve the problem ”
onument than the
Lincoln emorial S nthesis
38 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Student esponses
1. 246 feet. Sample reasoning I added the
hundreds to get 200, the tens to get 40, and
the ones to get 6. Altogether this is 246.
2. 4 6 feet. Sample reasoning
• “What is this problem about What can be counted or measured in this situation ”
Acti it 10 min
Unit 3 Lesson 2 39
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to reflect on the strategies they used in the first activity.
This is an opportunity to check in with students about the strategies from grade 2 they are
comfortable using and those they find more challenging.
Student esponses
• 2 minutes partner discussion
Answers vary.
S nthesis
40 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“Today we used different strategies to solve problems that involve addition and subtraction within
“What is a strategy you like to use for addition or subtraction and why ” (I like to use base-ten blocks to
subtract because it helps me see when I need to trade for more ones.)
“What is a strategy for addition or subtraction that you would like to learn more about ” (I would like to
learn more about the counting up strategy that can be used in subtraction problems.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
ectangle umble (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Unit 3 Lesson 2 41
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use strategies to add within 1,000.
In this lesson, students review a variety of strategies used to add within 1,000 with an emphasis on
adding hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, and ones and ones. Students should have access to
base-ten blocks.
Access or:
nstructional outines
umber Talk (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks Activity 1
42 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
Add It Up
Student esponses
4 . Sample response I added the ones to get 1 , the tens to get 60, and the hundreds to get 400.
Then I added to get 4 .
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies and understandings students have for adding
three-digit numbers. These understandings help students develop fluency and will be helpful later in
this lesson when students are to use strategies based on place value and properties of operations to
add within 1,000.
Unit 3 Lesson 3 43
Grade 3, Unit 3
nstructional outines
umber Talk
• 24 I ust thought about combining the • “ ow did you use place value to find the value
hundreds, tens, and ones. of each sum ” (I added hundreds with
hundreds and tens with tens.)
• 3 2 I saw that there were hundreds, tens,
and ones, but they were ust mixed up. • onsider asking
• 6 2 I saw that there were hundreds. Then, I “Who can restate s reasoning
broke the 12 into a 10 and a 2. Then there in a different way ”
were 6 hundreds, tens, and 2 ones. 6 2 “ id anyone have the same strategy
• 64 I saw there were only ones, but there but would explain it differently ”
were some tens in different places. I added “ id anyone approach the problem in
up the tens from 1 and 130, which made 4 a different way ”
tens. Then I added up the hundreds from 00
“ oes anyone want to add on to s
and 130, which made 6 hundreds. So, there
strategy ”
were 6 hundreds, 4 tens, and ones. 64 .
Acti it 1 2 min
Strategies to Add
44 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to add within 1,000 using any strategy that makes
sense to them. The expressions in this activity give students a chance to use different strategies,
such as adding hundreds to hundreds, tens to tens, and ones to ones, reasoning with numbers
close to a hundred, or using a variety of representations. Students who use base-ten blocks or
draw number line diagrams choose appropriate tools strategically ( ).
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
3. • Share responses.
Acti it
Student esponses • “Work with your partner to add these
numbers in any way that makes sense to
1. 42 . Sample responses I used base-ten
you. xplain or show your reasoning.”
blocks to make both numbers, then counted
up the total. • - minutes partner work time
2. 3 3. Sample response I knew that 2 plus 1 • onitor for an expression for which
is 3. I put that with the hundreds from the students use a variety of representations,
first number and got 3 3. such as
Unit 3 Lesson 3 45
Grade 3, Unit 3
hundreds to get 00. Then I added the tens representations to share during synthesis.
to get 0 because 30 has a zero in the tens
place. Then, I added the ones to get 13. This S nthesis
made a new ten, which then made a new
hundred. After the new hundred, there were • Select previously identified students to
3 ones and 6 hundreds, which makes 603. display their work side-by-side for all to
Acti it 10 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to see that they can start adding from the largest place-
value unit or from the smallest and still get the same sum. This understanding prepares students
to use the standard algorithm for addition, which calls for starting with the ones.
46 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
lare found the value of . er work is
shown. • “Talk with your partner about what s
different about lare and Andre s work and
what s the same.”
S nthesis
With your partner, discuss
• Invite students to share their responses.
“Today we added numbers using many different strategies and representations. What is your favorite
Unit 3 Lesson 3 47
Grade 3, Unit 3
representation to use when you add numbers ” (Sample responses I like to use base-ten blocks so I
can see the numbers I am adding. I like to write equations because it shows me how I am adding the
“ oes the way you add numbers or the representation you use change based on the numbers in the
problem ” (Sample responses es, I use mental math when I see that one of the numbers is close to a
hundred. o, I always add hundreds to hundreds, tens to tens, and ones to ones. I always like to draw
a number line.)
“ eep all these strategies in mind as we learn new ways to show our reasoning when adding in the
upcoming lessons.”
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
ectangle umble (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
The work in this lesson builds from addition rior Unit Support
concepts developed in a prior unit.
Grade 2, Unit , Section Add within 1,000
using lace alue Strategies
48 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 4
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use their knowledge of base-ten diagrams to make sense
of two written addition algorithms.
In a previous lesson, students revisited addition within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, and
properties of operations. An algorith is different from a strategy because it is a set of steps that
works every time as long as the steps are carried out correctly. The algorithms introduced in this lesson
draw on the grade 2 work within 1,000 in that they show the addition of ones to ones, tens to tens, and
hundreds to hundreds. Students should have access to base-ten blocks if they choose to use them.
Access or:
nstructional outines
L 3 larify, ritique, orrect (Activity 2), Which ne oesn t elong (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks Activity 1, Activity 2
Unit 3 Lesson 4 49
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
hoose an Algorithm
Use an algorithm you learned in today s lesson to find the value of the sum.
Student esponses
63 or . Students can use either algorithm from the lesson.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
50 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
This warm-up prompts students to compare three expressions and one three-digit number. uring the
synthesis, ask students to explain the meaning of any terminology they use, such as the value of each
expression and ways that place value was used to write the number 24 in different ways.
nstructional outines
Which ne oesn t elong
Unit 3 Lesson 4 51
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 20 min
In this activity, students use their knowledge of base-ten representations and place value to make
sense of two addition algorithms. ne algorithm shows the addends in expanded form. oth
algorithms show the sums of ones, tens, and hundreds separately, but display these partial sums
differently. Students notice that both algorithms show hundreds added to hundreds, tens to tens,
and ones to ones, regardless of order. In the synthesis, introduce the term “algorithm.”
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
52 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
3. an s method
• or each method, ask a student share their
explanation. As students share, record the
sequence of steps they describe in their
• onsider asking
“Who can restate s
reasoning in a different way ”
“ id anyone have a similar idea but
would explain it differently ”
“ id anyone explain the method in a
different way ”
“ oes anyone want to add on
to s explanation ”
Student esponses
• As students add on, edit the steps so the
Sample responses class is in agreement about how each
1. Tyler represented each number he was method works.
adding with base-ten blocks. e kept • “Lin and an used algorith s to solve this
hundreds with hundreds, tens with tens, problem. An algorithm is a set of steps that
and ones with ones. e saw that there were works every time as long as the steps are
hundreds because he was able to make carried out correctly.”
another hundred out of 10 tens. That left
him with 1 ten and 6 ones. So, the answer
• “ ow are Lin and an s algorithms the
same ” (They both add ones to ones, tens
was 16. to tens, and hundreds to hundreds.)
2. Lin wrote each number in expanded form
and stacked them on top of each other.
• “ ow are the algorithms different ” (Lin
writes the number in expanded form, but
Then, she added hundreds with hundreds, an didn t. Lin hasn t added the sums of
tens with tens, and ones with ones. Then, hundreds, tens, and ones, but an has.)
she added up all the parts to get the total.
3. an wrote the numbers stacked on each
• onsider asking
“ an we tell which place Lin started
other so the ones lined up, the tens lined up,
with Why or why not ” (We can t
and the hundreds lined up. e added the
really tell with Lin s method because
ones, then the tens, then the hundreds.
of how the numbers are next to
After he added all the places he adds the
each other. She might have started
digits in each column to get the sum.
with the ones or the hundreds. o
Unit 3 Lesson 4 53
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 min
Try an Algorithm
The purpose of this activity is for students to try the algorithms they saw earlier in the lesson. The
important thing is that they combine hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, and ones and ones,
which should be a familiar idea from grade 2. The synthesis provides an opportunity to show a
different way of recording newly composed tens and hundreds when compositions are required,
which will be discussed in more detail in subsequent lessons. rovide access to base-ten blocks
for students to use to support their reasoning about the algorithms, in case requested.
Students analyze and improve a given explanation of how to find a sum, filling in details and using
more precise language to explain the calculation more fully ( 3, 6).
This activity uses MLR larify, riti ue, orrect. Advances: reading, riting, representing
54 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
nstructional outines
L 3 larify, ritique, orrect
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
S nthesis
Unit 3 Lesson 4 55
Grade 3, Unit 3
• “What is unclear ”
56 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“Today we learned about two different algorithms or two different sets of steps for finding the value of
a sum. ow are the 2 algorithms alike ow are they different ” (Alike They give the same result at the
end. They both involve using place value and stacking the numbers being added. It doesn t matter
which place value unit we add first. ifferent In one algorithm the numbers being added are written in
expanded form.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
ectangle umble (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Unit 3 Lesson 4 57
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use an addition algorithm that records a single digit for
the sum for each place value position and a 10 or 100 for a newly composed ten or hundred.
In this lesson, students learn an addition algorithm in which a single digit is recorded for the sum of
each place value position. Students relate this algorithm to an algorithm they worked with in the
previous lesson. Students also learn a method for recording a newly composed ten or hundred as a 10
or 100 above the addends. Students recognize that the new algorithm and new method of recording
newly composed tens or hundreds are based on the idea of adding units by place value.
Access or:
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder (Warm-up)
ool-down min
58 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 5
Grade 3, Unit 3
Student esponses
4 . Students can use any of the three addition algorithms learned so far.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit observations about patterns in sums of two- and three-digit
addends in an addition table. The table is partially filled out to highlight some properties of operations.
or example, the sums in the table can illustrate the commutative property ( and both
give 1 ). The numbers also prompt students to notice patterns in sums of odd and even numbers. or
example, the sum of an odd number and an even one is always odd.
While students may notice and wonder many things about the addition table, focus the discussion on
the patterns in the table and possible explanations for them. When students make sense of patterns in
sums and explain them in terms of the features of the addends and how they are added, they notice
and use regularity in repeated reasoning ( ).
Unit 3 Lesson 5 59
Grade 3, Unit 3
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder
8 1 1 1 1 2
• isplay the table.
Student esponses
• 1 minute partner discussion
• Why do the numbers in the table go up by 2 • “Why do the sums from upper left corner to
from left to right and top to bottom lower right corner increase by 2 ” ( ach of the
two numbers being added go up by 1, so the
• Why are the sums odd numbers
sum goes up by 2.)
• Are there other patterns in the table
• “Why are the sums that make a line from the
lower left corner to the upper right corner the
same number ” ( ach time, the first number
being added goes up by 1 and the second
number goes down by 1, so the sum stays the
60 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 1 min
A ew Addition Algorithm
The purpose of this activity is for students to learn an algorithm in which a single digit is recorded
as each place value position is added. Students use an algorithm from a prior lesson to make
sense of the new algorithm. They learn that single digits can be used to represent the sum in each
place value position because of what we know about place value.
Unit 3 Lesson 5 61
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
Step 4 is already done. lena s algorithm ust “Where do you see the 8, 0, and
uses the digits in each place. Instead of 00, 00 in lena s algorithm ”
we ust see a in the hundreds place. ou “Why does an s algorithm have a
record from right to left, not down. step 4 ”
2. ven though lena s algorithm only shows a • Select other students to share their
single digit as she adds the ones, tens, and thinking on why both algorithms work.
hundreds, the still represents tens or 0
like in an s algorithm. The represents
hundreds or 00 shown in an s algorithm.
The answer is still 8.
Acti it 20 min
ompose ew Units
62 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to consider how the composition of new tens and
hundreds are recorded in the algorithm they saw in the previous activity. Students interpret the
work and thinking of others and discuss the similarities and differences in two different strategies
for finding a sum ( 3). Students see that in lena s algorithm, when the sum of the digits in a
place has more than one digit, a newly composed ten or hundred is recorded as “10” or “100”
above the addends, while the remaining value is recorded as a single digit below the addends.
The synthesis focuses on clarifying how to record newly composed units when adding two
Unit 3 Lesson 5 63
Grade 3, Unit 3
a. Acti it
• “Work with your partner to answer the first
c. question. Then, pause before moving on to
d. the second set of problems.”
c. 2
• onitor for how students record multiple
compositions of tens or hundreds when
d. 01 finding the value of .
S nthesis
• “Where would it make the most sense to you to record the newly composed 10 Where
would it make the most sense to you to record the newly composed 100 ”
64 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“In this lesson, we have been adding from right to left, starting with the ones place. Let s look at this
expression again. Let s consider what would happen if we started adding from the left with hundreds
Work with the class to find the sum, setting it up like lena s algorithm, but start by adding the
“What would happen next an we add from left to right ” (If we worked from left to right, we would
have to add the hundreds, then add them again if the tens add up to make a new hundred. It s the
same with the tens. If we added them before the ones, we would have to add the tens again if the sum
of the ones made a new ten.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
ectangle umble (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Unit 3 Lesson 5 65
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to record newly composed tens and hundreds with a single
digit and to consider when they might use algorithms or other strategies to add.
In previous lessons, students learned how to use an algorithm that records a single digit for the sum in
each place value position, but records 10 or 100 for a newly composed ten or hundred. The purpose of
this lesson is for students to continue to work with algorithms, but see that newly composed tens or
hundreds can be recorded as a single digit at the top of the tens column or hundreds column. Students
also take time to consider when it makes sense to use an algorithm and when it makes sense to use
another strategy, such as those learned in grade 2. Students will consider how thinking about the
numbers in the problem can help them use their knowledge of addition flexibly to add within 1,000.
Access or:
nstructional outines
umber Talk (Warm-up)
66 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 6
Grade 3, Unit 3
Activity 2 20 min
ool-down min
Student esponses
Answers vary. Sample response Instead of using an algorithm, I would take 1 away from 1 and
add it to the 2 . Then I can find , which is 4 8.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies and understandings students have for adding
within 1,000. These understandings help students develop fluency and will be helpful later in this
lesson when students decide whether to use an algorithm or another strategy to add.
Unit 3 Lesson 6 67
Grade 3, Unit 3
When students notice that a number is close to a multiple of 100 and use this to add, they are looking
for and making use of structure ( ).
nstructional outines
umber Talk
68 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 1 min
ust nes
The purpose of this activity is for students to compare two methods to record newly composed
tens and hundreds when using the same algorithm. The first method, which students saw in a
previous lesson, records the newly composed tens and hundreds as a 10 or 100 at the top of the
problem. The second method records the newly composed tens and hundreds as a single digit of
1 at the top of the tens and hundreds column. It is important that students understand that an
additional 1 in the tens column represents a newly composed ten and an additional 1 in the
hundreds column represents a newly composed hundred. Students interpret the work and
thinking shown in the different methods, and discuss the similarities and differences ( 3).
Acti it
Unit 3 Lesson 6 69
Grade 3, Unit 3
recorded as a 1 in the tens place and the “Why did we need to put a 1 in the
hundred is recorded as a 1 in the hundreds tens (or hundreds) column ”
place. “What does the 1 in the tens (or
2. a. 81 hundreds) column represent ”
Acti it 20 min
ow Would ou Add
70 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to choose an algorithm or other strategy to add within
1,000. Students should attend to the details of numbers in the problems that could indicate
whether a particular strategy or algorithm is most useful. The important thing is that students
choose an algorithm or strategy that they can use e ciently and accurately for the given problem.
Unit 3 Lesson 6 71
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
“Today we saw how we can use algorithms and other strategies to add. After hearing what other
students chose to use, what are your thoughts about choosing when to use an algorithm or another
strategy ” (I like to use a strategy when both numbers are close to a hundred. If the numbers aren t
both close to a hundred I ust use an algorithm. If I see a relationship that makes it easy to use a
strategy, then I ll use one, but if not I ll ust use an algorithm.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage 6 Add undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ive in a ow Addition and Subtraction (1 2), Stage 8 Add within 1,000 with omposing
ectangle umble (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
72 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Student Section Su ar
In this section, we learned that an algorith is a set of steps that works every time as long as the steps
are carried out correctly. Then, we learned algorithms to add numbers within 1,000.
We also learned that we can choose to add using a strategy or an algorithm based on the numbers
being added.
o plete ool o n
Unit 3 Lesson 6 73
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is to activate the strategies students have for subtracting numbers within
In grade 2, students subtracted numbers within 1,000 using various strategies based on place value
and the associative and commutative properties of addition. They used base-ten blocks, base-ten
diagrams, equations, and number lines to represent their reasoning.
In this lesson, they review a variety of strategies with an emphasis on subtracting hundreds and
hundreds, tens and tens, and ones and ones. Students should have access to base-ten blocks.
Access or:
nstructional outines
L ompare and onnect (Activity 1), umber Talk (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks Activity 1
Tools for creating a visual display Activity 1
74 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 7
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
Student esponses
214. Sample response I made 3 2 with base-ten blocks. I had to trade a ten for some more ones.
This gave me 12 ones and 6 tens. Then I subtracted the hundreds to get 200, the tens to get 10,
and the ones to get 4. The blocks I had left showed 214.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
Unit 3 Lesson 7 75
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies and understandings students have for
subtracting numbers within 1,000. These understandings help students develop fluency and will be
helpful as students relate subtraction algorithms to strategies they have used to subtract within 1,000.
nstructional outines
umber Talk
• 238 I counted back by tens 2 8, 248, 238. • “ ow was place value helpful as you
subtracted these numbers ” (When we were
• 234 This is ust like the last one, but I took
subtracting 10, only the tens place changed.
away 4 more.
or the last expression we were able to
subtract the tens, then the ones.)
• onsider asking
“Who can restate s reasoning in a
different way ”
“ id anyone have the same strategy
but would explain it differently ”
“ id anyone approach the problem in
a different way ”
“ oes anyone want to add on to s
strategy ”
76 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 2 min
Strategies to Subtract
The purpose of this activity is for students to subtract numbers within 1,000 using any strategy
that makes sense to them to find the difference of two numbers within 1,000. The expressions in
this activity give students a chance to use different strategies, such as subtracting hundreds from
hundreds, tens from tens, and ones from ones, or adding up. Students may also use a variety of
representations, which will be the focus of the activity synthesis. Students who choose to use
base-ten blocks or number lines to represent their thinking use tools strategically ( ).
nstructional outines
L ompare and onnect
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks, Tools for creating a visual
Unit 3 Lesson 7 77
Grade 3, Unit 3
3. • Share responses.
S nthesis
L o pare and onnect
78 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 10 min
ase-ten rawings
The purpose of this activity is for students to make sense of drawings of base-ten blocks. Students
compare two base-ten drawings. The first drawing is the same as what they saw in grade 2, where
the tens block is decomposed into 10 individual ones and moved over to the ones place before
subtracting the ones. In the second drawing, the tens block is moved over and partitioned into 10
parts but not decomposed into individual ones. The subtraction of ones is shown directly on the
ten that was moved over. Students then match base-ten diagrams to subtraction expressions and
subtract to find the value of each expression. This will be helpful in later lessons when students
relate base-ten diagrams to written algorithms.
Unit 3 Lesson 7 79
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
Student esponses
1. Sample responses
Alike They both represent
. They both used a ten to
get more ones so they could subtract
ones. oth ended up with 12 ones.
ifferent ada broke a ten into ten
ones. an did too, but he kept them
together like a ten.
80 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
2. a. , which is 12 .
b. , which is 120.
c. , which is 1.
“Today we subtracted numbers using many different strategies. What is your favorite representation to
use to subtract numbers ” (I like to use base-ten blocks so I can see the numbers I am subtracting. I like
to write equations because it shows me how I am subtracting the numbers.)
“ oes the way you subtract numbers or the representation you use change based on the numbers in
the problem ” ( es, I use mental math when I see that one of the numbers is close to a hundred. o, I
always add up. I always like to use base-ten blocks.)
“ eep all these strategies in mind as we learn new ways to show our reasoning around subtraction in
the upcoming lessons.”
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
o plete ool o n
The work in this lesson builds from subtraction rior Unit Support
concepts developed in a prior unit.
Grade 2, Unit , Section Subtract within 1,000
using lace alue Strategies
Unit 3 Lesson 7 81
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use their knowledge of base-ten diagrams to make sense
of a written subtraction algorithm.
In previous lessons, students revisited subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction. In this lesson,
students are introduced to a subtraction algorithm that clearly shows the subtraction of ones from
ones, tens from tens, and hundreds from hundreds, and is similar to one of the initial addition
algorithms in a prior lesson. Students should have access to base-ten blocks as needed.
Access or:
nstructional outines
ard Sort (Activity 2), umber Talk (Warm-up)
aterials to op
iagrams and Algorithms (groups of 2)
Activity 2
82 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 8
Grade 3, Unit 3
Activity 2 20 min
ool-down min
Student esponses
Sample response I can see that there are 3 hundreds, 8 tens, and 2 ones, but one of the tens has
been moved over to get more ones. In the algorithm, the 80 and 2 are crossed out to show this.
The blocks that are not crossed out show the in the algorithm.
egin Lesson
Unit 3 Lesson 8 83
Grade 3, Unit 3
War up 10 min
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies students have for subtracting within 1,000. These
understandings help students develop fluency and will be helpful later when students choose between
using an algorithm or another strategy to subtract.
nstructional outines
umber Talk
84 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to use their knowledge of base-ten diagrams and place
value to make sense of a subtraction algorithm. Students notice that in both the base-ten drawing
and the algorithm, the subtraction happens by place. We can find the difference of two numbers
by subtracting ones from ones, tens from tens, and hundreds from hundreds, and adding these
partial differences to find the overall difference.
Students also recall that sometimes a place value unit needs to be decomposed before
subtracting. or example, a ten may first need to be decomposed into 10 ones. This
decomposition can be seen in both the base-ten drawing and in the algorithm. In the synthesis,
students interpret the work and reasoning of others ( 3).
iran s algorithm
• Share responses.
Acti it
Unit 3 Lesson 8 85
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
1. xplain how iran s algorithm starts. • Invite students to share their responses.
2. xplain how iran recorded the • “ ow did iran know to rewrite 3 1 ” (If he
decomposition of the ten into more ones. tried to subtract the ones, he would notice
3. inish iran s work. he doesn t have enough, so he needs to
decompose a ten into 10 ones.)
Student esponses • “Why is he allowed to rewrite
as ” ( oth of these add up to
1. Sample response iran wrote the numbers 3 1. They re both showing 3 1 in different
he was subtracting as a sum of hundreds, ways.)
tens, and ones. Then he saw he needed
more ones, so he decomposed a 10 into • “ ow is iran s reasoning like ada s
reasoning ” ( oth of them decomposed the
more ones.
numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones,
2. Sample response iran crossed out the 0 and subtracted the numbers in each place
and wrote 80 above it. Then he crossed out separately. oth of them decomposed a
the 1 and wrote 11 above that because he ten into 10 ones.)
had 10 more ones after he decomposed a
10. • “ ow is their reasoning different ” ( ada
used base-ten drawings to represent the
3. numbers and iran wrote them out in
expanded form.)
86 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to analyze the connections between algorithms and
base-ten diagrams that represent subtraction. In particular, students relate how the two
strategies show a hundred decomposed into tens and a ten into ones in order to facilitate
As students work, encourage them to refine their descriptions of what is happening in both the
diagrams and the algorithms using more precise language and mathematical terms ( 6).
nstructional outines
ard Sort
aterials to op
iagrams and Algorithms (groups of 2)
e uired reparation
• reate a set of cards from the Instructional master for each group of 2.
Unit 3 Lesson 8 87
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
S nthesis
isplay a completed algorithm for addition that uses expanded form and a completed algorithm for
subtraction that uses expanded form, such as
88 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“Today we learned an algorithm for subtraction. ow is this algorithm similar to the algorithm we used
for addition ow is it different ” ( oth of the algorithms use expanded form. With both of them, you
have to compose the parts of the number at the end to get the answer. In the addition algorithm,
there s a ten being composed, but in the subtraction algorithm, it s being decomposed to get more
ones. The new ten is recorded below in the addition algorithm, but when you decompose a ten for
subtracting, it s recorded above the numbers.)
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Unit 3 Lesson 8 89
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to subtract within 1,000 using a subtraction algorithm that
records numbers in expanded form.
reviously, students learned to record subtraction using an algorithm in which the numbers are written
in expanded form. They made connections between the structure and steps of the algorithm to those
of base-ten diagrams that represent the same subtraction. In this lesson, students take a closer look at
the algorithm and use it to find differences. They also examine a common error in subtracting
numbers when decomposition of a place value unit is required. When students discuss shown work,
they construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others ( 3).
Access or:
nstructional outines
True or alse (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks Activity 1, Activity 2
90 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 9
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
ow id Andre Subtract
Student esponses
Sample response irst, Andre wrote 3 and 2 in expanded form and stacked them. Then, he
subtracted from and got 4. Then, he realized he didn t have enough tens to subtract 0 from
30 so he decomposed a 100 from the 00 into 10 tens to get 130. 130 minus 0 is 80 and 600
minus 200 is 400. is answer is 484.
egin Lesson
Unit 3 Lesson 9 91
Grade 3, Unit 3
War up 10 min
The purpose of this True or alse is to elicit insights students have about how the commutative
property applies to addition and multiplication, but not subtraction. The reasoning students do here
helps to deepen their understanding of the properties of operations and how they apply to subtracting
within 1,000. It will also be helpful later when students need to recognize the need to decompose
hundreds or tens to get more tens or ones.
nstructional outines
True or alse
92 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
reasoning ”
“ an we make any generalizations
based on the statements ”
Acti it 1 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to examine an error in an algorithm in which a larger
digit is subtracted from a smaller digit in the same place value position. In such a case, it is
common for students to subtract the smaller digit from the larger digit instead, not realizing that
subtraction is not commutative. The given algorithm here shows the numbers in expanded form
to help students see that it is necessary to first decompose a hundred into tens before the 0 can
be subtracted from 20.
When students make sense of and correct Lin s mistake, they construct viable arguments and
critique the reasoning of others ( 3).
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
1. What error do you see in Lin s work • 1 2 minutes quiet think time
Unit 3 Lesson 9 93
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
94 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to practice using the subtraction algorithm introduced
in a previous lesson. rovide base-ten blocks for students who choose to use them to support
their reasoning about the algorithm.
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
Unit 3 Lesson 9 95
Grade 3, Unit 3
Try using this algorithm to find the value of each • 1 minute quiet think time
difference. Show your reasoning. rganize it so • Share responses.
it can be followed by others.
• Give students access to base-ten blocks.
Acti it
3. • “Take some quiet time to try this algorithm.
heck in with your partner if you have
• minutes independent work time
S nthesis
96 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
• onsider asking
“Where were there not enough tens
or ones to subtract ”
“What was decomposed and how
was it recorded ”
“ id you notice any places where
you might have made the error we
saw in Lin s work
• “Where would it make the most sense to you to record how you decomposed a hundred into
more tens A ten into more ones ”
“Suppose a classmate says this problem has been changed into a completely different problem
because the 832 has been crossed out. ow would you explain the crossed-out numbers to them ”
(The 832 is still there. It s ust been reorganized as 00 plus 120, which is 820, and then 820 plus 12 is
832. So, it s still 832. It s been grouped differently so we can subtract in every place value.)
Unit 3 Lesson 9 97
Grade 3, Unit 3
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
98 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 10
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use a subtraction algorithm that records a single digit for
the difference between the numbers in each place value position and a condensed notation for a
decomposed hundred or ten.
In this lesson, students continue to learn how to use algorithms to subtract within 1,000. The new
algorithm in this lesson draws attention to how place value can be used to record less digits in each
place value position. This condensed notation also changes the steps of the algorithm because
students don t write the numbers in expanded form to start or add up the partial differences at the
Access or:
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks Warm-up
Unit 3 Lesson 10 99
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
Student esponses
1 2. Students can use either of the subtraction algorithms learned so far.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit the observation that a hundred that has been decomposed into
more tens can be recorded using a condensed notation, which will be useful later in the lesson when
100 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
students decompose hundreds and tens to facilitate subtraction. While students may notice and
wonder many things about these numbers, how the decomposition is recorded is the important
discussion point. ase-ten blocks or diagrams can be used during the discussion if students need
additional support in making sense of the condensed notation.
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder
aterials to Gather
ase-ten blocks
Acti it 1 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to learn a subtraction algorithm that records the
difference in each place value position as a single digit. The algorithm also records a decomposed
hundred as a single digit in the hundreds place and as two digits in the tens place. Students
carefully analyze and discuss two different ways to subtract, highlighting similarities and
differences and explaining how and why they work ( 6).
102 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
affect the steps needed to find the • 1 minute quiet think time
• 2 minutes partner discussion
S nthesis
Acti it 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to practice using the algorithm they learned in the
previous activity, in which the difference in each place value position is recorded with one digit
and the decomposition of a place value unit is recorded using one or two digits.
104 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“ ow did place value allow us to use fewer digits when recording newly decomposed hundreds or
tens ” (We knew what place each digit is in and what value each digit has. We knew the 4 stood for 400,
and the 12 stood for 12 tens or 120.)
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to consider subtraction algorithms in more detail, with a
focus on decomposing as needed and on cases when it is necessary to decompose multiple units to
subtract across zeros.
In a previous lesson, students used a subtraction algorithm in which single digits were used to record
the result of subtraction in any place value position and one or two digits were used to record any
decompositions. They did any necessary decompositions before beginning to subtract. In this lesson,
students make sense of and use an algorithm in which subtraction begins with the ones, decomposing
units as needed as they work from right to left. Students also consider a case in which it is necessary to
decompose a hundred and a ten in order to get more ones because there is a zero in the tens place.
Access or:
nstructional outines
umber Talk (Warm-up)
106 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 11
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
Subtraction eflection
Student esponses
Sample response
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies and understandings students have for
subtracting multi-digit numbers. These understandings help students develop fluency and will be
helpful later in a subsequent lesson when students are to use strategies flexibly to subtract within
nstructional outines
umber Talk
108 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to consider two subtraction algorithms. In the first
algorithm, students first look for any place value units where they need to decompose to get
more units, then subtract right to left. In the second algorithm, subtraction occurs right to left,
and units are decomposed as the need arises. Students try each algorithm and consider potential
advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm.
In the synthesis, students carefully analyze and discuss the two algorithms, explaining the
motivation behind them and how they are the same and different ( 3, 6).
decomposing one of the hundreds into 10 • “Work with your partner to finish each
tens. In the second algorithm, the first step
is subtracting the ones. ach algorithm will • 2 3 minutes partner work time
look the same at the end. • “ ow work with your partner to use both
2. 283 algorithms to subtract 41 from 824.”
S nthesis
110 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 min
Use an Algorithm
The purpose of this activity is for students to make sense of an algorithm in which a number with
non-zero digits is subtracted from a number with a zero in the tens place. In the given problem, it
is necessary to decompose a larger unit to have enough ones to subtract. There are no tens to
decompose, however, prompt students to consider whether subtraction is possible, and if so, how
it could be done.
When students make sense of lena s reasoning, they construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others ( 3).
Acti it
lena said that we can t subtract this way
because we would need more ones to subtract • “ ow, work with your partner to complete
the activity.”
ones, but there s a zero in the tens place of
301. • minutes partner work time
in the tens place, but we can decompose a decomposed into ones (or show the
hundred to make 100 ones. I disagree that example in Student esponses).
we can t use what oah set up.
• “ ow does the work here show that we
could have enough ones to subtract even
2. Sample responses
though there is 0 in the tens place of 301 ”
( rossing out the 3 in the hundreds and
writing 10 in the tens place shows a
hundred decomposed to get tens. rossing
out the 10 and writing a in the tens place
and writing 11 in the ones place shows a
ten decomposed to get ones.)
• “We ve learned different algorithms for subtracting. Which subtraction algorithm is your favorite
and why ” (The expanded form algorithms because we can really see all the parts of the number.
The algorithm where we decompose the units as we go because I don t like to do them all at once.
The algorithms that use 1 digit for each place value because they don t take as long to write.)
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
112 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 12
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to consider when they might use algorithms or other
strategies to subtract.
Students have learned several subtraction algorithms in prior lessons. ow students take time to
consider when it makes sense to use an algorithm and when it makes sense to use another strategy,
such as those learned in grade 2. Students will consider how thinking about the numbers in the
problem can help them use their knowledge of subtraction to flexibly subtract within 1,000.
Access or:
nstructional outines
umber Talk (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather aterials to op
aper clips Activity 2 Greatest ifference, Smallest ifference
encils Activity 2 (groups of 2) Activity 2
ool-down min
Student esponses
Sample response I would use a counting-up strategy because the numbers are both so close to
hundreds that it would be a lot faster to count up than to use an algorithm.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
114 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies students have for finding products of single-digit
factors. These reasoning strategies help students develop fluency and will be helpful later in this unit
when students solve two-step word problems.
When students use strategies based on the properties of multiplication to find unknown products, they
look for and make use of structure ( ). Students may reverse the order of the factors to create a
multiplication fact they know. Students may think about “one more group” as they move from the first
expression to the second expression (or the third to the fourth). Also, students may say that they “ ust
know” the product. All of these responses are acceptable because students will be in different stages
as they progress toward fluency.
nstructional outines
umber Talk
• 14 I knew it would be one more group of two • “ ow did thinking about products of 2 help
than the first problem. It s 2 groups of , so I you find products of 3 ” (I could think about 2
found , which is 14. groups, then add one more group. I could
think about 2 in each group, then one more in
• 21 It would be one more group of than the
each group.)
last problem. 14 plus is 21. It s 3 more than
, or 3 more than 18, which is 21. • onsider asking
“Who can restate s reasoning in a
different way ”
“ id anyone have the same strategy
but would explain it differently ”
“ id anyone approach the problem in
a different way ”
“ oes anyone want to add on to s
strategy ”
Acti it 1 20 min
ow Would ou Subtract
The purpose of this activity is for students to choose a strategy or algorithm to subtract within
1,000. Students should attend to the details of numbers in the problems that could indicate
whether a particular strategy or algorithm is most useful. The important thing is that students
choose an algorithm or another strategy that they can use e ciently and accurately for the given
problem. As students choose strategies to find the values of each expression, they look for
common structure and observe regularity in repeated reasoning ( , 8).
116 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
2. 1 2. Sample response I subtracted 200
from 382 to get 182. Then I added 10 back.
• “Work independently to find the value of
each difference, then you ll have a chance
3. 63 . Sample response to share your work.”
S nthesis
Acti it 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to play a game that enables them to practice using
strategies and algorithms to subtract within 1,000. Students decide whether they will try to make
the smallest or greatest difference, then spin a paper clip on a spinner to generate two three-digit
numbers. Students use their choice of strategy or algorithm to subtract the numbers.
When students use place value to create a pair of numbers with a specific type of difference, they
are looking for and making use of structure ( ).
e uired reparation
118 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
4. ompare your values.
. Write a comparison • “ ow, take some time and play the game
using , , or . with your partner.”
S nthesis
Student esponses
Answers vary.
“Today we used strategies to subtract. ow did you decide when to use an algorithm or another
strategy ” (If the numbers were hard to subtract mentally, I d use an algorithm. If they were close to a
hundred, or if I saw a certain relationship between them that made it easy to work out mentally, then
I d use another strategy.)
Suggested enters
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
Student Section Su ar
In this section, we learned algorithms to subtract numbers within 1,000. We also learned that we can
choose whether to use an algorithm or another strategy for subtracting based on the numbers.
o plete ool o n
120 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 13
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to reason about the position of numbers relative to their
immediate multiples of 100, using number lines to do so.
In grade 2, students learned to represent whole numbers within 1,000 and make sense of their relative
sizes on a number line. They also used number lines to represent addition and subtraction, and they
often and intuitively relied on multiples of 10 and 100 as benchmarks to reason about sums and
differences. ( or example, to find , they may start at 10 , move to the left to 100, move 10
more to the left to 0 and then move 2 more to land at 88.)
In this lesson, students take a closer look at the relationship between numbers within 1,000 and
multiples of 100. The lesson begins by eliciting students informal ideas about what it means for
numbers to be “close to” multiples of 100. Then, they use number lines to identify the multiples of 100
between which a two- or three-digit number lies and examine their relative distance from the number.
The work with number lines here allows students to reason visually about proximity to multiples of
100, preparing them to reason numerically about nearest multiples of 100 and about the idea of
rounding in upcoming lessons.
Access or:
nstructional outines
stimation xploration (Warm-up)
ool-down min
122 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Student esponses
2. 200
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of an stimation xploration is to practice the skill of estimating a reasonable answer
based on experience and known information. It gives students a low-stakes opportunity to share a
mathematical claim and the thinking behind it ( 3). Asking yourself “ oes this make sense ” is a
component of making sense of problems ( 1), and making an estimate or a range of reasonable
answers with incomplete information is a part of modeling with mathematics ( 4).
nstructional outines
stimation xploration
Acti it
• ecord responses.
S nthesis
Sample responses
• “It is often helpful to get a sense of a quantity
(how many, how much, how long, etc.) with
• Too low groups of 10 or groups of 100. umbers like
• About right 140 200 0 and 0 that are groups of 10 can be called
multiples of 10. umbers like 200 or 00 that
• Too high
are groups of 100 can be called multiples of
100. ”
Acti it 1 10 min
124 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to think about what it means for numbers to be close
to multiples of 100. There is no definition given about what “close to” means during the activity, so
students may interpret the term in different ways.
• Share responses.
2. ow decide if the number of people in each • “ ow, work with your partner to decide if
part of the school is close to 0, close to 100, the number of people in each part of the
or close to 200. school is close to 0, close to 100, or close to
200. If you don t think a number belongs in
If you don t think a number belongs in any
any column, set it aside. e prepared to
column, set it aside. e prepared to explain
explain your reasoning.”
your reasoning.
• 2 3 minutes partner work time
Acti it 2 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to locate two- and three-digit numbers on a series of
number lines. The endpoints of each number line are multiples of 100, and the space between
126 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
them is partitioned into ten equal intervals. As they locate the numbers, students recognize each
tick mark as a multiple of 10. Later in the activity, students use a number line to name the closest
multiple of 100 to a given number. When students choose the correct number line and accurately
place each number on the number line they attend to precision and show an understanding of
place value ( 6, ).
4 36 10 163 22
• “What do you know about the number
line ” ( ach point on the number line can
24 2 216 11 481 represent a number. ou can add or
18 13 6 83 241 subtract by moving right or left on the
332 1 4 408 2 6 4 number line. It can show distance between
2 20 3 44 3 numbers, like the number 10 is 10 away
from 0.)
1. Work with your group to decide on which
number line each number should go. Then,
• 1 minute quiet think time
locate and label each number on the • Share and record responses.
number line. • “Take a look at the number lines in the first
problem. What do you notice about them
What do you wonder ” (Students may
notice ach number line has two multiples
of 100. There are tick marks between the
numbers. Students may wonder Why don t
the number lines go higher or lower What
numbers do the tick marks represent )
b. f the two multiples of 100 you number line ” ( es, 100 and 200)
named, which one is 364 closer to
• “What numbers do you think the unlabeled
3. Write the numbers assigned to you earlier. tick marks represent ” (Tens, groups of 10,
or each number, name the nearest numbers that we get if we count up by 10
multiple of 100. starting from 100, multiples of 10) “Let s
name them ” (100, 110, . . . , 200)
n e
ne es
• Label the first few tick marks.
Acti it
128 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“Today we located and labeled numbers on number lines, and decided which multiple of 100 a given
number would be closest to.”
“Look back at the table from the last activity. What do you notice about the nearest multiples of 100 for
your set of numbers ” (Sometimes the nearest multiple is greater than the numbers, sometimes it is
less. Sometimes the nearest multiple of 100 is 0. Some multiples of 100 are really far away from the
original number. or example, 44 is 4 away from 400. Two numbers that are very different or seem
far apart could have the same nearest multiple of 100. or example, 6 and 13 both have 100 as their
nearest multiple of 100.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage Subtract undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
o plete ool o n
The work in this lesson builds from number line rior Unit Support
concepts developed in a prior unit.
Grade 2, Unit 4, Section A The Structure of the
umber Line
130 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 14
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to reason about the position of numbers relative to their
immediate multiples of 10 and 100, using number lines to do so.
In a previous lesson, students reasoned about the nearest multiple of 100 to a given number. In this
lesson, students extend this work to include multiples of 10. The work here prepares students to round
numbers to the nearest ten and hundred in upcoming lessons.
umber lines are still a central representation early in the lesson. Later in the lesson, students begin to
reason numerically and think about how they could find the nearest multiple of 10 or 100 if a number
line is not provided. Students should be encouraged to consider alternative strategies and use what
they know about place value, but can still draw a number line if it is needed. In the lesson synthesis,
students learn that rounding is a formal way to say which number a given number is closer too, and
that number is often a multiple of 10 or 100.
Access or:
nstructional outines
stimation xploration (Warm-up)
ool-down min
Student esponses
1. 200. Sample response 1 0 is right in between and 162 is greater, so it s closer to 200 than to
2. 160. Sample response rom 162, it s 8 counts up to get to 1 0, but only 2 counts back to 160,
so 160 is closer than 1 0.
egin Lesson
132 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
War up 10 min
The purpose of this stimation xploration is for students to think about what value a point on the
number line could represent. The only labeled tick marks are hundreds so students need to reason
about what numbers are in between and how far the point is from the labeled numbers.
nstructional outines
stimation xploration
Sample responses
• ecord responses.
Acti it 1 20 min
lose to ultiples of 10
reviously, students identified two multiples of 100 that border a given number, reasoned about
their relative distance from the number, and then named the nearest multiple of 100. The
purpose of this activity is for students to practice naming the nearest multiple of 100 and apply
the same reasoning to identify the nearest multiple of 10. They determine two multiples of 10 that
are closest to a given number (two intermediate tick marks on the number line) and then identify
the multiple of 10 that is closer.
• Share responses.
Acti it
134 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
ne es l le ne es
n e
o 1 l le o 1
128 100 130
2 2 300 2 0
436 400 440
ne es l le ne es
n e
o 1 l le o 1
8 100 0
3 1 400 3 0
Acti it 1 min
In this activity, students identify the nearest multiples of 10 and 100 for given three-digit
numbers. They may do so by using the number lines from earlier, but they may also start to
notice a pattern in the relationship between the numbers and the nearest multiples and decide
not to use number lines. The work here prepares students to reason numerically in the next
When students notice and describe patterns in the relationship between the numbers and the
nearest multiples of 10 or 100, they look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning ( 8).
136 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
b. 100 and 0
• “What have you tried to find the closest multiple of 10 (or 100) ”
• “ ow could you use a number line to find the closest multiple of 10 (or 100) ”
“Today we found the nearest multiple of 100 and the nearest multiple of 10 to a given number. When
we name another number that is close to a given number, we are rounding the given number. or
example, we can round 68 to 0 or to 600. ften, the numbers we use for rounding are multiples of
10 or 100.”
“If we want to use round to say find the nearest multiple of 10, we can say round to the nearest ten.
We can use round with hundreds too. Instead of saying find the nearest multiple of 100, we can say,
round to the nearest hundred. ”
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage Subtract undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
apture Squares (1 3), Stage 6 ultiply with 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
138 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 15
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to round whole numbers within 1,000 to the nearest ten or
efore this lesson, students named multiples of 10 and 100 that are near given numbers and identified
the multiple of 10 or 100 that was closest. They located numbers on a number line and approximated
their distance from ad acent tick marks that indicate tens, or from endpoints that mark hundreds.
ere, students learn that sometimes, when we round to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred, we
round to the same number. Students also learn that when numbers are right in the middle of two
multiples of 10 or 100, the convention is to round up. Students use rounding to estimate the number
of students in a school and see that rounding to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred can give
different estimates for the same situation.
Access or:
nstructional outines
horal ount (Warm-up)
ool-down min
ound It Twice
Student esponses
1. 240. Sample response 23 is between 230 and 240. It is closer to 240, since it s only 3 away.
2. 200. Sample response 23 is between 200 and 300. It is closer to 200, since it s under 2 0.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
140 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this horal ount is for students to practice counting by 10 and 100 and notice
patterns in the count. These understandings help students develop fluency and will help students see
that multiples of 100 are also multiples of 10, and prepare them to round large numbers to the nearest
ten and hundred.
nstructional outines
horal ount
• ecord the first count vertically with 10 100 in • “ ount by 10, starting at 0.”
one column and 110 200 in the second
• ecord as students count.
• There are no ones in any of the numbers in • 1 2 minutes quiet think time
Acti it 1 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to round given numbers to the nearest ten and
hundred and see that the result can be the same for some numbers. Students think about what it
means to round a number that is exactly halfway between two tens or two hundreds and are
introduced in the synthesis to the convention that these numbers are rounded up ( 3).
312 Acti it
601 • “Work with your partner to complete the
2. iran and riya are rounding some numbers
and are stuck when trying to round 41 and
• 3 minutes partner work time
142 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
iran said, “41 doesn t have a rounding to the nearest ten or the nearest
nearest multiple of 10, so it can t be hundred.
rounded to the nearest ten.”
• Select previously identified students to
riya said, “ 0 doesn t have a share their responses.
nearest multiple of 100, so it can t be
rounded to the nearest hundred.”
• “Why did and 601 round to the same
number when we rounded to the nearest
o you agree with iran and riya xplain ten and the nearest hundred ” (The closest
your reasoning. multiple of 10 was also a multiple of 100.
100 and 600 are multiples of 100, but they
Student esponses are also multiples of 10.)
Acti it 1 min
ound to stimate
The purpose of this activity is for students to practice rounding to the nearest ten and hundred in
context. Students work with numbers from a previous lesson to estimate the total number of
students in a school. They learn that how you round (to the nearest ten or hundred) can give
different estimates for the same situation.
144 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it
n es ns
lo on n e
es e es e • “Work with your partner to complete the
ne es ne es table and the last problem.”
n e en
playground 4
• 10 minutes partner work time
n es ns
es e es e
lo on n e
ne es ne es
n e en
playground 4 100 0
cafeteria 163 200 160
art room 36 0 40
library 13 0 10
classrooms 216 200 220
gymnasium 10 100 110
2 100 0
total 00 680
3. Sample responses
Andre s estimate is 20 more than
Lin s. y prediction was wrong.
Sometimes there s no difference in
their estimates, but other times they
are different by 10, 20, or 0.
or two numbers, Andre s estimate
made it look like there were 0 people
in those places (art room and library),
while there were actually 36 and 13.
“Today we rounded numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred.”
“What important ideas about rounding did we learn today ” ( ounding to the nearest ten and the
nearest hundred sometimes gives the same number. When a number is right in between two multiples
of 10 or 100, we round up. We can round to estimate. ow we round can change our estimate.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage Subtract undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
apture Squares (1 3), Stage 6 ultiply with 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
146 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 16
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use their understanding of rounding to consider all the
numbers that round to a given number.
Access or:
nstructional outines
umber Talk (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather
Index cards Activity 2
Warm-up 10 min What was the best question you asked students
today Why would you consider it the best one
Activity 2 20 min
ool-down min
Student esponses
Any 2 of 266, 268, 2 0, 2 2, or 2 4.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
148 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies and understandings students have for products
of 4 and 6 as they relate to products of . These understandings help students develop fluency and will
be helpful later when students consider solutions for and solve two-step word problems.
When students use products of to determine products of 4 by thinking of them as one fewer group
or one fewer ob ect in each group, or work from products of to determine products of 6 by thinking
of them as one more group or one more ob ect in each group, they look for and make use of structure
( ).
nstructional outines
umber Talk
• 42 because there would be one more group • “ ow does knowing help you find some
of than in the first problem. So, 3 plus of the other products ” (I can remove a group
would be 42. of to find or add a group of to find
• 32 because there would be one less group of
8 than . So 40 minus 8 would be 32. • onsider asking
“Who can restate s reasoning in a
different way ”
“ id anyone have the same strategy
but would explain it differently ”
“ id anyone approach the problem in
a different way ”
“ oes anyone want to add on to s
strategy ”
Acti it 1 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to apply what they learned about rounding in prior
lessons to think about all the numbers that would round to a given number. Students should be
encouraged to use whatever representations make sense to them. Although the number line is
often used to represent rounding, it is also worth sharing other ways that students are
representing or thinking about rounding.
If you finish early, find the numbers that would • Share 3 responses. ighlight the idea
round to 100 and to 00 if you re rounding to that more than one number can round to
the nearest hundred. ompare your lists with a 40 and that some numbers are greater
partner s lists and discuss patterns you see. than 40 and some are less than 40.
150 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
• onsider asking
“What does 3 round to ” (40
because it is halfway between 30
and 40)
“What does 4 round to ” ( 0
because it is halfway between 40
and 0)
• onsider asking
“What does 0 round to ” (600
because it is halfway between 00
and 600.)
“What does 6 0 round to ” ( 00
because it is halfway between 600
and 00.)
• “ ow could you use a number line to find all the numbers that round to ”
Acti it 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to apply what they ve learned about rounding to play a
game in which each student generates a mystery number with three clues. The three clues
describe whether the mystery number is even or odd, what it rounds to, and two numbers that
it s between. It is possible that more than one number can fit the clues provided. In the synthesis,
students reflect on which clues were most helpful for determining the mystery number.
aterials to Gather
Index cards
e uired reparation
152 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
old your index card in half so • hoose a mystery number and give the
class three clues. lay a round of the game
that no one can see your
with the class and discuss the clues.
mystery number.
onsider using 2 and these clues
Write down 3 clues about your mystery number “ y mystery number is odd.”
by finishing these sentences
“ y mystery number rounds to
1. y mystery number is (odd or even) . 300.”
reasoning. Acti it
3. If they haven t guessed the mystery number
by the time the last person shares, reveal • “ ow, you re going to play the game with
the mystery number. your group. veryone will get a chance to
share the clues for their mystery number. If
4. epeat steps 1 through 3 with the next
you have time, you can each create a new
person in the group reading the clues for
mystery number with three new clues.”
their mystery number.
• 12 1 minutes small-group work time
Student esponses
S nthesis
Answers vary.
• “As you played the game, what clues were
the most helpful and why ” ( nowing how
the mystery number would round to the
nearest ten was really helpful because that
really narrowed it down. nowing the
numbers the mystery number was
between was helpful if it was something
like 1 0 and 160, but not if it was between
100 and 200.)
“In the last few lessons we learned about rounding to the nearest ten and hundred. What are some
important things you have found helpful to remember when you are rounding ” (When rounding to the
nearest ten or hundred, we round up if a number is in the middle between two multiples of 10 or 100.
We can write the number on a number line to see the nearby multiples of 10 or 100. We can think
about the nearest ten or hundred.)
Suggested enters
Target umbers (1 ), Stage Subtract undreds, Tens, or nes (Addressing)
ow lose (1 ), Stage 4 Add to 1,000 (Addressing)
apture Squares (1 3), Stage 6 ultiply with 1 (Supporting)
Student Section Su ar
In this section, we learned that rounding is a formal way to decide what number a given number is
closest to. We rounded numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. We saw that a number
line can help us see the closest multiple of 10 or 100.
o plete ool o n
154 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 17
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use mental computation and estimation strategies such as
rounding to decide if answers to two-step word problems make sense.
reviously, students extended their understanding of addition and subtraction within 1,000 and
learned how to round to the nearest ten and hundred. In this lesson, students work with two-step
word problems and decide if a given answer for a two-step problem is reasonable. Students estimate
answers to two-step problems and determine if each other s solutions make sense after they solve
two-step word problems in a way that makes sense to them.
Access or:
nstructional outines
True or alse (Warm-up)
eads in the in
Student esponses
Sample response Tyler s statement doesn t make sense because if about 100 beads are added to
124 beads, that s about 22 beads. Then, about 0 beads are used to make a bracelet, which
would take the number back down close to 1 beads. Using 0 beads to make a bracelet would
make fewer beads in the bin, not more beads.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
156 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this True or alse is to elicit strategies students have for estimating. The reasoning
students do here helps to deepen their understanding of how rounding can be used to estimate. It will
also be helpful later when students are to determine a reasonable estimate.
nstructional outines
True or alse
Acti it 1 1 min
uick stimates
The purpose of this activity is for students to consider what it means for an answer to make
sense. They see that rounding is a useful strategy to estimate the answer to a problem and
determine if an answer makes sense.
The quantities chosen are close to multiples of 100 and 10 to encourage students to round as
they decide if an answer makes sense. The first problem also says that “ riya makes an estimate”
and “about 400 beads.” If students begin computing the exact numbers of beads, remind them of
the situation and that they do not need to solve to determine if the answer makes sense.
As students work, prompt them to explain their strategies for making estimates and relate them
to the idea of rounding ( 3). When students use language such as “about 600 beads” to convey
that they are estimating, they practice communicating with precision ( 6).
158 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
beads. They combined their beads for • 30 seconds quiet think time
an art pro ect that used 2 0 beads.
ow many beads do they have left
• Share responses.
Acti it
Student esponses
• “Work with your partner to consider riya s
1. es. Sample response 212 is close to 200, estimate.”
8 is close to 100 and 308 is close to 300. • 2 3 minutes partner work time
Subtracting 100 from 200 gives 100, and
adding 300 gives 400.
• onsider asking
“It says riya makes an estimate.
2. a. About 3 0 beads. 2 2 is close to 2 0 ow could you decide without
and then 2 is close to 100. Take away solving the problem exactly ”
those beads for the bracelet she made
“ o you have any strategies for
to get to 1 0, and add on the last 200
estimating without solving ”
beads since 203 is close to 200.
b. About 600 beads. an has about 0 • onitor for various student strategies,
particularly a pair that uses rounding to
beads and his sister has about 300, so
determine if the answer makes sense.
in total they have about 8 0. They use
about 2 0, so there are about 600 • Select students to share strategies for
beads left. evaluating riya s answer. e sure to
include a rounding strategy.
• onsider asking
“ ow is what and did
similar to (or different from) your
strategy for deciding if riya s
answer makes sense ”
S nthesis
Acti it 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to solve two-step word problems involving addition and
subtraction. After students solve the problems, they trade answers with a partner to decide if
their answer makes sense.
When students assess the reasonableness of each other s answers and communicate their
assessment, they construct logical arguments and critique the reasoning of others ( 3).
160 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
beads did oah use on his art pro ect • “ ow, trade work with your partner and
decide whether their answer for the
2. Trade work with a partner. ecide whether problem they solved makes sense.”
your partner s answer for their problem
makes sense. n their paper, explain your • “ ecord your thoughts on your partner s
paper for them to refer back to if they want
to ad ust their answer.”
• “What is this problem about What can be counted or measured in this situation ”
“Today we talked about what it means for answers to make sense. ow would you describe what it
means for an answer to make sense to a friend ” (It s close to the actual answer. It makes sense when I
think about the numbers or what s happening in the situation. It s possible.)
“What are some ways you would know that an answer does not make sense Give an example if it is
helpful.” (The size of the number doesn t make sense with the other numbers. The answer gets bigger
when it should get smaller.)
162 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Suggested enters
Tic Tac ound (3 ), Stage 1 earest Ten or undred (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
o plete ool o n
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to relate diagrams and equations to two-step word
In grade 2, students interpreted tape diagrams for one- and two-step problems involving addition and
subtraction. arlier this year, they did the same with one-step word problems involving multiplication.
They also learned that a question mark, a blank line, or a box could be used to represent an unknown
quantity in an equation.
In this lesson, students connect tape diagrams and equations with a symbol standing for the unknown
quantity to two-step word problems. The work of this lesson prepares students to write equations with
a letter standing for the unknown quantity and solve two-step problems, using a diagram if it helps
Access or:
nstructional outines
ard Sort (Activity 1), otice and Wonder (Warm-up)
aterials to Gather aterials to op
Sticky notes Activity 2 ard Sort Situations, quations, and
Tools for creating a visual display Activity 2 iagrams (groups of 4) Activity 1
164 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 118
Grade 3, Unit 3
ool-down min
quation atch
Student esponses
. Sample response The 12 and 223 were ust part of the total of 4 1, so the missing number
should be one of the numbers that add up to 4 1.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit the idea that diagrams can represent many operations, which
will be useful when students connect diagrams to situations and equations in a later activity. While
students may notice and wonder many things about these images, what operations the diagrams could
represent is the important discussion point.
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder
Acti it
Student esponses
• Share and record responses.
• The diagrams have a lot of the same • “ ou ve seen the first two types of diagrams
numbers. before, when you represented addition
situations and multiplication situations. We
• The first diagram shows 20 and the others
are going to make sense of the last type of
show four s.
diagram in today s lesson.”
• The total is missing in all the diagrams.
• “What operations do you think could be
• The first diagram shows addition. represented in the last diagram ” (It could be
• The second diagram shows multiplication. multiplication and addition. Like you multiply
4 times and add it to 142.)
Students may wonder
• onsider asking
• What is the total in each diagram “ ould the last diagram represent
addition and multiplication ”
• What operation does the last diagram show
166 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 1 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to connect two-step word problems, diagrams, and
equations with a symbol for the unknown quantity. Interpreting and relating given
representations prepare students to use these as tools for reasoning when they solve two-step
word problems.
As students analyze written statements and other representations and make connections among
them, they reason quantitatively and abstractly ( 2).
nstructional outines
ard Sort
aterials to op
ard Sort Situations, quations, and iagrams
(groups of 4)
e uired reparation
• reate a set of cards from the Instructional master for each group of 4.
S nthesis
lena has notebooks. ach notebook has
10 paper clips in it. lena also has a box of
• “Were there any cards whose placement
you disagreed on ow did you come to an
22 paper clips. ow many paper clips does
agreement ” (We went back and read the
lena have
situation carefully together.)
168 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Student esponses
A and
, , and L
, , and
and G
I and
Acti it 20 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to solve one of the problems from the card sort in the
previous activity and examine their classmates solutions to other problems. Students work in
groups to create a poster of their solution. As students visit the posters, they leave comments
about how they know the solution on the poster makes sense. As students make comments on
the work of others, they critique the reasoning of others ( 3).
aterials to Gather
Sticky notes, Tools for creating a visual
hoose one poster and make a comment on • “ ow you are going to solve a problem
the solution. Write on your sticky note how from the card sort with your group.”
you know the answer makes sense. • “After you ve solved the problem together,
create a poster that shows your solution
Student esponses strategy.”
• “What are some ways that we could determine if the solution makes sense without solving
the problem ”
• “ ow could we use estimating to determine if the solution makes sense ow could we use
rounding ”
isplay a corresponding set of cards that show a diagram, situation, and equation representing the
same situation, such as , and L
170 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
“ ow does the diagram or equation help you illustrate or clarify your understanding of the situation ”
(Seeing the parts of the situation in the diagram helps me understand how they go together, what we
know, or what is missing. The equation helps me understand how the quantities in the situation are
related to each other by addition or multiplication.)
Suggested enters
Tic Tac ound (3 ), Stage 1 earest Ten or undred (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to represent and solve two-step word problems.
In this lesson, students are able to apply what they have learned in this section to write equations that
represent two-step word problems using a letter for the unknown quantity. They persevere to solve
two-step word problems, and decide if their answer makes sense ( 1).
Access or:
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder (Warm-up)
Warm-up 10 min Who has been sharing their ideas in class lately
ake a note of students whose ideas have not
Activity 1 20 min
been featured in class and look for an
Activity 2 1 min opportunity for them to share their thinking in
tomorrow s lesson.
Lesson Synthesis 10 min
ool-down min
172 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 19
Grade 3, Unit 3
ow any eads
1. Write an equation with a letter for the unknown quantity to represent this situation.
2. Solve the problem. xplain or show your reasoning.
Student esponses
2. 118 beads. Sample response
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit the idea that letters can be used to represent an unknown
quantity in a tape diagram and an equation, which will be useful when students represent unknown
quantities in word problems later in the lesson. While students may notice and wonder many things
about these images, the fact that a letter can be used to represent an unknown in the same way as a
question mark, line, or box is the important discussion point.
When students articulate what they notice and wonder, they have an opportunity to attend to
precision in the language they use to describe what they see ( 6). They might first propose less
formal or imprecise language, and then restate their observation with more precise language in order
to communicate more clearly.
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder
Acti it
Student esponses
• “ iscuss your thinking with your partner.”
Students may notice • 1 minute partner discussion
• There s a question mark in the large section in • “These diagrams show us that we can use a
one diagram, but a letter in the other. letter to represent an unknown quantity ust
like we have used a question mark, line, or
Students may wonder box in previous lessons. We will explore this
idea further during today s lesson.”
• Why does one have a question mark and one
has the letter
Acti it 1 20 min
ai s eads
174 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is for students to match tape diagrams, equations, and descriptions of
situations and explain the connection to model with mathematics ( 4). The situations share the
same context and numbers. Students consider how different unknown quantities are reflected in
the diagrams, depending on what s happening in the situations.
When students relate the quantities and relationships in situations to the equations and diagrams
that represent them, they reason quantitatively and abstractly ( 2).
beads. ow many beads did ai have • “Take turns sharing your understanding of
before the situation you chose.”
• Situation 3 ai had 104 beads. She bought • “When each person has shared, work
2 more packs of beads and each pack has together to match each situation to a
10 beads in it. ow many beads does she diagram. e prepared to explain how you
have now know they match.”
• minutes small-group work time
• Share responses.
art 2 S nthesis
1. Situation 3
• or each situation, select a previously
2. Situation 1 identified student to share how the
3. Situation 2 matching equation makes sense.
Acti it 1 min
176 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
reviously, students matched diagrams and equations to situations with an unknown quantity.
ere, they generate such equations, using a letter for the unknown quantity, solve problems, and
explain how they know their answers makes sense. Students should be encouraged to use any
solving strategy they feel comfortable with. If not yet addressed, mention that any letter can be
used for the unknown quantity in their equation.
While this activity is focused on independent practice, encourage students to discuss the problem
with a partner if needed. Though the task asks students to write an equation first, students may
complete the task in any order that makes sense to them.
Students reason abstractly and quantitatively when they write an equation that represents the
situation ( 2). They also practice making sense of a problem and its solution in terms of the
context ( 1).
1. Write an equation to represent the • “What are some ways you will be able to
situation. Use a letter for the unknown determine if your answer makes sense ” (I
quantity. can estimate an answer using rounding. I
2. Solve the problem. xplain or show your can think about the size of the numbers in
reasoning. the problem.)
3. xplain how you know your answer makes • Share and record responses.
Acti it
Student esponses
• “Take some independent time to work on
1. Sample response this problem. ou can choose to solve the
problem first or write the equation first.”
2. 86 stones
• minutes independent work time
• onsider asking
“ id anyone solve the problem in a
different way ”
“ id anyone use a tape diagram to
solve ”
“ ow did you know if your answer
made sense ”
178 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
• “What is this problem about What can be counted or measured in this situation ”
“ uring the last few lessons, we have represented situations with equations that have a symbol or
letter for an unknown quantity. We have also used diagrams to help us solve problems.”
“What do you have to think about to represent and solve problems ” (l can draw a diagram first so that
I can imagine the situation, then I can write the equation more easily. I can write the equation first so I
see how the numbers are related. It helps me to round numbers and think about what the answer
should be close to first.)
Suggested enters
Tic Tac ound (3 ), Stage 1 earest Ten or undred (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
o plete ool o n
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to continue to represent and solve two-step word problems,
including problems in which not all necessary information is given up front.
In this lesson, students continue to solve problems but encounter those that cannot be solved right
away because of missing information. They learn the Information Gap routine, which prompts them to
consider the information that is needed to solve a problem and ways to ask for it.
The first activity introduces students to the routine. In the second activity, students are given more
time to solve two-step word problems as they engage in the routine.
Access or:
nstructional outines
L 4 Information Gap (Activity 1, Activity 2), umber Talk (Warm-up)
aterials to op
Info Gap ake Sale (groups of 2) Activity 2
180 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 20
Grade 3, Unit 3
Activity 1 1 min
Activity 2 20 min
ool-down min
Student esponses
Answers vary.
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this umber Talk is to elicit strategies students have for multiplying single-digit factors
and adding two-digit numbers. The expressions involve two operations. They encourage students to
look for and make use of structure as they use their understanding of equal-size groups and properties
of operations to find products and sums ( ). The reasoning here will be helpful later when students
nstructional outines
umber Talk
• 123 It s like the one right before it, but you • onsider asking
have to add and 24 instead of 0 and 24. “Who can restate s reasoning in a
Adding 24 to 100 gives 124, so adding 24 to different way ”
gives 123. “ id anyone have the same strategy
but would explain it differently ”
“ id anyone approach the problem in
a different way ”
“ oes anyone want to add on to s
strategy ”
Acti it 1 1 min
182 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
The purpose of this activity is to introduce students to the structure of the L 4 Information Gap
routine. This routine facilitates meaningful interactions by positioning some students as holders
of information that is needed by other students.
Tell students that first, a demonstration will be conducted with the whole class, in which they are
playing the role of the person with the problem card. xplain to students that it is the ob of the
person with the problem card (in this case, the whole class) to think about what information they
need to answer the question.
or each question that is asked, students are expected to explain what they will do with the
information, by responding to the question, “Why do you need to know (that piece of
information) ” If the problem card person asks for information that is not on the data card
(including the answer ), then the data card person must respond with, “I don t have that
information.” In explaining their answers, students need to be precise in their word choice and
use of language ( 6).
nce the students have enough information to solve the problem, they solve the problem
The info gap routine requires students to make sense of problems by determining what
information is necessary and then ask for information they need to solve them. This may take
several rounds of discussion if their first requests do not yield the information they need ( 1).
nstructional outines
L 4 Information Gap
• Groups of 2
• Share responses.
Acti it
L n or ation Gap
Student esponses
2 chairs. Sample response • isplay the Sample roblem ard.
184 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
S nthesis
Acti it 20 min
This Info Gap activity gives students an opportunity to determine and request information needed
to solve a two-step problem that involves multiplication.
The Info Gap structure requires students to make sense of problems by determining what
information is necessary, and then to ask for information they need to solve it. This may take
several rounds of discussion if their first requests do not yield the information they need ( 1). It
also allows them to refine the language they use and ask increasingly more precise questions
until they get the information they need ( 6).
nstructional outines
L 4 Information Gap
aterials to op
Info Gap ake Sale (groups of 2)
e uired reparation
reate a set of cards from the Instructional master for each group
of 2. eep set 1 separate from set 2.
Student acing as State ent Launch
our teacher will give you either a problem card • Groups of 2
or a data card. o not show or read your card to
your partner. L n or ation Gap
186 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
• onsider asking
“ id anyone solve the problem in a
different way ”
“ id anyone use a tape diagram ”
“ ow did you know if your answer
made sense ”
“ ow could we represent the
second problem with an equation
with a letter for the unknown
quantity ” ( )
“Today we learned the Information Gap routine. ow did this routine help you make sense of the
problems you solved ” (The routine gave me a chance to focus on what was important in the problem. I
had to think about what I needed to know to solve the problem. I had to think about why some
information was needed to solve the problem. It helped me make sense of what was happening in the
Suggested enters
Tic Tac ound (3 ), Stage 1 earest Ten or undred (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
Student Section Su ar
In this section, we used rounding to estimate answers to problems. This helped us decide if our
answers to problems made sense based on the situation and the numbers in the situation.
We also wrote equations with an unknown and used diagrams to solve for the exact answer in
Situation ai had 104 beads. She bought 2 more packs of beads and each
pack has 10 beads in it. ow many beads does she have now
188 Grade 3
Unit 3 Lesson 21
Grade 3, Unit 3
Lesson urpose
The purpose of this lesson is for students to use their understanding of estimation, rounding, and
addition within 1,000 to solve a problem about a class wish list.
This lesson is optional because it does not address any new mathematical content standards. It does
provide students with an opportunity to apply precursor skills of mathematical modeling.
In this lesson, students put together a wish list of supplies they would like to get for their classroom
given a large collection of choices and their costs. They are given a budget and freedom to decide how
to spend the money. As they make choices, students round the costs before they check the total
amount they are spending. Students then compare their wish list with a partner group. Groups
compare their wish lists and how much they spent in each category.
When students make decisions and choices, adhere to mathematical constraints, interpret a
mathematical answer in context, organize data, make revisions, and report results, they model with
mathematics ( 4).
Access or:
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder (Warm-up)
egin Lesson
War up 10 min
The purpose of this warm-up is to elicit observations about school supplies in different categories and
with varying prices, familiarizing students with the context for upcoming work. While students may
notice and wonder many things, focus the discussion on the large selection and wide range of prices.
nstructional outines
otice and Wonder
190 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Acti it 1 2 min
The purpose of this activity is for students to make a wish list of items for the classroom with a
1,000 budget. As they make their selections, they keep an estimate of the total by rounding, and
use estimation and addition strategies to remain within the budget. To make their wish list,
students use a supply list that is longer than shown in the warm-up.
192 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
Student esponses
1. Sample response
6 boxes of markers
1 package of pads of lined paper 1
6 boxes of crayons
set of nature books 400
10 board games
field trip to the zoo 3 0
2. Sample responses
Supplies 3
ooks and maps 400
uzzles and games 1 0
Special items 3 0
3. Sample responses The total cost for all our
choices was 3.
a. We had left over.
b. We didn t spend too much money.
Acti it 1 min
In this activity, students present their selections to a partner group. They explain their choices and
compare how much money they plan to spend in each category. They make comparisons using
“how much more” and “how much less” statements.
194 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
chose work supplies to get close to 100. comparisons with the whole class using
2. Sample responses “how much less” and “how much more”
Group A spent 1 more on supplies
than group .
Group A spent 100 less on library
items than group .
Group A spent 0 more on
entertainment than group .
Group A spent 3 more on special
Group A spent 23 less than group .
“Today, we made decisions to buy helpful and beneficial materials for the class. Unfortunately, there
wasn t enough money to buy everything on the list.”
“Which item on the list has the greatest benefit for the class ” (I think the fish would have the most
value because we get to learn about science as we take care of the fish and how to be responsible for a
onsider asking, “What are some other things you would buy for the class that are not on the list ”
Suggested enters
Tic Tac ound (3 ), Stage 1 earest Ten or undred (Addressing)
umber uzzles Addition and Subtraction (1 4), Stage Within 1,000 (Addressing)
ive in a ow ultiplication (3 ), Stage 2 actors 1 (Supporting)
Family Support
Family Support Materials
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within 1,000
In this unit, students use their understanding of place value to round whole numbers and to
add and subtract within 1,000. They also solve two-step problems.
using base-ten blocks or diagrams using expanded form recording partial sums
Using the standard algorithm for addition is not required until grade 4. Students who already
know the standard algorithm still need to make sense the role of place value in the algorithm to
support their work with decimals and fractions in future grades.
Students make sense of a subtraction algorithm that uses expanded form to show how
numbers are being regrouped. This non-conventional notation allows students to see the
meaning behind the digits above the numbers in the standard algorithm.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction
Within 1,000
subtracting using expanded form standard subtraction algorithm
s with addition, the standard algorithm for subtraction is not expected until grade 4. The work
here focuses on making sense of the regrouping sometimes required when we subtract.
Mai had 104 beads. She bought two packs of beads and now she has 124 beads.
How many beads were in each pack?
ry it at home
ear the end of the unit, ask your student to find answers to the following problems using an
algorithm of their choice:
uestions that may be helpful as they work:
Grade 3 Unit 3
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction
Within 1,000
CK Math TM
Unit Assessments
Check Your Readiness A, B, C and D
End-of-Unit Assessment
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within
1,000: Section A Checkpoint
1. Find the value of each sum. Use an algorithm or strategy of your choice.
a. What is the meaning of the two 1's above 684 in Han's calculation?
b. Explain why Han's strategy accurately finds the value of 684 + 237.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Section A Checkpoint 1
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within
1,000: Section B Checkpoint
1. Find the value of each difference. Use an algorithm or strategy of your choice.
Grade 3 Unit 3
2 Section B Checkpoint
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within
1,000: Section C Checkpoint
1. a. What is 572 rounded to the nearest ten? What about to the nearest hundred?
b. Is there a number that rounds to 300 to the nearest hundred and 240 to the nearest
ten? Explain or show your reasoning.
2. a. What is the smallest number that rounds to 280 to the nearest ten? Explain or show
your reasoning.
b. What is the largest number that rounds to 280 to the nearest ten? Explain or show
your reasoning.
3. Elena has 372 pennies in her piggy bank. Jada has 119 pennies in her piggy bank. Elena
says that if they put their pennies together they have about 500.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Section C Checkpoint 3
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within
1,000: Section D Checkpoint
1. There are 4 tables in the cafeteria with 9 students eating lunch at each table. There are
also 177 students waiting in line for lunch at the cafeteria.
a. Write an equation for the situation. Use a "?" for the unknown.
Grade 3 Unit 3
4 Section D Checkpoint
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within
1,000: End-of-Unit Assessment
1. Select all statements that are true about the numbers in the addition table.
Grade 3 Unit 3
End-of-Unit Assessment 5
. Find the value of each di erence. Explain or show your reasoning.
Grade 3 Unit 3
6 End-of-Unit Assessment
5. Select all true statements.
. There are colored pencils in a bag. Five students each ta e 7 pencils from the bag. The
number of pencils left in the bag is .
Grade 3 Unit 3
End-of-Unit Assessment 7
7. There are seats for 5 students in the auditorium. There are 1 7 students from Clare s
school and 22 students from oah s school at the performance.
a. oah estimates that there will be about 1 empty seats. Do you agree with oah
Explain or show your reasoning.
b. Do you thin there will be more or less than 1 empty seats Explain or show your
Grade 3 Unit 3
8 End-of-Unit Assessment
CK Math TM
Answer Keys
Check Your Readiness A, B, C and D
End-of-Unit Assessment
Unit 3 Section A Checkpoint
Grade 3, Unit 3
Goals Assessed
luently add within 1,000 using algorithms based on place value and properties of operations.
Use place value understanding to compose and decompose numbers.
ind the value of each sum. Use an algorithm or strategy of your choice.
a. 81 . Sample response
roblem 2
Goals Assessed
luently add within 1,000 using algorithms based on place value and properties of operations.
Use place value understanding to compose and decompose numbers.
a. The 1 above the 8 is a ten coming from which is a ten and a one. The 1 above the 6 is a
hundred which comes when an adds up the tens in the sum.
b. e adds the ones, tens, and hundreds of the two numbers and the two 1 s help him add
them all up correctly.
2 Grade 3
Unit 3 Section B Checkpoint
Grade 3, Unit 3
Goals Assessed
luently subtract within 1,000 using algorithms based on place value, properties of operations,
and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
ind the value of each difference. Use an algorithm or strategy of your choice.
a. 1. Sample response
roblem 2
Goals Assessed
luently subtract within 1,000 using algorithms based on place value, properties of operations
and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
lena finds how much she needs to add to 4 8 to get 31. This is the same as the difference
4 Grade 3
Unit 3 Section C Checkpoint
Grade 3, Unit 3
Goals Assessed
ound whole numbers to the nearest multiple of 10 and 100.
a. What is 2 rounded to the nearest ten What about to the nearest hundred
b. Is there a number that rounds to 300 to the nearest hundred and 240 to the nearest ten
xplain or show your reasoning.
roblem 2
Goals Assessed
ound whole numbers to the nearest multiple of 10 and 100.
a. What is the smallest number that rounds to 280 to the nearest ten xplain or show your
b. What is the largest number that rounds to 280 to the nearest ten xplain or show your
a. 2 because 2 4 is closer to 2 0 than 280 but 2 is halfway between 2 0 and 280 and we
round it to 280
b. 284 because if I add 1 more then I get 28 which rounds to 2 0
roblem 3
Goals Assessed
Assess the reasonableness of answers.
lena has 3 2 pennies in her piggy bank. ada has 11 pennies in her piggy bank. lena says that if
they put their pennies together they have about 00.
Sample responses
es. lena has almost 400 pennies and ada has a little more than 100 so together that s
about 00.
o. lena is almost 30 pennies short of 400 and ada only has about 20 pennies more than
100. Together they have less than 00 pennies.
6 Grade 3
Unit 3 Section D Checkpoint
Grade 3, Unit 3
Goals Assessed
Solve two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
There are 4 tables in the cafeteria with students eating lunch at each table. There are also
1 students waiting in line for lunch at the cafeteria.
b. 213. Sample reasoning , , .
roblem 2
Goals Assessed
Solve two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
a. The diagram shows Andre s 104 cards and then 3 groups of 8 cards more.
c. 128, since and .
8 Grade 3
Unit 3 End-of-Unit Assessment
Grade 3, Unit 3
arrati e
Students examine statements about the numbers in the addition table. They can look entry by
entry at the table and evaluate each statement this way. This method will take time but will
work with patience. or the problems about even and odd numbers, there are a few important
observations students might make, beyond counting.
There are 2 entries in the table so there cannot be the same number of even and odd
numbers because 2 is odd.
The numbers alternate between even and odd in both the rows and columns so this allows
them to identify large parts of the table with the same number of even and odd numbers
(for example in the addition table for 1 to 4 the number of even and odd numbers are
The fact that 1 is not in the table should be familiar because the largest number is and the
location of the s along the diagonal will also be familiar, or students can look for them and count
Select all statements that are true about the numbers in the addition table.
, ,
roblem 2
arrati e
Students find sums with no approach suggested. The first sum can be found by adding each place
value without regrouping while the second sum has regrouping for both ones and tens.
a. 3 . Sample response Adding the hundreds gives . Adding the tens gives
. Adding the ones gives . Adding hundreds, tens, and ones gives 3 .
b. 804. Sample response Adding the hundreds gives . Adding the tens gives
. Adding the ones gives . utting together tens and ones gives
and then putting together with the hundreds gives .
roblem 3
arrati e
Students perform subtraction within 1,000 and explain their strategy with equations. The numbers
for the first problem are chosen so that no decomposition is required to perform the operation.
The numbers for the second problem require decomposition of a ten if students subtract by place
10 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
value. Students have a variety of ways to show their work including representing the numbers in
expanded form or decomposing the numbers by place value to perform subtraction without
writing the numbers out in expanded form. Students may also use equations and add on to find
the difference. This method works well for the second problem.
roblem 4
arrati e
Students find the sums and differences within 1,000 with no reasoning required. This item assesses
fluency. The first difference requires only one decomposition when subtracting by place value. The
last two problems suggest a mental or written compensation strategy. If students use a
compensation strategy but choose the wrong operation to compensate their answer will be off by
2 (236 and 838).
b. 0
c. 238
d. 836
arrati e
Students round numbers to the nearest ten and hundred. The numbers are not plotted on number
lines though students may sketch number lines as a scaffold. Students may select A if they ust
remove or ignore the ones. This reasoning will also lead to selecting . Students may fail to select
if they first round to the nearest ten, getting 8 0, and then round to the nearest hundred.
, ,
12 Grade 3
Grade 3, Unit 3
roblem 6
arrati e
Students select equations that represent the solution to a two-step problem. Students may select A
if they do not pay attention to the fact that there are students who each take pencils from the
bag. Students may select if they choose the wrong operation to apply to 8 and the expression
. hoice represents a situation where the pencils are divided into equal groups after
taking away of the pencils so if students select this option then they need more work interpreting
equations in context.
There are 8 colored pencils in a bag. ive students each take pencils from the bag. The number
of pencils left in the bag is .
arrati e
Students estimate a sum and difference and then calculate both. ifferent responses for the first
question are possible and the reasoning behind the agreement or disagreement with the estimate
is the important part of this question. The estimates in the first two questions help check student
work on the two-step third question. If students make a calculation error in this problem and
notice the discrepancy between the answer and the estimate, they have an opportunity to check
and correct their work.
There are seats for 00 students in the auditorium. There are 18 students from lare s school and
22 students from oah s school at the performance.
a. oah estimates that there will be about 100 empty seats. o you agree with oah xplain or
show your reasoning.
b. o you think there will be more or less than 100 empty seats xplain or show your
c. ow many empty seats will there be xplain or show your reasoning.
To find , I added on
14 Grade 3
CK Math TM
Cool Downs
Lesson 1: Represent Numbers in Different Ways
Cool Down: Let Me Count the Ways
Select all the ways you could represent two hundred fifty-seven.
A. 572
B. 257
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 1
Lesson 2: Addition and Subtraction Situations
Cool Down: How Much Taller?
The Statue of Liberty is 305 feet tall. The Brooklyn Bridge is 133 feet tall.
How much taller is the Statue of Liberty than the Brooklyn Bridge? Explain or show your
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 2
Lesson 3: Add Your Way
Cool Down: Add It Up
Find the value of . Explain or show your reasoning.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 4: Introduction to Addition Algorithms
Cool Down: Choose an Algorithm
A diagram of the base-ten blocks that represent is shown.
Use an algorithm you learned in today's lesson to find the value of the sum.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5: Another Addition Algorithm
Cool Down: Use an Algorithm for Addition
Use an algorithm of your choice to find the value of .
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 5
Lesson 6: Use Strategies and Algorithms to Add
Cool Down: Algorithm or Another Strategy?
Would you use an algorithm or another strategy to find the value of ?
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 6
Lesson 7: Subtract Your Way
Cool Down: Subtract within 1,000
Find the value of . Explain or show your reasoning.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 7
Lesson 8: Subtraction Algorithms (Part 1)
Cool Down: Connect a Diagram and an Algorithm
Explain how the diagram matches the algorithm.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 8
Lesson 9: Subtraction Algorithms (Part 2)
Cool Down: How Did Andre Subtract?
Andre found the value of . His work is shown.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 9
Lesson 10: Subtraction Algorithms (Part 3)
Cool Down: Choose the Method
Use an algorithm of your choice to find the value of .
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 10
Lesson 11: Analyze Subtraction Algorithms
Cool Down: Subtraction Reflection
You’ve learned many ways to subtract large numbers, including strategies and algorithms.
2. What’s a way that you would like to learn more about and use more?
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 11
Lesson 12: Subtract Strategically
Cool Down: An Algorithm or Another Strategy?
How would you find the value of ? Explain your reasoning.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 12
Lesson 13: Multiples of 100
Cool Down: Locate, Label, and Name
1. Locate and label 185 on the number line on which it belongs.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 13
Lesson 14: Nearest Multiples of 10 and 100
Cool Down: Closest Multiple of 10 and 100
1. What is the nearest multiple of 100 to 162? Is it 100 or 200? Explain or show your
2. What is the nearest multiple of 10 to 162? Is it 160 or 170? Explain or show your reasoning.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 14
Lesson 15: Round to the Nearest Ten and
Cool Down: Round It Twice
1. Round 237 to the nearest ten. Show or explain your reasoning.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 15
Lesson 16: Round and Round Again
Cool Down: What is Clare’s Mystery Number?
Clare says she’s thinking of a mystery number and gives these three clues:
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 16
Lesson 17: Does It Make Sense?
Cool Down: Beads in the Bin
In the bin there are 124 beads. Ninety-six more beads are dumped in the bin. Then 53 beads
are used to make a bracelet.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 17
Lesson 18: Diagrams and Equations for Word
Cool Down: Equation Match
Andre had 451 beads. 125 beads were blue. 223 beads were pink. The rest of the beads were
yellow. How many beads were yellow?
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 18
Lesson 19: Situations and Equations
Cool Down: How Many Beads?
Andre has 196 beads. He uses 48 beads to make a craft. Then he gives 30 beads to a friend.
How many beads does Andre have left?
1. Write an equation with a letter for the unknown quantity to represent this situation.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 19
Lesson 20: More Practice to Represent and Solve
Cool Down: Reflection
Describe something you really understand well after today’s lesson or describe something that
was confusing or challenging.
Grade 3 Unit 3
Lesson 20
CK Math TM
● Roll 3 number cubes to get a starting number for both partners.
● On your turn:
○ Roll 3 number cubes. For each cube, decide whether it represents hundreds, tens
or ones that you will add to your starting number.
○ Write an equation to represent the sum.
● Take turns until you’ve played 6 rounds.
● Each round, the sum from the previous equation is the starting number in the new
● The partner to get a sum closest to 1,000 without going over wins.
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
Five in a Row Addition and Subtraction Stage 8 Gameboard
● Partner A: Put a paper clip on 2 numbers in the grey rows. Cover the
sum of the 2 numbers with a counter.
● Partner B: Move 1 of the paper clips, add the numbers, and cover the
sum with a counter.
● Take turns. The first partner to cover 5 squares in a row wins.
45 67 78 84 39
● Choose a color for your rectangles different from your partner.
● On your turn:
○ Spin the spinner and roll the number cube.
○ Shade in a rectangular area to represent the product of the two numbers.
● Take turns until the grid can’t fit any more rectangles.
● Each partner adds up their total area, the partner with the greatest total square units
Rectangle Rumble Stage 2 Spinner
How Close? Stage 4 Recording Sheet
● Each partner:
○ Take 8 cards.
○ Choose 6 cards to make 2 three-digit numbers.
○ Write an equation to show the sum of the numbers you made.
○ Your score for each round is the difference between your sum and 1,000.
● Take 6 new cards and start the next round.
● At the end of the game, add your score for each round. The player with the lowest
score wins.
How Close? Stage 4 Recording Sheet
Number Cards (0-10)
1 2
3 4
5 6
Number Cards (0-10)
2 3
Number Cards (0-10)
4 5
Number Cards (0-10)
1 1
Number Puzzles Addition and Subtraction Stage 5 Recording Sheet
Puzzle 1
Fill in digits to make each equation true.
You may only use each digit (0–9) once.
Number Puzzles Addition and Subtraction Stage 5 Recording Sheet
Fill in digits to make each equation true.
You may only use each digit (0–9) once.
Number Puzzles Addition and Subtraction Stage 5 Recording Sheet
Fill in digits to make each equation true.
You may only use each digit (0–9) once.
Number Puzzles Addition and Subtraction Stage 5 Recording Sheet
Fill in digits to make each equation true.
You may only use each digit (0–9) once.
Five in a Row Multiplication and Division Stage 2 Gameboard
● Partner A:
○ Put a paper clip on 2 numbers in the grey rows.
○ Multiply the numbers.
○ Cover the product of the 2 numbers with a counter.
● Partner B:
○ Move 1 of the paper clips, multiply the numbers, and cover the product with a
● Take turns. The first partner to cover 5 squares in a row wins.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 12 14
15 16 18 20 21 24
25 27 28 30 32 35
36 40 42 45 48 49
54 56 63 64 72 81
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Target Numbers Stage 7 Recording Sheet
● On your turn:
○ Start at 1,000. Roll 3 number cubes. For each cube, decide whether the number
you rolled will represent hundreds, tens, or ones. Write an equation to represent
the difference.
● Take turns until you’ve played 6 rounds.
● Each round, the difference from the previous equation is the starting number in the
new equation.
● The partner who gets a difference closest to 0 without going below 0 wins.
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
______ hundreds
______ tens
______ ones
Capture Squares Stage 6 Gameboard
● On your turn:
○ Roll the number cube and spin the spinner. Find the product.
○ Choose a square on the gameboard that shows that number. Draw one line
connecting any 2 dots around the number.
○ If you can’t draw a line, roll and spin again.
○ If you draw a line that finishes a square around a number, shade in that box with
your color.
● Take turns with your partner. The first player to shade in 3 boxes wins.
Capture Squares Stage 6 Spinner
Tic Tac Round Stage 1 Gameboard
● Each partner:
○ Pick 3 cards and create a three-digit number.
○ Spin the spinner and round to that place.
○ Record the rounded number in any empty box.
● Take turns. The first player to fill 3 boxes in a row wins.
Tic Tac Round Stage 1 Spinner
20 7 20 9
20 9
0 0
20 9
0 0
- 0
20 9
CK Math™
Core Knowledge MATHEMATICS™
CK Math™
Core Knowledge MATHEMATICS™
A comprehensive program for mathematical skills and concepts
as specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence
(content and skill guidelines for Grades K–8).
Introducing Multiplication
Area and Multiplication
Wrapping Up Addition and Subtraction Within 1,000
Relating Multiplication to Division
Fractions as Numbers
Measuring Length, Time, Liquid Volume, and Weight
Two-dimensional Shapes and Perimeter
Putting it All Together