U3 Overview GR 4 Math Addition and Subtraction 1718

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Unit Overview

Unit Title Addition and Subtraction Duration 6 days of lessons

Unit Designer Sarah Ewing IA Period 1
Identify Desired Results: Identify the Standards
Standard Previous Grade Level Standards / Previously Taught & Related
4.NBT.4 Fluently1 add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers 3.NBT.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and
using the standard algorithm. algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
*FS: C KU6 relationship between addition and subtraction.

Enduring Understandings2: What do you want students to know in 10 years about this topic? What does it look like, in
this unit, for students to understand this?
Grade Level Enduring What it looks like in this unit
We can understand patterns in place value. Students regroup in order to add and subtract based on place value understanding.
We can use our place value understanding In previous grades, students used place value blocks and pictures of place value blocks to
and properties of operations to solve multi- add and subtract numbers. Place value relationships help them regroup. When they need
digit equations of all four operations in to take away more than they have of a certain place value, they regroup one of a
increasingly efficient ways. greater place value to ten of that place value. When they are adding certain place
values and have more than ten of a place value, they can regroup to one of the next
place value. They also used expanded notation to add and subtract. This is more efficient,
but represents what they did with the pictures and blocks. These strategies can be used as
intervention, if necessary, in this unit. However, in fourth grade students build on these
previously learned strategies to understand the standard algorithm for both addition and
subtraction. This becomes a more efficient version of expanded notation because they
are representing values with single digits. The concepts of subtraction as taking away from
a whole and addition as grouping two amounts together drive each process.
We can understand and identify types of N/A
lines and angles in order to classify shapes
and draw figures with certain attributes.
We can represent fractions in many ways in N/A
order to find equivalent fractions, compare
fractions, and interpret their meanings as
numbers and in other contexts.

From Progression- NBT: At Grade 4, students become fluent with the standard addition and subtraction algorithms. In mathematics, an algorithm is defined by its steps and not by the way those
steps are recorded in writing. With this in mind, minor variations in methods of recording standard algorithms are acceptable.
Enduring Understandings combine First Steps Key Understandings, major clusters from the CCSS-M, and specific additions for our curriculum
We can use place value rules of whole N/A
number operations as well as concepts of
regrouping to solve problems with fraction
We can understand meaning of decimals as N/A
parts of whole numbers by relating them to
fractions and applying fraction concepts and
our place value knowledge.
We can flexibly and strategically use As students practice strategies for addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers, they
representations to help us solve multi-step should be using these operations to solve word problems involving addition and
problems involving addition, subtraction and subtraction. The strategies for addition focus on combining amounts and subtract focuses
multiplication of fractions, all four operations of
on the difference between numbers, or taking one amount away. The emphasis and
whole numbers, measurement problems
(conversions, area and perimeter, etc.) and
representations of the meanings of these operations should help students decontextualize
interpreting remainders given the context of the addition and subtraction word problems.
We can understand and apply the concept of - N/A
angles to find angle measurements using various

Identify The Narrative

This unit focuses on developing increasingly efficient calculation strategies for addition and subtraction of numbers through the hundred
thousands place. Daily lessons focus on strategies in order from least to most abstract, culminating in an understanding of the standard
algorithms. Although aims are centered on calculation strategies, a consistent discussion of the meaning of addition and subtraction in the
context of word problems is also extremely important.

Students ended the previous unit by using estimation to solve addition and subtraction problems, both as equations and in the context of word
problems. Now, students begin to calculate exact sums. They start by reviewing addition with expanded notation, which they learned in second
grade and continued building fluency with in third grade. When adding with expanded notation, each addend is written in expanded form and
corresponding place values are added one at a time, starting with the ones place. As each place value is added, the value is written in that
place value, and regrouping is represented by writing the values that are regrouped (not digits). For example, if the tens are added for a sum of
120, the 20 is left in the tens and 100 is added to the hundreds place. Students can understand this as 120 being composed of 100 and 20, or
the understanding that 120 is 12 tens and 10 tens can be regrouped into 100, and 2 tens remain with a value of 20.
Once students can add with expanded form and explain each step based on place value, the standard algorithm for addition should make
sense. This will be their first formal introduction to the algorithm! It mimics expanded form addition, but uses digits to represent values instead of
the actual values. For example, if there are 8 tens and 4 tens in each addend, they are written as an 8 and a 4 in the tens place instead of 80
and 40 as they were in expanded form. When added to get 12 tens, a 2 remains in the tens to represent the 2 tens that were not regrouped and
a 1 is added to the hundreds place to represent the 10 tens that were regrouped to 1 hundred. It is important that students can explain each
step of the standard algorithm based on place value understanding. Students may already be familiar with the standard algorithm (though we
do not introduce it in earlier grades), as it is common for parents to teach students this method as they are working with them at home. Emphasis
on the reasoning behind the mechanics of the standard algorithm is then especially important; students should be able to explain why each
step is taken when solving a calculation problems using this strategy.

The progression to the standard algorithm for subtraction is similar. Next, students review third grade strategies for subtraction to progress towards
the understanding of the standard algorithm. Similarly to addition, students start by subtracting with expanded notation. This process is a review
from third grade and can be supplemented by having students create drawings of place value blocks, particularly any who struggled to
subtract with expanded notation in third grade. Again, they are starting with the ones, subtracting one place value at a time, and writing new
values as they regroup.

Similarly to addition, expanded form subtraction leads to understanding of the standard algorithm where students are following the same
process, but now writing single digits instead of each specific place values to represent the values. As students add and subtract numbers into
the hundred thousands, they should continue to estimate sums and differences to justify the reasonableness of answers.
The rest of the unit is practice to develop fluency with the standard algorithm. Students get extra practice subtracting across zeros (i.e. 10,000
7,454) because the regrouping across place values can become difficult. They will also practice solving addition and subtraction problems in the
same lesson to make sure they understand the difference between the two operations and can fluently switch between strategies. Although the
goal of this unit if proficiency with the standard algorithm as a calculation strategy, teachers can choose to include practice solving word
problems involving addition and subtraction so students practice strategies and the meaning of these operations in context.

Key strategies for Addition and Subtraction:

Addition Concrete Pictorial Abstract

Required N/A N/A Standard algorithm
Place value blocks Pictures of place value Expanded notation
Intervention/Extension blocks addition
Add by place

Addition Concrete Pictorial Abstract

Required N/A N/A Standard algorithm
Place value blocks Pictures of place value Expanded notation
blocks subtraction
Expanded Notation for Addition:
Start by writing both addends in expanded form, one on top of the other, vertically aligned by place value.
Add one place value at a time and write the total from each place value below. Afterwards, if there is more than 9 of any place value,
regroup, continuing to write the value in each place.
Finally, change your answer from expanded notation to standard notation,
o Example: Use expanded notation to add 2,419 + 842.

o Add the ones: 9 + 2 = 11. This is enough to regroup so 10

10 ones become 1 ten and there is 1 one left in the 2,000 + 400 + 10 + 9
ones place. 800 + 40 + 2
+ 1

o Add the tens: 10 + 40 = 50, plus the 10 that was 10

regrouped gives a total of 60 in the tens place. 2,000 + 400 + 10 + 9
800 + 40 + 2
60 + 1

o Add the hundreds: 400 + 800 = 1,200, 12 hundreds. 1,000 10

Since this is more than 9 hundreds, students must 2,000 + 400 + 10 + 9
regroup. 10 hundreds get regroups to make a 800 + 40 + 2
thousand and 2 hundreds remain in the hundreds + 200 + 60 + 1
place. (Or, of the 1,200 total, 1,000 gets regrouped to
the thousands place and 200 stays in the hundreds
o Add the thousands: 2,000 plus the 1,000 that was 1,000 10
regrouped leaves a total of 3,000. 2,000 + 400 + 10 + 9
300 + 40 + 2
3,000 + 200 + 60 + 1

o The total is 3,000 + 200 + 60 + 1, which is 3,261.

Add By Place
Going one place value at a time, add the value of the digits in that place value and write down the value. Continue for each place
At the end, add the values together to find the sum
o Example: Use add by place to add 2,419 + 342.
o First add the thousands: 2,000 + no thousands = 2,000
o Next, add the hundreds: 400 + 300 = 700.
o Next, add the tens: 10 + 40 = 50.
o Finally, add the ones: 9 + 2 = 11.
o The total is 2 thousands, 7 hundreds, 6 tens (because 5 tens + 1 ten = 6 tens) and 1, which is 2,761.
2 4 1 9
3 4 2
2, 0 0 0
7 0 0
5 0
1 1
2, 7 6 1

Standard Algorithm for Addition

Students should explain each step using place value! Start with the ones and add the digits in corresponding place values. Digits are
used to represent the value in each place.
o Example: Add 25,462 + 78,425 using the standard algorithm.

o Add the ones: 2 ones + 3 ones = 5 ones.

o Add the tens: 4 tens + 2 tens = 6 tens.

o Add the hundreds: 6 hundreds + 4 hundreds = 10

hundreds. 10 hundreds become regrouped into 1
thousand, so leave zero in the hundreds place and
add 1 to the thousands place.

o Add thousands. 5 thousands + 8 thousands + 1

thousands (that was regrouped from the hundreds) =
14 thousands. 10 thousands can be regrouped into 1
ten thousand and 4 thousands remain in the thousands

o Add the ten thousands. 7 ten thousands + 2 ten

thousands + 1 ten thousand (that was regrouped from
the thousands place) = 10 ten thousands. 10 ten
thousands can be regrouped into 1 hundred
thousand. Since this is the greatest place value to add,
students can just add a ten thousand to the sum. They
can also show the regrouping by putting a zero in the
ten thousands place and adding 1 to the [newly
created] hundred thousands place. The sum is 104,067.
Subtraction with Place Value Blocks/Pictures (Intervention)
Begin by drawing/forming the number you are starting with. One place value at a time, starting with the smallest place value, take away
from your starting value.
o Example: Subtract 2,642 1,783 using pictures of place value blocks.
o Start with 2,642.
o You need to take away 3 ones but only have 2 ones.
Regroup 1 ten into 10 ones. Now there are 12 ones.
Take away 3 ones since there are 3 ones in 1,783.

o Next, you need to take 8 tens away since there are 8

tens in 1,783. There are only 3 tens left, so regroup from
the hundreds. Take 1 hundred and turn it into 10 tens.
Now there are 13 tens. Take away 8 tens from the 13

o Next, you need to take away 7 hundreds because

there are 7 hundreds in 1,783. There are only 6
hundreds, so regroup from the thousands. Take away 1
thousand and turn it into 10 hundreds. Now there are
15 hundreds. Take away 7 hundreds.

o Now, there is 1 thousand left. Take away that thousand

since there is 1 thousand in 1,783.
o Count what you have left 9 ones, 5 tens and 8
hundreds. This means the difference is 859.
Expanded Notation for Subtraction
Start by writing each number in the equation in standard notation.
Subtract one place value at a time, writing the value in each place. Start with the ones and work towards greater place values,
regrouping as necessary. This is the same process as the standard algorithm, except values are written in each place value instead of the
digit in that place value.
o Example: Solve 43,528 27,282 using expanded notation.
o Subtract the ones: 8 2 = 6, so write a 6 in the ones

o Subtract the tens: You cant take 8 tens away from 2 tens, so
you must regroups from the hundreds place. Regroup 1
hundred into 10 tens. This means there are only 4 hundreds
left in the hundreds place. The 10 tens that are regrouped,
plus the 2 tens that were already in the tens place make a
total of 12 tens, or 120, in the tens place. Now you can
subtract 12 tens 8 tens = 2 tens, or 120-80=40. Write the
value of 4 tens in the tens place.
o Subtract the hundreds: 400 (which is left after regrouping)
200 = 200, so write 200 in the hundreds place.

o Subtract the thousands: You cant take 7,000 from 3,000, so

you must regroup. Regroup 1 ten thousand into 10
thousands. This leaves 3 ten thousands, or 30,000 left in the
ten thousands place. The 10 thousands that are regrouped
plus the 3 thousands that were originally in the thousands
place make it so that there are 13 thousands, or 13,000 in the
thousands place. 13 thousands - 7 thousands = 6 thousands,
so write 6,000 in the thousands place.
o Subtract the ten thousands: 3 ten thousands (30,000) 2 ten
thousands (20,000) = 1 ten thousand, so write 10,000 in the
ten thousands place. The difference is 10,000 + 6,000 + 200 +
40 + 6, which is 16,246.
Standard Algorithm for Subtraction
Students should explain each step using place value! Start with the ones and subtract the digits in corresponding place values one at a
time, working towards greater place values. Digits are used to represent the value in each place. You should finish subtracting one place
value before moving on to the next.
o Subtract the ones: 4 ones 2 ones = 2 ones so there
are 2 ones left in the ones place.

o Subtract the tens: You cant take 8 tens from 7 tens, so

regroup from the hundreds. Take 1 hundred and
regroup it into 10 tens. There are no hundreds left and
there are 17 tens since 10 were regroups and there
were 7 tens in the tens place originally. Now if you take
8 tens from 17 tens, there are 9 tens left in the tens

o Subtract the hundreds: You cant take 3 hundreds from

the zero hundreds that are left, so you must regroup
from the thousands. Regroup 1 thousand, so there are
5 thousands left instead of 6. The thousand gets
regrouped into 10 hundreds, so now there are just
those 10 hundreds in the hundreds place. 10 hundreds
3 hundreds = 7 hundreds in the hundreds place.

o Subtract the thousands: 5 thousands 5 thousands = 0


o Subtract the ten thousands: You cant take 4 ten

thousands from 3 ten thousands, so regroup from the
hundred thousands. Regroup 1 hundred thousands so
there are 2 hundred thousands left. Regroup the
hundred thousand into 10 ten thousands so that there
are now 13 ten thousands (3 ten thousands that were
there plus the 10 ten thousands that were just
regrouped). Now subtract 13 ten thousands 4 ten
thousands = 9 ten thousands.
o Subtract the hundred thousands: 2 hundred thousands
1 hundred thousand = 1 hundred thousand. The
difference is 190,792.

More key strategies used in the unit:

Estimate Sums and Differences (strategy for checking work and related to Unit 2)
There is more than one way to estimate a sum or a difference. The less change made to a number when rounding, the more accurate
the answer.
When you want to estimate the sum or difference to an equation, you first round the numbers you are adding or subtracting. Typically
you round to the greatest place value that both numbers have a non-zero digit in. This makes it easy to add or subtract.
After rounding, you can use place value knowledge to easily add or subtract and the answer will be an approximation of the exact sum
or difference.
o Example: Vera went on a 3 day trip in which she traveled 336 miles the first day, 423 miles the second day and 1,357 miles on the
third day. About how far did she travel in total?
o In order to find the exact total miles she drove, you would add 336 + 423 + 1,357.
o Since the greatest place value all three addends share is the hundreds place, round each addend to the nearest hundred,
o You equation with rounded addends becomes 300 + 400 + 1,400, which can also be thought of as 3 hundreds + 4 hundreds + 14
hundreds. The sum is 21 hundreds, or 2,100.This means Vera traveled about 2,100 miles altogether.

Fourth grade is the last year that students will receive explicit practice and instruction with strategies to add and subtract whole numbers. It is
crucial that students develop a deep understanding and fluency with the standard algorithm because they will need to use these strategies for
efficiency and accuracy for the rest of their schooling and adult lives! Throughout the rest of the year in fourth grade, students will continue to
solve multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction. Ideally, the focus will be on the problem operations and representations,
since addition and sutbraction calculations should become fluent. Concepts of regrouping will also reappear when students start adding
fractions and mixed numbers. Just as they regrouped one place value to ten of another in order to add and subtract, they will regroup fractions
into wholes in order to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers. They will begin using models and pictures and visually representing the
regrouping and then representing it numberically, just as they did with place value blocks for addition and subtraction. Later in the year students
will add and subtract mixed units of measurement which will again call upon regrouping concepts in this case, from one unit of measurement
to another. They will regroup to add and subtract money amount as well. A key understanding of the concept and purpose of regrouping from
this unit, and general processes for addition and subtrafction, will be an important foundation for the remainder of fourth grade.

When students move to fifth grade, they will continue to solve multi-step word problems with all four operations, so they will be relying on their
abilites to add and sutbract with the standard algorithms. In fifth grade, students will also learn to add and subtract decimals. They will follow a
similar progression as they did for adding and subtracting whole numbers. They will being using concrete models and drawings to eventually
move towards more abstract strategies. The importance of understanding regrouping based on place value will resurface, as students will need
to regroup hundreths to tenths or vice versa in order to understand how to add and subtract decimals.
Learning Progression:
- Target curricular aim: Calculate sums and differences using the standard algorithm and apply to solving area and perimeter problems
- Building Blocks: 1) Estimate sums and differences; 2) Use place value to understand the standard algorithm for addition; 3) Use place value to
understand the standard algorithm for subtraction

1. Use place value to understand the

standard algorithm for addition

Calculate sums and

differences using
understanding of, and
fluency with, the
standard algorithm
2. Use place value to understand the
standard algorithm for subtraction
Standards for Mathematical Practices3: When and how will you intentionally provide students with opportunities to
practice in this unit
1 Make sense of problems and Students will need to apply the addition and subtraction in order to solve word problems
persevere in solving them
2 Reason abstractly and Students make sense of quantities and their relationships as they use both specials strategies and the
quantitatively standard algorithm to add and subtract multi-digit numbers.
Students decontextualize when they represent problems symbolically and contextualize when they
consider the value of the numbers used and understand the meaning of the quantities as they compute.
3 Construct viable arguments Students should be able to explain and justify each step in solving an addition or subtraction problem
and critique the reasoning of based on place value understanding and/or relating them to other strategies for addition and
others subtraction.
4 Model with mathematics Students model standard algorithms for addition and subtraction using expanded notation, place value
blocks, and pictures of place value blocks.
Students represent and solve word problems using addition and subtraction.
5 Use appropriate tools Students decide on the appropriateness of using the standard algorithm or other strategies when adding
strategically and subtracting multi-digit numbers.
Students use expanded form and place value blocks as tools to help them deeply understand the
standard algorithms for addition and subtraction.
6 Attend to precision Students must compute facts precisely as well as regroup precisely in order to correctly carry out each
step of multi-digit addition and subtraction problems.
Students must make sure their work is neat and digits in the same place values are clearly lined up in
order to compute accurately.
7 Look for and make use of Students use the structure of place value to understand the consistency of regrouping as they add and
structures subtract.
8 Look for and express regularity Students understand the pattern that repeats each time you regroup one place value becomes ten of
in repeated reasoning the next (smaller) place value.

Skills and Procedural Knowledge: What do you want students to be able to do comfortably, accurately, and with
Add multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm
Justify and explain the use of the standard algorithms for addition and subtraction by linking it to expanded notation
addition and subtraction.
Subtract multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm, including across zeros.
Pre-Requisite Skills
What skills will students need in order to be successful with this unit?
Fluency with basic addition and subtraction facts
Understanding of relationships between place values and regrouping based on non-standard portioning
Addition of numbers through 999 with place value blocks, expanded notation and number lines
Subtraction of numbers through 999 with place value blocks and expanded notation (and also any other second grade
Rounding skills for numbers through 999,9999
Estimate the sum of a number sentence
Estimate the difference of a number sentence

Interim Assessment One

Unit Three: Addition & Subtraction
1 Add Numbers with Expanded Form
SWBAT calculate sums with addends in the hundred thousands by using expanded notation addition
Students add numbers into the hundred thousands using expanded notation. The strategy is familiar from third grade,
but they have not used it with numbers of this magnitude. There should be an emphasis on using place value language,
explaining each step, and explaining regrouping especially in the thousands period.
This lesson is a good place to add in Add by Place during the discussion, to bring up another helpful strategy they have
seen before, and that is related to expanded notation.
2 Standard Algorithm for Addition
SWBAT calculate sums with addends through the hundred-thousands by using the standard algorithm.
Students should use expanded notation addition to understand the standard algorithm. They should understand the
standard algorithm as the same process as expanded notation addition, but using digits in correct place values to
represent values. They should be able to explain each step based on place value.
3 Subtract Expanded Form and Visual Models
SWBAT calculate differences with addends in the hundred thousands by using expanded notation subtraction and
relating it to pictures of place value blocks.
Students subtract numbers into the hundred thousands using expanded notation. The strategy is familiar from third
grade, but they have not used it with numbers of this magnitude. Students should be connecting expanded notation
subtraction to subtraction with place value blocks/pictures. There should be an emphasis on using place value
language, explaining each step, and explaining regrouping especially in the thousands period.
4 Standard Algorithm for Subtraction
SWBAT calculate differences through the hundred-thousands by using the standard algorithm for subtraction.
Students should use expanded notation subtraction to understand the standard algorithm. They should understand the
standard algorithm as the same process as place value blocks/pictures and expanded notation subtraction, but using
digits in correct place values to represent values. They should be able to explain each step based on place value.
5 Standard Algorithm for Subtraction Across Zeros
SWBAT calculate differences when required to regroup across several zeros by using the standard algorithm.
Students will practice solving subtraction equations with the standard algorithm with a focus on problems that involve
regrouping across multiple place values/zeros. If students are having a hard time, it might be helpful to use expanded
notation or place value blocks to simultaneously model each step while solving with the standard algorithm.
6 Mixed Addition & Subtraction Practice (Error Analysis)
SWBAT accurately and fluently solve addition and subtraction equations with numbers through the hundred thousands
using the standard algorithm.
Students have learned the strategies they will use moving forward for addition and subtraction, so it is important that
they have time to practice to ensure proficiency and start to develop fluency. So far students have also done addition
and subtraction each in isolation for a few days. Therefore, they must have a time where they are forced to think about
the process for solving and mentally shift between addition and subtraction, as they will need to do in the future. This is
also when you can introduce an error analysis, based on errors you are seeing from students.
7 Assessment (if used, not to be administered during math lesson time)

Unit Vocabulary
Estimate to calculate something roughly or approximately
Addend a number that you add to another number
Sum the answer to an addition problem
Difference the answer to a subtraction problem (the amount between two numbers)
Subtrahend the amount you subtract in an equation (typically the smaller number)
Minuend the amount you subtract FROM in an equation (typically the larger number)
Standard algorithm a mathematical series of steps that is used universally to make calculations efficient
Major Misconceptions & Clarifications
Misconception Clarification
Students might disregard the order of the numbers in - Discuss the meaning of each number in the problem and identify the first number (95 in
subtraction problems so they can simply take the smaller the example) as the number youre starting with and the second number as the
digit from the larger digit without having to regroup. For number being taken away (27). Discuss why changing the order of the digits is
example, when solving 95-27, students might look at the changing the problem because you would be changing the entire number instead of
ones and see a 7 and a 5, so do 7-5 since 7 is greater starting with 95 you would be starting with 97, in this example, and this is not accurate.
than 5. In the tens place theyd do 9 tens 2 tens = 7 tens Students may think you can switch digits because in addition and multiplication you
to get an answer of 77. can reverse the factors and addends and still get the same answer; remind them that
you dont change digits when you do this though, for example 12 X 3 doesnt all of a
9 5 sudden become 2 x 13.
- 2 7 - Have students get in the habit of saying take ___ from ___ and pointing to the
7 2 corresponding digits as they say this while explaining how to solve subtraction
problems. This will further engrain the idea that they are starting with the first number
and taking away the second, rather than just making a subtraction problem with the
given digits.
- Model the problem with place value blocks with an emphasis on how to set up the
problem starting with the first number and then taking away the second.

When regrouping within a subtraction problem, students - Discuss what is happening when you regroup. Say, we take one ten away and that
might change the amount of the smaller place value to gives us ten ones. Say, do we just have these ten ones? Students might realize, no
10, and forget the value that was already there. For these are just ten additional ones to add to the 5 that were there at the beginning. You
example, when subtracting 465 157, students must could also ask if there were any other ones, and students might recall that there are 5
regroup from the tens to they will be able to take away 7 additional ones.
ones. They should take away 1 ten and add ten ones for - Modeling with pictures or place value blocks is extremely helpful to clear up this
a total of 15 ones (the ten ones that were regrouped plus misconception. When they regroup ten ones, visually group them with the ones that
the 5 ones that were originally in the ones place). Some were already there.
students, might just write a 10 in the ones, instead of 15. - If students are assuming that the total ones must now be ten and are just adding on
the amount they need in order to get ten ones, remind them that their original ones
are still there and demonstrate the exchange to show that regrouping the ten gives
them ten additional ones.
Sometimes students might add ten of a certain place - Model with place value blocks or pictures and ask students where the ones they are
value so they have enough, but forget to actually adding came from.
regroup. For example, when solving 465-157, in order to - Remind students that adding 10 ones to the problem changes the original problem. In
take away 7 ones, they might just add 10 ones to 15 and order to get10 more ones, we must regroup a ten (or some other place value).
write that there are 15 ones, without actually regrouping
a ten, and changing the 6 in the tens place to a 5.
When regrouping with subtraction, students might - Discuss the process of regrouping. Talk about how you are taking away 1 ten to
change the value of the larger place value to 1 regroup to ones. Ask how many tens there are now (there are 6 tens). Remind them
instead of making the value one less. For example, when that we are taking 1 ten and ask how many tens will be left if one is taken away.
subtracting 465 157, students might correcting add ten Students should understand that there will be one less than 6 tens, which is 5 tens.
ones to get 15 total ones (in order to subtract 7 ones), but Often, students just need to slow day and think through their steps.
might reduce the tens place to having 1 ten instead of 5 - Modeling with pictures or place value blocks is extremely helpful again! Show students
tens (from taking 1 ten away from 6 tens). that when they regroup a ten into ones, they only need to regroup 1 ten in order to
have enough ones. If they started with 6 tens, they should see that regrouping one of
them will just leave them with 1 less ten, which is 5 (and not 1 ten).

When regrouping with subtraction, students might cross - Reiterate the process of regrouping. Talk about how you have to take one AWAY from
out the larger value they are regrouping from and the larger value in order to give more to the smaller values, therefore you should end
instead of writing one less above it, write 10 because up with one less in your larger value.
they are used to adding ten of the new smaller value. - Bring students back to place blocks or expanded notation to remind them of what
happened to their numbers when they regrouped in order to subtract.
* For all regrouping misconceptions, you can focus on the area of confusion and do a try one more with questions about regrouping, but dont
actually have students solve, in order to focus on the misconception. For the area of confusion, ask if students need to regroup. Then ask where they
need to regroup and why. Discuss what will happen when you regroup but dont have them solve the problem. This will give them repeated
practice with how to regroup in subtraction problems. *
Dear Parents,
It may be hard to believe, but scholars are about to tackle their third unit already in fourth
grade! This unit will be our last before we take our first Interim Assessment of the year, and it focuses
on addition and subtraction! The unit builds on the work that scholars did last year with adding and
subtracting, which set up the foundation for students to learn the standard algorithm this year!
Addition Subtraction
Though students have certainly added and subtracted in elementary school before, fourth grade has
students tackling adding and subtracting numbers all the way into the hundred-thousands! Students will also
be subtracting across multiple zeros in numbers. Throughout the unit, students will be asked to explain the
steps they take to add and subtract, and justify their steps and answer using place value language. Students
will practice adding and subtracting in the context of word problems as well.
Strategies Strategies
Expanded Notation: Students write their numbers Place Value Blocks: This strategy will be used sparingly,
in expanded form, then add each place value, and only when students may be struggling or as another
regrouping new amounts by writing them above alternative for checking work. Students draw out the
each place value. larger number they are subtracting with place value
blocks, and cross out the amount they are subtracting;
when they need to regroup, they show this by crossing
out one of the blocks representing the next largest place
value and draw 10 new blocks of the smaller value.
Ex: 2,642-1,783 = 859
Add by Place: Students start from the largest
place value and write the sum in its expanded
form below; once students have added each
place value, they then combine all the partial
sums to find the total sum!
2 4 1 9
+ 3 4 2
2, 0 0 0 Expanded Notation: Similar to addition, students write
7 0 0 their two numbers in expanded form, then start by
5 0 subtracting from the smallest place; when students need
1 1 to regroup, they cross out and rewrite the expanded
2, 7 6 1 amount above the numbers.
Standard Algorithm: The way we learned it in
school! Students start with the ones place and
add each place in turn, regrouping any
amounts greater than 9 by writing the digit in the
tens place above the next largest place value,
and including that digit when adding the next
Standard Algorithm: The way we learned in school!
Students start from the ones place and subtract each
place in turn, crossing out from the larger place value
and regrouping ten new of the smaller anytime they are
unable to subtract.
Watch out for: Watch out for:
Regrouping Errors: Students may forget Regrouping Errors: Subtraction tends to be trickier
to regroup when their amount is greater for scholars than addition. Students may switch digits

than 9, forget to write their regrouped so that they dont have to do regrouping, for

amount above the larger place value, example in 95-27 they may subtract 7-5 in the ones
place, instead of regrouping from the tens. Remind
or forget to add in the regrouped digit.
students that the digits are not interchangeable,
Ask your student to check their work
otherwise you are changing the whole number from
with expanded notation addition first to
the problem; can also try holding up the number of
see if they can catch their errors
fingers in the ones place you are subtracting from
themselves, often this will be enough. If
and asking can I take ___ away from this- this can
not, work back through the problem help students see that they need to regroup.
with your student, asking the sets of Students may also just write a 10 above the smaller
questions below: place they regrouped to, instead of adding 10 to
-What is our sum for this place value? the amount already there (when its a digit greater

-If our sum is greater than 9, where do than ); remind students that they are adding 10 TO

we write the digit in the tens place? the place, not just subtracting the 10 that they
regrouped. Again, it can be helpful to have students
Where do we write the ones from
check their own work with a different strategy first, so
they get used to locating errors on their own.
-what do I do with this regrouped digit?
-what will my sum be with this new
regrouped amount added in?
Additional Resources

As always, please reach out with any questions or for more information!
In partnership,
The Fourth Grade Team
Scholar: _____________________________ Date:_________________________

Unit 3 Mastery

Standard Questions LMH %

1-L, 2-M, 7-M, L 1
4.NBT.4: Fluently4
9-H, 11-H
add and subtract
M 2
multi-digit whole
numbers using the
H -2
standard algorithm. Addition /5
*FS: C KU6
L 2 regroupings

M 3 regroupings and
word problem;
3-L, 4-M, 5-H, L 2
estimate and solve with
3 regroupings 6-M, 8-L, 10-H
M 2
H missing digits with Subtraction /6
regrouping; explain H2
each step

From Progression- NBT: At Grade 4, students become fluent with the standard addition and subtraction algorithms. In mathematics, an algorithm
is defined by its steps and not by the way those steps are recorded in writing. With this in mind, minor variations in methods of recording standard
algorithms are acceptable.
1. Solve: 6,272 + 2,766 =

2. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center has 3,567 different types of wildflower
and 16,798 different kinds of indigenous Texas plants. How many different kinds of
plants are contained in the center in total?

a. 13,231
b. 20,365
c. 19,365
d. 3,231


4. What is the difference between 400,000 and 19,293?


6. Lavender works in a science lab that is measuring the population growth of

damsel flies in different temperatures. The population of damsel flies in tank A,
where it is warmer, is 376,909. The population of damsel flies in tank B, where it is
cooler, is 87,612. How much greater is the population in the warmer tank than in
the cooler tank?

7. Estimate the sum and find the exact sum:

36,708 + 47,509
8. 1 6, 4 5 9 - 1,1 6 1 = ?
a. 15, 298
b. 15,318
c. 15, 398
d. 15, 348

9. Santiago is solving 262 + 184 + 71 and his work is shown. What is Santiagos
mistake and why is it wrong? Explain how he should correct his mistake.


Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
11. The table below shows the work Evan sowed when solving the addition problem
3892 + 1567.
In the space on the right-hand side, explain what Evan is showing in each step.
Make sure to use place value language to help you explain the steps.






9. Santiago is solving 262 + 184 + 71 and his work is shown. What is Santiagos
mistake and why is it wrong? Explain how he should correct his mistake.

Santiagos mistake is that when he regrouped from the tens to the hundreds, he
added 1 hundreds in the hundreds place. This is incorrect because when you
add the tens: 6 tens + 8 tens + 7 tens you get 21 tens. Santiago regrouped to 1
hundred, which is 10 tens and left 1 ten in the tens place. This is a total of 11 tens
instead of 21 tens. In order to correct this, he should regroup 20 tens to 2
hundreds and put a 2 in the hundreds place, and leave 1 ten in the tens place.
This way the 21 tens, 210, will be regrouped correctly into 20 tens (200) and 1
ten (10).

Step 1: First, I needed to take away 8 ones from 6 ones, but I couldnt so I had to
regroup. I took 1 ten so there were 3 tens left and regrouped it to 10 ones, which
left 16 ones in the ones place.

Step 2:
Next, I subtracted the ones. 16 ones 8 ones = 8 ones.

Step 3:
Next, I subtracted 2 tens from the 3 tens that were left, to leave 1 ten.

Step 4:
Next, I moved to the hundreds place. I needed to take away 9 hundreds but
that is more than the 5 hundreds that were in the hundreds place, so I had to
regroup. I took 1 thousand (so there were 2 thousands left) and regrouped it to
10 hundreds. This left 15 hundreds in the hundreds place.

Step 5:
Next, I subtracted 9 hundreds from 15 hundreds and was left with 6 hundreds in
the hundreds place.

Step 6:
Finally, I had 2 thousands left and did not have to take any away, so I left a 2 in
the thousands place, giving me a difference of 2,618.
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Unit 3 Addition and Subtraction: Pre-Assessment

1. Solve the addition equation below using pictures of place value blocks:

456 + 387 = ________

2. Solve the subtraction problem below using pictures of place value blocks:
832 456 = ________

3. Solve the following addition problem with expanded form:

448 + 567 = ________

400 + 40 + 8
500 + 60 + 7

4. Solve the following subtraction problem using expanded form:

534 383 = ________

500 + 30 + 4
- 300 + 80 + 3

5. Solve: 800 234 = ____________

6. What is 1,823 + 628? _____________ (Solve using any strategy youd like).

7. What is 4,561 2,834? ____________. (Solve using any strategy youd like).
Teacher Background Knowledge:
4.NBT.4 Add & Subtract with the Standard Algorithm
*See Grade 3 IA1 TBK for addition/subtraction strategies students firmly use
from enVision Subtracting Across Zeros: The concepts of place value
used for regrouping to subtract such numbers
are exactly the same as for numbers without zeros, although the methods of recording the process may look a little

from InvestigationsThe
algorithms traditionally taught in the United States are studied by students (now) after they have
developed their own fluent methods for solving problems with whole numbers in each operation. These include
algorithms for addition, multiplication, and subtraction which involve regrouping the numbers. Historically, these
algorithms were developed for doing calculations by hand with a minimum of steps and compact notation. The
power of these algorithms for quick calculation lies largely in the fact that they require the user to carry out a series
of mostly single-digit calculations. They were designed so that the user could rely on a small set of known number
combinations and the repetition of a small sequence of steps to solve any problem. These algorithms, as human
inventions, are elegant and efficient.
However, in the elementary grades, when we want students to acquire solid understanding of the base-ten number
system and the meaning of arithmetic operations, these algorithms tend to obscure both the place value of digits
and the fundamental properties of the operations. Research and practice in the field of mathematics education have
shown that there are alternative algorithms and strategies that students develop, that help them maintain a focus on
understanding place value and the operations and, at the same time, are easily generalized and efficient.
Although each student may primarily use one strategy for each operation, in Investigations (and now in Common
Core), students are expected to study more than one algorithm or strategy for each operation. Students study a
variety of approaches for the following three reasons:
- Different algorithms and strategies provide access to analysis of different mathematical relationships.
- Access to different algorithms and strategies leads to flexibility in solving problems. One method may be
better suited to a particular problem.
- Students learn that algorithms are made objects that can be compared, analyzed, and critiqued according
to a number of criteria.

As the NCTMs Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000) states:

Many students enter Grade 3 with methods for adding and subtracting numbers. In Grades 3-5, they should extend
these methods to adding and subtracting larger numbers, and learn to record their work systematically and clearly.
Having access to more than one method for each operation allows students to choose an approach that best fits the
numbers in a particular problem.

In students study of calculation methods for each operation, they first build strategies that they are comfortable
with, that make sense to them, that they can use fluently, and that can gradually be applied to harder problems. At a
later time they study some of the strategies they are less comfortable with in order to learn about the underlying
mathematical relationships. This later period includes a study of conventional algorithms that are commonly used
in the students communities. This study of conventional algorithms has both a mathematical and a social purpose.
Students with good understanding of an operation what it is used for, what its properties are, how to efficiently
solve a problem that requires an operation, how it is related to other operations, and how to base-ten number
system is used in that operation can use a study of any algorithm that has been invented for that operation as an
opportunity to delve further into the operation itself. Studying how and why an unfamiliar algorithm works is a
challenge to think through what we know about an operation. It requires pulling apart an algorithm, bringing
meaning to shortcut notations, and finding parts of the algorithm that are similar to parts of more familiar

Another mathematical reason for studying these algorithms is that they have been used and found useful by many
people. Too often in the past, these algorithms were taught and learned without meaning. And, too often, these
algorithms were seen as the central teaching tool for learning about an operation: learning addition was defined as
learning the steps of the carrying algorithm. However, whereas the carrying algorithm may have held an
inappropriately central place in our teaching strategies at one time, it is a perfectly good algorithm that can be used
by those who find it useful. Competent adults often use different algorithms for different contexts, use a mixture of
algorithms, or use one algorithm or strategy to check another. for example, one of the authors has a particular
algorithm for subtraction that she uses only in her checkbook (it is neither the standard borrowing algorithm nor
any of those used in the Investigations curriculum) it is one that she has shaped to fit her particular needs in that
context. Therefore, a second reason for studying the carrying and borrowing algorithms is to provide students
exposure to these algorithms and their underlying meaning. Those who find them sensible and useful may choose
to adopt them for their own uses in life.

The third reason for studying conventional algorithms is that they are a part of the social knowledge in students
communities. Adults in students lives may use these algorithms, and they need not be a mystery to students.
Because a variety of algorithms have been taught in different countries and at different times in the U.S., we
recommend that you have students bring in algorithms used by adults in their families. You may find that there is
more than one algorithm commonly used in the students community for a particular operation.
The following are two primary goals for the study of numbers and operations in the elementary grades:
1. Understanding the meaning and properties of the operations.
2. Attaining computational fluency with whole numbers.

These goals underlie the choices we make in the study of algorithms and strategies. As states in NCTMs Principles
and Standards:
Students should come to view algorithms as tools for solving problems rather than as the goal of
mathematics study. As students develop computational algorithms, teachers should evaluate their work,
help them recognize efficient algorithms, and provide sufficient and appropriate practice so that they
become fluent and flexible in computing.
from the NBT Progression
Aligned Tasks:


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