Application of Tessellation in Architectural Geome

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E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

Application of Tessellation in Architectural Geometry Design

School of Civil Engineering, Tangshan College, Tangshan, Hebei 063000, China

Abstract: Tessellation plays a significant role in architectural geometry design, which is widely used both
through history of architecture and in modern architectural design with the help of computer technology.
Tessellation has been found since the birth of civilization. In terms of dimensions, there are two- dimensional
tessellations and three-dimensional tessellations; in terms of symmetry, there are periodic tessellations and
aperiodic tessellations. Besides, some special types of tessellations such as Voronoi Tessellation and Delaunay
Triangles are also included. Both Geometry and Crystallography, the latter of which is the basic theory of
three-dimensional tessellations, need to be studied. In history, tessellation was applied into skins or
decorations in architecture. The development of Computer technology enables tessellation to be more
powerful, as seen in surface control, surface display and structure design, etc. Therefore, research on the
application of tessellation in architectural geometry design is of great necessity in architecture studies.

Tessellation is of great significance to contemporary

architectural geometry design. How this ancient art can
1 Introduction solve the present problems in architectural design, and
Architectural geometry design is an important aspect of how it can inspire architects to create more rational and
architectural design from ancient times to the present. complicated forms should be studied and stressed, and
Tessellation, or, Tilling, has been widely used in the field space in architecture can be well understood through this
of architectural geometry design, which mostly deals with procedure. This paper will summarize mathematical rules
topological and fractals. A tessellation of a flat surface is in tessellations, present the application of tessellation in
the tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes architecture through history, analyze typical cases in
(tiles), with no overlaps and no gaps1. Also, tessellations contemporary architectural design with application of
can be generalized to higher dimensions and a variety of tessellation, and explore the feasibility and significance of
geometries. There are many types of tessellations, among application of tessellation in architectural geometry design.
which the most basic and common ones are grid, hexagon
tessellation, triangle tessellation, Penrose tessellation, 2 Rules of Tessellation
Kelvin tessellation and so on. It has many advantages:
figures in tessellations seem simple, but it can be shaped Defined as tilling of a plane or of space with on overlaps
into extremely complex graphics; tessellation generates and no gaps, tessellations can be classified as blow:
according to precise rules and orders, conducive to the
standardization of production components; with spatial
2.1. Two-Dimensional Tessellation
tessellation design, load distribution can be more
reasonable in structure, and the damage of single Tessellation in two-dimensional space refers to the
component will not lead to the collapse of the whole tessellation of a plane or of two-dimensional surfaces, and
structure; besides, tessellation gets strong adaptability to can be simplified into some basic geometries, which are
be connected into various irregular shapes. called “prototypes”.

*Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
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E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

Figure 1 Parts of M. C. Escher Pictures and Its Tessellation

rotation symmetry, reflection symmetry and sliding

reflection symmetry2.
2.1.1. Symmetry and periodic tessellation
Tessellation with translational symmetry is called
Many basic tessellations have the attributes of certain periodic tessellation, such as the regular hexagon
symmetries. Symmetry refers to the phenomenon when tessellation. Periodic tessellation can be represented by
under some transformation conditions (e.g., around the lattice, with simple expressions: tessellation systems =
line for plane rotation, reflection, etc.), an object or a elements * lattices. In addition to the common attribute of
figure in the same part are regular repeated. The symmetry translational symmetry, plane periodic tessellation tends to
modes of tessellations include translation symmetry, have attributes of rotational symmetry, reaction symmetry
sliding symmetry.

Figure 2 Translational Symmetry Attribute of Regular Hexagon Tessellation

Figure3, the figure in the tessellation has rotationally

symmetry but no translational symmetry. Similar
2.1.2. Aperiodic Tessellation
tessellations include Penrose aperiodic tessellation,
Aperiodic Tessellation refers to the translational Pinwheel aperiodic tessellation, Robinson aperiodic
tessellation without translational symmetry. As shown in tessellation and so on.

Figure 3 Example of Aperiodic Tessellation

different fields of mathematics, but they can be combined
to form a variety of forms with visually attractivities,
2.1.3. Fractal Tessellation
concluding both fractal and tessellation features. Such
Fractals and tessellations are generally considered as two form is called fractal tessellation3.

Branko Grunbaum, Tilings and Patterns. W. H. 3
Robert W. Fathauer, Fractal tilings base on v-shaped
Freeman, 1987, p26. prototiles, Computers & Graphics 26, 2002, p635-643.
*Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

Figure 4 Fractal Tessellation with Isosceles Right Triangle

prototypes which can form concentric circles. Such

tessellation is called radial tessellation. If parts of the
2.1.4. Radial Tessellation and Spiral Tessellation
radial tessellation are shifted, a swirl of new type of
Another way to create aperiodic tessellation is to select tessellation can be produced, as called a spiral tessellation.

Figure 5 Radial Tessellation and Spiral Tessellation with Isosceles Triangle

Similar with two-dimensional tessellations, translational

symmetry is still the basis criterion of periodicity for
2.2. Three-Dimensional Tessellation
three-dimensional tessellations. Much attention has been
Three-dimensional tessellation, also called spatial focused on the field of crystal morphology in the study of
tessellation, has more dimensional variations than two- three-dimensional periodic tessellation since crystals have
dimensional ones, thus generating more types of internal structures arranged according to certain geometric
geometries. rules, while internal structures of non-crystals are
arranged without regular rules or even randomly.
Therefore, the internal structure of crystal can be regarded
2.2.1. Crystal structure and Quasicrystal structure as a periodic spatial tessellation, which can fill the space
closely by convex polyhedrons of the same shape and size
in ideal conditions.

Figure 6 Examples of Combination of Convex Polyhedrons in Crystal Structures

Quasicrystal structure does not own the attribute of to generate geometric polyhedrons spontaneously. For
translational symmetry, but can repeats in certain rules in example, Rhombic Hexecontahedron can be composed of
various positions and directions, following Bravais laws 20 long rhombohedral bodies, while Rhombic

E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

triacontahedron can be composed of 10 "long rhombus" WP structure

and 10 "flat rhombus". Combination of these two
polyhedrons generates on typical aperiodic three- The WP structure consists of two irregular polyhedrons of
dimensional tessellation. equal size but of different shapes. This tessellation gives
great answers to the famous question: how to divide space
into equal volume units with the most economical
2.2.2. Other Types of Three-Dimensional structure segmentation and the least amount of interface
Tessellation (E.G.) areas.

Figure 7 WP Structure Unit

triangles. Each tetrahedron can be split into another
Danzer Tiling with smaller proportions tetrahedron Danzer Tiling
mosaic, and its expansion rate is exactly the golden
The Danzer Tiling consists of four different tetrahedra A, number π. Different combinations of these tetrahedra can
B, C, and K, and the unfolded diagrams of which can be form a variety of rotationally symmetric three-
regarded as the different arrangements of 4 different dimensional aperiodic tessellation.

Figure 8 Tetrahedra and Expansion Rate in Danzer Tiling

Japan and China, existing throughout the history of

architecture development.
3 The Application of Tessellation in The ancient Romans liked to use mosaics, as one of the
Architectural Geometry Design most common tessellations to decorate their floors and
ceilings. These decorations varied according to different
3.1. Application of Tessellation in Architecture spaces inside the building. This style also influenced
Through History Islamic architecture greatly, using ceramics, marble, glass,
glazed pottery to complete mosaic decoration. While in
Application of tessellation in architecture can be dated Gothic cathedral, radial tessellation was designed as rose
back to the beginning of civilization. It is widely found in windows, and arrangement of arch and its complicated
many civilizations of the world, including ancient Egypt, structures were also typical examples of application of
Moors, Romans, Persia, Greece, Byzantium, Arabia, tessellation in architectural design.

Figure 9 Ground Floor Pavement of Rome Villa in Italy

E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

Figure 10 Tessellation in Alhambra Palace

In Chinese traditional architecture, flower windows to form regular, rhythmic tessellations.

and floor tiles are often decorated with geometric patterns

Figure 11 Tessellations in Windows and Floors in Chinese Traditional Gardens.

architecture. Standard modular system in architecture is

encouraged world-widely, including basic modulus and
3.2. Application of Tessellation in Modern
enlarged modulus. It is a three-dimensional modular grid
structure of certain rules, which can be regarded as one
Corbusier' promotion of modular design after his type of three-dimensional tessellations. Therefore, this
theoretical research and analysis of human body and its tessellation provides the basis for the form, structure and
related mathematics bought in new generation of modern space design of the building.

Figure 12 Human Body Modular Analysis by Corbusier

Geometric tessellation is one of the foundations of

computer graphics. The application of geometric
3.3. Application of Tessellation in Computer
tessellation in computer technology is based on the
Geometric Technology

E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

algorithm of surface, from the input of the surface to the Computer surface modeling can use a variety of methods,
output of the geometry. such as NURBS curve mesh modeling, mesh (Polygon
Mesh) modeling, polygon mesh subdivision modeling
(Subdiv). All these methods need the control and editing
3.3.1. Surface Control in Modeling
of the surface mesh, which can never be achieved without
the application of tessellation.

Figure 13 NURBS Control

4.1. 0-14 Tower

3.3.2. Subdivision of Surfaces in Display
The 0-14 Tower in Dubai was designed by Reiser +
In the aspect of computer graphics display, surface Umemoto in 2007. Rather than a glass curtain wall which
subdivision technology is the technology of managing is visible everywhere in Dubai, the facade uses concrete
graphic data by embedding graphics, and subdividing the pouring to form a shell structure. Large and small circular
graph to make it easy to render. It is called "mosaic (one windows composed its unique facade. These windows
classical tessellation) processing technology". Computers were generated accoding to various factors based on
can not directly generate curves, nor can they directly rectangular grid. Approximate circular window arrays
generate surfaces. The surface displayed on a computer were formed by inner offset and chamfer of each unit in
screen is actually made up of a number of dots of the oblique rectangular grid. The amount of offseting was
polygonal patches. Computer surface subdivision is to related with parameters such as indoor lighting conditions
refine the original rough mesh model by using proper and structure forces. Moreover, the mutation of several
topologies and geometric rules, so as to generate smooth units in the oblique rectangle grid provides better outside
surfaces. views for the inside.

4 Modern Cases

Figure 14 0-14 Tower and Its Skin Design Process

Designed by CSCEC, CCDI, PTW and ARUP, the steel
structure of the "Water Cube" (National Aquatics Center
4.2. Water Cube

E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

of the Beijing Olympic Games) is a three-dimensional gerometry. Spaces of different funtions were later
tessellation structure made of WP units. In the design generated from inside, thus forming a spatial grid steel
process WP units were firstly used to produce a structure. Since the cutting direction is not parallel or
tessellation structure construction larger than the volume orthogonal to its translation direction, the facade is not
of "Water Cube", after which the structure was rotated by smooth. However, in fact it still keeps the translational
60 degrees based on vector axis, from which a 176.5 m x periodicity as WP tessellation does.
176.5m x 29.4 m cubic was cutting out as the building’s

Figure 15 0-14 Water Cube and Its Structure Analysis

points, the grid generated through Voronoi algorithm

reflected the gravity of maximal deformation in the
4.3. Hybrid Bio Structures
membrane structure. Voronoi tessellation was generated
Hybrid Bio Structures was designed by Riyad Joucka in after setting "seeds" (based on indoor function, lighting
his master's degree project in AA (U.K.). This project environment, etc.) positions. Roof of complex membrane
revealed another application of Voronoi tessellation. structure was formed through point stretching, smoothing
Voronoi tessellation get features of "field", so in the and other movements of the units. This architecture is a
conditon of membrane structure with a plurality of support pavalion with multi-functions, and the Voronoi grid
remained through the tour route for visitors.

Figure 16 The Component Unit of Hybrid Biostructure

such application in architectural geometry design will be
of great benefit and potential with thoughtful
5 Conclusion consideration.
As significant influential factor of architecture,
tessellation runs through the whole architecture history of References
the East and the West. At present, it is also the basis of
graphic technologies in the development of digital 1. Branko Grunbaum, Tilings and Patterns[M]. W.H.
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architectural geometry can be more flexible and contains 6. Paul Jackson, Folding Techniques for Designers:
various forms of different compositions, being more From Sheet to Form[M]. Laurence King, 2011.
adopted in dealing with different problems. Therefore,
7. Eric Gjerde, Origami Tessellations Awe-Inspiring

E3S Web of Conferences 38, 03015 (2018)

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8. Michael Fox, Interactive Architecture[M]. Princeton
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