ChatGPT in Education SWOT Analysis Approach
ChatGPT in Education SWOT Analysis Approach
ChatGPT in Education SWOT Analysis Approach
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hamzeh Mohammd Alabool on 05 September 2023.
Abstract— The evolution of ChatGPT is one of the major that offer instant, human-like assistance to customers.
advances in the history of artificial intelligence that could Also, ChatGPT can be integrated into e-commerce
add value to the education sector. However, if ChatGPT is to websites to provide product recommendations, and into
fulfill its potential, there must be a clear understanding of educational platforms such as online learning management
the various issues involved. There is an urgent need for systems, to provide instant assistance, improve student
understanding issues surrounding ChatGPT especially in the
education sector. This study conducted a SWOT analysis for
engagement, and support their learning performance.
ChatGPT strategic management and technology enablement Moreover, ChatGPT can be integrated into healthcare
in the education sector. Based on SWOT analysis results, systems to provide clinical decision support, identify
various issues that will affect the different stakeholders of patterns, and make predictions about potential health
ChatGPT in education are identified. In addition, a set of issues.
recommendations for the practitioners from the education
Although it may be a difficult endeavor, ChatGPT can
sector who intend to use this technology are issued. Besides,
different areas of research that need attention in the near be integrated into government systems to serve the
future are outlined. citizens through providing public data. For example,
ChatGPT can be used to address citizens' questions and
Keywords—ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligent, SWOT analysis, concerns. Such service can be provided through live chat
Education. or help desk systems. Besides, It can enhance
cybersecurity by detecting and responding to cyber threats
I. INTRODUCTION through analyzing patterns and identifying potential
ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a vulnerabilities. In addition, it can be used to generate
new model for conversational AI introduced by OpenAI governmental reports. This can be done due to the power
[1]. This new AI technology represents an important of ChatGPT in analyzing large volumes of data from
change in the field of language modeling. It can generate various sources. However, the potential uses of ChatGPT
more humanlike responses, handle a wider range of in different domains are many, and as the technology
language tasks, finetune for specific language tasks, continues to grow, its potential applications will
transfer learning, and context awareness. ChatGPT is undoubtedly expand even further.
constructed on the principles of information retrieval
which make it similar to some information retrieval
systems (e.g., search engines, chatbots, robo advisors, and
other knowledge systems) in principle, but it is different in
terms of functionalities. ChatGPT is designed to provide
the end users with in-depth information according to their
requests and needs while search engines are designed to
find and display a broad range of information in response
to user queries. This gives it an advantage over search
engines like Google and Bing which allows users to
communicate and get the specific and in-depth
information they need, while search engines are designed Figure 1. ChatGPT’s growth rate
to find and display a broad range of information in
response to user queries.
The promises offered by ChatGPT led to great
Several definitions of ChatGPT from different sources
expectations. ChatGPT achieved the milestone of
[1][3-5]are presented. To come up with a unified
becoming the fastest application to reach 100 million
definition, we have taken into account the fundamental
active users in two months only achieving this milestone
benefits of ChatGPT from both a technological and
in less time than Google+ [3]. Moreover, OpenAI predicts
practical perspective. Our definition of ChatGPT is as
that ChatGPT will generate $200 million in revenue this
follows:” It is a multi-component (e.g., deep learning
year and reach $1 billion by 2024. This prediction reflects
techniques, Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)
that as ChatGPT grows the possibility to bring significant
architecture and large-scale training data), continuous-
income is high. This is evident by looking at Figure 1
learning AI language model that is served to users over the
which shows the growth rate of ChatGPT [2].
Internet to generate human-like text responses to natural
language input." ChatGPT embodies the convergence of two major
trends in information technology: (a) the application of
ChatGPT promise is represented by providing natural language processing and deep learning to improve
humanlike conversational abilities and a new level of the efficiency of computing resources and (b) the use of
convenience and accessibility, powered by cutting-edge AI language-based technologies to drive business agility by
technology. The potential applications of ChatGPT are enabling rapid deployment and scalability of intelligent
numerous and varied. For example, it can be used in chatbots, voice assistants, and other interactive
customer service to provide live chat or help desk systems applications.
ChatGPT depends on highly scalable hardware and Finally, they discussed the potential threats to AI in
software resources to process and generate human education, including extinction risk fears and lack of
language which ensures its efficiency. Such ability will knowledge and privacy.
affect positively the efficiency of communication between
In [13] Dimitriadou et al., present a SWOT analysis of
humans and computers which enables businesses to
AI in the classroom. The authors identify AI's strengths in
streamline customer service and support. in addition, the
enabling continuous environment monitoring through
underlined technology of ChatGPT also incorporates
sensors that result in an optimized learning environment,
green computing principles by allowing the physical
enhanced interactivity, including immersive experiences,
location of computing resources in areas with access to
adaptability to individual needs of students, and
cheap electricity, while the processing power can be
onsight/remote/mixed class delivery. The weaknesses of
accessed remotely over the internet.
AI in educational classrooms include no integrated smart
Efficiency is not the only characteristic of ChatGPT. class technology offered, equipment cost, the need for
Besides that, ChatGPT enables businesses to leverage student/teacher expertise in using emerging technologies,
computational tools that can be rapidly deployed and the need for large amounts of data to train systems, and
scaled without the need for huge upfront investments. As separation and disengagement from the learning process.
the ChatGPT can be a good opportunity for businesses That results in isolated students. The opportunities for AI
which offer several services including intelligent chatbots, in education include: the availability of state-of-the-art
voice assistants, and other language-based applications equipment at more accessible cost (i.e. interactive screens,
that respond rapidly to user requirements. Hence, cameras, microphones, VR and AR headsets, and glasses),
enhancing business agility and competitiveness. External factors, like the COVID-19 pandemic, dictate the
use of technology in teaching as a means of supporting
This study aims to analyze the strategic imperatives of
remote teaching, the trend towards online virtual
ChatGPT in the education sector. The analysis is presented
environments in line with smart-class technologies, the
in a SWOT framework so that we understand both the
latest development in AI that results in accurate
opportunities and challenges of the fledgling technology.
algorithms, in the form of deep learning. Availability of
To do so, this paper is organized as follows: Section 2.
‘public’ ML tools (i.e., which allows not trained
Present related works that used SWOT in different
individuals to set up and use ML models). While the
domains. Section 3. Introduce brief research methodology.
threats include Privacy issues, ethics, and GDBR
Section 4. Discuss in-depth the strengths, weaknesses,
regulations, inadequacy to adapt to new forms of
opportunities, and threats of using ChatGPT in education
technology, and refusal to accept new technologies as a
sectors. While Section 5. Conclude the paper with a set of
new norm, cheating-based AI tools. The study suggests
recommendations for education institutions and
that AI has the potential to revolutionize education but
must be implemented with care and consideration for its
potential impacts.
Several research papers have conducted SWOT Ali et al., [14] conduct a SWOT analysis of AI in
analyses of using AI technologies in different sectors such university libraries to evaluate its potential impact on
as: education. The authors identify several strengths of AI in
education, including intellectual information and
1. SWOT analysis of artificial intelligence in knowledge, hub innovative library services, research
healthcare by Noguerol, et al [6] support, and data-driven knowledge mental effort
2. SWOT analysis for intelligent transportation reduction. They also highlight weaknesses such as funding
system: a review by Parekh et al., [7] for libraries, ethical issues, bias, privacy, and lack of
expertise. The paper suggests that opportunities for AI in
3. SWOT analysis for the use of artificial education include learning opportunities, multi-tasking,
intelligence in construction by Oluleye et al., [8] job skills improvement, digital content &
4. SWOT analysis for implementing AI in knowledge/information discovery, and user-centricity.
ecommerce by Wu [9] While the threats include job security, loss of library
space, infrastructure, learning attitude.
5. SWOT Analysis for Implementing AI in
Education by Humble & Mozelius [10] III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
6. SWOT Analysis of Artificial Intelligence A. Data sources and collection methods
Applications in Supply Chain Management by To achieve the objectives of this study two research
Aggarwal & Dinesh [11]. approaches namely, systematic literature review and
Besides, numerous research studies have been carried interview were applied. First, a systematic literature
out to perform a SWOT analysis of employing AI review was conducted to answer the research question
technologies specifically in the education sector such as: "What are the main applications of ChatGPT" and "What
Humble et al., [10] conducted a SWOT analysis to is the main advantages and disadvantages of using
examine the potential of implementing AI in education. ChatGPT?". Therefore, several Academic journals,
They identified the strengths of AI in education, such as conference proceedings, books, and online repositories
AI for step-based teaching and learning and Natural such as arXiv, preprint servers, and blogs were accessed to
language processing for learning support. They also download relevant research papers. The collected data
identified the weaknesses of AI in education, including were critically analyzed and synthesized to provide a
stupid tutoring systems and biased development and comprehensive SWOT analysis of using ChatGPT in the
training. Additionally, they explored the opportunities that education sector. Second, to avoid any potential bias in
AI presents for education, such as AI to assist teachers, AI our analysis and recommendation, we gathered insights
to assist students, and Mass individualization of education. from a diverse group of individuals. This included nine
2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
experts in the field of AI who had an average of five years improvement and suggesting targeted resources to
of experience. In addition, we conducted in-depth help them address these areas.
interviews with several industry executives to gain both
AI provider and user perspectives.
B. SWOT analysis framework and its application to SWOT Analysis
ChatGPT Strength Weaknesses
Typically, SWOT analysis is employed to support • Personalization • Dependence on
decisions in the initial stage of the decision-making • Accessibility technology
process. It is used to sustain decisions by revealing • Cost-effectiveness • Lack of human interaction
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of any • Feedback • Ethical issues
domain. SWOT analysis provides a structured framework
to assess ChatGPT from different perspectives including Opportunities Threats
(1) its technical capabilities, (2) educational sector
acceptance to use, (3) and stockholders' readiness. In this • Improved accessibility • Resistance to change
study, a SWOT analysis was utilized to specify the • Improved learning outcomes • Potential job displacement
internal and external aspects that influence the success of • Enhanced collaboration • Data privacy concerns
ChatGPT in education sector, including the strengths and • Innovation • Quality concerns
weaknesses of the technology, the opportunities, and
threats in the education sector. As shown in Figure 2, in Figure 2: ChatGPT in Education SWOT analysis.\
order to illustrate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats associated with ChatGPT the SWOT analysis • Accessibility: ChatGPT is a highly available
will be presented using a 2x2 matrix. The analysis will be technology accessed from any device with an internet
based on the data collected through the literature review, connection. Such advantages support self-paced
and the results will be presented in a clear and concise learning and make learning convenient. ChatGPT can
format. The findings will be used to draw conclusions offer students a range of learning resources that cater
about the potential of ChatGPT and its future prospects in to their personal needs such as (audio recordings,
the education sector. textto-speech functionality, and alternative formats).
In addition, for students with disabilities, ChatGPT
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION can be merged with educational tools and
Figure 2. shows the summary factors of each strength, technologies that enable them to participate fully in
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of using ChatGPT class, including assistive technologies for hearing and
in education sectors. visual impairments. ChatGPT assists students in
accessing academic support services such as tutoring
A. Strengths: or disability services, suggesting services that match
• Personalization: The concept of personalization is not their learning preferences and needs. ChatGPT also
a recent one and has been in existence for quite a supports lecturers in making their courses more
while, for a minimum of 40 years. Keef [14] accessible to students with disabilities by guiding and
discussed that the concept of personalization can have creating accessible course materials such as
multiple interpretations, which are influenced by the documents and presentations, videos, and audio
perspective and experience of the observer. For recordings. It enables the design of course content
example, it can be defined as individualization, to and activities that are inclusive of all students and
some, interpret it as having a personal approach proposes ways to make lectures interactive and
towards students or creating a supportive entertaining for students with diverse learning needs.
environment within the school or classroom. While • Cost-effectiveness: Providing additional educational
for others, personalization refers to the endeavor of support at the lowest cost is a goal pursued by many
empowering students on a personal, psychological, educational institutions. ChatGPT can support this
and instructional level. However, ChatGPT offers aspiration to achieve the best level of education at the
exhaustive support for individualized learning for lowest costs. ChatGPT is a reasonable solution for
both lecturers and students. Particularly, it offers delivering valuable insights that can assist
customized materials to lecturers based on their area educational institutions in making more
of specialization and teaching style, such as knowledgeable decisions about resource distribution
recommending relevant textbooks, videos, and and education program design. In addition, ChatGPT
teaching materials that align with their teaching can be used to determine elements that possibly
philosophy. ChatGPT also helps lecturers in impact student learning performance and outcomes
developing personalized lesson plans and using predictive analytics. ChatGPT can use that
assignments based on student's learning needs and predictive analysis results to assist educational
interests, recommending course-relevant activities institutions in developing targeted interventions and
and projects to help students achieve their goals. resources that most likely have significant impact on
Furthermore, ChatGPT can be used to analyze student achievements. Furthermore, ChatGPT can be
students’ performance data, identifies patterns, and adopted through APIs to evaluate the effectiveness of
trends, and provides actionable recommendations to educational programs and interventions, determining
lecturers to improve their teaching strategies. For their cost-effectiveness by analyzing data on student
students, ChatGPT assist students learn at their own outcomes and the resources required for their
pace which offers personalized feedback on their implementation.
assignments, quizzes, and tests, highlighting areas for • Feedback: ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for
immediate feedback. Such strength is useful in
identifying and correcting mistakes quickly and
2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
hence, leads to a better understanding of the subject. they contribute to a supportive and encouraging
ChatGPT can be integrated with numerous teaching learning environment. For example, teachers can
interfaces that offer students (1) personalized personalize their teaching strategies to meet
feedback on their learning progress (2) individual student's needs, provide feedback, and
recommendations based on their learning style and engage students in class discussions. Besides,
performance and (3) provide instant feedback on interaction among students can improve collaboration
which area that they may need further improvements. and socialization which is essential in developing
While teachers can use it to mark tests, assignments, students’ social skills. Therefore, even ChatGPT
quizzes, and other forms of students' work in real could be considered as an excellent tool for learning
time. Moreover, ChatGPT provides teachers with but cannot fully replace human interaction in the
recommendations on how to engage and support their education sector. Hence, decision-makers need to
students, which leads to better-informed instructional ensure a balance between the use of ChatGPT and the
decisions and direct support for struggling students. importance of human interaction. This can be done by
• Integration: ChatGPT can be integrated with a several using a blended learning approach that aims to use
learning technologies. For instance, ChatGPT can be ChatGPT as a supplement to traditional teaching
integrated with learning management systems (LMS), methods can be an effective way to provide students
online course platforms and educational applications. with the best of both methods.
This integration can be done by using appropriate • Ethical issues: Learning integrity is negatively
APIs which will allow ChatGPT to interact with other affected if the ChatGPT was used to facilitate
software and systems making it easier for both academic dishonesty or any other forms of unethical
students and lecturers to access and work with data in behavior (e.g., plagiarism, cheating, harassment, and
a more intuitive way. However, integrating ChatGPT falsification of data). In detail, students can use
with learning technologies is useful as it can provide ChatGPT to generate essays and research papers and
several benefits such as (1) personalized support and then submitted as original work done by them. This
feedback to students, (2) answer questions, (3) lead to undermining the learning process integrity by
suggest resources, and (4) generate quizzes or encouraging plagiarism. Also, students can use
practice exercises. For example, integrating ChatGPT ChatGPT to cheat on tests or quizzes. This could lead
with an LMS can be useful to provide students with to a culture of cheating and undermine the value of
instant feedback on their assignments, suggest academic achievement. Besides, ChatGPT could be
additional resources based on their learning needs, used to manipulate or misuse data to achieve
improve the learning experience, and provide more satisfactory results in scientific research which
tailored support to students. undermine the integrity of research.
B. Weaknesses: C. Opportunities:
Several issues need to be resolved before ChatGPT can The analysis results revealed several opportunities of
be accepted as a viable solution in education sector. For using ChatGPT in education sector which represented as
example: the following:
• Improved accessibility: As long as students have
• Dependence on technology: One of the defects of access to the internet, ChatGPT can be available to
using ChatGPT in education is the reliance on them 24/7 a week. This accessibility allows students
technology. Excessive or inappropriate use of especially those who are unable to attend traditional
ChatGPT will negatively affect the entire educational classes due to location and cost constraints to get
process. Heavy use of ChatGPT by students could learning anytime and anywhere. Such an advantage
reduce their focus on different aspects of learning will allow students to get answers to their questions at
(e.g., problem-solving, critical thinking, and any time. Furthermore, it can help students overcome
interpersonal skills). Students who rely on technology hurdles in their learning quickly and efficiently.
to solve problems will definitely struggle to function
effectively in the real world. Additionally, if technical • Improved learning outcomes: ChatGPT can be used
issues arise with ChatGPT (e.g., bugs or connectivity to improve student learning performance as it can
problems), it could disrupt the learning process and provide students with (1) real-time feedback (2)
create frustration and inefficiencies. Although personalized learning experiences (3) explore many
ChatGPT can provide personalized feedback and study topics in depth (4) examination of many study
assistance, it may not provide the same level of topics in a broad and varied manner, and (5) provide
interaction and support that a human teacher or peer an enjoyable learning style. Also, ChatGPT is
could. This could limit the development of social developed to support multiple languages which
skills and interpersonal relationships among students. makes it a strong education tool for students who may
Moreover, ChatGPT increases the gap between not speak the same language as their teachers.
students who have access to technology and who do ChatGPT can be used to free teachers' time to focus
not, which could affect their ability to succeed on more high-value tasks. This can be done by
academically. allowing ChatGPT to do some routine tasks on behalf
of the teacher such as (1) grading students'
• Lack of human interaction: Human interaction plays a assignments and pointing out the mistakes and gaps
critical role in the education sector. The heavy use of that students need more focus (2) answering
ChatGPT will lead to a lack of human interaction. In frequently asked questions.
fact, ChatGPT does not provide the same level of
human interaction as traditional teaching methods, • Enhanced collaboration: The qualitative analysis
which may impact student engagement and results shown that ChatGPT can facilitate
motivation. Interpersonal relationships between collaboration between students themselves as well as
students and teachers are highly recommended as between students and teachers. It can support students
2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
in developing their skills in critical thinking by personal information (e.g., student names, age,
learning from their peers by automating peer review learning preferences, etc...) will raise some privacy
of students' works and allowing students to give each questions about how this data is stored, used, and
other feedback on their projects. Furthermore, who has access to it. Secondly, integrating ChatGPT
ChatGPT can be used to connect students with with other educational software and systems will
experts, consultants, advisors, and industry potentially lead to sharing of students' data across
professionals in their field of study which helps them multiple platforms. Concerns about the security of
learn from realworld examples and develop their students' data and the potential for data breaches and
skills. In this study, the experts highlighted that cyber-attacks will raise. Lastly, the use of ChatGPT in
ChatGPT can be used to connect students from the education sector could lead to the collection of
different institutions where such advantage provide additional data (e.g., student conversations with the
opportunities for cross-cultural learning and AI-powered tool). This data may be used to develop
collaboration. more advanced machine learning algorithms, in
• Innovation: There is a consensus among experts that which data privacy and the ethical use of students'
the use of ChatGPT in the education sector can drive data are critical issues.
innovation in teaching and learning methods. They • Quality concerns: ChatGPT response accuracy is the
mentioned that this can done through allow education major concern regards the quality. Providing accurate
institutions to create new, more effective ways of or complete answers to complex questions is still one
delivering education. For instance, ChatGPT can of the main limitations of ChatGPT. Besides, the
provide learners with challenging questions and question may be asked in the wrong way by the
problems to solve, encouraging them to think students, which leads to a misunderstanding of the
creatively and critically. It can help students generate question by ChatGPT which will lead to generate a
creative ideas in various fields and ensure their wrong response. This will create a conflict between
applicability. Students can use it to improve on some the accuracy of ChatGPT's responses and the quality
old ideas and transform them distinctively and of its teaching may not always meet the high
beautifully into modern ideas. standards set by traditional teaching methods. The use
of ChatGPT may resulting in a lower quality of
D. Threats: learning experience. This may happen because
As for the threats, the summary of what concerned experts ChatGPT may not be able to provide the same level
was that they believe that although many forward-looking of engagement and personalized attention that a
educators and education institutions will see ChatGPT as human teacher can offer. ChatGPT has a limited
an opportunity to adopt better teaching practices that open ability to deal with some specific individual student
up exciting opportunities for students, there will probably needs and learning styles which could impact its
be some educators who view it as a threat to their current effectiveness as a teaching tool. Thus, teachers may
teaching practices or culture (in terms of traditional be reluctant to use ChatGPT as a teaching tool and
teaching methods, teacher-student interactions, etc.) or prefer traditional teaching methods that are more
just in terms of concerns around data security and privacy suited to their students’ needs.
policies. Those threats were as follows:
• Resistance to change: The analysis results revealed The SWOT analysis results revealed several strengths
that the adoption of ChatGPT in the education sector and opportunities of ChatGPT for the education sector. In
may be limited due to resistance towards new the strength category, the Analysis result shows that
technology and teaching methods. Educators and Personalization is a key strength. It supports
students, who are accustomed to traditional learning individualized learning by providing customized
methods, may exhibit reluctance in using ChatGPT as materials, personalized lesson plans, and targeted
a learning tool. They may also be apprehensive about feedback to both teachers and students. Accessibility is the
the possibility of technology taking over human second strength offered by ChatGPT which enables self-
interaction and personal connections that are vital in paced learning and improves access to educational
classroom environments. resources for students, including those with disabilities.
• Potential job displacement: This threat is one of the Next, Cost-effectiveness is another advantage of using
most prominent threats revealed by this study. Many ChatGPT in the education sector. It can provide valuable
experts expressed that the adoption of ChatGPT in the insights and predictive analytics to assist educational
education sector may lead to the replace some institutions in making informed decisions and developing
traditional educational roles. The use of ChatGPT in targeted interventions. Feedback is also valuable, aiding in
the education sector may reduce the need for humans. mistake identification and a better understanding of
For example, ChatGPT can be used instead of subjects. ChatGPT Integration with learning technologies
curriculum designers and instructional designers. This allows for a seamless experience and benefits such as
is because that ChatGPT can create educational personalized support, resource recommendations, and
materials, such as lesson plans and course materials. automated grading.
Furthermore, it can replace the teachers and use it as However, the analysis result shows that ChatGPT like
an online tutoring tool and replace the advisor and any other technology has weaknesses and threats to be
use it as an online learning advisor. This may considered. Dependence on technology is one of the major
decrease the demand for human tutors and advisors. weaknesses of ChatGPT that may hinder students' focus
• Data privacy concerns: The experts mentioned that and limit human interaction, impacting the development
ChatGPT raises concerns about data privacy in of social skills. Ethical issues arise, including the potential
several ways. Firstly, as ChatGPT is an AI-powered for academic dishonesty and data manipulation.
tool, this will require access to a significant amount Resistance to change, potential job displacement, data
of data to operate effectively. Such data including privacy concerns, and quality issues are also threats to
2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
consider. Despite these challenges, ChatGPT can still • Developing quality standards is essential to ensure
contribute to improved accessibility, learning outcomes, that the ChatGPT system is effective and provides
collaboration, and innovation in the education sector if accurate and relevant responses.
implemented thoughtfully. • The design of an optimal set of rules to decide the
V. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EDUCATION types of learning applications that should integrated
with ChatGPT.
• Developing a methodology to assess risk from
The discussion in the preceding sections highlights the integrating ChatGPT.
fact that there are still numerous challenges that need to be
• Evaluating the impact of ChatGPT integration on
overcome before ChatGPT can be considered robust
student outcomes.
enough for use in the education sector. Therefore, this
study concludes with a set of recommendations for two • User-friendly interface that is easy to use and
key audiences within the context of using ChatGPT in the navigate, especially for students who may not be
education sector: education institutions who will be familiar with complex technology.
adopting this technology in their practices, and researchers • Researchers need to focus on APIs as ChatGPT can
who will be studying and developing it further. Our be integrated with other systems through APIs to
recommendations for education institutions are broad and communicate and exchange data.
adaptable, given the evolving nature of the technology. • Developing integration platforms that could be used
For researchers, our suggestions are more concrete, as the to manage the communication between ChatGPT and
underlying forces that drive the potential of ChatGPT in the other learning management systems.
education are more clearly defined.
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• Security and privacy standards and issues to protect education: randomized controlled trial. Heliyon, 7(5), e07014.
sensitive data. Implementing best practices for data
privacy and protection.
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