Chat GPT
Chat GPT
Chat GPT
2 41
2 authors, including:
Florent Nkoulou
Shenzhen University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Florent Nkoulou on 22 September 2023.
Keywords: This research aims to explore the determinants of users’ satisfaction and loyalty towards ChatGPT while also
Information quality investigating ethical concerns related to the usage of the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. For this purpose, the
Perceived coolness study develops a framework based on five models and theories (information system success, technology
Technology affinity
acceptance model, affinity theory, coolness theory, and posthumanism) as well as other important constructs
Posthuman ability
(user ethical perceptions and user ethical beliefs). Analysis of data collected from 456 actual ChatGPT users in
Ethical usage concerns the US reveals several key findings. First, information quality significantly and positively affects users’ satis
faction, perceived usefulness, and coolness. Second, perceived usefulness, coolness, technology affinity, and
posthuman ability also have a positive impact on users’ satisfaction, which subsequently influences their loyalty
to the AI chatbot. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that user ethical perceptions and beliefs negatively
moderate the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. The main implication of this research is that brand
managers and programmers should regularly assess the chatbot’s performance to ensure that the information
provided is relevant, reliable, concise, and delivered promptly. This is because users highly value the quality of
information delivered by the AI chatbot. Additionally, they should prioritize the ethical aspect, as it directly
influences users’ satisfaction and loyalty towards the chatbot services.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Niu), [email protected] (G.F.N. Mvondo).
Received 19 May 2023; Received in revised form 1 September 2023; Accepted 2 September 2023
0969-6989/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
examination of the determinants of users’ satisfaction and loyalty to the AI service agents (Ashfaq et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2023), intelligent
AI chatbot becomes relevant. For this purpose, we rely on a sample of assistants (Rajaobelina et al., 2021), virtual agents (Araujo, 2018), and
456 actual ChatGPT users in the US and use structural equation e-service agents (Selamat and Windasari, 2021). Chatbots are commonly
modeling (SEM). used as company representatives to improve customer service, engage
This research considers information quality (IQ) as the major factor and entertain customers, and support businesses by either replacing or
affecting user satisfaction and loyalty. IQ was initially proposed in the augmenting human support agents with AI (Chung et al., 2020; Jin and
information system success (ISS) model developed by DeLone and Youn, 2021). They support users for various purposes, including infor
McLean (1992). It has been extensively studied in various contexts, such mation seeking, handling search queries, and building social relation
as in research on ubiquitous computing applications (Kim et al., 2009), ships (Ashfaq et al., 2020). Chatbots can replicate spoken (voice-based
location-based apps (Chen and Tsai, 2019; Wang and Lin, 2017), AI chatbots) and written (text-based AI chatbots) human dialogue,
e-learning system success (Al-Fraihat et al., 2020), and chatbot customer allowing users to communicate with AI agents as if they were engaging
services (Kwangsawad and Jattamart, 2022). According to Setia et al. with live agents (Gkinko and Elbanna, 2022; Konya-Baumbach et al.,
(2013), IQ is “the accuracy, format, completeness, and currency of in 2023; Zhou et al., 2023). ChatGPT and traditional chatbots differ in the
formation produced by digital technologies” (p. 268). IQ measures how training data and approach. ChatGPT is trained on a massive amount of
well information serves its intended purpose and meets the user’s ex publicly available information, enabling it to provide answers and in
pectations. The higher the quality of information, the more trustworthy sights on various topics and inquiries, even if it does not have a valid
and valuable it is for making decisions, solving problems, and achieving answer (Dai et al., 2023). Furthermore, ChatGPT can assist writers by
objectives (Kim et al., 2009; Kwangsawad and Jattamart, 2022). generating human-like texts and even programming computers. Unlike
In addition to IQ, this research also takes into account other relevant other chatbots, which are trained on specific topics and simply provide
factors from established models and theories. These factors include pre-written responses, ChatGPT generates answers rather than just
perceived usefulness from the technology acceptance model (TAM), copying and pasting them (Loeppky, 2023).
technology affinity from the media affinity theory, perceived coolness In recent years, scholars have shown increased interest in examining
from the coolness theory, and posthuman ability from posthumanism. the relationship between humans and virtual agents. A review of the
Perceived usefulness, as defined by Davis (1989), refers to the extent to literature suggests that most studies have focused on comparing human-
which individuals believe that using a particular system would enhance chatbot and human-human communication (e.g., Hill et al., 2015; Mou
their job performance. It is a crucial factor in determining user accep and Xu, 2017), with most research employing the “computer are social
tance of technology. Technology affinity represents users’ perceived actors” paradigm, which was advanced by Nass et al. (1994). Addi
importance of technology in their lives, reflecting their affinity towards tionally, Chatbots have been studied in various contexts, including
technology and its role in various aspects of their daily routines and healthcare services (Ben-Shabat et al., 2022), customer services (Tran
activities (Aldás-Manzano et al., 2009; Perse, 1986). Perceived coolness et al., 2021), finance (Huang and Lee, 2022), education (Celik, 2023),
encompasses the overall judgment of a technological product, including and travel services (Nguyen et al., 2022).
its perceived originality, attractiveness, and the potential to build a Scholars have also scrutinized the association between virtual agents
subculture around it (Sundar et al., 2014). Coolness plays a significant and users’ satisfaction. For example, Ashfaq et al. (2020) studied the
role in shaping user perceptions and attitudes toward technology determinants of user satisfaction with chatbots, taking to account the ISS
(Mamonov and Koufaris, 2020; Sundar et al., 2014). Posthuman ability model, expectation-confirmation model, and TAM. They found that
refers to the enhanced capabilities or attributes that surpass those of these factors positively affect user satisfaction. Hsu and Lin (2023)
typical human beings (Nath and Manna, 2023). It represents the ability analyzed consumer satisfaction and loyalty toward e-service agents and
of technology to perform a specific task better than a human (Gambino found that AI chatbot service recovery quality and AI chatbot conver
and Sundar, 2019). sational quality significantly influence user satisfaction. Moreover,
Earlier studies have argued that ethical concerns may have an impact Nguyen et al. (2022) compared user interactions with chatbot interfaces
on users’ attitudes toward technology (Cheung and To, 2021; Nadeem and menu-based interfaces; they found that chatbot systems lead to a
et al., 2020; Román, 2007). ChatGPT is a versatile technology with a lower level of perceived autonomy and higher cognitive load compared
wide range of applications. However, concerns have been raised with menu-based interface systems, resulting in a lower degree of user
regarding unethical practices associated with the AI chatbot. Therefore, satisfaction.
this research also examines the interaction effect of user ethical per Despite the growing number of studies on chatbots, the determinants
ceptions of ChatGPT and user ethical beliefs on the relationship between of user satisfaction and loyalty are still limited. Additionally, the existing
satisfaction and loyalty. literature lacks studies that provide a comprehensive understanding of
In summary, the objective of this research is three-fold: (1) To the relationship between IQ, satisfaction, and loyalty. Earlier studies
develop a novel integrated framework that provides a comprehensive have investigated the association between IQ and satisfaction, but they
understanding of the determinants of user satisfaction and loyalty to adopted a holistic perspective and did not shed light on the underlying
wards ChatGPT. (2) To conduct an empirical analysis to validate the mechanisms (i.e., factors) of IQ and how they impact user satisfaction (e.
conceptual model. (3) To understand the potential moderating role of g., Ruan and Mezei, 2022; Tisland et al., 2022). IQ is a complex and
user ethical perceptions of ChatGPT and user ethical beliefs on the multidimensional phenomenon (Ge et al., 2011); accordingly, it is crit
relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. The findings of this ical to determine the key aspects important to customers to help com
research will offer valuable guidance to programmers and brand man panies develop effective strategies for improving the quality of
agers involved in the development and management of AI chatbots. By information.
understanding the factors that contribute to user satisfaction and loy To extend the literature on chatbots and fill the gap, the current
alty, as well as the potential influence of ethical concerns, programmers study proposes a model based on the ISS model by including IQ and its
and brand managers can make informed decisions to enhance user ex underlying factors comprising relevance, reliability, conciseness, and
periences and foster stronger relationships with their users. quickness. The model also incorporates other factors from models and
theories such as TAM (perceived usefulness), media affinity theory
2. Literature review on chatbots (technology affinity), coolness theory (perceived coolness), and post
human ability (posthumanism). Additionally, the model includes two
Shawar and Atwell (2005) defined chatbots as “machine conversa new constructs: user ethical perceptions of ChatGPT and user ethical
tion systems [that] interact with human users via natural conversational beliefs, which serve as moderators in the relationship between satis
language” (p. 489). They are identified under different names, including faction and loyalty. Users’ ethical perceptions and beliefs can influence
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
their behavior (Cheung and To, 2021; Nadeem et al., 2020). Ajzen and 3.2. Technology acceptance model: perceived usefulness
Fishbein (2005) conducted a comprehensive analysis of
attitude-behavior research, wherein they observed that while overall TAM is a popular model in IS research. The model was proposed by
attitudes can significantly impact behavior, this influence is contingent Davis (1985, 1989) to explain how consumers come to adopt computer
upon specific circumstances or individual characteristics. In other technology and has been widely used in various contexts, such as in
words, the relationship between attitude (i.e., satisfaction) and behavior studies on wearable healthcare technology (Kim and Ho, 2021), video
(i.e., loyalty) is generally moderated by factors pertaining to the indi game consoles (Nan et al., 2022a), virtual reality (Seong and Hong,
vidual performing the behavior. Ethical perceptions and beliefs are 2022), and fashion mobile apps (Pop et al., 2023). TAM suggests that the
considered to be plausible factors that reflect individual differences acceptance of an IS by users depends on two key factors: perceived
(Cheung and To, 2021; Román, 2007). Hendriana et al. (2013) argued usefulness and perceived ease of use. The use of an IS is determined by “a
that ethical beliefs represent opinions that users adhere to in order to behavioral intention to use the system, where the intention to use IS is
form a generally accepted standard of conduct, and Román (2007) determined by an individual’s attitude toward using the system and its
suggested that ethical perceptions refer to how users perceive a com perceived usefulness” (Verma et al., 2018, p. 3). This research only
pany’s responsibility, integrity, and commitment to ensuring secure, adopted the concept of perceived usefulness because it is believed that
honest, fair, and confidential treatment of users, with a priority on ChatGPT is user-friendly, as users only need to type a question or paste
consumer protection. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, previous content. This research defines perceived usefulness as an individual’s
research has not examined the interaction effect of user ethical per perception of how AI chatbots can provide practical benefits, improve
ceptions and user ethical beliefs on the satisfaction-loyalty relationship. efficiency, increase productivity, or enhance overall effectiveness. It is
The inclusion of these two constructs will enhance the model’s reli the perception that an IS is beneficial in helping an individual achieve
ability and provide a deeper understanding of ethical concerns sur their work-related goals.
rounding ChatGPT.
3.3. Media affinity theory: technology affinity
3. Theoretical foundation
The media affinity theory is defined as “the importance of the me
3.1. Information system success: information quality dium in the lives of individuals” (Aldás-Manzano et al., 2009, p 741).
This theory is grounded in uses and gratifications research, which ex
In today’s fast-paced information-driven world, businesses and in plains that individuals actively seek and consume media content with
dividuals rely heavily on information to make informed decisions and the objective of gratifying their needs and satisfying their various in
take effective actions. IQ measures the quality of the content of an IS terests (Perse, 1986; Rubin, 1981). This research conceptualizes tech
(Ma, 2021; Zhong and Chen, 2023; Zrnec et al., 2022). This study defines nology affinity as users’ perceived importance of AI chatbots in their life.
IQ as the quality of the information provided by AI chatbots. IQ is critical Media affinity has been used to evaluate individuals’ attitudes toward
because it directly affects decision-making accuracy and effectiveness technology. For instance, Xu and Du (2018) studied the determinants of
(Cheng et al., 2021; Demoulin and Coussement, 2020; Kumar, 2023). user loyalty to digital libraries and found that IQ, service quality, and
High-quality information is vital to users and helps them save time and system quality are critical determinants of users’ affinity to digital li
effort. Poor IQ may result in incorrect decisions and lower competi braries. Likewise, Aldas-Manzano et al. (2009) explored the drivers of
tiveness (Hausvik et al., 2021; Song et al., 2022; Torres and Sidorova, mobile shopping acceptance and found that mobile affinity increases
2019). usage intentions.
IQ is a multidimensional construct that encompasses important re
lationships among multiple factors. In a study on data quality manage 3.4. Coolness theory: perceived coolness
ment, Wang and Strong (1996) classified IQ into four groups: contextual,
intrinsic, accessibility, and representational. Meanwhile, in a study on The coolness theory, also known as perceived coolness, was proposed
ubiquitous computing applications, Kim et al. (2009) identified three by Sundar et al. (2014) to explain the perception of coolness in tech
dimensions of IQ: relevance, accuracy, and timeliness. Ge et al. (2011) nological products. They defined perceived coolness as an overall
further assessed IQ by distinguishing between raw data stored in data judgment of a technological product that is perceived as original,
bases and the information product delivered to users and identified nine attractive, and capable of building a subculture around it (Sundar et al.,
dimensions of IQ. This research builds upon earlier studies by Wang and 2014). A product’s coolness contributes to its success in the marketplace
Strong (1996), Kim et al. (2009), and Ge et al. (2011) and identifies four because it plays a critical role in how consumers view and use it.
dimensions of IQ that are relevant to the study context: relevance, Coolness is subject-specific; consumers may perceive a product’s cool
reliability, conciseness, and quickness. Relevance of information refers to ness differently (Warren et al., 2018). Several scholars assert that when
“the correspondence between users’ requests and system responses or consumers perceive a product/service as cool, they are more likely to
between users’ expectations and service” (Kim et al., 2009, p. 440). show positive behavioral intentions, such as loyalty (Chen and Chou,
Reliability of information refers to the trustworthiness and dependability 2019), adoption intention (Mamonov and Koufaris, 2020), usage
of information (Ge et al., 2011). Conciseness of information is the degree intention (Ahn and Park, 2022), and purchase intentions (Reinikainen
to which the information is well-formatted, well-organized, and et al., 2021). Perceived coolness is a complex and multidimensional
aesthetically appealing (Wang and Strong, 1996). Information provided phenomenon “comprising attractiveness, subcultural appeal, and origi
by an information system (IS) should be clear, concise, and nality.” Attractiveness denotes the aesthetic of a product. Sundar et al.
well-presented (Ge et al., 2011). In this research, we modified the term (2014) pointed out that people tend to be attracted to products with
“timeliness” to “quickness.” This is necessary because ChatGPT does not aesthetically appealing features and functions. A subcultural appeal de
provide up-to-date information, as it has limited knowledge of the world notes products whose usage promotes the formation of subcultures.
and events beyond 2021 (OpenAI, 2023). As a result, the AI chatbot According to Nan et al. (2022a), “since the use of products that are
cannot answer current questions. We then define quickness of information unique in appearance and function is uncommon in mainstream society,
as the speed at which users obtain information from ChatGPT. Quick their use tends to stand out, promoting the development of subcultures
access to information is highly valued, as it can significantly impact related to these products” (p. 3). Originality is related to a product’s
decision-making, productivity, and overall efficiency. uniqueness and innovativeness. Products with unique designs and
functions are generally perceived as original (Ahn and Park, 2022;
Sundar et al., 2014).
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
3.5. Posthumanism: posthuman ability conciseness, and d) quickness is related to perceived coolness.
User satisfaction is “an established common measure of the success
Posthumanism is one of the well-known theories in the present day
or effectiveness of IS in general” (Ghasemaghaei and Hassanein, 2015, p.
(Nath and Manna, 2023). In the book titled “Why I want to be a post
7). The ISS model posits that “the quality of information as an output of
human when I grow up?” Bostrom (2013) argues that being “posthu
an IS is one of the major components explaining user satisfaction”
man” means attaining at least one posthuman ability. He further
(Laumer et al., 2017, p. 336). Individuals use an IS with the expectation
explains posthuman ability as a competence that far surpasses the
that it helps them accomplish a task, and overall satisfaction is the main
maximum achievable level for any human being without the assistance
factor determining whether they will transact with it and return to it in
of smart technology. In IS research, posthuman ability has been
the future (Arghashi and Yuksel, 2022; Ashfaq et al., 2020; Ghasema
conceptualized as the capacity of technology to outperform humans in a
ghaei and Hassanein, 2015). In a study on users of enterprise content
specific task (Gambino and Sundar, 2019; Nath and Manna, 2023).
management systems, Laumer et al. (2017) revealed that when infor
Intelligent systems capable of surpassing human intelligence in a
mation is not relevant to a task or is difficult to understand, individuals
particular field are considered posthuman (Nath and Manna, 2023).
may seek alternative ways to obtain the information. In contrast, when
The introduction of smart technologies with innovative features
an IS provides quick, relevant, reliable, and easily understandable in
often leads to tensions as they take up roles traditionally reserved for
formation, it can enhance users’ satisfaction. Based on this reasoning,
humans. This is often seen through a pessimistic lens. However, “how
we propose that:
well a technology can perform its job may combat negative factors”
(Gambino and Sundar, 2019, p. 2). For instance, calculators, which are H3. Information quality dimensions of a) relevancy, b) reliability, c)
simple devices designed to perform mathematical calculations previ conciseness, and d) quickness is related to user satisfaction.
ously done mentally or on paper, are defined by their ability to
considerably outperform humans. Autonomous vehicles are another 4.2. Perceived usefulness and user satisfaction
example of technology perceived as posthuman (Gambino and Sundar,
2019). Although individuals may have issues and very important ethical Perceived usefulness and satisfaction are two major factors that
dilemmas regarding driverless cars, they may still conclude that the determine the success of any IS, including ChatGPT. The perceived
technology is acceptable based on the sheer abilities of the driverless car usefulness of a chatbot can be measured by its ability to provide relevant
and its network (Gambino and Sundar, 2019). and helpful information, solve problems, and assist users in achieving
their objectives (Van den Broeck et al., 2019; Kasilingam, 2020; Selamat
4. Hypotheses development and theoretical framework and Windasari, 2021). Earlier research has examined the link between
usefulness and satisfaction. For instance, Joo et al. (2017) found that
4.1. Information quality, perceived usefulness, perceived coolness, and digital textbooks’ perceived usefulness is related to user satisfaction.
user satisfaction Similarly, Li and Fang (2019) found that usefulness is a critical predictor
of users’ satisfaction. Thus, we propose that:
Individuals invest significant time and effort seeking out answers to
H4. Perceived usefulness has a positive effect on user satisfaction.
specific questions, advice on various topics, explanations of complex
concepts, recommendations for products or services, opinions on current
4.3. Technology affinity and user satisfaction
events, and assistance with problem-solving (Ashfaq et al., 2020). Thus,
virtual agents should provide personalized, complete,
As explained earlier, technology affinity is users’ perceived impor
easy-to-understand, and well-formatted information because IQ is one of
tance of technology in their life. Several scholars have suggested that the
the most important quality components to measure the success of a
stronger a user’s relationship with technology, the higher the likelihood
system (Teo et al., 2008).
they feel that using it meets their expectations (Aldás-Manzano et al.,
Since its launch, ChatGPT has become a sensational hit because it can
2009). This is because a positive affinity towards technology fosters
generate human-like responses to a wide range of queries and topics. It
greater trust and comfort, resulting in a more positive overall experience
can understand natural language inputs from users and provide quick,
(Perse, 1986). In the context of ChatGPT, if users have a positive affinity
relevant, and reliable (in most cases) information that is easy to un
towards the AI chatbot, they are more likely to be satisfied with their
derstand. IQ can impact the perceived usefulness of an IS. Demoulin and
interactions. In contrast, users with a negative affinity toward ChatGPT
Coussement (2020) argued that high-quality information enhances
are more likely to be dissatisfied. Negative experiences can lead to
users’ and businesses’ performance and efficiency. The factors of rele
frustration and mistrust, which can further decrease the user’s affinity
vance, reliability, conciseness, and quickness are important for deter
for the AI chatbot.
mining the quality of information. Information that is well-organized,
Earlier studies have found a strong relationship between users’ af
trustworthy, accurate, match users’ needs or task, and is quickly
finity to technology and satisfaction. Soltani-Nejad et al. (2020) found
accessible is more likely to be perceived as useful. Earlier research has
that users who have a closer relationship with technology are more
found that IQ positively influences a digital device’s perceived useful
likely to develop an affinity for it and, as a result, tend to be more
ness (Xu and Du, 2018). Accordingly, we propose that:
satisfied with the technology. Likewise, Xu and Du (2018) found that
H1. Information quality dimensions of a) relevancy, b) reliability, c) users’ affinity for digital libraries increases satisfaction. To echo earlier
conciseness, and d) quickness is related to perceived usefulness. research findings, we hypothesize that:
The perception of coolness is subject-specific (Warren et al., 2018). H5. Technology affinity positively influences user satisfaction.
The association between IQ and coolness is not straightforward, as it
depends on users’ preferences. Generally, if the information provided is 4.4. Perceived coolness and user satisfaction
reliable and corresponds to users’ needs or interests, it is more likely to
be perceived as cool (Peng et al., 2016). ChatGPT can, in most cases, In recent years, perceived coolness has emerged as a critical
provide high-quality information on a wide range of queries and topics. construct in IS research. Coolness is the strongest positive expression
Therefore, we assume that users may perceive the information provided validating a technological device’s novelty, originality, and attractive
by the AI chatbot as cool. ness (Chen and Chou, 2019; Nan et al., 2022a). A chatbot that is
perceived as cool is more likely to be engaging and enjoyable to interact
H2. Information quality dimensions of a) relevancy, b) reliability, c)
with, which can increase user satisfaction. Similarly, a chatbot that
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
effectively meets a user’s needs and provides a satisfying experience is protection to consumers’ interests” (p. 3). Privacy is the primary concern
more likely to be perceived as cool by the users. Earlier research has for users when interacting with technology (Nadeem et al., 2020). While
demonstrated that coolness is an important determinant of user satis users perceive ChatGPT as enjoyable and useful, they may also view it as
faction (Liu and Mattila, 2019; Nan et al., 2022b). Therefore, we propose potentially risky in terms of ethical lapses. When interacting with the AI
that: chatbot, users provide sensitive information that becomes part of the
public domain. Additionally, OpenAI collects a wide range of user in
H6. Perceived coolness positively influences user satisfaction.
formation, including IP address, browser type and settings, and data on
users’ interactions with the site (Smith, 2023; Veale, 2023). These
4.5. Posthuman ability and user satisfaction concerns can influence users’ loyalty. Thus, we predict that user ethical
perceptions will moderate the association between satisfaction and
Digital devices that outperform humans in specific tasks are loyalty, resulting in decreased user loyalty to ChatGPT. Accordingly, we
perceived as posthuman (Gambino and Sundar, 2019). ChatGPT, an hypothesize that:
AI-powered chatbot, outperforms humans by providing accurate an
swers to a broad range of queries and topics. In addition, the AI chatbot H9. The association between satisfaction and loyalty is negatively
can program computers, which has helped users who were struggling to moderated by user ethical perceptions.
write code. Gambino and Sundar (2019) argued that “the efficiency or OpenAI has not been transparent about the algorithm and data
the ability of a device to perform tasks at a very high level may be the source used to train ChatGPT (McGowan, 2023). The model is trained on
key to the public acceptance of the technology” (p. 2). We predict that data from the internet, which may contain biases, misinformation, or
ChatGPT’s ability to outperform humans in various tasks will lead to a controversial content. As a result, there are instances where the AI
positive user experience. Accordingly, we hypothesize that: chatbot inadvertently learns and reproduces these biases and inaccura
H7. Posthuman ability has a positive effect on user satisfaction. cies in its responses (e.g., stereotypes, race, and gender discrimination)
(Germain, 2023).
4.6. User satisfaction and loyalty Users’ ethical beliefs can significantly influence their behavior
(Cheung and To, 2021). As mentioned earlier, user ethical beliefs refer to
Jones and Sasser (1995) defined loyalty as “a feeling of attachment the opinions that users adhere to in order to establish a generally
or affection for a company’s people, products, or services” (p. 94). Ac accepted standard of conduct (Hendriana et al., 2013). Individuals with
cording to Oliver (1999), loyalty is “a deeply held commitment to rebuy strong ethical beliefs tend to apply strict moral standards when evalu
or repatronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future” (p. ating a company’s conduct or its products (Vitell and Paolillo, 2004).
34). These two definitions suggest that loyalty is a multidimensional These individuals are particularly attentive to whether a company pri
construct comprising attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. In fact, several oritizes corporate social responsibility as an integral aspect of its oper
researchers have argued that loyalty encompasses two dimensions: ations (Vitell and Paolillo, 2004). When users perceive that AI firms have
continuance intention and WOM (Chiu et al., 2013; Xu et al., 2015; embraced ethical practices such as transparency in the data used to train
Thakur, 2018). Other researchers have adopted a composite approach AI chatbots and accountability, they may perceive these practices as
by integrating both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty into a measure of aligning with their own stringent moral codes, which aim to protect
loyalty. For instance, Liu et al. (2011) integrated the items measuring others and society. Individuals identifying with a company’s ethical
recommendation and continuance usage into a measure of loyalty. This practices are likely to reflect those practices through positive behaviors
research adopts this perspective and integrates continuance usage and (Cheung and To, 2021), such as loyalty. Conversely, individuals who
WOM in the measure of loyalty. We conceptualize loyalty as a feeling of perceive a company’s practices as unethical will not endorse or support
attachment to the chatbot’s information resources and related services, those practices. Based on this reasoning. We predict that user ethical
characterized by continued usage and positive WOM. beliefs will moderate the association between satisfaction and loyalty,
Individuals who develop a bond with a brand will remain loyal and resulting in decreased user loyalty to ChatGPT.
engage in supportive behavior (Mvondo et al., 2023b). User satisfaction H10. The association between satisfaction and loyalty is negatively
with ChatGPT represents an accumulative feeling developed throughout moderated by user ethical beliefs (Fig. 1).
the process of using the AI chatbot and interacting with it. Several
scholars have asserted that satisfaction and loyalty are closely related 5. Methodology
(Nan et al., 2022b). In a study on mobile commerce, Sarkar et al. (2020)
asserted that when users are satisfied with technology, they are more 5.1. Measures
likely to remain loyal and continue using the service over time. Simi
larly, in research on customer service chatbots, Hsu and Lin (2023) The research instrument and items were developed by referring to
found that user satisfaction positively impacts loyalty. To echo previous existing literature and slightly adjusted to fit the study context. A 7-point
research findings, we advance that: Likert-type scale was used for measuring the items, with a rating scale
H8. User satisfaction positively influences loyalty. ranging from “1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree).” To assess IQ, a
set of eleven items was adapted from the studies conducted by Ge et al.
(2011), Kim et al. (2009), and Wang and Strong (1996). The scale
4.7. Ethical concerns of ChatGPT
consisted of three items for each relevance, reliability, and conciseness
dimension. We revised the “timeliness” dimension to “quickness,”
Ethical issues arise when a particular decision, scenario, or activity
removed the item “up to date,” as it was irrelevant to this study, and
conflicts with the moral principles of a society. Both individuals and
assessed it using a two-item scale.
businesses can be involved in these conflicts, as any of their actions may
Perceived usefulness was assessed using a three-item scale adapted
be subject to ethical scrutiny (Indeed, 2022). With respect to ChatGPT,
from Davis (1989). Technology affinity was measured using a three-item
two types of ethical concerns can arise from its use: user ethical per
scale adapted from Xu and Du (2018). Perceived coolness was evaluated
ceptions of the AI chatbot and user ethical beliefs.
using a six-item scale adapted from Sundar et al. (2014). Posthuman
According to Román (2007), consumer ethical perceptions refer to
ability was measured using a single item adapted from Gambino and
"consumers’ perceptions of a company’s responsibility and integrity
Sundar (2019). Satisfaction was assessed using a three-item scale
behind the online platform in its attempt to deal with consumers in a
adapted from Oliver (1980), while loyalty was measured using a
secure, honest, fair, and confidential manner, ultimately giving
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
four-item scale adapted from Zhao et al. (2012) and Bloemer et al.
Table 1
(1999). User ethical beliefs were evaluated using a five-item scale
Demographic characteristics.
adapted from Chaudhry and Stumpf (2011) and Cheung and To (2021),
and user ethical perceptions were measured using a five-item scale Items Frequency (N = 456) (%)
5.3. Data analysis To address CMB, the questionnaire included instructions on the strict
anonymity protocol of the study. Respondents were told to be neutral
The authors used IBM SPSS 27.0 to assess common method bias and honest and were informed that there were no right or wrong an
(CMB) and the demographics and Amos 24.0 to assess the measurement swers. We also performed Harman’s single-factor approach, and the
and structural model. Data were analyzed in two phases: (1) model fit, total variance for a single factor was 14.01%, which met the cut-off
data reliability, and validity, and (2) hypotheses testing. criteria. Furthermore, we conducted a full collinearity test, following
Kock (2015) ‘s recommendation. The results demonstrated that all the
variance-inflated factors were lower than 3.3. Thus, CMB is not of
concern in this study.
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
0.997), comparative fit index (CFI = 0.997), Tucker Lewis index (TLI = Relevance of RVI1: The information provided 0.870*** 0.88 0.711
Information by ChatGPT is useful.
0.997), normed fit index (NFI = 0.947), standardized root mean square RVI2: The information provided 0.822***
residual (SRMR = 0.0266), and root mean square error of approximation by ChatGPT is relevant.
(RMSEA = 0.011) were satisfactory. RVI3: The information provided 0.836***
Moreover, the constructs’ composite reliability (CR) value exceeded by ChatGPT is applicable.
Reliability of RI1: The information provided 0.878*** 0.893 0.736
0.70, establishing the measurement instruments’ reliability. The outer
Information by ChatGPT is reliable.
loadings were above 0.704, which proved to be acceptable. The average RI2: The information provided 0.845***
variance extracted (AVE) was confirmed as all items had factor loadings by ChatGPT is trustworthy.
above the threshold of 0.50. Additionally, the Fornell-Larcker criterion RI3: The information provided 0.850***
and the Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio showed that discriminant by ChatGPT is credible.
Conciseness of CI1: The information provided 0.863*** 0.899 0.748
validity was established in the study (see Tables 2 and 3). Information by ChatGPT is well-presented.
CI2: The information provided 0.867***
6.3. Structural model by ChatGPT is aesthetically
CI3: The information provided 0.865***
The proposed model and hypothesized relationships were analyzed
by ChatGPT is well formatted.
using the R-squared method and evaluating the level and significance of Quickness of QI1: ChatGPT provides prompt 0.871*** 0.885 0.794
the path coefficients. R-squared is the proportion of an endogenous information information.
construct’s variance explained by its predictor constructs in a regression QI2: ChatGPT provides 0.911***
model (Mvondo et al., 2022a, 2022b). The results showed that the interesting information without
any delay.
endogenous constructs, namely, perceived usefulness (0.564), perceived Perceived PU1: Overall, ChatGPT is useful 0.862*** 0.89 0.729
coolness (0.526), satisfaction (0.515), and loyalty (0.628), had large usefulness for me.
effects, indicating that the regression model was acceptable. PU2: ChatGPT improves the 0.852***
We found that the IQ factors of relevance (β = 0.291, 0.300, and quality of my daily life.
PU3: ChatGPT is a useful device 0.847***
0.104, i.e., perceived usefulness, coolness, and satisfaction), reliability
in my life.
(β = 0.299, 0.295, and 0.093), conciseness (β = 0.186, 0.128, and Perceived PC1: ChatGPT is cool. 0.878*** 0.941 0.725
0.097), and quickness (β = 0.135, 0.156, and 0.126) positively influence coolness PC2: When I first heard of 0.843***
perceived usefulness, perceived coolness, and satisfaction. Additionally, ChatGPT, I remember thinking it
we found that perceived usefulness (β = 0.136), technology affinity (β = would be cool to use it.
PC3: Using ChatGPT make me 0.832***
0.169), perceived coolness (β = 0.093), and posthuman ability positively look cool.
influence user satisfaction, which, in turn, increases user loyalty (β = PC4: When I use ChatGPT, my 0.854***
0.597) (see Table 4). The findings also revealed that user ethical per response is often like, “That’s
ceptions (β = − 0.216) and User ethical beliefs (β = − 0.168) have a cool!”
PC5: ChatGPT has some cool 0.849***
negative moderating effect on the association between satisfaction and
loyalty (see Tables 4 and 5, Figs. 2 and 3). PC6: ChatGPT is cooler than 0.853***
other chatbots.
7. Discussion Satisfaction SAT1: I am satisfied with my 0.862*** 0.903 0.756
decision to use ChatGPT.
SAT2 I am satisfied with my 0.872***
This research examined the key determinants of user satisfaction and
previous experiences with
loyalty towards ChatGPT while also investigating ethical concerns ChatGPT.
related to the usage of the AI chatbot. To achieve this, an integrated SAT3: My choice to use ChatGPT 0.874***
model based on five models and theories (ISS, TAM, affinity theory, is a wise one.
Technology TA1: Seeking information on 0.864*** 0.881 0.712
coolness theory, and posthumanism) was proposed, along with other
affinity ChatGPT is one of my main daily
important constructs such as user ethical perceptions and user ethical activities.
beliefs. The findings confirmed that the IQ dimensions of relevance, TA2: ChatGPT is important in 0.836***
reliability, conciseness, and quickness have a significant and positive my life.
impact on perceived usefulness, perceived coolness, and satisfaction TA3: I cannot go for several days 0.831***
without using ChatGPT.
(H1, H2, H3). Additionally, perceived usefulness, technology affinity,
User loyalty UL1: I intend to continue using 0.836*** 0.908 0.713
perceived coolness, and posthuman ability were found to positively in ChatGPT in the future and will
fluence user satisfaction (H4, H5, H6, H7), which, in turn, increased user keep using it regularly as I do
loyalty (H8). As predicted, user ethical perceptions and beliefs nega now.
UL2: I intend to increase my use 0.863***
tively moderated the association between satisfaction and loyalty (H9
of ChatGPT in the future.
and H10). These findings suggest that when the AI chatbot provides UL3: I will say positive things 0.843***
high-quality information and is perceived as useful and cool, users are about ChatGPT to other people.
more satisfied and likely to remain loyal. However, user ethical per UL4: I will strongly recommend 0.835***
ceptions and beliefs can negatively affect the relationship between others to use ChatGPT
User ethical UEP1: I think ChatGPT collects 0.794*** 0.89 0.617
satisfaction and loyalty, highlighting the need to address ethical con
perceptions my personal information.
cerns to maintain user loyalty. UEP2: I recognize that disclosing 0.764***
personal information through
ChatGPT is a risk.
(continued on next page)
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
Table 2 (continued )
Construct Items Loading CR AVE
Table 4
>0.7 >0.5
Direct effects.
UEP3: ChatGPT uses collected 0.814***
information for research Hypothesized relationships Std. Std.
purposes Beta Error
UEP4: I think that ChatGPT may 0.774***
disclose my information to third H1a Relevance→Perceived usefulness 0.291** 0.049
parties without consent. H1b Reliability→Perceived usefulness 0.299** 0.042
UEP5: ChatGPT denies users the 0.781*** H1c Conciseness→Perceived usefulness 0.186*** 0.042
right to choose if they wish their H1d Quickness→Perceived usefulness 0.135*** 0.033
data to be collected. H2a Relevance→Perceived coolness 0.300*** 0.043
User ethical UEB1: A person should ensure 0.774*** 0.885 0.607 H2b Reliability→Perceived coolness 0.295** 0.038
beliefs that his/her actions never H2c Conciseness→Perceived coolness 0.128** 0.037
intentionally harm others. H2d Quickness→Perceived coolness 0.156*** 0.030
UEB2: A person should never 0.789*** H3a Relevance→Satisfaction 0.104* 0.041
psychologically harm others. H3b Reliability→ Satisfaction 0.093* 0.042
UEB3: A person should not 0.785*** H3c Conciseness→ Satisfaction 0.097* 0.045
perform an action that might in H3d Quickness→ Satisfaction 0.126* 0.050
any way threaten the dignity and H4 Perceived usefulness→Satisfaction 0.136** 0.051
welfare of others. H5 Technology affinity →Satisfaction 0.169** 0.060
UEB4: A person should not harm 0.756*** H6 Perceived coolness→Satisfaction 0.093* 0.045
innocent others. H7 Posthuman ability→Satisfaction 0.106* 0.047
UEB5: A person should not 0.791*** H8 Satisfaction→Loyalty 0.597** 0.027
sacrifice the welfare of others.
Table 5
8. Implications and future research lines
Interaction effect.
Hypothesized relationships Std. Std.
8.1. Theoretical implications
Beta Error
This study has several academic implications. First, most research on H9 InterSATxUEP − 0.216*** 0.029
ChatGPT has primarily focused on its application in education. For H10 InterSATxUE − 0.168** 0.028
instance, Tlili et al. (2023) explored the use of ChatGPT in education
among early adopters, while Arif et al. (2023) and Eysenbach (2023)
examined its application in medical education. This paper is unique in
that it pioneers the identification of the determinants of users’ loyalty
and ethical usage concerns of ChatGPT. In other words, we integrate five
models and theories (ISS, TAM, affinity theory, coolness theory, and
posthumanism) and other important constructs (user ethical perceptions
and user ethical beliefs) in a new model to examine the determinants of
users’ satisfaction, loyalty, and ethical usage concerns of the AI chatbot.
Second, we have demonstrated that the multidimensional construct
of IQ positively impacts perceived usefulness and satisfaction. While the
link between IQ, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction has been widely
discussed in the literature on chatbots, most research has adopted a
holistic approach to IQ without explaining how the underlying mecha
nisms of IQ impact the outcome variables (e.g., Ashfaq et al., 2020; Ruan
and Mezei, 2022; Tisland et al., 2022). Ge et al. (2011) stressed that IQ is
a complex phenomenon that encompasses important relationships
among multiple factors. By demonstrating that relevance, reliability,
conciseness, and quickness impact perceived usefulness and satisfaction,
this research sheds light on the key aspects of IQ that are important to
customers, providing a framework for companies to develop effective Fig. 2. Interaction effect SATxUEP→UL.
Table 3
Discriminant validity analysis.
Constructs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Relevance of Information 0.843 0.555 0.557 0.479 0.596 0.593 0.541 0.534 0.632 0.096 0.104
Reliability of Information 0.556 0.858 0.52 0.415 0.587 0.578 0.517 0.51 0.553 0.155 0.104
Conciseness of Information 0.562 0.518 0.865 0.39 0.54 0.508 0.501 0.501 0.577 0.163 0.083
Quickness of information 0.473 0.412 0.39 0.891 0.454 0.462 0.467 0.423 0.452 0.181 0.178
Perceived usefulness 0.598 0.587 0.54 0.456 0.854 0.59 0.553 0.558 0.628 0.164 0.11
perceived coolness 0.593 0.578 0.509 0.465 0.591 0.852 0.534 0.544 0.616 0.135 0.158
Satisfaction 0.539 0.517 0.5 0.463 0.554 0.537 0.869 0.534 0.541 0.136 0.05
Technology affinity 0.534 0.51 0.501 0.423 0.56 0.543 0.534 0.844 0.557 0.09 0.141
User loyalty 0.631 0.553 0.578 0.453 0.627 0.618 0.54 0.558 0.844 0.138 0.167
User ethical perceptions 0.094 0.153 0.162 − 0.182 0.165 0.135 − 0.137 0.093 0.139 0.786 0.117
User ethical beliefs 0.101 0.098 0.082 0.182 0.107 0.156 − 0.05 0.14 0.168 − 0.116 0.779
Note: SD = standard deviation; bold values = square root of the average variance extracted (AVE); off-diagonals = correlations.
B. Niu and G.F.N. Mvondo Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 76 (2024) 103562
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