Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion An

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Article in Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research · October 2017

DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2017.4.2.151-168


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4 authors, including:

Endang Hilmi Cecep Kusmana

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Bogor Agricultural University


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Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195


Endang Hilmi*¹, Cecep Kusmana², Endang Suhendang2 and Iskandar3
¹Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University,
Jl. Dr. Soeparno, Komplek GOR Soesilo Soedarman Purwokerto, Indonesia
²Forestry Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Lingkar Akademik Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor, Indonesia
Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Padjadjaran University,
Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, , Indonesia
Received: 1 August 2016, Revised: 13 August 2017, Accepted: 17 October 2017


GREENBELT. Seawater intrusion is an entry process of seawater to land. Many factors have caused
seawater intrusion from freshwater exploitation until mangrove degradation. Mangrove ecosystem is a type
of forest ecosystem which has an ability to reduce seawater intrusion. This paper analyzes the estimation
and prediction of seawater intrusion and correlation between widths of mangrove with seawater intrusion.
The relation analysis between the width of mangrove greenbelt with seawater intrusion used an equation
model to predict seawater intrusion. The research method used sampling technique, system analysis with
powersim software, correlation analysis and mathematical method with trend line analysis. Results show that
(1) the mangrove density in the coastal area is approximately 50 – 109 trees/ha. (2) Simulation results showed
seawater intrusion rate was about 0.20 km year-1 (with mangrove as a component system), but reached 0.3
– 0.4 km/year (without mangrove as a component system). (3) The simulation result also showed that
freshwater salinity was estimated to increase from 1.92 ppt to 4.86 ppt. (4) The relation model between
seawater intrusion and mangrove greenbelt showed that correlation coefficient was 0.97 with the equation
seawater intrusion (m) = 2264.9 * exp (-0.009 * the width of mangrove greenbelt (m)), the correlation of
mangrove width with seawater intrusion was 0.97. (5) Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora styllosa,
Sonneratia alba and Sonneratia caseolaris were the mangrove species that had the best ability to reduce seawater

Keywords: Seawater intrusion, mangrove, water salinity, system analysis

Intrusi air laut merupakan proses masuknya air laut ke daratan. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya intrusi air
laut diantaranya adalah pemompaan air tawar hingga kerusakan ekosistem mangrove. Ekosistem mangrove adalah suatu
ekosistem yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengurangi proses intrusi air laut. Penelitian ini menganalisis pendugaan dan
prediksi intrusi air laut, hubungan antara lebar jalur hijau mangrove dengan intrusi air laut. Analisis hubungan antara
lebar jalur hijau dan intrusi air laut menggunakan suatu model persamaan. Penelitian ini dibangun dengan menggunakan
pendekatan teknik sampling, analisis sistem dengan powersim, analisis korelasi, analisis matematika dengan menggunakan
“trendline”. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) potensi kerapatan mangrove adalah sekitar 50 – 109 pohon/hektar. (2)
hasil simulasi menunjukan laju intrusi air laut jika ada mangrove mencapai 0,20 km/tahun, tapi jika tidak ada mangrove
mencapai 0,3 – 0,4 km/tahun. (3) hasil simulasi menunjukan bahwasalinitas air tawar diduga meningkat dari 1,92 ppt
hingga 4,86 ppt. (4) dari model hubungan antara intrusi air laut dan lebar jalur hijau menunjukan koefisien korelasi sekitar
0,97 dengan persamaan pendugaan intrusi air laut adalah 2264,9 * exp (-0,009 * lebar jalur hijau mangrove (m)), (5)
jenis-jenis Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora styllosa, Sonneratia alba dan Sonneratia caseolaris
merupakan jenis mangrove yang memiliki kemampuan terbaik untuk mengurangi intrusi air laut.

Kata kunci : Intrusi air laut, mangrove, salinitas air, analisis sistem

Corresponding author: [email protected]

©2017 IJFR All rights reserved. Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license. doi:10.20886/ijfr.2017.4.2.151-168 151
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

I. INTRODUCTION of flora and fauna and reduction of seawater

Seawater intrusion occurs as an impact of intrusion. However, the important functions
mangrove degradation, seawater expansion of mangrove ecosystem are the preservation
and freshwater exploitation toward unbalanced of habitat for spawning, representing
potential of freshwater in the coastal ecosystem nursery and feeding grounds for several
(Andrari, Nandang, Masmui & Priyono, 1996). aquatic organisms (Nagelkerken et al., 2008;
The high exploitation of freshwater, as a Kusmana, 2005; Hutchings & Saenger, 1987;
desirable source of water, to support different Snedaker & Snedaker, 1984), reducing and
domestic activity (Hussain, Javadi, & Sherif, retaining heavy metal pollution (Machado,
2015), industrial and agricultural sectors and Moscatelli & Rezende, 2002; Hilmi et al.,
pumping of groundwater (Hussain et al., 2014), reducing abrasion (Cai, Su, Liu, Li,
2015) are critical factors of seawater intrusion & Lei, 2009; Hilmi 2014), reducing of tidal
in Jakarta. The other factors are population wave effect (Mazda, Kanazawa & Wolanski,
growth, land use changes and urbanization 1995; Massel, Furukawa & Brinkman, 1999),
that have also increased the pressure on the and buffering of coastal stabilities (Mazda et al.,
source of freshwater to the extent leading to 1995). To support this function, the mangrove
the extraction of groundwater as the alternative ecosystem has the specific vegetations that are
to surface water to cope with the scarcity of growing to interface between terrestrial and
freshwater resources (Narayan, Schleeberger ocean ecosystem (Kusmana, 2005; Kathiresan
& Bristow, 2007). Seawater intrusion usually & Bingham, 2001; Parvaresh et al., 2011; Hilmi,
occurs due to rapid disturbances which give Syakti & Siregar, 2014). But, an important
negative impact for coastal sustainability as a risk function of the mangrove in Jakarta is the
to coastal aquifers in the coastal area (Morgan function to reduce seawater intrusion.
& Wernera, 2015). Seawater extent represents The mangrove ecosystem has ability to
the condition of the respective aquifers under reduce seawater intrusion because mangrove
stress (Morgan & Wernera, 2015). can eliminate the effect of salinity, pH, pyrites
The worst effects of seawater intrusion and anaerobe conditions. The mangrove
for environment are reduction of freshwater, ecosystem also has salt-excreting gland, salt-
agriculture degradation, increasing water salinity, accumulating gland and salt-excluder gland
soil degradation (Badarudeen, Damodaran, (Bengen & Dutton, 2004), specific root (Alongi,
Sajan & Padmala, 1996), destruction of water Wattayakorn, & Boyle, 2004), root activity,
gradient, and unbalance in freshwater potential salinity absorption, salinity accumulation,
(Todd 1980). The seawater intrusion in specific growth (Lunstrum & Chen, 2014)
Jakarta is a specific case of seawater intrusion and another metabolism to reduce impact of
in Indonesia. The high degradation and seawater in mangrove metabolism. Therefore,
deforestation of mangrove ecosystem causes the degradation and deforestation of mangrove
increased freshwater degradation and also the ecosystem causing reduction of the mangrove
degradation of soil physic is another causing function to reduce seawater intrusion. The
factor of seawater intrusion. This condition objective of this research is to simulate
shows that mangrove vegetation has the correlation between seawater intrusion with the
function of retaining and reducing the potential width of mangrove ecosystem. The research
and effect of seawater intrusion (Ellison & used Stella software, trend line analysis and
Farmsworth, 1997; Kairo, Dahdouh-Guebas, datafit analysis.
Bosire & Koedam, 2001).
Mangrove in Jakarta has many functions,
for example, buffering of coastal area, habitat

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

Remarks: O= sampling plots

Figure 1. Research sites

II. MATERIAL AND METHOD – 06°07’00”S), U9 (106°49’30”E – 06°09’00”S),

A. Study Site U10 (106°50’00”E – 06°10’00”S), U11
(106°50’30”E – 06°12’30”S),U12 (106°52’00”E
This research was conducted in North – 06°10’30”S), U12 (106°53’00”E – 06°09’30”S),
Jakarta (Figure 1). The research area is part U13 (106°54’00”E – 06°06’30”S), U14
of the coastal ecosystem (5°19’12’’ South (106°55’30”E – 06°10’00”S), U15 (106°55’30”E
Latitude (N) – 6°23’54” South Latitude (S) – 06°2’00”S), U16 (106°57’30”E – 06°09’30”S),
and 106°22’42’ East Longitude (W) – 106 U17 (106°58’00”E – 06°05’30”S).
°58’18” East Longitude (E)) as the estuarine
ecosystem to support water distribution from B. Research Procedures
Angke, Ciliwung, and Cisadane rivers, as well 1. Research Variables
as the North Java Ocean. Seawater intrusion
The variables of seawater intrusion were
is a big problem in North Jakarta. The high
the distance of seawater intrusion, water
exploitation of freshwater with pumps and
quality, water salinity, soil porosity, the density
mangrove degradation (Hilmi, 1998) were
of mangrove ecosystem, and the width of
the triggering factors of seawater intrusion.
mangrove greenbelt.
The locations of research for analysis of
mangrove domination were Greenbelt North 2. Sampling Technique
Jakarta, Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke, and The collection of research data used
Ecotourism in North Jakarta and Silvofishery clusters with stratified sampling (Cochran,
Area in North Jakarta. The sampling plots 1997) following the density of mangrove. The
were U1 (106o43’30’’E – 06o11’00’’S), U2 sampling design to observe the density of
(106°44’30’’E – 06°09’00”S), U3 (106°46’00”E mangrove, the area of mangrove ecosystem,
– 06°06’30”S), U4 (106°48’00”E – 06°06’30”S), water salinity, distance of seawater, soil
U5 (106°49’00”E – 06°11’30”S), U6 properties and the width of mangrove
(106°49’00”E – 06°07’00”S), U8 (106°49’10”E greenbelt used 17 sampling stations with three

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

Table 1. Standard criteria of mangrove degradation (Ministry of Environment Decree No 2004)

Degradation class Density criteria Mangrove density level (trees/ha)
No degradation Dense ≥ 75 ≥ 1500
moderate ≥ 50-≥ 75 ≥ 1000 - < 1500
Degradation rare < 50 < 1000

Figure 2. Causal loop modeling of seawater intrusion

replications. The number of sampling plots were m x 10 m for mangrove trees, 5 m x 5 m for
(1) North Jakarta (7 stations), (2) West Jakarta mangrove saplings and 2 m x 2 m for mangrove
(3 stations), (3) Central Jakarta (3 stations) (4) seedlings. These activities were carried out in
East Jakarta (3 stations) and (5) South Jakarta Greenbelt North Jakarta, Suaka Margasatwa
(only one station). Muara Angke, Ecotourism in North Jakarta,
Silvofishery Area in North Jakarta and other
3. Width and Area of Mangrove Greenbelt
areas as research stations. To calculate the
The research procedure to analyze the width density of mangrove the equation below was
and the potential area of mangrove greenbelt used (Kusmana, 1997; Bengen, 2002).
used geographical information system
(Prahasta, 2008; Purwadhi 2001) to overlay Di = (1)
satellite imageries for 1980, 2000, 2010, and Where:
2016. The satellite imagery interpretation used
Di = density, ni = number of individuals
ERR mapper software. After interpreting with
(seedlings, saplings and trees) and A =
ERR mapper, the width and mangrove area was
mangrove area (ha)
analyzed by Arc GIS 9.1.
For degradation of mangrove ecosystem
4. Mangrove Density the mangrove degradation criteria was used
The density of mangrove ecosystem from Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 201 in
(collection of all species) used the modification 2004 (Table 1) which was divided into degraded
of quadrant transect method (Kusmana, 1997). and not degraded.
The collection of data used plot sizes of 10

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

5. Water Salinity, Soil Salinity and Soil Yij = f (Xi ) (2)

Porosity Where:
The measurement of water salinity used Yij = distance of seawater intrusion (Km)
APHA (2005) method with hand refractometer. Xi = width of mangrove (m)
The measurement of soil texture used f = mathematic function (exponential,
gravimetric method. The soil analysis was linier, etc.)
done at the Soil Laboratory of Land Resources The trendline equation was a statistic method
and Soil Departement, Bogor Agricultural to construct and select the best equation of
University (Soil Research Department, 2005). seawater intrusion. This equation interpreted
6. Potential of Seawater Intrusion the estimation and relation between the width
The measurement of seawater intrusion of mangrove greenbelt and the distance of
distances used water salinity method in the seawater intrusion.
water pump with hand refractometer. The
sampling points of water salinity were marked III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
by global positioning system to measure the A. Density of Mangrove Ecosystem
distance of seawater intrusion (km). The garbage, domestic waste, agriculture
waste, pollution of oils and heavy metals,
C. Data Analysis
deforestation and conversion of mangrove
1. Mapping of Mangrove Greenbelt ecosystem were the triggering factors of the
The mapping of mangrove greenbelt used mangrove density (Hilmi, 1998) The mangrove
Arc GIS 9.1 to overlay mangrove area from density in Table 2 show the classification of
1980, 2000, 2010 and 2016. These data were mangrove density in Jakarta. Mangrove must
used to calculate mangrove area in Jakarta. have tolerance toward extensive erosion,
abrasion (Paris et al., 2009), heavy metal
2. Modeling of Seawater Intrusion.
pollution (Wang et al., 2012), soil sedimentation
The seawater intrusion model used casual (Ferreira, Vidal-Torrado, Otero & Macias,
loop system among variables to develop 2010), seawater inundation, sea tide, garbage,
the seawater intrusion model. The variables pollution (Krauss et al., 2008), oceanography,
of causal loop system in this model were freshwater supply (Finkl, 2004) and climate
freshwater demand, oceanography effect, change (Robins et al., 2016) to live and grow
mangrove potency, river debits, runoff, rainfall, in the coastal area of Jakarta. Mangrove has
topography, and freshwater resource (Figure 2). good grows when water salinity is between
3. Modeling of Water Salinity 10 – 30 ppt and pH is about 6-9 (Hutchings
The modeling of water salinity used casual & Saenger, 1987; Snedaker & Snedaker, 1984)
loop system among soil and water salinity. The with soil textures which are sandy clay, clayey
variables of this model were Ca, Mg, Na, K, sand, silty sand, sandy silt, clayey silt, silty clay,
water salinity and pH in mangrove and other clay, sand and silt (Pirzan, Gunarto, Daud &
areas. Burhanuddin, 2004).
Table 2 shows that the mangrove area in
4. Relation between Mangrove Greenbelt and the greenbelt, ecotourism, and preservation
Seawater Intrusion areas of Muara Angke and Silvofishery had
The relation between seawater intrusion and differences in density and species domination
mangrove greenbelt used the trend line analysis of the mangrove vegetation. Table 2 also shows
l with the equation below (Steel & Torrie, 1980; that Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata,
Hilmi et al, 2014; Hilmi, 1998; Muhidin et al., Avicennia alba and Sonneratia alba were the
2011). mangrove species dominating in North Jakarta,

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

Table 2. Mangrove density in Jakarta.

Mangrove density (trees ha-1) Class of forest

degradation (Kusmana,
Mangrove Area Species
Seedlings Saplings Trees 2005; Hilmi et al, 2011,
KemenLH 201, 2004)
Greenbelt North Avicennia alba 30000 2691 92
Jakarta Rhizophora mucronata 40000 883 17
Suaka Rhizophora apiculata 2500 1000 0
Muara Angke Sonneratia alba 2000 1183 50
Avicennia alba 30000 2773 127
rare - moderate
Ecotourism in Rhizophora apiculata 0 483 17
North Jakarta Rhizophora mucronata 13333 1350 50
Avicennia alba 0 360 40
Silvofishery Area rare
Rhizophora apiculata 0 252 15
in North Jakarta
Rhizophora mucronata 0 218 15

because these species have the highest tolerance ecosystem were silviculture-oriented, economic
for garbage, domestic waste, oil, heavy metal and ecological conditions (Lunstrum & Chen,
and sea inundation. The mangrove density in 2014).
Jakarta showed that (1) mangrove density in In Jakarta, the degradation and deforestation
the greenbelt area was 1650 trees ha-1 (diameter of mangrove ecosystem were the key factors
> 4 cm) and 109 tree ha-1 (diameter > 10 cm) for seawater intrusion. The integration between
(rare), (2) Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke had deforestation and degradation of mangrove
density about 433 trees ha-1 (diameter > 4 cm) ecosystem with freshwater pumping, mangrove
and 50 trees ha-1 (diameter > 10 cm) (rare), (3) conversion, settlement, industry and hotel
ecotourism area had density about 2800 trees caused increasing seawater intrusion in Jakarta.
ha-1 (diameter > 4 cm) and 194 trees ha-1 The conversion of the mangrove ecosystem in
(diameter > 10 cm) (rare – moderate) and (4) Jakarta was a triggering factor for losing the role
silvofishery area had density of 900 trees ha-1 of the mangrove ecosystem to reduce seawater
(diameter > 4 cm) and 70 trees ha-1 (diameter intrusion. The rate of mangrove degradation,
> 10 cm) (rare). conversion and mortality increasingly
The low density of mangrove trees gave impact for reducing the function of
(Macintosh, Ashton, & Havanon, 2002) showed mangrove as the buffer area to preserve coastal
the degradation of mangrove ecosystem in stabilization and to reduce negative impact of
Jakarta and had been categorized as rare – seawater intrusion.
moderate density (Kusmana, 2005, Hilmi et Redesigning of rehabilitation and replanting
al., 2011 and KLHK, 2004). Macintosh et al., activity of mangrove ecosystem aimed to
(2002) noted that the main reason for the loss reduce sea water intrusion based on the natural
and degradation and deforestation of mangrove regeneration of mangrove species in North
were population pressure, wood exploitation, Jakarta. Basically, the mangrove ecosystem in
mangrove conversion, sand mining and Jakarta is going to do a succession process,
coastal conversion. Another factors effecting because mangrove in Jakarta has 2000 – 40.000
the density and stabilization of mangrove individual/ha (seedlings) and 400 – 1.663

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

Table 3. Area of mangrove ecosystem in North Jakarta Coast

No. Year Mangrove Area (ha)

1. 1980 1165.33
2. 2000 168.00
3. 2010 171.35
4. 2016 165.28



A: North Jakarta Coast in 1980, C: North Jakarta Coast in 2010,
B: North Jakarta Coast in 2000, D: North Jakarta Coast in 2016
Figure 3. The trend of mangrove ecosystem in Jakarta

individual/ha (saplings). The maintenance of seedlings and saplings of mangrove

activities of seedlings and saplings will make vegetation in the succession of mangrove
mangrove grow well. The activity of mangrove must be conserved as the dynamic process of
succession is an effort to support mangrove mangrove ecosystem to reach vegetation climax
growth in the coastal area (Chebo, 2009; (Kusmana, 2005; Lopes et al., 2009; Macintosh
Kathiresan & Rajendran, 2005; Kusmana, et al., 2002).
2005; Macintosh et al., 2002). The existence The other activity to conserve mangrove

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

ecosystem in Jakarta was mangrove plantation 2008 and Xiao, Wang & Chen, 2010). The
(Kusmana, 2005). The mangrove plantation mangrove ecosystem was also sensitive and
must see the complex and dynamic system of responsive toward climate change and human
mangrove environment (Lopes et al., 2009). activity, the eco-geo-morphological processes
The mangrove plantation in Jakarta must select and pressures (Al-Nasrawi, Jones & Hamilton,
mangrove species based on best domination in 2016). Therefore mangrove degradation and
Jakarta area, because these species have the best deforestation in Jakarta caused mangrove to
possibility to survive and density to support stunt, dying, degradation of mangrove structure
the successful mangrove rehabilitation. The and mortality (Ellison & Farmsworth, 1997;
species to support the rehabilitation program in Ellison, 2002).
mangrove ecosystem were: Rhizophora apiculata, The high mangrove degradation and
Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylossa, Avicennia deforestation also caused mangrove recovery
alba, Sonneratia alba and Bruguiera spp. and regeneration to be very difficult. Mangrove
vegetation needs a long time to regenerate and
B. Dynamic Analysis of Mangrove recover to reach tree phase. The mangrove
Ecosystem degradation was a triggering factor for
The dynamic of mangrove ecosystem coastal disasters including seawater intrusion.
showed the rate of mangrove regeneration and According to Salampessy et al., (2015),
conversion (Table 3 and Figure 3). Based on mangrove degradation, mangrove conversion,
data from 1997, the mangrove area in Jakarta water unbalance and destruction of water
was 322.6 ha (Hilmi, 1998) of which 169.9 ha gradient increased seawater intrusion in Jakarta.
was mangrove forest area and 152.7 ha was for The conversion of mangrove ecosystem also
other usage. The degradation rate of mangrove was due to accelerated sea-level rise, seawater
ecosystem reached 9.3% year. The biggest intrusion and land subsidence.
factor of mangrove degradation in Jakarta was
the conversion of mangrove for settlement C. Prediction of Seawater Intrusion in
and other activity Jakarta
Jakarta was moderate-high. The mangrove Factors to predict seawater intrusion are:
areas in Jakarta were 1165.33 ha (1980), 168 ha freshwater demand from industrial activity,
(2000), 171.35 ha (2010) and 165.28 ha (2016). settlement and hotel, sea tide, season,
These data also showed that the area in Jakarta oceanographic, mangrove density, rivers’
decreased by 1000.05 ha (over 36 years) from debit, source of freshwater and topography.
1165.33 ha (1980) to 165.28 ha (2016). Prediction of seawater intrusion in Jakarta
Table 2 and Figure 3 show that the rate with or without mangrove is shown in Table 4,
of mangrove degradation and deforestation Figure 4 and Figure 5. They show the existence
in Jakarta had a positive correlation with of seawater in the coastal area, degradation of
mangrove density (Table 1). The high rate fresh water gradient, freshwater aquifer damage,
of mangrove conversion and mortality were and overexploitation of freshwater were the
the key factors for mangrove density and important factors of seawater intrusion in the
degradation. Basically, the mangrove ecosystem coastal area of Jakarta (Andrari et al., 1996).
has high sensitivity toward environment change The environmental degradation (seawater
and conversion. Sedimentation, garbage, and freshwater aquifer) caused the change in
industry and domestic waste, mangrove cutting hydraulic gradient of aquifer, accelerated the
and mangrove exploitation, freshwater flood, progressive landward invasion of seawater
seawater flood and long inundation were the toward the abstraction wells, destructive for
biggest factors of mangrove degradation and the chemical quality, water pollution and
deforestation (Chebo, 2009; Krauss et al., surrounding groundwater followed by other

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

Table 4. The prediction of the distance of seawater intrusion along Jakarta Coast

Intrusion in Jakarta (km)

Year Prediction
With mangrove Without mangrove
1 1.85 8.90
2 2.05 9.25
3 2.24 9.59
4 2.44 9.94
5 2.64 10.29
6 2.84 10.64
7 3.03 10.98
8 3.23 11.33
9 3.43 11.68
10 3.63 12.03

problems such as decrease of freshwater The seawater intrusion prediction with or

availability, human health and ecosystem without mangrove vegetation showed that
damage (Hussain et al., 2015; Howard, 1987; mangrove ecosystem has an important role
Patel & Shah, 2008). in reduction of seawater intrusion in Jakarta.
Basically, the coastal aquifers are very The simulation model also explained the role
vulnerable toward seawater intrusion because and function of mangrove to prevent, release
of the overexploitation of the coastal aquifers. and reduce seawater intrusion (Soerianegara,
Seawater intrusion models are more efficient 1987; Hilmi, 1998). The simulation of seawater
tools for coastal aquifer management and intrusion model with or without mangrove
protection. The disperse interface approach vegetation used freshwater demand for industry,
explicitly represents a transition zone or a mixing settlement, community, seawater tide, seawater
zone of the freshwater and saltwater within an inundation, rivers’ debit, freshwater capacity,
aquifer due to the effects of hydrodynamic topography, rain intensity and mangrove density
dispersion (Pramada & Mohan, 2015; Park, as elements of this model (Figure 4).
Kim, Yum, & Yeh, 2012). The instability of The design of seawater intrusion model
freshwater and seawater system in coastal used freshwater demand for industry 1,98 m3t-1,
aquifers due to overexploitation produces the domestic need 4.31 m3t-1, hotel and settlement
landward movement of the seawater wedge. 2.11 m3t-1, seawater tide 0.61 m, seawater level
The hydraulic barriers method has the function approximately 0.47 m, and domestic freshwater
to reduce seawater invasion with the injection of demand in Jakarta approximately 11.3 m3t-1,
freshwater and raising aquifer’s hydraulic head. topography between -7 m to 10 meter, rain
The sensitivity of the rate and location to inject intensity 1750 mm year-1, river debit 13.23 m3dt-1
water used two laboratory-scale sandboxes , and mangrove density and mangrove area in
under hydraulic confinement to measure the seawater Based on seawater mapping it showed
wedge length reduction. The coastal aquifers that (1) if the width of mangrove greenbelt
are principal sources of freshwater in various was 75 m, the distance of seawater intrusion
parts of the world due to their groundwater reached 1 km, (2) if the width of mangrove
quantity and quality, suitable to cover water greenbelt was 90 m, the distance of seawater
needs of cities, rural villages and agricultural intrusion was approximately 950 m, (3) if
and industrial activities (Acosta & Donado, the width of mangrove greenbelt 115 m, the
2015; Carruthers et al., 2013) distance of seawater intrusion reached 800 m,

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

Figure 4. Diagram of modeling seawater intrusion

a b

Remarks : a. The trend in distance of seawater intrusion with mangrove

b. The trend in distance of seawater intrusion without mangrove

Figure 5. The trend of seawater intrusion prediction

(4) if the width of mangrove was more than porosity, topography, (Hilmi, 2003), organic
115 meter, the distance of seawater intrusion matter (Kairo et al., 2008), density and
was 500 m - 600 m, and (5) if the width of mangrove zonation (Kairo et al., 2008; Bosire
mangrove < 85 meters, the distance of seawater et al., 2005). The simulation model showed that
intrusion reached until 1650 meters. the rate of seawater intrusion is about 0.20 km
The simulation model of seawater intrusion (with mangrove as a system component), and
shows the combination between freshwater is about 0.30 – 0.40 km (without mangrove as
consumption, soil texture, soil pore, soil a system component). The trend of seawater

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

intrusion in Jakarta is not different from has correlation with mangrove density which
seawater intrusion in Semarang which has influences the litter degradation process, nutrient
increased by 0.575 km2 years-1 (Suhartono, demineralization and efficiency of the ecological
Purwanto & Suripin, 2015). processes (Bosire et al., 2005). Mangrove also
Table 3 also shows that mangrove has an has ability to breakdown organic material in the
important role to play to reduce the rate of mangrove ecosystem thus rapidly supporting
intrusion in Jakarta. Mangrove has ability to the recycling of organic matter (Marchand,
reduce seawater intrusion because (1) mangrove Allenbach & Lallier-Vergès, 2011; Bosire et al.,
vegetations have salt excreation gland, salt 2005), increase ability to adsorbent, adsorption
accumulation gland, and salt excluder gland and absorption mechanism for organic matter,
(Hamilton & Snedaker, 1984; Hilmi, 2014; salinity and other material (Oo et al., 2009),
Kusmana, 2005; Snedaker & Snedaker, 1984), increase supporting the nitrogen process in
(2) the decomposition of mangrove litter as the coastal ecosystem (Kadlec, 2008), reduce water
organic matter resource impacts the reduction pollution (Narayana et al., 2007) and has high
of the salinity of freshwater. (Bosire et al., primary productivity. The high productivity is
2005), (3) root of mangrove vegetation has often attributed to high litter degradation rates
ability to prevent seawater penetration to land, and efficient recycling of nutrients (Bosire et al.,
(4) the root activity is a mangrove metabolism 2005) and finally give effect to release seawater
to recover soil characteristic and dilute salinity intrusion (Cochard et al., 2008). Based on this
of soil water, (5) the extract matter metabolism reason, mangrove is an important ecosystem
is mangrove ability to decrease salinity of as the buffer ecosystem to reduce seawater
water (Sigalingging, 1985) and (6) the spesific intrusion (Sigalingging, 1985). Therefore
architecture of mangrove root systems has mangrove rehabilitation and area redesign in
function to release the negative impact of Jakarta aimed to increase mangrove function
seawater intrusion (Purnobasuki & Suzuki, to reduce seawater intrusion (Macintosh et al.,
2004). 2002; Huang et al., 2003) is needed.
In Jakarta, the existence of mangrove is a
fragile ecosystem because conversion, illegal D. Effect of Seawater Intrusion on
logging, waste, oil pollution, pesticide pollution, Freshwater Quality
domestic waste, industry waste, etc occures in The salinity degree of freshwater was a
the mangrove ecosystem. But, mangrove is variable to predict seawater intrusion in the
a resilient ecosystem to live in a wide range coastal area, and Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and K were used
of environmental variables (Petrakis et al., as potential variables to predict the freshwater
2016), including in freshwater. However, these quality in Jakarta coast. The rate of salinity
factors still contribute to have a big impact degree also showed the influence of mangrove
on the sustainability of mangrove ecosystem ecosystem for prediction of freshwater quality
in Jakarta. The degradation and mortality of in the seawater intrusion area (Table 5, Figure 6
mangrove ecosystem are critical factors (Xiao and 7). This simulation model used mangrove
et al., 2009) that will increase seawater intrusion as a main factor to determine the trend of
in Jakarta. water salinity, because mangrove has secreting,
Basically, the ability of mangrove ecosystem filtering and accumulating processes to reduce
to reduce seawater intrusion (Hilmi, 1998; water salinity in the coastal area (Hamilton &
Hilmi et al., 2014) is an important role to keep Snedaker, 1984; Hilmi, 2014; Kusmana, 2005;
the sustainability of the ecological function Snedaker & Snedaker, 1984). The result of
and life supporting system to reduce and this simulation model showed the correlation
prevent seawater entry to land (Hilmi, 1998; between mangrove ecosystem with salinity
Soerianegara, 1987). Seawater intrusion also degree of freshwater in the coastal area.

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

Table 5. Rate of water salinity in Jakarta

Year Rate of Water Salinity

prediction (ppt)
1 1.92
2 2.25
3 2.57
4 2.90
5 3.23
6 3.55
7 3.88
8 4.20
9 4.53
10 4.86

Figure 6. The modeling diagram of water salinity

The result of this simulation model in process in the coastal area.

Figure 7 and Table 5 showed a raising trend of The rate of seawater intrusion showed
water salinity in Jakarta. The degree of water an increasing exploitation of freshwater by
salinity in Jakarta was predicted between 1.92 domestic, hotel, and industry pump. The
ppt (the first year) to 4.86 ppt (year ten). The increasing seawater intrusion caused the high rate
degree of water salinity was an indicator to of existence and distribution of water salinity
analyze sea water intrusion. Todd (1980) noted in the freshwater ecosystem. The progressive
that seawater intrusion occurred because the rate of seawater entry to land became a water
quantity of freshwater supply was less than pollutant for freshwater in Jakarta. The positive
seawater supply causing seawater completely trend of seawater intrusion in Jakarta showed
entering into the groundwater as the seawater significant correlation between mangrove

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

Figure 7. Trend of water salinity in Jakarta

degradation and freshwater demand with ability of mangrove ecosystem to reduce

seawater intrusion as the significant effect for a seawater intrusion was the linkages with salt
destructive barrier line between freshwater and excretion, accumulation and exclusion activity.
seawater. This condition was a triggering factor Based on the result of this equation it shows
for the incidence of seawater intrusion. that to release seawater intrusion (the distance
= 0 m) there is a need of a mangrove greenbelt
E. Equation between Seawater Intrusion
approximately of 1.000 m width. and based
and Mangrove Greenbelt
on the optimal line, Jakarta needs to optimize
Seawater intrusion and mangrove greenbelt a mangrove greenbelt of more than 115 m in
were the variables in the model for estimation of width.
seawater intrusion and the width of mangrove
greenbelt. The trend line analysis was used F. Strategy to Reduce Seawater Intrusion
to construct this model (Figure 8). The first This strategy aimed to reduce seawater
equation showed that the distance of seawater intrusion. The design of mangrove
intrusion (m) = 2264.9 * exp(-0.009 * the width rehabilitation used the following systems:(1)
of mangrove greenbelt (m)) with determination conservation and maintenance of mangrove
coefficient (R2) = 94.65 % (Figure 7). The seedlings, saplings and trees and (2) mangrove
second equation showed that the width of species plantation. This design has the purpose
mangrove greenbelt (m) = 781.76 * exp(-0.002 to increase mangrove density, biodiversity,
* seawater intrusion (m)) with determination ecological function and ecosystem resilience
coefficient (R2) = 62.62 %. (Macintosh et al., 2002) as a conservation
Figure 8 shows that the correlation between effort of mangrove ecosystem to increase
seawater intrusion and mangrove width was allocation of area to rehabilitate integrated
of a negative exponential model. This model with environmental measures, ecosystem
showed that mangrove greenbelt had negative planning and management and complementing
correlation with seawater intrusion. Mangrove the approach of formally protected reserves
greenbelt has the role to reduce seawater (Simonsson, Ostlund, & Gustafsson, 2016)
intrusion (Hilmi, 2003; Ellison & Farmsworth, The first stage, to take the best result
1997; Kairo, Dahdouh-Guebas, Bosire, & of mangrove planting, was the selection of
Koedam, 2001). This equation also showed mangrove species based on the best ability
that mangrove greenbelt was a main indicator of mangrove species to reduce seawater
of seawater intrusion in the coastal area. The intrusion. Mangrove species have different

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2017, 151-168 ISSN: 2355-7079/E-ISSN: 2406-8195

Figure 8. The estimation model for the width of mangrove greenbelt

and the distance of seawater intrusion

ability to secrete, accumulate and refuse water seawater intrusion in Jakarta will reach 0.20 km
salinity. Based on the capacity of water salinity year-1 (with mangrove) is lower than the rate
reduction Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba and of seawater intrusion approximately 0.3 – 0.4
Sonneratia spp., Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora km year-1 (without mangrove). The mangrove
mucronata, Bruguiera spp. are the best suited degradation reached 1000.05 ha (over 36 years)
species for this purpose (Nurmayasri, 1999; from 1165.33 ha (1980) to 165.28 ha (2016).
Hutchings & Saenger, 1987; Hilmi, 1998). The design of mangrove plantation is used to
Basically mangrove plantation will construct reduce seawater intrusion.
a mangrove zone aiming to reduce seawater The width of mangrove greenbelt to reduce
intrusion and to improve habitat changes, water seawater intrusion is the width of mangrove
salinity, soil texture and soil fertility (Sandoval- greenbelt (m) = 781.76* exp(-0.002* seawater
Castro et al., 2012) intrusion (m)). Based on this equation Jakarta
Therefore, the priority selection of needs a distance of mangrove greenbelt of
mangrove species in mangrove zone should more than 115 m with species priority of
use the capacity of salt secretion, accumulation Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora
and exclusion gland (Macintosh et al., 2002), apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia alba and
mangrove density, growth rate, mangrove root, Sonneratia caseolaris.
and another environment factors. The dominant The activity of coastal rehabilitation to
species were (1) grade 1 was Avicennia marina, reduce seawater intrusion in Jakarta’s coastal
Avicennia alba, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia area is only using the ability of mangrove
alba and Sonneratia caseolaris, (2) grade 2 was vegetations and the width of mangrove
Rhizophora apiculata, Ceriops spp., Rhizophora greenbelt as the main factors. Therefore, the
mucronata, (3) grade 3 was Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, next research should use the mangrove zone as
Bruguiera praviflora, Aegiceras spp., and (4) grade 4 the important factor to reduce high sea waves,
was Xylocarpus spp., and Nypa frutican. seawater flooding and abrasion.


In Jakarta, the existence of mangrove and The authors especially thank to the grants-
freshwater demand are the triggering factors in-aid from the National Ministry of Education
for increasing seawater intrusion. The rate of of Indonesia (DIKTI) with grant “Hibah

Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion...................(Endang Hilmi, Cecep Kusmana, Endang Suhendang and Iskandar)

Kompetensi” and Unggulan Research of mangroves, fisheries and forestry

Unosed as the financial support to do this management in Indonesia. In T.G.
research. Special thanks also to the Head of Northcote and Hartman (Eds), Worldwide
LPPM Jenderal Soedirman University and the watershed interaction and management.
Dean of Fisheries and Marine Faculty of the Blackwell science. Oxford. UK.
Bosire, J.O., Dahdouh-Guebas, F., Kairo, J.G.,
Jenderal Soedirman University. We would also
Kazungu, J., Dehairs, F., & Koedam, N.
like to thank anonymous reviewers for their (2005). Litter degradation and C/N dynamics
helping and constructive comments which in reforested mangrove plantations at Gazi
greatly helped us improve our manuscript. Bay, Kenya. Biological Conservation, 126, 287–
Cai, F., Su, X., Liu, J., Li, B., & Lei, G. (2009).
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