Grade XII Humanities Holiday Home Work
Grade XII Humanities Holiday Home Work
Grade XII Humanities Holiday Home Work
Xll Humanities
1. Prepare the Practical file for sociology. Guidelines for which are shared as under:
Practical File:
(a) Prepare a project file (25 sheets approximately, A4 size sheets) on any social issue we are facing in our
society or any other social problem.
(b) Carry out a research in a detailed manner using 20 interviews, questionnaire, direct or indirect
(c) The file should contain all the necessary sub-topics including analysis.
(d) Click pictures wherever necessary and show bar diagrams for analysis of responses.
Steps to be followed:
Select a topic from the above list or identify your own topic related with social life.
Get your topic approved by the subject teacher.
Start the research work.
Research can be done from internet, newspaper, books, magazines television etc.
Formulate the hypothesis.
Prepare a rough draft of the matter to be written in final file.
Prepare for verification of your hypothesis with the help of method chosen for research (interview,
questionnaire, survey, observation etc. whichever suits your hypothesis.)
Perform the verification task.
Note the conclusion.
Prepare the final file.
Make a project file on assigned Psychological Disorder
Prepare the Case Profile for Psychology.Following are few important instructions for your Case Profile :
Prepare case profile file 20-25 sheets approximately, A4 size sheets) on one Psychological Disorder
Carry out a research in a detailed manner use any one psychological enquiry method(Psychological
testing,Observation,Interview etc)
Case profile should be made by student only as the file in some else’s handwriting will not be acceptable
Paste picture as where ever required in the file ..
Topics to be included while writing the content in the file:
(Any Disorder from Ch: Psychological Disorder)
Front page with Heading of the Case profile (Example: Case Profile on ADHD) along with Submitted by
(your name and space for board roll no) and submitted to .
Meaning of Case study and profile ,its strengths and weaknesses .
Introduction of the topic ,symptoms ,causes ,diagnosis ,treatment,About case ,Data identification,family
setting ,Family setting and income ,Professional help taken,Health record,interview /test being used,
Prognosis ,conclusion ,bibliography.
ਪਦਹਿਾਂ ਪੰ ਿਾ
ਿਾਮ _____________
ਿਿਾਸ ਅਤੇ ਸੈਿਸਿ _____________
ਦਾਖ਼ਿਾ ਿੰਬਰ ____________
ਰੋਿ ਿੰਬਰ ____________
ਦ ਸੇ ਦਾ ਿਾਂ ___________
ਿੰ ਸੌਂਪੀ ਗਈ ____________
ਿੱ ਿੋਂ ਪੇਸ ਿੀਤਾ ਦਗਆ ____________
1. ਸਚਿਾਂਿ/ਤਤਿਰਾ
2. ਧੰ ਿ ਾਦ
3. ਪਰਮਾਣ-ਪਿੱ ਤਰ
4. ਪਰਜ
ੋ ੈਿਟ ਦਾ ਉਦੇਸ
5. ਦ ਸੇ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਿਾਰੀ
6. ਅਗਿੇ ਪੇਜਾਂ ਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਦ ਸੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਸਦਚਿੱ ਤਰ ਜਾਣਿਾਰੀ
Left page-coloured pictures
Right page-writing with big font
7. ਦ ਦਦਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਸਝਾਅ/ਦਸਿੱ ਟਾ
8. ਸੰ ਦਰਭ ਦੇ ਹ ਾਿੇ
9. ਪਰਜ
ੋ ੈਿਟ ਿਾਿ ਸੰ ਬੰ ਦਧਤ ਪਰਸਿਾ ਿੀ
10. ਦ ਸੇ:-
( ਬਜਰਗਾਂ ਦਾ ਘਿੱ ਟ ਦਰਹਾ ਸਦਤਿਾਰ (ਿਾਰਿ ਤੇ ਸਝਾਅ), ਦਿਸੇਮਹਾਂਪਰਸ ਦੀ ਸਮਾਜ ਿੰ ਦੇਣ, ਪਰੀਦਿਆ ਾਂ ਦ ਿੱ ਚ ਿਿਿ ਦੀ ਸਮਿੱ ਦਸਆ,
ਿਦਸਆਂ ਦਾ ਿਦਹਰ, ਪੰ ਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਗਰਆਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਿਾਰੀ, ਪੰ ਜਾਬ ਅਤੇ ਉੜੀਸਾ ਦੀ ਤਿਿਾ: ਿਾਣ-ਪੀਣ,ਪਦਹਰਾ ਾ, ਿੋ ਿ-ਿਾਚ)
You are required to make a practical file as per the guidelines of the CBSE.
You have to draw all the diagrams with correct measurements.
Handwriting should be neat and clean and readable.
This project has to be submitted after the holidays. No delay will be entertained. In case of query feel free to
contact me.
Create the file you have to follow the CBSE guidelines which are mentioned below guidelines for Internal
Assessment/Geography Practical
A practical file must be prepared by students covering all the topics prescribed in the practical syllabus.
The file should be completely handwritten with a cover page, index page, and acknowledgment.
All statistical diagrams and maps should be drawn neatly with appropriate headings, scale, index etc. Data to
draw statistical diagrams can be taken from the NCERT text book or Census.
The practical file will be assessed both by the internal and external examiners at the time of CBSE practical
Topics to be included while writing the content in the file
Please insure to learn all the chapters completed in the class and complete the notes in the notebook along
with the map work. Test would be conducted of the completed chapters once the school reopens.
You have to prepare 30-30 MCQs from each chapter in a separate copy.
1. Select any four landmark supreme court judgements / cases of your choice and give a brief description about
their facts and the legal issues involved in the same followed by the decision of the court.
2. Imagine yourself to be the PRIME MINISTER chosen during the upcoming elections. As a Prime Minister of
India, what change or changes you would like to bring in the political/social/economic/legal scenario of the
country & why?
3. Complete the following assignment on Constitution:
Q1.How long did it take for the Indian constitution to come into effect?
Q2. Why is our Constitution a living document?
Q3.What does Article 368 relate to?
Q4. Explain Why 42nd amendment was seen to be very controversial?
Q5.Find out about the last amendment to the Indian Constitution?
Q6.How has the ruling of the Kesavnanda Bharti case contributed to the
evolution of the Constitution?
Q7.Give examples of the countries where people had to rewrite the constitution
Q8. How is Indian Constitution both rigid & flexible?
Q9. Has Indian Constitution ever been reviewed?
Section A
A. Prepare a Project synopsis and project file according to the CBSE guidelines. As discussed
in the classroom.
General Instructions:-
(1) Project will be made by an individual.
(2) It should be a handwritten project on A4 size designer sheets.
(3) Project should be summed up in 15-20 Pages.
(4) The project must have a table of contents, title/cover page, acknowledgement, bibliography, analysis
with headings and sub-headings.
(5) It should be well researched based on facts, figures and pictorial.
(6) It must include relevant news clippings, facts, figures and pictures etc.
(7) Students can plan a survey or an interview to support their research for the project.
B. Make a report (in scrap book) on the latest projects introduced by our Prime Minister and their
relevance in India's development.
( Section- B)
Q. 1 mention major tensions and conflict that took place in the former Soviet Republic .What are their results ?
Q. 2 Examine India's relationship with the former Soviet Union during the cold war.
Q. 3 Describe the causes for the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Q.4 What were the factors that forced Gorbachev to initiate the reforms in the USSR?
Q. 7 What were the reasons for accepting the demands for separate States on language basis? What were its effects?
Q. 8 What was the Green Revolution ?Mention two positive and two. negative consequences of the Green Revolution.
Q. 9 What is plan holiday ?When and why was it taken by the government of India?
1. Complete all the given assignments.
2. Analyse all the cartoons of the chapters.
3. Revise the map work.
CBSE–Project-Portfolio/ Project Report –10 MARKS (5 PROJECT+5 VIVA)
The Project-Portfolio/Project Report is a compilation of the work that the students produce during the process of
working on their ALS Project.
The Project-Portfolio may include the following:
● Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of students.
● Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.
● Action plan for the completion of assigned tasks.
● Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interview, written assignments, essays,
survey-reports and other material evidence of learning progress and academic accomplishment.
● The 800-1000 words essay/Script/Report.
● Student/group reflections.
● If possible, Photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the student(s).
● List of resources/bibliography.
The following points must be kept for consideration while assessing the project portfolios:
● Quality of content of the project
● Accuracy of information
● Adherence to the specified timeline
● Content in respect of (spellings, grammar ,punctuation)
● Clarity of thoughts and ideas
● Creativity
● Contributions by group members
● Knowledge and experience gained
CONTENT 15-20 pages
Learning Outcomes
TOPIC 1: Unleash your real potential – be bold, be resilient, be strong (Importance of a resilient attitude)
What do you mean by Resilient Attitude.
Traits, qualities and characteristics of Resilient person.
How personal choices help or hinder our resilience.
Tips for Building and Cultivating Resilience.
Why is resilience important?
Is Resilience a skill or character strength?
What are the seven C’s of Resilience?
Different types of resilience
Key component and element of resilience life
Take an example of the chapter— Deep Water
Other examples of great personalities
TOPIC – 2 Courage is not the absence of fear but triumph over it
-Origin of the quote
-Courage – a choice to act
-What can one learn from fear
-Benefits of having courage over fear
-How and why to overcome fear
-Fighting against fear is hard but worth it ( Examples)
-Mention some of your worst fears and how you managed to overcome them — A Questionnaire
-Famous personalities who overcame their fear ( Their motivation podcast/speech/stories
TOPIC -3 : Watch ‘CNN’s award-winning Planet in Peril series and Anderson Cooper 360 0 on the
Write review in 500 to 1000 words highlighting the problems dealt.
–Like Climate change
Vanishing habitats
Disappearing species
Human population growth
Collect pictures and articles from the journals, newspaper and science magazines showing the changes
Make a comparative report showing the changes from past 20 years.
Mention Role of Eight year old girl Licypriya, known as Indian ‘Greta’ for her passion towards the fight against
climate change. ( Take any other example)
TOPIC-4 : Watch short film “Positive all the way” ( how people with undeterred determination face the
obstacles of life and leave a mark for themselves)
-Give examples of people in different sphere of life who have shown positive attitude and reached the pinnacle of
– obstacles faced
– their undeterred determination
– lesson and message their efforts give to others
– values learnt -can co relate it with the chapter ‘DEEP WATER’
TOPIC – 5 Watch the ‘The Story of Plastic’ it is a searing expose. Make a project on “Plastic Menace’
– Uncover the ugly truth behind plastic pollution
–Environmental damage created by plastic
-Human Rights abused that occur throughout the lifecycle of plastic
-False solution of plastic recycling.
– Initiative launched by Union Environment Minister to stop the plastic menace
– infographic to show the increase of the use of plastic
– some state/ countries who are successful in reducing the use of plastic
– cutting from Newspaper/Journals to show the impact of Plastic
– views about plastic ban
TOPIC-6 “When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the
key to their prison.”
Importance of Language
Meaning of ‘Linguistic chauvinism’
Find examples in history where conquered people had their language taken away from them or had a language
imposed of them—What was the result/outcome
Problems faced by linguistic minority
How can they keep their language alive
Linguistic human rights
Linguistic Chauvinism examples from English literature
TOPIC – 7 Navarasas ( Nine Rasas)
What are the Nine rasas?
The Chemistry behind Emotions
Colours that represent Nine rasas
Are emotions good or bad? Should we embrace all emotions?
How to overcome bad moods?/ What happens when the emotions are supressed?
Life experience of dealing with emotions ( Grief, Sorrow, Anger, Fear)
Professions and skills which include learning about emotions
Make a Google form (atleast 10 questions )/make a questionnaire= to assess your as well as your friends
Emotional State
Art Activities
1. Attempt a self-composed poem on childhood/growing up/separation from your near dear ones. (It
could be a pet/ Friend etc)
2. Chart of Poetic Devices on A4 sheet
3. Diary Entry of Rattrap seller about his daily emotions
Subject- Economics
Holidays homework assignment
Chapter- Money
Questions carrying one mark each:
Que:-1 Which function of money has led to capital formation and economic development of a country?
(a) medium of exchange
(b) Measure of value
(c) Standard of deferred payment
(d) Store of value
Que:-2 Credit money is regarded as:-
(a) Real money
(b) near money
(c) both a and B
(d) none of these
Que:-3 Token money is a type of money whose face value is______ than its content value.
(a) greater
(b) less
Que:-4 Assertion:(A)Notes and coins are the only sources of supply of money in the economy.
Reason: (R )Along with notes and coins net demand deposits of the people lying with commercial banks is also
included as a component of money supply.
(a) both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is the correct explanation of assertion(A).
(b) both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) assertion(A) is true but reason(R) is false.
(d) Assertion(A) is false but reason(R) is true.
Que:-5 Statement 1: M1 is the first and basic measure of money which can be used for making transactions.
Statement 2: M1 is termed as ‘transaction money’.
(a) both the statements are true
(b) both the statement are false
(c) statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
(d) Statement 2 is true and statement 2 is false
Que:-6 Money supply is a flow concept.
Que:-7 Who supplies money in India?
(a) Rise
(b) Fall
Que:-9 Money as a store of value helps us to shift the purchasing power from present or future.(True/false). Give
reason in one line
Que:-10 Which of the following aspects are true about the money supply : –
a) It is the total volume of money held by public
b) Such money is held at a particular point of time
c) The money is held in an economy
d) All of the above
Que:-11 Credit cards are excluded from all the measures of the quantity of money, because they are not really a
method of payment, but a method of deferring payment. When you buy a meal with the credit card the bank
that issued the credit card pays the restaurant the amount that is due. At a later date, you will have to repay the
bank perhaps with interest. For this you might use the money in your demand deposits and that money is
included in an economy's stock of money.
What will happen to supply/Demand of money with an increased use of credit cards in an economy?
Que:-12 Define high powered money.
Que:-13 Nisha had bought a house. While valuing her house her grandmother valued it in terms of buffalo and
What is the problem that is being faced in the valuation process?explain.
Questions carrying six marks each:
Que:-14 Do you agree with the view that the excess of money supply hinders the process of economic growth?
Give reasons
Que:15 What are the main functions of money? How does money overcome the shortcomings of a barter
Que:16 What do you mean by money? explain different forms or types of money? Explain M1 measure of money
Chapter- Banking
Questions carrying one mark each:
Que:-1 Which can increase the supply of money in the economy?
Que:-4 If the total deposits created by commercial banks is ₹5000 crore and legal reserve requirement is 20%
and calculate the amount of initial deposits.
Que:-5 In the present Covid 19 times many economists have raised their concerns that Indian economy may have
to face a deflationary situation due to reduced economic activities in the country.
Suppose you are a member of a high-powered committee constituted by reserve bank of India. You have
suggested that as a supervisor of commercial banks________ of the money supply be ensured by the reserve
bank of India.
(a) Restriction
(b) release
Que:-6 Assertion: Demand deposits are considered as a convenient mode of payment for execution of even the
high-value transactions.
Reason: Demand deposits are non withdrawal in nature and cannot be withdrawn against issue of cheques and
other similar instruments of payment.
(a) both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is the correct explanation of assertion(A).
(b) both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) assertion(A) is true but reason(R) is false.
(d) Assertion(A) is false but reason(R) is true.
Que:-7 Statement 1: Commercial banks can lend money which is number of times higher than their cash
Statement 2: Demand deposits in primary deposits are just same.
(a) both the statements are true
(b) both the statement are false
(c) statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
(d) Statement 2 is true and statement 2 is false
Que:-8 Margin requirement is raised by the central bank to increase money supply.(True/false)
Que:-9 Secondary deposits of a commercial bank are all along less than its primary deposits.(True/false).
Que:-10 Identify which of the following statement is true?
Que:-12 What is a money multiplier? How will you determine its value? Which ratios play an important role in
determining the value of a money multiplier?
Que:-13 (i) The proportion of demand deposits which are legally required to be maintained by the commercial
banks as liquid assets is called?
(ii) how reverse repo rate is used to control inflation?
(iii) If CRR is 20% And initial deposit collected by the bank is ₹1000 then Calculate the total amount demand
deposits created by the bank?
Questions carrying six marks each:
Que:-14 ‘Reserve ratio and credit creation are inversely related.’ Do you agree with the statement? justify your
answer with a suitable hypothetical example and explanation.
Que:-15 What are the instruments of monetary policy of RBI? How does RBI stabilise money supply against
unexpected events which affects the market?
Que:-16 Explain the various functions of the Central Bank.
Chapter- National Income
Questions carrying one mark each:
Que:-1 Normal residents include:
(a) an individual
(b) an institution located within the domestic territory
(c) both a and B
(d) none of these
Que:-2 ₹2000 Note lying in wallet of Rohini a student is an example of______ variable.
Que:-3 Gross investment maybe equal to net investment.(True/false) . Give reason
Que:-4 Broad conclusion that can be drawn on circular flow of income in a simple to sector economy are:
Que:-6 Assertion: All categories of consumption goods are used by the household sector and their values are
included in national income accounts.
Reason: Consumption goods include those goods which can be directly used and can satisfy human wants
(a) both assertion(A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is the correct explanation of assertion(A).
(b) both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) assertion(A) is true but reason(R) is false.
(d) Assertion(A) is false but reason(R) is true
Que:-7 Between nominal GDP and real GDP which one can be considered as an index of welfare?
(a) nominal GDP
(b) Real GDP
(c) both a and B
(d) None of these
Que:-8 National disposable income= National consumption expenditure+________.
Que:-9 Increase in national income always implies increase in domestic income.(True/False)
Que:-10 Statement 1: The aggregate money value of all final goods and services produced by the nation during
an accounting year is known as gross national product.
Statement 2: By net national product we mean the market value of all final goods and services after making
provision for depreciation.
(a) both the statements are true
(b) both the statement are false
(c) statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
(d) Statement 2 is true and statement 2 is false
Questions carrying three marks each:
Que:-11 Study the table given below which has the information about two firms of an economy:
(ii) Rent 20
(iv) Interest 30
(v) Dividend 45
(vi) Undistributed profits 5
Que:-15 (i) From the following data relating to a firm calculate its net value added at factor cost:
Particulars ₹ in lakhs
subsidy 40
Sales 800
Depreciation 30
Exports 100
Closing stock 20
Opening stock 50
Intermediate purchases 500
(ii) If real GDP is ₹200 and price index (with base=100) is Rs.110.calculate nominal GDP. (2)
Que:16 (i) Explain the concept of circular flow of income as inter-sectoral flow in two sector economy. (4)
(ii) ‘Financial help to earthquake victims’ is considered as factor income or transfer income. Give reason. (2)
1. Matrix A is such that 𝐴2 = 2𝐴 − 𝐼, where 𝐼 is the indentity matrix, then for 𝑛 ≥ 2, 𝐴𝑛 is equal to
a) 𝑛𝐴 − (𝑛 − 1)𝐼 b) 𝑛𝐴 − 𝐼 c) 2𝑛−1 𝐴 − (𝑛 − 1)𝐼 d) 2𝑛−1 𝐴 − 𝐼
𝑟 𝑟−1
2. Matrix 𝑀𝑟 is defined as 𝑀𝑟 = [ ] , 𝑟 ∈ 𝑁 value of det(𝑀1 ) + det(𝑀2 ) + det(𝑀3 ) +. . . + det(𝑀2007 ) is
𝑟−1 𝑟
a) 2007 b) 2008 c) 20082 d) 20072
3. The number of solutions of the system of equations 𝑥2 − 𝑥3 = 1, −𝑥1 + 2𝑥3 = −2, 𝑥1 − 2, 𝑥1 − 2𝑥2 = 3 is
a) Zero b) One c) Two d) Infinite
4. If 𝐴 = [𝑎𝑖𝑗 ] is a scalar matrix of order 𝑛 × 𝑛 such that 𝑎𝑖𝑖 = 𝑘 for all 𝑖, then trace of 𝐴 is equal to
a) 𝑛𝑘 b) 𝑛 + 𝑘 c) 𝑛/𝑘 d) None of these
12. If 𝐴 = [𝑎𝑖𝑗 ] is a 4 × 4 matrix and 𝐶𝑖𝑗 is the cofactor of the element 𝑎𝑖𝑗 in |𝐴|, then the expression 𝑎11 𝐶11 + 𝑎12 𝐶12 +
𝑎13 𝐶13 + 𝑎14 𝐶14 is equal to
a) 0 b) −1 c) 1 d) |𝐴|
13. For what value of 𝜆,the system of equations 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 6, 𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 3𝑧 = 10, 𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 𝜆𝑧 = 10 is consistent?
a) 1 b) 2 c) -1 d) 3
1 1
14. If 𝐴 = [ ] , then 𝐴100is equal to
1 1
a) 2100 𝐴 b) 2 99 𝐴 c) 100 𝐴 d) 299 𝐴
cos 2θ − sin 2θ
15. Inverse of the matrix [ ] is
sin 2θ cos 2θ
cos 2θ − sin 2θ cos 2θ sin 2θ cos 2θ sin 2θ cos 2θ sin 2θ
a) [ ] b) [ ] c) [ ] d) [ ]
sin 2θ cos 2θ sin 2θ −cos 2θ sin 2θ cos 2θ −sin 2θ cos 2θ
1 0 0 1 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃
17. If 𝐼 = [ ],𝐽 = [ ] and 𝐵 = [ ], then 𝐵 equals
0 1 −1 0 − sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃
a) 𝐼 cos 𝜃 + 𝐽 sin 𝜃 b) 𝐼 sin 𝜃 + 𝐽 cos 𝜃 c) 𝐼 cos 𝜃 − 𝐽 sin 𝜃 d) −𝐼 cos 𝜃 + 𝐽 sin 𝜃
1 2 3 8
18. What must be the matrix𝑋 if 2𝑋 + [ ]=[ ]?
3 4 7 2
1 3 1 −3 2 6 2 −6
a) [ ] b) [ ] c) [ ] d) [ ]
2 −1 2 −1 4 −2 4 −2
𝑥 3 1 −1 −2
20. Let 𝑋 = [𝑦] , 𝐷 = [ 5 ]and 𝐴 = [2 1 1 ], if 𝑋 = 𝐴−1 𝐷, then 𝑋 is equal to
𝓏 11 4 −1 −2
8 8 8
1 3 −3 3
a) [0] b) [−1] c) [ 1 ] d) [ 1 ]
2 3 3
0 0 −1
File work XII
1Guru vandna
2 Classical dance
3 Rass
4 Abhinay
5 Notation work with definitions
A. Teentaal
B. Tihai
C. Thaat
D. Aamad
E. Tukra
F. Tora
G. Paran
H. Jhaptaal
I. Tihai
J. Aamad
K. Tora tukra
L. Dhamaar taal
M. Dadra
N. Rupak
O. Kehrwa