Accounting Assignment 1 - ST10244622

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STUDENT NO. : ST10244622

Question 1
Aspect Sole Trader Partnership Profit
Legal No separate No separate Separate legal
personality legal legal personality.
personality. personality.
Start-up Starting requires Simple and Starting is a
procedures choosing a legal cheap starting process with
name and proceedure. registration
acquiring a fees payable.
licence if
Ownership Ownership is Partners. Shareholders
maximum of 1
person/ founder
Distribution of All profits made Profits shared Profit is
profit by business proportionally divided among
belongs solely to between shareholders/
the owner. partners. divident.
Income tax Paid by owner. Paid by Paid by
partners each. business.

Users Benefit
Investor – Mr To determine determine the risk and return of
Khumalo investment as well as business ability to pay
Lender – SABSA To determine if business will pay back loan and
Bank interest on time
Customer – Miss To find out on the business’s continuation.
SA contestants
Question 2
Asset Equity Liability Expense Income
Vehicle Capital Mortgage loan Cost of sales Interest on

Land and Drawings Creditors Interest on Rent income

building mortgage loan
Petty Cash Bank Sales
Fixed deposit
Total non-current Amount Total current Amount
assets assets
Vehicle 200 000 Petty cash 2 500

Land and building 1 000 000 Debtors 60 000

Fixed deposit 50 000

1 250 000 62 500

Total non-current Amount Total current Amount

liabilities liabilities
Mortgage loan 120 000 Creditors 35 000

Bank overdraft 20 000

120 000 55 000

OE = A – L
OE = R 1 312 500 – R 175 000
OE = R1 137 500

Q.2.3.1) From Argon Traders perspective, Ametis Traders is the debtor and
Granaat Trader is the creditor.
Q.2.3.2) Debt is money that is owed by a debtor to a creditor; debtor is
someone that owes money to a creditor.

Question 3
VAT Exclusive Amount VAT Amount VAT Inclusive Amount
R46 000 R6 900 R52 900
R108 000 R16 200 R124 200
R148 000 R22 200 R170 200
Consideration Standard Zero-rated Exempt Non
Rated Allowable
Petrol X
Life assurance X
White bread for staff X
A kettle for the office X

Column A Column B
1. D
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. C

Q.3.4) The two bases are: payments bases and invoice bases. A sole trader
with a R2 million turnover is a payments bases as payments bases are only
applicable to sole traders with a turnover not exceeding R2.5 million.

Inputs Outputs
Transactio Amount VAT Transactio Amount VAT
n Amount n Amount
Purchases R86 250 R11 250 Sales R115 000 R15 000
Telephone R1 150 R150 Purchase R3 450 R450
Advertising R920 R120
Sales R6 900 R900
Total R95 220 R12 420 R118 450 R15 450
VAT payable = Output VAT – Input VAT
VAT payable = R15 450 – R12 420
VAT payable = R3 030

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