Kumaresan 44242023 UPJOZ31371
Kumaresan 44242023 UPJOZ31371
Kumaresan 44242023 UPJOZ31371
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8 authors, including:
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Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, College of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Pookode, KVASU, India.
g Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, MP, India.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.56557/UPJOZ/2023/v44i243840
(1) Prof. Juan Carlos Troiano, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(1) Joshua Deji Abiodun, Federal College of Wildlife Management, Nigeria.
(2) Hindrah Akisiimire, Kyambogo University, Uganda.
Received: 20/10/2023
Review Article Accepted: 26/12/2023
Published: 29/12/2023
Assistant Professor;
Dean of Management Studies;
Scientist Agroforestry;
*Corresponding author: Email [email protected];
Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44, no. 24, pp. 280-286, 2023
Gupta et al.; Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44, no. 24, pp. 280-286, 2023; Article no.UPJOZ.3137
This article delves into the critical issues and strategies related to wildlife conservation and
management in the context of the contemporary environmental crisis. It highlights the major
challenges that wildlife faces, including habitat destruction and fragmentation, climate change
impacts, the threat of illegal wildlife trade and poaching, the introduction and spread of invasive
species, and the detrimental effects of pollution. The article emphasizes the importance of effective
strategies to counter these challenges, such as habitat conservation and restoration, climate
change mitigation, combating illegal wildlife trade, managing invasive species, and pollution control.
It argues for a multifaceted and collaborative approach, involving governments, NGOs, local
communities, and individuals, to ensure the preservation of wildlife and natural ecosystems. The
overarching goal is to strike a balance between human development and wildlife conservation,
thereby securing a sustainable future for our planet's biodiversity.
Gupta et al.; Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44, no. 24, pp. 280-286, 2023; Article no.UPJOZ.3137
challenges is crucial for developing effective These conflicts can arise from wildlife predation
conservation strategies. The main challenges on livestock, damage to crops, and threats to
include: human safety. Such conflicts often result in
retaliatory measures against wildlife, further
1. Habitat Destruction and Fragmentation: exacerbating the conservation challenge [17].
One of the most pressing issues in wildlife
conservation is the loss and fragmentation of 7. Limited Funding and Resources: Wildlife
natural habitats. Driven by human activities such conservation efforts are often hampered by a
as urbanization, agriculture, deforestation, and lack of adequate funding and resources. This
infrastructure development, this process not only limitation affects research, enforcement of
reduces the available space for wildlife but also conservation laws, habitat protection, and the
isolates populations, making them more implementation of effective management
vulnerable to extinction. Habitat destruction and strategies [18].
fragmentation represent one of the most pressing
challenges in wildlife conservation and 8. Lack of Public Awareness and
management. This issue, predominantly driven Involvement: A general lack of awareness and
by human activities, poses severe threats to the understanding of wildlife conservation issues
survival and health of ecosystems worldwide among the public can lead to apathy and a lack
[14]. of support for conservation initiatives. Engaging
and educating the public is crucial for garnering
2. Climate Change: Climate change is altering support and involvement in conservation efforts.
ecosystems at an unprecedented rate. It affects These challenges are interconnected and often
wildlife through changes in temperature, exacerbate one another, making wildlife
precipitation patterns, and extreme weather conservation a complex and multifaceted
events. These changes can shift habitat ranges, endeavor. Addressing these issues requires
disrupt breeding and migration patterns, and alter comprehensive, collaborative approaches that
food availability, posing a significant threat to involve governments, non-governmental
many species [15]. organizations, communities, and individuals
working together towards sustainable solutions
3. Illegal Wildlife Trade and Poaching: The [19].
illegal trade in wildlife products, including ivory,
rhino horn, and exotic pets, is a lucrative 3. STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE
business that poses a significant threat to various WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND
species. Poaching not only depletes animal MANAGEMENT
populations but also disrupts ecological
balance and can drive species to the brink of Wildlife conservation and management are
extinction [16]. paramount in ensuring the survival of diverse
species and the protection of ecosystems. To
4. Invasive Species: The introduction of non- address the myriad challenges facing these
native species to new environments, whether efforts, a comprehensive approach is necessary.
accidental or intentional, can have devastating This article explores the strategies that can be
effects on local ecosystems. Invasive species employed to bolster effective wildlife
often outcompete native species for resources, conservation and management, encompassing
leading to a decline in biodiversity [12]. habitat preservation, climate resilience, anti-
poaching measures, invasive species
management, pollution control, conflict
5. Pollution: Pollution in its many forms—
mitigation, collaboration, research, sustainable
chemical, noise, light, and plastic—adversely
practices, public engagement, and international
affects wildlife. It can lead to habitat degradation,
cooperation [20].
directly harm animals, and disrupt ecological
processes. For instance, plastic pollution in 4. HABITAT PRESERVATION AND
oceans has become a significant threat to marine RESTORATION
life [13].
One of the fundamental strategies for wildlife
6. Human-Wildlife Conflict: As human conservation is the preservation and restoration
populations expand into previously wild areas, of habitats. Establishing protected areas, national
conflicts between humans and wildlife increase. parks, and wildlife reserves is essential for
Gupta et al.; Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44, no. 24, pp. 280-286, 2023; Article no.UPJOZ.3137
Gupta et al.; Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., vol. 44, no. 24, pp. 280-286, 2023; Article no.UPJOZ.3137
significantly mitigate habitat loss and instrumental in curbing illegal wildlife activities
fragmentation. Restoration efforts in degraded and reducing the demand for illicit wildlife
areas are crucial to maintaining biodiversity and products. The management of invasive species
ecological balance. and pollution control are essential to maintaining
the health and integrity of ecosystems, allowing
Simultaneously, combating illegal wildlife trade native species to thrive once more [30-35].
and poaching is vital. Enhanced law
enforcement, coupled with international Moreover, the mitigation of human-wildlife
cooperation to disrupt trafficking networks, is conflicts and sustainable resource use practices
necessary. Public awareness campaigns are further contribute to the coexistence of humans
also essential to reduce the demand for wildlife and wildlife. Collaboration among governments,
products. Addressing the impacts of climate NGOs, local communities, and individuals is
change on wildlife is another critical aspect. paramount to orchestrate these strategies
Developing climate-resilient conservation effectively. In the end, the harmonious balance
strategies and promoting initiatives to reduce between human development and wildlife
greenhouse gas emissions are key to adapting conservation is not only desirable but
wildlife management to changing environmental indispensable for the long-term sustainability of
conditions. our planet. It is a shared responsibility to
safeguard the Earth's biodiversity and protect the
Furthermore, involving local communities in natural world for future generations. By
conservation efforts ensures sustainable implementing these strategies and embracing a
outcomes. This involves providing alternative collective commitment to conservation, we can
livelihoods, integrating traditional knowledge into aspire to a future where both humans and wildlife
management plans, and respecting local needs coexist harmoniously, preserving the wonders of
and perspectives. Promoting sustainable land our natural world for generations to come.
and resource use in agriculture, forestry, and
fisheries reduces habitat destruction and COMPETING INTERESTS
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