10 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Society of
Valuable ecosystems, such as coral practitioners and scientists have habitats over large spatial and temporal
reefs, macroalgae, mangrove forests, embraced this wealth of knowledge. scales (Orth & McGlathery 2012).
saltmarshes and seagrass meadows The application of seed-based restora- Thirty consecutive years of watershed
(Fig. 1), are in the precarious position tion is a relatively new concept in modelling, biogeochemical data and
of being a buffer between the terres- marine restoration (Marion & Orth comprehensive aerial surveys of Chesa-
trial and marine environments. They 2010; Orth et al. 2012). Seeds add ver- peake Bay, in the north-eastern United
will continue to be under increasing satility to current transplant practices, States, was used to quantify the cascad-
pressure from anthropogenic activities emerging as an alternative, genetically ing effects of anthropogenic impacts
through coastal development, pollu- diverse, less damaging, cost-effective on submersed aquatic vegetation (in-
tion and climate change (Lotze et al. approach to restoring larger areas. cluding seagrasses and other underwa-
2006; Duarte et al. 2015). The planet ter vascular plants; Lefcheck et al.
S e e d i n g f o r e c o s y s te m
has lost one quarter of its seagrasses 2018). Models linked land use change
globally (Waycott et al. 2009) with to higher nutrient loads, which reduce
widespread and accelerating losses Large-scale restoration of seagrasses is submersed aquatic vegetation cover
continuing (Statton et al. 2018; Evans now possible with recent advances through multiple, independent path-
et al. 2019). Declining fisheries around helping to reverse declines and return ways. The submersed aquatic vegeta-
the world are linked to the loss of sea- the benefits of healthy seagrasses to tion has regained 17,000 ha to
grasses, which also play a critical role coastal communities. Large expanses achieve its highest cover in almost half
in supporting a diverse range of marine of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) have a century, due to sustained manage-
life (Unsworth et al. 2018). Seagrass been restored to Virginia’s coastal ment actions that reduced nitrogen
meadows represent globally signifi- lagoons in the United States, enabled concentrations in Chesapeake Bay by
cant carbon sinks (‘Blue Carbon’; through the development of an effi- 23% (Lefcheck et al. 2018). This suc-
McLeod et al. 2011), contribute to cient seed collection, processing and cess required long-term investment
water quality (Barbier et al. 2011; delivery programme (Orth et al. by multiple stakeholder agencies and
Lamb et al. 2017) and stabilise sedi- 2012). The reintroduced seeds have communities.
ments (Orth et al. 2006a). Losing sea- grown, flowered and produced seeds A comprehensive review of seagrass
grasses, particularly the larger species themselves that have spread naturally restoration across Australia and New
that support critical habitat provision to new areas, such that by 2018 Zealand (Tan et al. 2020) highlights
and ecological functions, will lead to almost 3,600 ha of seagrass has been emerging tools, techniques and
further reduction in an ability of sea- restored. This recovery has been fol- approaches needed to restore seagrass
grass habitats to resist climate impacts lowed by an increase in abundance meadows and associated ecosystem
through carbon sequestration (Arias- of fish and invertebrate species (Rey- services. Here, we use three case stud-
Ortiz et al. 2018) and shoreline stabili- nolds et al. 2016; Lefcheck et al. ies from temperate Australia (Fig. 2) to
sation (Donatelli et al. 2019). This 2017). Decades of pioneering and demonstrate how some of these
increased understanding of the value foundational seagrass restoration approaches are improving the success
of ecosystem services is laying the research has brought us to this point. of restoration activities. These case
foundation to improve conservation We now have the science to begin studies align with practical strategies
of our remaining seagrass meadows, tackling restoration at ecologically proposed by Aronson et al. (2020) in
as well as expand restoration activities meaningful scales to restore our support of the United Nation’s Decade
to recover damaged meadows. coastal ecosystems. on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–
Restoration efforts using transplan- We note that reintroduction on its 2030).
tation methods have largely been own will not be the ‘silver bullet’ to
small in scale and costly compared reversing the long history of seagrass
with other marine habitats (van Kat- decline. Indeed, resilience-based Three Seagrass Restoration
wijk et al. 2016; Bayraktarov et al. restoration and management will form Case Studies
2016). We argue that in the long term, an integral part in enhancing the ability
C a s e s tu d y 1 : S e e d i n g li fe
it is too costly not to restore them. of seagrasses to withstand the effects of
b a c k i n t o t h e Co o r o n g ,
Given the massive scale of seagrass anthropogenic stressors, and to
S o u t h A u s t r a l i a, w i t h
losses, both nationally and globally, recover naturally (recruitment,
Tr adition al O wn er s
development of scalable techniques growth, survival) after major impacts
is necessary. Terrestrial seed-based or climate events. Managing anthro- The Coorong, Lake Alexandrina and
restoration approaches have been pogenic stresses to re-build ecosystem Lake Albert Wetland in South Aus-
successful at spatial scales of 10 s– resilience has been linked to successful tralia were listed as a Wetland of
100 s of ha, and seagrass restoration restoration of nearshore seagrass International Importance under the
ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 11
12 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Five life stages are recognisable (see Collier et al. 2017): initiation of growth with the onset of cooler weather and rising
water levels covering summer dry flats, breaking seed dormancy and inundating the areas where turions have survived, or
remnant plants in deeper water (1); rapid shoot growth and colonisation occurs on the large areas of available habitat created
by rising water levels (2); sexual reproduction through flowering and seed production occurs in moderate salinities. Turion
formation is favoured in hypersaline, warming, waters in late spring to early summer (3); completion of seed production or
turion formation enables persistence when water levels drop (4); and Seeds and turions remain dormant in exposed
environments or within the sediment (5). Plants can continue growing in deeper, hypersaline water over summer.
completion of the Pondweed life recovery. Thus, to prevent future ecological requirements for success in
cycle and as a result the depletion of occurrences, water levels would need achieving long-term sustainability of
the seed bank preventing natural to be maintained to achieve minimum restoration actions.
ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 13
14 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Ribbon Weed forms large dense single and multispecies meadows. The meadows begin to establish via seedling
recruitment (1). Dense expansive meadows take years to establish as plants grow through rhizome expansion (or vegetative
growth) (2). Mature plants start flowering after about four years (3). Flowers emerge through the leaf canopy during winter.
Pollen is released over a 6-week period (Smith & Walker 2002), with fruit ripening during the austral spring (Kuo & McComb
1989). The flowers are monoecious and hermaphroditic, containing male (anthers) and female (stigma) on the same flower.
Multiple, protandrous flowers (anthers mature before the stigma is receptive) occur on each inflorescence stem. Mature
positively buoyant fruit are released from the parent plant in late spring to early summer and rapidly float to the water surface
(4), where they are subjected to local surface currents and direct wind forces (‘windage’, Ruiz-Montoya et al., 2012). Each fruit
contains a single continuously growing seed or seedling that germinates and bears a plumule and radical (while still contained
within the fruit). The mature fruit splits open within minutes to several days, releasing the negatively buoyant seed, which
rapidly sinks to the seafloor. The seedling will grow, nourished by its large endosperm, and, if conditions are suitable, will
establish. Reproductive stages are locally synchronised. Fruit production is highly variable across the species range, although
prolific in the south-west of Western Australian. The approximate timing of life history events is in the centre wheel, although
these can vary considerably with latitude. For example, fruit ripen in low-latitude meadows in Shark Bay, Western Australia,
from late October, while fruit in Corner Inlet, Victoria, ripen in January.
or diver-restricted locations). More In an Australian first, over 200,000 Australia, and community members
importantly, these approaches are viable Ribbon Weed seeds were col- from the Cockburn Power Boat Club,
developed specifically with commu- lected, processed and delivered to became ‘Seeds for Snapper’. Boat
nity participation in mind whereby 1,000 m2 of seafloor in Cockburn users collected floating fruits while
community members can contribute Sound, Western Australia, in both travelling to/from fishing locations,
to all areas of the restoration includ- 2018 and 2019. This programme, con- and recreational divers used purpose-
ing fruit and seed collection, process- ducted in partnership with OzFish built nets to harvest mature fruit
ing and delivery to the seafloor. Unlimited, the University of Western directly from parent plants (Fig. 5a).
ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 15
16 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Figure 5. ‘Seeds for Snapper’ (a) Mature fruit of Ribbon Weed prior to harvest; (b) processing harvested fruit by agitation in 2,500-L flow-through
tanks; (c) harvested seeds are delivered to site via broadcast seeding; (d) degraded restoration site re-seeded with Ribbon Weed seeds at a rate of 200
seeds m 2; (e) tagged 2-year-old seedling with three shoots; (f) 2.5-year-old seedlings coalescing to create a sparse meadow. (Photos by John Stat-
high level of knowledge about the Restoration is typically perceived exercise at the project outset brought
importance of seagrass, with one as an uncontested ‘good’ activity; researchers and stakeholders towards
respondent from industry expressing, however, the initial consultation a shared understanding.
‘seagrasses are the backbone of our raised unexpected concerns, particu-
Port Stephens’ economy’. These larly among coast care groups who Citizen science in action
groups also recognised the impor- queried the scale of the restoration
Finding suitable donor shoots for
tance of Posidonia specifically as a and project funding. Researchers
restoration was a major challenge
key species. In contrast, fewer in the were able to explain that small-scale
because Ribbon Weed meadows have
general boating public knew about experiments were necessary to adapt
been declining rapidly in NSW in the
Posidonia, referring to it as ‘weed’ methods to local conditions – and, if
last few decades (Glasby & West
or simply ‘seagrass’. The general pub- successful, offered potential to restore
2018; Evans et al. 2019), despite State
lic’s dislike for swimming or boating at a larger scale. The project funding
and National protection. Further, Rib-
in seagrass and seeing it onshore as was explained to which one member
bon Weed meadows rarely flower in
wrack was raised as an issue that the responded with, ‘actually that’s
NSW, and overall fruit and seed pro-
‘Operation Posidonia’ awareness cam- ridiculously good value then’. The
duction are highly variable (Inglis &
paign then aimed to address. One of engagement with local school stu-
Lincoln Smith 1998), factors which
the strategies used to change negative dents met with broad social accep-
limit their use in restoration. Opera-
associations was to draw on the posi- tance with one member asserting,
tion Posidonia asked citizen scientists
tive connections of Ribbon Weed ‘there’s a tremendous amount of
to collect rhizome fragments that
with charismatic marine fauna associ- good with your research right
become naturally detached after large
ated with seagrasses (Fig. 6). there’. Conducting a listening
ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 17
Figure 6. ‘Operation Posidonia’ engages with the local community to collect storm-detached shoots washed up as beach wrack for replanting into
boat mooring scars. The communication campaign developed logos, which associated the project with a local charismatic animal that relies on healthy
seagrass meadows (seahorse); the ‘Storm squad’ logo on beanies and hats developed a community of beach collectors. (Logos by catfish creative,
Photos by Harriet Spark).
storms and wash up as ‘beach wrack’ The science communication cam- via a launch event, school visits and
on local beaches. These fragments paign was critical for the recruitment guided seagrass collection walks
were subsequently replanted and of citizen scientists to collect storm- (Fig. 6). The overall approach was
used to restore meadows that have detached shoots. The campaign mate- highly successful, with over 1,200
been damaged by boat moorings (Fer- rials included a website, social media shoots being collected by local volun-
retto et al. 2019). This approach presence and series of short films that teers in the first 14 months of the pro-
avoids additional damage to existing communicated the importance of sea- ject. One community group was
meadows, while also engaging local grass and mechanics behind the pro- particularly effective, creating their
communities in the restoration pro- posed restoration. The team also own coordinated local solution: days
gramme. connected with local communities were colour-coded according to
18 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
predicted storms when Ribbon Weed 2017). The Environmental Protec- The involvement of local citizen
shoots and rhizome were most likely tion and Biodiversity Conservation scientists has become an important
dislodged. A ‘green for go’ day meant Act (EPBC Act 1999) allows the Aus- aspect of restoration. Hands-on
members were mobilised via email to tralian Federal Government to join engagement with local communities
comb the beaches for dislodged the states and territories in managing is a powerful tool that not only
shoots and rhizome among the beach coastal ecosystems when they fall raises awareness about the impor-
wrack. This group alone collected 750 under Matters of National Environ- tance of seagrass ecosystems, but
shoots. The restoration outcomes for mental Significance (MNES). A recent also offers a positive view of how
Operation Posidonia are very encour- review outlined how seagrass mead- science can be used to help solve
aging, so far. Research to date shows ows fall within MNES because they environmental problems. Restoration
that Ribbon Weed fragments col- are important components of World projects that enhance community
lected by citizen scientists provide Heritage Sites and Ramsar wetlands, engagement can inspire a sense of
an effective, non-destructive source support many species listed as threat- optimism that motivates further
of plants for restoration, with survival ened or endangered under the EPBC action and have been linked with
rates of >50% in restored plots (Fer- Act, and support migratory species positive conservation outcomes
retto et al. 2019). protected through international trea- (McAfee et al. 2019).
ties (McLeod et al. 2018). Generally,
management has focused on reducing Acknowledgements
Broader Conservation
harm from development activities and
Context of Seagrass This article was the result of two
through protected areas (McLeod
Restoration workshops, one conducted at Deakin
et al. 2018). However, despite protec-
These three case studies each high- tion through the EPBC Act, many sea- University and a second at the Depart-
light the need for coordination, col- grass communities are continuing to ment of the Environment and Energy,
laboration and ongoing commitment decline due to changing climate and Canberra. Funding support was pro-
for restoration projects to be success- ongoing anthropogenic activities. We vided by the Australian Govern-
ful. These ‘Blue Restoration’ projects suggest that (1) seagrass recovery ment’s National Environmental
demonstrate examples of successfully needs a more proactive approach to Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodi-
overcoming environmental, technical enable restoration, (2) there is posi- versity Hub. Thanks to Dr Lisa
and social barriers (Stewart-Sinclair tive value of national coordination Bostr€om-Einarsson for designing Fig-
et al. 2020). and collaboration through organisa- ure 1. The Ruppia project is sup-
Most management of coastal envi- tions such as the Seagrass Restoration ported by Department for
ronments in Australia is done by local Network (Box 3) and (3) funding Environment and Water, Government
councils, and state and territory gov- should be directed towards creating of South Australia; the ‘Seeds for Snap-
ernments, and for most environmen- a framework and good practice guide- per’ Program is funded by the Recre-
tal issues, levels of government are lines for seagrass restoration in Aus- ational Fishing Initiatives Fund and
not coordinated (Clark & Johnston tralia. BCF to OzFish Unlimited and partners
ª 2020 Ecological Society of Australia and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT & RESTORATION VOL 22 NO 1 JANUARY 2021 19
Recfishwest and The University of DEWNR (2014) Ruppia translocation: Coorong, Kuo, J. and McComb, A. J. (1989). Seagrass tax-
Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) onomy, structure and development. In: Biol-
Western Australia; ‘Operation Posido- Recovery Project. Department for Environ- ogy of Seagrasses. A treatise on the biology
nia’ is funded through New South ment Water and Natural Resources, South of seagrasses with special reference to the
Wales Environment Trust grant. EAS Australia. Available from URL: environment. Australian region (eds A.W.D. Larkum, A.J. McComb, & S.A. Shepherd). pp. 6–73. Else-
and JS are supported by Australian Donatelli C., Ganju N. K., Kalra T. S., Fagherazzi vier, Amsterdam.
Research Council funding S. and Leonardi N. (2019) Changes in hydro- Lamb J. B., van de Water J. A. J. M., Bourne D.
(DP180100668, LP160101011). dynamics and wave energy as a result of sea- G. et al. (2017) Seagrass ecosystems reduce
grass decline along the shoreline of a exposure to bacterial pathogens of humans,
microtidal back-barrier estuary. Advances in fishes, and invertebrates. Science 355,
Water Resources 128, 183–192. 731–733.
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