Becoming Magnetic Free Guide

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The Art Of Attraction

Free E-book
By: Liv Merima

If you’re wondering how to use attraction principles, manifestation and mindset

work to increase your magnetism and attract the relationships you desire, this E-
book will teach you exactly how! The following are some practical steps I teach my
clients to level up their confidence and manifest their ideal relationships. If you
want to manifest a specific person back, attract a new partner, or become highly
attractive in the eyes of others mastering your self-concept is the key. Are you
excited?! Once you start implementing these steps you will see a shift in your own
confidence, feel extremely attractive, and see changes to the way people treat you
and act towards you.

What is Self-Concept?

Your self-concept is your self-image the way you view yourself and the way you
believe others view you. Your self-concept affects all aspects of your life, especially
in relationships, people are always going to reflect the beliefs you have about
yourself and the way you feel others view you. For example, your self-concept is
that people are always chasing after you and you always have plenty of options
then the people in your life will reflect that belief back to you. The same goes for
having a bad-self concept an example would be you feel that you have to chase
after others and people don’t appreciate you. If you have those core beliefs then you
will experience people treating you that exact way.
How Do I Change My Self-Concept?

In order to change your self-concept you must create a new identity, who do you
want to become? Ask yourself what this version looks like. How do they act? How
do people view them?
For example, your new self-concept can be the version of yourself that is always
getting chased and prioritized by men, she views herself as the prize. You have to
make sure you don’t do actions that go against this new self-concept for example
you NEVER check their social media and or wait around for a text message! If you
are viewing yourself as the prize you know that chasing after somebody or putting
others on a pedestal will only put you in a position to continue chasing after them.
Decide on who you are, tell yourself what type of person you now want to be.
Example “I am the person who is always wanted, I am the person who is always
being catered to, I am the person who always gets treated amazingly by my
partner, I am the person who is always being pursued by others.”

Changing The Way You View Others:

The people in your life especially in relationships are showing up based on how
you expect them to act and feel towards you. This is exactly what I teach my
clients who are using my Manifestation Workshop, there are two parts to the
formula of completely shifting your relationships for good; Changing your beliefs
about yourself and the other individual. That means if you want to manifest for
them to change the way they feel/act towards you, let go of the roaming thoughts
of “they lost feelings, they don’t put in effort, they moved on...etc and replace your
thoughts with “he loves me deeply, he puts in so much effort, he views me as his
dream woman. Know that you do not have to settle for what you don’t want in
relationships you can manifest any specific outcome you want by choosing to
think and feel differently about yourself and the other individual.
How Do I Get Results With Self-Concept Work?

Throughout the day you will be operating as the higher version of yourself,
practice showing up as this version when you're around others acting like this
version who loves themselves, prioritizes themselves and feels really confident and
good about themselves.
Create 2-3 affirmations that you can repeat in your mind throughout the day
as the new version of yourself.

Self-concept affirmations examples:

I am always being prioritized
My energy is so attractive
People are constantly reaching out to me wanting me

When Should I Say My Affirmations?

Whenever you are getting ready, in the shower, driving, cooking etc spend 10
minutes saying your affirmations repeatedly in your mind. The more you repeat
something in your mind you will believe it to be true and therefore must become
true in your reality. So if you are constantly repeating to yourself throughout the
day, you are always prioritized, everybody wants to be with you, you are a magnet
for love etc. You will notice when you consistently repeat an affirmation, people
will start mirroring your beliefs, saying your affirmations back to you and showing
up exactly as the version you affirmed for. When you shift your beliefs and start
using affirmations to strengthen your new self-concept you will quickly start to
experience the way people view you, show up in your life or even have people
you're in no contact with reaching out to you very shortly. This is because you are
shifting your energy.
Removing Others Off The Pedestal:

To become magnetic you must place yourself on top of the pedestal and prioritize
yourself. If you believe you are worthy of being prioritized, when somebody shows
up in your life being inconsistent you are not going to find it attractive, you are
not going to care what they are up to or whether they like you. This concept is
also taught inside the Manifestation Workshop, adopting the habit of prioritizing
yourself and creating boundaries so that you have people treating you with the
respect that you deserve. When you operate that way it will show the other person
unconsciously if they want to be with you they have to show up properly or
otherwise you will not entertain them because you know your value. It gives the
other person a scarcity mindset towards you, they understand that you know your
worth they will lose you if they don't show up properly. When you prioritize
yourself you will always chase after yourself we live in an energy-based universe
after all:)

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