She Is Lilith

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by vixenmanifest


She Is Lilith


“What makes you think this ebook is so special?

What Is Dark Femininity?

Forget The Law Of Attraction

The Shit I Wish I Knew Growing Up | How To Embrace

Dark Feminine Energy
- Core Belief, Affirm The Opposite
- Forgive
- Reinvent
- Change Your Inner World
- Habits

You’re More Than Enough

Obsessed With Myself Ritual

Answering Your Lovely Questions



I’m forever grateful for Neville Goddard. His works permanently

changed my life.

I’m forever grateful for Candace Thoth and Brian Tucciarone.

They’ve only ever seen me at my best, for which I am deeply

“Whatever you desire, believe that you have received it,
and you will.” – Neville Goddard


This book details embracing dark feminine energy using

the law of assumption. The contents of this book are what
I’ve learned on my self-love and manifestation journey,
and how I became obsessed with myself. It’s solely
self-concept focused. You are the single most important
relationship in your life. You are the answer you’ve been
looking for.

It’s not about what you do, it’s about who you are. You are
worthy of everything you desire simply because of who
you are. Simply because you exist.


I don't talk about my past very much, mainly because I've

freed myself from it.

In short, I always felt like it was me against the world.

Lonely, insecure, and helpless. I spend the majority of my
time living in the past, and the remainder hating myself. I
struggled heavily with mental illness and developed an
eating disorder in the process. I felt stuck and powerless.
Coupled with chronic pain, living in poverty, having
strained relationships with everyone in my life, feeling
isolated, feeling like an outsider, I was trapped in my
mind and desperately trying to make sense of life. I was
hoping for the best.

I used to spend way too much time worrying about what

everyone else thought of me. That was a big “blockage”
to embracing who I truly am. I thought:

“What would people from high school think of me?”

“What would my family think of me?”

In honor of saying “fuck that”, this book is completely
focused on YOU, because that is ALL that matters. As
you continue exploring your power, it’s important to
remember that in order to manifest what you want, you
only need to change yourself internally. You do not need
to do anything in the physical world to get your desires.
True reality exists within you.

I used to believe that I had to wait for divine timing. I

believed the universe was deciding whether or not I was
worthy. I believed that if I was bad, I’d go to hell. I
simply invite you to open your mind and heart to the
possibility of more than what you’ve been taught.

I lovingly invite you to become receptive to what I share,

and to test it out for yourself. I’m a no-bullshit kind of
person. I’m not interested in making this complicated.
Thus, this book isn’t very long. It’s straight to the point.
Don’t underestimate its length; this book is everything I
wish I was taught 10+ years ago. It is information I am
grateful to have consciously remembered in this lifetime.

I invite you to open your mind and heart. The contents of
this book quite literally changed my fucking life. Took
me from the rock bottom to feeling more confident,
beautiful, powerful, admired and alive than ever.

Suspend everything you’ve known for now.


I’ve been where you are right now. I remember buying

ebook after ebook, course after course, freebie after
freebie, desperately looking for answers. I wanted to be
seen, admired, respected, desired, and confident. I wanted
to feel powerful. I was told to change the way I dress,
change my mannerisms, mirror body language, wear
sexier outfits, etc.

But I always finished the books with this panging

emptiness in my chest. It felt like no matter what tricks
and tools I used, I was still the helpless, insecure, lonely
girl that I hated.

I would usually get excited, try some tips out, get

discouraged, and go back to square one. I was in this
endless cycle of self sabotage and self torture.

Why? Because instead of addressing the cause, I was
meddling with the effect. External actions and
experiences are the EFFECT. Your internal world is the

The truth is, all that dark femininity is, is a state of mind.
It’s an experience that you choose to embody. The
problem is that everyone was telling me to change my
outer world. The 3D world is the EFFECT. Your inner
world is the CAUSE. Changing your outer world is all in
vain unless you change your inner world. That’s partially
why this book is about changing your self concept. Your
inner world (your imagination, your inner conversations,
your beliefs) is quite literally all you need to embrace
your dark femininity, and further, to manifest your

Changing your inner world changes your life.

Like you, I was tired of being tired. I know you’re done

being a doormat. You want more for yourself. You want

to be confident, sexy, magnetic. beautiful. You know
there’s more to life than what you currently consciously
know, and you want the freedom to explore. You want to
feel wanted. You want to feel powerful. You’re ready to
embrace your “shadow side”. You’re ready to fully
embrace your seduction. You’re ready to embrace who
you truly are.

To many of you, especially at certain points, this book

may feel like a bucket of ice-water dumped on your head.
You may feel shocked, confused, unsettled, etc. I know
along the course of my own spiritual journey, I was
scared to accept new information. I want to comfort you
now to tell you that it’s okay. You don’t need to
understand this all now. This book is always available for
you to revisit, and I’d be willing to bet that every time
you revisit, something new will stick out.

This ebook is entirely about you. In law of assumption, a

very important aspect that many people tend to overlook
is that self concept is key. It is the single most important

thing when it comes to manifestation. In honor of that,
this entire book is about YOU and only you.

In my experience, your beliefs about yourself & your

relationship with yourself is the most important aspect of
your life. In terms of manifestation, having a strong self
concept is absolutely priceless.

Many of you desire men and women lusting after you.

You becoming obsessed with yourself internally will
inevitably reflect in your outer world; others will be
obsessed with you as well. Again, as within, so without.

There is so much to who you truly are. I could talk about

this forever, I’m overwhelmingly passionate about these
topics. This book is just the tip of the iceberg, but you
truly do not need anything else but yourself to manifest.
You don’t need to learn all the information before you
start. You are fucking powerful. This book focuses on, in
my experience, the most important part of embracing dark
femininity: you.


Dark femininity is your raw, unfiltered power. It’s

embracing your shadow side–the parts of yourself that’ve
been shamed by society. It’s honoring your confidence,
your rage, your power, your passion, your creativity, and
your seduction. It’s unapologetically respecting your true

A dark feminine woman knows what she wants. She

knows her power. She honors her true desires. She’s
obsessed with herself, and she finds all her validation

She is bold, unapologetic, and seductive. She’s

effortlessly admired.

What should you expect to experience in this state? In my


- Confidence
- Being desired

- Being admired
- Immense creativity
- Attention
- Being obsessed with yourself, conceited
- Beauty
- Feeling powerful

At its core, dark femininity is deeply honoring yourself. It

is choosing yourself. It is prioritizing yourself.


I want to begin by breaking down the bullshit you’ve

been spoon fed thus far. It’s time to forget the law of

The law of attraction has SO many limiting beliefs. There

are so many completely made-up rules to manifesting that
make it all so much more complicated than it actually is.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m a no-bullshit type of person.
I’ll tell it to you straight, babe.

This shit will keep you stagnant. It’s fear based. As soon
as I got out of the law of attraction, I understood my true

Give yourself grace, it's okay if it takes you some time to

fully understand. Know that you don't have to understand
everything in order to manifest, but I find it extremely
important to acknowledge that all the extra noise is not
necessary. It's freeing to have clarity.

1. The universe isn't granting you your desires.

In your life, YOU are the only being with the power
to manifest. There is no competition. It’s not by mistake
that you are experiencing life as you. You quite literally
have the power to decide everything in your reality.

2. You don’t have to wait for divine timing.

You are not limited by time.

3. You don't have to do shadow work to manifest.

You are not broken. You don’t have blockages.

There is no such thing as a blockage. In my own journey,
I was stuck in my “shadow work” phase for what felt like
forever. Healing is beautiful, but it definitely is not
necessary to manifest what you want, and it doesn’t have
to be a tedious process.

4. You don't need to hope things will work out.

With the law of assumption, you decide things will

work out. You are in control of your reality.

5. You don't need to look for signs.

We manifest “signs” after we’ve shifted states. You

don’t need a sign because you deserve what you truly
want. Any signs that come your way are YOUR
manifestations, whether consciously or not.

6. You don't have to settle for less.

I used to believe that I couldn’t have everything I

wanted, and that I needed to be okay with less.
BULLSHIT. You NEVER have to settle for less.

7. Karma doesn't exist.

Unless you believe it does. You will see evidence of

karma if you believe it to be true, because whether you’re
aware of it or not, you’re manifesting that in your life.
Don’t go through your entire life blaming yourself for
everything you may have unknowingly manifested. Law
of assumption is so much more forgiving than that.
There’s no blame here. You have the power to forgive

In order to manifest, you need to change your inner
world. Do not rely on the 3D (the physical world). Your
inner world is the cause, and outer world is the effect.


When it comes to dark femininity, all that is important is

your self concept. What you believe to be true about
yourself is ALL that matters. You don’t need to stock up
on random tips and tricks to make people think you're
more interesting. Everyone else is irrelevant here; it’s all
about you.

I mean this literally. Picture your favorite dark feminine

celebrity. Do you think they rely on one-off seduction tips
to convince the masses to adore them? Do you think they
bite their lip and bat their lashes exactly 4 times in order
to seduce? No.

They internally see themselves as dark feminine women.

Consciously or not, they see themselves as seductive.
They see themselves as beautiful. They see themselves as
desired. They aren’t relying on anyone else to tell them.
Long before they were in the spotlight, these beliefs
existed within them. Getting caught up on external

actions instead of approaching the root of the problem is a
waste of your time and energy.

It is all about you.


I don’t support dwelling in the past, but in my journey to

embracing dark femininity, I found it helpful to recognize
and eliminate my core limiting belief.

Sometimes it feels like a mountain of blockages are

preventing you from embracing your true power and
feeling the unwavering confidence you want. That’s not
the case, though. In reality, nothing is blocking you from
manifesting your desires, and the only thing making it
feel difficult is a pesky core belief you hold onto and
identify with about yourself.

I constantly receive messages from beautiful souls telling

me their limiting beliefs coupled with “but I don’t know
why” or “but i don't know how to fix it”.

The messages look a little something like this:

“I care too much about what people think and I don’t

know why. How do I stop?

Awareness is an extremely important step in all of this.
The fact that you acknowledge what you feel is beautiful.
Now, it’s simply time to change it.

Check in with yourself to find that core belief that's

fucking with you. In order to do this, ask yourself "why
do I feel like this?" More times than not, it's the very first
thing that comes to mind. It's usually some experience
that you constantly revisit that causes a belief like "I'm
worthless, I'm not enough, I'm undeserving, or I'm
unlovable." Once you recognize that core belief,
internally affirm the opposite.

Comfort yourself in your love language. Continue

comforting yourself until you genuinely feel satisfied.

Once you acknowledge the belief, don’t dwell on it.

Don’t feel guilty for harboring it or regretful for all the
time you’ve believed it. That’s not important, and that’s
not the point here.

Separate yourself from the belief for a moment. Briefly
imagine a young child coming to you expressing that
belief. They came to you saying, for example, “I’m not
enough". Wouldn't you tell them that they're more than
enough? Wouldn't you shower them with love? Wouldn’t
you do everything in your power to make that child feel
adored? Do that to yourself and really tap into the feeling
of it.

For me, it was “I don’t deserve it.” I remember staring at

myself in the mirror one late night. Exhausted, I vividly
remember staring deep into my eyes and telling myself “I
deserve it, and I love you.” I was near my late teens, and
honestly, that might've been the first time I ever said those
words to myself. Tears pooled in my eyes and I hugged
myself. I kept telling myself “I love you” over and over
and over again because it felt so foreign, but so fulfilling.

Clinging onto your core limiting belief is manifesting

events and circumstances in your life that support that
assumption. Consciously or not, this is occurring in your

life without fail. I believed that I didn’t deserve to be
happy, to be beautiful, to have attention, etc. In return,
and unknowingly, I was constantly manifesting
experiences that supported that belief. Everyone mirrored
my self concept back to me. They’d tell me that “you
don’t deserve that” or challenge me with “what makes
you think you can have that?”. In friendships, I was
distant, because I didn't believe that I deserved healthy
relationships. I felt like an outsider in friend groups and
struggled to receive the love and respect I craved. Again,
I felt that I didn’t deserve it.

This exact phenomenon is occurring in your life right

now. Acknowledge that limiting belief and decide it
doesn’t apply to who you are.

You are infinitely powerful. The limiting belief is simply

that–a belief. You have complete control over what you
accept to be true, and whatever you accept to be true IS
true and manifests in your life. Without fail. Choose a
new belief.

Instead of “I don't deserve it”, I adopted the belief “I
deserve everything I want and more.” Stay loyal to your
new belief. Don’t go back to telling yourself the former.


The past no longer exists. The future does not exist. They
both exist solely within our minds, and you have full
control over your mind, over your inner world. In order to
manifest what you want, stop holding yourself back by
clinging onto your past. Forgiveness does not make you
weak. Forgiveness does not make you a pushover.
Revenge and hatred keeps you trapped. Forgiveness sets
you free.

Apologize to yourself, first and foremost. Decide that

from now on, you are going to choose yourself. Decide
that your relationship with yourself is important, and you
will not spend another moment neglecting it.

As for everyone else in your life, I recommend writing

letters for closure. Write letters from their perspective if
that provides a greater sense of peace. The idea here is to
completely start fresh. Is this necessary in order to
manifest? No, of course not. However, I find this process
therapeutic. I recommend doing it all in one sitting. One
and done. Setting everything that feels unsettled within

you to rest. Write a letter to yourself as well, forgiving
you for everything you’ve done. You deserve a fresh start.
You are not your past.

Once you genuinely feel a sense of peace, let yourself

break ties with everything from your past. It’s not holding
you back, but your belief that it is will keep you feeling
trapped. Let it go, babe.

After you’ve finished, write yourself a love letter. Pour

your heart out to yourself. This is the beginning of a
completely new chapter in your life. This is your fresh
start. You are a blank canvas now, embrace the freedom
to create yourself however you’d like.

I understand the need to heavily associate with your

struggles; I used to do that as well. I spent most of my
free time replaying traumatizing memories and revisiting
painful experiences. Do yourself a favor: set yourself


Now you have a completely clean slate. It’s time to fully

dive into your dark femininity.

I want to briefly point this out, because this point eases

pressure on yourself.

We manifest in states. Conceptualizing manifestation in

this way is so much simpler than manifesting individual

Think of it as manifesting a cake vs. manifesting icing,

flour, sugar, salt, eggs, butter, etc. Instead of manifesting
each individual piece, we naturally manifest from our
dominant state. This emphasizes the need to be aware of
our self concept. Because we manifest in states, it’s
extremely important to be aware of what we believe to be
true about ourselves.

On a state level, embracing dark femininity means

manifesting everything that you associate with dark
femininity–at once. There is no need to manifest
individual items. We are constantly manifesting from our
current state of mind, our current self concept.

State shifts are instant. Have you ever gone from feeling
on top of the world to feeling miserable? This is simply a
state change, and we are deciding what state to
embody–dark femininity.

As your new state, it’s important that you decide what

you want to experience. Manifestation is so much more
enjoyable when you love what you’re manifesting. Dark
femininity may feel different to you than it does to me,
and that’s okay. Honor YOUR desires.

Ask yourself these questions:

- As a femme fatale, dark feminine woman, what do I

believe about myself?
- As a femme fatale, dark feminine woman, what do I
believe about others? How do others treat me?
- As a femme fatale, dark feminine woman, what do I
believe about life in general? What does my life look


Dark feminine energy exists within you. It has never

existed outside of you. In order to experience life in this
state, you need to change your inner world. In your inner
world, feel yourself to be the woman you desire. There
are no limits. Internally hear people compliment you on
your seduction. Internally see people staring at you in
admiration. Be loyal to your inner world and you will see
it reflected in your outer world.

There is an unbroken connection between our inner world

and our physical world (3D world). Your inner world is
always the cause, and your physical world is always the
effect. This occurs consciously or unconsciously, 24/7 in
your life. This is the true nature of manifestation.

So, far more important than making changes externally,

you need to change your inner world. It’s imperative that
you prioritize your feelings throughout the day, your inner
conversations, and the topics you’re dwelling upon.

Consistently take time to unplug from the physical world.
The physical world can change at the drop of a hat. It can
change INSTANTLY, and your inner world is the cause
every single time.

As someone who fully embraces their dark femininity,

you need to find all your validation internally. Make it a
habit to check in with yourself before considering anyone
or anything else. Tell yourself exactly what you wish to
hear externally, and choose to believe yourself.

Treat yourself how you want them to treat you. More

importantly than external actions, treat yourself internally
how you want to be treated. Compliment yourself right
now. Begin every morning complimenting yourself.

The minute you decide that no matter what you see or

hear in your 3D world, that you’ve decided to believe
yourself above anyone else? That’s the moment you’ve

I used to tell myself affirmations, but I didn’t notice much
of a change. That’s because I was saying the words, but I
wasn’t feeling them. I was telling myself the words
because I wanted to stop feeling so miserable, but I
wasn’t changing my thoughts.

Immediately after repeating affirmations, I would

internally pick myself apart.

Change your thoughts. Change what you believe to be

true about yourself, others, and life.

Here is a list of some dark femininity affirmations. Use

whatever resonates and alter to your liking. Replace old,
unwanted thoughts with these. These are your new inner
- I am effortlessly sexy and powerful.
- I always get exactly what I want.
- Everyone absolutely adores me.
- I find all my validation internally.
- My power is unmatched.

- I am obsessed with myself.
- I deserve everything I want and more.
- I am more than enough.
- I am in love with every aspect of my life.
- I am the most beautiful woman to ever exist.
- I am highly desired.
- Everyone treats me like the goddess that I am.
- I am absolutely in love with myself.
- I love myself unconditionally.
- I am more than worthy of everything I want.
- I am in love with myself and my life.


All that matters is changing your inner world. You will

undoubtedly see the reflections of your inner world in
your 3D world. You will find your habits naturally
changing as a result of your changed inner world.

As a dark feminine woman, here are some habits that

you’ll likely indulge in. It should never feel like you’re
forcing it. It shouldn’t feel odd and unnatural. If it does,
turn all your attention to your inner world again until
these acts feel natural.

Be present while you do them.

Do everything for yourself ONLY.

DATE | Take time every day to dedicate to yourself, take

yourself out on dates. Make that time non-negotiable.
Prioritize that time and plan ahead occasionally.


MEDITATIONS | These can be helpful when you want to

simultaneously rest your mind and avoid spiraling into an
old thought pattern.

MIRROR WORK | Compliment yourself in the mirror.

Look into your eyes and admire yourself as you dance.
Read your love letters aloud in the mirror. Admire
yourself wearing lingerie.

RAMPAGE | Go on an empowerment rant internally until

you invoke feelings of self-love and empowerment within

DANCE | Put on music that makes you feel good (Here’s

a femme fatale spotify playlist I created:

PHOTOSHOOT | Listen to music, dance around, enjoy

your time putting on makeup, take pictures, and admire

SPOIL YOURSELF | Don’t hesitate to do what fulfills

you. Get in the habit of internally telling yourself yes,
regardless of external circumstances.

out into the letters. Don’t write what you “should” write.
Write what truly makes you feel powerful and beautiful.

SELF CARE | Soak in a bath. Watch the sunset. Before

checking your phone every morning, rampage internally.
Tell yourself beautiful things, appreciate yourself, and
compliment yourself until you feel enveloped in the
feeling you’re wanting to provoke, such as seduction,
peace, beauty, fulfillment, etc. At night, before you drift
off to sleep, do the same thing. Only drift off to sleep in a
state that feels good to you.

HOBBY | We’re creative beings. Embrace creative



Stop waiting. You don’t need all the information in the

world to start. Let today be the day you choose yourself
for good.

No, you don't need another ebook. You don’t need

another course. Hell, you don’t NEED this ebook. All you
need is yourself.


(This isn’t witchcraft; I just made this “ritual” up.)

Out of everything I've manifested in my life, my favorite

manifestation has been my relationship with myself.
When you believe you are worthy, and deserving, and
admired, you will experience this in your 3D world.
Others will believe you and treat you as such.


- Turn your phone on DND.

- Clean your space.
- Go on a rampage internally. Hype yourself UP.
- Dance around to music and compliment yourself as
you dance.
- Take a warm bath or shower. Listen to music and
continue soaking up the feeling of being the dark
feminine being that you are.
- Go to sleep in that feeling.


How do I not lose access to my feminine energy while in a


Make your alone time a priority. Make self care a

priority. Set aside non-negotiable time where you
consistently cater to only you. Your relationship with
yourself will always be the most important relationship of
your life. Honor your relationship with your partner, but
never at the expense of your own well-being.

What to do when not feeling worthy of good things?

Visit your inner world. As I mentioned earlier, in

order to manifest what you want, you need to change your
inner world. That’s all. It’s beautiful that you’ve
acknowledged that belief, because that’s the first step.
Simply decide that you are worthy. Manifestation is very
simple. We constantly manifest–we can’t turn it off. Stop
what you're doing and tell yourself that you're more than
worthy of all the goodness in the world. Sit with that
belief and allow it to feel real. Don’t force it.

Is life supposed to be easy or hard?

EASY!!!! Stop telling yourself “life is hard.” That’s

a perfect example of how the law of assumption works.
Constantly telling yourself “life is hard” is going to
manifest events and experiences in your life to support
that belief. Your external world is the effect. Change your
assumption. Decide that life is easy, and consistently feel
into that.

What tricks can I use to fully believe in myself?

Rampage. Go on a rant internally hyping yourself

up. Do it until you catch the feeling of empowerment and
love for yourself.

How can one be dark feminine? / how do I tap into my

dark femininity?

Dark femininity is merely a state that you choose to

embody. There are an infinite amount of states to embody,
and further exploration into the manifestation (especially

Neville Goddard’s work) demonstrates this. All you
should consciously know for now is that dark femininity
exists within you. It always has. Honor what you truly
want, not what you “should” want, or what others expect
you to want. Always prioritize yourself. Always choose
yourself. Find all your validation internally.

How do you rewire yourself into positive talk to the point

where it’s natural?

I used to treat myself like absolute shit. My inner

conversations were horrible, and I was constantly self
sabotaging, dealing with jealousy, and victimizing myself.
I felt comfortable being a victim because that’s what I
was familiar with.

How to rewire your inner conversations? Start right

now. Decide right now to treat yourself like the powerful
being you are. Tell yourself how much you love yourself.
Compliment yourself. Tell yourself you’re fucking

At first it might feel foreign, but that’s okay. Keep

going. As you change your inner conversations, allow

yourself to feel your new thoughts to be your new reality.
Trust me, there will come a point where it is your default
thought and anything self-deprecating feels foreign.

How do I stop comparing myself to others?

This could be an ebook on its own. Everyone is

consciousness, and we are all connected. Just like how
your inner world and outer world are directly connected,
so are you with all of the universe. There really are no
“others”, which is partially why I never advocate for
revenge. There is only you vs you. No one else holds a
candle to who you are, because YOU are YOU. You are
God experiencing life as YOU.
Everyone is playing the role we’ve designated for
them. In order to change their actions, you must go
internally and decide on a new role.

“I don't know who I am or what I like. What are some

things you recommend I should do to know myself more
and love myself more?

I always struggled with a lack of sense of self. It was
a major portion of one of my mental illnesses, so this
question definitely stood out to me.
In short though, I think an important distinction
needs to be made between "finding" yourself and
"creating" yourself. I felt so stuck, alone, and confused
because I felt like I couldn't find myself. The truth is
though, you CREATE yourself. You get to be anyone you
want to be.
There's no wrong answer. You're completely free to
explore and you're free to change as much as you want. I
invite you to notice how you talk to yourself in your
mind. Simply notice what you're saying. Ask yourself
what you want. What do you genuinely want?

How to stop seeking male validation?

At one point in my journey, it was extremely helpful

to adopt the mindset that “everyone else’s thoughts are
none of my business.” At the time, it helped to shift the
focus from people-pleasing and anxious self-awareness to
a quiet “it’s not my problem.”

External validation doesn’t exist without first
changing your inner world. People in your life will
undoubtedly parrot back to you the things you believe
about yourself and the things you believe about them.
Start by recognizing that you are the single most
important person in your life, and you always will be. If it
helps, add a title to your relationship with yourself.
Whether that’s best friend, girlfriend, wife, etc., make a
serious commitment to yourself.

How to stop being jealous of others and be confident in

what you say/ do around others

Adopt a “me too” mentality. Instead of ruminating

on jealousy and comparisons, just decide “that’s mine
too.” If you see something you like, give it to yourself in
imagination. Feel that it’s yours. Continue casually going
about your day knowing whatever you wanted is yours,

How can I balance my dark feminine energy?

You can tell yourself “I am perfectly balanced”

internally and adopt that assumption. You are a powerful
being. Balance your dark femininity by prioritizing
yourself and respecting your own opinion above all else.
Only imagine for others what you’d want to imagine for

Things to do to take care of yourself or practices?

Take yourself out on a date. Treat yourself. Talk to

yourself lovingly. Watch a sunset. Have an at-home date
night. Bake yourself treats. Read the book that’s been
sitting on your shelf for the past year. Go to that dance
class you keep thinking about. Buy yourself a promise
ring. Go paint at the beach. Have an at-home spa session.
Write yourself love letters. Make an edit of yourself. Do
anything that makes you feel empowered and fulfilled.

I went through a bad breakup due to a third party. How

do I tap into my dark femininity properly?

Imagine and feel yourself to be the woman you want
to be. Go to sleep in that feeling night after night. Don’t
let hatred consume you; you’re more powerful than that.
Right now, it’s especially important to validate and
empower yourself. All your validation needs to come
from within. Consider adopting the assumption “their
thoughts are none of my business”. It shifts the focus
from whatever they’re thinking to solely focusing on your


Babe, you’ve reached the end of the book. What are you
going to do next? Are you going to decide to choose
yourself, for good? Or are you going to fall back into bad
habits, searching externally for the answer? YOU are the
answer that you’ve been looking for. This entire time, it
has been you. I invite you to decide that enough is
enough, and today is the beginning of the rest of your life.
That this moment is the turning point for you. I invite you
to decide that the best experiences of your life are
beginning right here, right now. I invite you to love
yourself more deeply than anything. I invite you to hug
yourself, to pleasure yourself, to dance around in your
underwear, to kiss your mirror, to touch your body, to
treat yourself, to buy yourself flowers, to take yourself on
dates, to take yourself on vacation, to tell yourself about
your day, to kiss yourself goodnight, to dream.

Now, it’s up to you.

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