Homoeopathic Prescribing Revised 0906584035 9780906584033 Compress
Homoeopathic Prescribing Revised 0906584035 9780906584033 Compress
Homoeopathic Prescribing Revised 0906584035 9780906584033 Compress
Revised Edition
Revised Edition
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Of related interest,
The Beaconsfield Homoeopathic Library
Homoeopathy in Practice
Dr D. M. Borland, MB, ChB, FFHom
Edited for publication by Dr Kathleen Priestman, LRCP,
173 pages, paperback, 1982
in production
Classical Homoeopathy
Dr Margery G. Blackie, CVO, MD, FFHom
Edited for publication by Dr Charles Elliott, MB,
BCh, MFHom and Dr Frank Johnson, MB, BS, FFHom
Revised Edition
Dr Noel J. Pratt —
Pratt, Noel J
Homoeopathic prescribing. — (Beaconsfield
homoeopathic library; No.3). |
1. Homeopathy — Materia medica and therapeutics
2. Drugs — Prescribing
I. Title
615.532. ~RX601
ISBN 0-906584-03-5
ia oF e A ad
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aya 5 od a . eae mp
Low potencies are those in which some of the original
substance of the remedy is still present. They are generally
available as 3x, 6x, 6c and 12c. They have wide application,
are less likely to cause aggravations, and the beginner is
advised to use them, especially as they are the potencies
most likely to be available at local pharmacies.
High potencies are those in which there are no molecules of
the remedy remaining - only the homoeopathic potency,
which is still a mystery from the biophysical point of view,
but clinically effective, often producing remarkable results.
The high potencies are best prescribed by the more experi-
enced physicians.
As a general rule, the low potencies are indicated for diseases
which are localised, and not affecting the patient’s general
health. The high potencies are usually indicated when the
patient's general health is disturbed, and also when the
disease has a predominantly psychological cause.
Constitutional remedies (such as those listed in Dr Gray’s
Appendix) are usually prescribed in the 30c and the higher
potencies. Nosodes (equivalent to oral vaccines in potency)
should also be prescribed in high potency, 200c or higher.
When a low potency brings some improvement which is
followed byarelapse, a higher potency of the same remedy
is often indicated, and can be expected to work deeper and
The ideal cure is achieved by one dose of a single remedy;
this does happen, if the dose is given time to work. When
first-aid is needed for injuries, a single dose is usually
enough. The long-term sequelae of trauma in the broadest
sense of the word are also often eliminated by a single dose,
but the physician must be prepared to repeat the remedy to
maintain the improvement or cure.
Sometimes the single dose is given ‘split’ - half in the
evening and half the next morning, on the assumption that
the body may respond to the stimulus better at one time of
the day than at another. In other cases a succession of doses
may be needed to stimulate the system to respond, especially
when the patient is elderly. Some patients are unduly
sensitive to medicaments, and then it is wise to begin treat-
ment with one dose on the first day, two on the second day,
and then three times a day - using low potencies - until
improvement is noticed, and then to stop and review the
Acute diseases. In very acute circumstances, such as the onset
of a fever, doses may be given at short but increasing inter-
vals such as one, two, four and eight hours. After that, a
second remedy may be needed for the second stage of the
illness. This applies particularly to the common infectious
diseases of childhood, when the symptoms and signs
Subacute diseases. Some, such as lingering respiratory catarrh
or sinusitis, often need a course of a remedy twice a day fora
few days, and occasionally longer.
Chronic diseases usually need higher potencies which work
deeper and longer. Then a dose of a high potency such as.
the 30c can be given once a week until improvements estab-
lished. Some prescribers begin treatment of chronic disease
with a single dose of the constitutional remedy in high
potency, followed by a course of alow potency of the ‘organ
remedy for the organ or system most affected. Or, the organ
remedy in low potency (3x, 6x or 6c) may be used daily or
twice daily six days each week, and the constitutional
remedy in high potency on the seventh day of each week.
Episodic diseases, such as migraine, can be treated with one
dose at the onset of the attack. If this is found to cause an
aggravation, the remedy should be withheld till after an
attack. Some chronic diseases are exacerbated in afairly
regular and predictable time of day or week or month, or at
certain times of the menstrual cycle; then it is advisable to
give a dose on the day before an expected attack. For
premenstrual tension, the remedy can be given when
symptoms appear, expecting to need fewer doses each
month, and eventually none at all.
Before and after surgical operations itis usually appropriate to
give a dose before going into hospital, and another on
return home.
Prophylaxis. For the prevention of influenza, and for
building up immunity to other infections such as some of
the childhood fevers, three doses of the nosode at intervals
of one week are usually enough. Some physicians prescribe
a dose at monthly intervals throughout the winter in those
who are particularly susceptible. Nosodes should not be
given during an attack of the infection concerned. When
convalescence is slow, one or two doses of the appropriate
nosode or the constitutional remedy are indicated.
Administration of the Remedy. Unless the symptoms are very
urgent, it is preferable to give the remedy between meals,
not less than thirty minutes before or after food. Any
unnatural taste in the mouth, such as tobacco, alcoholic’
drink, coffee, or toothpaste, lozenges, or commercial ‘sweets’,
should be washed away by a thorough rinsing of the mouth
with plain water or with one of the natural spring waters.
Homoeopathic remedies are best absorbed through the
mucosal lining of the mouth - so the tablets, pills, granules,
or powders should be retained in the mouth until they have
dissolved. Some tablets which dissolve slowly may be
chewed after half to one minute.
Introduction Vii
Potency and Dosage x
Acne 1
Acne rosacea 1
Adenoids, enlarged 1
Aggression 2
Alcoholism 2
Anger, and ailments after anger 2
Angina pectoris 3
Anus, fissure of 3
Anus, itching of (pruritus ani) 3
Appetite, cravings 4
Appetite, lossof 4
Apprehension +
Arthritis, acute 5
Arthritis, chronic 5
Asthma 6
Backache 6
Belching 7
Blepharitis 7
Blisters and vesicles 7
Boils and furuncles 8
Bone pains 8
Breast, pain in 9
Bronchitis 9
Bruises 10
Bunions 10
Burns and scalds 10
Catarrh, chronic nasal 11
Chicken pox 11
Chilblains 12
Coccydynia (pain in coccyx) 12
Colic, intestinal 13
Colitis 13
Common cold 14
Complexion 14
Concussion 15
Conjunctivitis 15
Constipation 16
Convulsions 16 xiii
Cough i
Cramp 17
Croup 18
Cystitis 18
Dandruff 19
Deafness 19
Debility 20
Delirium 20
Delirium tremens Zt
Depression 21
Despair 21
Diarrhoea 22
Distension of abdomen 22
Dysmenorrhoea (period pains) a
Dyspepsia (acute) 23
Dyspepsia (chronic) 24
Dysphagia 24
Earache 24
Eczema 25
Eustachian catarrh 26
Excitement, ailments after 26
Fainting 26
Fear ay
Feet, burning 2)
Fright, effects of = 27
Gall bladder colic 28
Gingivitis and pyorrhoea 28
Glands, enlarged lymphatic 28
Glandular fever 29
Gout 29
Grinding of teeth ao
Haemorrhoids 30
Hair, loss of 30
Halitosis 3h
Hands, disorders of 31
Hay fever 31
Headache 22
Heart disorders 32
Heartburn 33
Hiccough 33
Hyperacusis 34
Hypochondriasis 34
Hysteria 34
Icthyosis 35
Impetigo 35
XIV Impotence 35
Influenza 36
Itching 36
Jaundice a7
Knees, pain in a7
Laryngitis 38
Leucorrhoea 38
Limbs: fidgety, jerky or restless 39
Lumbago 39
Measles a9
- Memory, impaired 40
Menopause, disorders of 40
Menorrhagia 41
Mental exhaustion (brain fag) 4]
Mouth ulcers and vesicles 41
Mumps 42
Muscle pains 42
Nails, disorders of 42
Nausea 43
Neck, stiffness of 43
Neuralgia 44
Nose, diseases of 44
Numbness 45
Obesity 45
Ovaries, disorders of 45
Panic 46
Period pains 23
Perspiration and body odour 46
Pharyngitis 46
Phlebitis 47
Pleural pain 47
Polypi, nasal 47
Premenstrual tension 48
Prostate, enlargement of 48
Pruritus vulvae 48
Psoriasis 49
Rheumatism 49
Sacral and sacro-iliac pain 50
Salivation 50
Sciatica 51
Screaming and crying children 51
Shivering, chills and rigors 51
Sinusitis 52
Skin, cracks and fissures in a2
Sleep, disturba nces of 53
Smell: sense of smell diminished 53
Sprains 54 XV
Stammering 54
Stiffness of muscles and of joints 54
Strokes 55
Styes be
Sunstroke ao
Synovitis 56
Teething troubles 56
Temperament and mood _ 57
Testes, disorders of =H
Thirst, abnormal 58
Thrush (aphthous stomatitis) 58
Tinnitus 58
Tongue, disorders of 59
Tonsillitis 59
Toothache 60
Tracheitis 60
Travel sickness 61
Tremors 61
Ulcers 61
Urethral syndrome 62
Urination, disorders of 62
Urine, incontinence of 63
Urine, retention of 63
Urticaria 64
Uterine prolapse 64
Varicose veins 65
Vertigo 65
Vomiting 66
Warts (verrucas) 67
Whitlow 67
Whooping cough 68
Wounds and other injuries 68
Appendix - Outline Descriptions of the Most Important
Constitutional Remedies 69
Argentum Nitricum 70
Arsenicum Album 70
Calc. Carb. 71
Causticum 71
Graphites 72
Hepar Sul. 72
Ignatia a3
Kali Bich. 73
Kali Carb. 74
Kali Phos. 74
Lachesis 75
Lueticum 75
Lycopodium 76
Medorrhinum 76
Mercurius 77
Natrum Mur. 77
Nux Vomica 78
Phosphorus 78
Psorinum 79
Pulsatilla 79
Sepia 80
Silicea 80
Staphisagria 81
Sulphur 81
Thuja 82
Tuberculinum Bovinum 83
heh S809
Stiilness Of rected and
Stipacd SS
Srvye $3
AALS Ke 54
‘yr olts, a)
Torti, copaaas 86
Tesnppraitieet ieoel otaod
Terns, deaotden of: )7
Shh, Net SR
Thrash (epithous somatite 55
“Yienitws oJ
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In addition to the usual advice on diet, skin care and general -
hygiene, these remedies should be considered:
Belladonna for acne in full-blooded, red-faced persons.
Hepar Sul. when pustules are a prominent feature.
Pulsatilla for acne in pale blondes of either sex.
Silica when there is much scarring.
Staphylococcin if the response to other remedies is slow.
Sulphur for long-standing obstinate cases.
Arsenicum Album when there is noticeable desquamation and
burning sensations.
Belladonna for full-blooded, red-faced persons.
Lachesis when caused by oral contraceptives; in addition to
the eruption, there is burning of the face, worse in hot
rooms and worse after taking alcohol.
Nux Vomica_ when there is an above-average intake of alcohol,
especially of spirits.
Rhus Tox. when the nose is red, shiny and swollen, and there
is a tendency to develop pustules.
Sulphur Tod. when the face is dry and red, and develops
Bacillinum when there is a family tendency to enlarged
adenoids, and especially if there is a family history of
Barium Carb. for children who are under-developed physically
and also mentally backward. :
Calc. Carb. for pale, fat children with cold, clammy feet, and
sweating of the head at night.
Calc. Phos. for thin children with large troublesome adenoids.
Psorinum with itchy skin and offensive sweat.
Sulphur for the child who is always hungry, especially about
eleven in the morning, and has a marked dislike of hot
baths; for adenoids (and tonsils) which are so large as to
cause some degree of obstruction.
Belladonna for sudden and violent,aggression, with an ‘inclina-
tion’ to bite.
Nux Vomica_ when the patient is easily offended, reacts irritably,
and develops tension headaches and dyspepsia.
Sepia for the occasional episodes of aggression in contrast to the
usual depression and apathy.
Staphisagria when aggressive tendencies arise from resentment or
anger which is more or less repressed, with consequent
physical repercussions.
Sulphur for persons with aggressive tendencies concerning
institutions rather than people — social reformers with
strange, even grandiose, ideas: ‘burning with zeal, and
itching for action’.
Some form of psychotherapy is always needed, as well as advice
on diet and habits.
Aconite for episodes of fear and delirium.
Antim. Tart. for nausea and vomiting, especially if there is
also bronchial catarrh.
Arsenicum Album for restlessness and mental aberrations.
Capsicum when the main symptom is gastritis.
Cinchona_ wants to be alone for solitary drinking.
Crotalus Horridus when vomiting of blood occurs. (That may
necessitate admission to hospital.)
Lachesis for the voluble social over-drinker.
Nux Vomica for hangovers and morning vomiting, especially
after brandy.
Quercus to help to suppress the craving.
Sulphur — will drink almost anything, indiscriminately.
Tuberculinum when drinking leads to violence.
Zinc Met. with twitching and trembling.
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Aconite when the pain causes much alarm, and especially if
there is also tingling in the arm or hand.
Cactus with the classical sensation of an iron band round the
chest, ‘as in a vice’.
Carbo Veg. for pseudo-angina, caused by excess wind in the
stomach, or by too big a meal.
Glonoine with much throbbing.
Lachesis_ with a sense of constriction in the neck as well as in
the chest.
Latrodectus with rapid pulse, nausea and vomiting.
Lilium Tig. when the heart feels squeezed, alternately grasped
and relaxed.
Spigelia with marked palpitations, noticeable to observers.
Aesculus. with burning soreness and pain in the back.
Chamomilla with haemorrhoids.
Graphites with painful smarting and soreness.
Nitric Acid with sharp cutting pains and prickings.
Ratanhia_ with burning after defaecation, and sharp stabs as if
with a knife.
Silica when healing is slow.
Thuja with various other anal and rectal symptoms and pain
causing frequency of micturition.
Tuberculinum with a sense of pressure in the rectum and
leading to diarrhoea.
Calc. Carb. especially does not want meat.
Ignatia loss of appetite for everything.
Nux Vomica appetite spoilt by bitter taste in the mouth, and a
tongue with a thick yellow coating.
Lycopodium fullness after a few mouthfuls, as if too much has
already been eaten.
Pulsatilla little appetite, and no thirst.
Rhus Tox. _ loss of appetite for everything.
Argentum Nit. apprehension leading to diarrhoea.
Arsenicum Album with restlessness — paces up and down.
Carbo Veg. especially on waking — and wants fresh air.
Gelsemium unable to act — ‘paralysed’ by apprehension.
Lycopodium dreads tasks like making speeches, but when the
time comes, rises to the occasion.
Medorrhinum with the feeling that time goes too slowly.
Phosphoric Acid a mixture of apprehension and indifference.
Plumbum with impaired memory, and fear of forgetting
Silica with undue sensitivity to music.
Thuja with headache like a nail being driven into the head.
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Apis with much swelling of the soft tissues, and redness, like a
bee sting.
Arnica especially helpful when arthritic joints are bruised by
blows and falls.
Bryonia for acute exacerbations, when no relief is obtained
from movement — in contrast to Rhus Tox.
Dulcamara_ when noticeably worse after cold and damp, as
from unaired beds, as well as from damp weather.
Ledum after injections — when corticosteroid injections have
not been as helpful as expected.
Pulsatilla pains go from joint to joint, and are variable and
Argentum Nit. for the anxious person who tends to move too
fast and has accidents which aggravate the arthritis.
Aurum Met. in homoeopathic potency, as valuable as the
conventional injections, and without risk of dermatitis.
Cale. Fluor. when exostoses develop in association with
Calc. Phos. when arthritis is initiated or made worse during
Causticum especially when contractures develop or threaten.
Colchicum for gouty arthritis.
Kali Bich. for joint pains alternating with catarrhal or gastric
Nux Vomica for associated muscle spasms as distinct from
muscle stiffness.
Rhus Tox. when there is muscle stiffness protecting the
affected joints — better after moving about alittle.
Ruta _ when ganglia are present.
Sepia for menopausal arthritis.
Sulphur for psoriatic arthritis.
It is impossible to condense the many remedies for asthma on to
one page, but a short list may be helpful. In addition to the
constitutional remedies and the nosodes the following should be
Antim. Tart. with wheezing so loud that it can be heard in the
next room.
Arsenicum Album with restlessness.
Ipecacuanha with catarrh of the nose and throat, and with
scanty sputum.
Kali Carb. especially if attacks begin between 3a.m. and
5 a.m.
Lobelia with nausea and a tendency to heart failure.
Natrum Sul. when there is a tendency to salt and water
retention and morning diarrhoea, and the asthma is worse
in damp weather.
Veratrum Viride when a condition similar to shock develops —
cold sweat, nausea and vomiting.
These are a few of the many remedies which are valuabie for
back pain and also for associated weakness of the back.
Arnica for bruises and for sensations similar to bruises.
Arsenicum Album backache with restlessness — cannot find a
comfortable position.
Cale. Carb. worse while sitting.
Kali Carb. for backache and weakness persisting after
pregnancy and labour.
Nux Vomica with tension in the back muscles, limiting flexion
of the spine.
Phosphoric Acid when weakness is more complained of than
Rhus Tox. _ if stiffness is marked, especially on first movements,
and better after continued movement.
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Apis for acute cases with much redness, burning, stinging, and
swelling of the eyelids.
Belladonna also for the acute stage, especially if the eyes are
dry and hot, and the pupils are dilated.
Hepar Sul. when the eyelids are stuck together after sleep, and
when the pain threshold is low.
Merc. Sol. when there is much exudate, and when blepharo-
spasm is pronounced.
Aurum Met. burning and boring pains in bones, with redness
and swelling — if it has been proved not to be due to
Eupatorium bone pains during influenza.
Hekla Lava painful lumps on bones — exostoses.
Kali Bich. for pains in small spots, especially in or on the
bones of the head.
Mezereum rheumatic pains in bones, worse at night.
Phosphorus burning pains in bones, especially of the mandible
— similar to the ‘phossy jaw’ of phosphorus poisoning.
Rhododendron worse before stormy weather — for persons who
can thus foretell rain and thunder.
Ruta pains associated with sprains.
Silica for children who are thin and weak and complain of
bone pains.
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Asterias Rubens for drawing pains associated with cancer — as
supplementary treatment.
Belladonna with throbbing.
Bellis Perennis also for pain of breast cancer.
Bryonia_ with heaviness, better for gentle pressure and support.
Calc. Carb. pain before periods.
Conium pain before periods, with lumpiness.
Graphites for painful cracked nipples, in addition to local
Hepar Sul. when slight injuries lead to suppuration or inflam-
Lachesis pains worse on waking.
Merc. Sol. pains worse at night.
Phytolacca for mastitis, with the characteristic swelling and
Pulsatilla for pains which come and go unpredictably, causing
Silica undue pain while nursing the baby.
Aconite in the early stages.
Ammon. Carb. in the later stages, when it is difficult to raise
the sputum.
Antim. Tart. when there is loud rattling in the chest.
Arsenicum Album worse at night — with much coughing but
little sputum.
Beliadonna in the early stages, with hot dry skin and red face.
Bryonia dry hacking cough with pain in the chest.
Carbo Veg. for older persons with a tendency to cyanosis.
Causticum with stress incontinence of urine.
Conium short dry cough with tickling behind the sternum.
Hepar Sul. with profuse yellow sputum.
Hyoscyamus the cough begins as soon as the patient lies down.
Ipecacuanha cough leading to nausea and gagging.
Kali Bich. when the sputum is tenacious and stringy.
Merc. Sol. with a tendency to extra sweating.
Pulsatilla worse lying down and in a warm room.
Rumex with soreness in the trachea and behind the sternum;
worse in cold air.
Senega for painful rattling in the chest — sputum hard to raise.
Stannum bronchitis with a weak feeling in the chest.
Sulphur for the later stages of bronchitis, when the cough is
worse in bed at night.
Arnica the remedy most often used for bruises, especially
when muscles are involved.
Bellis for bruises of the breast.
Hamamelis when the skin over a bruise is broken, also for
bruises of varicose veins.
Hypericum for bruises of parts especially rich in nerve endings
— the fingers and toes.
Ruta for injuries involving bruises of bones and of tendons.
Antim. Crud. for elderly persons with tender feet, worse in
warm rooms.
Benzoic Acid especially for persons with gout as well as
Kalilod. when there is also a tendency to chilblains.
Rhododendron when bunions are more painful before storms.
Silica when the bunions are hard and not much inflamed.
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Obstinate cases often require constitutional remedies as
Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Psorinum, Tuberculinum, Carcinosinum
and Morgan Co. These remedies are usually chosen on the
personal history, but at other times the family history is of value
in deciding which is needed.
Arsenicum Iod. in weakly debilitated persons with drippy nose
and sore nostrils.
Aurum Met. with soreness of the nasal bones, and much
Graphites when there is also constipation, and skin eruptions
around the nostrils.
Hydrastis for constant post-nasal drip and eustachian catarrh.
Kali Bich. with yellow or white stringy catarrh.
Natrum Mur. fluent catarrh, intermittent, variable in quantity
from day to day; much sneezing.
Sanguinaria with stinging and tickling in the nose, and some
swelling, inside and outside.
In addition to the usual nursing care, the following remedies
should be considered:
Antim. Crud. the patient cries if washed or touched, or even if
looked at.
Antim. Tart. wants much attention and is very irritable.
Pulsatilla weeps easily; has little thirst.
Rhus Tox. with itching and restlessness; to encourage the
drying of the vesicles.
Sulphur hot, eats little but drinks lots.
Agaricus more painful when cold.
Apis with stinging sensations, even when they are not in
contact with anything.
Arsenicum Album with burning sensations.
Calc. Carb. in pale and obese persons, better when cold.
Graphites for broken chilblains, with a gluey exudate.
Kali lod. when there is much swelling around the chilblains.
Nux Vomica for persons in sedentary occupations, under-
weight, and dislike of windy weather.
Petroleum when the skin has broken — and when the finger
tips are cracked.
Pulsatilla | more painful in warm rooms and in bed, and particu-
larly after exposure to radiant heat.
Rhus Tox. when there is blistering associated with chilblains.
Tamus_ when the desire to scratch is irresistible.
Zincum Met. for chilblains which are worse after rubbing,
especially in persons with fidgety feet.
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Belladonna with distension of the transverse colon, with relief
when ‘doubled up’.
Bryonia better when lying still, and worse from heat.
Chamomilla worse at night, especially during teething.
Cina flatulent colic in older children, with or without
infestation by worms.
Cocculus flatulent colic during menstruation.
Colocynth sharp ‘cutting’ colic, better for bending double,
can’t keep still — writhes and twists.
Dioscerea colic worse for pressure, better for straightening the
spine and for walking about.
Mag. Phos. with sharp cramping pains, better for heat.
Plumbum with obstinate constipation and other symptoms
similar to lead poisoning.
Stannum_ when the pain comes on slowly and passes slowly.
Staphisagria colic due to suppressed anger or indignation.
Veratrum Album severe colic leading to symptoms of shock.
These remedies are worth considering for colitis, whether it be
mucous colitis, ulcerative colitis or irritable colon.
Argentum Nit. worse when anticipating any kind of ordeal.
Arsenicum Album__ worse after midnight.
Cantharis with urinary symptoms as well.
Colchicum watery stools.
Colocynth with much colic.
Graphites for obese patients, with offensive flatus.
Kali Sul. worse in the evenings.
Merc. Corr. with blood as well as mucus.
Merc. Sol. with much mucus.
Natrum Sul. worse in the mornings.
Sulphur worse early in the mornings — about 5 a.m.
Veratrum Album copious stools causing faintness.
Aconite in the early stage — in the first night.
Allium Cepa_ with much sneezing and watering of the eyes.
Arsenicum Album with watery catarrh causing sore nostrils.
Euphrasia_ with irritating tears but bland nasal catarrh.
Ferrum Phos. with nose bleeding.
Gelsemium when the onset is rapid, with chills running up and
down the spine.
Hepar Sul. in later stages when the catarrh is thick and
Kali Iod. if the patient is hot and cold alternately, with a red
nose and pain in the forehead.
Mag. Mur. with marked loss of taste and smell.
Mercurius_ with much sweating, salivation and thick catarrh.
Natrum Mur. when there is much sneezing in the morning.
Nux Vomica fluent nasal catarrh in the day and little at night,
and much irritability and intolerance.
Pulsatilla intermittent catarrh, no thirst and better out of
Sanguinaria watery catarrh and a tickling dry cough.
Silica slow onset, slow recovery and with sinusitis.
Sometimes a patient’s facial appearance is a valuable clue to the
choice of a remedy — provided that the symptoms and signs
confirm that choice.
Alumina an unhealthy ‘earthy’ appearance.
Apis when the face is swollen and red.
Arsenicum Album bluish rings around the eyes.
Belladonna _ bright red.
Cale. Carb. pale and wrinkled.
Gelsemium flushed and congested, with heavy upper eyelids.
Lachesis distended veins and a cyanotic tinge.
Lycopodium wrinkled forehead and pale face.
Phosphorus a‘fresh’ red complexion.
Platinum sallow or ‘earthy’.
Sepia sallow, brown and with darkened eyelids.
Sulphur _ red-faced.
Thuja warts and other lumpy lesions.
Veratrum Album the ‘Hippocratic’ facial appearance of shock
and collapse. -
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If there is any doubt concerning the cause of conjunctivitis, the
opinion of an ophthalmologist should be obtained. In simple
cases, in addition to local treatment, homoeopathic remedies
can help.
Aconite in the early stages, with injection of the conjunctival
blood vessels.
Alumina with dryness.
Apis in acute cases, with chemosis.
Argentum Nit. with muco-purulent discharge.
Arsenicum Album with burning tears — almost a corrosive
Belladonna with dilation of the pupils.
Euphrasia much watering, with burning and with involvement
of the edges of the eyelids.
Pulsatilla conjunctivitis associated with weeping, and much
rubbing of the eyes causing inflammation.
Rhus Tox. for involvement of the eyes in cases of shingles.
Silica for the conjunctivitis persisting after injury by foreign
Sulphur redness of the conjunctivae, not necessarily infected;
with hot sensations, worse at night.
In addition to advice on diet and exercise and encouraging a
good bowel habit, homoeopathic remedies can be helpful.
Aesculus when there is a sensation of fullness in the rectum
even after a motion.
Alumen when the stools are very hard and cause bleeding.
Alumina when there is no urging, but eventually a soft stool
with incomplete emptying of the rectum.
Bryonia_ when the stools are large, hard and dry, in spite of
drinking large quantities of fluids.
Calc. Carb. when the patient paradoxically feels better when
Lycopodium when there are rumblings in the bowels, but no
Nitric Acid with painful defaecation resulting in bleeding, and
with the sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum.
Nux Vomica for sedentary workers with ineffectual urging;
even after a motion the rectum never feels empty.
Opium for ‘lazy’ bowels with little peristalsis.
Silica when the stool is low in the rectum but hard to pass.
There is little one can do at the time of a convulsion apart from
maintaining the airway and preventing injury, but homoeo-
pathic remedies can be helpfui in reducing the recurrence of and
the severity of the convulsions.
Aconite when caused by fright, and during fevers.
Aethusa_ with gastroenteritis, especially if there is intolerance
of cow’s milk.
Belladonna convulsions during fever, with very flushed face,
staring eyes and dilated pupils.
Chamomilla during teething, especially if accompanied by
Cicuta with twitchings, jerkings and vertigo.
Cuprum Met. for convulsions caused by the paroxysms of
whooping cough, and with cramps and spasms of fingers.
Glonoine after too much exposure to the sun.
Ignatia after punishment and other emotional upsets.
Nux Vomica convulsions preceded by irritability, and some-
times caused by indigestion.
Zinc Sul. in infants with pale face and sunken fontanelle.
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Such a common symptom; but a lot of careful thought is
required before it can be treated accurately. If persistent,
investigations may be needed to establish a precise diagnosis.
The following list of remedies is only a sample of the many
which are needed from time to time.
Ammon. Carb. productive cough, waking the patient in the
Antim. Tart. much rattling in the chest.
Bryonia_ with pain in the chest as in pleurisy.
Cale. Carb. with tickling provoking the cough.
Causticum dryness, rawness and hoarseness.
Coccus Cacti with a sensitive throat and paroxysmal cough.
Drosera paroxysmal cough with laryngitis or laryngeal spasm.
Ipecacuanha choking cough leading to gagging, nausea and
Kali Bich. with stringy sputum.
Kali Carb. with lumpy sputum.
Phosphorus dry racking cough, worse when talking.
Pulsatilla worse in a warm room, better in the open air.
Rumex worse on changing from warm air to cold.
Senega viscid sputum.
Sepia productive cough at night, but little in the day.
Spongia paroxysmal dry cough sounding like a bark.
Sticta dry night cough.
Arnica for cramps which occur when fatigued.
Calc. Carb. for patients who are overweight, pale and ‘flabby’.
Camphor for cramps in the calves, with icy coldness of the
Colchicum for cramps in the soles.
Cuprum Met. for cramps beginning as twitches.
Nux Vomica for cramps occurring at night.
Mag. Phos. for writer’s cramp in the fingers.
Veratrum Album for cramps occurring as a result of diarrhoea
and vomiting — similar to cholera.
Croup was the popular name for diphtheria, which has now
almost been eradicated. But croupy coughs occur quite often,
and these remedies should be considered:
Aconite in the early stages of fevers, especially if brought on
by exposure to cold air.
Agaricus for nervy twitchy children — similar to chorea.
Antim. Tart. with rattling sounds in the chest as well.
Belladonna with fever, red face, dry skin and mouth.
Hepar Sul. when croup develops after midnight.
Ignatia when the croup has been brought on by fright or other
Iodum with wheezing ‘sawing’ respiration; the child tends to
grasp the throat.
Kali Bich. with tough stringy phlegm.
Lachesis waking the patient from sleep.
Sambucus rough sibilant wheezing — and more sweat in the
day than when asleep.
Spongia_ witha hoarse dry barking cough.
True cystitis is due to infection, and antibiotic or
chemotherapeutic treatment is usually advisable. When
infection is resistant, the homoeopathic nosode of the infecting
organism can be expected to cure. At other times, so-called
cystitis is an irritation of the bladder and urethra; for example,
oxaluria after eating too many strawberries. Advice on hygiene
may also be appropriate.
Apis frequent micturition with sharp stinging pains.
Belladonna during fever, with concentrated urine.
Benzoic Acid when the urine smells like a dirty stable.
Berberis with turbid urine and a slimy mucous sediment.
Cantharis frequency, and much burning pain.
Causticum frequency, and dribbling leaking at other times.
Dulcamara for cystitis due to chilling in cold damp weather.
Lycopodium when the urine has a deposit of pink urates.
Pulsatilla when the threshold to pain is low, and slight tension
in the bladder provokes micturition.
Sarsaparilla when pain comes only at the end of micturition.
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Also known as scurf, and officially as seborrhoea capitis.
Arsenicum Album very itchy scalp in persons with the typical
Arsenicum personality (see Appendix).
Fluoric Acid dry scaling of the scalp, with marked loss of hair.
Graphites much scaling of the scalp, often with moistness and
crusting, like impetigo.
Mezereum much itching, and with thick white crusts.
Oleander a minor remedy, but mentioned by Clarke as having
a peculiar symptom — ‘biting itching’.
Sepia moist dandruff.
Sulphur dandruff provoking much scratching, especially at
Some of the many forms of deafness, of many different causes,
are not amenable to treatment. Some are benefited by surgery,
and the persistent catarrhal forms of deafness are particularly
suitable for homoeopathic treatment.
Borax for chronic suppurative otitis media, when antibiotics
have not been completely successful.
Causticum with tinnitus and reverberation of the voice.
China Offic. for elderly debilitated persons with deafness and
much tinnitus.
Kali Mur. for eustachian catarrhal obstruction.
Lycopodium with discharge from the ears, and eczema of the
outer ear.
Mercurius has proved valuable in the treatment of ‘glue ear’.
Nitric Acid when hearing is better in noisy surroundings.
Pulsatilla catarrhal deafness, better in the open air.
Silica catarrhal deafness with sinusitis as well.
Every day hundreds of patients tell their doctors they have ‘no
energy’ — usually an understandable exaggeration, really
meaning that they have no zest — for many different reasons.
Provided that debilitating diseases and psychological factors
have been excluded, one of these homoeopathic remedies may
restore the strength and enthusiasm required.
Arnica for those who feel battered and bruised.
Arsenicum Album _ weakness, faintness and loss of appetite.
Calc. Carb. ‘cold and blue’ — cannot get warm enough to get
going; like a sluggish engine.
Cale. Phos. debility after acute illness.
Carbo Veg. debility after long and exhausting illness.
Kali Carb. weakness felt mostly in the back, probably signify-
ing the inability to carry one or more burdens.
Kali Phos. ‘nervous prostration’ — especially in adolescents
who are ‘burning the candle at both ends’ — when the
smallest task seems too much to attempt.
Mag. Carb. tiredness felt mostly in the legs and feet.
Nux Vomica falls asleep in the early evening, is irritable and
Sepia for the person who has lost interest in the family and
finds housework exhausting, especially washing-up and
Silica when the diet seems adequate, but does not provide the
energy one expects.
Aconite worse at night, with much fear.
Agaricus worse at night and with headache.
Arsenicum Album_ worse after midnight and very restless.
Baptisia disorientated and flushed.
Belladonna with high fever, dry red skin, and dilated pupils.
Bryonia_ with fever, vivid dreams and muttering.
Hyoscyamus foolish laughter alternating with muttering.
Lachesis worse at night, very talkative and with tight sen-
sations in the neck and the chest.
ee worse from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., with confusion over
Rhus Tox. with muscle pains and sudden episodes of weeping.
Stramonium muttering delirium and writhing movements.
Veratrum Album with much pain.
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This complication of alcoholism usually requires treatment in
hospital, but it may be possible to give one of the following
remedies as first aid:
Antim. Tart. for delirium with gastric pain and vomiting with
much mucus.
Arsenicum Album very restless and agitated.
Belladonna furious delirium with staring eyes.
Hyoscyamus a quieter delirium, with muttering.
Nux Vomica_ with muscle spasms and twitchings.
Stramonium imagines he (or she) sees animals or insects.
This is a complicated subject, especially when one has to
consider the extent to which anxiety and other emotions are
mixed with depression. Sometimes the cause is obvious and can
be dealt with simply; at other times psychiatric advice is
necessary. In any case, the homoeopathic remedy can be
administered as supplementary aid. Of the many which are
valuable, only a few can be mentioned here:
Anacardium depression, with out-of-character swearing.
Arsenicum Album restless and self-reproaching.
Aurum Met. ‘under a black cloud’ and potentially suicidal.
Cale. Carb. for depression with fears of various kinds.
Ignatia full of contradictions.
Lilium Tig. worse in the evenings; tends to throw things about.
Lycopodium dyspeptic, melancholic and talkative.
Natrum Mur. weeps in solitude.
Nux Vomica for depression alternating with bad temper.
Pulsatilla can’t fight against circumstances and doesn’t care
who sees her weeping.
Staphisagria easily upset by mere trifles and is resentful.
Sulphur depressed to the point of ‘I don’t.care’.
Aurum Met. for melancholia, when the patient wanders about
saying little or nothing, and contemplates suicide.
Calc. Carb. for indecision, lack of confidence, despair of
recovery — and undue sensitivity to cold.
Stannum when the patient has a sallow face, sunken eyes, is
hypochondriacal, and loses hope relatively slowly.
If this is not due to colitis, sprue or other diseases which need
investigation and dietary advice, these are some of the remedies
which may be helpful:
Arsenicum Album simultaneous diarrhoea and vomiting.
Bryonia . due to sour fruit.
Colocynth with much colic, causing the patient to bend
Dulcamara after exposure to cold and damp.
Merc. Corr. slimy offensive stools with traces of blood, and
with tenesmus.
Natrum Sul. morning diarrhoea, with stools of normal colour,
but loose and urgent.
Petroleum worse after cabbage and other green vegetables.
Podophyllum_ watery yellow stools early in the morning, with a
sense of weakness in the rectum.
Pulsatilla worse at night, and variable — no two stools alike.
Sulphur with much offensive flatus, smelling of bad eggs.
This is a symptom with many causes: some, such as baked
beans, quite trivial; others, such as ascites, very serious. If
investigations are needed, while waiting for the results, try one
of these remedies:
Argentum Nit. with flatulence, and fondness of sugar.
Carbo Veg. wind accumulates in the stomach and is difficult
to bring up.
China Offic. fullness in the abdomen, not better for belching.
Lycopodium dyspepsia similar to peptic ulceration, andia
feeling of fullness even after onlyalittle food.
Magnesium Phos. distension with colic, or colic with disten-
Millifolium distension due to ascites.
Pulsatilla frequent eructations, and nausea, and compulsion to
loosen the clothing.
Raphanus ‘incarcerated flatus’ which will not move up or
down in spite of much rumbling.
Sulphur distension due to flatus which is offensive.
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This section refers to episodes of indigestion of sudden onset,
without vomiting or diarrhoea. It will be noticed that three of
the remedies appear in both the Acute and the Chronic
sections - exemplifying their wide range of use.
Argentum Nit. after eating too much sweet food.
Arsenicum Album burning pain, and desire for frequent small
Bryonia pressure in the stomach and heavy sensation as if it
contained a stone or a weight.
Chamomilla as a result of anger or argument during a meal.
Colocynth griping pains after eating sour fruit.
NuxVomica dueto anxiety and irritability, too much alcohol,
after business lunches.
Phosphorus heartburn - even alittle water does not stay down
Pulsatilla after eating too much fatty food; often better for a
walk in the open air.
If indigestion is persistent, it is wise to consider investigation to
exclude peptic ulcer and other serious conditions which may
need surgery.
Argentum Nit. with eructations of wind and acid — eats too
much sugar.
Cale. Carb. especially after fatty and oily food, very fond of
boiled eggs, which upset.
Carbo Veg. acidity with much flatulence, in chilly persons
who nevertheless like fresh air.
Dioscerea_ with colic, which is better for straightening or even
leaning backwards.
Lycopodium with distension after only a little food, and
developing pain which raises suspicion of a peptic ulcer.
Muriatic Acid when there is hyperacidity, especially if lots of
antacids have been taken.
Nux Vomica easily upset by many things —- alcohol, noise,
arguments and so on. Pain occurs typically two hours after
Pulsatilla with nausea, leading to vomiting of watery material
with mucus.
Robinia constant eructations and vomiting of intensely acid
food residue, mostly at night.
Sulphur with regurgitation of food and acid, about one hour
after meals; hungry at 11 a.m.
If painful or difficult swallowing is persistent, investigation will
be needed to exclude organic lesions and neurological causes.
China Offic. with much sensitivity — the patient dislikes the
throat being touched.
Gelsemium _ slow difficult swallowing, because the muscles feel
Ignatia globus hystericus — says he or she cannot swallow —
but does.
Kali Carb. slow swallowing, with choking.
Lachesis when there is a sense of constriction in the throat and
neck (and chest).
Merc. Sol. with slimy mucus, hard to clear and swallow.
Nitric Acid with sharp sticking pains in the throat, as if due to
a fish bone.
Phosphorus with burning pain, and traces of blood when the
throat is cleared.
Stramonium with dryness of the throat and spasms of the
24 muscles of swallowing.
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In selecting the remedy, much depends on the nature of the
ache or pain, and on the patient’s reaction to it, as well as the
cause of the trouble and the modalities. Some of the more
important remedies are:
Apis when there is much swelling of the meatus.
Belladonna when throbbing is a feature.
Chamomilla for the child who reacts angrily.
Graphites when there is much smelly discharge.
Hepar Sul. when there is pus forming — before it is discharged.
Lachesis when swallowing markedly increases the pain.
Merc. Sol. worse at night.
Nitric Acid for sharp stabbing pains.
Nux Vomica_ when the patient is irritable and intolerant of
Pulsatilla for earache caused by eustachian catarrh.
Sulphur when the meatus is red and itchy.
The constitutional remedy is usually needed. Sometimes the
causative agent in potency is valuable. In addition, one of the
following remedies may be indicated:
Alumina dry irritating eczema.
Antim. Crud. eczema of the face and of the genitals.
Bovista eczema of the back of the hands.
Cicuta eczema of the chin.
Graphites eczema of the palms.
Hepar Sul. moist lesions, very sensitive to the touch.
Kali Sul. very similar to Pulsatilla — see the Appendix.
Mezereum eczema of the scalp, with much exudate.
Petroleum eczema which cracks easily, especially behind the
Radium Brom. eczema after radiotherapy.
Rhus Tox. eczema with vesicles
Sulphur dry, itching and warm.
Asarum_ when there are floating sensations, and when there is
hypersensitivity to scratching sounds.
Calc. Carb. when accompanied by enlarged adenoids, and
when the constitutional features are present.
Kali Sul. when there is also yellow nasal catarrh.
Petroleum when there happens to be some skin disorder, with
the cracks or fissures characteristic of Petroleum.
Pulsatilla the remedy most often needed for Eustachian
catarrh, when it is better in the open air - even if the con-
stitutional features are not marked.
Ordinary first aid measures are required for any faint; there is
‘seldom time or need to give a homoeopathic remedy. But when
faintness persists or recurs:
Aconite fainting due to fright.
Arnica after injury.
Arsenicum Album due to debility, with or without anaemia. ~
Carbo Veg. very cold and faint — has been called the ‘corpse
reviver’; at other times, gasping for air.
Cocculus asa result of travel sickness.
Hepar Sul. very sensitive to any pain.
Ignatia hysterical, and after over-breathing.
Iodum faint from hunger, when meals are delayed.
Nux Vomica faint at the sight of blood.
Pulsatilla fainting in hot stuffy rooms.
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Though this not a formal diagnosis, it is a tiresome symptom,
not uncommon, and it is good to be able to offer something in
addition to foot baths and foot powders:
Apis with swelling, and stinging sensations also.
Chamomilla hot and sweating feet.
Graphites burning sensations in the soles, worse when walking.
Medorrhinum also gets cramps and often sleeps in the knee-
elbow position.
Phosphorus burning sensations, especially in the soles, and a
tendency to haemorrhages elsewhere.
Pulsatilla hot sensations in the feet, extending up to the calves,
and worse when the feet hang down.
Secale burning sensations in the hands as well as the feet.
Silica burning feet at night, and cold clammy feet by day.
Sulphur burning feet, worse at night — the patient often puts
the feet out of bed to cool them. :
Homoeopathic remedies can help as first aid after frightening
episodes or situations. They can also help when the reaction
persists for days or even weeks.
Aconite palpitations.
Belladonna nightmares.
Coffea insomnia.
Gelsemium diarrhoea or incontinence, or both. .
Hyoscyamus delirium at night.
Ignatia hysterical behaviour, including convulsive movements.
Opium stupor and inaction — ‘scared stiff’.
. This may need surgical treatment; while investigations are
being arranged, one of the following will be helpful:
Berberis with obstruction, leading to putty-coloured stools and
Calc. Carb. for the classical ‘fat, fair and forty’ women.
Chelidonium when the pain radiates in the typical manner to
the right scapula.
China Offic. for pain leading to some degree of shock — with
cold clammy skin, chills and rigors.
Colocynth pain relieved by flexing the back and legs, actually
pressing on the painful area.
Dioscerea better when the back and legs are extended.
Lycopodium worse between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Mag. Phos. pain in relatively short spasms, better for heat of
hot water bottle.
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This infection is an example of the general principle that one
does not treat a disease according to its label, but in con-
sideration of its symptoms and signs. Those of glandular fever
are: fever, malaise, sore throat, enlarged lymphatic glands, a
rash which may look like measles or scarlet fever, tiny points of
bleeding in the skin, and sometimes enlargement of the spleen
and liver. The selection of the remedy is made according to
whichever features of the illness are predominant at the time.
Later on the constitutional remedy is usually needed, especially
if convalescence is slow.
Modern conventional treatment is usually necessary for the
acute phases. The homoeopathic constitutional remedy is
valuable in the intervals. Various other remedies are worth
considering as an addition to control therapy:
Benzoic Acid when the urine is strongly coloured and smells
rather like a stable.
Colchicum the classical remedy, usually the first to be tried
when the constitutional remedy is not obvious.
Ledum better in cold air and better for cold bathing.
Lycopodium this is the constitutional remedy most often
needed, especially if one foot is hot and the other is cold.
Pulsatilla when the pains go from one joint to another.
Of course this is not an illness, but it is a tiresome symptom or
habit, and potentially harmful to the teeth.
Apis during fevers, especially if the uvula is swollen.
Belladonna during fever, with hot red dry skin.
Cicuta when associated with fits.
Cina when the child has threadworms, Cina can be given
while waiting for the worms to be eliminated.
Podophyllum when there is intestinal colic as well.
Zincum Met. when the child is unduly fatigued.
Piles usually respond well to Hamamelis or Paeonia in ointment
form. The ointments are equally soothing for internal as well as
external piles. When they keep recurring, it is worth considering
the use of remedies by mouth.
Aesculus with backache and prolapse of the rectum.
Aloe piles ‘like grapes’, associated with explosive diarrhoea.
Ammon. Carb. worse during the menses.
Capsicum with tenesmus and colic.
Causticum very tender piles.
Collinsonia also with tenesmus.
Hamamelis_ with soreness like a bruise.
Hypericum very sensitive, and bleeding easily.
Merc. Viv. with blood and mucus.
Nitric Acid with pricking sensations and with fissure.
Nux Vomica_ with irritability.
Paeonia much pain during and after bowel action, and often
a fissure.
Pulsatilla with mucus.
Ruta with prolapse of the rectum.
Thuja when the patient also has warts.
Verbascum_ with much irritation in the rectum.
Aurum Met. does not really care if all the hair falls out — is
tired of life.
Fluoric Acid the hair goes dry and brittle and falls out.
Mercurius with constitutional disturbances — the patient is
weak, tremulous and sweaty.
Mezereum the hair becomes curly and then falls out.
Selenium the pubic hair falls out as well as the scalp hair.
Sepia for the patient who is depressed and worried, especially
about the family and by the family.
Thallium with a tendency to conjunctivitis.
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Nose and eyes stream. Frequent and severe
sneezing. Worse in the morning, indoors: Allium cepa
Nose tickles violently. Sneezing violent and
painful with watery burning discharge, making
the upper lip sore: Arsen alb
Eyes burn, itch and water constantly. Runny
nose with much sneezing: Euphrasia
re eee
Violent sneezing with blocked nose. Face hot
and flushed: Gelsemium
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Copious catarrh and sneezing, often
accompanied by cold sores or mouth ulcers: Nat mur
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Irritation of nose, eyes, face and throat with
prolonged bouts of sneezing: Nux vom
ee ee
Copious thick catarrh and sneezing. Relieved
by open air: Pulsatilla
Sinusitis with blocked, stuffy nose. Worse on
first waking: Silicea
Actea_ rheumatic pains worse at night.
Apis acute swelling with much heat.
Argentum Nit. swelling of the hands, with numbness,
especially at the menopause.
Bryonia_ swelling of the finger joints, without redness.
Cale. Carb. cold hands.
Caulophyllum pains in the wrists and fingers, with stiffness.
Fluoric Acid constantly moist palms.
Ledum boring pains in the thumbs, better when cool.
Rhus Tox. pains in most parts of the hands, especially in the
thumbs of persons who do much knitting.
Ruta sprains of the wrists and fingers.
Sulphur — hot hands.
The usual official name, allergic rhinitis, is not a full description
because the eyes, the sinuses and the eustachian tubes are so
often involved as well. The constitutional remedy is often
needed. At other times it is helpful to prescribe the allergen in
potency, or a nosode.
Allium Cepa much lachrymation.
Arsenicum Iod. dry sneezing and a wheezy chest.
Arundo much itching in the nostrils. .
Dulcamara_ worse in the open air.
Euphrasia burning lachrymation.
Pulsatilla better in the open air.
Sabsdilla much itching in the nose, and chest symptoms, “hay
Sanguinaria hay fever complicated by polypi.
Silica nasal obstruction, worse on waking and with obstinate
sinusitis — in chilly persons. 31
No comprehensive list is attempted here; there are so many
causes, and so many types. Nevertheless, it is worth presentinga
short selection of some of the most useful homoeopathic
remedies for headache.
Arnica after head injury, with or without concussion.
Belladonna ‘bursting’ headache, with dilated pupils.
Bryonia better for pressure and keeping still.
Gelsemium occipital headache and heavy eyelids.
Glonoine throbbing headache, sometimes due to too much
exposure to the sun.
Lachesis worse on waking, and more on the left side.
Lycopodium with vertigo, and mainly on the right side.
Magnesium Phos. neuralgic pain, of a ‘shooting, electric’ type.
Nux Vomica the classical remedy for tension headache in the
Pulsatilla better in the open air and after cold applications.
Sanguinaria headache gradually worse till noon, then improv-
Spigelia neuralgic pains, especially in the left temple.
Sulphur headache worse in the evening.
Heart failure should receive all necessary conventional
treatment. Homoeopathic treatment is often a valuable sup-
plementary measure. For symptoms which are tiresome and
uncomfortable but not dangerous, the following remedies are
worth remembering:
Apis relatively sudden pain in the heart with a sense of
something like suffocation.
Arnica when there is a sensation that the heart is being
Arsenicum Album palpitation and some irregularity, with
much anxiety and restlessness.
Cactus the classical homoeopathic remedy for anginal pain,
when the chest seems ‘in a vice’.
Digitalis if the pulse is persistently slow, similar to the result
of overdosage of digitalis glucosides.
Lachesis_ when pain in the heart extends to the neck.
Spigelia one of the most useful remedies, especially for strong
palpitations, detectable by others and sometimes even
reported to shake the bed.
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Aethusa in infants who cannot tolerate much milk.
Arsenicum Album for hiccoughs associated with carcinoma of
the stomach.
Cicuta in infants, especially if there have been convulsions.
Ignatia with other symptoms which are paradoxical and
contradictory, raising suspicion of hysteria.
Ipecacuanha with much nausea.
Lycopodium with chronic dyspepsia and hyperacidity.
Mag. Phos. when the patient gets muscle spasms and neural-
gic pains elsewhere, for instance cramps in the limbs.
Nux Vomica for hiccoughs occurring an hour or two after
Veratrum Viride if hiccoughs follows vomiting.
Unduly sensitive hearing is not a disease in the ordinary sense,
but it is often mentioned as a secondary symptom, and can be
useful in deciding the choice of the remedy:
Cannabis Ind. hearing very acute, combined with the exag-
geration of duration of time and extent of space.
Coffea excessive sensitivity to music and voices, combined
with active and alert thinking, and insomnia.
Nux Vomica_ the patient’s own voice sounds unduly loud to
him or her.
Opium undue sensitivity to sounds - an unexpected feature
with the classical stupor.
Phosphorus small noises such as the screwing up of paper are
‘intolerable’, disturbing.
Silica loud noises actually cause pain in the ears.
Tabacum sensitivity to music and loud talking, with tinnitus
as well.
Undue anxiety about one’s health is sometimes an important
factor in selecting the remedy. |
Actea_ with depression, like a black cloud over everything.
Arsenicum Album anxiety drives him or her out of bed at night.
Aurum Met. _ thinks of suicide.
Cale. Carb. fears he or she will go crazy.
Ignatia with a tendency to hysteria.
Natrum Mur. melancholy, tired of life and wants to be alone.
Nux Vomica_ quarrelsome, and with episodes of violence.
Stannum with weakness, and symptoms predominantly
Valerian when there are rapid irrational changes of mood.
Actea_ with gnawing sensations in the epigastrium.
Asafoetida with belchings and sensations of distension.
Crocus has emotional outbursts with quick repentance.
Ignatia with the classical lump in the throat.
Lachesis very talkative.
Moschus_ with difficult breathing and ‘spasms’ in the chest.
Platina haughtiness, with contempt.
Tarentula Hisp. with twitching or jerking of muscles.
Valerian excited and sleepless, sometimes with a sensation of
34 floating in the air.
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Dry scaly skin which has less than the normal amount of
natural oil in it can predispose to infection, as well as being
unsightly and uncomfortable. In combination with suitable
oe to soften the skin, one of these remedies can be given by
Arsenicum Album dry skin with fine scales, thirsty for small
Graphites with cracks in the skin, usually overweight.
Natrum or dry skin and an itchy patch on the nape of the
-Plumbum very little sweating and usually constipated.
Sepia with increased pigmentation.
Thuja for dirty looking skins, with warts.
This highly contagious skin disease, characterised by its
purulent oozing which forms thick scabs, is usually treated by
local antibiotic applications and should be covered to reduce
contagion. Homoeopathic remedies are particularly helpful in
resistant and recurrent cases.
Antim. Crud. for impetigo of the nostrils and the corners of the
Croton Tig. especially for impetigo of the scrotum.
Graphites when the oozing and the scabs are honey-coloured.
Hamamelis also for involvement of the scrotum.
Mezereum_ when the scalp is infected and thick crusts form.
Petroleum with cracks in the skin, especially behind the ears.
Improving the general health by means of the best-indicated
homoeopathic remedy may be a valuable factor in dealing with
this trouble.
Agnus Castus ineffectual erection, with general debility and
often with absent-mindedness.
Conium erections not sustained; and associated symptoms in
the legs — cramps and coldness.
Graphites pains in the genitals, interrupting attempts at
intercourse; unhealthy skin.
Lycopodium when it is anticipated that performance will fail;
often with chronic dyspepsia.
Sepia for impotence associated with heaviness and dragging
sensations in the genitals.
Sulphur if there is much itching and redness of the skin in the
genital area, sometimes in association with alcoholism. 35
The nosode, Influenzinum, is valuable for prophylaxis. The
constitutional remedy is valuable for delayed and slow con-
valescence. In the attack, the following remedies should be
Aconite . in the first few hours of the illness.
Aesculus. when the first symptom is backache.
Baptisia for delirium and confusion.
Bryonia_ when there is chest pain and pleural involvement, as
in Bornholm disease.
Camphor_ when the stage of chill persists.
Eupatorium with pains in the bones.
Gelsemium with chills up and down the spine, and with heavy
Glonoine_ with throbbing headache.
Pyrogen when secondary bacterial infection develops.
Rhus Tox. with muscle pains and stiffness.
Veratrum Album _ in very severe cases, with delirium, copious
sweating, collapse and the rare ‘heliotrope’ cyanosis.
Agaricus with crawling sensations and sometimes associated
with chilblains.
Calc. Carb. better for scratching.
Dolichos very itchy skin but with nothing abnormal to see.
Graphites when the patient scratches till the skin bleeds.
Manganum worse when sweating.
Merc. Sol worse on getting warm.
Mezereum much itching with development of scabs.
Psorinum scratching to the point of bleeding.
Rhus Tox. with urticarial lumps and bumps.
Rumex worse on undressing.
Sulphur worse on getting warm.
Urtica with urticaria, due to many substances in addition to
nettles; for reactions to external irritants and to internal
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A precise diagnosis is necessary — other treatment may be
essential. In addition, one of these remedies may be helpful:
Chelidonium when there is also gall bladder pain, referred to
the tip of the right scapula.
China Offic. for putty-coloured stools, flatulence and colic.
Crotalus may be helpful in haemolytic jaundice.
Hydrastis when the liver is palpably enlarged.
Mercurius with dull pains in the liver region and a nasty taste
in the mouth.
Nux Vomica for dyspepsia, jaundice, itching skin and
associated irritability.
Podophyllum if gall stones are present, causing obstruction
and colic.
When fractures and other conditions which need surgical and
other treatment have been excluded:
Apis for acute synovitis, worse for any form of heat.
Causticum when the knees cannot be fully extended, with
tightness in the hamstrings.
Chamomilla better, surprisingly, when the joint is fully exten-
Kali Carb. for dull pains in the knees due to overweight,
increasing the strain on the joints.
Ledum_ when caused by cold and damp; also after penetrating
injuries by stings and by needles. ,
Natrum Mur. for prepatellar bursitis — ‘housemaid’s knee’.
Rhus Tox. for synovial effusions, with much protective
stiffness of the surrounding muscles.
Laryngitis which persists for more than a few days needs
investigation. While waiting for the result or, more hopefully, to
assist recovery:
Antim. Crud. for laryngitis due to heat.
Apis with oedema of the uvula and dysphagia as well.
Arnica . after much shouting or other over-use of the voice.
Arum for laryngitis of singers, preachers and other public
Barium Carb. for simple chronic laryngitis.
Carbo Veg. for weakness of voice in old people.
Hepar Sul. in the later stages of bronchitis with laryngitis,
when the cough has loosened but the hoarseness persists.
Lachesis for chronic laryngeal strain in very talkative people.
Phosphorus with irritating dryness of the throat and larynx,
and sometimes specks of blood with the phlegm.
Rhus Tox. the voice improves with continued talking.
Spongia laryngitis with an associated dry ‘barking’ cough.
If there is reason to suspect that there is infection which may
have been acquired sexually, the disease is notifiable and should
receive conventional treatment. In other cases, homoeopathic
remedies should be considered, with special reference to con-
stitutional features.
Alumina with raised itchy spots in the vagina.
Borax when the discharge is clear, like egg-white.
Carbo An. if the discharge burns the skin and stains the
clothing yellow. ; ,
Kreasote yellow offensive discharge, causing itching and
Medorrhinum for symptoms remaining after treatment of
gonorrhoea. :
Pulsatilla when the discharge is mucoid, rather like nasal
Sepia useful for prepubertal leucorrhoea, and also for cases in
adults when there is much dragging sensation in the pelvic
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Fidgeting can be embarrassing; jerking, especially just when the
patient is going to sleep, can be very annoying; and restlessness
is often a valuable pointer to the similimum.
Fidgeting Kali Bich., Phosphorus or Zincum.
Jerking when going to sleep Agaricus, Belladonna, Ignatia,
Kali Carb., Sepia.
Jerking as a result of sudden noise Borax, Carbo Veg., Opium.
General restlessness Arsenicum Album, Calc. Phos., Hyos-
cyamus, Pulsatilla, Stramonium, Tarentula.
Aconite as a result of exposure to draughts.
Arnica as a result of injury or when the muscles feel bruised.
Bellis Perennis worse after stooping in the open air, typically
after gardening.
Berberis worse on waking.
Bryonia | worse on any movement and markedly relieved by
staying still.
Dulcamara_ worse after much stooping and exposure to cold
and damp.
Nux Vomica after getting chilled.
Rhododendron worse when a storm is approaching.
Rhus Tox. when stiffness is a most marked feature and is
gradually relieved by continued gentle motion.
This is a less serious problem nowadays, but cases still occur,
and prompt treatment reduces the risk of complications.
Aconite in.the early stages when frequent cough prevents sleep.
Belladonna for the child with very red face, headache, sore
throat, before the sweating develops.
Bryonia_ when the rash is slow to appear.
Euphrasia_ if conjunctivitis is a prominent feature.
Kali Bich. when the cough produces stringy sputum and the
voice is hoarse.
Mercurius_ when excess catarrh persists.
Pulsatilla for the child who is very sorry for himself or herself,
with copious catarrh, and dislikes heavy bedclothes.
Sulphur _ if the rash is dusky and slow to clear.
The nosode, Morbillinum, is valuable for prophylaxis, and also
for sequelae of measles, when the patient has never been really
well since the infection. 39
It would be rash to claim that homoeopathic treatment would
improve the memory, but the complaint of poor memory is a
valuable clue to selecting the remedy for other disorders.
Aethusa poor memory and poor concentration.
Anacardium tends to swear because of the frustration caused
by poor memory.
Barium Carb. absent-minded and inattentive.
Cocculus slow in remembering and easily distracted.
Lycopodium thinks his memory is worse than it really is.
Plumbum forgets words and is slow to grasp ideas.
Rhododendron thoughts disappear while they are being put
into words.
Sulphur poor memory, especially for names.
Aurum Met. hot flushes and melancholia.
Glonoine throbbing in the head, with flushing.
Graphites flushing, especially of the face, sometimes with
nose-bleeds and a tendency to put on weight.
Kali Carb. loss of appetite, regurgitations and backache.
Lachesis flushes, a sense of constriction round the neck,
talkative; all symptoms worse on waking.
Sepia hot sweats, backache, especially in the sacral area, with
sinking or dragging sensations.
Sulphuric Acid flushes worse in the evenings and after exer-
tion; general weariness.
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The cause of heavy periods should always be determined. While
waiting for investigations:
Belladonna loss of bright red blood, in red-faced women.
Borax when the periods are early and profuse, with colic and
Bovista if the flow is worse at night.
Cale. Carb. for women who are pale, overweight and chilly.
Chamomilla_ with clots, and intolerance of pain.
China Offic. when the clots are dark.
Ferrum Met. better when walking about slowly.
Ipecacuanha bright loss, with nausea.
Phosphorus no clots and restless, fidgety.
Sabina intermittent loss.
Secale thin watery loss, with no clots.
Sepia with bearing down pains and a tendency to prolapse.
Aconite for stiff neck, especially if due to a draught of air.
Arnica for bruised muscles.
Bryonia for pain in the intercostal muscles, with or without
involvement of the pleura.
Causticum for pain in the hamstrings, with limited extension.
Dulcamara for aching muscles due to cold damp conditions.
Ledum for muscles involved in stab wounds and hypodermic
Nux Vomica for pain in the muscles at the back of the neck,
associated with tension headaches.
Phytolacca for muscle pains in heavily built persons;
especially for pain in the deltoids.
Rhus Tox. for painful stiff muscles.
Alumina for brittle and spotted nails.
Antim. Crud. for horny thick nails, especially toenails.
Arsenicum Album_ when the nails crack easily.
Calc. Carb. for soft nails which break off easily.
Graphites when the nails grow thick and distorted. -
Secale when the nails separate easily from their beds.
Silica for brittle and yellow nails.
Thuja__when the nails are brittle and when the patient also has
condylomata or warts.
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A common symptom with many causes, and for which there are
many homoeopathic remedies. The cause should be established
before treatment is begun. These are some of the remedies most
often used:
Arsenicum Album worse after midnight.
Cale. Carb. worse after drinking milk and in the morning.
Cocculus especially for travel nausea and sickness.
Colchicum very sensitive to the smell of cooking.
Ipecacuanha for persistent nausea, with headache as well.
Iris one of the remedies for migraine, when nausea is a
pronounced feature.
Kali Carb. as a result of excitement and of motion.
Lobelia when there is much salivation with the nausea.
Nux Vomica_ worse in the morning, as with a ‘hangover’.
Pulsatilla for nausea during pregnancy, better in the open air,
often accompanied by much catarrh.
Tabacum better in the open air, away from tobacco smoke.
Aconite for acute torticollis due to draughts of cold air.
Calc. Carb. with hoarseness and enlarged neck glands.
Cicuta when the neck is stiff and turned to one side.
Dulcamara stiffness after a chill, better for hot applications.
Mag. Phos. sudden stiffness with neuralgic pains.
Nux Vomica for tension in the. back of the neck, with tension
headache and irritability.
Phytolacca stiffness due to sore throat, tonsillitis, quinsy, in
muscular persons with ‘bull neck’.
Rhus Tox. when the stiffness extends to the trapezius.
Aconite for facial neuralgia caused by cold draughts.
_ Arsenicum Album for intermittent burning neuralgic pains.
Chelidonium for intercostal neuralgia, worse from touch as
well as worse from motion.
Colocynth . for trigeminal neuralgia, especially if the pain has a
‘tearing’ quality.
Kalmia for neuralgia in the right side of the face and in the
right arm.
Mag. Phos. for paroxysmal pains like electric shocks in the
limbs, especially in the sciatic plexus.
Ranunculus Bulb. for intercostal and supraorbital neuralgias.
Spigelia for sudden sharp pains in the left temple, often with
associated palpitations.
This section is mainly concerned with bleeding from the nose.
See also the sections on Catarrh and Sinusitis.
Arnica for bruising and bleeding after injury.
Belladonna red face, throbbing headache and bleeding.
Calc. Carb. when there are polypi with associated catarrh and
Carbo Veg. for old people who sneeze a lot and then get
Ferrum Phos. especially for children whose noses bleed during
feverish illnesses.
Hamamelis when nose-bleeds are frequent, and when there is
engorgement of veins elsewhere, as in the legs.
Phosphorus frequent and profuse sudden nose-bleeds.
Pulsatilla polypi causing nasal obstruction.
Sanguinaria polypi, much sneezing and headaches.
Sulphur itching nose, causing much sneezing.
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If numbness persists, a neurological assessment is needed.
Aconite numbness and tingling of the hands and feet as in the
hyperventilation syndrome.
Chamomilla numbness of the hands, worse when grasping.
Conium numbness of the legs, beginning in the feet and
working upwards.
Ignatia numbness of the heels, worse when walking.
Natrum Mur, numbness, tingling and exhaustion.
Phosphorus burnings and tinglings as well as numbness.
Secale numbness, coldness and threat of gangrene.
The essential treatment of obesity is, of course, advice on diet,
habits and exercise. Obesity or the tendency to it is a valuable
clue for finding the constitutional remedy for other disorders.
Cale. Carb. with enlarged glands.
Capsicum ‘lax, lazy, fat and red’ — with burning sensations
anywhere in the alimentary system.
Ferrum red-faced and subject to dyspepsia.
Graphites with a tendency to skin diseases.
Hepar Sul. hypersensitive and liable to develop recurrent
small boils.
Kali Carb. with backache and catarrhal tendencies.
Actea_ ovarian pains at puberty.
Apis ovarian tenderness, especially on the left.
Colocynth ovarian neuralgia, associated with intestinal colic.
Hepar Sul. tenderness of the ovaries, part of a general
Lachesis pain mainly on the left, worse for tight clothing.
Lilium Tig. right ovarian pain, extending to the thighs.
Aconite at night, on waking after bad dreams, during
Argentum Nit. stage fright and exam ‘funk’.
Arsenicum Album when alone.
Gelsemium shaking with fright.
Opium ‘paralysed’ by fright, unable to act.
Stramonium excessive fear of the dark.
Apis with swelling of the uvula — can hardly swallow.
Belladonna when the pharynx is hot, dry and red.
Capsicum if there is a hot smarting sensation, as if caused by
Kali Bich. with the sensation of a hair stuck in the throat.
Lac Caninum when the soreness goes from one side to the
Lachesis if there is a bluish tinge of the pharynx, a sense of
constriction, and dysphagia.
Merc. Cyan. when there is a grey exudate.
Merc. Sol. with much saliva and retching.
Nitric Acid if there are pricking sensations, as from a fish
Phytolacca when there is a feeling of a hot lump in the throat,
and swallowing causes pain which radiates to the ears.
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This title is chosen so as to include pain with or without fever or
effusion — a broader collection of disorders — not just pleurisy in
the usual sense.
Belladonna in the early stages of acute febrile pleurisy.
Bryonia the remedy most often needed for sharp pleural pains,
better when lying still on the painful side.
Chelidonium when there is much coughing, with pain behind
the sternum, referred from the mediastinum.
Hepar Sul. useful in later stages, when recovery is slow, and ~
the chest is sensitive to cold air.
Natrum Sul. for pleural pain accompanied by dry cough,
worse at night, better sitting up and pressing on the painful
Rumex when the pain is accompanied by tickling and raw
sensation in the trachea.
Sticta for the patient who starts coughing and finds it very
difficult to stop.
Cadmium Sul. with a sense of tightness at the root of the nose.
Cale. Carb. with loss of sense of smell, and sometimes with
swelling of the upper lip.
Phosphorus the polypi bleed easily when the nose is blown.
Psorinum with chronic post-nasal drip, especially in patients
who tend to be chilly.
Pulsatilla with plentiful catarrh.
Thuja the remedy most often indicated for warts and other
kinds of lumps on the skin, as well as for nasal polypi. 47
Calc. Carb. tenderness of the breasts.
Causticum _ pessimistic and irritable.
Conium with sore breasts and cold legs.
Graphites distinct increase in weight.
Kreasote _ restless and irritable.
Lachesis when there is fluid retention and heaviness of the
Lycopodium cross and melancholic.
Natrum Mur. also for fluid retention; irritable and sad.
Nux Vomica very irritable and quarrelsome.
Pulsatilla weepy and with painful breasts.
Sepia depressed, irritable and with reduced libido.
Eventually, surgery may be needed, but homoeopathic remedies
may delay or even avoid the need for surgery.
Barium Carb. especially for thin under-weight persons, with
frequency and a slow stream.
Calc. Carb. for heavy, sluggish and apprehensive men, when
the prostate produces much mucus.
Conium when frequency is especially troublesome at night and
worse after any alcohol.
Iodum_ if the gland is hard — and arouses suspicion of car-
cinoma, needing investigation.
Pulsatilla with itching and oozing of mucus from the meatus.
Sabal_ when there are stinging pains on micturition, and the
bladder and urethra seem unduly irritable.
This tiresome, distressing and sometimes embarrassing com-
plaint may be due to infection, and then will need appropriate
conventional treatment. If there is no discharge:
Ambra __ itching worse at night.
Merc. Sol. much burning after scratching, and worse when
wetted by urine.
Nitric Acid with pricking like needles, worse while walking.
Petroleum with visible dermatitis of the vulva.
Platinum with voluptuous crawling sensations.
Rhus Tox. when there are small vesicles and these are
sometimes the manifestation of herpes.
48 Sepia in slim brunettes, especially during pregnancy.
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This section concerns the muscles, not the joints.
Arnica worse after bruising and over-exertion.
Bryonia worse for movement, better for rest and pressure.
Causticum better in damp weather; when there is a tendency
to contracture, especially of the hamstrings.
Colchicum worse at night and in winter.
Dulcamara_ when caused by or aggravated by cold and damp.
Kali lod. when the muscle pains are tearing or darting.
Ledum for muscle pains after stings, puncture wounds and
Merc. Sol. worse at night and often with ‘sour’ sweat.
Pulsatilla for muscle pains which shift from place to place.
Rhus Tox. with much stiffness, especially of the hands and
fingers; worse on starting to move, but soon better on
continued movement.
Ruta for pains in tendons as well as in muscles.
Appropriate movements, exercises and manipulations are
usually effective.
Aesculus sacro-iliac pain, worse when walking slowly or
Agaricus with sensations of bruising, pressure or weight.
Aloe sacral pains accompanying diarrhoea and piles.
Berberis pain referred from the rectum.
Rhus Tox. when the pain results in marked stiffness — almost
Sepia with dragging sensations in the pelvis.
Sulphur when the pain extends to the groins.
Tellurium for pains shooting up from the sacrum and down to
the thighs.
Excess or deficiency of saliva is obviously not a disease, but can
be a useful clue in helping to find the right remedy for other
Allium after eating — paradoxical.
Ipecacuanha with nausea and gagging as a result of coughing.
Iris with migraine or similar headache.
Merce. Sol. with sore gums — worse at night.
Nitric Acid with mouth ulcers and prickings.
Veratrum Album with cold sweat and faintness.
Arsenicum Album when the mouth is dry with fear.
Barium Carb. with numbness as well as dryness.
Belladonna’ when the mouth is hot and dry.
Bryonia little saliva, but little thirst.
Capsicum with burning sensations and dryness.
Carbo Veg. when the tongue is rough as well as dry.
Hyoscyamus in low muttering delirium.
Natrum Sul. if the tongue looks and feels slimy but dry.
Nux Moschata_ when there is so little saliva that the tongue
sticks to the palate.
Silica if the mouth and tongue are dry in spite of a fair
amount of thin saliva.
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Nera Sal.
S .iltthe 3 alee
en Mur. worse when sitting and the hamstrings feel
Arsenicum Album especially for older people.
Colocynth worse because of cold and damp.
Dioscerea better when the spine is extended.
Gelsemium worse when resting at night.
Kali Carb. when sciatic pain is made worse by coughing,
especially about 3 a.m.
Lycopodium worse in the afternoon and when lying on the
affected side.
Mag. Phos. for the classical ‘electric’ shooting pains down the
leg, worse on coughing and better for flexion of the spine.
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Arnica for sprains involving the wrist or ankle, especially
when there is a haematoma.
Calc. Phos. for sprains of the carpus.
Rhus Tox. for sprains in rheumatic subjects, with much
stiffness and reluctance to move.
Ruta for most sprains — almost a specific.
The essential treatment of stammering and stuttering is speech
therapy, to encourage good breathing and good phonation. But
homoeopathic remedies can be helpful as well.
Belladonna especially for children who talk too fast.
Causticum when stammering is accompanied by grimacing.
Merc. Sol. with tremors, especially of the tongue.
Nux Vomica for the patient who is ‘jumpy’ and irritable, and
tends to omit or transpose syllables as well as stammering.
Stramonium when there are exaggerated movements of the
limbs while talking.
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The old name apoplexy is best avoided. The relatively new term,
CVA, cerebral vascular accident, is not really appropriate
because a stroke is not an accident, but a lesion. Hospitals are
often reluctant to admit patients with strokes until they have
survived the first forty-eight hours. Meanwhile, homoeopathy
can help.
Arnica often chosen because the cerebral lesion is similar to a
bruise, a haematoma.
Belladonna when the face is flushed and there is throbbing
Natrum Mur. when the face is pale and there is throbbing
Nux Vomica_ when the stroke occurs after a heavy meal or too
much alcoholic drink.
Opium when the patient is unconscious, breathing heavily, and
the face is dusky or cyanosed.
Sulphur for the heavy red-faced beer-drinking type.
Veratrum Album _ when the clinical picture is one of ‘collapse’
— shocked, sweating and cold.
Graphites when the styes produce much sticky honey-coloured
exudate, as occurs with impetigo.
Phosphorus. when there is twitching of the eyelids, and a burning
sensation in them.
Pulsatilla when the eyelids are stuck together on waking.
Staphisagria when there is frontal headache.
Staphylococcinum when infection with staphylococci is proved,
or suspected, and styes persist, this nosode can be expected to
stimulate the development of better resistance to the germs.
Thuja Hahnemann’s chief antipsoric remedy.
This is a convenient term to include the ill-effects of over-
exposure to the sun, and also the ill-effects of other forms of
Aconite with fever, confusion and apparent stupidity.
Antim. Crud. after too much exertion in the sun.
Belladonna with throbbing headache, hot dry skin and dilated
Cuprum Met. when much sweating has caused excess salt loss
and cramps.
Gelsemium with giddiness, as if intoxicated.
Glonoine with throbbing headache, flushed face and sweating.
Natrum Mur. when the patient is irritable and hates any fuss. 35
Effusion into a joint often causes some instability. This applies
especially to the knee, and it is usually wise to support the
knee with a crépe type of bandage.
Apis in the early stages, when the joint is painful, hot and
Arnica ’ when there is evidence or suspicion of bleeding into the
Belladonna’ when the pain is eased by hot applications.
Bryonia_ especially for synovitis of small joints.
Causticum for subacute or chronic synovitis, with associated
weakness of the joint.
Colchicum for acute synovitis, especially of the legs, with hot
tearing pains, like gout.
Pulsatilla for hot swellings, especially of theelbow and of the
knee, with the swelling visible above the patella.
Rhus Tox. for effusion and stiffness of the surrounding
Ruta for traumatic synovitis associated with sprains.
Actea when nervous and restless during teething.
Borax for teething complicated by aphthous or ulcerative
stomatitis; and when there is dislike of downward motion,
when being put into the cot.
Calc. Carb. when teething is late, and associated with diar-
rhoea and green stools.
Calc. Phos. for babies who are late in teething, late in sitting
up and late in walking.
Chamomilla fretful and angry — yells till picked up and is
quiet until put back in the cot.
Kreasote when the teeth have poor enamel which begins to
decay soon after eruption.
Merc. Sol. when there is excess salivation during teething,
sore gums and diarrhoea.
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The constitutional temperament and the mood of the moment
can be useful guides to the correct remedy for psychological
disturbances and for many disorders with a predominantly
somatic manifestation. Homoeopathic remedies are often
valuable alternatives to conventional tranquillisers, anti-
depressives and anxiolytics.
This list shows only one remedy for each temperament or
mood, leaving room for the reader to make additions as
Angry Chamomilla. Impatient Sulphur.
Apathetic Phosphoric Acid. Indifferent Sepia.
Company wanted Phosphorus. Irritable Nux Vomica.
Company shunned Natrum Lamenting Lycopodium.
Mur. Lazy Calc. Carb.
Complacent Arnica. Obstinate Tub. Bov.
Confused Baptisia. Quarrelsome Petroleum.
Despairing Aurum. Raging Hyoscyamus.
Excitable Belladonna. Resentful Staphisagria.
Frightened Aconite. Restless Arsenicum Album.
Haughty Platinum. Sad Stannum.
Humble Pulsatilla. Taciturn Silica.
Hurried Lilium Tig. Talkative Lachesis.
Hysterical I[gnatia.
Arnica after injury and bruising.
Aurum Met. chronic neuralgic pain, causing depression.
Belladonna acute ‘intolerable’ pain.
Clematis persistent chronic pains extending to the groins and
~ the thighs.
Hamamelis_ when the testes are very sensitive, and when the
skin of the scrotum is disordered.
Pulsatilla acute pain with much swelling, as in mumps.
Rhododendron aching in the testes, worse before thunder-
Spongia persistent aching due to much coughing.
When diabetes (mellitus or insipidus) have been excluded,
Arsenicum Album wants to drink little and often.
Belladonna when the mouth is hot, dry and red.
Bryonia - for thirst for large quantities.
Dulcamara_ wants hot drinks, but they are vomited.
Phosphorus thirsty for cold drinks, which are soon vomited.
Stramonium wants sour drinks such as lemon juice.
Sulphur is thirsty but not hungry.
Noises in the head or in the ears of a purely subjective origin
are usually resistant to treatment, and it is rash to hold out
hopes of a cure. Sometimes the well-chosen remedy can bring
some relief:
China Offic. for tinnitus associated with deafness, and
sometimes with headache and vertigo.
Graphites for tinnitus associated with the so-called ‘boiler-
maker’s deafness’ — when the hearing is better in a noise.
Lachesis when the noises are most pronounced on waking.
Petroleum for noises of a whizzing nature, as of a breeze.
Phosphoric Acid for tinnitus associated with debility, weak-
ness and vertigo.
Pulsatilla when the noises are worse when there is upper
respiratory catarrh.
Spigelia for tinnitus with neuralgic pains in the ears, inter-
mittent rather than continuous.
58 Sulphur when the noises are worse at night.
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Acute attacks of tonsillitis may need antibiotics. Chronic or
recurrent tonsillitis usually responds well to homoeopathy.
Barium Carb. for undersized children with recurrent attacks.
Cale. Carb. for fat chilly children with a tendency to persistent
enlargement of the cervical glands.
Hepar Sul. with much inflammation and yellow exudate, when
the soreness is better for warm drinks.
Lachesis with marked dislike of anything touching the throat,
causing a sense of constriction.
Lycopodium also with a sense of constriction and when the
symptoms are worse about 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Merc. Sol. when there is marked sweating, bad breath and
extra salivation.
Nitric Acid with much exudate and with pricking sensations.
Phytolacca when the neck is swollen and tender as well as the
tonsils — the so-called “bull neck’.
Sulphur when the tonsils remain large in between attacks,
almost touching in the midline; for children who are
noticeably ‘warm blooded’, in contrast to those who need
Calc. Carb.
Apis with swelling of the gums.
Bryonia_ when the teeth feel too long.
Cale. Carb. pain worse for cold air or cold drinks.
Calc. Fluor. when the dental enamel is deficient.
Chamomilla_ worse when in bed.
Coffea better for cold water.
Kali Carb. worse when eating.
Mag. Phos. neuralgic pains like little electric shocks.
Plantago when the teeth are sensitive to touch and cold air.
Pulsatilla worse for warm drinks, better in the open air. -
Staphisagria when the teeth are blackened and crumbling.
~ Obviously, any homoeopathic first aid should be followed by a
visit to the dentist.
Apis with a sensation of swelling in the trachea.
Arsenicum Album dry, burning and irritating, as if constricted.
Bryonia_ worse for talking, smoking and in warm rooms.
Calc. Carb dry tracheitis, worse in the evening and when
Cannabis Sativa worse in the morning, with sticky mucus.
Capsicum crawling and tickling in the trachea causing
sneezing as well as coughing.
Carbo Veg. worse in the evening.
Causticum tearing sensations on coughing.
Kali Bich. irritation in the nose, larynx and trachea, with
stringy mucus.
Lachesis worse after sleep and when touched.
Nux Vomica _ tickling, worse when exhaling.
Phosphorus cough, hawking and rawness, worse in the evening
and after cold drinks.
Rumex soreness worse in cold air.
Silica - mucus coughed up, especially soon after meals.
Stannum_ sweetish yellow mucus coughed up.
Sulphur constant irritation, worse at night.
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This can sometimes be incapacitating, and even dangerous;
homoeopathic remedies can control and cure it without causing
the drowsiness which is often a side effect of conventional
Aconite with restlessness and fear of accident or disaster.
Apomorphine when vomiting occurs with little or no warning.
Borax for nausea which is worse during downward movement,
as in aircraft, and also in lifts.
Cocculus almost a specific for travel sickness, especially when
there is vertigo and a sense of emptiness in the head.
Petroleum when nausea is accompanied with eructations of
wind from the stomach.
Tabacum with cold sweat and prostration.
Actea_ tremors of the legs, making walking difficult.
Agaricus rhythmic spasms of groups of muscles, especially of
the neck.
Antim. Tart. tremors of the limbs with coldness of the hands
and feet.
Gelsemium tremors of the whole body, with hot and cold
shivers up and down the spine.
Ignatia tremors combined with gross jerking movements.
Merc. Sol. tremors of the fingers and of the tongue, with
Stramonium tremors persisting after a fright, with writhing
movements as well.
This section refers to ulcers of the skin only.
Arsenicum Album with burning pains, better for warmth.
Belladonna when the surrounding skin is very red and hot.
Hamamelis for ulcers associated with varicose veins.
Kali Bich. when ulcers have a ‘punched out’ look, with
clear-cut edges.
Lachesis for ulcers with a purple tinge around them.
Merc. Sol. when there is much oozing of pus and serum.
Mezereum when scabs form too readily and pus collects under
the scabs.
Nitric Acid for ulcers which bleed easily, and when there are
sharp pains like splinters.
Phosphorus for ulcers which bleed easily.
Silica when ulcers are slow to develop and slow to heal. 61
This section concerns pain on passing urine in the absence of
any infection in the bladder, and felt most in the urethra.
Arsenicum Album burning pain causing agitation — unable to
keep still because of the pain.
Camphor most pain at the beginning of micturition, due to
tenesmus at the neck of the bladder.
Clematis when the urine passes slowly and intermittently, in
men more often than in women.
Phosphorus when urine is passed in small quantities and
sometimes with specks of blood.
Sepia for women more often than for men, and especially for
pain due to caruncle.
Silica when there is urethral stricture.
Terebinth especially for children when spasms of pain occur
just before the urine begins to pass.
Apis burning stinging pain while passing urine, which is
scanty and concentrated.
Berberis when there is mucus in the urine, either as a floating
film or as a sediment.
Cantharis scalding pain and frequency.
Causticum for frequency in old people, day and night.
Conium intermittent flow.
Kali Carb. slow starting, due to prostatic enlargement —
helpful while waiting if operation is necessary.
Lilium Tig. frequent urging and with dragging sensations.
Nux Vomica for the irritable bladder, in irritable people,
resulting in frequency which may be exaggerated.
Petroselinum sudden urging — any delay causes agony.
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This problem occurs mostly in childhood, but also at other ages.
Apis incontinence with stinging and burning, sometimes as a
result of coughing.
Arsenicum Album during pregnancy.
Belladonna at night, especially if the urine becomes very
Causticum in old people, who hardly feel the urine passing.
Equisetum _ in childhood, at night.
Fluoric Acid mainly in the daytime.
Merc. Corr. seems to pass more than is drunk — _ often
associated with tenesmus.
Natrum Mur. takes more salt than most people.
Phosphoric Acid as a result of coughing — more in the day
than at night.
Pulsatilla during pregnancy, often while walking.
Sulphur with burning sensations in the urethra.
Homoeopathic remedies are helpful as first aid, but a surgical
opinion will be needed if the trouble persists or recurs.
Apis when there is oedema of the pas obstructing the
Arnica for retention of urine after injury.
Causticum for retention after surgical operation for any
abdominal trouble.
Natrum Mur. for the patient who cannot pass urine in the
presence of anyone. :
Nux Vomica_ when there is an urge to pass urine every few
minutes, but no success.
Opium retention of urine with no pain and no desire to empty
the bladder.
Tarentula_ when the patient cannot sit still and relax and allow
the urine to flow.
Acute cases are best treated with Apis if the lesions are mainly
on the face, or by Urtica if the lesions are on the limbs.
Apis burning and stinging, especially with oedema of the
eyelids and the lips.
Croton . when there is more itching than burning, especially of
the genitals, male or female.
- Dulcamara for urticaria involving mainly the lower half of the
Lycopodium for chronic or persistent urticaria, worse between
4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Natrum Mur. when the lesions develop after strenuous exer-
Nux Vomica_ with mental irritability and intolerance, leading
to much scratching.
Rhus Tox. burning and itching, sometimes with vesicles.
Rumex worse when undressing.
Ruta when there is dyspepsia as well as urticaria.
Sulphuric Acid if accompanied by the typical soreness of acid
Urtica for true nettle rash, but also valuable as first aid for
urticaria due to other plants.
This condition usually needs surgical treatment or some form of
support. Homoeopathy is often helpful.
Arctium Lappa for prolapse with much bearing-down sen-
Argentum Nit. when there is ulceration, which needs other
treatment as well.
Calc. Carb. when noticably worse after lifting things.
Lilium Tig. ‘hurried and worried’ — the typical mother and
Kali ibe with much backache, especially since the birth of a
Palladium better during social occasions and worse after.
Platinum for prolapse with associated cramps and spasms,
especially in haughty superior persons.
Pulsatilla when prolapse is felt more during menstruation.
Sepia the remedy most often indicated for prolapse, with
dragging sensations, worse after washing clothes or bathing
children, and consequent depression.
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In addition to support stockings, adequate rest and elevation,
and other measures, think of these remedies:
Arnica’ when the veins have been bruised or feel bruised.
Calc. Carb. when the patient is over-weight, chiily, subject to
cramps in the calves and feet.
Carbo Veg. when the peripheral circulation is sluggish, even to
the extent of cyanosis.
Fluoric Acid one of the principal remedies for varicose veins,
especially if they are tender and ‘knotty’.
Hamamelis for varicose veins associated with haemorrhoids.
Pulsatilla particularly useful during pregnancy, when some
degree of pelvic pressure impedes the venous circulation.
This section refers to true vertigo with a rotatory sensation, not
to mere faintness.
Belladonna worse when turning in bed.
Borax with fear of downward movement.
Bryonia_ with vomiting — better keeping still.
Cale. Carb. worse when looking up.
China Offic. with tinnitus and debility.
Cocculus for vertigo associated with travel sickness.
Conium worse when lying down.
Gelsemium with trembling.
Kali Carb. better in the open air.
Natrum Mur. with headache.
Nux Vomica with nausea.
Pulsatilla with catarrh.
This is a symptom of many different causes, and if it persists
accurate diagnosis must be made. As first aid and while waiting
for investigations:
Aethusa_ when babies or children cannot digest milk without
vomiting — different from mere regurgitation.
Antim. Tart. with much rattling bronchial catarrh which is
swallowed and then vomited.
Arsenicum Album for simultaneous vomiting and diarrhoea.
Cuprum Met. when vomiting is accompanied by spasms and
cramps in the abdominal muscles.
Ipecacuanha when nausea persists after vomiting, especially
during pregnancy.
Iris for watery vomiting accompanying migraine.
Nux Vomica if vomiting occurs two or three hours after
Pulsatilla after rich and fatty foods.
Sulphur with hot sensations in the chest — retrosternal.
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Infections around the finger nails can lead to some deformity if
they are neglected. In addition to the usual nursing procedures
and surgical measures, and antibiotics if necessary, one of the
following remedies will be valuable treatment:
Belladonna’ when the finger is very hot and throbbing.
Fluoric Acid if there is a sensation as of a splinter under the
Hepar Sul. with much throbbing, worse at night and better for
holding the hand up.
Lachesis if there is a blue or purple tinge surrounding the
Silica when the infection is relatively slow in developing.
Antim. Tart. when there is much catarrh, causing ‘rattling’
sounds in the chest.
Arnica when the child cries out because of the pain of
Coccus. Cacti when the sputum is stringy, hanging from the
mouth in lengths.
Cuprum Met. when there are cramps and even convulsions, as
happens sometimes in babies.
Drosera when the cough is worse after midnight.
Hepar Sul. when the paroxysms of coughing are brought on by
Ipecacuanha_ when gagging and vomiting follows the coughing.
Kali Carb. when the patient is left exhausted by the cough.
Spongia when the cough sounds rather like a dog barking.
In addition, the nosode, Pertussin, is valuable as prophylaxis
and also for sequelae, if convalescence is slow.
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Dr Marion Gray, BM, BCh, MRCGP, MFHom
(Nitrate of silver)
This remedy suits anxious thin people who look prematurely
aged. Apprehension is a prominent feature.
But there is an intolerance of heat and a craving for fresh air.
Modalities Food
Better for open air. Likes sugar.
Worse for mental exertion. Likes salt.
Likes cold drinks.
Likes cheese.
Conditions in which indicated
Gastro-intestinal - flatulent dyspepsia; diarrhoea (like chopped
Headache - congestive - worse for mental exertion; better for
pressure or a tight bandage.
Trembling - sense of imbalance with weakness in the lower
Apprehensive fears - examination funk; fear of flying; fear of
crowded or closed-in places. These may be accompanied by
sweating or palpitations, or both.
Splinter-like sensation in the throat.
(Arsenic trioxide)
These patients are usually anxious, pale, thin individuals. They
are very sensitive and fastidious. They are also intelligent and
quick in mind and body. If ill, their prostration is out of
proportion to their condition, and often accompanied by
irritability. Their pains are burning in nature.
Chilly Right-sided ©
Modalities Food
Better for heat. Wants frequent small drinks.
Worse soon after midnight. Likes fat.
Conditions in which indicated
Acute colds — fluent watery discharge from the nose causing a
sore upper lip.
Diarrhoea and vomiting — especially if occurring at the same
Acute heart failure — especially at the early stage.
(Natural calcium carbonate from the middle layer of oyster shells)
These patients are flabby persons who sweat easily on the head
and chest. They tend to get depressed easily, and are slow both
mentally and physically. They worry a great deal and are
forgetful. They even fear that they might lose their reason.
Modalities Food
Dislikes open air. Dislikes milk.
Worse for cold. Enjoys eggs.
Conditions in which indicated
Enlarged glands.
Faulty bone development — delayed dentition, exostoses and
spurs, rickets.
Constipation — feels better wheniconstipated. Unlike the similar
remedy Graphites, which feels worse when constipated.
Rheumatism — often follows Rhus Tox. well.
(Potassium hydrate)
The Causticum patient is a broken down, despondent, anxious
person who dislikes mental exertion.
Chilly Right-sided
Modalities Food
Better for damp, warm weather. Worse for sweet foods.
Worse for cold, dry winds. Worse for coffee.
Conditions in which indicated
Paralysis of single nerves, e.g. Bell’s palsy, Horner’s syndrome.
Hoarseness — worse in the morning.
Conditions affecting the jaw and mouth. Pain may be referred
’ to the ear.
Rheumatism — contractures of tendons; stiff necks, especially
those brought on by draughts.
Urinary difficulties — stress incontinence, frequency.
Warts — on face and finger tips.
(Carbon, black lead)
These people are coarse-featured with a tendency to obesity.
Their skin is rough, dry and may be cracked. They are
indecisive, timid and startle easily. Depression is a common
state of mind. Constipation is frequently found. They sometimes
complain of an odd sensation as if they felt a cobweb on their
face. They are fat, chilly and have a tendency to constipation.
Modalities Food
Better in the dark. Worse for seafood and fish.
Worse for meat.
Worse for sweet foods.
Conditions in which indicated
Skin — eczema or rashes with sticky secretions like honey, often
behind the ear or at the margins of mucous membranes.
There may also be crusting.
Digestion — stomach pains relieved by eating. Digestive
symptoms and skin complaints may strangely alternate.
Glands — enlarged.
Nose-bleeds — following flushes.
(Calcium sulphide. Interior of oyster shells
burnt with flowers of sulphur)
These are irritable, touchy, over-sensitive people. They sweat
easily, but do not like to uncover themselves, preferring to pull a
blanket around themselves.
Modalities Food
Better for warm wet weather. Likes sour food, pickles
Worse for touch. and condiments.
Worse for uncovering.
Worse for cold air.
Conditions in which indicated
Suppuration — profuse secretions smelling like old cheese, e.g.
abscesses, infected ulcers, etc.
Tonsillitis — rapid enlargement of glands; sensation of plug or
splinter in the throat; pain may be referred to the ear.
Cough and croup.
(St Ignatius bean)
The emotional: aspects of this remedy are of fundamental import-
ance. These patients are nervous and neurotic. Their mental and
physical conditions change rapidly and they often present with
what seems a contradictory symptom picture.
Modalities Food
Better for heat. Desires sour, acid foods.
Worse for grief.
Worse for worry.
Conditions in which indicated
Effects of grief.
Throat — sensation of a lump in the throat. This is better for
swallowing, especially solids. :
Headaches — worse for coffee; as if a nail had been driven
through the side of the head.
(Bichromate of potash)
This remedy is well suited to the fat, chubby, sluggish patients
who present with ropey, stringy discharges. Pain is character-
istically felt’ in circumscribed small areas. Alternatively, the
pains may migrate and alternate with other symptoms, (e.g.
stomach pain may alternate with catarrh).
Modalities Food
Better for heat. Craves beer.
Worse around 2 a.m.—3 a.m. Likes starch and potatoes,
Worse for beer. but these upset.
Worse for undressing.
Conditions in which indicated ;
Chronic catarrh — with tough stringy discharges and crust
formation. ;
Stomach pain — fullness immediately after eating; worse for
beer; may be associated with a punched-out ulcer, e.g. a
peptic ulcer.
Rheumatism — pains that wander from one place to another.
(Potassium carbonate)
This remedy is well-suited to the patient who is full of fears. It
also has an element of irritability and great weakness associated
with it. The patient may well express a feeling of failure in life,
together with distressing forgetfulness. Physically the Kali Carb.
type is flabby and sallow, sometimes with flat feet.The impression
is one of weakness and depression.
Chilly Right-sided
Better for motion.
Worse for touch and easily startled. Worse at 3 a.m. Worse
after coition. Worse lying on the left, and on the painful side.
Likes sweet and starchy foods. Likes acid and sour drinks.
Conditions in which indicated
Lungs — asthma. Cough and pneumonia — pain is independent
of respiration, often right sided, worse for pressure, better for
leaning forward, dry cough with little sputum.
Headache — bitemporal.
Backache — after pregnancy; before menses.
Digestive — flatulence and distension; worse for ice-cold water.
(Potassium phosphate)
This remedy is especially good for the nerves of thin, dark
haired, exhausted neurotics. (All Kali salts are fat except Kali
Phos.) These patients hate to be alone and yet are very shy and
find they are worse for talking to people. They often feel as if
they are going to break down.
Modalities Food
Better for motion. Craves ice-cold water.
Better for heat. Likes sweet foods.
Worse for food. Likes sour foods.
Worse for worry.
Worse for exertion.
Worse for excitement.
Conditions in which indicated
Headaches — typically in overworking students; the head is
tender to the touch.
Insomnia — in adolescents.
(Venom of the Surukuku snake)
The person requiring Lachesis is usually very loquac
ious and
excitable. There is often a lot of jealousy and
associated with this remedy. An interesting featur
e is the
inability to tolerate tight clothes around the neck.
marked feature is the blue or purple colour of any skin
Warm Left-sided
Better for the onset of discharges, e.g. nosebleeds, menstruation.
Worse after sleep. Worse for pressure (except headaches).
Craves alcohol. Likes oysters. Likes coffee.
Conditions in which indicated
Sore throats - left-sided; purplish tinge to the throat - often looks
less bad than the pain would suggest; worse when swallowing,
especially hot fluids; empty swallowing may be more painful
than swallowing solids; pain may be referred to the ear.
Hot flushes.
Headaches — hammering; from the effects of the sun (follows
glonoine well); better for pressure.
Retinal haemorrhages in diabetes.
(Syphilitic exudate from a chancre)
Suited to chronic conditions which have responded poorly to
other well-indicated remedies. Possible family history of
syphilis. The patients are often thin and weak, with a poor
memory and many fears, especially of becoming insane. They
feel compelled to wash their hands frequently.
Better inland and in the mountains. Worse at night.
Craves alcohol. (There is a hereditary tendency to alcoholism.)
Conditions in which indicated
Skin - ulcers on the mouth, nose and genitalia; recurrent crops
of abscesses; copper-coloured rash.
Rheumatism - often of the shoulder; the pains increase and
decrease gradually; the discomfort causes the sufferer to seek
frequent changes in position; pains in the long bones.
Neuralgic headaches - may start at 4 p.m. and get worse until
Obstinate constipation.
Note. This is a nosode, and a deep-acting remedy. It should be
used infrequently, ideally once only. A high potency is
generally preferred and is administered as the so-called
divided dose (half the supply taken, followed by the other half
twelve hours later). a
(Club moss)
These people are usually of a reserved and intellectual dis-
position, but lack physical stamina. They may be tall and thin,
and often have a worried expression on their face which results
in a furrowed brow. They are sensitive and conscientious people
who, although disliking company, dread total solitude. They are
subject to anticipatory fears, and get worried about impending
responsibilities and public performances, etc.
Chilly Right-sided
But dislikes ‘stuffy’ warmth.
Modalities Food
Worse 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Likes sweet foods.
Worse for tight clothing. Likes warm drinks.
Worse for over-eating.
Hungry, but easily satiated.
Conditions in which indicated
Digestive and liver disorders — flatulence; chronic ulcers.
Respiratory tract — neglected or slowly resoiving right-sided
pneumonia; post-influenzal debility.
Urine — may have a pink sediment.
Sore throat — right sided (may subsequently go to the left);
better for warm drinks and worse for cold drinks.
(Gonorrhoeal pus)
This remedy suits thin individuals with pale waxy skin. They
suffer from a poor memory and certain odd feelings of unreality
(as if time passed too slowly, or as if life were unreal, ‘like a
dream’). They are sensitive people and this quality may
amount to clairvoyance. They may sleep on their abdomen or,
more strangely, favour a position in which the knees are drawn
up to the elbows. A nosode: see note on “Lueticum’.
Modalities Food
Better at the seashore. Ravenous hunger even after
Better for damp. eating. Unquenchable thirst.
Worse from daylight to sunset. Likes stimulants, salt, sweet
Worse for draughts. food, sour food.
Conditions in which indicated
Arthritis - especially of the knuckles.
Nasal catarrh - especially if chronic.
Skin - dry scalp; itching dandruff; herpes of the scaip;
ringworm; burning sensation of the hands and feet.
Urinary difficulties - frequent urination at night; nocturnal
enuresis (bedwetting); discharge.
Nevraleta of the head - worse during the day and on exposure
to light.
Gynaecological - obstinate vaginal discharge; profuse painful
76 Asthma. Arrested development in children.
(Black oxide of mercury)
This remedy is characterised by the offensiveness of all
discharges, and is useful for people ‘filthy in both mind and
body’. They are sweaty (the sweat is oily and may stain the
bedclothes), weak and tremulous. The tongue is flabby and
shows the imprint of the teeth. There may also be spongy,
bleeding gums. Much saliva is produced and there is a metallic
taste in the mouth.
Modalities Food
Worse for sweat. Thirsty for cold drinks.
Worse for the warmth of the bed.
Worse at night.
Conditions in which indicated
Sore throats — with visible exudate on the tonsils. (In the past it
was used for diphtheria.)
Glands — enlarged; mumps.
Diarrhoea — green slime; blood; tenesmus during and after
Skin — ulcers; itching and stinging.
(Common salt)
These patients often have sallow, greasy, spotty complexions,
with fine, oily hair. They tend to depression and are unstable
and touchy. They hate fuss, but dislike to be ignored.
Modalities Food
Worse at 10 a.m. Thirsty.
Worse by the sea. Desires salt.
Worse in the sun.
Conditions in which indicated
Headache — hammering; migraines.
After shock and grief.
Skin — acne; herpes; urticaria; eczema, especially around the
hair margin on the head.
Irregular menstruation.
(Poison nut which contains strychnine)
This is the remedy for the irritable patient, who is quarrelsome,
hates contradiction and is inclined to get angry. He is hyper-
sensitive to noise, light and smell. He is often an epicurean and
connoisseur of wine, and typically leads a sedentary life.
Better for warmth. Better for being alone. Better in the rain.
Worse in the dry, windy weather. Worse two hours after eating.
Worse in the open air. Worse for the sun.
Likes piquant food. Likes fat.
Conditions in which indicated
Gastro-intestinal tract — hiatus hernia; indigestion from over-
indulgence; diverticulitis; constipation — frequent ineffectual
desire to defaecate; rectal problems, e.g. haemorrhoids.
Onset of common cold - esp. if it starts with a scratchy throat.
Headache — on waking, e.g. ‘hangover’; worse after sun.
Backache — acute lumbago — has to sit up to turn over in bed.
The Phosphorus individual is intelligent, bright and sensitive.
Physically, he is often tall and slender. He is imaginative, and
this may lead to certain fears, e.g. the dark, of being alone,
thunder, etc.
Chilly Right upper and left lower complaints
Better for eating - may have night hunger. Better for warmth,
except the head and stomach. Better for rubbing.
Desire for salt and spices. Thirsty for cold drinks - these may be
vomited when they become warm in the stomach.
Conditions in which indicated
Haemorrhage — bright red blood, e.g. epistaxis.
Respiratory tract — cough (hard dry); asthma; pneumonia —
often right lower lobe, worse lying on unaffected side.
Vomiting — can be useful for vomiting of pregnancy.
Headache — migraines, but appetite is not impaired.
(Scabies vesicle)
This is useful in chronic cases where a selected remedy fails to
relieve a patient, even when it seems well indicated. It is suited
to people who lack vitality and who appear dirty and smelly
(even after washing). They are pale and sickly, and all dis-
charges are offensive. They suffer from anxiety and depression.
The head is very sensitive to cold. Some patients may even
wear a cap or hat indoors.
Modalities Food
Worse forcold-theydzeadthe Hungry in the middle of the
least draught. night.
Worse in winter. Always moaning, except
Worse for changes in weather. when eating!
Coffee disagrees.
Conditions in which indicated
Skin - rough, and cracks easily; itching rash - suppurates
easily, worse for the heat of the bed; dry scaly scalp with dry
hair; acne.
Headache - chronic and periodic in nature; worse at night and
made better by eating.
Hayfever - appearing regularly each year.
Cough - every winter.
Asthma - better for lying down with the arms spread wide apart.
Chronic catarrh.
Psorinum is a nosode. See ‘Lueticum’ for note on dosage and
mode of use.
(Wind flower)
This remedy is suited to sandy haired individuals, with a
tendency to gaining weight easily. They are shy, gentle people |
(commonly women) prone to tearfulness and changeable moods.
Some authorities say warm. Certainly they are averse to heat.
Modalities Food ;
Better in the fresh air. Rich foods and fat disagree.
Better for gentle motion. Thirstless.
Better for sympathy.
Worse for a stuffy atmosphere.
Conditions in which indicated
Catarrh — thick bland yellow or green discharge.
Menstrual problems — menses late at puberty; dysmenorrhoea.
Varicose veins.
Skin — eczema; urticaria. ’
Difficulty controlling micturition, e.g. enuresis.
Arthritis. i,
(Ink of the cuttlefish)
This remedy is well suited to the depressed, indifferent, worn-
out person (usually a woman). The Sepia patient is averse to
sympathy and company, yet dreads to be alone. Physically, she
is often dark haired and has a rather sallow skin.
Modalities 3 :
Better for food. Better for sleep. Better for exercise, especially
dancing. Enjoys a thunderstorm. Worse for tobacco smoke.
Nausea at the thought of food. Dislikes milk, especially if
boiled. Loathes fat. Desires vinegar and sour foods.
Conditions in which indicated
Gynaecological — dragging down sensation in the pelvis, better
for sitting with crossed legs; menstrual disturbances; meno-
pausal symptoms, e.g. flushes.
Depression — often associated with the menstrual cycle or
menopausal problems.
Headache — migraine; headache over the left eye.
Skin — brown patches; ringworm; herpes; urticaria; falling hair,
often with an itchy scaly scalp.
This is wel! suited to the pale-faced, thin, delicate ‘china-doll’
type person, with small sweaty hands and feet. The Silicea
patient appears gentle and even ‘spineless’ but can be peculiarly
obstinate at times. They panic easily at the thought of respon-
sibility, due largely to their feeling of inadequacy and their
dread of failure.
Modalities Food
Better for warmth. Poor appetite.
Better for wrapping up (often tight). Prefers cold food.
Worse for thought of pins and sharp objects. Dislikes meat.
Worse for draughts. Thirsty.
Conditions in which indicated
Expulsion of foreign bodies, e.g. splinters.
Disorders of the bones, teeth and nails.
Respiratory tract — chest infections that do not clear up;
recurrent problems that originate from pleurisy years back.
Headache — occipital — may travel forwards often to settle over
the right eye; better for warmth and being tightly wrapped;
may follow mental stress.
80 Constipation — the ‘bashful stool’ which is difficult to expel.
This remedy is suitable for use in patients in whom complaints
arise from suppressed anger and indignation. It is also useful
for treating the ill effects of sexual excesses,
Modalities Food
Worse for touch. Likes milk.
Worse for cold.
Worse for coition.
Conditions in which indicated
Cystitis - especially honeymoon cystitis.
Post-operative pain, and for pain arising from injuries inflicted
by knives.
Headache - from vexation and indignation.
Eyes - recurrent styes and meibomian cysts.
Sexual - increased sexual! desire often with impotence: very
sensitive vulva.
The Sulphur patient may either be a lank, lean, dyspeptic
person with a predisposition to meditation and philosophy, or an
active well-fed lover of life. Whatever the type, cleanliness is not
a strong point and he will commonly look dishevelled. He is also
selfish and has no regard for others.
Burnings, especially on the soles of the feet.
Better for the open air.
Worse for a bath.
Worse for the heat of the bed.
Worse 11 a.m. — sinking feeling.
Worse for standing.
Always hungry.
Likes fat.
Likes sweet foods.
Conditions in which indicated
Skin — eczema; boils.
Burning pains. ,
Diarrhoea — that drives the person out of bed in the morning.
(Arbor vitae)
Suitable for the heavier person with a dark complexion and
black hair. A peculiar characteristic is that individuals who
need this remedy sweat on uncovered parts, usually when
asleep. Mentally, they suffer from odd fixed ideas, such ‘as if
the limbs were made of glass’ or ‘as if a strange person was by
his side’. It is a deep-acting remedy and has been used to
counter the ill effects of smallpox vaccination.
Modalities Food
Worse for the heat of the bed. Great tea drinker.
Worse in the morning. Dislikes meat.
Worse at night. Dislikes potatoes.
Worse for the cold damp air. Worse for fat.
Worse for onions.
Conditions in which indicated
Skin - large pedunculated warts that bleed easily; polypi; rash
on uncovered parts, worse after scratching.
Chronic nasal catarrh - often green.
Eyes - styes and tumour of the eyelids; scleritis.
Abdomen - flatulence and distension (as if something were
living inside; constipation - stool recedes after partial expul-
sion; diarrhoea - gurgling, explosive and worse in the
Urinary difficulties - cystitis - burning during and after passing
(Pus from a tubercular abscess or from a
tubercular mesenteric gland)
This is indicated when well-selected remedies fail in a patient
with a family history of tuberculosis. It suits tall thin, narrow -
chested individuals who tire easily. Persons requiring this
remedy have a constant desire for change and travel. They may
have an irrational fear of dogs.
Sensitive to every change in weather, especially cold damp
Modalities Food
Better in the open air. Large appetite, but remains
Worse in the evening. thin.
Worse for standing. Dislikes meat.
Worse for changes in the Likes cold milk.
Worse before a storm.
Conditions in which indicated
Intermittent fevers - night sweats (that stain the bed linen
Headache - periodical - worse for overwork; worse for over-
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids with resulting problems.
Recurrent respiratory tract infections - may be brought on by
exposure to cold air.
Skin - Eczema with formation of quantities of white scales;
ringworm; crops of small boils in the nose.
Bowel - constipation with large stools alternating with diarrhoea;
urgent diarrhoea early in the morning.
Menses - periods may be too early, too profuse and painful;
there may be, in other cases, amenorrhoea (no periods).
Tuberculinum Bovinum is a nosode. See ‘Lueticum’ for note
on dosage and mode of use.
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What can homoeopathy offer to deal with stubborn
infections, or to speed convalescence? Which are the
most effective medicines for allergies and
hypersensitivities? How can one reduce the pain of
injuries and assist their healing?... What alternatives can
be prescribed in place of antibiotics, or tranquillisers, or
steroids? What supplementary help can the homoeopath
bring when conventional treatment must be given?...How
may strange, rare and peculiar symptoms be used as
guides? What are the main characteristics of physique
and personality that lead to the selection of the
constitutional remedy? And how does one decide the best
potency and dosage of any remedy?
This book is written for all who use homoeopathic
remedies. Clear indications are given wherever it is
important that the lay person should also obtain
professional medical advice, so that potentially serious
conditions are given the necessary supervision without
One hundred and sixty-one common complaints and
disorders are covered in the book, arranged alphabetically
for easy access. A selection of suitable remedies are then
listed, together with details of the particular symptoms
and signs that enable the prescriber to differentiate
between each of them. There is an Appendix by Dr
Marion Gray which lists the main indications for the
constitutional remedies.. The book is printed with
interleaved blank pages, so that the reader can amplify
the text on the basis of his or her own personal
experience and study.
0 906584 03 5