Sustainability - Answer - Key
Sustainability - Answer - Key
Sustainability - Answer - Key
Think and discuss (page 145) The level of compliance with the Sustainable
Development Goals depends to a large extent
1 What’s sustainable development? Why’s it on what is stated in the last goal, SDG 17
necessary? (Partnerships to achieve the goals). This means
Sustainable development is the ability to exist and governments must be the ones responsible
develop while respecting natural environments, to pursue action and make laws that can truly
eco-systems and the various ways of life on contribute to curbing the climate emergency we
the planet without neglecting the general well- are currently facing. Despite making significant
being of the population in the face of social and progress towards meeting the goals on the 2030
economic inequality. Sustainability is therefore Agenda, we’re still a long way from achieving
a vital concept that must be put into practice satisfactory results.
because it encompasses both ecological and
social aspects without depleting natural resources 1. Our relationship with nature (page 146)
for the future. This makes it indispensable in
addressing the global challenges we face as a
species today. 1 What’s the Gaia Hypothesis? How can it affect
decisions about ecology and the environment?
2 What are the most serious ecological problems at The Gaia hypothesis is the idea that the Earth is
the moment? Discuss with a classmate. a complex system in which all of its elements are
Earth’s climate has been changing fast. This means interconnected and every action or behaviour, no
that we have pushed past many of the boundaries matter how small or insignificant, has an impact
which guarantee our planet’s ecological balance on the whole. This approach was instrumental in
and we find ourselves in a critical situation. understanding the cooperative functioning of
Uncontrolled industrial development, irresponsible the components that make up the biosphere and
waste management, greenhouse gas emissions and thus the role of humans in the environmental
a lack of respect for wildlife are just a few of the sustainability of the planet as an integral part of
factors that have led us to this point, and humans that system.
are primarily responsible.
2 Do you think humanity is abusing Earth’s
3 Why’s environmental protection important for our resources? Why should we take care of natural
well-being? ecosystems?
The connection is clear and unmistakable: human Students’ own answers. Human beings have
beings cannot live decent lives if they don’t have based their evolution on a system of material
a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. And and economic growth that has been in constant
since humanity is dependent on nature, we must contradiction with environmental sustainability.
apply the sustainable development principles with Our current reality, marked by a climate crisis,
regards to the environment. Nature provides us proves that we are pushing the limits of the
with the essential resources to survive and thrive, planet’s resilience and that we need to change
so it is essential to protect and restore it. our attitude towards climate change. This change
4 Which Sustainable Development Goals affect the involves abandoning the uncontrolled exploitation
environment? Which goals promote sustainability? and depletion of the planet’s resources, changing
many of our consumption habits and adopting a
The following is a list of Sustainable Development
new relationship with the natural environment
Goals related to the environment:
based on respect and care.
SDG 13 (Climate action)
3 How are the terms ecodependence and
SDG 14 (Life below water)
interdependence different? How are they similar?
SDG 15 (Life on land)
While the two terms are closely linked, they are not
The following is a list of the Sustainable exactly the same. ‘Interdependence’ is the mutually
Development Goals related to sustainability: beneficial and co-evolutionary partnership that
SDG 7 (Clean and affordable energy) can occur both between human beings as well as
SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) between humans and the natural environment. The
SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and term ‘ecodependence’ refers to the way humans
production) are greatly dependent on ecosystems to meet
their needs and for their well-being.
1 Classify the goals by area: basic human 3 atch the photos to the Sustainable Development
needs, social and economic development, Goals.
universal values, sustainable use of resources, 1. SDG 1 (No poverty), 4 (Quality education) and
essential requirements for the Earth, and 10 (Reduced inequalities).
Governments and cooperation. 2. SDG 1 (No poverty), 2 (Zero hunger) and 10
Basic human needs: (Reduced inequalities).
SDG 1. No poverty 3. SDG 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality
SDG 2. Zero hunger education), 8 (Decent work and economic
growth) and 10 (Reduced inequalities).
SDG 3. Good health and well-being
4. SDG 3 (Good health and well-being), 5
SDG 4. Quality education
(Gender equality), 10 (Reduced inequalities)
SDG 6. Clean water and sanitation and 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions).